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In this age of rapid depletion of natural resources, it is of paramount importance to create a conservation-oriented campus. The creation of such an ecologically-friendly campus would significantly contribute to China s overall efforts to become a leading low-carbon nation in the world.

The most compelling reason for such an endeavor is to change a deep-entrenched misconception prevalent among college students. Most universities provide water and electricity for free, misleading students into believing that such resources are limitless and inexhaustible. We should realize that, currently, many parts of our country are suffering from unprecedented drought and power scarcity. We should show due concern for the welfare of people in those places by refusing to be selfish in satisfying our own needs. As responsible citizens of our society, we have the responsibility to recycle whatever we can lay hands on. The small efforts by a single individual may make a huge difference.

To be a well-educated college student is to be conservation conscious. College graduates are the future of our country and by enhancing their conservation awareness they would definitely play a leading role in protecting our environment in the future and in making our world a better place to live.





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A breakthrough in the provision of energy from the sun for the European Economic Community (EEC. could be brought forward by up to two decades.if a modest increase could be provided m e EEC s research effort in this field according to the senior EEC scientists engaged in experiments in solar energy at EECs scientific laboratories at Ispranear Milan.

The senior West German scientist in charge of the Community s solar energy programme Mr. Joachim f^tittold journalists that at present levels of research spending it was most unlikely that solar energy U d Provide as much as three percent of the Community s energy requirements even after the year .But he said that with a modest increase in the present sums, devoted by the EEC to this work it possible that the breakthrough could be achieved by the end of the next decade.

Mr. Gretz calculates that if solar energy only provided three percent of the EEC s needs,thu still produce a saving of about a billion pounds in the present bill for imported energy each year believes that with the possibility of utilizing more advanced technology in this field it might be po?tiblc satisfy a much bigger share of the Communitys future energy needs.

At present the EEC spends about $2.6 millions a year on solar research at Ispraone of the £Ec, official joint research centers,and another $ 3 millions a year in indirect research with universities other independent bodies.




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It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite.

As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. Whats more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So its high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.

With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.



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Water is very important to us.Without water, people will die.Animals and plant need water, too .

But water is becoming less and less.We must do something to save it.For example,turn off the tap,if you don’t it.After washing vegetables,we can use the water to water the plant.Also,don’t wash your hands for a long time.

Remember not to waster water or pollute it.Save water,save our earth!let’s take action now!




但是水变得越来越少。我们必须为节约它做一些事。比如,关掉水龙头,在你不用它时。在清洗蔬菜之后,我们能使用水来浇植物。同时, 洗你的手不要用很长时间。




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To Save the Food

When I was small, my mother told me not to waste the food, so I cultivate the behavior of eating up the food. When I go out to eat, I will buy the food that is suitable for me, unlike other kids, they will buy as much as they want, and they can’t eat up, throwing away the food. But I will make sure I can eat up the food.




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是一切生命的源泉,保护水资源就是保护我们自己的生命。地球上的水总体积约有13亿8600万千米立方,其中96.5%分布在海洋,淡水只有3500千米立方左右。若扣除无法取用的冰川和高山顶上的冰冠,以及分布在盐碱湖和内海的水量,陆地上淡水湖和河流的水量不到地球总水量的 1% 。 还有我们人为的污染使水资源更加紧缺,如果没有水,将没有生命的存在。









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At home as usual, the Spring Festival in the twelfth month almost two dozen began, during this time, every family is busy cleaning the house, wash the sheets curtains, buy bacon sausage eat, such as preparation for the holiday. December 26 house posted red couplets, happy.

New Years eve is quite lively. Every cast eve of food, is full of the fragrance of wine meat, men, women, and children wear new clothes. The family around a round table on a happy night dinner, people will give children lucky money. Lights were blazing in every New Years eve, no gap. On the sky black, binjiang road began to put up the firecrackers, fireworks, the sky marina rice pattern of fireworks, firecrackers. Past midnight, the whole city fireworks firecrackers deafening, as if to make the whole house apart. On this night, in addition to the very children, no sleep standing, shou sui. I was a bit in the morning or so, fast asleep.

