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, hello! I am an alien from mercury. This time, I wrote to you for the environment on earth.

Ago, I went to visit the earth, the earths beautiful scenery let me fascinated. The river clear visible bottom, can see the fish swimming around, can see the bottom of the river green brown stone. A stream of bright blue, let me deeply respected. Come to the garden, and flowers there. Came to the forest, where birds, the animals free life. Lush trees... Returning to mercury, I told my friends everything I saw on earth, ready to go to earth for a few years with my friends.

A few years later, I came to earth with the guys. At this time, we cant believe the scene appeared in front of us: once lush trees has been changed to dongdong tall buildings. The previous clear visible bottom stream and stream of bright blue, has disappeared, has become a stinking creek, before swimming fish have been stinks, have a lot of rubbish in the river. Looked up and saw the sky is gray, it is already lost before the beautiful beautiful blue skirt. Road piled up a lot of rubbish, everyone passing by, and no one to clean up the trash.

I want you to take care of the environment and protect the environment.




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Cats are cute animals,they are very special as well.

It has pointy ears, round eyes,little claws,and short but soft fur.Cats like eating fish and mice.They like to keep themselves clean, they do that by licking their fur.Also they are nocturnal animals, they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night.

We should love cat, because cats are our friends,too.



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animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. hundreds more are on the danger list today. about 170 kinds in the united states alone are considered in danger.

why should people care? because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. they are more than just a source of food. every animal has its place in the balance of nature. destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. for example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers` stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. why? because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. and they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. quite a few countries have passed laws. these laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.



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During the summer holidays, I went to my grandmother’s home. One evening after supper, I stood on the balcony to look at the sky.

The stars in the sky were twinkling. Some were crowded, and others were separate. Then I found that the stars were not the same colour. They were white, grey, light blue and orange. It was really beautiful. At that time, the sky was like blue damask decorated by millions of bright dimonds.

Looking up at the sky, I saw the moon. It was like a naughty child, sometimes it hid in the clouds and sometimes it got out of the clouds. It seemed to play “hide and seek” with us. The stars around the moon, however, were as shy as girls, and hid themselves in the clouds.

Oh, what a beautiful sky!

[The Beautifu lSky初二英语作文



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Nowadays, more and more people realize it`s necessary and important to protect the environment. Also,there are some people who don`t pay attention to hygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spitting everywhere all the time.And in addition, there are a few factories often cutting down the trees, discharging chemicals and dirty water and so on.And it causes many problems like the Greenhouse Effect.If they do these day by day and our life will be harder and harder,so we have to stop them. To stop them we can put up commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying the environment.So we can start from now to make a beautiful life.



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Good morning!everyone,I am XX,fromXXX,i am so happy to have a change to tell all of you my favorite animal—— panda.She comes from China,why did I love her?Because she is very cute,but she was very shy.Her body stout like bears,but the first round tail short,black and white fur and white head and body clear.She staple food of bamboo,but also addicted to love drinking water,most of the giant pandas homes are located near the water in streams,the nearest will be able to drink clear spring.




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We all know that the giant panda,its very cute,but I often read in many people for their own economic interests to kill it,I feel very sad.

The giant panda is our country special product,it is the unique face has become "the WWF" sign.The giant panda is like a bear,but not bear,at about 1.5 meters,weighs 160 kilograms,black and white on the appearance of body hair is their characteristics.The giant panda temperament is gentle,posture and movement are particularly lovely.In all over the world in the zoo,the giant panda is the most popular pet tourists.

The giant panda this animal or representative of the remaining ancient animals,about 100 more than ten thousand years ago,the giant panda will live on the earth,so they have a "living fossil" said.The giant panda this lovely and rare animals in an increasingly reduce,the world is less than 1000 only add up.Dont let this lovely and rare animals in the face of the earth?It is up to us to protect lovely and rare animals--the giant panda!




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In the vast ocean live many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacities.Dolphin is one of those great creatures,whose capacities to think and move at an astounding rate puzzle those who study their behaviors,Dolphins possess something that makes them different from all the other sea creatures.It is not strength or speed but the size of their brains.Dolphin s brain is almost the same size as that found in the human head.They live for a ling time.

Dolphins babies are born in the water.They can grow up to three and a half meters long.

Dolopins use sound to help them find their way,look for their food and talk with each other.Sound is just like their eyes and mouths.






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st important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.



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Childhood in my grandmothers house, saw the hen sat in the nest to scare

her, shedid not run, I felt very unusual.

Go and ask the Father knows, the hen is sitting, I am very surprised. At

the same time, there is a strange idea -- the hen can hatch the chicken, I also

have hatched chicks! So, I also got some egg on the quilt, and then he climbed

into bed lying in bed, put the egg on your ass..

I thought: I can also be hatched chicks, I am great superman!

But after several hours did not see a little action, I urgent cry.



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朋友,你去过动物园吗?你一定知道动物园里有各种动物.你去过杭州动物园吗?如果还没有去过,我就带上你去一趟杭州动物园吧! 因为我已经在国庆节这天去过杭州动物园啦!


