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Childhood, a memorable words to me;Childhood, a reminds me of the total a little words.Childhood ah, what a profound but innocence, childhood laughter, always so innocent;Childhood behavior seems very childish, but the most sincere.When I think of my childhood time, mind, heart, always arise some light, little thoughts, light sadness.Everything is so weak, but always with my thoughts, I cant forget;Everything is so weak, but always quiet in my mind, I cant let go!

When I was tired, lie on the bed, inadvertently opened a childhood this "diary".In that instant, I seem to no longer tired, is happy childhood gave me the power of the spirit.I dont have the right to choose, I only stand on this has formed road continue to go on, I wont change anything, I dont want to change anything, because the importance of childhood, happiness, happiness may only in the memory can understand.

Our childhood is full of love, the love of parents.They care about us, to dedicate everything to us: to prepare delicious breakfast for us in the morning and the evening and cover the quilt for us;In the summerFor us to drive midge fan for others,In the winterAnd remove cold for us.All in all, we are the apple of parents eye, they meet the requirements of any of our, done a lot for us...

Our childhood is full of love --The teacherLove.The teacherLike the flashing eyesThe starsLighting up my heart.Whenever my grades, the teacher will be to me to admiring eyes, as if to say: "you are great!"Whenever my grades step backwards, the teacher would have to take a blame me, and like to say: "whats the matter with you?Strive to!"Teacher will talk eyes deeply imprinted in my mind, in her eyes brimmed with her sincere love for us...

Although childhood leave me, but I never leave it away.Because this paragraph of memory will be I this life the most important memory, maybe to old I can savor the joy of childhood;Maybe to old I can slowly understand the true meaning of childhood!




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Old Town of Lijiang is also called Dayan Town, Dayan, may also refer to the Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County Administrative System "has been withdrawn". Old Town of Lijiang in the Southern Song Dynasty has begun to take shape, the existing eight,nine hundred years of history. Since the Ming Dynasty, Old Town of Lijiang says"Dayan car", Lijiang dam Center for their home, surrounded on all sides of Castle Peak, green water between a hover, like a jasper big inkstone, hence the name.



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Long, long ago, on a cross the ocean, there is a father with a 6 years old and his wife and son to the United States. One day, when the man in the cabin with a fruit knife cut apple to his son, the ship suddenly violent shaking, a knife in a man falls into his chest. Men stood up slowly, at the time of the son do not pay attention to with their thumb to wipe the blade on the blood.

Three days later, the man to take care of the son, as usual with him blowing sea breeze, watching the blue sea. Like business as usual, but the son not to notice the father every minute than a minute on the weak, his eyes see the sea is so sad.

Reached on the eve of next to the man came to the son, the son said: "tomorrow to see your mother, tell her that I love her." Say that finish, the son left a deep kiss on his forehead.

The ship to the United States, I recognized my mother, son in the crowd shouted: "mom! Mom!" Just then, a man has to fall on his back, chest blood like a blowout.

Autopsy results for all shocked: the knife very accurately ed in his heart, but he live for three days, and not be found. The only possible explanation is because the wound is too small, yes, it is forced to cut off the attached together in the same heart, lasted for three days supply of blood.

This was a rare miracle in medicine. If you gave a name to this miracle that is called the father of it.



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正月十五元宵节一过,年也就算过完了。纵有不舍,寒假过完我们开学了,一个多月的假日,梦一般的过去了。大清早,正在睡梦中的我们,被闹铃那熟悉的声音叫醒,一个多月没早醒,还真舍不得我 的寒假生活呢。

我们又迎来了新学期,在每一个全新的起点,我们每个人都会有一种期盼:明天的我会更精彩。因此,我们一定在对美好未来的憧憬中,展现着自己迎接新学期的新气象。今天的老师,同学们都把 自己打扮得漂漂亮亮,办公室、教室都打扫得干干净净,尤其是老师们都配备了电脑,教室里都安装了多媒体,这样就营造了一种生机勃勃、祥和向上的新气象。相信在这种新气象地感染和鼓舞下,我 们一定要在新学期取得新进步。

