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春天到了,万物复苏,天气也渐渐地暖和了。 Spring is here, everything recovers, and the weather is gradually warming.










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pring is coming! Spring is coming! That beautiful, flowers are blooming in the spring has finally arrived!

To meet this girl, but the spring was drizzle patches, comfortable spring breeze that leaves 10 million out of a bloom of willows. Too delicate grass, fresh leaves, bright colored flowers, like a country fair like all wanted to come to form a dazzling spring of tears. Swallow is no exception, out of breath flew from the north, for the glory of spring to add a lot of vitality.

Pairs of swallows through the mountains, across the lake, to the south, already exhausted, but felt so beautiful in the spring, as if eating a lot of chocolate this thing, get active, have the spirit. In the spring of play, flying the green fields, circling in the water and some play tired of the swallows were standing a few poles that mark utility poles. Ah! How like a lovely note, read music at that memorials became still hear the music.

The campus is rich and colorful spring. Beautiful winter jasmine are welcome too! Avenue, both sides of the trees, the trail on both sides of flower Fan Ye Mao. Spent everywhere on campus, a distance looking like a campus covered with thick snow, the last to see people feel the sky is beautiful snowflakes drifting. Lawn Lvyin Yin, the central set up with a century-old trees, next to the beautiful flowers there are a few bundles decorated the lawn more attractive, more beautiful. Really like a beautiful picture.

Spring innocent beautiful!



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随着冬远去的脚步,春便无声无息地随风飘来了。 With the footsteps of winter, spring floats silently with the wind silently.







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我是春天的风,当学姑娘离开的时候,我便开始游荡了。 I am the spring wind. When the girl left, I started to wander.









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Spring is coming, I take off my coat and play hide and seek in spring.

I wandered in the fields.

The little grass poked its head out of the earth and looked curiously at the new world; some ice melted and some were still floating on the water; early blooming wild flowers also brought vitality to spring!

Under the tree, the spring girl plays with the little animals. She was waving a bright long dress!

Spring is a beautiful season. I like spring.



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The horses are strong, not like the tame cats or puppy dogs.

They look wild and hard to get close. Yet, they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you. Horses remember the way home. They are also faithful to their masters.

They even understand what you are trying to tell them. Ive heard many stories about how a horse saved his masters life.

Thats also the reason why I love horses. They never betray you.




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接着我们又来到了公园里,一路上花气迷人,百花齐放,真是争齐斗艳。桃花姑娘绽红了他那迷人的脸时不时还飘出一股迷人的香味,真是让我乐在其中。柳树姑娘那长长的辫子让人看了也美不胜收,真是“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。”它那既长又绿的辫子也是春天里的“著名景点”之一。 作文网







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"Spring, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening". Spring is the most beautiful season in a year. The twinkling of an eye, charactizing a fine spring has come.

I myself have a heart in the spring. After spring, with tender green grass, grass, crammed with all sorts of flowers, the grass decorated like to embroider the flower green carpet. I walk on the grass, feel the foot soft, very comfortable. There are many butterflies on the grass. They were wearing colorful make-up, or flying up and down, or through the grass. To go far, a large area of a large fields, fields, fruit trees into shadow, red fruit hanging branches, like on the trees full of numerous large stones. Over the orchard, and many birds fly light dances; They are covered with colorful feathers, singing songs. Through the forest a brook, extends to the green grass, from my feet flowed. Sends out the ringing sound when water bottom, stream, want to heart making the music of this song is moving, and the song of birds should be matched.

On both sides of trails, covered with many beautiful flowers, yellow, white, red, purple... Its colorful, very beautiful flowers. Especially flowers everywhere filled with large poppy flower. It is so bright, red dazzling, bright yellow, under the sun, peoples eyes were drove hard to open...

This is the spring, this is the spring in my heart. I couldnt help shout out: I love you, in the heart of the spring!







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Cold weather comes all of a sudden; I never realize that before I saw a bird knocking at the kitchen’s window for food. One night, my father told me there is a small bird standing on the wire outside my window. The wire is elongating close the wall, I turned on the light and found her.


She is tiny. Her tawny feather is not glossy, maybe in this cold day is hard to get herself feed. Her head curl in one of her wing, so that she can keep warm in the cold night. She is really not so adorable. Her feather color make her seems dirty, and the floor near my window has something that makes me feel uncomfortable, her cacation! I tried to fright her away, so did my father. But she seems like this wire, this refuge. I made noise and stroked the wall, she just turned her head.


After that, I finally accept the fact that, I have to live with this ugly dirty little bird. As her neighbor, I start to care about her. She flies to the wild very early, as early as the sun does not show him in the horizon, the moon still hanging in the west! What’s more? She come back late at night. She must be work hard for food, but she is not growing, just as tiny as the first time, and her feather is still lusterless.


