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体育使生命更健康,使生活更美丽,使人类不断进步,使世界追求和平和发展,使不同民族特质成为高尚而和平竞赛的动力,使我们的生活更 加甜蜜。

在众多的体育项目中,我最喜欢的是游泳,一个个优美的动作在水中 展现出别样的风采,令人们喜爱和陶 醉。而游泳运动起源于英国,最早是 在江.河.湖.海边的古代人所创,为了 生存,他们需要下水捕鱼,在观察. 模仿鱼类,青蛙等动物在水中游泳的 动作后,逐渐学会了游泳。随着社会 的发展,游泳逐渐成为人们增强体质 的需要。1869年1月,把游泳作为一 个专门的项目,二次大战以后,游泳 在全世界有了飞速的发展。现在游泳 已经成为奥运会上令人瞩目的大项之 一。我一直认为体育不是自己的强项 ,有一年的暑假里,同学约我一起去 水上乐园游泳,我欣然答应了。于是 我带着游泳圈和泳衣去了水上乐园。 当好朋友建大我带着游泳圈时,失望 不已的对我说:“你怎么还带着游泳 圈啊,不如让我教你游泳好了。”听 了这句话我欣喜万分的点了点头。走 入池中,清凉明亮的水闪烁着耀眼的 光芒,如颗颗钻石般闪闪发亮,璀璨 耀眼。周围的人们有的在水中快乐的 游泳,有的人们正在激烈的玩着打水 仗,有的正在玩游戏·····在一片喧闹 中,朋友把我叫到潜水去人少的地方 教我游泳。同学像游泳教练一样熟练 地叫着我游泳,首先,我们要屏住呼 吸,把头沉入到水中憋气,当能够长 时间在水中憋气时,便可以平躺在水 中,屏住呼吸,这时身子就会浮起来 ,慢慢地就可以学会了。我按照朋友 说的方法,一步步的开始练习,起先 ,我反复练了很多遍都没有成功,但 我不甘示弱,在反复练习中,终于学 会了游泳,我终于可以不用带游泳圈 ,像小鱼一般自由自在的游来游去了 ,在学会游泳时,我心里像灌了蜜一 样甜,充满了激动与欣喜。从这件事 中,我体会到了坚持不懈和永不言败 的精神,使我更加热爱游泳,热爱体 育。

游泳还能给我们带来许多好处, 可以增强人体的肺活量,让新陈代谢 加快,促进血液循环增强心肌功能供 给运动器官更多的营养物质,增强抵 抗力,强身健体。

苦短的生命在体育中得到延伸, 张扬,是我们有活力有朝气,运动的 乐趣让人的生命感觉到了快乐现实和 万物之长的自信心,体育可以使我们 不断的发现着自己,超越着自己,生 命因体育的存在而放射着永恒的光芒 。



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Today is Thursday, and the school has a spring sports meet. I woke up early in the morning, because it was my first time after school, and I had to play. Im excited and nervous.

The students came to school early in their uniforms. After a while, the opening ceremony of the games began. With the high national anthem, we lined up to the playground.

The game officially began. The first event was our first year relay race. Bang gunshot, athletes like the arrow as rushed out. At the other end of the runway, taking over the students to lean forward to stick immediately after flying in general run. It was my turn, and although I was nervous, I managed to catch it and ran across. The cheers and cheers of the field were higher and higher, and the runners ran one after another. Finally, we had the relay third. Then, the two hundred meter race, softball, and other events.

Time flies, after a day of game, finally we had the first grade, the students jumped with joy. What a happy sports meeting!

Today is the annual sports meet. Now, grade six in primary school. Also represents the games, is the primary school in the last games. This makes me sad, but todays games, first let me sorrow away.



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School Sports Meeting

Last month we had a sports meeting. Though the weather wasnt very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive. This time, I was even more excited.


Because I went for the sports meeting and my item was high jump. I didnt want to join any sport event, I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasnt good at sports.