在新学期里,我们要有一个新的目标―――不要做语言的巨人,要成为行动的主人!成功不是靠梦想来实现,而是靠自己的行动。当然,在新的学期中,学习要有新的成绩,这就要不懈地努力!付 出一份努力才会换取一份收获。学习并不是一种兴趣,而是一种责任,是我们应该做而且必须做好的事情,同时学习必定会有负担。没有苦累的过程,就不会有进步和提升,无论是过去,还是未来不都 是这样的道理吗?我们要把自己的喜悦,悲伤都化作前进的助力和动力,就会因此不断克服困难取得新进步。成功中是我们的喜悦,成功背后是我们辛勤的汗水,没有耕耘就哪有收获,没有付出哪有所 得。

书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。向着自己的目标,奋力前进!新的一学期又开始了,开始了新的旅程,扬起新的风帆吧!我们要加油,在绚丽多彩的生活中,好好工作,这是冲刺,面向新的征 程,也许会有坎坷、艰险,我们一定会战胜一切困难避过所有的浅滩到达成功的彼岸!



漫长的暑假已经结束,今天是开学第一天。假期中为创建教育示范市忙碌,因而开学第一天未感别样,只是让学生们吵闹的喧哗声,感觉特别刺耳,假期结束孩子们回到课堂,这心情自然要逐 渐恢复平静,需要时间,需要老师们的谆谆教导,需要政教部门的养成教育。

开学第一天的确忙碌,一年级的新生在家长的陪伴下来到陌生的校园,开始人生的第一堂课,紧张自然难免,少不了要哭鼻子了。家长们也在校园寻找孩子的班级,不时地向班主任老师说起孩 子的这个那个,真正做到了千嘱咐万叮咛,生怕有一丁点失误,那神情犹如孩子一样紧张,在老师们的一再督促、保证下才恋恋不舍得离开校园,中午的午饭肯定丰富,接孩子的时间一定也牢记在心底 。送走家长,老师们也要忙碌开,什么上课纪律啊,学生座次啊,什么注意事项啊,那得需要一遍又一遍的讲,一遍又一遍的嘱咐,毕竟是孩子们人生的第一堂课,老师们已做到慎重又慎重。

高年级的同学久别重逢,见闻、趣事一定要交流一下,那快乐的心情挂满双颊,滔滔不绝的交流让我们这些成年人羡慕,什么也毫不顾忌,什么也敢说。欢呼声、交流声不绝于耳,在老师一遍 遍呵斥下才静下来,开学第一堂课尤为重要,班主任早备好了课,一定要让学生从假期环境中走出来,进入新学期的学习状态,思想上、行动上都要有新要求,毕竟又高了一年级,尽快转变思想进入角 色是当前首要任务啊!所以一到教室就忙碌起来,在老师们的带领下来到一个装饰一新的宽敞教室,换了教室,新环境自然要高兴一阵,心情也美滋滋的,动手清理卫生也争先恐后,这一切在孩子们的 眼中都是新的,新学期、新环境。

我们也为新学期忙碌,早早地做好准备,新学期工作部署 ,各项工作计划,新学期工作设想也都提上日程,一切都要转变,一切要重新开始!


开学第一天,我总是既高兴又激动。伴随着暑假一天又一天地过去。九月一日来临了,啊!又开学了。老天好像对我们同学特别开恩死的,前些天,还是又闷又热的“桑拿天”,开学那一天,徐徐凉风 迎面而来。九月一日我早早的背上干净漂亮的书包,走进了久违的校园。踏入校园满眼新景,开阔贞洁的校门口老师热情地迎接我们的到来,拔地而起的综合楼,窗明几净的育才院,校园处处换新颜。 我在心中暗暗地说:“亲爱的校园,我又回来了。”

我迫不及待地奔向教室,我又升入了高一年级——六年级,我的教室“搬家”啦!我从原先的三楼搬到了教学楼的最高层四楼。教室里一片沸腾,我和小伙伴又见面啦!我们分外亲热。两个月里,同学 们变了许多,有的变胖了,有的变黑了,还有的长高了。这么多天没见,彼此之间似乎有说不完的话,我们叽叽喳喳地聊个不停。

