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When we talk about being independent, we often think about leaving our parents and living alone。 The mental independence is always ignored by people, mental independence means the person can measure the things and make the right decision。 As for the children, even they move out and stay far away from their parents, but sometimes they just can’t control themselves, they will get the bad behavior, like smoking and drinking, their life is losing control。 The young people need to cultivate their independent spirit, they should think by themselves, learn to take care of the other people, thus they can be the real independent。 When a person grows up, they can be strong enough to support their lives and at the same time, they can be mature enough to make their own decision。 They can tell what is wrong and what is right。


[精神独立Mental Independence的英语作文




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Whatever we are, we should do our best!

When I was a little girl ,I dreamed to grow up. Because I think a child doesn‘t has freedom,and can‘t do anything himself.

But now I have grown up, to my surprise, I feel more tired and have more suffering.Though I can do something myself, I don‘t feel happy at all.

I believe you also have the same thoughs with me. when we was a child , we wanted to grow up, but when we became a older man,we don‘t have such nice life as wish. So whatever we are children or adults, we should try to make our life better, and make ourselves more happy. we should try our best to study hard, then we can let parents have good life, too! Let‘s do our best to do ourself ! Believe yourself ! You are the best!




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1、old hen 老婆子

俗语,男性用语,专用于中年以上的女性。除开玩笑的场合外,女性不太欢迎这一称谓。因为“old hen”的字面意思是“老母鸡”。这一表达的来源是:从男人们的眼光来看,母鸡来回乱跑,凑在一起唧唧喳喳,或者互相对啄。Three old hens from the neighbored were standing on the corner gossiping.(有三个邻居老婆子站在街角上说长道短。)说到hen还要提到与hen相关的表达:hen-pecked怕老婆的,本义是“被母鸡啄的”。意思是“象软弱的公鸡经常被强壮的母鸡啄伤。男子慑于女性的淫威,表现得服服帖帖”。这个表达出自1690年德莱顿的喜剧《安菲特律翁》和1712 发行的杂志《旁观者》。理解了上面的意思,那么hen party就不难理解为“女人的聚会”。后引申为凡是只有女人参加的社交性聚会都叫hen party。与它相对的是stag party雄鹿会,只有男子参加的聚会。

2、spring chicken 少女

原意“童子鸡,不超过10个月的肉嫩的笋鸡”。这一表达来源已久:在古时候由于孵化技术上的原因,不到春天就很难得到这样的鸡,后转义为“少女”。 Mrs. Gray may not be a granny, but shes certainly no spring chicken.(格雷夫人也许还不算老太太,但是她的年纪肯定不小啦。)有时可直接用chick表示“小女孩儿”。That chicks a real tiger. She scratched my face when I talked back.(那小娘儿们可真是个母老虎。当我还嘴时,她竟然抓破了我的脸。)

3、the little woman 老婆,太太

请注意不要漏掉定冠词the。I promised the little woman to be home early tonight.(我答应我老婆今天晚上早回家。)偶尔也表示“你太太”。Hows the little woman?(你太太好吗?)对太太的称呼还有Missus,带有戏谑的说法。Im fine, but the missus has been a little under the weather recently.(我身体很好,但是我老婆最近有点不舒服。)有时用于对方或第三方的妻子。Hello, Jim. Hows the missus these days?(吉姆,你好。你太太最近好吗?)对妻子的称呼另有ones better half。这一表达是以基督教的男女结婚合成一体的教义为基础的。I promised to take my better half shopping this afternoon.(我答应我妻子今天下午带她去买东西。)

4、ones ball and chain 老婆

本义是“带有重铁球的脚镣”。过去犯人在户外劳动时,为防止他们逃跑而带上这种刑具。把丈夫象犯人似地束缚起来,转用于玩笑中指“老婆”。Yes, Im going to the party tonight, but Ill have to drag along my ball and chain.(是呀,我要参加今天的社交晚会,但是我必须带着我家的母老虎。)Lady of the house也指“老婆,屋里头的”。

