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My Class

here are forty-two students in my class, with 25boys and 17girls. It’s an active class, and the reason may be that the boys are more than girls. The classroom atmosphere of our class is very good, because we interact with teachers quite often. Our classmates are all united and helpful to each other. We often organize some activities to enhance the relationship between classmates and our regular activity is the English Day in every two weeks that we can only speak English during recess. Maybe it sounds a little difficult but it really funny and classmates enjoy it very much.





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January 25th Thursday

Li Ming is thirteen years old. He studies in Class Five, Grade Six. He is not good at Chinese, math and English. He doesnt like doing his homework. He likes playing football, watching TV and skating. Sometimes he is made to finish his homework, but he always makes a lot of mistakes.

You may think he is a bad boy, but in fact, he is honest. He never tells a lie. He likes helping others. He is always the first to come to school and clean the classroom.






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My Classmate

Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others。

One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing t he road. A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done。




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Qiangqiang is my classmate. He is nine years old. He doesnt study hard. He talks a lot in class, so the teacher is often angry with him. He doesnt like to do his homework, but he likes sports. He plays football very well. In fact, he is the best player in our class.



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吾班的“虫虫”们 (215028)江苏省苏州市工业园区方洲小学方洲娃文学社胡一菡 指导老师胡修喜 吾班的“虫虫”们个个都是响当当的人物,不信,我给你说几个有趣的听听。 小馋虫——巩奕浓 从来没见过巩奕浓买零食,老师们都认为她是听话的乖乖女。不过,她真的很乖吗? 一天,我和雅茹、卢颖几位同学冒着被老师抓到的危险去商店买冰激凌,在回来的路,上碰见了巩奕浓。卢颖问:“小巩,怎么从不见你去商店买东西吃呀?”巩奕浓向四周认真地扫视了一圈儿,小声对我们说:“我才不做这样的傻事呢,要是被值周的同学抓到,多没面子呀!你们看——”她拉开书包。“哇!”我们惊呼起来。她书包里的零食应有尽有,山楂干、牛奶、巧克力、棒棒糖“零食可是我的最爱,一日不吃我就浑身难受,只不过吃零食是要讲究策略的,我们的淑女形象可不能丢哟!”听了她的话,我们佩服得五体投地。从此,“小馋虫”的名号也就归她了。 迟到虫——李安 李安可是我们班最著名的“迟到虫”。

这家伙做事慢条斯理,不到上课铃声响起,教室里很难见到他的身影,迟到更是家常便饭。 一天下午,眼瞅着上课铃声已经响过15分钟了,李安才慢悠悠地出现在教室门口。胡老师非常生气地问道:“李安,又是怎么回事?打你的电话也不接,跑哪儿去了?”“没跑哪儿呀!”

这家伙还是慢条斯理地说,“午觉睡过了头,奶奶忘记喊我了。走在路上看到一个卖小龟的摊点儿,又逗留了一会儿,所以”唉,这个李安,真能把人给急死!从此,“迟到虫”的称号就非他莫属啦! 嗑睡虫——吕瑞 不知怎么回事,吕瑞成天好像没睡醒似的,本来就不算大的眼睛因为睡意蒙咙而越发显得小了。 一天中午最后一节是数学课,我们正听得津津有味,突然,汪老师停了下来,径直走到吕瑞面前揪起他的耳朵。吕瑞站起来,揉揉蒙咙的睡眼,一脸茫然地望着汪老师。于是,我们的肚子跟着遭了殃,吕瑞也因此拥有了“瞌睡虫”的大名。 其实,像这样的“虫虫”们,我们班还有好多呢。



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I have many friends in my class.There are 45 students in my classroom. they are interesting and lovely. I would like to introduce some of them.

Hellen is very cute. shes also kind to everyone and shes very enthusiastic.Shes always ready to help everyone, but she is forgetful. She always forgets to bring her school things, such as pens, ruler,textbooks and so on. But our teachers always forgive her. Robert is the most talkative boy in our class. His nickname is "chatterbox". He has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh.

Sweet is a quiet student.She is good at every subject but she never shows off. Ken is a very tall boy. He plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. He often says, "playing basketball is good for your health. " How about your classmates? Do you like them? Try to admire your classmates and you will be happier.



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I’m a middle school student in Grade 8.Yesterday was Saturday and some of my classmates in primary school had a reunion at our primary teacher’s home.

Our teacher taught us for four years and she treated as her own children.We loved her very much.In the afternoon,we just talked and shared our lives in middle school.Happily,most of us have a rich and happy life.Our teacher told us some interesting stories of her new students.After that,we made a big dinner together.Our teacher is a brilliant cook who can make delicious foods.

We all ate much.After dinner,we watched TV for a while and then we went home.It was really a good day.



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In order to make our city cleaner and more beautiful, the young volunteers of our school went to the Peoples Park this morning and offered our help.

At eight, the head of the park met us at the gate. After being divided into groups, we set out to work at once. Some tidied up the parking area and had motorbikes paiked in the right place. Some took care of the flowers and bushes, and persuaded people to keep off the grass. Around the tiger den, one group kept order to prevent accidents from happening. At the aquarium, another group worked as guides and advised visitors not to smoke. When some of us were doing cleaning, an old man praised us and said, "Well done, young fellows!"