开学第一天,我总是有一个悬念,我们的班主任是陈老师,还是新老师?一位老师的身影出现在我们面前,啊!还是我们熟悉的陈老师。可能是开学第一天的缘故,陈老师穿得特别精神。你看,齐耳的 秀发,一身运动装打扮,目光炯炯。陈老师是我喜欢的老师,她工作特别认真,对我们抓得很紧,只要一犯错误,老师就会严厉地批评,并对我们给予一些“奖励”。她对我们帮助很大,她能成为我们 的老师,或许,也是一种师生缘吧!我想,我一定要好好学习,回报师长。

教室里的新书堆得像小伤一样,没一会功夫一本又一本的书发了下来,我的课桌上放了一叠书,每一本都又精致又漂亮。淡淡地油墨香味弥漫在我们的教室里。啊!每个班都在发新书,学校真是书香满 园。




孩子们经过了一个假期,第一天来上学也多少有点不适应,比如说不能像之前上学的时候那样保持长时间的静坐,一碰面就炸开了锅一样的聊起了自己的寒假生活。这些都是正常的,好久不上班的老师 ,好久不上课的学生,就让他们一起适应吧。

一大早来到校门口,金严智和魏佳诚他们已经在校门口站岗了。昨天接到的任务开学第一周的文明礼仪岗由文明班级来站,选来选去,还是选了魏佳诚,虽然他很调皮,虽然在我不在的那段时间他总是 捣乱,总是给代课老师制造麻烦,但是我知道他并不是一个坏孩子,所以我想在新学期的第一天让他有崭新的一面,让他知道自己在老师心中没有那么的糟糕。果然,他做得很好,确实做的很好,早早 的来到校门口,见到老师会主动问好,包括在放学的时候主动留下来做值日生。我想我的做法是正确的,对于这样的孩子,我们应该给他机会,应该给他适当的指导让他知道自己的能力,喜欢这个孩子 ,期待他这学期的进步。

一上午给孩子们发完书本、收寒假作业,大扫除,出黑板报……累得眼前黑黑,但依旧坚持了下来,和孩子们在一起的时候总是觉得自己很强大,无所不能,其实是孩子们很强大,他们通过自己的双手 把教室打扫得一尘不染,把板报装饰得美轮美奂,他们是无所不能的。



如愿以偿带了数学这门学科,接手的是一年级,并且带班主任。今天是开学第一天,也是新生入学的第一天,是一年级班主任最忙的一天,好歹不用现分班了,领导已经分好班,名单都出来了 ,只要家长找好自己的孩子在哪个班就可以了,这样节省了很多时间,也为一年级的班主任减轻了不少工作,真是一个好方法。

早上,我早早就来到学校,但学生家长更早,满校园的家长带着自己的孩子来到学校报到。还有返回学校上课的学生,让冷清的校园变的沸腾起来。看到熟悉的教室,陌生的学生。有一种说不出 的感觉。站在教室里,看着家长纷纷把自己的孩子送到我们班级。各个满面笑容,正享受新学校的喜悦。感到非常欣慰。但也有一些学生有些不适应,哭着鼻子找妈妈,不想在陌生的教室里待,好像他 们没有什么安全感,想没有长齐毛的雏鸡,不敢离开妈妈的怀抱接受新事物。我们班也有一个,开始还可以,看到自己的妈妈走了,哭着喊着找妈妈,想让妈妈站在她身边看着她、等着她。经过一番劝 说,终于乖乖地呆在教室等待妈妈来接她。也算是个乖孩子吧!

还有一件非常笑人的事,一个二年级的家长私自把她的孩子送到了一年级,并且冒认别人的名字。还非说那个名字是自己孩子的父亲的名字。弄到最后,是因为自己的孩子学习不好,想让他的孩子 重新上一年级。才硬塞到一年级的,国家规定学生不准复习,她还非让学生上一年级,说自己的孩子今年才够龄,如果今年才够龄的话,为什么去年还让自己的孩子上一年级呢?真是搞不懂这样的家长 。

一天终于结束了,下午放学送对队的时候,有的家长不知道几点放学,来接学生比较晚,我们几个班主任在那里等着学生家长来接孩子。等到快六点的时候,所有学生都送完了,真是繁忙的一天 !



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There are many festivals in china. And among them, I like the most  the Spring Festival. Because of it, not only  the biggest holiday of the year, but the start of a new year, but also all of us all the people, come together festival.

