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Low-carbon Life

Now more and more people get to know its important to protect our living environment.As a student,its my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, Ill go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. Ill use fewer plastic bags 【少用塑料袋】to reduce white pollution【减少白色污染】. In order to save energy Ill plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. Ill take less lift and reuse water【循环用水】. At last l will use second-hand books【使用二手书】,so we dont need to cut down more trees.




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Thus, my dear friends, do not fear competition. Accept it and enjoy it. With competition, you grow stronger, and you gain so much precious experience worth remembering of, regardless of what the outcome would be. Without competition, you cease to grow; you become a dead moth sealed in its own cocoon.

Competition is a common phenomenon in our society . We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. Therefore,we can say that, in a certain sense, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of our modern society.

It is often believed, that competition and cooperation are in opposition to each other. Some people stress competition, without which, in their eyes, there is no responsibility, no drive and ultimately, no progress. Others advocate cooperation whatever they do. They are of the opinion that the dependence of people on one another has increased, without which the society we live in can not keep going smoothly. In reality, we find that in many cases competition goes hand in hand with cooperation. Lets take a football game for example. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. Otherwise, they would lose the game no matter how skillful each individual player might be. It is clear that competition has much to do with cooperation.

As far as Im concerned, I do not agree with the view that competition and cooperation are always in conflict with each other. In my opinion, while advocating competition, we should never forget cooperation. In our social life, cooperation is especially necessary because most work is fulfilled with or through other people. So Ive come to the conclusion that competition are equally important.




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1. I gave Tom the book. //

2. He bought his mother some flowers. //

3. The bridge was built by workers last year.//

4. We have to finish the work today. //5. He will do his homework tomorrow. //

6. We clean the rooms every day. //7. The writer spent 3 years on the book. //

8. It is a book with a lot of beautiful pictures.//

9. The book sold very well during the first week. //first week.

10. Mary was the only one in the office. //

11. She finished her work at 10 o’clock. //She didn’12. She had to take a taxi home because it was too late.

13. Liza and Mike arrived at the Great Wall in two hours.

14. They were happy to get to the top.//

15. They enjoyed themselves on the Great Wall.//

16. The postman sent Susan and Tommy a paper box.

17. They opened it and found a present from their friend.

18. They both liked the present and felt very happy.

19. Alice didn’t feel well today, so she went to the hospital.

20. The doctor asked her some questions. //

21. The doctor didn’t give her any medicine in the end.


1. The capital Airport has been in use for 20 years. //

2. The capital Airport is the largest one in China. //

3. I have never taken a plane. My friend Li Ping , either. //


1. Father gave $20 for me to buy some books. //

2. I was excited when I saw so many good books in the bookstore.

3. But some books would cost more than I have. //

But I didn’//(全真3)

1. Many Chinese friends went to the party. 2. Tony was given a lot of presents by his friends. //Tony’

3. Seeing his Chinese teacher at the party made Tony very happy. //(全真4)

1. I want to eat something. //2. The refrigerator is empty.//3. Bob spent fifteen yuan on the hamburger. ///(全真5)

1. Mr.Wang doesn’t work in that factory any longer. //

2. Mr. Wang left home earlier in order to catch the bus. 3. Mr. Wang finds it not easy to get along with that young guy. //(专家1)

1. Many people went shopping yesterday.

2. Jane spent 4 hours to buy New year gifts. //

3. She was so tired that she couldn’t walk any longer. //


1. My friends said to me, “Are you free?”

2. She wanted me to go shopping with her.

3. She thinks it a pleasure to go shopping with a friend.



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Shopping online is quite popular in our daily life now. It is a new way of shopping. Many things are offered and wait for your choosing. Convenience is the most important advantage. You can buy anything as you like. You don’t have to queue with other shoppers. Meanwhile, it is often open for 24 hours a day.

However, there are many disadvantages about shopping online. You can’t actually see the real products. So you may be cheated easily. Also, many people will miss the best opportunity to get along well with their friends and share the joy of shopping.

