描写夏天的英语作文4篇 作文初一(汇编20篇)







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iss Hou is my English teacher, she is 28, we all like her. My English is really bad at first, I am afraid of having Miss Hou’s class, when she finds this, she doesn’t blame me, she tells me that the only way I can learn English well is to fall in love with English, she asks me to watch English movie, it works. Miss Hou is my favorite teacher.




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If we dont take care of our lovely campus and make it hurt, we will suffer harm and harm our health.

Today, we need to protect the environment as our obligation to protect the environment with our actual actions. We should know how to protect the environment is to protect ourselves, we should not only use resources rationally, whenever they want to protect the environment, as a student, we should create more green campus. Starts from the minor matter, starts from now, starts from the care for the campus and protect the environment, picked up a piece of paper on the ground and save every drop of water, cherish every inch, walk more, dont cross the green, the grass. I believe that in the near future, our life will be another scene!

Students, we are the masters of the 21st century, the environmental awareness is not limited, we are looking at the campus. "Do not be good and not evil," for our common campus, let us act immediately.



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Today, the New Year.Everybody in new clothes, with new hats.Each family affixed to the couplet.When the sky was just fainted, people crackled with firecrackers.Today, every family eats jiaozi and tangyuan, which symbolizes the circle and happiness of the group.After breakfast, I went to the New Year with the adults, and the adults always gave the children a lot of candy and lucky money, and I couldnt fit in my pocket.

When we finished, my mother took us to the park. The park was busy and crowded.We had a great time.If only on the New Years day, how nice would it be?





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Nowadays,the whales is in danger.Because many countries kill them for different use,they are dying out.To protect our earth and ocean,especially the diversity of creatures.we must realize that we should take effective measures to protect them.If the whales died out,it would have an important influence on other animals in the sea.Also,the environment will be changed.I sincerely hope that we can make our effort to save them!




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我喜欢夏风的娓娓细语,夏雨的绵绵情思,夏云的袅袅漂游。更喜欢夏天绿树丛林中的蝉鸣、荷香飘逸的池塘中的蛙声、深邃夜空中翩翩起舞的萤火虫。春太奢华,秋太凄凉,冬太寂寥,只有夏是多姿多彩的。仰望,天像蔚蓝的海水倒悬,又像江南蚕丝织就的蓝缎;俯看,锦绣河山处处葱茏,花盛开,树丰满,绿树红花摇曳多姿,清山绿水之间任你在夏风中放歌,在夏雨中沐浴,在夏夜中留恋。 I like Xiafengs careful words, Xia Yus thoughts, Xia Yuns drifting tour.I prefer the cicadas in the summer green tree jungle, the sound of frogs in the flowing ponds in the pond, and the fireflies dancing in the night sky.Spring is too luxurious, the autumn is desolate, and the winter is lonely. Only summer is colorful.Looking up, the sky is like a blue water, and the blue satin weaves woven from the south of the river; looking down, the split, the flowers are full of flowers, the trees are full, the green trees and red flowers are swaying, and you are in the summer and green water.Singing in the wind, bathing in the summer rain, nostalgic in the summer night.










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My dream is to go to Hong Kong. As you know, Hong Kong is an important trade and financial centre in the world. It was once a British colony and on July lst, 1997 it smoothly came back to the motherland.

I like traveling. To make my dream come true I must study hard. If my dream comes ture, I am sure to enjoy myself to the fullest. I will see a lot of places of interest and buy a lot of delicious food for my parents. This is my dream.



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My grandmother is a kind-heart granny who is popular among my neighbors.

She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people. She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help. My grandmother is always ready to help them. My grandmother loves me very much.

She takes care of me since I was a little baby. I have always been taking care of by her, so that I don’t have to worry my life at all. I am so happy to have such a great granny. Now, she is getting old and I want to be the one who can look after her.



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My favorite little animal rabbit, it has a snow-white fur, very cute to see the play. Her eyes were red, and the play was like a pair of red stones. Glistening. Every morning the rabbit to eat a carrot, two leaves, it is full.


Every day I studied at noon. As soon as I got home, it bounced up and down in front of me, as if to say, "welcome home.". I see it every day, and even if Im unhappy, Ill be glad to see him. Forget all the unhappy things.


Once again, my classmate came to my house, and it ran to me as usual. My classmate saw it and she said, "your little rabbit is so cute!"! When I got home, I asked my father to buy me a rabbit."