Before the Spring Festival, people go home, no matter where they are. Usually, we in the new years Eve dinner. Then the family sat together to share their lives or aircraft. Some people play games or go out to play. On New Years day, people get up early to meet people who say. Children can get lucky money from relatives. In the coming days, we will vit relatives to pay New Years call, give them. In a word, it  the family reunion and we all the time to enjoy it.

Th  our happy Spring Festival, Do you feel happy?



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My father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he was deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. But when the mission failed, with great loss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately. He was removed from the admiralty and effectively sidelined.

Overwhelmed by the catastrophe — “I thought he would die of grief,” said his wife, Clementine —he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey. There, as Churchill later recalled, “The muse of painting came to my rescue!”

Wandering in the garden one day, he chanced upon his sister-in-law sketching with watercolors. He watched her for a few minutes, then borrowed her brush and tried his hand. The muse had cast her spell!

Churchill soon decided to experiment with oils. Delighted with this distraction from his dark broodings, Clementine rushed off to buy whatever paints she could find.

For Churchill, however, the next step seemed difficult as he contemplated with unaccustomed nervousness the blameless whiteness of a new canvas. He started with the sky and later described how “very gingerly I mixed a little blue paint on the palette, and then with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean upon the affronted snow-white shield. At that moment the sound of a motor car was heard in the drive. From this chariot stepped the gifted wife of Sir John Lavery .”

“ ‘Painting!’ she declared. ‘But what are you hesitating about? Let me have the brush — the big one.’ Splash into the turpentine, wallop into the blue and the white, frantic flourish on the palette, and then several fierce strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely cowering canvas.”

At that time, John Lavery— a Churchill neighbor and celebrated painter— was tutoring Churchill in his art. Later, Lavery said of his unusual pupil: “Had he chosen painting instead of statesmanship, I believe he would have been a great master with the brush.”

In painting, Churchill had discovered a companion with whom he was to walk for the greater part of the years that remained to him. After the war, painting would offer deep solace when, in 1921, the death of the mother was followed two months later by the loss of his and Clementine’s beloved three-year-old daughter, Marigold. Battered by grief, Winston took refuge at the home of friends in Scotland, finding comfort in his painting. He wrote to Clementine: “I went out and painted a beautiful river in the afternoon light with crimson and golden hills in the background. Alas I keep feeling the hurt of the Duckadilly (Marigold’s pet name).”

Historians have called the decade after 1929, when the Conservative government fell and Winston was out of office, his wilderness years. Politically he may have been wandering in barren places, a lonely fighter trying to awaken Britain to the menace of Hitler, but artistically that wilderness bore abundant fruit. During these years he often painted in the South of France. Of the 500-odd canvases extant, roughly 250 date from 1930 to 1939.

Painting remained a joy to Churchill to the end of his life. “Happy are the painters,” he had written in his book Painting as a Pastime, “ for they shall not be lonely. Light and color, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end of the day.” And so it was for my father.














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The characteristics of formal writing


I do not eat much.-->I am a light eater.

The clock on the desk reminds me of time.-->I put a clock on the desk as a reminder of time.

We once cried, laughed and disappointed.-->There were moments of tears, moments of laughter, and moments of disappointment.

注意:名词化趋势的句子当然还有动词, 目的是尽量把表达句子中心意思的那个词汇用名词表达.符合英文的习惯.



More and more young students studied further in the past two decades.

-->The past two decades witnessed a growing number of young students for further study.

Looking out of the window, you will have a nice view.

-->A glance out of the window offers you a nice view.

注意: 名词化趋势和无灵主语常常是相结合的.



Great efforts should be made to…..

What can not be denied is that….


Main features of English sentences:


Love is patient and kind. It is never jealous, boastful, proud or rude. It keeps no record of wrong that others do. It always protects, always fruits, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails.




He who wants to save his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for me will save it.



三、Variety of sentences:

1. ”-ing & -ed” groups


(1)Standing by the riverside, the Master sighed,” May time go on and on like this, never ceasing day and night.”

(2)Reviewing what one has learned and gaining new insights, one is fit to be a teacher.

(3)Compared with the tradition, modernity is more dynamic.

2. ”to do” groups


To spend too much time in study is sloth; to use them too much for ornaments is affectation; to make any judgment wholly by their rules is the humor of the scholar.

