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The river in my hometown has a beautiful name— Xiaoqing River.The water in the river is nice and clean just like its nice name.

Xiaoqing River usually shows us her kinds of beauty. When spring comes, grass and flowers will cover both of her banks. We find our Xiaoqing River is really like a girl in white clothes. To our children, we like the river in summer best.

We can enjoy ourselves during the holiday, like swimming, playing water games and so on.





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On October 1, I did not go out as usual. Since it was National Day, 60th anniversary of my homeland, like many people, my parents and I just sat in the couch and watch TV. We didn’t want to miss the program, parade. We were all excited when we saw such beautiful and magnificent scene. There were so many people gathered together to celebrate the 60th anniversary. From their smile, I can feel their happy, their proud and confidence. I feel proud there are many advanced weapons to secure our country. We, Chinese, are never aggressive. We love peace. We know how to secure the peace because Chinese is the victim of war. When I saw 60 flower buses passed through Tian An Men, I am so excited. I believe our country will have a prosperous future.



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Dogs, along with cats, are thought to be as the most favored as pets in America today.?This wonderful animal is valued for their companionship, protection and friendship they bestow to their owners. So it is hardly suprising to find dogs or cats on television shows and movies and who could not forget Lassie, one of the most famous canine of all time.?

For the wonderful companionship this pet gives, it is vital the owner does his or her share of responsibilities that comes on owning a dog.?The owner has the obligation to make certain that their pet receives adequate attention and affection, adheres to a nutritious diet, have regular visits to the vet for a check up or for shots and a plenty amount of exercise to keep them healthy and mentally alert.

Although it takes time and effort to care for your dog, the rewards ultimately pay off.? In return for their owner caring efforts, the dog will grant them unwavering loyalty, their affection and most important of all, the desire to please you.?This is probably the reason why people sometimes prefer this exquisite creature than their own and for years to come canines will remain people favorite pet.






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Open the door, overnight, the outside world was a brush of the autumn wind dyed a golden sea.

First appear in front of my eyes is the leaves on the trees all turn yellow, the leaves were almost the whole ground. The big apple tree and red, like a chubby little boy playfully jumps down from the tree. The pieces of gold leaf is like only butterflies swirl to fall down.

The early autumn of guangdong is not very cold, a pair of brothers cant wait to wear it ran out in their jacket shorts, they take the leaves are playing a game of picking up the leaves. With one, being loud and disorderly, barks and jumping and running with joy. A row of geese flew in from the north to the south, while arranged in "people" word, for a moment in the word "one", they couldnt help to look at the cute little brother.

Listen, the fields are harvested from the song, they bring in the harvest sweet sweet wheat, sorghum, corn, soybeans,... Melodious song sing out the joy of harvest.

A beautiful picture of autumn? I love this colorful season, autumn fruit harvest season, a booming season.









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There are all kinds of animals in the world . My favorite animal is rabbits. It has two long ears, a pair of red eyes, and a short tail. It likes jumping. It likes eating carrots and cabbages. It is one of the worlds most lovely animals.



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I have a dog, it is lovely, it is called Mimi. Every time I go home from school, Mimi always cruising around me, I will go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat to it, it lay on the floor to eat. My legs and then jump to bark "Wang "called, so I picked up Mimi, it is the opportunity to lick my hand, making me laugh.

I like Mimi, like puppies.





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Integrity of the most precious Every day after school, I pass by the door of the little treasure of a store and see what is inside today fresh stuff. One day, I suddenly found that a small store shelves in the yo-yo Ive always dreamed of, it shine, shell is golden yellow, the green, beautiful shell and four small "photonic elves". Thats it! I take it stroked fondle admiringly.

At this time, the shop owner came up and said to me: "the yo-yo like? The original price to $26, the lowest $23 to sell you." I touch pocket, found that only 20 yuan, the boss see me the yo-yo very eager to get this, said to me: "well, then, you pay 20 yuan to take it away, remember next time also me three yuan!" I was overjoyed to promise a way: "good!" I pay the money, laugh, while playing, and went home happily.