因为我参加了运动会,并且我的团队是跳高。(作文地带建议:我们对参加了比赛项目是跳高)。我并不希望参加任何比赛项目,因为我并不擅长于运动,所以我只能静静的享受比赛。 When I arrived the playground with my friend. I was both excited and nervous. When I saw the first height, my heart could hardly heat.


How high it was! It was higher than our desks. I couldnt believe my eyes. This was too high for me to jump over. I wasnt nervous at that time while I was a bit afraid. But I had gone there, I must have a try.

好高啊! 比我们课桌都高一大截。我简直不能相信我的眼睛。这让我跳过去,简直太高了。我那时已经不是紧张不安了,取而代之的是害怕。但是我必须往前走,我必须得尝试一下。 Not long after, the game began. The first person was great. He jumped over easily. I was too surprised to say a word. The second was good, too. The third nearly jumped over, but he wasnt the best.


It was my turn. I had a deep breath and then ran towards. In front of the pole, I began to jump. Oh, no! My right foot hit the pole. “I failed.” I thought. And then, another unlucky thing happened.


I didnt stand firmly and I tumbled. I hurt my back badly. At that moment I felt my back was broken. It was too painful. It seemed that the people around field all didnt know that, they only laughed at my foolish posture.


After a very short rest, I stood up.


I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face. My friend hurried to come to me. He asked me if this was terrible. I was too pained with my back to answer his questions. I only shook my head. I was sad. Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldnt go on in the game. I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.



Though I didnt finish the whole game. I was still very happy. Because a lot of my classmates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good score. They were all best in my eyes. I was thankful to them for doing their best for our class.




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dog is my favorite animal among all the animals.As we all know,dog is a lovely animal.i love it not only because of its cute shape,but also because of its loyalty.it will never betray its master.another reason why i love dog is that dog can make me happy.when i am sad,it will do everything he can to cheer me up and forget the unhappy things.so i will love dog for ever and ever.



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Among all the four seasons,I like autumn best.


Compared with summer,its very cool in autumn.People can go travel or just have a walk in the day.Leaves begins to turn yellow,if you walk on a road with trees on its both sides,you will see all kinds of yellow leaves on the road,and some leaves are falling and dancing with wind.What a beautiful view.


Autumn is a harvest season.Wheats ,vegetables and fruits all get ripe.Farmers are busy with harvesting.And we children also help our parents at time. Though its very tired,we are very happy.




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我有很多喜欢体育运动,比如:打羽毛球;打乒乓球;踢足球;打排球等,但我最喜欢的还是打篮球。 一天,我苦苦哀求着妈妈:“妈妈,您给我买个篮球吧,求您了,妈妈。”“除非你这次期末考上前三名,我就给你买个篮球。”妈妈一脸严肃的说。我吓得大叫:“什么?,我没听错吧,前三名耶,这可比天塌下来还难呀,可是,为了篮球,我一定要考上前三名。”后来,我努力、刻苦学习。一学期下来,累得我是“腰酸腿疼”呀,不过,这一学期的努力没白费,我考上了全班第二名。我高高兴兴的把试卷拿回家给妈妈看,一路哼着小曲儿回到了家。“妈妈,爸爸,我考上前三名了”,我大叫着,这时,妈妈和爸爸从房间里跑了出来,一把抢过我手中的卷子,嘴里还念着:“数学100分,语文97.5分,英语100分……好,妈妈给你买个篮球,”说完就给了我一个温暖的吻。爸爸突然对我说:“不错,知道耍小聪明了,真是一举两得呀。” 第二天 ,我看见我的床边多了一个篮球,起床后,我就用撒娇的语气对爸爸说:“以后您陪我打球吧,好吗?”爸爸犹豫了一会说:“好吧,不过我只当裁判,”无奈之下,我只好把班上的同学叫来陪我练,经过我挨家挨户的叫,班上会打篮球的人都到齐了,我们分成两组,进行篮球比赛,比赛刚开始,同学们就笑我打不来,后来我恼羞成怒,罚他们教我打球。这几天来,我已经会运球、会投球、会三步上篮了,勉勉强强学会了打篮球的基本功了。 后来我就上网搜索关于篮球反面的知识和打篮球的方法,有时不方便,就买一些关于篮球方面的书籍,天天课后就看,就连上厕所都看。有一次,爸爸叫我烧一壶水,他说他要喝水了。我漫不经心的答应了,于是我就把壶里装满水,放到了电磁炉上,就又去看书了,过了一会儿,爸爸来喝水时发现水怎么没热。原来是我太大意了,没有按开关,所以水没热。爸爸连连称我是“篮球迷”。 在学校,同学称我为“篮球迷”;在家爸爸,妈妈称我为“篮球迷”,篮球可以让我快乐、悲伤,篮球会给我带来疼痛,但我还是会打篮球,因为,我喜欢打篮球!