In this way, I like my little rabbit more and more. I must take good care of it!



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阅那些堆积在一起的凌乱的笔记本,留言本不小心的滑落,记忆被拉扯出来,那么轻易地。忍不住翻着那些温馨的留言,记忆的碎片随之被拼凑,拼凑那个分离的喧闹的教室。相机手机的“咔嚓”声不停地叩击着这件即将再见的教室的墙壁。 Read the messy notebooks accumulated together, and leave the message accidentally, the memory is pulled out, so easy.I couldnt help turning the warm comments, the pieces of memory were put together, and the separate noisy classroom was put together.The "click" sound of the camera mobile phone kept hitting the wall of the upcoming classroom.












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The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It’s on the fifth of August. We can hang lanterns in the house. In the evening,we have a big dinner. Look,there is lots of food on the table. They are chicken,fish,crabs and so on. They’re very delicious. We can drink a glass of juice.

We stand beside the table and we say,“Cheers,cheers,happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other. At night,the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can eat moon cakes,too. In the Mid-Autumn Festival,my parents and I are all very happy and excited.





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My little white rabbit wearing a white coat, hairy, look clean and agile. Every time I call it, it will put up the long big ears, staring two ruby as shiny big eyes, it is very spirit. The most interesting is that three lips, eat something, three flap on the shake up, but also issued a "rustling" sound, mouth two bearded a beard Alice Alice, amused us laugh. The most lovable or its little pompon-like tail, very cute. Rabbits front legs are short and small, hind legs long and powerful, in the animal kingdom it is still a long-distance running it!

My little rabbit is particularly greedy. He loves to eat carrots and leaves. One day, my grandmother bought three carrots, on the kitchen table, let me eat a meal after dinner, so good vitamin. After dinner, I picked up the carrots to eat up, just bite and saw a small rabbit jumped in front of me, greedy even the saliva flow out, looking at her poor look, I had to give It is a little, little rabbit holding a carrot with relish to eat up, not live to thank me nodded it.

My little rabbit special snooze. It sleeps like to sleep on their own front legs to sleep, that look very cute. If you stand beside it and listen, you can hear the snoring!

I love this cute little white rabbit!



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I like beach very much, I will go to the beach every summer. There is a small beach near my hometown, in the summer, there are many people go to the beach. They go to swimming, play with their friends. I will ask my brother to go there with me, we play the game hide and seek. I feel so happy in the beach.




