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案例:A companys long-term success is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job security felt by the companys employees.



I agree that business success is more likely when employees feel satisfied with their jobs. Employees who dislike the workplace or their jobs are not likely to reach their potential performance levels; they may tend to arrive late for work, perform their tasks in an unimaginative and sluggish manner, or take excessive sick leaves. Nevertheless, a firms long-term success may equally result from other factors such as finding a market niche for products, securing a reputation for quality products and services, or forming a synergistic alliance with a competitor. This list hardly exhausts all the factors that can contribute to a firms ultimate success, and no none of themincluding job satisfactionis pivotal in every case.




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In the east of China,there is a small city---Haimen.I was born

there.Today,I am telling you about my hometown.

Haimen is not far from Shanghai.Its at the mouth of the Changjiang

River.Haimen is a modern city.There are lots of high buildings in it.Most of us

live in flats.We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends.In

the center of Haimen,there are many shops.You can buy some nice things

here.Things in most shops arent expensive.You can pay a little money and they

are yours.

My hometown is a beautiful city.On each of the roads,there are some big

trees and nice flowers.The roads are also very clean.They make people happy and

comfortable.The seasons here are very nice.I like autumn best.Its neither hot

nor cold.A poem says “Flyer of summer come to my window to sing,then fly

away.And yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs,just fall there with a

sign.” Its very cool.

I love Haimen.Its a nice place to live.Welcome to my hometown.



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1. College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs.

2. There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts—especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species.

3. 在冒险之前要考虑后果。


1. The following appeared in a letter from the owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment complex to its manager. "One month ago, all the showerheads in the first three buildings of the Sunnyside Towers complex were modified to restrict maximum water flow to one-third of what it used to be. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. Clearly, modifying showerheads to restrict water flow throughout all twelve buildings in the Sunnyside Towers complex will increase our profits further."

2. 考的是那个new Captain Seadood will be popular and profitable.

3. 公司做调查说现在电器的用能源量比以前少了很多,所以能源的用量会有所减少什么的。




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If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient. if we want light, we must conquer darkness. perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “there are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids—the eagle and the snail.”

if i were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; i would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. i would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once.the habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough. i often hear grown up people say “ i could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although I wished to do so” , and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth.

if I were to live my life over again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. it takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. it only needs early cultivation to become a power.



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I think healthy habits are very important for us.


I think healthy habits are very important for us.

All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health.Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies.Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.

If we can do all above, we can live a healthy life.







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这次没考好的主要原因是自己没认真复习,下次我一定要加油了 !



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这 一过程包括鉴别、比较、筛选、取舍等方面。筛选时要遵循去粗取精、去伪存真的原则,也就是要去除低级庸俗的东西,选择有意义的事。所谓有意义的事,就是有 认识价值和教育价值,能给人以启迪和趣味的事,否则作文不能打动人。选材也要回避熟事,如老师带病上课,妈妈雨夜背我去医院这类题材就应该避开,要写“人 人眼中皆有,个个笔下皆无”的事。


高中记叙文,所选材料除了真实、有意义、符合主题外,应力求新颖,力争做到“人无我有,人有我新”。让学生在作文中运用新颖的材料,确实有一定难度,但是如 果学生能够关注生活小事,以与众不同的“视角”思考,独辟蹊径,挖掘出生活小事中的意蕴,完全可以把很平庸的“破事”、“破材料”写得很有新意。


不少同学总是抱怨生活太平淡,没有精彩的东西入文,其实,作文源于生活而又高于生活,写作时允许对素材进行艺术加工。“艺术组合”就是一种好方法,它是将分 散、零碎的材料进行巧妙的组合和嫁接,创造出更具典型的内容,即鲁迅所说的“杂取种种,合成一个”。沈从文《边城》中的翠翠有三个生活原型:一个是泸县绒 线铺的女孩子,翠翠明慧温柔的品性就取之于这个小女孩;一是在青岛崂山看到的女孩子,翠翠的清纯朴实即源于这个乡村女子;一个是作者的师母,从她身上“取 得性格上的朴素式样”。如果我们在作文中也借鉴这种方法,把生活中的点滴感受和经验加以筛选组合,便会提炼出有血有肉富有真情实感的题材,既解决了无米下 锅的问题,又能提高作品的感染力。




