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12 May 2006

Dear Sir,

I am writing to apply for a British Council scholarship to study in Britain. I did my five years basic training in medicine at Shanghai University. After this I successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in Ophthalmology at the Peoples General Hospital, where I am at present serving a two-year probation in the Eye Clinic.

As a result of the publication in 2003 of my article in New Scientist entitled "Soft and Rigid Contact Lenses ", which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, I made contact with Dr. Li Ming of the Capital Hospital and Dr. Ma Li of the University College Hospital. I have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 200 patients.

Despite their help, I feel that I cannot make real progress in this field unless I can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists. I would therefore like to continue my research at either the Capital Hospital or the UCH as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and I would like to study in Britain for two years.

I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from Dr. Li Ming and Dr. Ma Li.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Chen




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dear yanglang,

i’m really miss you , we can’t see about three months . are you ok? i hope you happy every day.

we have eight classes everyday , and only two classes are not english , another classes is listening , reading , speaking and writing english . some people think it is boring in the classes , but i think this is very enjoyable .

i love my life now . because i always feel fulfilled all day . i am so busy that i can’t play ping-pong . i think it is my desire to enjoy life.

i want to travel to mountain hua . three years ago i went there , but don’t go to the top , so i must go there when i have free time.

take care yourself!

love young!





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dear friend,

how have you been recently? i miss you very much. do you still remember me?

to be honest, im honored to make friends with you. i still remember the days when we were together. as far as i know, you are the kindest person in the world. once we were together, you always treated me as if i were your dear brother, so i was grateful to you in my heart. after you leaving, i always thought of you. next time we have a chance to see each other, i will say "thank you" to you. thank you for your kindness. now i have got the meaning of my life.

although we are in two different places now, we are still together, because we are always heart to heart. i believe we can see each other again. since we are always close friends as well as dear brothers. because of you, my life is always so significant. wherever i am, i will pray good luck for you.

last but not the least, i hope you can make it and have a bright future.

sincerely yours,




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There was once a man that thought he knew everything, and so kept showing

off to the people at his country. As time passed, many people began to feel,

that this smart man, could even beat the professor of the king. Now this king

was very proud, but the professor was not so at all. But the professor said,

“Don’t say it too soon;” and from those words, he began to decide which hard

question to ask the man.

At last he thought of a funny question, “He shall never find the answer!

Ha!” it all happened that the clever man whom I have told you; had a big stage.

All the people that have questions, should stand on this stage, and ask him what

the problem or question is.

One day the professor piled up in the line, and waited his turn. When it

was his turn, he asked the smart man, “I don’t think you could answer this

question my lord,” said the professor smiling, “I could answer all of them

foolish professor!” shouted the man with an angry tongue, “Tell me what the

question is, and I shall prove to you that I can answer every question; if I

can, then I shall ask you a question; if you do not give me the correct answer,

then I shall kill you!” shouted the man.

“But what if you don’t?” asked the professor, “Then you shall stand on this

stage and I shall hire servants to serve you;” said the man with a laugh. The

professor then began his question, “What is the first tower in 1910, and 1911;

and 1912, and 1913…and 2016? And what is the height of them? If they all stack

up, then how tall would it be?” “Ugh, give me a sec would you mind?” and then he

began to calculate; but he couldn’t find the answer.” “What’s wrong?” asked the

professor with a smile, “Couldn’t find the answer, perhaps?” “No, I-I-I-I just

ne-ed… Ugh, fine; you win! Ugh!” and so the professor soon became king and ruled

his country wise and well. People asked him many other questions, and the

professor answered them all. The clever man that thought he knew everything

however, was locked up in a cage for him cruelty to the king.

The moral of this story is, when you think you know everything; don’t think

so; for maybe a question will ruin your brain----Lulu read.



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Dear President,

I am a student of Class Seven, Grade Two of our school. I am writing to

share some advices with you. We all know that study is the most important task

for senior students, so it’s necessary for us to spend most of our time in

study. However, proper rest is necessary for us as well. But in our school, we

only have a short night to rest, which I think it’s not good to us. I did a

survey in our school that collect the ideas about having a longer rest every

week. Almost all students say that they need more time to rest and relax.

Therefore, according the opinions of our students, I would like to advise that

set an afternoon and a night for students to have a good rest. Proper rest can

help students focus on study better. I will be more than happy that you could

accept the suggestion.

Sincerely yours,




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20 June 2006

Dear Sir,

I noticed an ad. In the paper today you said you were looking for people to join your expedition team. It sounded as if it might be fun so Im writing to say Id like to come along.

About myself: I left school at 16 because I wanted to earn a bit of money. After that I got a few part-time jobs as a waiter, etc. But I didnt stick to any of them for long. Recently Ive been doing a bit of hitch-hiking round Europe so Ive had some experience of traveling the hard way which should come in handy on the expedition youre planning. By the way, Im a great guitarist so I can keep you all amused round the campfire at night.

Let me know when I can call in for a chat about dates and other details, etc.