But then I will left the matter in the brain, until a few days later remembered, I think, for such a long time, may be the boss also forget yourself. With the fluky psychology, from now on every time passing through the door of the little treasure, I go out, more cant go to with the bosss three yuan. However my behaviour has attracted the attention of the mother, mother seemed to see through my mind, asked me: "whats wrong with you? You not all will be ok before to see if there are any in the shop like gadgets? Now look at how?" I immediately looked down to mother said: "oh, oh, the last time I bought a long ball, no bad boss three dollars..." I didnt tell the reason, the along while mother hurriedly give me money let me go now.

Also money after, I feel very comfortable, I feel that we will be doing a honest person, in times of others, also believe in yourself!

诚信最珍贵 每天放学,我都要路过宝小门口的小卖部,看看今天里边有什么新鲜玩意儿。有一天 ,我忽然发现小店的货架上出现了个我一直梦寐以求的悠悠球,它发出耀眼的光芒,外壳是金黄色的,里面的绿色的,绚丽的外壳上还写着“光子精灵”四个小字。就是它!我拿着它爱不释手地抚摸着。






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I went to my cousins house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said shes worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that hell educate his child in a severe way,with a future fathers matureness.Im happy for them.:)

Yesterday,our research schools soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game.

Half of the National Day holidays have passed by...life still goes with good and bad times.



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On October 1, I did not go out as usual. Since it was National Day, 61th anniversary of my homeland, like many people, my parents and I just sat in the couch and watch TV.

We didn’t want to miss the program, parade. We were all excited when we saw such beautiful and magnificent scene. There were so many people gathered together to celebrate the 61th anniversary. From their smile, I can feel their happy, their proud and confidence. I feel proud there are many advanced weapons to secure our country. From joozone.com.

We, Chinese, are never aggressive. We love peace. We know how to secure the peace because Chinese is the victim of war. When I saw 61 flower buses passed through Tian An Men, I am so excited. I believe our country will have a prosperous future.







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As we all know, a better result of study can be brought by a better study environment. As a result, it is necessary for us to build the green campus. The green campus can not only provide a good environment for our study, but also be a part of build the harmonious society.

The green campus is not only the environmental being green, but also the sprite being green, which means we should do other things like helping each other or caring each other. Therefore, we should both beautify the campus environment and create a campus culture.

As middleschool students, we enjoy the campus time while we have responsibility to build our green campus. In spiritual term, we should respect teachers, classmates and other people work for the school. In environmental term, we should have good habits to keep campus in a clean surrounding.






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Home of the annual National Day arrived, square, the theater a new movie, my classmates and I watched a, really very nice, after you have read, dad agreed to go to my classmates home to play for a while, on the way to a classmates house, and a light rain began to fall, raindrops landed like tears from falling. To students, students in guzheng played a lovers, I feel good to listen. Classmate mother let me and classmates ate the fruit salad.

In the evening, dad took me out to dinner, have a mixed-race child yo. His father was a foreigner, and her mother is Chinese, he is super cute! Finished eating dinner, an aunt took me and brother to eat ice-cream. Went to bed after I go home, I made a sweet dream!

One day passed, and in this I also wish you all a happy National Day!






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1. 傍晚的彩霞染红窗棂,向晚的微风中夹着几片樱花瓣,小兄弟姐妹在那里拾花瓣,捧起花瓣,向上轻轻一抛,樱花在空中飞舞着,犹如一只只美丽的蝴蝶,在大自然的怀抱中舞蹈。孩子们的笑声和着微风,飘得很远,很远……

2. 韵华,那片我们不期而遇的樱树林,如今,又是细雨蒙蒙。雨谢樱花,凋落的不只是眼泪。花瓣纷纷繁繁,默默地随风飘散,淹没的也不仅是迷茫的眼睛,还有被淋得湿淋淋的心情。久久的,人也僵硬地枯木一样站在那里。

3. 山樱和吉野樱不像桃花那样地白中透红,也不像梨花那样地白中透绿,它是莲灰色的。八重樱就丰满红润一些,近乎北京城里春天的海棠。此外还有浅黄色的郁金樱,花枝低垂的枝垂樱,“春分”时节最早开花的彼岸樱,花瓣多到三百余片的菊樱……掩映重迭、争妍斗艳。