设置悬念,就是有意设置一个疑问或矛盾,以引起读者追根究底的兴趣和牵肠挂肚的期待。如石繁的《老师给我写情书》,题目就让人不解:“老师怎么能给学生写情 书呢?”迫不及待地看下去才知道,文中的“我”常为自己的相貌苦恼,这时,“我”收到一封情书。情书中说,他倾情于自己已经很久了,很想将来在美丽的大学 校园和“我”牵手漫步,但现在需要的是双方一心一意,努力学习。这封情书没有署名。后来,“我”考上了大学,这件事情也忘记了。待好多年过去,“我”携夫 带子拜访自己的中学老师,情书之谜终于解开。原来是老师为了给自卑感强的“我”以信心,特意写了这封“情书”。这种写法主要作用是抓住读者的心,使文章情 节发展具有吸引读者关切、引人入胜的魅力。


所谓“制造误会”就是利用作品人物之间的猜疑或误解,来激化矛盾,掀起波澜,不断推动情节的发展变化,最终释疑解扣。在情节曲折发展的过程中,人物形象也不 断地被丰满和立体化,而作者的感悟,作品所要表现的主题也会在最终释疑的过程中自然展现。唐继柳译的《20美金的价值》,写一位爸爸晚上回家,五岁的儿子 问他一小时挣多少钱,他回答说20美金。之后,儿子小心翼翼地向他提出借10美金,爸爸很生气,他认为孩子要钱是为了买玩具,于是发了一通火。后来他觉得 自己过分了点,再说儿子平常很少要钱,他来到儿子的房间,向儿子道歉。儿子看到爸爸不生气了,便欢叫着从枕头下拿出一沓被弄皱的钞票,慢慢地数着。爸爸一 看又气了:“你有钱,怎么还要?”儿子说:“我现在有20美金了,我可以向你买一个小时的时间吗?明天请你早一点回家——我想和你一起吃晚餐。”爸爸误会 了儿子,原来儿子向自己借钱,是为了达到这么一个目的啊!因为有了两次误会,文中才不显山,不露水,直到结尾,才一下子抖出主旨来,让我们吃了一惊。写记 叙文,在情节的发展过程中“制造误会”,可以有效地推动情节向作者需要的方向发展,并且形成文章波澜,使文章更生动。


在记叙文写作中,人物形象的塑造非常重要,如果该人物在文章一开始就已经表现出他的全部特征,那么后文的讲述就完全在读者的意料中发展,文章就显得很平,难 以给读者以深刻的印象。而如果作者先带领读者对某人物有一个初步且不完整,甚至反面的认识,然后通过事件的发展展现真正的人物形象和个性,让读者自己推翻 原先的印象,重新确立对人物的认识,那么读者对该人物形象就会有比较深刻的理解。“抑扬转换”就是其中很重要的一种手法。“抑扬转换”,就是指在文章中对 所写的对象,或欲扬先抑,或欲抑先扬,陡然一转的一种艺术手法。运用这种方法来构思写作,往往可以使文章波澜陡起,摇曳多姿,从而达到“山重水复疑无路, 柳暗花明又一村”的佳境。




1. 善用修辞,增添文采


2. 锤炼词语,让语言更加生动


3. 灵活运用句式,使语言更富美感

现代汉语有多种句式,有整句、散句、长句、短句、肯定句、否定句等。在写作时,如注重句式的变化和使用,会使语言多姿多彩,美感迭生。例如:“我们不能主宰 生命的长度,但我们可以左右生命的宽度”(肯定句与否定句的结合),又如:“生如夏花般灿烂,死如秋叶般静美”(对比句)。灵活的句式,不仅表现了我们思 维的灵活,也体现了我们驾驭语言的能力,从而增加语言的节奏感和韵律美。







故事精彩,记叙文才能吸引人,才能给读者留下深刻的印象。抓住了故事性的记叙文,即便文笔一般,文章也差不到哪里去。通常情况下,学生写的记叙文不佳,最主 要的原因就是故事的框架、选材和情节没有构造好,文章显得平庸乏味。学生写记叙文要从故事性入手,有故事则有内容,有内容才有精彩。高考记叙文写作,成败 的关键皆由故事性决定。