Life is hard to this little creature too. However, her hard-working makes me respect. Winter comes very soon. I really hope that my tiny neighbor can survive, and I will greet spring with her.




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My favorite animal is a dog, there is a small dog called small white mother kindergarten, it body hair is white, a pair of watery eyes, want to two bright pearls rolling, very agreeable.

It doesnt know me at first. On one occasion, my mother and I went to kindergarten, it is very fierce, I came so close to my legs, also good mother stopped it, the second day, my mother brought me in, little white saw my mom ran shaking his tail, mother said to the little white, of me, this is one of their own, dont bite well in the future. it look at me, his tail, on my feet smell the smell went away, so we met, I grew to like it.

Small white the most affectionate mother, it runs every see mother bark thy mothers foot, as if to say master, give something to eat. "Mother said, forgot, didnt give you. its not pleasant walks away. It is also very affectionate to me, one time, it ran up to me to eat, I have to gave it bought chicken legs, it eats the voracious, mouth also issued a whine. It ate chicken leg, I will play with it, it ran like the wind blows, I how also not overtake, later on, its on the lawn waiting to play with me.

This is I like my dog, a likeable, conscientious puppy.







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时间过得飞快,转眼间春姑娘带着春风,来到了人间。 Time passes fast, and the spring girl came to the world with the spring breeze.








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There are many sports stars in the world. Do you know which is my favourite sport star? My favourite star is Yi Jianlian.

Yi Jianlian is a good basketballer. He is born in Heshan, Guangdong. He is 2.12 meters tall and 113 kilos. He is taller than many people, and he is hangsome and kind. He works hard in the match and in the training. So his coach and team friends all like him.

Yi Jianlian began his career quite early. When he was fifteen years old, he came into CBA. In 2002, he got the first gold medal——Asia Youth championship’s champion. After that, he helped Guangdong team win 3 gold medals from 2003 to 2006 CBA championships. And he von the CBA MVP from 2005 to 2006. In 2006 Asian Games, he got 16.6 points and 10.3 rebounds. He was the greatest basketball player in PRC, in 2006, I think.

On June 28th, 2007, Yi Jianlian came into NBA! All the Chinese people were excited. Because he is the fourth Chinese basketballer who came into NBA. All the people hope he can become better and better..

Yi Jianlian is good at playing basketball. And he is handsome, friendly, kind and so on. So he has a lot of basketball fans in the world. My mother and I are both his fans.

Yi Jianlian is my favourite star. I think, Yi Jianlian will be a famous basketball star in the world later. All the people on the earth will know him!



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春天是五彩缤纷的,春天是绚丽多彩的,春天是生机勃勃的……春天是四季中最动人的季节。 spring is colorful, spring is gorgeous, spring is vibrant ... spring is the most moving season in the four seasons.







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In my bookcase, there are many books that I treasure, one of which I like very much, that is "the wisdom of children". Speaking of this wisdom child, it has been with me for many years.

I remember when I was in grade two, one afternoon, I was alone at home doing my homework. Suddenly, the door opened, and I ran out to see that it was Mom coming back. Mom looked at me and asked, "have you finished your homework yet?"" "Grace."." I said, staring at the white bag that my mother was carrying, "Hey! Its like the bag of Xinhua bookstore" "Well, this is a new book. Its just been published. Lets see." When mom finished, she put the book on the table and went to lunch. I rushed to the table with a sudden thunderbolt, lifted the bag, ran into the room, and got a book out of the bag. Wow, what a beautiful book! The blue cover painted with seven lovely little girl, the little girl in the middle, around like four of the art word "wisdom of children".

In "child" there are three red print: Chinese and foreign articles. I cant wait to open the book and turn it into the catalog. Wow! A lot of stories. A "Sima Guang" "Cao Chong" hit the tank known as the "hidden in the book" kidnapping "Napoleon" win "Qiao buy" ah "and" wow "...... What surprised me most was the kidnapping in the book. Why was the kidnapping hidden in books? With this series of questions, I found the story and looked at it seriously. Oh, I see, this is the story of little Robin loves reading, he went to the library to borrow a book called "across the Atlantic" of the book, the book several words have been dug out, he wrote these words to the administrator, came home and put them together to make a sentence: if you want to keep your childs life, for $one hundred thousand. Dont call the police and contact again. As soon as Robin looked, he quickly went to the police station and reported to the police. After the efforts of the police, he finally cracked the kidnapping case. It is so wonderful, I feel more and more ecstatic, not half, a book I was eating out.

I carefully treasure it up, every day from time to time to take out a look, double, lest it is dirty, where wrinkled, treat it as a rare treasure look like, love it, baby! Now, when I opened the "wisdom of children", read Chinese and foreign children the essence of wisdom, watching with my age children good and evil deeds, his heart will gush a excited, a feeling: yes! It is this book that taught me how to behave and how to overcome difficulties with my own wisdom.