4. 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。

5. 所以,樱花开的季节,应该跳舞,或者,唱歌什么的。

6. 我隐约听到星旧苍凉而悲怆的歌唱回荡在高高的苍穹上,无数的飞鸟聚拢又散开,樱花如同伤逝一样,残忍地降临。

7. 一阵微风吹过,花瓣徐徐的洒落了下来。我轻轻的后退了一步,正因我不忍阻挡美丽的花瓣在空中轻舞。那舞蹈犹如精灵们在一齐嬉戏,你来我舞,争抢着在我面前表演她那美丽的身姿。风停了,精灵的舞蹈也落幕了,我忽然哀思阵阵,再美丽的东西也只是瞬间,刹那如果是永恒,那该多好啊。

8. 樱花开了,那粉嫩的花瓣随着轻风慢慢的抖动,清香随着微风轻轻的洒满了整个院子,让人神情气爽。

9. 樱花的花瓣由边缘到中心,由淡粉到纯白;粉红的,像婴儿纯真的笑脸,洁白的,似人间白雪。我忍不住轻轻地抚摸它,柔软如江南的丝绸一般。花瓣的边缘呈微波状,像是在一片粉红海洋上泛起的朵朵微波,这真正的是花的“海浪”。花茎细长而柔曲,细得如一根碧绿的银丝,柔曲得似少女姣好的身姿,由上至下,由粗至细,由棕至绿,支撑着娇嫩的花朵。

10. 樱花十里飘香,春暖花开,听说这樱花是日本的国花呢!樱花的颜色是粉白色的,在太阳的照耀下,樱花显得更加美丽。樱花像一位美丽的花蝴蝶,以优美的舞步获得了观众的掌。樱花从不李争春。一簇簇红樱花,红的像洗过的胭脂,加上红色的叶陪衬,远远看去像早晨喜微初露的朝霞。啊!真美丽啊!

11. 走进校园,首先映入眼帘的便是那一排排的樱花。一团团,一簇簇,淡粉,深粉,乳白……令人目不暇思。

12. 若要在山上多逗留一天,鸟来也有五星级的度假饭店;想要静心品茗,鸟来从来不少茶,巨龙山庄的白云轩,是鸟来品茗赏景最佳的地点,尤其是飘雨的季节,在白云轩可以欣赏南势溪流过洪荒峡的壮观场景,可顺便享受一下山中灵气。

13. 再见樱花,又是在雨中。那日,雨蕴春意,飘飘洒洒,珞珈山也就显得格外的空灵。在樱园,在樱花大道上,满是撑着伞赏花的人。而我却瘦瘦的站在热闹的人群之外,心境如同这雨中的樱花,出奇的宁静与平和。不太久远的梦想。总能在这样的时刻,随着一片片雨,滑过樱花的边际,款步在我灵魂的阡陌。樱花,在纷纷的雨中。雨中的樱花,却在我们不经意的时候,宁静成一种深刻的纪念,是的,在珞珈山的日子,当是我们最幸运的时光,心怀最纯洁的愿望……

14. 有一条路叫黄泉,有一座桥叫奈何,有一种情叫无奈,但是也有一种情叫雪樱花,有一种爱叫樱雨花泪,有一份真诚叫无泪,不明白樱花为是么总是冬的结束,春的开始,是离始,还是期望!但我知道樱花短暂的一现,似雪花漂落,当樱花开雪落下,那时樱花似在落泪,滴滴都是那样的伤感中凄美。

15. 不知是在哪一天,猛地一抬头,便看到对着我微笑的樱花。娇美的樱花就像是婴儿粉嫩的脸蛋,那白的就像是那堆积的白雪。花开的悄然,我便不知不觉的沉浸在弥漫着樱花气息的季节里。校园中的樱花处处可见,爱美的人们,拿着相机结伴到樱花树下,留下倩影的印记。那些离别在即的应届毕业生们,就更不必说。他们不仅仅是在照相片,照美景,他们照的是回忆,是念想。樱花是临大的樱花,樱花树下是临大的密友。

16. 樱花开了,樱花也会落,像雪一样,纷纷扬扬。樱花开的时候,我爱你,樱花落的时候,我知道,我依然爱你。真的要问我爱你的理由,那么,就只是因为樱花开了吧。至于你满不满意这个答案,我想,我也只能莞尔一笑了。

17. 啊,那就是樱花!我一步并两步跑到樱花树前,抬头仔细观赏着。有的繁花满枝,像粉红色的云霞;有的花谢了,树衩上又抽出片片鲜嫩欲滴的树叶;有的羞羞涩涩,把头埋在花苞里说悄悄话呢!

