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How tokeep healthy /fit?

All of us want to be healthy. First,we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second,we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third,we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally,we should be happy everyday. Because smile will make us younger。

That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life。

2.卫生健康饮食:健康一直是人们关注的问题我校要举行以“关爱健康”为题的主题班会,请根据下表内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇80字左右的演讲槁。 (1)保持健康的重要性;(2)保持健康的方法;(3)保持健康的结论;(4)你的看法。

How to keep healthy /fit?

Here is my advice about how to keep healthy/fit. As a middle shool student. first youd better do more exercise such as playing ball games ,running, swimming and jumping ropes(绳子)。Then you should pay attention to your diet or meals. Dont eat too much meat or suger,but more vegetables and fruit.Third you need enough sleep or rest . Next keep yourself happy.As people often say smiling makes younger.Last you mustnt drink wine or smoke .They are bad for your health. That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life。




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(1) 骑车要靠右行;

(2) 遇见红灯时不能向左拐或横穿马路;

(3) 转弯或停车时要打手势;

(4) 穿过马路,要做到一停二看三通过;

(5) 要帮助老人或孩子安全穿过马路;

(6) 要教育小孩不要在马路上玩耍或骑车。


Road Safety

Every year a lot of people are killed or injured in road accidents. How can we make the roads safer? Remember the following traffic rules.

When you ride a bike, keep to the right side of the road. Don’t cross the road or turn left at a red traffic light. Give a hand signal if you want to turn or stop.

Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways, right and left. If the road is clear, it is safe to cross. The correct way to cross is to walk quickly, but not to run. If you run across the road, you may fall down.

If you see small children or old people waiting to cross the road, it is a kind deed to help them to cross in safety. We should teach small children not to play or ride on the roads.

Always obey these rules, you’ll find it much safer to walk or ride on the road.



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严禁酒后驾车Drinking, No Driving

This year, the most stringent traffic rules are carried out, in order to reduce traffic accidents and improve citizens’ safety and property. One of them is strictly prohibited to drunk driving. I think it’s reasonable to this issue, no matter how strict the traffic rule is. Drinking reduce people’s sensibility that people can’t react immediately when the unexpected situation occurs, due to the anesthetic effects of alcohol. Besides, people will be tire easily after drinking, which is desperately dangerous to driving. In addition, people are usually excited after drinking. With stimulation of alcohol, people sometimes overestimate their own and try to do something dangerous despite of the advice of the people around them. In my opinion, it is necessary to ban on drinking while driving, for the sake of safety.





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Life is unique, is precious, the world because of had the best and become life. Your life, you cherish? If you want to secure life, please obey the traffic rules.

From the ancient to the now, not just the changes in the dynasty, science is becoming more and more developed in transportation. In the economic prosperity of society, the vehicles in the street, maybe at this time, because of your negligence or violation, will bring inconvenience to traffic, also may let your mind overshadowed.

According to incomplete statistics, in 2006 21922 traffic accidents occurred in fujian province, 3871 people were killed and 25000 injured, lost more than 8000 ten thousand yuan. The traffic accident death toll in recent 10 years in our country is located in the worlds first. Because the car accident, how many family bereavement and destruction; How many families in debt due to traffic accident compensation liability shall not turn...

Last weekend, my mother and I in passing through the square, suddenly heard a scream behind. I looked back, "the..." With sharp brakes, a van has stopped in front of a little girl fell to the ground. At the same time, a group of people to come to there, my mother and I are crowded in the past. See the girl in shock, his face pale, after a long time, just "wow" to a loud cry. The girls mother leaned over and lifted the girls trousers and sleeves, that bloody hands and feet, really let a person love dearly. The woman did emergency processing for the child, she called the van driver to send their child to the hospital. Crowd buzzing around: "ah, this girl is really of, also do not obey the traffic rules, do like this, fortunately, no big deal." the traffic accident, make me feel the seriousness of the do not obey the traffic rules. Because at that time careless, spirit will bring irreparable damage.

Here, I to every student, every one of my friends call: "traffic safety is created by all of us. We should establish the starts from me, starts from the minor matter, starts from now, all to be good citizens obey the traffic rules. I believe that with the joint efforts of us all, traffic accidents will be far from us, tomorrow will be more happy, happy!








