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I walk on the road, as the snow fell on me. Wow, what a vanity of build by laying bricks or stones jade world! Air is flying snow, the ground is soft white carpet. The vast heaven and earth color, gray. Fog, lingering in the mountains, white fog around the high mountain, as if that was the world like milk, a piece of white, an infinite yearning.

Nearby, the branches on the blooming of snow, is really "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand trees critics, pear flower open" in the distance, the evergreen pine and cypress trees, just like past ice sculptures carved jade, exquisite pagoda. In the distance, partners in a pile of white cute snowman. I run past, said we heap together! Partners all said, "come." Soon we heaped up several snowman. I love winter!






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The winter rain came, mixed with fresh air and a plume of weak wind came. Silently moisten a side of the land, to bring people infinite beautiful, so that peoples lives full of warmth and joy.

Winter rain is not fierce, not violent, do not pay lightning, it is always quietly fell to the ground, issued a "blah" to sound. This rain, like the willow on the tens of thousands of silk sash, like the feathers in the air wandering.

People like the spring rain, because it has the hope of vitality, there is a good beginning.

People like the summer rain, because it gives people a trace of a trace of cool. After the rain the city is more and more new, full of vitality; heavy rain after the scenery is more charming - seven-color rainbow rising, in the sky set up an arch bridge, looming, quite magical, wonderful feeling.

People also like the rain of autumn, because it can make melons more sweet, more good. The scouring of the rain makes this fall more poetic. So that the mountains of the leaves, the earths autumn more charming.

Winter rain is cold, because the winter is cold, the rain is colder, not only affect people travel, but also undermine the traffic safety, in the eyes of people winter rain is like a no evil big bad guy.

So winter rain is poor "poor" child. No vitality, no hope, no vitality is a nothing of the people.

But the rain in the winter is still so happy, worry-free underground, until the spring comes ... ...

Winter rain, the time is not long, so that people review the cool summer, the rain after the Yalu River, the air cleaner and cool.



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Cold winter quietly came to earth.

In the morning, I went out of school to go to school, a cold wind blowing, frozen me shivering. On the way to school, I saw the small companions who went to school, although all wearing a bloated cotton, but still frozen his neck, hurry to walk.

Afternoon, gloomy sky suddenly floating in the numerous, fluttering snow. They are walking together, walking, dancing, so leisurely! See this wonderful scene, I can not help but went to the outdoors, reaching out, to pick up that white flawless snowflakes. I think: this delicate six snow from whom the skilled? Who is flying them in the sky? Ah, I suddenly understand that this is a masterpiece of nature, is the nature of human love condensation!

Snow gently kissed me, sprinkled on the face, dripping, falling into the neck, Ma crisp, really enchanted! Snow has been underground non-stop, as if to tell people: it most want to come to earth, in the earth Leaving the white traces of the body, so that trees enjoy the life of Oasis. They are as bright as spring flowers, like the summer butterflies as flying, like autumn leaves as chic.

Soon, a thin layer of snow, like a huge, gentle wool blanket, covering the whole earth. This is the first snow after the winter, although not very large, but to the earth and human beings brought vitality.

I love the magnificent scenery of the winter, I love this more natural wizard - snow.



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it is cold and dry outside. the wind often blows strongly. the days are shorter and the nights are longer. many animals go to sleep. they will sleep for a long time till the spring comes. people don’t like to go outside. they have to wear heavy coats, scarves and gloves. but children like to be outside. because it often snows. there is snow around. there is ice on the ground. children can throw snowballs, make the snowmen. oh, look. what a surprise! do you see? the river is frozen! here come the boys, there come the girls, they are skating in the river happily.

oh! winter comes. it is really an interesting season. it has so much fun!



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Aunt of the winter aunt hastily picked the autumn sisters maple leaf. Riding on the quietly came to my side of everyone else.