在我的书柜里,收藏着许多我珍爱的书籍,其中有一本书令我无比喜欢,那就是《智慧儿童》。 说起这本《智慧儿童》,它已经伴随我多年了。

记得我二年级的时候,有一天中午,我独自一人在家里写作业。突然,门“咔”的一声打开了,我跑出去一看,原来是妈妈回来了。妈妈瞧了瞧我,问:“敏敏,作业写完了吗?”“恩。”我说着,眼睛直盯着妈妈拎着的白袋子看,“咦!这好像是新华书店的袋子耶?”“恩,这是一本新书,刚出版的,拿去看吧。”妈妈说完,便把书放在桌子上,身去做午饭了。 我以迅雷不及掩耳之势,冲到桌前,提起袋子,跑进房间,从袋子里拿出书。哇多漂亮的书啊!湛蓝的封面上画着七个可爱的小女孩,在小女孩的中间,众星拱月般地围着四的艺术字“智慧儿童”。


我小心翼翼地把它珍藏起来,每天时不时地把它拿出来看一看,翻一翻,生怕它哪儿脏了,哪儿皱了,把它当稀世珍宝一样看待,对它爱不释手,宝贝地不得了! 现在,当我再翻开《智慧儿童》,翻阅着中外儿童的智慧精华,看着跟我同龄的孩子们惩恶扬善的事迹时,心中就会涌出一种激动,一种感慨:是啊!正是这本书,教会了我怎样做人,怎样用自己的智慧去战胜困难。



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With big eyes, there is an emergency ears like flying up to now。 You guess what? Let me guess, is the rabbit。

A rabbits eyes like ruby, of course, I also gave a name to my rabbit called ruby。 Because the rabbit eyes glistened like ruby。

Remember once, my mother took me to go for a walk, I bring my ruby went to the park。 Ruby remembered it home for many years, because of the ruby grew up in the park, but his mom and dad have vanished into thin air, I also know that the rabbit is very poor, but I also didnt find its relatives。 The rabbit ears soon ran off, may be sad, I had to chase her for a long time。

This is my favorite little animals。 Smart, lovely ruby。







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There are four seasons in a year.My favourite season is spring.Spring is colorful.The sun is red,the sky is blue,the clouds are snow-white,and the trees become green.

In spring ,there are flowers everywhere.The birds come back from the south and sing happily all day.Every-thing comes back to life again.

Look, the mountain becomes green,the water becomes green,the children are flying kites happily!What a beautiful season!






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The sky shows its purest blue. The sun generously gives out its heat and light, shining evenly on the grass, on the trees,on the roofs of houses, on the people passing by, also on me,quietly and tenderly. There come a couple of young people,strolling leisurely. A group of students are sitting in a circle on the grass and discussing something heatedly. Some are reading English but in low voices afraid of breaking the peace of the campus. Others are lying on the lawn, having a nap, or just enjoying the sunshine as I am.

I feel I am free, free of thinking anything. In such a pleasing environment, doing anything is a great pleasure. I am fully indulged in this tranquility. If only time could stop!

I turn on the radio to enjoy some light music. Much to my disappointment, however, almost all the programs are about the war in Iraq. It is hard to believe that under the same blue sky,some people are suffering from bleeding and death of war while others are enjoying a happy life.

The sun is hidden by the clouds. After a few seconds, it shines brightly again.

Peaceful life seems to have gone, but it will come back one day, I am sure.



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春天在哪里呀?春天在哪里?春天在那小溪里,春天在那嫩叶上。 Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in that creek and spring is on that tender leaves.









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As calendar flipping, unknowingly passed the winter, spring is quiet here.

Walked at a brisk pace, wore a beautiful white veil, a magic wand in his hand, and on his head a golden angel, wearing embroidered shoes, dancing on the earth. Hear the wind, hurriedly come over to accompany; The rain heard, rushing over to dance. Under the earth in a voice call, pregnant with green life, broke the dead silence in the winter of, green grass, the delicate petals... The messenger of spring, has brought the singing away, leaving the footprint of the voice.

Rain baby came also, with bright snow trap, competing to pounce on the bosom of the earth. Dancing in the air. In addition to the snow falling rustling sound, mixed with the little rain ticking sound. The rain is the snow melt, is snow elves. Is the appeal of such rain, there are snowflakes dancing poetry. Winter, spring like a divine bird peck broke the seal, and raised the voice of the veil. Connect the footsteps lightly in the snow.

The wind is blowing, mix with earthy smells. Look up, the front is a young forest. This tender small bud, glittering and translucent jade-like stone, CuiShengSheng, the spark of youth, the spring!

The ancients said: in spring, a day hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. Spring morning air is fresh, precious time. People up early, had to go to the playground exercise, study along the tree-lined trail. In spring, people on a field trip, on the outskirts of the sketch. Connect the footprints left in the morning again!

Sunrise, spring, like a thriving vigor!

Spring, like the rising sun, full of hope!







