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Chang Yuxian is my best friend.I think hes a handsome boy.He came to our school half a year ago.Hes very shy in class, but not a stupid boy.常予先是我最好的朋友。我觉得他是个帅气的男孩。他来到我们学校已经有半年了。他在课堂上很害羞,但他决不是个愚蠢的孩子。

Every time when the teachers ask us some questions, he doesnt often put up his hand.He lowers his head in order not to meet the teachers eyes,because hes afraid and shy.But he knows every answers.每次当老师提问的时候,他经常不举手。他把头低下为了不跟老师目光相遇,因为他害怕、害羞。但是他知道每一个问题的答案。

Little by little, he begins to answer the questions in class, and takes part in the activities with us.He wants to challenge himself.If you are as shy as him, please follow him.Teachers are not tigers, but they are our best friends in school.渐渐地,他开始在课堂上回答问题了,而且还积极参加同学们的集体活动。他想要自我挑战。如果你跟他一样害羞,就像他那样做吧。老师不是老虎,而是我们在学校最好的朋友。

Lets be brave. Dont be shy any more!让我们勇敢起来,不在害羞!




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人的一生有七大追求目标,那就是:美丽、金钱、荣誉、权力、地位、健康以及诚信。我们可以失去美丽而丑陋,我们可以失去金钱而清贫,我们可以失去荣誉权力和地位而平凡,却千万不能失去诚信而欺诈。 The persons life has seven major pursuits, that is: beauty, money, honor, power, status, health, and integrity.We can lose beauty and ugly, we can lose money and poverty, we can lose honor and status and ordinary status, but we must not lose integrity and fraud.








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I apologize that I cannot go to school today. Last night my mother had a high fever and coughed badly. I think that she has got flu. She didn t have a good sleep and is very weak today, so I will go to Tiantan Hospital with my mother, and then stay at home to attend her. Because of this I have to ask for leave. I will appreciate you very much if you can allow my leave.



Li Li

您的学生 李丽




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Dishonesty in Tourism

1. 近年来旅游行业中不诚信现象比较普遍

2. 出现这一现象的原-因

3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议

Since 1980s, the economy of China has developed greatly. With more money in their pockets, people are spending more money on travelling, which has brought prosperity to tourism. Nevertheless, many travel agencies or agents are reported to cheat their customers and make money in a dishonest way.

The reason for dishonesty in tourism is various. First and for most, money is the spur. Some travel agencies use all means to cheat their customers in order to get more money. Secondly, to survive in the fierce competition, travel agencies have to make enough profits. To realize profit maximization, they cheat. Last but not least, their victims seem to have little sense of defending their rights.

To regulate travel agencies and protect the rights of tourists, the government has issued various laws. However, I think tourists can take the following tips to avoid travel scams. First, choose a trustworthy travel agency for your trip. Secondly, use your common sense and keep alert while travelling. Finally, defend yourself if your rights are violated.




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Time came slowly to the Qingming time.

The afternoon of April 3rd, our school organized a class five and class together to worship the martyrs cemetery. Walking into the cemetery, looking around, surrounded by mountains, quiet and silent. Occasionally, there are several birds singing, but they also disperse quickly. Most of the students were lowering their heads, wondering what they were thinking in silence. I sighed with a sigh and thought: it was a long time away from the time of the war, and the soldiers who died for the country were fading away. How many people could remember them? Everyone left with a strain of white flowers, looked up at the distance. Looking at the tall marble statue of the martyr, there was a feeling of admiration in mind, and my thoughts went to that distant age. Those young girls who are still in flower season have sacrificed their lives in the cruel war. Did they ever regret when they died? At that moment, they thought of their parents at home, or the security of their country, or just such a departure?

The worship of the process is very simple, but the atmosphere is dignified. No matter what, what is on your mind at this moment, everyone is silent and soundless. Finally, we put the paper flowers in front of the stone tablets and leave them together. The whole process is somewhat solemn and heavy. Returning to school, my mind is always relaxed and depressed. Whenever I think of that stone tablet and think of the soldier who is sleeping underground, there will be a lot of sadness and weakness. Todays life is because of them, we can live so happily.

Qingming Festival is the traditional festival of our nation. At this time, everyone will pay homage to their loved ones or martyrs. In this Qingming Festival, we can do too little or too little. Only hope that we can use a sincere heart to face our elders and martyrs.



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The girl is not my hobbies, even rarely play games online. However, Im weibo, there have been a fan for nearly two hundred people, but a lot of people envy.

