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渴望 希望 巴望 愿望

盼望 期望 指望 夙愿

甘愿 意愿 欲望 厚望

热望 失望 绝望 众望

无望 初衷 憧憬 希冀

企望 期待 企盼 企及

企求 企图 志愿 渴求

喷珠吐玉 汩汩细流 明澈清冽

晶莹明澈 泉水甘冽 清泉怒涌

飞泉如雪 泉水丁冬 河水清清

河水浑浊 流水淙淙 汩汩有声

水流平缓 水波闪动 舟楫如梭

帆影点点 小河流水 银光闪烁

波涛澎湃 奔流不息 一泻万里

万丈狂澜 浩浩荡荡 浊浪滔滔

震耳欲聋 河水茫茫 轰然泻下

泥沙俱下 浩浩洪流 大水滔滔

滚滚东流 急流险滩 纵横奔腾

奔腾咆哮 奔腾叫啸 风急浪高

波涛拍岸 惊涛骇浪 汹涌奔泻

白浪滔天 波涛滚滚 声如雷鸣

浪花四溅 浪花飞溅 一望无际

一马平川 沃土千里 一碧千里

山清水秀 景色宜人 春色满园

凉亭水阁 古色古香 目不暇接

花团锦簇 鸟语花香 迷人的春

早春二月 阳春三月 烟花三月

大地苏醒 积雪融化 冰消雪融

大地回春 春回大地 春到人间

万物复苏 万物萌生 枯木逢春

风和日丽 杨柳抽芽 嫩柳舒黄

杨柳吐绿 春苗翠绿 春苗茁壮

百花吐艳 百花争春 百花竞放

春花烂漫 繁花似锦 桃红柳绿

桃李争艳 春桃吐蕊 春暖花开

鹅黄嫩绿 万木竞春 大雁北归

百鸟呜春 鸟语花香 春满人间

满园春色 春光明媚 春光艳丽

春光无限 春色怡人 春色迷人

春暖人心 春意盎然 春意正浓

柳絮似棉 柳絮飘飞 欣欣向荣

群芳斗艳 色彩斑斓 满怀希望

























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Since we go to school, English is one of our main subjects, the government pays special attention to the English education. In the class, we have learned the grammar and sentence structure for a long time, some students are no more satisfied with what we learn in the class, they want to speak English fluently, so they can take advantage of what they learn in the class. Nowadays, English corner has be the main symbol for the English learners, most people join the corner in the weekends. Joining the English corner can enhance people’s ability of speaking English. Students have less chance to speaking in the class, but in the English corner, they can speak what they want. As there are people from all classes in the English corner, people can share their experience for each other, they can learn more from each other. If you have time, I suggest you to join the English corner.




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Read more books, can let you feel that there are a lot of writing inspiration. Can let you in on the way to write a composition of better. At the time of writing, we can often use some good words of the book we and philosophy of life. Let others think you are more rich literary grace, beauty.

Read more books, can let you have manners. As the saying goes: "the first impression is the most important." From your first impression to others, you can let others see that you are a what kind of person. Reading can let a person feel you know so much resalute, have poise.

Read more books, can let you to add some more extracurricular knowledge. Mr. Bacon said: "knowledge is power." Good, read more books and increase the extracurricular knowledge, can make you feel whole body is full of a force. This power can inspire you constantly move forward, grow and grow. From the book, you can often find the shortcomings of themselves, make you constantly correct mistakes, adjust our way forward. So, the book is our good teachers and wise friends.

Read more books, can make you smart, have the wisdom to win. Books make you smarter, you can face the difficulty bravely. Let you use their own methods to solve this problem. In this way, you and to your own life is a step on the road.

Read more books, also can make your mood happy. Reading is a kind of leisure, a form of entertainment. Reading can regulate the blood flow of the body, make your physical and mental health. So roam in the ocean of the book is also a kind of infinite joy. Using reading to relax is also a very sensible.

Reading can cultivate peoples sentiment, give a person knowledge and wisdom. So, we should read more books, for our future life road to lay a good, solid foundation!