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Life only have once, and people often do not pay attention to traffic safety has ruined my life.

In order to cut a lot of people, some do not go sidewalks or not go zebra crossing, dont look at the traffic lights, the rampage; Some in order to save time, resolutely climb over the rail, and the traffic safety of cloud nine. The results...

Now many people, cycling speed is very fast, there seems to be a urgent matter, the elderly, is unimaginable.

One night, I was window to write my homework, feel very tired, leaning in the window to have a rest. Suddenly, a young man, think good, extremely unexpectedly sit bicycle handlebar, not casual. But "it is the unforeseen that always have blessed", positive impact a flying motorcycle, because young people turn when too late, just listen to "bang" to a young man was playing out, head on the concrete, blood all over the floor, unconscious. I am a pain in the heart: a life will disappear in this way? How to call a person not forget!

Hi, do not obey the traffic rules, it is a price to pay, the consequences will be disastrous. "Traffic safety" in your heart, let us consciously abide by traffic rules, in order to avoid the happiness and sadness!




有一天晚上,我正在窗前写作业,感到十分疲惫,便倚在窗前休息.忽然,一个年青人,自以为车技好,竟然坐自行车不扶车把手,漫不经心.但“天有不测风云,人有旦夕之福”,正面冲一辆飞一般的摩托车,由于年青人来不及时转弯,只听 “砰”地一声年青人被弹出去,头撞在水泥地上,血溅了一地,不省人事.我心里一痛:一个生命就这样消失了?怎叫人不刻骨铭心!




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With the developing of the ecnomic,the traffic condictions in some big cities is becoming more and more worse,especially in the rush hour.People waste a lot of time in waiting the bus or in their way home. Its time the government take measures to improve the traffic conditiongs.随着经济的发展,一些大城市的交通状况正变得越来越糟糕,特别是在交通高峰期。人们花费很多时间在等公共汽车和在回家的路上。是时候政府去采取措施来改善交通状况了。

In my view,first,government should broad the road to make more cars pass through.second,people should be encouraged to go by bus or bike instead of pravite cars,this will definitely reduce the air pollution as well.Third,people can go by subway in the rush hours.我觉得,第一,政府应该拓宽道路使更多的车辆通行,第二,应该鼓励人们用过搭公共汽车或着单车来代替私人汽车出行,这也同时减少了空气污染。第三,人们可以在交通高峰期乘坐地铁。

In a word ,I believe that we can improve our traffic condictions if we try our best.一句话,我相信,只要我们努力,就一定能改善我们的交通状况。



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st On January 2016, our country started to carry out two-child policy. It is good

and right for the development of our country now, because our country need more young workers. Many parents also want to have one more child. Althouth they may have some difficulties in affording another child’s life, education and so on, they will have another child to be with them. As for me, the only child in my family, I want to have a sister or a brother. Not only can we share happiness, but also we can help each other in our daily life.





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Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.

Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to mans existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.






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There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. How to solve the headache?

The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aims at creating metro bus systems and broadening major roads. Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level. Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation. It is a cheap and good way. We can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light rail. The effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth traffic.






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② 请谈谈怎样才能保持健康。



范文:Every one wants to keep healthy today, especailly our students. But we dont pay attention to our health. Some of them go to school without breakfast in the morning. Some students and pupils play computer games or watch TV all day, espacially at the weekends. Many boys think it is cool to drink or smoke.

It is important for us to have good habbits. We should eat breakfast every morning. We can watch TV or play games for a short time, then have a rest. We also can take part in some clubs. I think it is necessary for us to keep healthy.



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Nowadays,the problem of piracy has become more and more serious. Books,tapes,VCDs and others high-tech products have been pirated. For instance,when a new product comes onto market,most probably,its pirated counterpart will soon put on its appearance in the market,too. Piracy has caused a great loss to legitimate producers,inventors and writers in many ways. To start with,the pirated products often cost much less than the genuine ones so that they enjoy a better trading position in spite of their relatively poor quality. The genuine products,on the contrary,sell poorly. Whats worse,pirated books sometimes do great harm to the authorsreputation due to some misprints. In the long run,pirated products may have a negative impact on customers. Those legitimate producerscreativity and enthusiasm may be deeply hurt by the fact that some customers are more interested in the pirated products for the sake of small gains. In my opinion,its high time that everyone started the battle against piracy.First,customers should develop their consciousness to resist the pirated products. Second,the government should take effective measures to put an end to piracy. Finally,laws must be strictly enforced to completely ban piracy. Only in this way can we wipe the pirated products out of our life.