Winter aunt brought the cold all over the corner, that is, when the sun is no wind, the day is dry and cold. Bare trees standing on both sides of the road, once the vibrant grass can not finally support, withered. The flowers in the garden are also asleep. North wind blowing, trees struggling in the cold wind, grass lying on the grass, as if afraid of this cold north wind.

However, the winter aunt can also bring other seasons without happiness. For example, we can snowball, snowman, snowball, skating, snow. I am very happy to play with my little partner.

Winter comes, though winter is a cold season, but also a happy season we all like winter.



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Snow floated down, sprinkled on the earth. Fuzzy throughout the world. What a beautiful little snowflake! As sacred to give people gifts on here on earth. Warm everyones heart. And like the noble white swan, jitter white wings, landed on earth. Light snow flowers larger, dense, sprinkled on the flowers, trees, issued a "rustling" sound, like a beautiful, beautiful song in the snow.

Light snow flower more the more thick, like the countless white petals fall down and fly in the earth. Later, under the snow, the greater the light snow flower in the air you pull me pull, you hug me, I hold you tight, how close! The whole world into a white, very beautiful. As snow, gently stroking the earth, glowing through the every corner of the earth, the earth on the silver plating. This charming snowflakes, like white castle danced in the air. And as they have shed the petals, flying. The goose feather snow, warm everyones winter, warm everyones heart, make this better world is becoming more perfect...





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Winter came! Winter came! Winter quietly into our lives, winter grandpa hidden in every corner of nature.

Early winter scenery with the spring, summer, autumn scenery can be different Oh. Into the winter, our clothes gradually increased, but not the spring and autumn vibrant sportswear, but not the summer fresh and beautiful skirt, replaced by a thick coat. Into the winter, the trees become bare, and disappeared in the spring of the green buds, but not the summer cool shade, but not the autumn leaves of the golden leaves, replaced by the dry leaves and trees on the leaves of various styles of birds nest.

Winter is not all bare branches, it also has beautiful scenery, on the hillside, those who are not afraid of the cold, with tenacious vitality of the wild, weeds, still green to grow. Field, tender green and green wheat seedling grow, after a rain, wheat seedlings appear more vitality, more dynamic!

Winter scenery and other seasons of the scenery is very different, winter is the most personalized season. Winter in the wind, biting cold wind can be really cold ah! Winter in the clouds, winter grandfather step on the foot, will be drifting goose snow, I love the winter!



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一、 空中飘着雪花,小小的白羽毛,又像吹落的梨花瓣,零零落落。

二、 那雪花洁白如玉,它是天宫派下的小天将,还是月宫桂树上落下的玉叶呢?雪花像美丽的玉色蝴蝶,似舞如醉;像吹落的蒲公英;似飘如飞;像天使赏赠的小白花儿;忽散忽聚,飘飘悠悠,轻轻盈盈,无愧是大地的杰作!只见眼前的雪花像蝴蝶一样调皮,一会儿落在屋檐下,一会落在树枝上,还不时飘在行人的脸上。

三、 送走了五谷丰登的秋天,雪花飞舞的冬天终于来临了。

四、 雪,像柳絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英一般的雪在空中舞,在随风飞。

五、 雪儿飘洒随风飞扬,落触肌肤沁透心房,女孩踏雪娇柔眸亮,发髻素雅淡香,是醉人的佳酿。

六、 一年有四个季节,每个季节都有不同的景色,而我最喜欢冬天下雪时的壮丽景色。冬天,大雪纷飞人们好象来到了一个幽雅恬静的境界,来到了一个晶莹透剔的童话般的世界。松的那清香,白雪的那冰香,给人一种凉莹莹的抚慰。一切都在过滤,一切都在升华,连我的心灵也在净化,变得纯洁而又美好。

七、 她又仿佛是一位穿着洁白的衣裙的仙女,她的裙袂所到之处,雪原静若处子,雪峰冷峻而挺拔,玉树琼花怒放,而空气却显得特别的温柔。在她温柔的抚慰下,所有的躁动都开始安静下来了,大地静谧而安祥,就像一个在母亲怀里睡熟的婴儿。在这个银妆素裹的世界里,这片耀眼的洁白使天空也黯然失色。在这片宁静的洁白里,我们还能有什么浮躁的心事放不下呢?