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古有妇儒皆知的“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”而今,许多大作家一谈起之所以“成名立家”,无不同声答道,那是得益于孩提时期多看了几本书。曾经有人向鲁迅先生请教过写作经验,他也这样说,哪有什么经验,无非是多看了几本书罢了。成年人多读书可以有很多的好处一是丰富阅历,少走弯路;二是提高自身修养;三是感悟人生,开阔眼界,丰富想象,获得知识 。小学生课外阅读的获得的益处更多。(转载请注明来源于www.goodook.com)








读书不仅可以使学生开阔视野,增长知识,培养良好的自学能力和阅读能力,还可以进一步巩固课内学到的各种知识,提高他们的认读水平和作文能力,乃至对于各个学科的学习,都有极大的帮助。 “读书破万卷,下笔如有神”。阅读扩大了学生的阅读面,开拓了学生的视野,增强了学生思维的敏捷性,丰富了学生的知识储备,使学生从中汲取了文中的精华,从而掌握了更多的写作方法和技巧,倾吐于自己的作文之中,使学生的作文言之有序、言之有物,写作能力大大提高。







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Speaking of bicycle, some people think it has outdated in many big cities. However, some people think that it is still popular for them because people can exercise themselves by riding bicycle. For me, I think people can get lots of benefits from riding bicycles.

First, we can become healthier by riding bicycles. Since people are busy with works, they have almost no time to do exercise. But if they ride bike to work, then they can practice themselves quite often. Consequently, they will be healthier.

Secondly, bicycle is good for our environment. In almost all big cities, the average temperature is a bit higher than countryside for there are too many car emissions there. We all know that people in big cities like to drive cars to go to work rather than taking public transportations. Therefore, our environment is polluted by lots of emissions. If more people join in the trend to ride bicycles to work, then our air quality will be improved obviously.

In conclusion, riding bicycle not only can make us healthier but also it is good for protecting our environment. So, we should encourage more people to ride bicycles quite often than driving cars.







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When Im free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, Ive put my heart into it so that Ill forget all the troubles. Its in this way that Ive formed the habit of reading in any time.


Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, and essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.


Reading “The Emperors New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldnt keep me from crying for her misery. “Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Kellers patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didnt before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.


Ill never forget this famous saying,“Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”




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Weekend again, is the most exciting. When the sky is gray, I am still lying in bed, covered with a quilt, in fast asleep.

When our factory do the fond dream, dad grabbed a quilt, loudly say: "get up early to bed and early to rise to good health!" But I shuffled and dragging the quilt. Dad said, had to use a killer ─ ─ scratching, I burst out laughing, had to open a quilt, put on clothes. Dad went on to say: "go, go with me morning." I stretch and lazily said: "so cold day, stay warm when well see." At this time, the father to take a harsh glare, I I had to go with him.

We came to the park and run around the park. The foggy, covering over the park. Flower also stained with dew drops; The fishes in the fish pond is not wake up yet; Basketball court is trying to open the heavy eyelid; Willow is tearing strips to sleep. Imperceptible in, have already run a circle, "on the face is full of water." I will pretend tired to dad said: "very tired, take a break." "No, a circle is tired?" My father said. I pointed to the face of the water, said: "look! All is sweat." Father asserted that it was the fog. There is no way, had to run with him. A circle and a circle, also dont know how many laps, run more and more sleep only spirit. Unconsciously, dawn broke dawn mist, we happily go back.

Strange to say, after the run, I feel particularly human spirit, work especially excited, soon, I will give the week with the homework finished.

Originally, so good movement. I found it not only gives me energy to welcome a new day, let a person more healthy, but also cultivate the peoples will and perseverance. Exercise is great!








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Consume excessive body heat and reduce body fat accumulation and maintenance of appropriate weight. Enhance cardio and promote blood circulation. Reduce suffering from heart disease, hypertension and diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Strengthen body resistance and reduce disease. Strong bones and prevent osteoporosis; Help welfare, and reduce confusion. Help improve the body, strong muscles. Increase the soft joints of the body and make more flexible, to reduce casualties. Improve sleep quality, more adequate rest. A more dynamic, more spirit, more efficient learning and work; Help relax, study or work with the removal of the stress. Tempered strong will, the courage to face challenges; Help increase self-confidence, to establish a healthy self-image. With family or friends to share fun opportunity for everyone feelings. Provide opportunities for understanding new friends and learn the spirit of cooperation in group activities. Quality fitness activities building quality leisure life management.