On Saturday night, as usual, I open the weibo, find incredibly direct messages was written to me! May be I take "I to help you" the net, people often ask me for help, but I was the first received the letter! I am open on see, what is this:

"I was in primary school grade three, three years has always been the same deskmate, recently he always affect me, because I should to do?"

See this letter, I cant help himself a slight quiver, so ah! Deskmate always affect me, even though my grades didnt drop, but listening to lectures efficiency obviously is not good enough.

I with a sincere heart, with their own feelings, reply to her:

"First of all thank you for your trust me, so I can see from your letter you must be a clever child, your deskmate may learn bad, and naughty, but would you please more inclusive. Also, do you know why the teacher always let him be your deskmate? Thats because the teacher trust you, we cant live up to the expectations of the teacher, are you? You can help your neighbor, let he also experience the fun of learning, let him fall in love with learning, you said right?"

Looked at her and sending a smiling face, I seem to have also been infected, involuntarily smiled. Yes, ready to help others, this is the real "weibos got talent"!

I looked out the window, thinking: that star tonight, must be sunny tomorrow.











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Honesty is always of great concern to us things, whether in the past or now. Honesty is always our traditional virtue, but now there are many dishonest phenomena appeared in our life. For example the most college students are cheating in the exam time. In addition, in todays society the most dishonest phenomena that some bosses sell fake products.

Honest is good for us, sometimes it may bring us some unexpected things. For example, for us the good faith is very easy to win the respect and trust of teachers and students, to make our relationship better. For business people,Honesty is the best quality, it will not only make you win more consumers, but also will make your reputation is getting better and better.

If in the life of a person loses honest, perhaps for him that he will lose the whole world. Im the best advice is that make an honest man and honest work. Because honesty is the best policy.



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Long, long ago, there was a boy who lived in a small village. One day when he was out in the fields, he shouted,“Wolves are coming!”People all came to save him. But in fact,一here were no wolves. The boy told a lie. People were all unhappy. But the boy felt happy. So he did it again. But at the third time, wolves really came. He shouted for help but nobody believed him. The boy was eaten by the wolves. The story tells us it is very important to be honest. If you arent honest, people will not believe you and no one will help you.




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July 21 2014

It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in Beijing. On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural.







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Integrity is the honest code of honor, is to be the fundamental, is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Honesty refers to honesty, consistency; And trustworthy refers to speak and do things in good faith, said to do it.

The ancients said: "the gentleman a word is an arrow let fly." Remember in the personal character and social book multiple occurrences of "zengzi kill pig"? Zengzis wife took to the streets to shopping, in order to spread out the son of entwine, tiger, he said: "niang back to kill pig for you." When zengzis wife came back saw zengzi hands broadsword, is preparing to kill pig, hurriedly walked up and said: "my tiger tiger son, you really come, fast drop the knife." Zengzi said: "alas, parents are the first teachers of children, children are young, we do something people say, children will learn accordingly. You lied to their son, is equivalent to teach him to deceive! So we will deliver the goods, give the child a good example." Words just say that finish will be a pig to kill. If zengzi listen to his wife, home of the pig is saved, but for his son, perhaps never believe his mother, dont understand the person need to honest and trustworthy of reason.

"Wolf!" Story, your familiar! The little boy in the story to the farmers threw two lies below. When the Wolf really came, no one believe his words, because of his lies, cause the sheep to eat the consequences. This story isnt more dont tell us the seriousness of the honest and trustworthy?

So, be honest and trustworthy! Starts from me, starts from our side. We want to do a good faith of good student at school, at home to do a sincere boy.







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On the New Year’s Eve, our family gets together, my parents made the big dinner, we ate dinner at about five o’clock, we talked so happily. After finishing the dinner, my sister and I were so excited, because we planned to see the firework. In my hometown, people can play the firework as they want, people play all kinds of firework every year, it is so beautiful. When the time was about 9 o’clock, I heard the voice, then I looked at the sky, the darkness was lighted up by the firework, I saw many different pictures of firework, all were beautiful. I couldn’t blink my eyes, I was afraid of missing the beautiful moment. I love firework’s night.





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According to the news, China students Chaoran Sunat who had a bachelors degree in electronic engineering of America Purdue University ,at the age of 25 now, was recently sentenced to 4 years in prison, on charges of invasion of Professor’s computer to tamper results of him and other students. After the incident, he lost his bachelors degree from Purdue University, was also expelled from the Boston University Institute, can only rely on the handyman to earn living expenses in the restaurant, and the annual salary reduced from $70000 to $1500. The West pays more attention to integrity than China. As far as I am concerned, on one hand, if this had happened in China, the most he was cancelled degree, but not be sentenced. On the other hand, it is also very difficult to find a decent job after he came out of prison. However, in China, by virtue of his computer technology level, he can get a decent job, even to be the boss. In spite of this, with the development of economy, peoples life level improved, and continuous improvement of moral construction, credit system will be constructed, which lead Chinese will pay more and more attention to honesty.