八、 一夜大雪,城市的房顶上积起了一层厚雪,站在高楼的平顶上望出去,就像连绵起伏的雪山。

九、 雪在上山的那一刻开始出现了它的身影,那些细细的雪花若不是我停住了脚步,屏住了呼吸,眼睛一直盯着半空怕是发现不了这个可爱而有些冷冽的小精灵。半山时雪花就明显了许多,到不是它下的大了,而是路边有了它们的踪迹,那些新番开的土堆上有那么一层莹白轻轻的覆盖在上面,手小心的一按,发出脆脆的嘎吱声。

十、 冬天的景色是多么的美丽啊!还带来那么多的欢乐呢!

十一、 默然抬头,静寂的天空尽显苍茫,它无力的挥洒着纯洁的雪白,不知那落下的是天使眼泪的结晶?还是对世间不平事的申诉?

十二、 冬天用雪一样洁白、冷艳、纯洁,演绎自己纯真的记忆。冬天的记忆在天空凝结成浓浓的雾,在原野集成厚厚的雪,在湖面结成薄薄的冰,在树林化成素素的雾凇,在窗玻璃上开成淡淡的花,在大山的身上织成幅幅静美的画,在人们的心中荡起幽幽的梦,在我的记忆里泛起朵朵浪花。

十三、 寒冷的冬天来了,一场大雪过后,整个东方红都成了粉妆玉砌的世界.柳树上挂满了银条,草坪也披上了银装.

十四、 雪后,那绵绵的白雪装饰着世界,琼枝玉叶,粉装玉砌,皓然一色,真是一派瑞雪丰年的喜人景象。

十五、 看着那一片片飘落的雪花,我落泪了,不知是感动还是迷惘,因那心久久不能淡定,无法自拔的思念

十六、 在雪后的早上,我带着爬犁来到北山公园,.我看到那洁白的雪花,真的不忍心去踩它.我走在北山的石路时,我听到了咯吱咯吱的响声。

十七、 下雪了,先是小朵小朵的雪花,柳絮般轻轻地飘扬;然后越下越大,一阵紧似一阵。

十八、 雪,在下着,飘飘扬扬地从天上落下,落到屋顶上,落到地上,很轻盈,如小猫的脚步一般。雪中,有几块晶莹的冰块,在闪闪发光。树,被雪穿上了衣服,白帽子,白棉袄,白围巾,好一个纯白天地。

十九、 一夜大雪,城市的房顶上积起了一层厚雪,站在高楼的平顶上望出去,就像连绵起伏的雪山。

二十、 雨点会变成咖啡,种子会开出玫瑰,旅行是一种约会,离别是为了体会寂寞的滋味,不是没有人陪,只怪咖啡喝不醉,路一走就累,雨一碰就碎,只有朋友最珍贵。

二十一、 马路边,白雪给人行道盖上了白被子,被子上又留下了人们一串串的脚印。白雪给树们披上了白披风,使它们变得更加威武了。

二十二、 白天雪在天空上飞飞扬扬,慢慢撒落,大地披上雪白的银装,好美啊!