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There are celebrities in the world since the ancient times have introduced the benefits of reading, some scholars also once said, reading a good book is like a conversation with noble people.

Reading, can make you gain understanding, and every day to read an article is your knowledge increase many. Reading not only makes you augmented stories, still can increase the extracurricular knowledge. In the textbook knowledge is not enough, want to rely on yourself to read reference books, so read enough to digg.

Reading can help you more, when wonder at you, you can read a book, take a look at the article, can help you TaoYang temperament...

In addition, you can also choose different books to read, for example: adventure of detective novels, deep-rooted love novels, history books about the history... Can read science fiction and fantasy is leading role, to recall within the scene, books have aftertaste. Read some books about travel, like to visit all over the world...

Reading can not only grace to static, digg,, and the way is to increase knowledge, so everyone should take time to read every day.








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Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider

reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.

Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes

society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge.

Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life


One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the

importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time.

Love books, for they are your best friends.



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The Advantages of Travel Alone

I like to travel to different places, I can see the beautiful scenery and get to know the different cultures. My friends and I always travel together, we make many plans in advance. But the plans will always be interrupted by all kinds of unexpected incidents, like the bad weather, the holiday being cancelled, so we have to spend another time to wait for the trip. Traveling alone can ignore these problems, I can go to travel whenever I want, I just need to pick up my backpack, and then buy the ticket. It is so free, I don’t have to wait for others, I can go to the places I want to. Traveling alone is good.




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Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life.

By going in for such activities, they can learn what they cant learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.

Others, however, dont like after class activities at all. They think that a students work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.

In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we wont learn in classrooms.

School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.

Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.



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Many people read on digital devices like cell phones and e-books. The fast pace of life leaves many people no time to sit and read a whole book, so making use of fragmented time to read is sure to be a trend. Fragmented reading has its advantages. People can get hold of large amounts of information, knowledge, and entertainment in a short time. Digital reading is faster and more interactive than traditional deep reading.

Fragmented reading makes it harder for people to reflect on what they read. People may not bother to remember facts because they know they can always just search for answers online. It is important to read quality books in a deeper way, even if that means forcing yourself to do so. We read not only for knowledge and for practical use, but also for spiritual satisfaction.



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Aerobic exercise is a series of activities which can improve our heart-lung function by maintaining longer, including running, bicycling, swimming and so on. It brings a lot of benefits to our body and psychology.

有氧运动是在长期坚持下可改善心肺功能的一系列活动。有氧运动包括跑步、骑单车、游泳等。这种运动十分有益于身心健康。Physically, taking aerobic exercise advances our physical health and reduces our agony. It promotes our heart and lung function by increasing their expansion and contraction, which is beneficial for resisting pressure from longtime labor or extra-strength work. And it improves fat consumption and metabolism, which lay a solid foundation for disease prevention. Meanwhile, it helps keep our body in a good shape by consuming the overfull calories.生理上,做些有氧运动可以提高我们身体健康,减少我们的痛苦。做有氧运动可增加心肺的伸缩,以提高心肺功能,有益于抵御长期的劳作和加班带来的压力。它还能促进脂肪的消耗,促进新陈代谢,预防疾病。同时,有氧运动还能消耗多余热量,有益于保持良好体型。Psychologically, acting aerobic exercise also conduces to our psychological health. We are able to be more confident and positive that we have capacity of doing something at the best, just like finishing our plans or achieving our destinations in exercise. Thus we can ventilate our negative feelings by doing workout so that we can strive for our dreams again.心理上,进行有氧运动还有利于我们的心理健康。通过户外锻炼我们能消除负面情绪,才能再次为梦想奋斗。Hence, for the wellbeing of body and mind, let us have some aerobic exercise together.因此,为了我们的身心健康,让我们一起来做有氧运动吧!



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As the saying goes "read a book hundreds of times, its righteousness from now" the aim is to make we read more books. Reading, as if is in talking to a man of noble; Reading, to broaden their; Reading, can make the person wisdom.

The famous mathematician hua luogeng reading way different, he got a book, not open to read from cover to cover, but the thinking about the book for a while, and then close the thinking, guess the overall planning of the book. If after considering again opened the book, the authors ideas are consistent with their own ideas. He is no longer read. Hua luogeng guess law not only saves time, and develop their thinking ability and imagination, not become the slave of the book.