优秀的 记叙文,往往构思精致巧妙,情节引人入胜,高明的作者都在故事情节的完整及构思的巧妙方面下功夫。记叙文要完整生动地叙述故事,名家名作无不是寓巧妙的情 节构思于完整的故事之中。故事的情节是要靠矛盾的发展去推动的,因而情节的发展要有自然性、合理性和完整性。如果片面求新而破坏了故事的完整性,就会得不 偿失。







人物的语言描写要做到立片言而尽显人物精神。人物语言包括独白和对话两种。独白指人物的自言自语,对话是两个人或多个人之间的相互交谈。历来优秀作家都十分 重视人物语言的描写,常说的“如闻其声,如见其人”,既是对作家塑造生动人物形象的高明技法的赞誉,也是语言描写的功能和作用的体现。



不管是人物描写、景物描写,还是场面描写,都必须注意细节描写,就是对故事情节中那些极富个性特点的细枝末节方面进行描写。细节虽小,却往往通过作品给人留 下深刻、难忘的印象。优秀的文学作品,甚至一篇不太成功的作文,常常因其某一独特而极具个性的细节描写,而令我们过目不忘。

写人记事绘景,可正面描摹,以见真形;也可侧面烘托,以显神韵。正面描摹,即对作文中要写的人物、事件、环境等进行正面而直接的、具体、生动、形象的刻画。 侧面烘托,则是借他人他物或环境,以衬托此人此物此景而显出精神的一种方法。这样,写事件则场面活现,写人物则栩栩如生。


抒情,简单地说,就是用真挚的语言来抒发内心的情感。在记叙的过程中,恰到好处地对所记叙的人和事抒发感情,可以让平白的叙事锦上添花,引起读者的共鸣。抒 情的文字有时渗透在文章的字里行间,作者凭借所描述的人、事、景、物来传情达意,即间接抒情,常见的间接抒情方法有叙事抒情、借景抒情、托物言志三种。抒 情文字有时在叙述和描写的基础上直接抒发,也就是直抒胸臆。



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1. a big headache令人头痛的事情

2. a fraction of 一部分

3. a matter of concern 焦点

4. a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是

5. absent from不在,缺席

6. abundant in富于

7. account for 解释

8. accuse sb. of sth.控告

9. add to增加(add up to)

10. after all 毕竟,究竟

11. agree with同意

12. ahead of time / schedule提前

13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前)

14. alien to与...相反

15. all at once 突然,同时

16. all but 几乎;除了...都

17. all of a sudden 突然

18. all over again 再一次,重新

19. all over 遍及

20. all right 令人满意的;可以

21. all the same 仍然,照样的

22. all the time 一直,始终

23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒

24. anxious about/for忧虑,担心

25. anything but 根本不

26. apart from 除...外

27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求

28. applicable to适用于

29. apply to适用

30. appropriate for/to适当,合适



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Thanks to the teachers, we have improved our English.










First of all, Firstly/First,Secondly/Second…

And then, Finally, In the end,At last


What is more, Besides,Moreover,


However, On the contrary, but

On one hand… On the otherhand…Some…, while others…


Because, As、So, Therefore, As a result


In other words


For example,句子;For instance,句子;such as + n/doing

7.表陈述事实:In fact


As far as I know, In myopinion


In short, In a word.



I believe Tianjin will be morebeautiful and prosperous.


How I want to study in thebest middle school in Guangzhou!


Reading books and swimming aremy hobbies.



when, not…until(直到…才…), as soon as(一…就…)


so that + clause; (为了)


so…that…(如此…以至于…), too…to do(太……以至于……)


if, unless(除非), as long as(只要)


as…as…(与…一样), not so…as…, than




We livemore and more comfortable.


2.we can getmany informations by reading newspapers.

改正:much information (不可数名词由much修饰)

3.There willhave a football game tomorrow.

改正:There will be a football game tomorrow.(Therebe句型的将来时结构)

4.I thinkride a bike can keep our health.