3. adverb

Simply, amazingly, absurdly, broadly, practically and so on


Intelligently applied to daily life, modern technology will surely bring benefits to the well-being of the human race.


In pursuit of, in spite of (注意平时自己的收集)


In pursuit of excellence, ever pushing up the limit, life consists in the hope born of despair.



What China needs is not more morals, but more prisons for politicians.

句子的变化还有 It is self-evident(adj) that…….和There be 这样的句子



Never before has such a high standard been achieved.

Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.


Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from the bushes.

In came a pretty girl he had never seen before.



1.先看一个小技巧:(对there be 句型均有效)

There is, recently, a debate amongst educators that……



Direct experience, a necessary means to recognize the world, which differs from knowledge acquired from books, is a major step to the cognitive world.


1.Television, one of the most pervasive and persuasive technologies, marked by the rapid growth and drastic change, has a profound impact on people’s lives.

2.Courage, a basic quality that every human being is supposed to possess when facing a dilemma, is highly cherished among young people.

3. Convention, generally accepted practice especially with regard to social behavior, has now been increasingly challenged.









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On Sunday, Dad took me to an amusement park. I want to play roller coaster, want to play bumper cars, I also want to play Ghost Castle, mother said it was too terrible, but I also want to go, but my mother did not let me go, really sorry ah.

In the amusement park, there is a water walking ball in the amusement park. It is a large transparent balloon, which is loaded in its belly, running freely and turning somersault. My mother agreed to let me play, I was very excited. The amusement parks uncle put me in a round water balloon, filling me with a zipper. I pushed me into the water. Inside, I could feel myself floating on the water. I rolled and rolled in the ball. I was naughty and bumped and hit. It was very happy. Playing and playing, I played far away, so I shouted, "I want to go back, I want to go back". The uncle of the amusement park pulled me back with rope, until I didnt play many water polo on the water, so I just left the water polo happily.

Leave the water polo, I see in front of the balloon, with darts I try, would like to try my eyesight, I broke a lot of balloons with darts, put the gun like defense, when breaking balloon balloon burst, I prize to a small cloth monkey, I gave a small cloth monkey took a name. Called "pippi".

Go forward again, is "pig chasing the moon" Lantern Festival, the pig watching her beauty a big snout laugh, slobber all flow out, ha ha ha.

Time passed imperceptibly, I have many projects, I left the park, mom and Dad took me to her home for dinner, I eat very fast today, mom and dad and grandma praised me, grandma said I am 8 years old, grow up, it is because I play a day today hungry, ah! So eat dinner to be special.



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Travel is a very good means of broadening a person’s perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences but also be aware of the vastneof nature. Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind. The field’s his study nature was his book. Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are leexpensive but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unleyou get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle which although slow can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.



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Dear ___,

i am very happy to see you,i think you teach very well,we all love you!

i think your english class is better than our old english teachers class,i believe you can do better than better!i believe in you!

Best wishes to you!





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那一天 ,爸爸跟我说:宁宁,把你的零花钱拿出来一些, 帮 我买一瓶啤酒!我听了很生气,这时,我看见妈妈在洗衣服,把洗衣粉放在水里,过了一会,泡泡就冒上来了,我等妈妈不注意时,偷偷把洗衣粉拿在我的房间里,再找来一个杯子和空啤酒瓶,然后用洗衣粉倒一些在杯子里,最后把杯子装满水,到在空啤酒瓶里。我照着这样的方法做了满满一瓶的啤酒。做好了!我舔了一口,感到很苦,心想:啤酒本来就是苦的,这一定是最好的啤酒!说完,我把我做的啤酒那给爸爸 说: 来了. 爸爸 笑嘻嘻地说: 乖儿子怎么快呀说着拿出杯子让我给他倒,爸爸伸长脖子喝了一口,觉得味道不对,还吐了一地,问: 这是什么?我回答道: 这是用洗衣粉给你做的高档 啤酒!爸爸怒气冲冲地说: 傻孩子,你想害死我呀。洗衣粉有毒 的说完坐着8路车去人民医院。妈妈听了爸爸的话,走过来,和颜悦色地说: 憨孩子,洗衣粉有毒的,以后别做着这种傻事了。




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I have many friends,but my best friend is Tom.Now,I want to introduce him

to you.He is very smart and friendly.He likes sports such as,playing

basketball,table tenis,and so on.We often play together.He is good at maths and

English .He often helps me do my homework,so I have made good progress in my

lessons now.Of course her pingpong skill is great,and we always enjoy ourselves

with her pingpong friends.I have learned a lot from him ,we care about and help

each other,so I think Tom is my best friend."



