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一、说明文阅读理解的特征 一般说来,英语说明文与其它文体一样,文章所涉及的内容不外乎以下几个方面,即Who→What→When→Where→How→Why。

1. Who:问的是这篇文章的主体是谁?(即所要说明和描述的人或事物)

2. What:问的是主体做了什么事情?(即主体表现出的特性、功能和用途)

3. When和Where:是在何时何地发生的?(即何时何地所表现出的特性、功能和用途)

4. How:通过什么方式表现出来的?

5. Why:这种特性功能用途的原因是什么?


二.说明文阅读理解的类型 掌握说明文阅读理解题的类型对考生来说非常有必要。一般来说,高考对阅读理解的命题类型主要有以下几种:

1. 细节理解题

说明文中考查的细节理解题大致与记叙文相似。命题区域都有其共同点。⑴在列举处命题。如用First(1y)、Second(1y)、Third(1y)Finally、not only…but also、then、in addition等表示顺承关系的词语列举出事实。试题要求考生从列举出的内容中选出符合题干要求的答案项。⑵在例证处命题。句中常用由as、such as、for example、for instance等引导的短语或句子作为例证,这些例句或比喻就成为命题者设问的焦点。⑶在转折对比处命题。一般通过however、but、yet、in fact等词语来引导。对比用unlike、until、not so much…as等词语引导,命题者常对用来对比的双方属性进行考查。⑷在比较处命题。无端的比较、



2. 语义猜测题 说明文为了把自然规律,事物的性质等介绍清楚或把事理阐述明白,因此学术性强的生词较多,所以常进行生词词义判断题的考查。命题方式多以The underlined part “…” in Paragraph…refers to….或What does the underlined word mean?或What is the meaning of the underlined word?为设问方式。解题时考生应认真阅读原文,分析其对某些科学原理是如何定义、如何解释的,并以此为突破口抽象概括出生词词义。也可以通过上下文来猜测某个陌生词语的语意。或者找出某个词语在文章中的同义词。要注意破折号、同位语从句、定语从句、插入句等具有解释、说明作用的语言成分。说明文在阐述说明对象时易发生动作变换、人称转变的现象,这类题目常以 it,they,them 等代词为命题点,因此考生要根据上下文语境,认真阅读原文,分析动作转换背景,弄清动作不同执行者,以便准确判断代词的其实际指代对象。

3. 主旨理解题

说明文常用文章大意判断题考查考生对通篇文意的理解。即对文章的主题或中心意思的概括和归纳。主要考查考生对文章的整体理解能力。命题形式常以This passage mainly talks about ____.What is the main idea of the passage?为设问方式。这种试题多以This passage mainly talks about the major

surprising findings about….为回答方法。答题时首先阅读题干,掌握问题的类型,了解试题题干以及各个选项所包含的信息,然后有针对性地对文章进行扫读,对有关信息进行快速定位,再将相关信息进行整合、甄别、分析、对比,有根有据地排除干扰项,选出正确答案。

4. 判断推理题。

这种试题常以The passage is intended to...(2) The author suggests that...(3) The story implies that…(4) Which point of view may the author agree to?(5) From the passage we can conclude that...(6) The purpose of the passage is to...为设问方式。这种题型的答案在原文中不是直接就能找到的,它要求考生进行合理的推断。如因果关系,文中的某些用词、语气也往往具有隐含意义,考生要将这种含义读出来。说明文常出现图示判断题,这种试题可以事物之间正确的依赖关系为命题点,要求考生判断其正确的流程顺序相互关系等。考生一定要认真阅读原文,并对照原文介绍的情况,弄清图示的差异,根据题干需要最终做出正确判断。如:动物介绍性说明文常出现动物能力判断题,考查考生对特定动物所具有能力的判断。解题时考生应认真阅读原文对动物形态活动能力的判断,了解动物的生存环境和是否会使用工具,是否善于爬行、飞翔和游泳等。

观点态度题也是判断推理题考查的内容之一。说明文的对象为客观事实,但设题以议论的表达方式抒发对该说明对象的想法。如对某种新发明的赞赏,或对某个事物的批判。这类题目常见的题干表达方式有"What was the author?s attitude towards ...?" 等。

【实例探究】 Northwest China is part of the sandstorm centre in Central Asia. Sandstorms begin in desert areas. Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of "desertification". This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.


According to the passage which is NOT likely to cause "desertification"?