二十三、 傍晚,大片大片的雪花,从昏暗的天空中纷纷扬地飘落下来。霎时间,山川、田野、村庄,全都笼罩在白蒙蒙的大雪之中。

二十四、 绿松上的雪,使孤独的旅人听到了圣音。

二十五、 就是这片雪啊,从“柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人”的山村,飘过时空,掠过一双愁苦的眼,让他大叹“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱观颜”,然后飘过独钓寒江的老者,又萦绕寒北,遂变为“燕山雪花大如席”,一时又“大雪满弓刀”,到最后滑稽成了“白狗身上肿”,就是这片雪,让林冲在山神庙冲向梁山,让贾宝玉像一个精灵遁在迷蒙中,让杨子荣写过不朽传奇,这片雪飘过岁月,飘过山水,飘过人间沧桑、正义、艰辛和爱恨,湮没一切,笼罩一切,洗炼一切,融化一切,雪过有形,雪过无痕,只把历史融成一片飘飞的雪,看得见,摸得看,就是握不住。雪是沉默的,也是诉说的:雪是转瞬即逝的,也是神圣的。

二十六、 像棉絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英的带绒毛的种子一般的雪,在风中飞舞。

二十七、 早上起来,冬雾弥漫.雾散之后,立即出现了一幅美景.那松树的针叶上凝着一层厚厚的白霜,像是一树洁白的秋菊.微几拂过,那黄黄的叶子纷纷落下.

二十八、 在这沉重而深邃的天空下,漫天飞舞的春雪,温婉而宁静,若有所思,若有所悟,轻轻地吻着我的脸颊,轻轻地滑进我的衣领,千年不变的娇容给我带来了一缕春的柔情。

二十九、 雪花很白很白,白得那么纯洁。它们把大地变得也很纯洁很美丽。我有种这样的感觉:雪不仅仅使万物变得纯洁,也使人们的心灵变得像它一样美丽纯洁。

三十、 一团团、一簇簇的雪飞落下来,仿佛无数扯碎了的棉花球从天空翻滚而下。



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The snow, I am very happy, this is the first winter snow.

The snow is like a blossoming silver flowers, fluttering back down, as to the earth covered with a silver carpet to cover seedlings on a pair of white quilt, the world all became silver.



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In winter, feather like snow flying in the air, like a little elf in winter news propaganda. At this time, the beautiful flowers bloom, but also often exudes a thick fragrance.

The snow stopped, the squirrel out of a hole in a tree enjoying the scenery, the sparrow flew on to the wires singing, children make snowmen in the snow snowball fights, play happy!

My parents and I went to the park, see the wintersweet flower fall over each other to open up, seemed to welcome our arrival.

I like winter.



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There are four seasons in a year, and I hate winter the most. In my hometown, we don’t have heating system to get warmed, so indoor just as cold as outdoor. The icy wind is blowing on your face and you just feel like you would become a Popsicle. Getting out of bed just become harder and harder as the temperature drops lower. What’s worse, when you try to write your homework, you just can’t feel your hands anymore because of the cold weather. I really envy the people who live in the north for they can stay inside to enjoy the heat, just like living in the spring. Oh, how I wish the winter can pass quickly!




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The winter is coming, the weather is cold and cold. The snow is great, you see, the roof, the ground, branches are covered with white snow. When the snow covered the earth, small animals do not want to play out. Even the birds who love singing do not go out at home. The frog is smarter, it dug a deep hole and hibernate in it! But the kids can not be afraid of the winter. They think the winter can be fun! Can fight snowballs, you can snowman ... ... I also love the winter, I would like to draw a beautiful picture for it.

You see, a few small sparrows in the snow twitter jumping, not a moment, white silver bright snow, leaving a dense small claw printed son. Deep and shallow.

The pine trees on the distant mountains live in red silver, flashing the catastrophe of the sun, silver shiny, bright, charming drunk eyes.

What a lovely winter!



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20__月__日 星期__ 雪 snow









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Winter, we first think of the word is nothing more than "cold" "cold" "ruthless." And the winter morning?

In the eyes of everyone in the winter is a ruthless ice woman. Her words and deeds are always with a burst of bitter wind from the wind.

I opened the curtains this morning. Greet me is not biting the cold wind, but a ray of warm sunshine. The winter morning is the freshest. Suck into the cool silk, but today there are some sweet it. The sun shines on my face. I think this time the winter morning is more like a sunny boy.