In conclusion, we should make proper use of the internet shopping.







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Different people have different career outlooks. Some people want to become

civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream

of being freelancers, and so on.

However, my ideal job is teaching. Firstly, I’m told that teachers have a

high income. With the high income, I can open a training school to help the

children in poor families with their education. Secondly, teachers always have

summer and winter holidays, thus I will have more free time to relax myself.

More importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge

to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. I can’t

imagine how happy I will feel when I see my students become elites.

In order to be a qualified teacher, I should read more books to acquire

more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my communication and

handwriting abilities.



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We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping these

days. Some students think its very convenient for us to go shopping on the

internet. The shops on Internet, for example taobao.com, 360buy.com are open for

almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we like.

Whats more, we neednt to wait in a queue.

However, some students disagreed with them. We cant see the things while

we are shopping. So we are not sure whether they are good or not Besides, we

cant enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends.



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Mamma you gave life to me,Turned a babysintosa man,And mamma all you had to offer Was a promise of a lifetime of love,Now I know there is no other

love like a Mothers.Love for her child,I know that love so complete someday must leave.Must say goodbye,Goodbyes the saddest word,Ill ever hear.Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near,Someday youll say that word and I will cry,Itll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye.

Mamma you gave love to me,And Mamma all I ever needed Was guarantee of you loving me,Cause I know there is no other love like a mother,the love you give will always live,Youll always be there every time I fall,You take my weakness and you make me strong,And I will always love you till forever comes.And when you need me,Ill be there for you always,Ill be there thru the lonely days.You are the wings that guide my

broken flight,and my shelter thru the raging storm,And I will love you till forever comes.








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一、 英语合作学习的含义与现状







二、 任务型学习法在合作学习中的应用



















●小组活动重形式,缺乏实质性合作。 应该说这位教师的设想是好的,但在这节课里,学生能学到什么?体验到什么?师生、生生之间互动合作进行到了什么程度?教师对合作学习并不十分了解,加上茫然无处借鉴,于是我们便看到这样的现象:课堂上又是小组合作讨论,又是表演,又是动手操作,又是研究成果展示,课堂气氛很活跃。但仔细分析便会发现,所谓学生的合作学习只是流于形式上的热热闹闹,并不能使小组中每个成员都积极参与到有着共同目标、分工明确的学习活动中去。

●分工不明确导致合作学习费时、费力,难见成效。 合作学习是有着明确目标和分工的学习活动。但这位教师只注重自己的课时任务完成,而较少关心或指导合作学习小组具体目标的实施,小组成员的任务分工则更少过问。于是便出现了学生合作学习的上述这种状态:忙的瞎忙,闲的很闲,闹的很闹。原因是教师对合作学习目标认识不足;并且受传统评价观影响,老师把自己置身于合作学习之外,缺乏与学生共同进行科学探索的体验,只对合作学习的结果做评价。这样,教师就很难认识到目标定位、任务分工上存在的问题。因此,只有教师真正参与合作学习,才能对小组合作学习进行有效指导。

●以群体讨论来掩盖学生的独立思考,学生参与度不均衡。 教师“一问即议”,学生小组讨论,然后小组代表发言,最后教师统一大家意见。这样的小组合作学习势必使部分学困生失去了对问题思考的权利,导致他们只有静观坐听的份,成了思维敏捷的优等生的陪衬,造成学生学习的两极分化,使教师走入了“重讨论,轻思考,重群体,轻个体”的误区。热热闹闹的小组合作学习,掩盖了学生个体的独立思考,表现形式是少数人学习,多数人游离。小组合作学习时,学习好或者性格外向的学生频频发言,其他人则成为“多余人”,坐在那里静听。因此这样的合作是失败的小组合作学习。