A. Climate changes. B. Cutting down trees.

C. Digging up grass. D. Saving water.




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If set up a holiday, I want to set up a reading festival.

There is a celebrity once said: books are the ladder of human progress. Can learn directly from the book in predecessors experience, knowledge to make our trips up again on the way forward little, little detours. Reading can broaden our horizons, cultivate our feelings... The benefits of reading.

But now, we learn a lot of pressure, although we also want to read more books, but the heavy academic burden and a variety of extracurricular cram school, the remedial class is our breath, where still have time to read more books? So I can look forward to establish a special reading festival.

In reading festival on this day, we dont have to go to school, dont do your homework, you can enjoy all the extra-curricular, explicitly swim in the sea of knowledge. Can communicate with friends their own reading experience, express their own unique insights. Can also and students to act out the scene in the book! Reading festival can each month once or twice a week.

How I hope to have a reading festival!








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We may obtain knowledge by reading. The more books we read, the more we accumulate the knowledge. Is it right? I dont think so. Its not wide reading but useful reading that leads to excellence.

And only good books can benifit us.So choosing books is very important for reading. Many students spend a lot of time reading legends and swordsman novels.Its a waste of time. Some students even read some bad books and it is harmful for them.

So be as careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep, for our habit and character will be as much influened by the former as by the latter.




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A good book not only brings happiness to people, but also comforts; it can

not only make you think deeply, but also enlighten you. A good book is a wise

man, a mentor, a friend, and a partner. My favorite thing is reading.

books also bring me much joy. I remember one time, my mother bought me

"Insects", the book records many insects and their habits. I couldnt put it

down, and when I got home, I picked up the book and read it with interest. When

I read the firefly insect, a beautiful scene immediately appeared in my mind: On

a summer night, I was walking in the park, and at this time, many fireflies were

flying around me. Illuminate the way forward... The more I think about it, the

more excited I am, and I read it more seriously. When I read about ants, an

insect, I couldnt help but be shocked by its unity. Together, ants can move

things that are several times heavier than them. I also feel that we must learn

from the spirit of ants. Reading and reading, I forgot the time. It wasnt until

my mother came to ask me to eat, I reluctantly put down the book and swallowed a

spit, as if swallowing wisdom into my stomach, my heart was still in the

colorful world of insects.

Gorky once said: "I am on books, like hungry people are on bread." Food

feeds only our bodies, and books feed our souls. Books can increase our

knowledge, broaden our horizons, and improve our writing skills; they can bring

us inspiration and happiness. "When the book is used, we hate less", so I think

we need to read more and read more books to make our achievements bloom like

sesame seeds.



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这类题目主要包括事实识别、有关计算、识图、排列顺序等。一般地,这类题目可以直接从短文中找到可用的信息。这些问题一般都涉及到文章的“5W”,即 who(人物),when(时间),where(地点), what(事件),why(原因),how(方式)等。题目设计大多直截了当。只要通读全文,注意文中所述的重要事实或细节,就可以做出正确解答。以图表材料命制的题目更是如此。例如:


He/She should have an interest in making pizza. More importantly, he/she should have work experience in a restaurant.


The ad (广告) tells us that ____________________.

A. the assistant must be a man. B. the assistant must have once worked in a restaurant.

C. Pucci Pizza has branches all over China. D. Pucci Pizza is not in Taichung.

【分析】本小题选项B的意思是“要招聘的这个人必须曾在饭馆过”。即要具有一定的从事餐饮业的经验。这与原文中叙述的事实“More importantly, he/she should have work experience in restaurant.”相比较,形式上虽不大一样,但其内涵却完全相同。如果考生准确解了短文中的这句话,问题即可迎刃而解。


In the past, there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog 初中英语, so the rainwater was clean.


In the past Lake Ponkapog was surrounded by ________. A. fish B. rain C. birds D. forests

【分析】题目所要问的是“Lake Ponkapog四周过去被什么东西所环绕?” 而阅读材料中已用There be句型表达出了这层意思,句式不同,却有异曲同工之妙。



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if we have a book ,we will not be felling of being longly

When Im free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, Ive put my heart into it so that Ill forget all the troubles. Its in this way that Ive formed the habit of reading in any time.

Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.

Reading “The Emperors New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldnt keep me from crying for her misery. “ Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Kellers patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didnt before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.