In the first month of a very different times and the New Years eve; Shop is closed, the door to pile up the setting off of firecrackers paper last night, the city is at rest. This day, most people have to go to the park, temple fairs, can be happy.

Yuanxiao, another climax of Spring Festival. The fifteenth day, every family decorated, good and beautiful. Will also be there and enjoy the moon round the moon, like a large tracts of nine. In front of the television in the home, see yuanxiao "joy", the family you my sentence, very happy.

Home colorful Spring Festival, the most happy is our children, besides can get lucky money, the most happy is that we can play at ease. New Years day is happy!

The 1051 day is at the end of the Spring Festival, the work of the work, to go to school, the school day restored peace forward.


除夕真热闹。家家赶做年夜菜,到处都是酒肉的香味,男女老少都穿起新衣。一家人围在一张圆桌上开开心心的吃连夜饭,大人们还会给孩子门压岁钱。除夕家家灯火通明,不许间断。天一黑,滨江路上就开始放起了鞭炮,礼花,满天五彩滨纷的礼花,鞭炮声不间断。午夜零时,全城礼花声鞭炮声震耳欲聋,仿佛要把整幢震垮似的。这一夜,除了很上的孩子,没有什么睡得站,都要守岁。我 却在凌晨一点方左右,就呼呼大睡了。







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Eating is a important part in our daily life.Up to now,many people waste food as much as they can.As a middle school ,I am very depressed.

In order to protect the value food,we must try our best to do something which can stop people from wasting.Such as putting up some pictures and so on .

Therefore,saving food is our task now.Let us do it from now on!



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记得以前,我很喜欢玩水球,往气球里灌水,灌满了,封上口,就扔拿掉,看到水溅了一地,就以此为乐。如此反复数次,乐是乐了,可是却不知道这种行为是多么浪费。当初这种游戏风靡一时,同学们下了课就去灌水球。到了后来,玩得更激烈:有拿着水球从楼上往楼下扔的,有拿着水球互相打的,还有拿着水球设陷阱的… …如此一来造成的浪费就更加严重了。


我们的浪费不仅体现在资源上,而且生活中也不知道珍惜。买了的东西随便扔;不吃的东西随便倒;不喝的饮料到处洒… … 我想,我们是否应到贫困山区体验生活,难道只有那样才能使我们觉悟吗?生活中,到处都是节水的宣传,有一句话说得很深刻:“地球上的最后一滴水,就是人的眼泪”,这句话的含义,我们都能明白,但是有谁能让这句话发挥作用?





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1 .多给同学宣布水的重要性。

2 .不顾后果滥用水的后果。

3 .给同学尝试一天没有水的生活。




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First,we shouldnt waste the electricity.We should use it as little electricity as possible.Second ,in the summer,we dont ues the air conditioner too often.Third,when we leave the room,we should remember to turn off the light.When we watch TV,we can also turn on little light.In the end,we can use energy-savingblubs.

If we saving more energy,our life can become more and more brighter.



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篇1:  One day,Xiao-Ming play in the water faucet open at washing-room,did not finish off later,the water spray to the body of Xiao-Ming,Xiao-Ming immediately ran away,or not related to the tap .water to flow out Huahua.Xiaoguang come to here,he see the tap did not closed,  ,immediately went on a closed,and also posted to a piece of paper on the wall .He wrote on:tosave water.In the near future,Xiao-Ming came to here,see the words on the wall,feel very ashamed .

篇2: As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water into rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers, too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. And I think it’s a great shame to waste while millions are in great need of water. I think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of water as possible as we can. For example, we must turn off the tap immediately after we use it. We can use a basin to wash our hands and faces. It’s also a good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me! Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference。

篇3: We are paying more attention on many environmental problems we made before, one of them is the water emergence. Long time ago, we never noticed that we are in a situation that the water on the earth is less than before, and the consequence is continuing.  Until recently, we have started to acknowledge that we should make the bigger efforts to save water. Therefore, so save water from every single person is important. That is why we should save water at home. If every one of us saves water at home, then the water saved together would bea huge amout. And I have some suggestions following: we could cycle the water we just used them to wash clothes to water the plants or to rush the toilet; when we wash our hands, we could turn the tap off for the moment we put soap on our hands etc.  So if we want to save water sincerely, we could save it at home .