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Every family has lots of housework。 Everyone should learn to do some of it。 I often help my parents do housework such as washing clothes, cleaning the room and watering flowers。 I think I‘ve learned how to take good care of myself and my family by doing housework。 Sometimes cleaning all the windows is an enjoyable experience。 I really felt proud of myself。 And doing housework is also a kind of exercise。 The summer holiday is coming。 Im going to learn how to cook some dishes。 My parents will be happy to enjoy them。



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Do as you would be done by. 推己及人。

Do business, but be not a slave to it. 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。

Dog does not eat dog. 物不伤其类。

Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand. 远处叫得凶的狗,不会近身来咬人。

Dogs that run after many hares kill none. 多谋寡成。

Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread. 狗摇尾巴,爱的是面包。

Doing is better than saying. 行胜于言。

Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。

Do not all you can, spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all youknow. 不要为所能为,不要花尽所有,不要全信所闻,不要言尽所知。

Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 不要忘恩负义。

Do not despise your enemy. 万勿轻敌。

Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail. 不要有求必应。

Do not praise a day before sunset. 切勿褒贬过早。

Do not run too fast after gain. 不要见利就拼命追。

He sits no sure that sits too high. 高处不胜寒。

He that respects not is not respected. 欲受人敬,要先敬人。

So said, so done. 说到做到。言出必行。

Haste makes waste. 忙乱易错。欲速则不达。

Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不受人怜。

Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。

So the world wags. 这就是人生

One can not be in two places at once. 一心不可二用。

No weal without woe. 福兮祸所伏, 祸兮福所倚。

Little chips light great fires. 星星之火,可以燎原。

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. 井干方知水珍贵

Less is more. 简单就是美

A blessing in disguise. 因祸得福

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌

Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日

Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.


Seeing is believing.眼见为实

Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半

Time flies never to be recalled. 光阴一去不复返

When in Rome, do as Roman do.入乡随俗

Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕

East or west, home is best.  走东串西,还是家里好

Equal pay for equal work.同工同酬

Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置

Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败

Reading makes a full man.   读书使人完善

Knowledge is power.  知识就是力量

Failure is the mother of success.  失败是成攻之母

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧

All roads lead to Roma.  条条大道通罗马

Dont judge a person by the clothes he wears.  不能以貌取人

Like knows like. 惺惺相惜。

It is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟。

Dreams are lies. 梦不足信。

Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。

A light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。不恼不愁,活到白头。

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。

Poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷。

Easy come, easy go. 易得易失。

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 随意吃饭,适度饮酒。

Eat ones cake and have it. 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草。

Eat to live, but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。

Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others. 吃是使自己受用,穿是使别人受用。

Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 人的教养始于教育,成于社交。

Education has for its object the formation of character. 教育的目的在于培养品德。

Elbow grease gives the best polish. 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。

Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 空桶响声大。

Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。

Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. 高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。

Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. 支支吾吾,其言必诈。

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below. 错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。

Facts are stubborn things. 事实是不容改变的东西。

Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

Faint heart never wins fair lady.

Fair and softly go far in a day. 谦和稳重,前程远大。

Fair faces need no paint. 貌美毋须修饰。

Faith will move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。

Fall sick and you will see who is your friend and who is not. 困难见友情。

False friends are worse than open enemies. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

False tongue will hardly speak truth. 虚伪者不肯说真话。

False with one can be false with two. 对一个人虚伪,也会对两个人虚伪。

Fame is a magnifying glass. 名誉是放大镜。

Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 名誉像条河,源头最狭窄,远处最宽阔。



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Dear Prof Herthwell,


Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during

our delegation’s recent visit to your university。 It was nice of you to

introduce me to so many famous professors and celebrated scholars at your

university。 We had a safe and sound trip home。 Now we have resumed our work。


Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and

give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”。


Please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something

for you in China。


Best wishes,

Li Dong





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随着时间滴答滴答地从手中溜走,距离我们最重视的毕业,已经慢慢地逼近我们了… ----题记









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