Ill never forget this famous saying,“ Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”








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There is no exact definition of the word happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. The key is not wealth or physical well-being, since we find beggars, invalids and so-called failures, who are extremely happy.

Being happy is a sort of unexpected dividend. But staying happy is an accomplishment, a triumph of soul and character. It is not selfish to strive for it. It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others.

Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered. There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous; if you dont feel happy, pretend to be!

It works. Before long you will find that instead of repelling people, you attract them. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.

Then the make-believe becomes a reality. You possess the secret of peace of mind, and can forget yourself in being of service to others.

Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged with grateful friends.




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Bills of exchange, also referred to as bills, are essentially a short term credit instrument that can be used by a company either for financing or investment. Bills can be issued for any term up to a year and are generally issued for periods of less than 6 months. Companies issue bills because they are a convenient form of borrowing. The difference between bills and a standard loan is that bills held by the bank can sold to investors. Bills with terms of 30 days to 90 days are the easiest to trade? Bills are usually an ideal loan because a company generally will not run into any problems within 3 to 6 months.





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I like reading, reading and listening. Comic books, picture books and storybooks and popular science books, I like it.

When I was small, mom and dad told me "the frog prince" and "the thumb girl", "journey to the west" and other stories. A little bit grow up, parents also teach me some poems, what "again before Wang Xietang yan, flying off the shelves." , what "children meet strangers, smile ask the guest where to." Wait, I to now still fresh. It was also at that time, I feel the pleasure of listening, reading and reading. And promise, grow up, must use a lot of books to enrich their extracurricular knowledge.





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It (Example:0) 8 o’clock 41,and the last bus42at the second bus stop.A middleaged woman got out,and the conductor was going to ring the bell for43to start the bus again,just at that moment he saw a small child44at the bus stop.

“What’s wrong with you?” the bus conductor said to the boy.

“Well,my mother gave me ten pence to go home by bus after school,but I45the money after I finished playing football with my classmates,” the child answered, “so I have to walk all the way home.”

“That’s OK.” said the conductor. “Come on.We’ll take you home.”

The child thanked him,46the bus and sat down near the door.The conductor rang the bell,then the bus started. “How47are you living?” asked the conductor.

The child told him the name of the place where he lived.It was about two miles away,and48would have cost him two pence if the child had had the money to pay for it.

The conductor went to give some other people on the bus their tickets,and when he came back a few minutes49,he saw that child crying again.

“And what’s the matter with you now?” he asked. “Aren’t you on your way home?”

“Yes,I am,” answered the child, “but what about my change?You haven’t given it to me,have you?You should give me50.”




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On the morning of June 1, the bright sunshine shone on the whole campus, making the provincial school more beautiful. In order to celebrate our childrens festival, the school specially held a colorful and interesting garden activity.

The activities of the garden include: fishing, shooting, blowing candles, shooting, guessing, beading, blind ball, shuttlecock, hula hoop, floating needle, playing table tennis... . Among them, I think the most interesting project is to blow the candle. The rule of the project is that if you blow out three or four candles, you can get a ticket. If you blow out five or six candles, you can get two tickets to the lottery.

When I came to the arena with gusto, more than 20 people were waiting in line, so I had to wait patiently at the back of the line. The procession moved slowly forward like water, hoping that it would be my turn to blink. At this time, some of the students blew out six candles in one breath, their faces with a complacent look.

I thought: air what, wait to see mine! Some students only blow out three or four candles in one breath; And classmates with great strength, small mouth bulging round, but doesnt even have a candle blow out, disappointed, they are unwilling, wanted to blow again, had to run to the back of the team continue to wait in line. Looking at their performance, my heart was both happy and nervous, and I was worried that I could not blow out one of them, and if that was the case, it would be too boring.

In a few minutes, and it was my turn to play, I hurried to put the candle stage, took a deep breath, and then quickly forward movement and the tone with the biggest power blowing the candles. "Wow," a marvel from my teachers and classmates, I looked back, "one, two, three, four, five" didnt expect me to blew out the candle and five I jumped with joy. The referees award gave me two tickets to the lottery. At this point, the students behind me were casting envious glances at me.

Later, I played a lot of projects and felt good. When the garden was over, I was sweating and my clothes were wet, but I was not tired at all. I wish I had "61" every day, and I would be so happy every day.



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Of course, the little stone didnt catch his eye at all.