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My favorite little animal is a kitten, our family has raised a kitten, it is sent by neighbors. Because now the kitten is dead, so I will often think of it.

The cat looks very beautiful, he has a white hair, claws under the pad can make him walk without a little bit of sound. The most unique is his eyes: one eye is blue, the other is green. Blue eyes like sapphire, green eyes like emerald.

Kitten is very greedy, and sometimes a pound of heavy fish soon "destroy" the. Once, my mother made a bowl of fish soup. Kitten jumped on the table, relish eating up. When I was eating, it was found by me, so I taught him a bitter meal. The kitten hung his head, as if to say: "I no longer dare." I immediately laughed.

Now that kitten is dead, since then, every time I see the kitten, and it should play some. Kitty, where did you go?



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Talk about the story of my and food safety, it is more than three days and three nights also said not over, like a colorful shells in the sand, filled with all sorts of things, so now, I have from my childhood picked up a pink small seashells on the beach to demonstrate to you!

On one occasion, my mother and I go to the supermarket to buy things together. Go to the supermarket, I cant wait to rush to sell snacks, snacks to. There were so many things in the supermarket! I am dazzled. I am ready to pick up a bag of ice and snow waxberry into the shopping basket, at this moment, mom came along, kindly said to me: "nannan, it is not health, or dont buy!" "Well, I dont buy, mother!" "Come on, we buy something else!" Mom took me by the hand to sell milk place. Came to sell milk, I cheerfully ran over and picked up a bag of yogurt in a basket, mother to take a look at before and after, suddenly eyes a bright, said to me: "nannan, you see, life here is 14 days, it has already expired, eat is bad for human body, in a bag!" The mother took up a bag of yogurt looked, said: "take this bag, this bag not expired, you see!" "Oh, I see, later I will remember!" I attached to the. We came to sell beef jerky. There were so many the beef jerky ah, all kinds of, I looked at are salivating at the thought. I picked a bag of beef jerky bag in his hand, mother a look at this brand, just shook his head and said: "nannan, this brand is not good, not on television said last time, the brand is not health, not to buy, you forget?" "Oh!" I am ashamed nodded. I took a bag of labelled "green food" beef jerky, into the basket. Mother smiled and nodded. Below, we went to the place where sell ham sausage again, this time, I am no longer the previous mistake, these requirements I watched it again, this just put ham sausage in the basket.

The shopping, I understand a lot of sense. We buy things to watch the production date, and sign, to see if it is green food, not to buy 3 without food, pay attention to food safety, to prevent "illness", dont let bacteria enter the body!



这次购物,我懂得了许多道理。我们买东西要看好生产日期,和牌子,还要看它是不是绿色食品,不要买三无食品,要注意食品安全, 还要预防“病从口入”,不要让细菌进入体内呦!



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I like to watch all kinds of sport matches, I adore athletes, they are so inspiring, they work so hard to become the strongest, the most honorable thing is that their success is by their effort, not by advertise. But lately, the news about athletes taking the medicine to win the game, this is so shameful, the honesty is believed to be a athlete’s merit, when he loses it, he loses people’s respect.