走着走着,我看见前方有一个指示牌,上面写着”猴子 向前八十米 老虎 向前两百米 大象 向左四百米 熊猫 向右一百五十米”.我和妹妹正愁不知道该先到哪个地方好,我的爸爸大声说:”先去近的地方,再去远的地方,这样就省力了.”我和妈妈都夸这个办法好. 我们首先来到猴山.这里的猴子真机灵.它们有的在树上荡秋千,有的从一棵树上跳到另一棵树上,有的互相在捉虱子.我看到一只猴子孤零零的,没有伴玩,我就扔了一只香蕉给它.它一下子蹿到我的面前,把香蕉剥了就狼吞虎咽地吃了起来.好像好几天没有吃东西一样.其它猴子都过来抢香蕉.我觉得这只猴子怪可怜的,就将开心果扔向那些不讲理的猴子.这时我想,如果我是 猴子的妈妈,我一定阻止它们不要抢那只可怜的猴子的香蕉.

我们下了猴山来到大象馆.哇,大象可真大呀! 大象的腿像一根粗粗的柱子.它的身子像一堵墙.两只耳朵动起来,就像两把大扇子.它吃东西可奇特了.它用鼻子把草卷起来,再送进嘴里.吃完草,它用鼻子吸了一口水向我们喷来,妹妹还以为是大象吃多了吐了呢!

在杭州动物园骑骆驼可是要收费的.在骆驼馆前,有个招牌,上面写着”骑十分钟二十元”.我想骑骆驼,但舍不得掏钱.可我还是想找找骑骆驼的感觉,于是就慢慢从口袋里掏出钱给了管理员.骆驼这么高,我怎么骑得上去呀?不用担心,管理员把我带到一个高台上,我只要一迈腿就坐在了驼峰上.我拍了一下骆驼的肚子,它就走了起来.我摸摸驼峰,它竟然会动,吓得我哭了起来.妈妈连忙对我说”驼峰里装的是水,不用怕.再说,骆驼是很温顺的动物.”听了妈妈的话,我的胆子大了起来,就在骆驼馆里慢悠悠地走着,急得妹妹大叫:”姐姐,快点骑.骑完了该我骑了.” 一向让着妹妹的我装做没听见,好象眼前尽是一望无际的沙漠,驼铃声声,我正带领骆驼队在赶往回杭州动物园的路上.



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青蛙还是歌唱家,每到夏天的夜晚,只要有一只青蛙叫得欢,就会有几十只青蛙甚至几百只青蛙跟 着回应,耳边听着欢快的“呱呱声”仿佛是一支优美的交响曲,伴我入睡。




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Nowadays, the environmental protection is becoming one of the most important issues in the world. Being one of the members of our society, what shall we do to protect the environment

First, stop using plastic bags, boxes and bottles. Stores should be required to use the bags, boxes and bottles which are made from paper. Secondly, more and more trees and flowers should be planted to keep our surrounding clean. People must be required to plant plants around their houses and work places.

Finally, we must control the pollution by law, according to which, polluted water and air exhausted from factories should be forbidden.

These are some of the measures that we can take to protect our environment and they are not hard tasks for us. Remember, the earth is the only planet we could live at present.

Since the first day, BNBM has paid more attention to protect the environment as its social responsibility, by developing green building materials, producing green products and creating green enterprise. According to the spirit of "From the nature, for the nature and return to the mature", BNBM has tried its best in developing new technology and improving equipment to reduce the pollution.



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People plant a great number of young trees in the mountains.When the trees grow big and tall enough,they are cut down by workers and carried out of the mountains to the paper mill where fine paper is made from wood.Then it is taken to every corner of the country and used for different purposes.Some people use paper to copy writing,others use it to write something such as letters,reports and articles.When paper turns out to be of no use,the waste paper is collected and retreated in the recycling factory before being put into use again.



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生命的长度,也许是由几百年,也许是由短短的几天,也有可能连出生都没有,就已经一命呜呼了,生命又是谁能够决定的呢?是谁能决定不让意外、生病… …等危害生命的事情发生呢?种种原因,谁能不面临死亡?现在只能珍惜生命,以及避免发生不好的事。


狗就是人的朋友,怎么对待好朋友,就该怎么对待它们,而不是当作驱赶坏人的好工具,或是一只很可爱的会动娃娃。狗虽然不会讲人话,但它会中心不二的在你身边,想到弃养它们的人,是不是很可恶?你在养之前,确定等待他长大之后,还是会继续养,不看外表?你确定有能力吗?还是只是为了看门而已?养它们之前,请三思!养了之后,它也许和它的家人分开了,就只有你唯一一个家人,所以必须也把它当家人,如果你变成狗, 就一定明白,这多么无助,多希望有人爱。

当你弃养狗,接下来的事情,我相信每个人都无法接受,它又失去家人了!它将被送至收养中心,没人喜欢的话,就要安乐死,如果你失去家人,没多久又莫名被关起来坐牢,几天之后,没人想接你回家,你就要面临死亡,发生这种事情,你又不能决定,死的很奇怪吧!对,这是弃养狗的人,做的事情,换做是你,你会无法形 容这种感觉,别人说不公平,其实我们都很幸福,爸妈不会不要我们,它们才觉得不公平吧?为什么是别人选自己,而不是自己选别人,为什么说不养就可能死?狗对人们就是不平等。




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Last week Chang Feng Park held a flower show.

I went to visit it with my friends.I was very glad to see so many beautiful flowers in the park.I was really amazed to see a sea of colourful flowers.They told me that some rare flowers came from Taiwan.Thousands of people stopped and watched them carefully.

I took many pictures there.Taiwan has always been a part of our country.I am sure sooner or later we can go there to see many more beautiful flowers.What great fun it will be.
