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Dear Ling Feng,

I would like to thank you at the end of our middle school education. You

have been very kind and helpful since we knew each other.

You have given me so much help that I will never forget. Last term, I

caught a bad cold and had to stay at home for a week. When I was worrying about

the lessons, you came to my home after school and helped me with every subject.

With your help, I didnt fall behind others. Since then, we have become very

close friends. I think Ill try to help others just like you.

Thank you again. Even though we may go to different schools, Ill always

stay in touch with you. I wish you success for the future.


Liu Yan




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Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以“My English Learning”为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。

范文:English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.

Tom去年来到大明所在的学校学习。在学习期间,他对学校提倡的“创建和谐校园”活动感触颇深。他发现该校的学生学习主动,兴趣广泛,友爱互助,师生之间关系融洽,人与环境和谐相处(如:保持环境卫生,爱护花草树木,不随地乱扔废弃物等)。(15 分)

①请你以Tom 的名义,给远在美国的父母写一封信,介绍学校的现状并谈谈你的感受。


③以下词汇仅供参考:build up建立,创建 a harmonious campus和谐校园 impress vt. 给……留下印象

Dear Mum and Dad,

Time flies! I’ve been here for nearly a year. I’m very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school__________________________________________________________________________



范文:Dear Mum and Dad,

Time flies! I’ve been here for nearly a year. I’m very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school work hard at their lessons. They take an active part in activities that help to improve their qualities and health. They are friendly to each other and always ready to help each other.

The teachers here all enjoy their work and they love their students. They work hard and do what they can do to help their students. And the students respect their teachers. They get on well with each other. The students in our school try their best to kkp the school yard clean and tidy. They never throw waste about nor pick the flowers.

In a word, I am deeply impressed by the harmonious atmosphere in this school. I love my new school.



中国加入 WTO 后,有一大批外国人来我市——河源参观。假设你是导游,请根据以下内容,向外宾简单介绍我市的情况。

要求: 1. 100 词左右; 2. 要点包括: a. 有悠久的历史,位于广东的东北部,离广州 198 公里,人口约 324 万。 b. 有许多名胜古迹,如苏家围( Sujiawei );万绿湖( WanluLake )等等;万绿湖是一个很美丽的地方,湖水清澈,无污染;湖中有各种各样的鱼;你可以到那里划船,野餐,钓鱼,是度假的好去处。你也可以去参观河源市博物馆,在那里你可以看到许多恐龙化石( fossil )。c. 祝大家在河源玩得愉快。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Heyuan, now let me introduce our city — Heyuan to you. Heyuan is a city with a long history. It is in the northeast of Guangdong and 198 kilometres away from Guangzhou. It has a population of 3,240,000.

There are many places of interest in Heyuan, such as Sujiawei Wanlu Lake and so on. Wanlu Lake is a beautiful place. The water is clean and not polluted. There are all kinds of fish in it. You can go boating, go fishing and have a picnic there. It is really a good place to spend your holiday. Besides, you can go and visit Heyuan Museum. There you can see a lot of dinosaur egg fossils.

I hope you can enjoy yourselves in Heyuan.


请你根据设定的梦境并加以想象,写一段 80 词左右的短文。开始语和结束语均已给出(不计入总词数)。


( 1 )帮助外国朋友;( 2 )与外国朋友交谈;( 3 )感谢小明;( 4 )小明很高兴。

词汇参考: try ( do ) ones best , find ( that ), heavy ( lost ), carry ( show , take ), taxi ( car , bike ), on the way , talk with ( about )

Xiao Ming had a dream (梦) last night . In the dream , he volunteered to serve (志愿列队) the Beijing Olympics .