What is the pride of a athlete? The answer is their work hard for the champion, the sprit of never giving up, but when a athlete plays a trick to win the champion, there is no doubt that people will despite him. The spirit of sport game is respect your opponent, all the guys are fighting in a fair competition, when one of them takes the medicine, that means he breaks the game rule, he has no right to compete. Taking the medicine makes a athlete lose his honesty, he deserves to be abandoned, the basic thing is no longer find in him. We all like to watch the athletes compete in a pure situation, what makes them stronger is their will, not the medicine.


The athlete who takes the medicine or plays other tricks will be kicked out by the referee. As the audience, we all want to watch the fair game, we appreciate the athlete’s spirit of never giving up.




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I have a beautiful school.

In the spring,the weather become warmer and warmer.And the trees become green.Some birds are singing on the trees.The flowers are open.Some butterflies are fly over the flowers.In the fall,the weather is windy.The leaves of trees like butterflies are in the sky.

What a beautiful school is!I like my school.



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There are many festivals in China. Among them, I like the Spring Festival most. Not only because it’s the biggest festival in the year, but also because it’s a new beginning that brings hope to people and it’s time for family gathering. Before the festival, people come home no matter where they are. Usually, we have a big dinner on the New Year’s Eve.

And then families sit together and share their lives or planes. Some will play games or hang out to have some fun. On the New Year’s Day, people get up early and say good words to anyone they meet. Children can get lucky money from relatives.

In the following days, we will visit relative’s home and bring New Year’s wishes to them. In short, it’s a time for family gathering and all of us enjoy it.



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我第一次爬山时很累,爬到路边时,我看到小松鼠在树枝间寻找食物,真是可爱。途中,气温热热的,强烈的太阳照到我们,还好有树荫遮住那强烈的太阳,变温暖 的阳光。爬到一伴我就已经气喘如牛了,我还看到美丽的小花,摇摆的的小草,还有新鲜的空气,真是美妙的大自然啊,爬到山顶时,我已经大汗淋漓、感到全身舒 畅。爬到山顶可以和家人一起野餐,一起享受快乐的一天,希望大家可以踊跃来爬山,让身体更健康!



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Liu xiang is a symbol of Chinas international sporting success.he is well known all over the world.In 2002.he won his first international 110m hurdles event in Switzerland.and in the same year,a gold medal at the Asian Games in Korea.In 2004.liu won the first Olympic goldmedal in the same event for China in Athens Greece.He is a sporting hero in China.He is also trained for gold 。





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I like toys very much. There are all kinds of toys in my home. These toys are bought by my father and my mother. I grew up with these toys. It not only brings me happiness, but also inspires my intelligence.




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Taking exercise is good for our health. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind. At the same time, we can harden our muscle and have a good figure. If we dont take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall sick.

I enjoy several outdoor sports. Swimming in the sea is my favorite. Because there are too many people in a swimming pool and the water is always dirty, I prefer to swim in the sea.

Playing badminton is also fun. I can always find a place in the park for playing badminton. Besides, I enjoy jogging in the morning. Sometimes, I jog with my parents in the park.







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I love small animals very much, but my favorite is the puppy.

The puppy is not big, but the head is big. There is a pair of small triangular ears, faces are small. A pair of gem-like flexible and translucent big eyes, a round yo black nose. The body of the hair was yellow, smooth like painted a layer of oil. Tail hairy, often swing to swing, feels very comfortable.

Puppy eating food will be issued a little sound, eat quickly, it seems hungry look. Sleep when motionless, very quiet, a movement to lift his head to see, nothing to keep lying on the ground to sleep. When you play the game, if you are happy, will be hard to put the tail, jumping to the distance, the tongue often stretched out.

Because my neighbor has a puppy, so I often play with it. Puppys head is big, I called it "big head". Once, I just returned to the door, see the dog playing on the roadside, running around. I was ready to open the door, the dog immediately ran over, shook his head in front of me, as if very welcome me.

I really like this lovely and naughty puppy! I believe you will like this "big head" it!

My favorite little animal - puppy.