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以前地球上的水非常多,非常丰富,而现在地球上的人口逐渐增加,水就显的不够用了,所以我们应该节约用水。就在我们高呼要节约用水时,也还有一些人,不知道节约用水,不知道水的重要性,而在大量的去浪费地球上的水资源,去浪费我们能够生存下来的东西。所以 我们要让世界知道水的重要性。


现在,干旱已经波及到毛里塔尼亚、马里、尼日利亚、乍得、苏丹、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、索马里等广大地区,面积达250平方千米,据估计,这些地方由于干旱缺水已经死了3800万头牲畜。 同学们,叔叔阿姨们!请你们不再随便浪费水,乱用水,爱护我们人类的生命之源 吧。

人类只有一个地球,让我们共同生活在这个美好的家园中吧! 同学们,请你们想一想,如果这个世界没有水会怎么样?如果没有水就没有我们经常吃的美味可口的饭菜,就没有我们经常喝的各式各样的饮料,没有水人类将很快灭亡。 同学们,叔叔阿姨们!请珍惜我们现有的水源,共同保护好我们的家园,共同创建好我们家乡、国家,把我们这个家园,创建得更加美丽、强大、富饶。



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ng time ago, we never noticed that we are in a situation that the water on the earth is less than before, and the consequence is continuing.

Until recently, we have started to acknowledge that we should make the bigger efforts to save water. Therefore, so save water from every single person is important. That is why we should save water at home. If every one of us saves water at home, then the water saved together would be a huge amout. And I have some suggestions following: we could cycle the water we just used them to wash clothes to water the plants or to rush the toilet; when we wash our hands, we could turn the tap off for the moment we put soap on our hands etc.

So if we want to save water sincerely, we could save it at home .



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There are different versions as to the origin of April Fools Day.The most widespread theory links the day to Gregorian calendar reform while others involve mythological legends or anthropological explanations.


April Fools dictionary Has it ever occurred to you that the word "fool" is used in many different and often contradictory ways? The Bible says "speak not in the ears of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of thy words," but Shakespeare often used "fools" in his plays as vehicles for wisdom and telling the truth.

不要小看Fool,它可是大有学问的吆。《圣经》中有很多关于“愚人”的有趣表达,如:“不要跟傻子说话,他只会鄙夷智者的言论”。在莎翁的戏剧里, Fool也常常出现,但这时的“愚人”可不是傻子而是绝顶聪明的“宫廷小丑”,他拿愚蠢作护身符说出一般人不愿说出的真话,很应了我们汉语中“大智若愚” 的至理名言。

Trickery in April Fools day April Fools Day is the only day of the year when you can play tricks on people and neednt worry about them getting angry! Here we also introduce to you some moderate pranks. Just remember, play safe and have fun!


Enchanting April Fools postcard It is said that early April is the season for yong fish. Not only are they easier to catch, but they are more tender and fresh in early April than in other seasons. Accordingly, the yong fish makes a perfect mascot for April Fools Day. These fish postcards will bring you hours of fun and entertainment. Come on, take a look!




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1 A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!

2 A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year.

3 A Christmas greeting to cheer you from your daughters.

4 A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.

5 A Christmas wish from your nephew.

6 A holiday wish from your son Tom.

7 A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

8 A merry Christmas from all of your students.

9 A merry yuletide!

10 A present from me is on the way. Hope youll like it.

11 A special card from your grandson.

12 A wish for a truly merry Christmas and may the joy of Christmas linger in your heart all the year!

13 At Christmas and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.

14 Beautiful dream comes true.

15 Best of luck in the year to come.

16 Best wishes for a wonderful new year.

17 Best wishes from Mark, Janet and the kids.

18 Best wishes on this holiday season.

19 Bring you Good wishes of happiness. This Christmas and on the coming year.

20 Christmas comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer.

21 Christmas greetings and best wishes!

22 Christmas is the most human and kindly of season, as the month of June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses.

23 Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed. But if all else is lacking - love will do.

24 Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you.

25 Dont forget to hang up the sock!