We were all tired but happy. What a morning we had today!




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My Class

There are forty-two students in my class, with 25boys and 17girls. It’s an active class, and the reason may be that the boys are more than girls. The classroom atmosphere of our class is very good, because we interact with teachers quite often. Our classmates are all united and helpful to each other. We often organize some activities to enhance the relationship between classmates and our regular activity is the English Day in every two weeks that we can only speak English during recess. Maybe it sounds a little difficult but it really funny and classmates enjoy it very much.






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I like to go to school. There are many activities I can do at school with my classmates. We can play sports or music or act in a play. Sometimes we have to write a team project or geography or science class. If our project takes the prize of a competition in school, we will win prizes like dictionaries or computer games. All of the boys in my class are outgoing. My classmates and I like to watch sports games and enjoy outdoor activities. We like to play basketball and skate with our friends. I like my school life very much, because I can do lots of thing with my classmates. I get to spend time with them. They are not only my classmates but also my best friends.



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There are 42 students in our class. We are having four ways to go to school. By bike, bus, taxi and on foot.

There are 11 students getting to school on foot, because it’s healthy for us. 16 students go to school by bike, but it’s the most dangerous way.

There are 12 students getting to school by rus. 3 students go to school by taxi, because it’s the most expensive way. How do you get to school?



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初中英语范文 :

我的同学My Classmate

请以"My Classmate"为标题写一篇记叙文

要求:1、主题明确,语言流畅,思路清晰。 2、字数在100字以内。





My Classmate

Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.

One day on his way to school,he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived,and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom,the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.




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it seems that li hao has changed a lot.he used to be very shy.now he is a sunny boy.he aways play ping-pong ball and other sports with our classmates.he disliked english.but now,he speak english every day.how big change li hao has!and my many classmates has big change as such as li haos.oh!people sure change!



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In my primary school life, I met a lot of small partners, but there was a little buddy. How could I not forget it? His impression in my mind is too deep to be deep.

I remember when I started school soon, I and he was a good friend, then we often play a lot of trouble, but now we have become very good. He was very tall, medium (i.e. standard oh), lips looks funny, eyes always sparkle, do not know who thought he was in the discharge of it, ha ha.

He is a mysterious man, but he is always able to do something very delicate, so that my good friend has to admire it. Sometimes at night, he always call me, because he knows that my mom and dad went to the field, he must be very lonely, so he called me up, I appreciate him very much. I remember one time when my hand was hurt. He was very concerned about me. He always asked me right and left to ask. I saw he looked at me with concern and I didnt cry.

Well, to speak of my friend, he is an example of my heart.



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I am a middle school student. I have many new classmates now. One of them is my best friend. Now, let me introduce my classmate to you.

This is my classmate .His name is Lin Peng. He is 12 years old. We are the same age .And he is a little taller than me. He is very kind to me .He likes math most and he is good at it. He always helps me with math .He also likes playing basketball .We often play basketball together after school.

I am happy to be classmate and friend with him. I hope we can be friends forever.



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"Yang Jun Bao" is my good friend and classmate from grade 1 to grade four. And he was divided into class five (6) this year, and I was divided into grade five (4), so we couldnt play together.

Yang Junbao is eleven years old. He has jet black hair, watery eyes and big nose. He likes painting and sports. His personality is good and bad. I remember the third grade, there is a class, he and I go out to bars parallel bars, but we only think of it next to the teacher said not to let the students play bars. Yang Junbao said to me: "lets go, the teacher said not to play bars!" I replied, "whats the matter?" The teacher cant see it again! " But Yang Junbao insisted on not playing, and finally threatened to say, "if you play, Ill ignore you!" I replied, "ignore me without me, and Im afraid to lose your friend..." So I didnt play with Yang Junbao.

However, I think the evening back to the home, he does not, then I will in the evening to Yang Junbao home made a phone call, asking for forgiveness. And he said, "Ive forgiven you." I listened to his words and was very happy. Because we can be friends again!

This is my good friend, Yang Junbao.



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The new term begins. We are students of Grade six. My classmates come back to school. Besides, we have a new class mates, Jiang Ting. She is a lovely girl. But she is shy to introduce herself in front of us. Before, she lived and studied in a small village. Now, she moved to our city with her parents, because her father works here now. She says that our campus is large and beautiful. She is so excited to study here. I hope can have good days with us and make friends with us early.



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Hello, everyone. We have a new classmate today. This is Mike, hes from America. He is thirteen years old now. He likes playing baseball and basketball. He is good at Maths. I hope you can get on well with him.



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My classmate

I have a new classmate.She is Huang Jie.She is girl.She is twelve years old.She has long hair.She has big eyes and small nose.She is tall.My classmate likes reading book,playing computer games,listening to music,but sometimes she likes playing sports.

This is my classmate,What about you.





[英语作文:我的同学My classmate



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My deskmate is a girl, her name is Xiao Xue. She has long hair, her pony tail often whips my face when she turns around, but I don’t mind. She likes to wear the white dresses, they make her clean and innocent, which she is. She is very interested in painting, she also won an award in the Painting competition in the city. She is nice to everyone, all the classmates like her very much.