18. 樱花初春开放,一蔟蔟挂满枝头,红的就像小姑娘的脸蛋,还带着羞意,白的又似雪花,透明而干净,每年樱花初放,便有好多小姑娘成群去采樱花,然后用水养着放在家里,我却不喜欢,我认为樱花挂在树上是最漂亮的。樱树的叶子要樱花凋谢了以后才慢慢长出,随着果实一齐成长,我以前想,或许叶子是为了让樱花美得更纯粹,故意晚出的吧。

19. 每当临近樱花绽放的时节,走过樱花树下,人们总会满心期待地望望樱树枝头。体会了这般的心情,每当樱花枝头上饱满的花苞绽放吐蕊,或白或粉红的花瓣为街道染上一层新妆的时候,散步在街道上都显的脚步轻松、心情愉快。

20. 樱花花瓣美丽纯洁,层层花瓣就像一个个夹心小面包。在花瓣中间,花蕊像一朵朵太阳花,迎风招展,婀娜多姿。花瓣边缘是一群小点围在一起,显得丰富愉快。我无法用文字准确形容那花瓣的色彩,说它像翡翠吧,它又那么玉琢冰雕;说它像宝玉吧,它又显得那么柔嫩而富有弹性。薄如纸的花瓣,好像轻轻一捏,就能释放出充足的水分。花瓣的花蕊约有一寸长,好像一朵灿烂的太阳花迎风招展,似乎在显示它的婀娜多姿。

21. 喜欢热闹的人,鸟来还有一个云仙乐园可供全家同游,搭缆车可一览鸟来瀑布区全景。而瀑布前的那鲁湾度假饭店,提供了都会人各种休闲的需求,饭店后是满山的樱花,而饭店内的住宿设备,除了具有现代化的舒适外,还有原住民文化色彩,别具创意。

22. 我们急不可待地跑进樱花树之间,仰头欣赏着一朵朵艳丽的花儿,微风一吹,空中的花瓣像小姑娘一样在翩翩起舞,满天满地都是樱花的花瓣,树叶上也有,枝杈上也有,就像是下了一场樱花雨。

23. 一到日本,每个角落都能够看见粉红色白色的樱花树,每隔几米便有一株。在这个樱花盛开的季节,许多地方更成了一个樱花海,当清风吹过,樱花便纷纷散落,像是下了一场纷纷扬扬的小雪。

24. 无数樱花生长在樱花树躯干上,有的含苞待放,有的争花斗艳。樱花有粉红色粉白色朱红色艳红色。樱花有七层,共有三至五片花瓣。形状像酒杯,黄色的花心伸到花瓣外,冲着我们微笑。在阳光的照耀下美丽极了!

25. 李商隐有首诗是这样的:何处哀筝随急管,樱花永苍垂扬岸。樱花烂漫几多时?柳绿桃红两未知。劝君莫问芳菲节,故园风雨正凄其。樱花啊樱花,你令人陶醉,你令人心旷神怡!

26. 老师带我们来到樱花园,远远看去,粉红色的一片,像一大片粉红色的彩云,飘呀,飘呀,飘累了,就停在那里歇脚呢。近看,粉红的花瓣和绿色的叶子全是椭圆形的,花蕊白里有黄,下面是白的,上面是黄的,十分嫩小,好像一摸就会断了一样,所以我们只看不摸。花朵有的开了,千姿百态;有的开一半,正在努力;有的还是花骨朵,就像害羞的小姑娘,不敢冒出头来。可不论花朵还是花骨朵,它们都挨挨挤挤,密密层层的。还有那迷人的香味,沁人心脾,令人心旷神怡。

27. 樱花在微风的的抚弄下缓缓地飘下来,好像一个个粉红色的精灵在空中旋转,飘下蓝蓝的河中、草地上。

28. 樱花,会对春天过敏的季节,豁达的天堂,抚平浮躁的心,熟悉简单的言语说给会懂的人听,明天傻傻的孩子气,喜欢你飞舞的头发,允许我小小的依靠在喧嚣中静默惜未,想要遇见的春天的花草离开会有新的收获,在等待这个春天会发生微妙般的丝丝奇迹,我听说天那边有云在依偎,而否发现累积的改变,隐隐看见狮子的尾巴,相信觉得再美也学会那一幕遥望碧阳的曙光,我感觉我懂你的特别,有一扇窗,你会看到融化的爱飞跃,不计划不冒险,快乐每一天,一丝暖暖的微光。