●教师不深入或深入得不充分,不总结评价或总结评价不到位。 由于教师没有成熟的教学设计,课程目标不清楚,课堂教学层次不清晰,师生、生生之间的活动和对话讨论缺乏明确的主题,使学生在下面讨论时放任自流,这就需要教师深入其中,了解学生的学情,及时对课堂教学进行调控,如果教师不深入或深入得不充分,势必影响课堂效率。在课堂教学中,教师没有对学生的课堂活动进行总结评价或总结评价不到位,学生到底有哪些收获,还有哪些问题没有解决,教师不清楚,这样就失去了小组合作交流的作用。


怎样开展合作学习才是有效的?什么样的问题适宜分组合作学习?怎样设计有效的问题?下面我以《测量小灯泡的电功率》 为例来加以说明。

课前我先安排学生自主学习课本P109至P111,然后独立完成《顶尖课课练》P91的“要点提示”(目的是检验学生对实验步骤掌握程度)。 针对这部分内容,课前我就实验前、实验中以及实验后提出了三组问题,上课时我采用的小组合作学习方式是:小组成员之间进行答案交流,小组长检查成员完成情况并汇报。


【设计意图】: 问题设计是小组合作学习活动的“灵魂”,因为问题设计决定着实验活动开展的方向、顺序,问题设计关系到学生思维活动开展的深度和广度,问题设计直接影响着合作学习活动效度。所以教师要尽量了解学生的情况和教材的内容,善于从教材中挖掘问题,从学生的现实生活中挖掘问题,使问题的内容紧扣教材的重点,难点、关键。提高问题设计的针对性,以提高实验效率,实现教学目标为目的。本环节的这个问题设计目的就是让学生在合作学习中,把遗留的问题和发现的问题在小组内讨论,相互交换心得,发表见解,使同学形成一种相互帮助、相互促进、取长补短的治学作风。而教师要善于从学生的讨论中搜集普遍性的问题,同时给学生提供相关的信息,然后请各小组将本组设计测量电功率的电路图进行展示,各组讨论后选优化方案。

第二组问题:①电器的额定功率与实际功率有什么区别与联系?②在“伏安法”测电阻的实验中我们要求测三次电阻值,和这个实验中的测三次电功率的目的一样吗?能否依据三次测量数据计算小灯泡的平均功率,为什么? ③讨论一下,利用本实验测得的数据还可以计算出小灯泡的哪个物理量?

【设计意图】: 问题设计必须尊重学生已有的知识和经验,因为学习过程是自我构建,自我生成的过程,学生的个人知识,直接经验,生活世界是重要的课程资源。根据学生已有的知识和经验而设计的问题,能较好地引起学生的认知冲突,从而把小组合作学习引向深入、引向本质。由于学生认知水平的局限,往往考虑问题不很全面,一旦他们协同作战,相互补充相互讨论,能达到事半功倍1+1>2的效果。尤其出现一些教学难点的时候,创设条件采用小组合作学习往往比教师反复说教效果更好。本环节中的这三个问题是把学生前面已学过知识和今天实验所得结论做进一步地深入对比。这样学生讨论起来,就能充分联系自己的已有知识储备,促进最近学习发展区的成长,讨论起来也能相互启发,相互促进,取长补短。针对问题的小组合作学习是最常见的合作学习。但不是一有问题就要小组讨论,对于答案相对较简单、固定的就没有必要,这样会让讨论流于形式,且浪费课堂时间。[HT]


【设计意图】: 实验结束时,回顾交流实验所得展开小组合作学习。学生分组实验过程中,难免会出现这样那样的问题,有时也会有一些意外收获。这些都成为学生实验的附加值,成为知识的新增长点。这种问题也是历来考试命题者出题的主要来源点。因此老师们千万不可轻率地放弃这一环节。 如本实验结束时,请各组说出来与大家分享。 学生通过回答这两个问题既能起到复习巩固作用,各小组又能相互补充,取得1+1﹥2的效果,还可以体现实验所带来的成就感,增强学习物理的信心。




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This holiday is very interesting. When walking on the street, the advertisements are full of walls. People walking across the street must stop to see the noticeable advertisements, and the funny words cant help laughing.