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Ah! Christmas morning! Children like to wake up early while its still dark and sneak(蹑手蹑脚) into the living room to check the presentsfind any with their names on it, shake them to guess whats inside, and then maybe theyll go back to bed and pretend they are still asleep when their parents come to wake them with a Merry Christmas!

But almost no one I know gets completely dressed or eats a regular breakfast on Christmas morning. They just put on robes(长袍) or wear their pajamas(睡衣) and go to see whats under the Christmas tree. Some Christian families have a tradition of reading the Bible story of Jesus birth. Maybe its to remind(提醒) the children that Christmas is Jesus birthday.

Someone will begin to take the presents out from under the tree, see whose name is on the package, and then pass them around. Some families wait until all the presents have been given out before opening any of them, while others open each one as it comes to them. There are many thank you to the ones who gave the gifts. New clothes are tried on to see if they are fit, and of course the most interesting toys will immediately be played with.

Usually among the Christmas gifts will be some especially delicious candy or cake or cookies which everyone tastes. These sweet things may be the only breakfast many people eat on Christmas morning. After the gifts have been opened, the room will be tidied up except where the children are playing with their toys. Everyone will wash and get dressed for the day.

[精选初三英语作文:Christmas Day



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诚信是做人的根本,家庭中,学校里,乃至社会,诚信往往是必不可少的,为了自己的私欲而违背诚信的事,更是不可原谅的。 Integrity is the root of human beings. In family, schools, and even society, integrity is often essential.unforgivable.











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Hello, everyone! Today Ill tell you about my Chinese teacher.

Zhu Jingyan is my Chinese teacher. She is tall and beautiful. She has big eyes and long hair. Look, she is wearing a red dress today. The dress fits her very well. She is reading a book now. She is reading very carefully.

All of us love her very much. Why? Because she is very friendly and lovely. We are good friends. We often chat and play games with her. We often have a great time. Sometimes we dislike her, because she is angry. We are very afraid, so we dont make any noise.

My Chinese teacher is a good teacher. She works hard and she knows many things. When we answer her questions, she always listens to me carefully with a smile on her face. In her class, we often learn many things, so we like the Chinese lessons very much.

[盘点初三英语作文:My Chinese Teacher



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Parental love is like the ocean inexhaustible, be inexhaustible. I want to thank my parents!


My mom and Dad love me as a baby, my watch is more important than their own learning, life, everywhere on the love of my parents.


I remember one night, I had a fever, my mother took me under the body temperature, 39 degrees. My father bought a high degree of wine, the mother liquor to wipe my body side by side, to comfort me, asking me where uncomfortable, mother always accompany at me nearby, very worried, did not sleep one night...... Another time, my achievement is not ideal, the mother took the papers to help me analyze the test is not a good reason, I was doing wrong to copy on paper, let me again, also not to mind taking the trouble to teach me, until I had to subject all understand, I looked at my mothers gaunt face, I felt so sad. In my study, my mother will fling caution to the winds to help me. Dad to make our life better, overtime, and.


But how much love has the inch-long grass for three spring months of the light of the sun. Ill be the father and mother love heart, study hard, make a sensible boy to return the love of my parents!



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Everyone will encounter difficulties, when in trouble, some people said: "I am timid, dare to face the difficulties, will escape." Some people say: "I am not afraid, dare to face a difficulty, march forward courageously." I have also experienced difficulties, I will do so:


Starting in my practice, dulcimer, always feel a headache, sometimes also yawn, do not want to play, always want to go out to play. Gradually, I understand, if I earnestly practicing, you can perform on stage, so I gradually seriously, result I made a great progress, I also have a sense of achievement, the teacher praised me great progress, this shows that I have overcome difficulties.


Another time, I in the "happy camp" crawl, when the climb up the middle, I felt no strength, climb. When I intend to give up, and the mother said: "son, I believe you can succeed." Mothers words gave me strength, so I finally plucked up the courage, climbed up to the highest point. When I stand on the peak, I feel very proud.


Through these two things, I understand: the face of difficulties, as long as to overcome their own, march forward courageously, will win the final victory.



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