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No.1 赫赫炎炎:形容势焰炽盛。

No.2 炎天暑月:指炎热的夏天。

No.3 炎炎夏日:非常炎热的夏天。

No.4 烈日炎炎:形容夏天阳光强烈。

No.5 汗出如浆:汗流的像水浆一样。

No.6 赫赫炎炎:形容炎热炽盛的样子。

No.7 祁寒酷暑:冬季大寒,夏天湿热。

No.8 狂风烈日:强风猛烈而酷热的天气。

No.9 赤日炎炎:太阳暴晒,很热的意思。

No.10 青衫凉笠:比喻夏天的衣服和帽子。

No.11 夏日炎炎:夏天阳光强烈,十分炎热。

No.12 绿树成荫:树木枝叶茂密,遮蔽了阳光。

No.13 燋金烁石:使金石销熔,形容天很酷热。

No.14 热不可耐:形容非常热,令人不可忍受。

No.15 挥汗如雨:挥:洒,泼。形容天热出汗多。

No.16 烈日中天:炎炎烈日中正好处于天空的中央。

No.17 流汗浃背:形容出汗多,湿透了背上的衣服。

No.18 骄阳如火:像火一样的阳光。形容天气非常热。

No.19 浮瓜避暑:暑日消暑的乐事。见“浮瓜沉李”。

No.20 五黄六月:指农历五 六月间天气最炎热的时候。

No.21 椅席炙手:椅子 席子摸着烫手,形容天气炎热。

No.22 五黄六月:指阴历五 六月间天气最炎热的时候。

No.23 暑往寒来:夏天过去,冬天到来。泛指时光流逝。

No.24 口干舌燥:燥:干。口舌都干了。形容说话太多。

No.25 烈日当空:炎热的太阳高挂天空。形容天气酷热。

No.26 暑气熏蒸:指夏天天气湿热好像被蒸在笼子里一样。

No.27 汗如雨下:汗珠象下雨似的往下掉。形容出汗很多。

No.28 火伞高张:比喻烈日当空。如:夏日炎炎,火伞高张。

No.29 烈日炎炎:形容夏天阳光强烈。也可称“赤日炎炎”。

No.30 无间冬夏:无论冬天还是夏天。指一年四季从不间断。

No.31 绿树成荫:树木枝叶茂密,遮住了阳光。正是盛夏季节。

No.32 热气腾腾:热气蒸腾的样子。形容气氛热烈或情绪高涨。

No.33 沉李浮瓜:吃在冷水里浸过的瓜果。形容暑天消夏的生活。

No.34 骄阳似火:强烈的阳光好像烈火一样。形容天气非常炎热。

No.35 浮瓜沉李:吃在冷水里浸过的瓜果。形容暑天消夏的生活。

No.36 挥汗成雨:挥:洒,泼。用手抹汗,汗洒下去就跟下雨一样。

No.37 赤地千里:赤:空。形容天灾或战争造成大量土地荒凉的景象。

No.38 骄阳如火:像火一样的阳光。形容天气非常热。亦作骄阳似火。

No.39 流金铄石:铄 流:熔化。形容天气酷热,好象金石都要熔化。

No.40 盛暑祁寒:炎热的夏天,严寒的冬季。形容气候条件恶劣的时节。

No.41 烈日当空:炎热的太阳高挂天空。形容天气酷热。近义火伞高张。

No.42 皎阳似火:皎:白而亮。太阳像火一样燃烧。多形容夏日的炎热。

No.43 焦金流石:将金属 石头烧焦 熔化。形容天气极度干旱 炎热。

No.44 烁石流金:指温度极高,能将金石熔化。形容酷热。烁,通“铄”。

No.45 火伞高张:比喻烈日当空。如:夏日炎炎,火伞高张。近义烈日当空。

No.46 旱魃为虐:旱魃:古代传说中能赞成旱灾的怪物;虐:灾害。指旱灾。

No.47 炎炎夏日:非常炎热的夏天。如:炎炎夏日海滩上到处都是戏水的人潮。

No.48 炎阳炙人:指炎热的太阳照射在身上,好像烤火一般热。形容非常酷热。

No.49 夏日可畏:象夏天酷热的太阳那样使人可怕。比喻为人严厉,令人畏惧。

No.50 铄石流金:铄 流:熔化。石头被熔化,金属变成了水。形容天气很热。

No.51 冬日夏云:冬天的太阳,夏天的云层。比喻人态度温和可亲,使人愿意接近。

No.52 冬扇夏炉:冬天的扇子,夏天的火炉。比喻不合时宜。也比喻毫无用处的东西。

No.53 簟纹如水:簟:竹。竹席细密的纹理像清凉的水一样。常用以形容夏夜的清凉。

No.54 炎阳炙人:炙:烤。指炎热的太阳照射在身上,好像烤火一般热。形容非常酷热。

No.55 烈日炎炎:形容夏天阳光强烈。也可称“赤日炎炎”。例:“烈日炎炎似火烧”。

No.56 火伞高张:火伞:比喻夏天太阳酪烈;张:展开。形容夏天烈日当空,十分炎热。

No.57 冬温夏凊:冬天使父母温暖,夏天使父母凉爽。本指人子孝道。现亦泛称冬暖夏凉。

No.58 寸草不生:寸草:一点儿草。形容土地贫瘠,连一点儿草都不长。亦形容灾情严重。

No.59 浮瓜沉李:比喻夏日的一种生活景象。浮沉於水中的瓜 李,是夏天清凉可口的食物。

No.60 夏炉冬扇:夏天生火炉,冬天扇扇子。比喻做事不符合当时的需要,费了力气而得不到好处。

No.61 狂风烈日:强风猛烈而酷热的天气。如:古代骆驼商队行经戈壁,常需忍受狂风烈日的恶劣天候。

No.62 大汗淋漓:淋漓:液体湿湿地淌下,即流滴的样子。形容因运动或体力劳动等导致浑身出了很多汗。

No.63 吴牛喘月:吴牛:指产于江淮间的水牛。吴地水牛见月疑是日,因惧怕酷热而不断喘气。比喻因疑心而害怕。

No.64 夏雨雨人:雨:前一个“雨”,名词,雨水;后一个“雨”,动词,下雨。有如夏天的雨落在人身上。比喻及时给人帮助和教育。

No.65 暑气蒸人:形容夏天的时候,尤其是明天户外,感觉热气浪一阵一阵的从地上往上钻,或是迎面扑来,然后汗就哗啦啦的流,那个热呀,像蒸桑拿似,所以叫暑气蒸人。



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There are several supermarkets around my familys home. My mother and I often go shopping there. On Sunday, mother prepared to make dumplings, in the filling of the time, suddenly found no thirteen incense, mother Teng not to hand, dad is not at home now, mother had to let me go to buy thirteen incense. I never wanted to go to the supermarket to buy something myself. I dont want to mention how happy I am. My mother told me to remember two points: first, out of the house, the vehicle must be careful. Two, buy the "Wang Shouyi" brand thirteen incense, to see the price, he settled back the money. My mother gave the money into his pocket, I went downstairs.

Downstairs, I ran out of the gate of the trot. Ill look around the vehicle on the road, and then along the roadside came to the supermarket, more and more people in the supermarket. I went to a superb collection of beautiful things, seasoning, after looking carefully, finally in a frame in a corner of the goods found thirteen incense, I picked up a box, go to the cashier to pay, the cashier twenty yuan, counting the heart the back how much money, with spices and change, swiftly ran home.