We should step by step closer to Mr Hua luogeng, we should get into the habit of "good read, read good books. Is the so-called "reading break volumes, such as writing of god"

But in fact, not all books are suitable for us to read, is beneficial to us. On the contrary, if indulge Yu Wuxia novels and other books, will not do more harm than good. If indulge in animated cartoon, martial arts legends, unable to extricate themselves in the cartoon will make us when studying inattention, too much useless information in the brain, severe will make us not intentional learning, produce school-weary psychology.

A living in the countryside into the cities in middle school, feel isolated. Addicted to the network novel "climb" not to come out, lead to performance has always been very good he fell off a cliff. He later with the help of the teachers and students to get rid of the network novel, and began to read more books, read newspapers, make him once again leading the way

That is to say, we must recognize the stand or fall of things, love letters, thus to benefit themselves. The benefits of reading a lot, for example, can edify sentiment; Guide people on the right path; Perfect moral character; Accumulation of words, sentences, paragraphs, etc. We should spend at least an hour every day to make their own personality get distillation, a good learning habit.

The classmates, dont forget, every year on April 23 is world reading day oh, lets read, tasting, the temperament cultivate up!!!!










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The after-class activities in my school are colorful. Every day we play basketball, football, do rope skipping and so on. But I like the Month of Science and Technology and the Cultural Festival most. In those days, we have a chance: to show ourselves to all the students. We can invent something with some classmates. And we can act in a play or make a speech or take part in the competition of singing. I enjoy myseff in those activities.




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I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out. Secondly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future. Finally, reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.





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I am a love reading girl, since I was young, I very love books, and book

the indissoluble bond. I put the book as an indispensable nourishment, he saw a

book like the hungry to see bread, fondle admiringly. Because the book is the

source of human wisdom, is the ladder of human progress. Book give me knowledge

and wisdom, and also gave me strength and courage. In my room, there is a large

bookcase, there are all books, every birthday, mom and dad asked me to want what

gift, I will blurt out: "a book, I as long as the book." When reading, I often

forget all about eating and sleeping, as if into another world.

Reading, can make us grow many knowledge, solve the problem. On one

occasion, grandmother domesticated some hares, hares to depilate, grandma see

hares like bite lice, gradually to open mouth, the neck fur with red meat, and

then use the tongue to the sides, and behind them in a hurry to say to me: "you

see how this rabbit. Red meat are exposed, it doing?" . I to grandma said with a

smile: "it is the hair removal, then fluff will regrow of glistening." My

grandma listened to, smiled and said to me: "how do you know?" I proudly said:

"from the book to see." It seems that these reading useless really big ah.

Colorful in the book, read the "lei feng diary let me know how people live

to be more of others, read" how the steel was tempered "which I understand the

difficulties cannot be back, have the perseverance and strong will to overcome




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"Blaspheme books, line miles." I thank the book guide me swim world; I appreciate the book gave me a rich imagination; I was moved, book another one let me understand a truth.

When I was a child, I was with the beautiful Snow White, lovely seven dwarfs, kind of grazing geese princess, mana boundless goldfish made friends. In the age of the reality and imagination cant distinguish, fairy tale has taught me to love others and love the world. Out of the fairy tale of innocence era, numerous interesting, thought-provoking classics like a magnet attracted me, for my students reading the hunger, the degree of surprise as Columbus discovered the new world. Classics Paul ko ezer gold iron in the spirit of perseverance let me admit defeat, Hemingway portrayed the Spanish bullfight of the scene made me shock...

I remember one day in the evening, Im watching the literature appreciation. Each read a story, I have to stop to think, write your own thoughts on the notebook, so imperceptibly see late at night more than 10 points. If not mother push me sleep, I will continue to see, because each piece of prose appeals to me. Reading brought me endless happiness, if read seriously, will be out of your mind, to another soul, with another soul communication and conversation. Reading is also a kind of the feeling of life. Du fus poems make people feel the bitterness of life, reading lu xuns articles make people recognize the darkness of the society, read bing xin let me feel the love and hope... Every book is a friend, we were taught to look at life.

In my eyes, like a cup of delicious fruit juice, is reading in the real thirst; Book is like a tempting bread, reading is in good chewing; Book is more like a piece of chocolate and spicy, reading is to taste slowly... In the endless books, I will continue to read the story.