David Smith



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I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. She

teaches Chinese. I am a student in Grade 7. On Sunday, we often go out for a

picnic. We are all very happy. Do you have a happy family too?



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亲爱的羽桐: 你好!

朋友,最近一切还好吗?去年我们在苏州相识了,那短短一个多小时的接触,你却给我留下了深刻的印象,至今一直想邀请你到我的家乡——如东来做客。 我的家乡靠近海边,这里正发生着日新月异的变化。如东有千里海堤第一树——蓬蓬树,还有古色古香的海印寺。

站在观海长堤上,能欣赏到白鸥戏潮,一艘艘渔轮正随潮归港,特别是那高耸的大风车,你一定没见过吧,到时,就让我带你去瞧一瞧吧。海面上常常刮大风,如东人觉得这是一个很有价值的无污染的风力发电资源,便沿着十里海堤竖起了一排排整齐的风车。这些风车像巨人一样守卫着美丽的南黄海海滩。它们不知疲倦,日夜不停地旋转,为家乡人们提供了无污染电能。 我的家乡不仅风景优美,还是鱼米之乡。秋天,金黄的稻穗随处可见。整个秋天,全县人民都沉浸在成熟的米香之中。再说那洋口国家中心渔港的海产摊头上,鲳鱼、黄鱼、圆头鱼、带鱼、鲦鱼??名目繁多,应有尽有。

还有尖子蟹、梭子蟹、大对虾、中条虾、小白虾、泥螺等。这些还不足为奇,顶拔尖的要数竹蛏!这是如东的特产,也只有我们如东人烹调的竹蛏才真正地道。此外,我们这里还是文蛤的故乡,文蛤营养丰富,素有“天下第一鲜”的美称。等你来了,我一定请你吃海鲜大餐。 另外,如东还举办一年一度的风筝大赛。每年秋季,中外友人汇聚一堂,在黄海之滨放飞各种各样的风筝,他们尽情欢乐,尽情欣赏这美丽的南黄海风光。




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When I grow up, I want to be an artist. I want to use my colorful pencil to

draw this wonderful world to everyone.

Some years ago, I did not know how to use the pencil to draw the picture

for my mother and my father. One day, I found I could draw animals, people,

mountains, seasons with the colorful pencils with teacher’s help. As a result, I

want to be a artist. Even though this dream is very small, but I still make my

effort. I can study drawing hardly from now on. An then I think my dream will

come true.

When I grow up, I want to be an artist. What about you? What’s your




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After the death of Cassim, Ali Baba wanted revenge from those terrible

robbers, and so thought of a plan. When his wife and he finished their porridge,

Ali Baba used his money and bought as much oil as his three mules could carry;

and then disguised himself as the king’s peasant.

When it was the afternoon, Ali Baba tied the jars of oil to his three

mules, and then set off to where the rock is. When the robbers arrived they saw

Ali Baba in the disguise of a peasant, they said, “Dear king’s peasant, we wish

to let you move aside, so that we could get something that could make our

life-a-a-a-better,” “Okay dear boys, but first I want you to have some of this

oil which is fresh made. They are very cheap.”

The robbers argued with Ali Baba until they said, okay, but first you step

aside while we get something in the cave; and then come out to buy some oil;”

then they drove Ali Baba away for about a kilometer away from the rock, and then

went back to get their money. The captain of the robbers said, “Open sesame!”

and the door flew wide open, and then they walked inside. After a short time

they came back, they loaded some wood so as to pretend they went there just to

get wood; and then rode off to where Ali Baba stood staring at them eagerly.

“Okay king’s peasant,” said the captain of the robbers, “We shall drink the

oil in which you requested us to do;” and so Ali Baba gave them each a scoop of

oil to drink, and then went back himself.

The next day he went to where the robbers lived, since oil can make people

dizzy, they probably should wake up very, very late. And so he took with him a

can of white paint, and painted their house door with it; then without a word to

say, he carved, “Put the robbers in jail, they stole some money and pretended

that they were nice!”

After a short time he found the robbers waking up, and then dressing up.

They found out all the people in town were staring at their door, they thought,

“Look Erick! They must think our door is pretty indeed. ”And then all the

robbers went out and waved here and there without even noticing that on their

door was the sign. And so they had to be arrested. After a few minutes when they

opened their eyes, they were in jail. And they had a guard to guard the lock,

and so they couldn’t get the keys and come out.

The robbers were not happy, but they said, “Chill up,” to every other

robber because that they had a sick plan.



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Dear Tom,

How are you doing? Currently, 为了欢迎新同学,晚会在我们学校被举办。

inordertowelcomethenewstudents,aneveningpartywillbeheldinourschool. As the chairman

of the Students’ Union, I’m writing to invite you to join us.

Here is a 简单(简洁)安排briefschedule . First, it

will be held in the school meeting hall from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. next Sunday.

Additionally, 将会有很多被老师和学生们所呈现present的很棒的表演(there be句型)therewillbemanywonderfulperformancespresentedbytheteachersandstudents, such as singing, dancing, performing plays and so


Everyone is longing for your coming, and


I sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation and I have the

confidence that we students would be extremely delighted to see you.