When I got home, I couldnt wait to tell my mother, "Im home."." Mom smiled and said, "its pretty fast."." Mom picked up the dressing and looked, "ah, whats pepper?"!" I said in surprise: "no?"" I took a look at it, ah, really took the wrong, and thirteen incense packaging is very close. I lowered my head awkwardly. Mother said, "never mind. Just go to the supermarket and change."." I ran fast and went to the supermarket, openly explain the situation to the waiter, very smoothly for a box of thirteen incense.

Although Im late for lunch today, Im happy too. I grew up and can help adults buy things. Although its a little careless, its also an experience of growing up. Ill do better.



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The autumn girl drove the summer heat of the summer heat, and brought the cool autumn.

Autumn girl ran into the orchard with her wand a little, the orchard faction of the scene. Mature grapes like a string of crystal clear agate, looks like a mouth-watering, taste a grape in the mouth of the sweet juice in the mouth aftertaste infinite, really people eat a want to eat the second and third Stars. Orchard in the orchard fire red, like a group of burning fire is burning. I could not help it temptation to take off a red hawthorn taste, sour me. I think this hawthorn is really looking good, but eating is really not delicious ah I can no longer be confused by the appearance of the future. Orchard jujube also one by one hanging on the branches, picked down a large and red dates, a taste of sweet and delicious, sweet and crisp very delicious.

The orchard of the persimmon one by one to the branches bent to the waist, one of the Huang Chengcheng persimmon is like a hanging in the branches of a small lantern. I taste really amazing, it is very sweet taste, like sugar as sweet, very delicious really want to eat one. Pomegranate in the orchard is also cooked, one by one grinned his mouth, inside the fruit is like a piece of ruby. In the mouth of a bite rotten, sweet juice to spray out, sweet and sour, very delicious.

Autumn orchard is really a good harvest season it!



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We had a sports meeting last Friday. All of the students took an active part in it. Our class did very well in the sports meeting. The boys won the boys 400 metres, and the girls won the girls 200 metres.

I joined in the sports meeting, too. In the long jump, I won the second prize. But unluckily, I was the last one in the high jump.

Though the sports meeting has been over, Ill always remember the spirit of Faster, Higher and Stronger .



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Mrs. Li has left a very good first impression on us. She is a beautiful young lady, enthusiastic and energetic. Now we know that she is a really wonderful teacher. Not only does she explain everything clearly but also she is very patient with us. Besides, her class

is well organized and in class she always encourages us and avoids making us feel embarrassed even when we make mistakes, so every student is very active in the class discussing.

So far, Mrs. Li has been teaching us for only two weeks, but she has already been popular with all of the students in our class! With Mrs. Lis help, we have learnt a lot of new words, phrases and sentence patterns. I am sure that we are going to make great progress in English with Mrs Li teaching us.



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I have a cat .Its name is Mimi. Its very lovey.My family all like it.

It always plays with me every day .It has black and white fur.As long as we sayMimi,It right away runs to you.

Its very good!so My family all like it!
