my family作文50单词【经典20篇】






关于作文This is my family四年级

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I was born in an ordinaryFAMILY, but itisvery warm. My father is a clerk

in a company. And my mother is a housewife. Every weekday morning my father will

go to work and goes back in the late afternoon. And my mother will get up early

to cook for us and then pick me up to school. Then sometimes she will do some

cleaning and sometimes she will do something she likes. She will pick me up

after school and then cook the dinner. After dinner, my parents will teach me to

finish my homework and then we will watch TV together. At weekend, usually we

will go out for family activity. I love my family.




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1. Altar:祭坛 / Alter :更改

2. Amoral :无道德的/ Immoral :邪恶的

3. Appraise :评估/ Apprise :告知

4. Assent:同意 / Ascent :上升

5. Brake :制动器/ Break :破坏

6. Breathe :呼吸/ Breath :气息

7. Capitol:国会大厦 / Capital :首都

8. Cite :引用/ Site :位置

9. Coarse:粗糙的 / Course :课程

10. Complement :补充/ Compliment:恭维

11. Council :委员会/ Counsel :劝告

12. Definite :明确的/ Definitive :决定性的

13. Desert :沙漠/ Dessert :甜点

14. Device:设备 / Devise :计划

15. Draft:草稿 / Draught :一饮

16. Elicit:引出 / Illicit :非法的

17. Eminent:受人尊崇的 / Imminent :即将发生的

18. Envelop:包围 / Envelope :信封

19. Faint:晕倒 / Feint :佯攻

20. Forth:计算机语言的一种 / Fourth:第四



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Ching Ming Festival/Grave-Sweeping Day清明节

Cold Food Festival 寒食节

day of sacrifice 祭祀节日

offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祖/上供

online tomb-sweeping 网上祭扫

Internet memorial 网络纪念馆

condolence 哀悼之情

hell note/joss paper 纸钱

funeral supplies/products 殡葬用品

funeral services 殡葬服务业

mortician 殡仪业者

burn incense 焚香

tomb-sweeping 扫墓

tomb sweeper 扫墓的人

kite flying 放风筝

spring outing 踏青

gods lantern 神灯

memorial tablet 纪念碑

willow branches inserted on each gate 门旁插柳

online funeral 网上葬礼

online tribute 网上悼念

cremation urn 骨灰盒

mourning ceremony 哀悼仪式

inhumation 土葬

cremation 火葬

sea-burial 海葬

boat-coffin burial 船棺葬

tree burial 树葬

celestial burial 天葬

flower burials 花葬

national mourning 全国哀悼

national mourning day 全国哀悼日

filial piety 孝顺 孝心

Day of the Dead(亡灵节,墨西哥传统节日,人们通过守灵、上供等方式祭奠逝去的亲人。)



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Saint Valentines Day 情人节

Rose 玫瑰

Date 约会

Bunch 花束

Candy 糖果

Chocolate 巧克力

Forget-Me-Not 勿忘我(花)

Puppy Love/First Love 初恋

Cute Meet 浪漫的邂逅

Fall In Love 坠入爱河

Love At The First Sight 一见钟情

Propose 求婚

Valentine Cards 情人节卡片

Candlelight Dinner 烛光晚餐

Heart-Shaped/Cordate 心形的

Truelove 真爱

Enamored 倾心的

The Chemical Feeling 奇妙的感觉,触电

Sweet Bitterness 甜蜜的痛苦

A Doomed Couple 天生一对

Sweetheart 甜心

Lover 爱人

Cupid 爱神丘比特

Admirer 仰慕者

Romance 浪漫

Courtship 求爱

Infatuation 醉心

Promise/Pledge/Vow 誓言

Fidelity 忠心

Eternal/Immortal/Everlasting 永恒



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篇5:我的家庭 My Family

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My hometown is Xiamen. I was born there twelve years ago. Now I live in Fuzhou,the capital of Fujian Province. Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there. The whole city is clean and tidy. I lived in downtown. Its nearto the port, where is the busiest place, because thousands of people go to the Gulangyu. Gulanyu is a small island. There are many distinctive buildings andpaths there. You may get lost in so many paths, but you dont have to worry. Andevery path has its own beautiful scenery. I love my beautiful hometown.




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春节 The Spring Festival

农历 lunar calendar

正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar

除夕 New Years Eve; eve of lunar New Year

初一 the beginning of New Year

元宵节 The Lantern Festival

过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival

对联 poetic couplet: two successive rhyming lines in poetry

春联 Spring Festival couplets

剪纸 paper-cuts

年画 New Year paintings

买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival ; do Spring Festival shopping

敬酒 propose a toast

灯笼 lantern: a portable light

烟花 fireworks

爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)

红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.)

舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.)

舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)

戏曲 traditional opera

杂耍 variety show; vaudeville

灯谜 riddles written on lanterns

灯会 exhibit of lanterns

守岁 staying-up

拜年 pay New Years call; give New Years greetings; New Years visit

禁忌 taboo

去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune

祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to ones ancestors

压岁钱 gift money; money given to children as a lunar New Year gift

辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year

扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning

祝你新的一年快乐幸福: Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!