Every morning the sea and sky were condensed into a single blue, and the glassy water began to flow again. There was a place where there was no trace of flora and fauna, and the reverberation was of a screeching laugh, and the unknown secrets that kept hovering in the air.

Through a mans dark eyes, a hole appeared in front of him, deep in the dark, a faint smell of mould. What followed was a roar - come out!

The people did not mind the third shout, still throwing their trash, thought it was the mans prank. The sound of the moment, the wind rolled up, ravaging peoples black face. Suddenly falling from the distant horizon, the irregular "snowflakes" are crashing into each other and making a noise. "What a snow! A man who was pushing out what glasses he knew was expressing. On the side of it was a sigh of ignorance. As the snow grew closer, people began to look at these things with their eyes wide open. It was a blank sheet of paper printed with a dense print of paper. The crowd caused a stir. A man in a suit of "dry barbs" rubbed his eyes several times. "This, this is?" Then he looked flustered, and with a great change of temper, he cried out, "look at what! This is who has nothing to do, printing so many garbage files!" But it didnt stop people from looking like wolves.

There are many plans on the documents. Most of these are national core confidential documents, specific data changes, and some unannounced technological developments and measures that need to be improved. But until that time, the so-called rich ankang was as pale as white paper; Those high prescience is the talk of the paper; All these people have not been achieved with the development of The Times. At this time, people in the hearts of all indignation, mouth ceaselessly spit out some scolding words. The Shouting worker was afraid to look up and chose silence in the corner. The governments "two-faced" is indeed worth complaining about, but it is worth their attention.

The stench of smell is on people, and the smell is enough to suffocate people. Its like the dirty water of the whole century. A handsome man dressed in a fashion red. For the director of one of his factories, he was caught in his own work, and he had no reason to resist. He was lost in a daze. In the middle of this discontent, he dropped the corpse, diary, photograph, plastic bag, waste battery... There is less noise in the crowd, but more and more. The scholars face was white and his ear could never stop that howling cry, and the reporter was wrapped in rope. The boys and girls who were trapped in their lives were almost full of them.

Documents, sewage, corpses, at the feet of people, thighs, palms, chin... "Save me... "A thousand voices tore at the heart. Then came a voice: "save you? Not anymore. Long ago, you never thought of saving me. Now let me return all of this. My own thing always wants to get back! And something, its too late!

There is a hole waiting for people to heal!



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1. The father loves the song, and the listening is the tired of the heart. The father loves the umbrella and feels the warmth of protection; Father loves a mountain and gives it incomparably majesty; Father love like light, light up every moment. Praise your father.

2. Fathers love is crutch, let us fall off in life.

3When you are afraid, your fathers love is a stepping stone. In darkness, a fathers love is a lamp of illumination; When it is exhausted, father love is the water of life. Fatherly love is a pillar of spirit when it is aroused; When it comes to success, fatherhood encourages and alarms.

4. Father love is a sea of ocean, rich and profound.

5The father loves the same selflessness, he does not ask for the return; Fathers love is a kind of quiet, in the invisible, only the heart of the person can understand. - qiong precious jade

6. My parents would like to be a person, I follow them; My parents repeat, I am thick. "The maxim"

7, the fathers virtue, sons legacy. Yan, word

8Father love is a big umbrella, even on the road of rain and rain, do not let a drop of water drop on me.

9To all the young people, how strict the father is!

10The family is the fathers kingdom, the mothers world, the childrens paradise. -- -- -- -- -- Emerson



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你校正在进行“英语读书周”活动。该活动要求学生摘录名言佳句(quote)并相互交流。以下是某同学摘录的句子:“Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you”。请按下列要求用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文:

1. 针对摘录句中的观点谈谈你的看法;

2. 举例说明理由。



In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us, which goes like this: “Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.”


As far as I’m concerned, I completely agree with the view. Of course, our future depends on many things such as our living environment, opportunities, luck, others’ help and etc. But it is we ourselves that determine our future. Our positive attitude, our determination, our confidence and our sense of discipline are the keys to our future.


Madame Curie was a good example to us. In her times, women were not admitted to university in her motherland, Poland, so she was forced to leave her homeland and studied in France. She often said: we should believe every one of us can do something and above all we should believe in ourselves. It was her confidence that made her discover radium and later win the Nobel Prize. So I firmly hold the belief that our future is in our hands.




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Reading can broaden the knowledge.