5、ones old lady 老娘,某人的母亲

此处的old并不表示“老,年纪大”,与an old lady“老太太”不同。Her old lady is very young.(她老娘很年轻。)这样的说法很自然。但有时可能有人不喜欢,所以使用时要注意场合。在谈到自己的母亲时,可以加定冠词,作the old lady。The old lady has gone to bed.(俺娘已经睡下了。)

那fat lady指的什么呢?先看例句:The opera is not over until the fat lady sings.(关键人物出面问题才会解决。)原来fat lady是在歌剧中演压轴戏的女主角,俗称“大姐大”。说到ones old lady,顺便提及ones old man老爸,老头。His old man is thirty.他老豆30岁了。在指“家父”时,加定冠词,作the old man。Ill have to ask the old man.(我得去问问我爸爸。)

6、doll 美人

本义“洋娃娃”。在男性使用的场合仅指“美人”,并无头脑简单的意思。Get a load of that doll over there. I wonder what her name is.(你瞧瞧那边的那位美人哟!)不知道她叫什么名字。女性把doll翻版用作对男性的称呼,表示“有魅力的英俊男子”。Isnt the captain of the baseball team a doll?(棒球队长是不是很帅?)有时doll表示“可爱的姑娘”。My brothers new girl friend is a doll.(我弟弟新近交的女朋友是个挺可爱的姑娘。)

7、skirt 青年女子

这一表达来源于女性穿的裙子,与中国旧时用“裙钗”表女子是一样的构思。这一说法仅限于男子对女性的称呼,因为女性并不喜欢这一称呼。There are a lot of good-looking skirts among the freshmen this year.(在今年新入学的大学一年级学生中,有很多好看的姑娘。)

8、clinging vine 会撒娇的女子;依赖男子的女人

像绕在树上的爬藤一样总挎着男人胳膊的女人。Every time we invite Bill to dinner, he shows up with one of his clinging vines.(我们每次请比尔吃饭的时候,他总是带着一位贴在身上撒娇的女人。)这一习语多用于未婚的女性。在用于已婚女性时,意思是“不能独立,依赖男人生活的女人”。Why dont you do something by yourself for a change? When I married you I didnt realize you were such a clinging vine.(你为什么不改变一下,自己做点什么事情呢?我跟你结婚时,我不知道你是这样一个没有独立能力的女人。)

9、a plain Jane 不起眼的女人

这里的plain是“不惹人注目的,朴素的”,而Jane是一般女人名,plain与Jane合辙押韵。I wonder why a handsome man like Jeff married such a plain Jane.(我很奇怪象杰夫这样出色的男子怎么会与一个不怎么起眼的姑娘结婚。)

10、jailbait 祸水妞儿

一般指11-15岁有姿色的少女。jail是“监狱”,bait是“诱饵”,押母韵,合起来就是“使人进监狱的诱饵”。认为美色诱发犯罪显然是想推脱干系,对女性极不公平。Shes a beautiful girl—but beware, shes jailbait.(她是个漂亮姑娘,但是要当心,可是个祸水妞儿啊。)




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应该禁止燃放烟火Fireworks Should Be Banned

In recent years, banning fireworks in a large number of Chinese cities has aroused a heat discussion among the public. Some are against it while some are for it. As far as I am concerned, banning fireworks is necessary and advantageous.


There are a few points accounting for my view. First, banning fireworks is good for keeping air quality. Setting off fireworks is one of the sources of air pollution because it will produce a lot of sulfur dioxide and other hazardous gases, which may lower air quality if they are emitted unlimitedly. Second, banning fireworks is helpful for people’s health. The hazardous gases from setting off fireworks are a potential harm for people’s health because these gases are the causes of some serious disease like respiratory diseases. Besides, fireworks are also a threat for people. The explosion of fireworks is so fast that people will be hurt without awareness. In addition, setting off fireworks will produce noise, which has a negative influence on people’s health and life.