First look at the first advertisement on the side of the east wall. "Why not slow" brand cough cough syrup for children, look, what, this advertisement some taste it to see this, advertisers, who do not want to buy a bottle. Now the business can really do, using the homonym of idioms to do advertising, really one stone, one word, a word, cattle.

And then look at the southeastern ad. "Haste is not", look, do you know what it means? Is to say, the shower time is too short, can not achieve a certain purpose. Haha, shower or shower to shower the knowledge, a long time, that cant be soaked through. Hey, this ad is a bit of a taste.

And then look at the advertisement on the north side. "Chicken can not lose, the flavor of the Roast Chicken, high quality and inexpensive, wow, this advertisement is too tempting. Here, who dont go and buy only Roast Chicken to snack. Really, "chicken [machine] cant be lost, lost again."

Finally, look at the street east the hotel in front of the advertisement, "Qing Ling Hotel", do not look at these words, a look, a few words that glittering under the sign of "the food package you high quality and inexpensive, eat whole foods [ten] [ten] beauty", eat also want to eat". Why, this advertisement is pretty good. The boss of this shop is really smart. He must be a knowledgeable person. If not, how can I think of using homophonic idioms to advertise? I believe the business of this shop must be very hot.

The present society is very diverse and colorful. With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the intelligence quotient of people is also getting higher and higher. Look, how beautiful the world is, how interesting it is.

This holiday is really full and interesting.










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My Favourite Festival

My favoruite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival. On that day, I can get moon cakes, fruit and many other delicious foods. The moon cakes are round like the moon. They are delicious. They are different inside. On Mid-Autumn Festival I see my elder brother back from work. We get together. We talk and watch the moon! How happy we are!



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The new term is coming and I will be carefully . Because I will learn more

konwlege .

I will listen carefully in class . I will do more sports , such as running

, volleyball . Sports are really interesting . I will read more English books to

improve my English . I will solve more difficult maths problems and be

interested in them . English is important and I will spend more time on it . I

will get up early . I will read book loudly everyday .



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When i was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare

time to do what i wanted to.Besides, I had to focus on my textbooks and doing

exercise again and again. Therefore, I had little time to read magazines and

novels and watch TV. what was worse, I couldnt play with my friends a lot, which

I couldnt stand the most. In a word, all i did in high shool should be

considered for the College Entrance Examination.

However, my college life is totally different from the life in high

school.I can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the

library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind.In my free time, I also

join some clubs,where i can make a lot of friends of different majors. My

teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us

knowledge but also how to be a person and how to get on with others. In

addition, there are more opportunities for me to improve myself.

I believe college life is an important stage in my life. In college, i can

learn how to learn by myself, how to get on with others, how to live

independently.College provides me with a stage where i can show myself and be




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Hello!I am a girl,My name is Zheng jingyi,I’m 12 years old,I come from Zhangzhou,I’m in Class 2,Grade 7.My telephone number is 123456789.I have long hair,big eyes,small nose and small mouth.Look!Who is she?She is my good friend,her name is Chen han,she is 12,too.She is from Zhangzhou,too.She is 14 years old,she is in Class 3,Grade 7,She telephone number is 987654321.She has short hair,big eyes,small nose and wide mouth.We are in the same school,but in different Classes.



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When I see the girls dance in the movie, I will be very jealous of their elegant temperament. I wish I am one of them, especially when my mother speaks highly of these dancing girls. Actually, my mother once had tried to send me to learn ballet, but I was too small and couldn’t enjoy the class. I always skipped the class and then went to play with my friends. Later my mother found the truth and she had gave up asking me to learn ballet. Now I feel regretful, if I insist, I could be the girl that let my parents be proud of. The lucky thing is that I have find the things I am interested in and I will not give up.





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Two people are of the same mind their sharpness can cut through metal.


Solidarity means strength.


Rice type meters to more, more people to speak out.


When everybody adds fuel, the flames rise high.


Much more than a bell sound, much more than a candle light.


Do not drop sea, makes difficult to garland.