When you use knowledge, you will find you to less; God read volumes, such as writing; Knowledge is power. Books are the ladder of human progress. The book has its own gold room... Through the ages, many celebrities gave us a lot about reading the quote.

I have many hobbies, such as: sports, tennis, table tennis, etc. However, my favorite is reading. This year, I just read the sixth grade, but I have seen a lot of books. Such as "journey to the west", the romance of The Three Kingdoms ", "water margin", "how the steel was tempered, gave me a lot of enlightenment.

I didnt read a lot of things all dont understand, what things can eat, what cannot eat, what should do, what should not do. Since reading the book, know a lot of things. For example: when I was a kid, I dont like to tube my mother, mother told me to do things, I am more enthusiastic, and mother. Now, my mother called me to do things, I also went to dry.

From then on, I will put to read on my schedule of learning, I find time to read every day, I also invented a word: read a good book, good books to read, read good books!

I must have a good reading, to the next level!









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reading, seems to be a grind, or what some of the head hang beam, the awl stab? But, why some people can not eat, dont go to bed to read? In my opinion, reading is mainly SanLe.

First, follow ones inclinations. Reading, owner is you, you are to read, rather than books tube you, forcing you to read. A book is forthcoming, your way. Would you like to read, you can take a reading, poetry, prose, fiction... Whatever you choose. You can consult to Confucius life art, also can through the novel to ease your mood, more can experience feelings in prose.

Second, the growth of knowledge. Before when you finish reading book, in the friends, relatives, gushing, isnt it is a kind of "and dont three days when sit up and take notice," the feeling?

Third, to help you learn. When you read a book, when the exam was tested in the book, is there a kind of unspeakable joy welled up in my mind?

Reading, is a kind of enjoyment, is a way to experience pleasure. Come on! Friend, to study together, to study, to experience the fun of reading together!








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When I read a grade a class, I was having fun with students, suddenly saw sitting on the seat Zhang Yuezheng absorbed in reading a book. Im surprised, ran to ask her: "Zhang Yue, why we are all in play, youre reading a book?" Zhang Yue no reply.

The second class, I once again see Zhang Yue sitting quietly reading position. I ran to repeat a sizable once had said, and this time Zhang Yue finally spoke, she said: "because reading can let us learn a lot of extra-curricular knowledge, can make our mind to move up, turn up." Zhang Yue words, I also think reading is a very good thing, since then I became like Zhang Yue love reading. In second grade, I and Zhang Yue were named as the "king" reading by the teacher!

Because Zhang Yue, I had the very big change, I now is becoming more and more love reading, book knowledge let me open horizon, enrich my mind, every day I swim in the ocean of knowledge. I must get to read this good habit to stick to it!






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Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds but also make us more intelligent. Besides, reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.

Textbooks, newspapers, magazines and other kinds of reading materials can help us know more about the outside world and help us grow into an excellent person.

Im planning to read at least 5 books in the coming holiday. And Ill spend more time reading every day in my senior high school life. Reading makes a full man! Lets start reading now.



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Reading is playing an important part in my daily life.Reading can make us enjoy our life.Reading has numerous advantages.Reading helps us to work engeretically.

There are a varity of books for us to choose from,like history books,science books,literary books and so on.I like history books very much.First of all,reading books can widen my knowledge of customs,cultures and life styles of different places and countries.Seondly,I can make friends through reading more books.I can share my opinion with my new friends who like reading history books too.Finally,reading is the best way of pastime.

In a word,we can benefit a lot from reading.It is worth spending the time reading books.



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"Book of medicine also, good reading can cure." Yes, now the society, newspapers, books and periodicals are all used to convey information, if a person is not reading, dont know the world, to keep up with the pace of the world, will be abandoned by the world.

Now, many encyclopedias, such as: "hundred thousand whys", the mystery of the world "and so on a wide variety, all kinds of books can give us many benefits, our world is so vast, some things in the world, and books have, encyclopedia like" dumb teachers diligently teach us knowledge. Visible, how useful book! Also, we learn knowledge also want to use in our daily life, to be accurate and determine whether to do so, the right to enrich our knowledge, the outside is good for our healthy growth. You said, a lot of the benefits of reading?

Nowadays, more and more of the books in the library, we should also learn to read and appreciate books, should put the book back on the in situ after the play, not just throw the place. Also, we must find a give us the knowledge of books to read, dont look at those who are not good for our growth.

In short, the benefits of reading. Come on! Let us to soar in the sky of knowledge fully!