我的理由有如下几点。首先,禁止燃放烟火有利于保证空气质量。燃放烟火是一大空气污染的来源,因为燃放烟火会释放出大量的二氧化硫和其他有害气体, 如果这些有害气体不能得到控制将降低空气质量。其次,禁放烟火有助于人们的身体健康。燃放烟火而释放出的有害气体对人们的身体健康有潜在危害,因为这些有害气体会导致人们患上严重的疾病,例如呼吸道疾病。另外,烟火还会威胁到人们的安危。烟火燃爆十分迅猛,无警觉的人们常常会受到伤害。最后,燃放烟火爆竹会产生噪音,会对人们的身体健康和日常生活带来负面影响。

For above reasons, I consider that banning fireworks is advantageous. In addition, I think that other healthy and meaningful ways of celebrating festivals should replace setting off fireworks.





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I was the only child at home, mom and Dad, grandma told me I was spoiled, clothing to hand, eat a ready-cooked meal. This year, the summer vacation is coming, the school held a military summer camp, I immediately had a small abacus

That night after the final exam, I came out of the blue in the table. I solemnly announced: "I want to go to the military summer camp.". When I finished, he hands a look, Dad agree, mother seems to be angry. I immediately added: "now we will not discuss this problem until dinner is discussed so as not to cause indigestion.". I managed to stop laughing and finish a bowl of rice and fled the table to let them eat.

Get back to the study to do some homework, mother said: you put into writing, and will listen to me to say a few words to do homework. I had to sit on the bed, unhurried, wait for the hearing.

Mother began to advise me: son! You dont know the hard work of military summer camp. You didnt do exercises since you were young. How can you join us?. I listened to my mothers blunt words and immediately replied, "Mom, dont try to persuade me. Im determined to finish.". Now say not long hard wings, how can fly up, if I go to the military summer camp, some said that I would be weak wings long hard, and I have before.

Mothers face, nose is not nose, mouth is not mouth, five Palace moved. Mother seemed to be angry, but she was still not angry. My mother walked, I can be happy, who knows grandmother came in again, I listen to grandmas word most in the life, I begin to be nervous, fortunately I prepare mentally, also calm down.

As soon as grandma comes in, she says, "my little grandson!"! Summer camp can be hard, or else, I take you to the mountains every day, so you can exercise. I listened to grandmas nagging, a grandmother said: grandma a stratagem comes to mind! You dont always want me to eat fat! I go to summer camp, activities for a whole day, although a little tired, but this way, appetite will be big, I finished eating bowl another bowl, ten days without seeing, will weigh several. Oh If so, I didnt wait until grandma finished saying, "grandma, you promised me to go to the summer camp."! Thank you, grandma! Grandma smiled and said, "lets go."!

Finally, I took part in the summer camp and became independent. I disagree with my mother in the summer camp, my mother said: "Mom!"! Im sorry. I need to be independent. I need some practice. Im sure youll see a brand new me when I come back. Then you dont like to be a stranger.



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Nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family. they are the apple of their parents’ eyes or even their granparents’, so they are free of any house work or menial labor. and moral education is no more than some bookish thing. studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.

To educate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education.



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"The weakness of human nature" once mentioned that "to be a real man, you must be a person who is not blind." Yes, blind man is a person without wisdom, truly wise is not a fence, and is a strong willed nail, adhere to the correct position of their own life, adhere to the scientific truth. And blind obedience must be like the wrong direction, guiding us to fall into the wrong abyss.

Ding Zhaozhong is a famous physicist, he does not accord with experimental results obtained in measuring the radius of the electron and theoretical physicists and derived results, because other physicists conclude electronic no volume, thinking he have different results after heavy experiment experimental results prove the scientists before are wrong. Later Ding Zhaozhong obtained a revelation: do the physics experiment, do not blindly follow the expert conclusion.

Ding Zhaozhong dare to insist, against the expert conclusion behavior is bold, it is admirable, but the blind followers with comparison, we can see that blindly with the flow of people is how foolish bear.

When the spring and Autumn period, is an ugly woman, she saw the beauty of Xi Shi because of chest pain clutching his chest, frowning look beautiful, also with Xi Shi, originally looks ugly, he frowned, originally form Hanxiong humpback, and covered his chest, get more ugly and a sneer at.

Take the story to prove that the blind obedience of the ridiculous. This unconsciously caused us to think deeply. Why Ding Zhaozhong will be admirable, but when is fun? The reason is very simple. Ding Zhaozhong dare to put forward his own unique opinions and ideas, stick to the truth and seek truth and pragmatism, while Dong Shi doesnt study the essential content, just imitate the form of expression. Therefore, we should insist on being the master of our mind.