29. 我记忆中你温柔的笑容背后是樱花般坠落的凄美。

30. 樱花盛开,满树烂漫,薄薄的阳光,斜射在翩翩静美的粉红与素白的浪漫中,大片大片的花瓣织成一场让人屏息流连的樱花雨。

31. 细看那片樱花,从白变为红,而顶端就为一大红了。几片樱花瓣,一朵绯红香。天空是白的,白的很纯正,可谓清白。而这樱花,是清清的,清澈的白中,又多了许令人喜欢的春天的颜色。

32. 在道路的两侧栽种的就是美丽的樱花了。有两种品种,一种是二月份早开的,是复瓣的大红色的樱花,咱们到时,还能零星地看上一些。而此时花枝招展笑靥甜美的粉色樱花,却是咱们常在画片中看到的,我站在树下,仔细地端详着,欣赏着,觉得怎样看都像挑花。我不知道桃花与樱花有没有什么因缘关联,但她们就像孪生姐妹一样地难以分辨。当然,只要认真观察,会发现它们的枝干是不一样的,桃花的树干着色更深更亮。,据说,这儿的樱花有一万多株。

33. 三月,正是繁花盛开的季节,因此,就让咱们走进三月,一齐去赏一赏那最美丽,最有代表性的花仙子!

34. 阳春三月,百花盛开在一个晴朗的星期六上午,妈妈带着我和姐姐到阳明山上去观赏美丽的樱花

35. 樱花的花色也有许多,但主要分为红、白两种。白色樱花洁白如雪,给人纯洁之美;红色樱花还有深红、浅红、粉红之分,人们常见的是粉红色的樱花,其花如少女羞红的脸,给人青春、浪漫之美。

36. 洁白的樱花随风舞动,犹如纷落的雪花,空气中浮动着远东樱花特有的淡淡清香,令人不禁心生愉悦之感。

37. 一颗颗珍珠似的晨露在花瓣上闪闪发光;一张张粉嘟嘟的笑脸向人们张望,笑得那么灿烂。仅仅1条树枝上,就有几十朵樱花,而每一朵樱花,又有着各自迷人的姿态:有含苞欲放的花骨朵儿,如同一个害羞的小姑娘;有只开了两三瓣的小花,真是“犹抱琵琶半遮面”啊;更有全部绽开的大樱花,对人们露出了热情的笑脸。樱花一丛丛,一簇簇,有大有小,有歪有斜,有浓有淡,更加显得多姿多彩。

38. 樱花象征着热烈、高尚、纯洁,它在严冬后最先把春天的气息带给人们,而自己却悄悄地逝去,无声无息。樱花开的灿烂、纯洁、美丽,即使是死,也是壮烈地离去。樱花凋落时,不会污染土壤,很干脆、利落,死的果断!而樱花的凋零却是美丽的,它的离去给人以美的感觉,它将自己的生命奉献给了人们。

39. 一阵微风吹过,花瓣徐徐的洒落了下来。我轻轻的后退了一步,因为我不忍阻挡美丽的花瓣在空中轻舞。那舞蹈犹如精灵们在一起嬉戏,你来我舞,争抢着在我面前表演她那美丽的身姿。风停了,精灵的舞蹈也落幕了,我忽然哀思阵阵,再美丽的东西也只是瞬间,刹那如果是永恒,那该多好啊。好词好句

40. 春暖花开的季节,闯入樱花园,看她尽情的绽放,尽情的完美。



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Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents.

Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China.

So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.




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Autumn to the days of high clouds, cool breeze, orchard fruitful, faction of the harvest scene.

Look in the orchard that only a huge apple covered with branches, bending the branches, like hide and seek children exposed smile. I eat one, sweet and fragrant, really delicious. I looked at the scene, eating this apple, can not help but "poem" a: "tree apple orchard and large, red color like a child face; gently smell the smell of spicy, eat mouth sweet Jinjin!

The north of the apple forest is the vineyard. "Crystal" grape crystal translucent, like a crystal carved out like. "Red Earth" grape red with purple, like a string of red pearls hanging in the tree. And that "beauty refers to" grapes, the skin is very thin, like a touch on the broken like.