I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



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Dear Tom,

I got my report card.today.I got an A in Chinese.math,science.My Chinese

teacher said that I did well in writing.My history teacher encouraged me to read

more stories.And I need to be more careful in math.I did OK in physics. I got a

B,but my teacher said I could do better.The worst was a C in English.My teacher

said I should do more listening and speaking.Could you give me some advice on

learning English?

Write soon.


Li Hua



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Dear New Year: Hello! This is the first time for the small cabinet in the public number to write a more alternative push, but it is very meaningful, it will record every day of the journey of the heart. I often tell myself that every day is worth living. Dou Handle turned southeast northwest, the four seasons and a reincarnation, such as a flash of time, the New Year you came to our side. New Years day, people often to the future time to place good wishes, pray to ring out the old and welcome the new, the day over better. In the heart of the pavilion, the New Year is a symbol of footprints - through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, but always harbor the courage to change. In fact, I have always liked the atmosphere of the New Year, no matter how far we go, go around or back to my hometown, like the sun, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The New Year you walk through the people mountain people sea, walked the sun and the moon mountains and rivers, in the arrival of the spring time to bring the best wishes. You tell us all the time, their happiness and happy things to hide in the heart, as fireworks bloom and bloom, let the reunion in the heart of the warm to disperse the winter. Looking at your figure, listening to your blessing, I suddenly feel every hug with you is a kind of happiness, because every year you always come as expected. Everywhere you go, the sun shines. Where you point, the stars shine. The ancients often said: "a years plan begins with spring. In the New Year, your "new", new in us spend a full year, and full of hope for the next year, so that the unknown life more hope and expectation. You let us realize that each New Year is a world of bath wash, wash our past regrets, wash our pure heart, so that each person more a side of the vast "heart". But I know that each time you come, bring us a new feeling and experience! We had a special and unforgettable Spring Festival this year. At the very beginning, there was an outbreak of pneumonia across China. People were uneasy about every day, as if the New Year had lost its flavor. On the Internet, looking at pictures of empty streets and scenes of hospitals full of people, I saw that everyones eyes were full of the desire to survive, the kind of expectation that they would not give up in the difficult situation. In ordinary life, people always say "the world is not worth it", but in a crisis, it is "to live is to be happy". It made me see what happiness is. Happiness is when you are in good health and I try my best to live each day well. People are not no pursuit, but excessive desire will make people live uncomfortable. No matter what happens, you will always be able to give us hope in the New Year, give everyone the motivation to make a difference, and dispel the clouds of fear that hang over our hearts. You have come to us in the New Year with hope and with the pomp of spring. You gave everyone a beautiful wish to think: the day of spring flowers, flowers flourish, warbler, all things born spring garden. We live in a world of peace and prosperity, where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams. Because of this desire, many people for their own homes, go to the front line, to protect the people behind them. Its not that theyre not afraid of the unknown. Its that they feel its worth it to protect everything. The New Year you bring us hope, one is connected to cherish, one is connected to change, one is connected to the unknown, one is connected to the star. This New Year, I firmly believe that everyone will cherish the future life, cherish the people around more. May we meet every year



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Dear Miss Nancy,

Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday

party last Saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill

early that day.

Hoping to see you soon.

Truly yours,




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Dear Mrs Hu,

I am very glad to write to you about what I think in my mind.

First of all, I think I have to admit that you have excellect command of

English and teach us much knowledge, which is not only English but also lots of

thinking on life .

Next,You help us how to see the world and even how to apply for a good


but I think what impressed me most was the way you work. You do everything

so patiently and carefully, which is highly thought of by all the

classmates...All of these leads us to respect you very much.

Well,AS for me,I think full of humor is your another impressed

charactistics.You know, I just regard your class as a very enjoying meal. I

guess It’s widely acknowledged that all of your students like It very much.

To conclude,I think you are a very good teacher. I hope you will pay more

attention to your health and be happy every day.


Zhao zhouxing



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How to have a healthy body? First of all, you have to play sports like

playing basketball and running. You should also eat more fruits and vegetables,

such as apples and bananas, which are rich in vitamins. If you do that, you

wont get sick often. And you can not stay up late, to early to bed and early to

rise, you should speak hygiene, clean themselves, often to drink lots of water

every day, not to eat junk food, and so on are conducive to a healthy body, the

most important thing is to pay attention to safety.




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once upon a time. there was a house. beside the house there was a bird

cage. one day a cat went to eat the bird, so the cat jumped and hit the bird


the bird cage fell down to the ground knocking the bird cages door open.

the bird then flew away. so the cat started to chase the bird and the dog chased

the cat. however the bird flew on top of the tree. so the cat started to climb

the tree and the dog barked at the cat. before the cat could reach the bird, the

bird flew away. this caused the cat to fall out of the tree.

the dog then ran away, the bird quickly flew back into his cage and the man

from the house carried him safely home.