With regard to independent thinking and blind obedience, many examples are inspiring. Because of the independent thinking, Copernicus found the heliocentric theory to achieve a fundamental reform of astronomy, Han Yu launched a literary movement, inject new blood to the literature. But because blindly, dongshixiaopin eventually became a joke, Yan Ling Handans crawling wrong life. Therefore, only the independent thinking and the refusal of blind obedience can make us go on the right path, gain more harvest, and have a more perfect life.



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How Should Parents Help Children to be Independent Nowadays, there is a growing concern over such a phenomenon, that is, some parents take care of almost everything concerned with their children, including study, work and marriage. Some parents believe that this is love, however, it is only to destroy children’s independence thoroughly. For the future of the next generation, more efforts should be made by parents to help their children to be independent. The fundamental one is to cultivate the awareness, namely, the importance and necessity of being independent, which is supposed to begin from childhood. Children should be taught that no one can be stronger and more helpful than themselves in this world. The quality of independence is so indispensable for us that parents had better act as a tutor, not a dictator. And only with parents trust, can the next generation accumulate confidence step by step.



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Should we help strangers

Recently,accroding to the report that is a child to help a older man who fall down.unfortunely,the older man is a bad cheater,he pretented.The report pays a lot of people attention.

There are different opinions among people as to   should we help strangers,some people suggest that is a virtue.As we all know a words said that help others is help yourself.

Another thinks that it likely would take trouble to their life.Its very dangerous.They rather than accept social critizise.

As far as I am concerned,I agree with first opinion.I believe that someone should be help with me.Whatever the social change,I still do that I think right things and never change.We help strangers,on the same time,we would potect ourself.



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Nowadays in china,many students are the only child in their family.They are the apple of their parentseyes or even their granparents,so they are free of any house work or menial labor.and moral education is no more than some bookish thing.Studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.

To educate them to be independent,the most effective way is to let them experience on their own.Therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education.




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Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A. She was a great woman. When Helen was a baby,she got very sick. Afthe many weeks,the doctor said:"she is better,but now she cant see and she cant hear." Her mother and father were very sad . Afthe a few years,things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didnt undertand anyting. Then one day a teacher come to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was a bright child and soon she learned to spell her first word. When she was older,she went to college. Helen was very famous. She helped many blind and deaf people. She traveled around the world and helped many people. Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf,but she found a way to see and hear.



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Helping strangers used to be considered as a virtue. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of strangers. They are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring them trouble. Whats your opinionWrite a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:Should We Help Strangers




范文:Helping strangers has always been considered as a treasured virtue of mankind. We need help from others throughout our life, whenever we travel to other places or stay at home. On the other hand, helping others can make us happy. We feel great joy when we are trusted, needed and able to give a hand.

However, some people are cautious when it comes to helping strangers. They say that helping others involves risks of getting hurt or cheated. Lending a hand to a stranger often puts us in a vulnerable position for it means trusting someone we do not even know. Moreover, there are times when we have physical limitations. For instance, we can’t swim but a girl is drowning, what should we doIf we are blind to that limitation, giving a hand would conversely take our life.

In my opinion, we should still offer what we can do to help those needed strangers. Meanwhile, we should beware of getting cheated and use our common sense to tell whether the strangers are real needed people or just professional cheats. Detecting anything unusual, we should defend ourselves or turn to the police.



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Today, more and more young people are crazy about western festivals. When western festivals come, they usually go to restaurants or shopping malls to have fun.


Why do the young enjoy western festivals so much? Since they worship everything new, and they can’t resist the temptation. In their opinions, western festivals symbolize the fashion, while our Chinese traditional festivals are out of date. No wonder we always feel so boring during our traditional holidays. If we still turn a blind eye to our traditional festivals, our culture and civilization will disappear someday. Accordingly, it is high time for us to pay close attention to our Chinese festivals.