There is a large pomegranate tree on the west side of the vineyard. This is just a pomegranate like a "smiling" small doll, as if to say: "My belly big and big, which filled with small baby; everyone together to taste, teeth sweet out light. I could not stand the temptation of it, picked a, cut open the skin, took out into the mouth of a bite, red juice has been sweet to the heart, refreshing.

After tasting the pomegranate, we came to the persimmon garden. Persimmon flat, orange, like a small lantern.

The fruitful dressing up the beautiful orchard, it is indulge in pleasures without stop. This charming school of autumn, even look at a glance, also called you enchanted.



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Suddenly,the National Day has arrived.The seven days I can not waste time,so I have to arrange for each day!

In seven days,I want to finish work,and to double-check again.We need to do to buy their own practice,what to do after the reference to the answer.

I would also do more to help my mother home,like vegetables to help his mother.Every day will drag on the floor at home.

This is my National Day plans.







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Winter rain, not to mention how familiar. Winter rain sister every day heaven, people happy people worry. The streets are both desolate and deserted, and are basically desolate. Winter sisters rain is rain, can choose the wind brother to trouble, the original beautiful and romantic winter rain in peoples mouth becomes annoying.

Once, I sat in the father of the battery car, just the sky floating drizzle, can be a big wind. I joked: "rain with the wind flurry, really a flower ed on the cow dung!" Dad smiled. Because the rain came, the sky became dark, and all the hearings were rain "ticking", the "rushing" sound of the rain, or the rocking of the leaves of the wind - The sound in the rain, "patronize" when it is too much! Every time the rain, everything becomes wet da da, it seems that the wind was a bath. Can snake, turtle, some hibernating animals can not accept the "bath task", just want to be over the hole in the cold winter.

There is no way, and can not hibernate, can only think of their own way to keep warm in the morning, no longer someone from morning to night out of morning practice; noon, although the day is the hottest time, to the winter, it does not meet the science; The coldest day, is like a forest silence ... ... the land is the most common puddle, and one foot down, they will splash countless small water, splashed on peoples clothes, pants, so a no Attention, clothes pants on the wet. Those small puddles, reflecting all things, the plot will even become a small tadpole swimming.

Winter rain, people happy to worry!



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In the growth, there are always some lingering worries. As the ancients said: "people have sensitized, yuan, there are rain or shine." Why do peoples lifetime will not be smooth? I am no exception! Growth has given me endless happiness, but also bring many troubles to me from time to time: for growth, I with the feelings of a kind of desire, but somewhat bored.

The first: much homework. Though the teacher is decorated very little, but mother is three times of assignment, let me test the mountain every day. Go home at night, the first thing is to do my homework, then chew my everybody.

The second: less time. Can also play at school, at home, in addition to eat, when they dont have time to play the other time was spent on learning.

Third: friends less. Grow up, boys play with boys, girls like girls to play, if the boy and the girl talk, everyone else will be so good friends less, "enemy" had more.

Fourth: the demand is high. When I was a child, live carefree, free. Now, as the fifth grade students I have grown up, not as a child, do things to be careful, focused, after all, I have grown up. The carefree days are far...

Growth, although gave me a lot of trouble, but also bring me much happiness. At the same time, also because of the growing pains, I know a lot of, also aware of the many, many... Happiness and troubles can be compared them into a piece of a piece of paving stone, they are connect the leak, the road to success!









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Now National Day is coming.I have made a plan for it .I am going to Beijing with my parents.Because there are many places of interest .First we want to visit the Great Wall ,which is considered one of the seven wonders in the world.Second we want to visit the summer palace ,where lived many emperors during the hot days.Then we want to visit the Water Cube,where many important events are held .Finally we want to visit hutong to get a knowledge of the culture of old Beijing .I think this trip must be very interesting and we will have a good time.

国庆节要到了,我已经定了一个计划,我和我的父母去北京,因为那有很多名胜古迹.首先我们要去长城 ,它被认为是世界七大奇观之一.第二我们要参观颐和园,许多帝王避暑的地方.然后我们去水立方,很多重大的体育比赛都在那举行.最后我们要去参观胡同 去了解一下老北京的文化.我想这次旅行一定很有趣,所以我们一定会玩得很高兴.