改正:I think riding a bike can keep us healthy.(动名词作主语)



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last week i went to mount emei in sichuan province with my family. early in the morning, we took a taxi to beijing west railway station. the station was very lively.

half an hour later, we got on the train. on the train, we had a lot of fun. after 26 hours, we reached sichuan. there, we took many photos and had a goodtime. 5 days later, we came back to the beijing. even though my travel seemed really short, but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long.






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Since the financial crisis swept the world, the global economy has sunk into a severe recession. It’s hard to get through a day without hearing or reading news about the devastating effects of the crisis: A world of companies go bankrupt, millions of employees are laid off, high-return investment bubbles burst, and huge sums of loans can never be retrieved. Its impact on our daily life can be felt in all walks of life。

College students inevitably fall victim to this pervasive slump as well. On top of that, internships and job vacancies are reduced to the minimum as companies keep shrinking. New graduates find themselves hard to get a job, not to speak of a satisfactory one. What comes next? Poor students will be hard-pressed if they find student loans unavailable any more. As a result, some even cannot afford to continue their studies. Lastly, more students are probably out there anxiously looking for part-time jobs now that they have to help cover their expenses in this gloomy economy. Their innocence and eagerness might be taken advantage of by some malicious businesspeople, or even criminal gang。

In response to these threats, we students must act promptly and wisely. Since we definitely will be facing a competitive job market, it’s crucial that we submit high quality resumes. Therefore, we must commit more to our professional studies. Even do better, master more relevant job skills as a double security. Furthermore, apply for scholarships and grants, as these are still available and we don’t have to pay them back. As for the safety issues, trust our instinct – there’s no free lunch in this world. Anything that promises quick returns without much work is a sure trap. Stay alert and protect ourselves。



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Summer can be very hot in southern taibei where the temperature usually goes up to 32"C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has just ended I went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.

I spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. I used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do so. I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. Though those examinations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to come. With this in mind I then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.



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Today, cellphone has been part of people’s live, they use cellphone to keep in touch with friends and family, cellphone is also very helpful in people’s work. As cellphone is so important, so people count on it so much, I think we need to take the right attitude towards cellphone.


Teenagers especially like to use cellphone, they can’t live without cellphone. Take my brother for example. He carries cellphone all the time, no matter what he does. When we are talking to him, he just lows down his head and says yes, I don’t think he is listening to us. When he is walking on the street, he still keeps his eyes on the screen. My brother is a typical cellphone user, I feel pity for him because he misses so many beautiful moment.


It is very a common situation for the young people to low down their heads to check on the cellphone. They don’t have the real communicate with others, it is not a good behavior. It is better to drop down the cellphone and see the scenery around us.




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英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见、所闻、所做或所想的事情。中、英文的日记三格式大致一样。英语日记的书端 是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况, 如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Windy,Snowy,Cloudy等。


A)September 1,2004或September 1st,2004也可省略写成Sept. 1,2004或Sept. 1st,2004;the 1st of September in 2004(月份不可以缩写)

B)只有月、日:September 1或September 1st(月份可以缩写)

C)只有年、月:September 2004或the September of 2004(月份不可以缩写)

以上的1或1st都应读作the first.


Saturday,October 22nd,2004;October 22nd,2004 Saturday

3.天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Snowy 等表示。写在日期之后,用逗号隔开,位于日记的右上角。如:

Saturday,March 4,2004,Windy;1st January,2004,Fine


日记的正文是日记的主要部分,写在星期和日期的正下方,可以顶格写,也可以内缩3至5个字母的空间。由于记载的内容通常已经发生,谓语动词多用一般过去 时。但也可根据具体情况,用其它时态。如:记叙天气、描写景色,为了描写生动,可以使用现在时,以表现当时的情景。再如文后发表感想或评论可用现在时态或 将来时态。记日记力求简单明了,有连贯性。若有文字提示,则应重视提示,把握要点。在句式上尽量使用简单句,以防繁杂,造成语法、句型错误。






March 12th,2003,Tuesday Sunny (Fine)

Today is Tree Planting Day. At 7∶30 in the morning,all the students in our class met at the school gate. We walked to the park. Miss Gao and other teachers went and worked with us. All the students worked very hard,and we planted about 200 trees. Though we were dirty and tired,we still felt very happy.