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We Should Follow Traffic Rules


In order to keep the road orderly and people safe,everyone should follow traffic rules.


The walkers should look carefully both left and right when they are crossing the roads.When people are driving,they should wear a seat belt.Drivers are not allowed to drive after drinking.They must stop when the lights are red.Many people take buses.They should wait in line,and follow the rule "First get off,then get on".


If everyone follows the traffic rules,there will be fewer traffic accidents.




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Almost every country in the world faced the population problem.China has the largest population, so the one-child policy was necessay. In America, there were 2 billion people 20 years ago, now there were 3 billion. Some day they will have the same amount people as we had in china, will they apply our population control policyAnyway we could be sure they will not critize our population policy at that time.



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As is known to us,China has the biggest population in the world,which is more than 1,300,000,000.Such a large population causes some problems in cities,thats the unemployment.Too many people gather in cities and the jobs are not enough.Some graduates cant find a job though they have left school for years.In addition,traffic jam is another problem resulting from the big population.There are too many cars on the roads and streets.

The situation of the countryside is not good.Too many people live in the countryside and we dont have enough farm land for them.

Fortunately,our government has realized the problems and has attached great importance to them.The government is trying its best to create more jobs and improve traffic systems.Moreover,the one-child policy has helped a lot.

look at your watch for just one minuite.During that time,The popuiation of the world increased by 259.Perhaps you think that is notmuch.Hoever,during the next hour,over15540 more babies will be born on the world.

So it goes on,hour after hour.In oneday,people have to produce food fover 370000 more mouths.Multiply this by365.justthink how many more there will be in one year!What will happen in a hundred years?

The increasing population

may be the greatest challenge of the world today.The worlds population is growing faster and faster.Two thousang years ago,there only 250millon people on the earth. At the beining of the20thcentury,the worldspopulation was about 1.7billion.In 1990,it reached more than five billion.Now at the beininjg of the 21stcentthe worlds population has passed six billion.people say that by the yeay 2010it may be seven billion.That means in about 600 years,there will br standing room only on the earth.Each person will have one half to one square metre of space to live in.There will be hardly enough space ror angbody else.






就这样,一个小时又一个小时。在某一天,人们要生产粮食fov 370000多的嘴。把这个by365。justthink多少会有一年!一百年后会发生什么事?


可能是当今世界最大的挑战。世界人口增长越来越快。述说两年前,地球上只有250米隆人。the20thcentury拜因的,世界人口约为17亿。在1990年,它达到了超过五十亿人。现在的beininjg 21 stcentthe世界人口已经超过六十亿。人们说2010 yeay可能是七十亿年。这意味着在大约600年,地球上只br站立的空间。每个人将有一半生活在一平方米的空间。会有其他几乎没有足够的空间。



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With the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles on the streets. Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem of heavy traffic in the city.


I would like to share with you some ideas about this problem: firstly, the government should build more roads. This action can decrease the degree of street congestion and make it possible for cars to run faster than ever before. But each coin has two sides. If a city builds too many roads, the streets will occupy much land. We will have little space used for other purposes. So secondly, more special bus lines for public transportation should be added. Thus people can go conveniently everywhere they like; they will not ride bikes or drive cars. In this way, the number of cars and bikes on the road will be greatly cut down.


As far as I am concerned, if we want to solve this problem, we should set up an idea of public transportation first and give a priority to this idea in our traffic work.




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The road and strips of vertical and horizontal in the city. And speeding cars on the road, but also for the citys busy, but, in this vibrant road, but there are a lot of people at the expense of life because of the traffic accident.

Traffic accidents are often caused by humans do not obey the traffic rules. Traffic accidents can be avoided. As long as do not run a red light, crossing guardrails, speeding... And so on. Do this can avoid a lot of traffic accidents.

Winter vacation, I do the bus to school. Found quite a few people in violation of the traffic accident, some in order to quickly reach the bus, dont walk "zebra crossing", inclined wearing the road; Some learn from comrade liu, whether it brutally, also dont see warnings on the guardrail, directly leap barriers, car passed from their side, very dangerous.