The collective is the source of power, all is the cradle of wisdom.People together who is strong.


With all the force, is unmatched in the world; With all the wisdom, the fearless in sage.


A stake with three fence, a good brave fellow three help.


One boy is a boy; two boys half boy;three boys no boy.


Two heads are better than one.


Fish from the water, the wild goose cant stray.


People with one mind will remove Mount Tai.


Union is strength.


For better or for worse.


One tree cant make a forest.




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Our new English teacher is Mr. Smith. He wears a pair of thick glasses. He is very serious and strict to us. I never saw him smile until the Teachers’ Day. On the Teachers’ Day, my classmates and I planned to give him a special gift——a smile. So the naughty John pretended to have passed out in the classroom. When Mr. Smith came in, he was so scared that he held John in his arms right away. On the way to the hospital, John burst into laughter suddenly, which made the teacher confused. After we told him that it was only a joke, Mr. Smith laughed too. We were all pleased to see him smiling at last.



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I have a mother, a mother who is very concerned about my mother.

She has a pair of gentle eyes, with a red frame of glasses, a banana nose, a big mouth always love nagging, nagging up I will be annoying. Mother also laugh, funny mouth has wrinkled. Mother said she was old, but I do not let her mother say she is old, I want my mother forever young! Sometimes my mother said she was old when I cry, because I know the old will die.

Once I dream of my mother out of the water, and I quickly ran home to play my mothers cell phone, I think my mother will pick up, but my mother did not answer the phone, has not picked up ... ... I wanted my mother died, I was sad , My mother shouted after the mother shouted to my side, holding my mother and then cry, my mother thought how, when I said: "Mom, I dreamed of your death." When the mother around me Said: "silly boy, dream of mother died is to Mom Tim life." And said: "not my daughter to support adults how can die? Baby cry! Mother will not die! From this dream, I will not let mother say she was old.

I remember when I was on kindergarten. My mother put down the work, ran home for me to cure, because I burn too much, my mother sent me to the clinic, the doctor did not dare to take, my mother gave me to the hospital. I lay on the bed, give me a needle, my mother cried, I cried, I know my mother is distressed I cried. So I burned, my mother went to buy me a book, I do not like, my mother gave me to buy a frame organ, my mother know that I love playing the keyboard, too expensive to buy too expensive.

After a few days, my illness is good, my mother happy, I am more happy!

Now the frame is still in my hut.

I love my piano, love my mom more!



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Today, I do something stupid because of my carelessness. I take a bus to school every morning. But today, I was on the wrong bus and I realized it ten minutes. I was so nervous when I found it that I shouted loud to the bus driver to stop the bus. I got off on the bus station and took another bus to the school. Of course, I was late for school. When my teacher asked me why I was late, I told her that I got on the wrong bus. She gave me an unbelieving look. In the math class, I was lost in my mind. The teacher named me to answer a question but I didn’t hear him, and I failed to answer it, too. I don’t know what happened to me today. I hope it just because I didn’t have a good sleep last night.





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I have a good friend, her name is Lily. We met each other since we were five years old. At that time, I moved next to her house, because of my father’s work. I felt so lonely when I facing the new environment. Then someday, Lily played in her yard and when she saw me, she smiled at me and asked me to play with her. I was shy at first, but then I was affected by her kindness. We became good friends soon. When I meet difficulties, she will help me without hesitation. I am so thankful to her, I am so lucky to have her as my friend. Our friendship is precious.



相关标签: 朋友Friend 感谢Thank 真诚Sincere



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One evening several years ago,I went to a concert with my friend.When we got to the concert I suddenly found I lost my ticket on the way.I was walking backwards to see to see if I could found it in the street,there the ticket was no way to be found.I felt very sad and started crying.Then a guy saw me and asked me what went wrong.I told him about the lost ticket.He then put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his own ticket and gave it to me,and said “you can have mine,because I’ve seen the concert.” I was so touched and before I could react,he hurried away and disappeared.I wish I could find this guy and say thank you to him.