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There has been a long time for my family not to go out for the activity, because my father is busy all the time. But last week, my father finally finished his project, so that he could take a rest for some time.

My father advised us to go to the zoo, I was so excited, because I hadn’t seen many animals in my life.

In the zoo, there were so many people, it was so lively.

I saw the monkey, the giraffe and so on.

I saw these animals in the TV usually, but I saw them in front of me that day. The peacock impressed me so much, it looked homely when it laid down the ground, but when it stood up and opened the wings, it was so gorgeous. People said peacock was proud, indeed, it would not please people. I had a good time in the zoo.







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In the past few decades, our Earth has changed a lot, but to the bad

direction. Among these changes, the air pollutions resulting from a huge number

of automobiles and coal-burning is almost the severest. The severe air pollution

alarms humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable

production and usage of automobiles. However, with the deepening of

urbanization, more cars are needed, which will make the air pollution worse.

Therefore, the following actions should be taken. First, we should apply the

most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as

substitutes for fossil fuels. Second, try hard to develop possible

transportation means, which are enviromental friendly. So that the citizens can

reduce the dependence on cars. In short, our humans should take responsibilities

for the air pollution and have to find ways to solve this problem.



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Nowadays, pets become so close and friendly to our human-beings that more

and more people enjoy keeping them. Pets can bring them a lot of joys and

happiness, because playing with pets is a good way to communicate with the

nature. Besides, pets can comfort old people who live alone. With the companion

of pets, they won’t feel lonely. Nevertheless, I’m not interested in keeping

pets at all. For one thing, keeping pets is bad for environmental protection,

since pets usually make a lot of noise and contaminate the roads. For another,

the virus carried by pets may cause fatal disease. What’s more, sometimes pets

may attack people when they are unhappy. Consequently, we had better not keep

too many pets, so as to ensure our health and security. Besides, those pet

lovers must take some effective measures to prevent their pets from hurting

people and polluting our environment.



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Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, and put out fires and so on. We use millions of liters of water every day.

Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don’t leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean.



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我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里有一些实用的建议。首先,我们应该做运动,如果有时间的话。例如,我们可以在暑假的时候去游泳,或者晚饭后去散步。做运动让我们的身体更强壮更健康。第二,我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果,少吃糖果。不吃垃圾食品和啤酒。最后,我们应该早睡早起。如果睡不够,第二天就会很疲倦。如果我们都能按照以上的建议注意自己的健康,我们的身体会更棒。我希望每个人都有个强壮和健康的身体。



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In recent years, there is a growing concern for the spending craze during graduation. Thefarewell dinners, which once symbolized a celebration of the four-year friendship and the bitterness of pending departure, pose a gigantic financial burden on the graduates.

A number of factors can account for such phenomenon, but the following might be the critical ones. Firstly, it’s an undeniable truth that today’s college students tend to spend much more money than before. What’s more, the farewell dinners are held in the name of more and more social groups, such as classes, college societies, dormitories and etc.

In my view, the problem mentioned above has become increasingly severe, so great concern is deserved and effective measures are called for. To begin with, it is essential that the school should attach more importance to teaching the concept of thrift. Secondly, students should enhance their awareness that money never stands for affection. Only with these measures taken, I’m convinced, can the craze of spending during graduation be eased.



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Clothes are so significant in our daily life that we cant live without

them, because they are useful in many ways. For example, clothes could keep us

warm in winter and protect our skin from the heavy sunshine in summer. Whats

more, Clothes make a man just as a saddle makes a horse. Everyday we wear

different kinds of clothes to make ourselves more attractive. Suppose if we wore

the same clothes all the time, our life would be so boring.

As far as Im concerned, I know some kinds of clothes, such as formal

clothes, casual clothes, evening wears and uniforms. In different situations, we

wear different clothes. For example, we wear formal clothes to go to meetings;

we wear casual clothes at home; we wear evening wears to attend evening parties,

and we wear uniforms at school or at work.

Nevertheless, I prefer casual clothes, because they are comfortable. And

they are also very cheap. When I wear casual clothes, I can do a lot of sports.

It’s so cool. By the way, red is my favorite color, since Ive got a white skin.

If Im in red, Ill look kind and friendly. So I always buy red clothes when