On the bus, I found that some drivers drive careless: car didnt stop, the door opened the first; Or the door open, the gas has been on; Beside some drivers and people talking while driving. Who also dont see the full car slogan: for you and others safety, please dont chat with the driver! And the driver in order to catch time, gas be exploded. Left to play a round of right to play a round, make car and pirate ships have no difference.

This example, there are too many people the confidence to oneself, little imagine, because too confident and traffic accidents often happen. Life is only once! Want to drive a car driver and the people walking on the road, pay attention to safety. Because life is more important than mount tai.








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It is a fact that college is becoming more and more expensive and college life is becoming especially hard for the students who were born in needy families. However, there are several ways in which these students can cover their tuition that their parents are not able to afford. Finding a part-time job, for example, is an ideal way. Besides, one can ask the bank for a loan and repay it when he has the ability. Finally, one can seek assistance from the society.

For me, earning tuition by doing part-time jobs is the most suitable way. First, I learn to be independent both mentally and economically in this way. Apart from this, I no longer need to wor-ry my parents with so heavy a burden. Finally, since I earn my own living, I will be more confi-dent with myself and, therefore, I can live a busy but meaningful college life.



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With the rapid development of the society, people can live a better life in

general. So because of the improvement of people’ s living standard, more and

more people own cars. Traffic jam comes to life. While people in order to be

punctual, they often ignore the cars crossing on the road. This behavior will

easily bring traffic accidens. On the other hand, the car owner also want to be

on time and then regardlss the traffic rules, which is also easy to have traffic

accidents. Both the driver and people themseves’ behaviour leads to accidents.

Those accidents may take people’s lives away. It’s so terrible. Therefore, for

the sake of life, the driver and the pedestrian should obey the traffic

regulation as we have only one life.



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In our country,many people do not follow the traffic rules when they cross the road.They may think cars will let them go first,so in a group they run a red light.They may think they are fast enough to cross the road before cars get close to them.So traffic accidents often happen in our daily life. In my opinion,we should follow the traffic rules when we cross the street,if everyone follows the traffic rules,there will be fewer traffic accidents.




Traffic safety is everybodys business. We must obey the rules. For example ,we must walk on walk side .when we cross zebra – crossing ,stop and look right and left ,then go across fast. Don’t play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc.

We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybodys business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.





Traffic safety is everybodys business.Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents.Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems.However,most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving,and could be avoided.A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules.They drive regardless of speed limits,run through red lights,drive in the wrong direction,talk and laugh while driving,and turn as they wish without giving signals.They dont slow down while approaching crossroads.So many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety.Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybodys business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.





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In modern society, the problem of heavy traffic has aroused a wide concern.

Concerning with this problem, different people hold different opinions. As far

as I am concerned, to solve this problem, we need to begin with the following


First, limiting the number of private cars is a significant step to solve

the problem of heavy traffic. Private car occupies a larger space and it is

responsible for traffic jam to a large extent. Less private cars will accelerate

the flow of traffic. Second, it is also a good means to open up the special

roads for buses. By doing this, the phenomenon that the buses block the street

when passengers get on or get off the buses will not occur again. At the same

time, it will upgrade the efficiency of buses. Finally, reinforcing punish

toward the over-speed cars and drunk driving so as to reduce the rate of traffic

accident, and then decrease traffic jam.

To put it in a nutshell, only we put the above advice into practice

together can we solve the problem of heavy traffic.



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Living alone or Living with Roommates

Nowadays, there has appeared a heated discussion among the college students as to whether they should live alone outside the campus or live together with other roommates in the students’ dormitory. Opinions are divided over the matter.

Those who are in favor of Living alone maintain that it is very convenient to live by themselves. They can enjoy absolute freedom in a room of their own. They can have their own timetable without disturbing others. They are also free to equip the room with a personal computer so that they can have easy access to the Internet. From www.joozone.com.

But others argue that living with roommates has attractions of its own. With several students sharing the same room, each person’s experiences can be greatly enriched. They can learn a lot from talking to one another. By learning to tolerate the differences between individuals, they can become more mature.

As far as I’m concerned, I prefer to live with roommates because I love the feeling of belonging. Besides, it is a lot cheaper to live in a dorm than to rent a apartment outside the campus.