As a Chinese, we have the obligation to protect our culture and custom. So I think we should celebrate our Chinese festivals by doing some traditional activities. As for western festivals, we needn’t to be too excited about them. We can just send our best wishes to our best friends during those festivals.




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I got an idea about why I am not good at express myself. The answer is I become independence.When we are young, we depend on our parents to take care of everything. As time goes by, we can live by ourselves. we do not seek advice from them. They are no longer the God they used to be.So we become remote to them gradually.We do not unsterdand the love our parents given to us untill we become parents. At the early stage of dependence, we are lonely planets. We do not talk to them as we did in the past. However, when we grow older, say in our 30s, 40s, the true meaning of life come to us. And this kind of independence is a mature one.




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Nowadays, most children, who are the only child in the family, are given too much love by their parents. It is because that they are protected from hardship and difficulties, they become less independent. However, a spoiled child will have a hard job to live in this competitive society. We should know the fact that no parents can keep a good company with their children for the whole life. Thus, parents should encourage their children to do whatever they can, so as to develop their abilities of independence.




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One day Sun Wukong together with his master and brothers was walking across a river. Suddenly his master fell off the horse by the bad smell of river water. They found the water so dirty that they could hardly breathe.

A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed. If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.


There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.


Dear editor,

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. _________________________________________________________

Yours truly

Li Hua

Dear editor,

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.

With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Because of population expansion and overdevelopment, resources has become less and less. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.

Yours truly

Li Hua



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These days.my parents and i have talking about whether i should study abroad.I fully understand the parents to send me abroad for my good.(我很明白父母送我出国是为了我好。)But I really do not want to leave home, and I think their standard of spoken language is not enough, I also know that study abroad is very expensive, and now is just a waste of money to go abroad.(但是我真的不想离开家乡,而且我认为自己的口语也不够标准,我还知道出国留学是很费钱的,现在出国只是浪费钱。)Mom and Dad just do not understand why I was thinking it? No matter how I say that they ignore me. They say that these are an excuse to go abroad to foreign language will naturally increase, where they also can be given to more friends, what is bad.(为什么爸妈就不懂我的心思呢?不管我怎么说,他们就是不理我。他们说这些都是借口,到了国外外语自然会提高,到了那里还可以交到更多的朋友,有什么不好的。)They said I was a person living abroad can enhance their ability to live independently is conducive to their own development. Also said that the children study in foreign countries have a future. How can I do? Who can help me?(他们说我一个人在国外生活可以增强自己独立生活的能力,有利于自身发展。还说在国外读书的孩子有前途。我该怎么办?谁能帮帮我?)



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Imagine a stranger approaches you one day and says: “I can make you rich if you do what I say.” Would you immediately follow his instructions, or start asking questions? Most likely, you would request some evidence from the stranger to prove his claims. By asking questions, youre using a skill called “critical thinking.”


Critical thinking refers to a special technique that helps you evaluate and judge information. With this skill, you can form your own opinions and make your own decisions. In short, you can think for yourself.


Living in the information age, we receive all kind of information every day. Some comes from people or sources we know and trust. But much of it comes from less credible sources Web sites, advertisements, television. Critical thinking helps us determine whether this information is reliable or not.


Lets use an example to illustrate critical thinking. Imagine youre deciding whether to further your education or not. On a college Web site, you read: “The higher your education, the more likely you will be to succeed.” How would a critical thinker react to this statement?





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Marie Curie, as a distinguished female scientists, In eight years time, and just 3,000 were of two different disciplines on the highest scientific crown -- Nobel Prize and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

No one has admitted she let such a beautiful and delicate woman to bear the cross of science,and she is going without looking back, in the history of mankind and left their names be eternal. Marie Curies life for the contribution it has made remarkable man. As a great woman, she has won the love and admiration for the people of the world.

However, she refused lifelong wealth, the honor and regard with indifference. She naturally behave but not disclosed to bear fruit, and she has not taken any of the fish for fame, neither helpless. Marie was born with the quality: unwavering character, intellectual perseverance; know all contributions to the spirit of self-sacrifice and not accept any benefits; success is not particularly proud of, scourge can bend the very purity of the soul. Shes all that. Her colorful life than work, or even more commendable.