Winter, I love you do not lightly expressed in the warmth of love; I love you more selfless dedication of the spirit of Lei Feng.

You are burdened with the world complaining about you, complaining about your cold; complaining about your ruthlessness. And you are quietly bear. How can they know your cold for the warmth of the spring of next year; for the coming year the fragrance of flowers; for the coming year the green grass; for the next years wheat harvest. Who can understand you?

The appearance of cold, heart hot you year after year, day after day, never complain.

When the spring is more warm; when the flowers are more fragrant; when the grass is more green; when the wheat harvest better. When people are busy praising the spring, you laughed and you said, "The four seasons are the rules of nature.

Looking at you back to the back, I cried ...



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First Snow 第一场雪

The first fall of snow is not only an event but it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up to find yourself in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, then where is it to be found?

The very stealth, the eerie quietness, of the thing makes it more magical. Ifall the snow fell at once in one shattering crash, awakening us in the middle of the night the event would be robbed of its wonder. But it flutters down, soundless, hour after hour while we are asleep. Outside the closed curtains of the bedroom a vast transfbrmation scene is takiag place, just as if a myriad elves and brownies were at work, and we turn and yawn and stretch and know nothing about it. And then, what an extraordinary change it is! It is as if the house continent. Even the inside, which has not been touched, seems different, every room appearing smaller and cosier, just as if some power were trying to turn it into a woodcutters hut or a snug logcabin. Outside, where the garden was yesterday, there is now a white and glistening level, and the village beyond is no longer your own familiar cluster of roofs but a village in an old German fairy-tale. You would not be surprised to learn that all the people there, the speetacled postmistress, the cobbler, the retired school master, and the rest, had suffered a change too and had become queer elvish beings, purveyors of invisible caps and magic shoes. You yourselves do not feel quite the same people you were yesterday. How could you not when so much has been changed? There is a curious stir, a little shiver of excite-ment, troubling the house, not unlike the feeling there is abroad when a journey has to be made. The children, of course, are all excitement but even the adults hang about and talk to one another longer than usual before setting down to the days work. Nobody can resist the windows. It is like being on board a ship.



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The winter is coming, the weather is getting cold. After the second day of the afternoon, we all pleasantly surprised to find the rain! The rain outside the window da da da da hit the window, the outside of the ground has accumulated a small puddle, the rain into a small puddle to form a A small ripples, to the surrounding waves open to go. I can not wait to open the window, a cold wind blowing, I stretched out his hands, thin rain hit my hand, slightly hurt.

Afternoon after school and Luo Shu Tong, Yang Ruoxin went to Xu Baihui home rehearsal English drama, out of the school I found that when the rain than the second class after the larger and dense, the rain is like a shell On our umbrella, the rain fell into the puddle and burst into a transparent, round and small blister. Roadside trees on the leaves have many raindrops down, then the temperature is lower, and to Xu Baihui home I feel almost frozen ears.

Night my father to pick me home, on the road I think the rain seemed a little bit a little, but still very close. The lights were raindrops, and they fell like a root from the sky. The way people riding a bike umbrella, bow quickly ran home to go.

Now the night has been deep, the rain is still under the rhythm of the next. The earth quietly, only to hear the rain hit the window on the drop of da da sound. Old people often say: "rain hit the ground under the snow." Tomorrow it will be under the snow, right? We can snowball, snowman.



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There are four seasons in a year, spring means reborn, the trees become green and the flowers get boom. In the summer, the weather is hot while in the autumn, the weather is cool, the winter means cold. Among the four seasons, I like the winter best, though it is cold, I enjoy the weather. I don’t have to bear the hot weather, when I sleep, the warm makes me feel so comfortable, I have the good sleep. What’s more, I can play the snow, I like to build all kinds of snowmen, I play with my friends, we are enjoying the moment. I like winter so much, it brings me so much happiness.