事业成功,家庭美满: Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!

年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake

团圆饭 family reunion dinner

年夜饭 the dinner on New Years Eve

饺子 Jiao-zi; Chinese meat ravioli

汤圆 Tang-yuan; dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings

八宝饭 eight treasures rice pudding

糖果盘 candy tray:

什锦糖 assorted candies - sweet and fortune

蜜冬瓜 candied winter melon - growth and good health

西瓜子 red melon seed - joy, happiness, truth and sincerity

金桔 cumquat - prosperity

糖莲子 candied lotus seed - many descendents to come

糖藕 candied lotus root - fulfilling love relationship

红枣 red dates - prosperity

花生糖 peanut candy - sweet


篇7:介绍感恩节英语作文Custom of Family Dinner

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The traditional stuffed turkey adorns everyDinnertable during the feast. pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, corns are some of the dishes cooked everywhere to mark the day.

家庭盛宴是感恩节期间的一个重要习俗。全家人围坐在饭桌边一起祈祷,愿上帝施与永不停息的恩惠。 这也让身处异地的亲友欢聚一堂,同庆美好时光。

Though historians don’t have an evidence to prove that turkey was eaten during the first thanksgiving dinner, the thanksgiving celebration will be incomplete without it.


The traditional thanksgiving parade probably started with president lincoln proclaiming it an official day. the full- dress parade is a way to display the country’s military strength and discipline. the main aim of such parades is to lift the spirits of the spectators, provide them with wholesome entertainment. in the present day, parades are accompanied with musical shows and celebrities.


football games??watching nfl football during thanksgiving is a popular tradition. the traditional game between the detroit lions and the green bay packers continues. one of the most memorable games having been played on this day.



篇8:我的家庭 My Family

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I have a bigFAMILY. There are six people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my sister and I. Though my grandparents and my parents are in different generation, they respect each others lifestyle, so I barely see them have conflicts. I feel so lucky to live in a harmonious environment. Today, the TV shows always present the negative relationship between different generations, but it is not happening in my family. I learn to respect each other. My parents set the good example for me. So sometimes when my sister and I have argument, I wont shout at her. When we calm down, we can talk to each other peacefully. I love my family.



篇9:my family英语词

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My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is tall and strong. He likes to help others .He doesn’t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night.

My mother is a nurse. She works in my fathers hospital.She is very polite.She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don’t like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it’s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed.i like myFAMILY.



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1. fair: 白皙的

She has fair skin.


2. ruddy: 红润的

Her face was ruddy and healthy-looking.


3. dewy: 水润的

The make-up artist has revealed all her dewy skin secrets.


4. peeling: 脱皮的,起皮的

His face was peeling from sunburn.


5. rough: 粗糙的,不平滑的

My hands get very rough in the cold.


6. freckled: 有雀斑的

She had a young, freckled complexion.


7. cracked: 龟裂的

Using this, you can prevent cracked feet.


8. wrinkled: 有皱纹的

The peasant is palming his wrinkled face.




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体操 gymnastics

游泳 swimming

击剑 fencing

举重 weightlifting

棒球 baseball

篮球 basketball

排球 volleyball

乒乓球 table tennis

足球 soccer

跳水 diving

马球 polo

水球 water polo

垒球 softball

网球 tennis

赛艇 canoe

冲浪 surfing

自行车 cycling

羽毛球 badminton

田径 track and field

手球 handball

摔交 wrestling

拳击 boxing

射箭 toxophily

射击 shooting

柔道 judo

骑马 equestrian

曲棍球 hockey

judo 柔道

fencing 击剑

skiing 滑雪

downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降

slalom 障碍滑雪

ski jump 跳高滑雪

ice skating 滑冰

figure skating 花样滑冰

roller skating 滑旱冰

middle-distance race 中长跑

sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)

the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏

marathon 马拉松

water skiing 水橇

rowing 划船

canoe 划艇

boat race 赛艇

yacht 游艇

kayak 皮船

sailing 帆船运动

jockey, polo 马球

decathlon 十项

cross-country race 越野跑

high jump 跳高

long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)

triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳

pole vault 撑竿跳

throw 投掷

throwing 投掷运动

putting the shot, shot put 推铅球

throwing the discus 掷铁饼

throwing the hammer 掷链锤

throwing the javelin 掷标枪



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( 1.) 巩固单词拼写,培养组句能力。 词汇匮乏是妨碍英语写作的最大障碍之一,有话想说,无词可写是大部分学生的苦恼。因此,我要求学生坚持每天听写、默写、循环记忆单词,掌握巩固词汇。还要求学生给出与单词有关的同义、近义、反义和词形相似的词,使词汇量得到最大限度的复现。如:反义词appear/disappear, crowded/uncrowded, polite/impolite/rude. 词形相似的的词except/expect, chance/change/challenge. 还以某一词为中心,写出该词的不同形式或词性,组成典型的句型,从而不断丰富词汇和句型。如拼写单词die 时,不但要写出其过去式过去分词died,而且要写出其他词性(death, dead, dying), 再分别组句,如:The old man died two years ago. He has been dead for two years. His death made his dog very sad. It is dying.又如写到易混淆的词pay, spend, cost, take 时,可以多种方式表达句意。He paid 20 yuan for the book. He spent 20 yuan on the book. He spent 20 yuan buying the book. The book cost him 20 yuan. It takes him 20 minutes to read the book every day.等等。这样,通过大量的词汇练习不仅仅能有效地积累词汇,还为组句打下了基础,同时还能训练学生的发散性思维和总结、归纳、比较的能力,为学生正确使用词句奠定了良好的基础。以上这些机械操练虽然枯燥,但很有必要,它是能力培养的基础。在词句落实的基础上,可向学生提出稍高的要求,如写出高质量的句子: What a happy family I have ! (I have a happy family.) The story is so interesting that everyone likes it.( The story is very interesting. Everyone likes it. ) He didn’t come to school, because he was ill. (He was ill. He didn’t come to school.) I am good at not only English but also math.(I am good at English and I am good at math ,too. )( 2、) 阅读背诵精彩段落,围绕单元话题设计书面表达。 阅读是写作的熟练记住每一话题的单词。熟记单词后让他们能够熟练的运用,能够把重点单词用来造句。然后熟记词组,特别是能够熟练的运用词组,能够用词组熟练造句。用词组和单词连成简单句,只要学生将句子表达清楚,语意连贯,就是一篇好的英语文章。



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【例句1】I go to school everyday.

【例句2】I ride to school everyday.



【例句3】Mr Wang is a good teacher.

【例句4】Mr Wang is a kind, patient and knowledgeable teacher.

例句3只表达出Mr Wang是一个“好”老师,而到底“好”在哪些方面,却没有具体说清楚;例句4则清楚地告诉读者,Mr Wang好在三个方面:和蔼(kind)、耐心(patient)以及知识丰富(knowledgeable)。


(8)adj. 学习


闪光高分词:research研究;pick up偶然学到,顺便学到,轻松学到;master掌握

(9)n. 好老师

黯然低分词:a good teacher

闪光高分词:a kind, patient and knowledgeable English teacher一个善良、耐心、博学的老师


【例句5】I,together with Tom and Jerry, rode to the Zhongshan park yesterday,feeling rather excited.

同样的,例句4也可以加上一个定语从句,写出Mr Wang到底擅长哪些事情,如:

【例句6】Mr Wang is a kind, patient and knowledgeable teacher who knows how to enlighten us students.



事实上,“具体化”在汉语写作中也有同样的体现。比如,要表达“惜别”的感情,光说“再见”是不够的,应该像诗人那样,用具体化的细节带动感情,写出梦幻般的文字:“让我与你握别/ 再轻轻抽出我的手/ 知道思念从此生根/ 浮云白日/ 山川庄严温柔...”




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Football 足球

Basketball 篮球

Volleyball 排球

Baseball 棒球

Badminton 羽毛球

Tennis 网球

Table tennis 乒乓球

Softball 垒球

Golf 高尔夫球

Billiards 台球

Jogging 慢跑

Swim 游泳

High jump 跳高

Mountain climbing 爬山

Singing 唱歌

Dance 跳舞

Setting-up exercise 健身操

Yoga 瑜伽

Wushu 武术

Judo 柔道


篇17:我的家庭My family

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I have a happyFAMILY. Do you want to know?Now,let me tell you. There are four people in my family.They’re my father,my mother,my sister and I.My father doctor.Because she thinks it’s a great job and doctors can save people’s lives.She’s very busy.She cooks meals and cleans the house every day.I think she is very tired.She likes watching TV.My sister is a student.She wants to be a singer,because ahe thinks it’s fun.She likes dancing.She can dance well.I’m a student,too.I want to be a actress.I think it’s interesting.I like listening to pop music and reading. I like my family very much.


篇18:关于作文This is my family四年级

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I have a lovelyFAMILYand my families live a happy life. My motherisa

farmer.She is fat,but she is beautiful.She has big eyes,a small nose and a small

mouth.She is very kind and clever, so she has many friends and she is welcome

among my neighbours. My father is a worker. He works long time a day and comes

home late. He is always tired.But,my mother often cooks delicious dishes for him

and that makes him happy and moved. As for my mother, she regards it as her

happiness. I love my parents, although we do not live a rich life, but we are



篇19:关于作文This is my family四年级

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I have a happyFAMILY. My parents love me so much, though my sister and I

sometimes have arguments, we love each other all the time. When I meet

difficulties, I will think of my parents first, I tell them about my confusion

and they will help me solve them. My sister will stand by my side when I have

fight with other students. This is my family and I love them.


篇20:有关作文This is my family五年级

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I come from a bigFAMILY.There are six persons in my family.Besides my

parents,I have an elder brother,an elder sister,and a younger brother.

My father is a worker who works in a machine tool plant.He has been working

there since Liberation.My mother is a typical chinese housewife.She takes care

of the whole house-

hold.My elder brother is an engineer in a chemical research institute in

Beijing. My elder sister is a junior middle school music teacher in Shanghai,and

my younger brother is now studying in a senior high school in my hometown.

We love our parents and they love us,and the brothers and sisters always

encourage and help each other.We are a happy family.