范文:Xiao Ming had a dream last night . In the dream , he volunteered to serve the Beijing Olym pics . He tried his best to help the foreign friends from different countries . When he found a foreign friend worried in the street , he went up to him and asked him what was the matter . The foreigner told Xiao Ming he was Jack , and he forgot the way to the Sun Hotel . Then Xiao Ming stopped a taxi and took him to the Sun Hotel . Xiao Ming talked with Jack on the way and made Jack know more about Beijing . Jack thanked Xiao Ming very much and thought Xiao Mings English was very good . Xiao Ming was very happy . He smiled and smiled , then he woke up .

根据内容要求写一篇 50 - 80 词的短文。要求:书写格式正确,语句通畅、流畅,无语法错误。

内容提要:今年四月 AAPP 要在重庆召开,外国友人受到重庆人民的热烈欢迎。外国友人说:“重庆变化很大,街道清洁,灯火明亮,城市秀美,人更美,人们将记住重庆,重庆的明天会越来越好。”

范文:In April this year the AAPP was held in Chongqing . The foreign friends were warmly welcomed by Chongqing people . The foreign friends said ,“ Chongqing has changed a lot . The streets are clean , the lights are bright , the city is beautiful , and the people are friendly . Chongqing will be remembered and her tomorrow will become better and better .

安徽黄山被联合国教科文组织定为世界自然文化遗产。假设外国友人到你校参观后,准备去旅游。请根据要点向外国友人简单介绍黄山( the Yellow Mountain )。

( 1 )位于安徽南部,是中国著名的旅游胜地。每年有大批中外游客前去旅游观光。( 2 )乘汽车去大约要花 3 个小时;也可以乘火车或飞机去。( 3 )登山便可领略其云海( the sea of clouds )、奇松( wondrous pines )、怪石( unique rocks )等秀丽的风景及清晨美丽的日出。

注意 1 词数: 80 词左右。 2 请不要逐字翻译。

范文:The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China . It lies in the south of Anhui . Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners pay a visit there . Its not far from here . It takes you about three hours to get there by bus . You can also go there by train or by plane . While you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds , wondrous pines and unique rocks around you . In the early morning when the sun rises , the sky looks very beautiful . Its really a nice place to visit .



范文:Dear David,

Im glad youll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. Its difficult for you because its quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. Its also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. Im sure youll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.


Wang Ming

明天(星期五)全班同学将去参观科学博物馆(the Science Museum),由你(班长)通知全体同学。(通知的开头和结尾已给出)内容如下:

1. 早上8点钟在校门口集合,步行前往。

2. 下星期一交一份有关参观的报告。

3. 参观时要认真听,仔细看并记下有趣的东西。

4. 不可在博物馆内大声喧哗及拍照。

5. 带笔和笔记本。

要求:①不要逐句翻译。 ②字数60~80。

范文:Fellow students,

We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow. We will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on foot. Take your pens and notebooks with you. We should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the museum. Please dont make any noise in the museum and dont take any pictures. Youll have to hand in a report about the visit next Monday.



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做任何事情都会有一个规定,没有规矩做任何事情都是不成形的。下面是小编帮你整理了规则初中英语作文,希望你喜欢! 关于规则的初中英语作文篇1

A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules.For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true. Next , Im not allowed to watch tv on school nights. In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights. Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way. Finally,the biggest problem is that I cant join club. My parents think that only bad for my studying. They dont know Im intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.There is good say Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,but though I should study hard .Of course,Im old enough to make my own decision.

一个国家法律和家庭有其规则。我的家庭也有一些规则。例如,有重要的规则在我的房子里。首先,我必须在晚上10点回家。我想回家晚了的危险,这条规则是真的。接下来,我在学校的晚上不能看电视。在我的意见,我需要时间来放松的事情,而不是在学校学习。也许我的父母就是这样严格要求我。最后,最大的问题是,我不能参加俱乐部。我的父母认为只有对我的学习不利。他们不知道我对跑步感兴趣,根据现代和写作。有很好的说没有规矩不成或站ards,虽然我应该努力学习。当然,我自己做决定的年龄了。 关于规则的初中英语作文篇2

A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules.For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true. Next , Im not allowed to watch tv on school nights. In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights. Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way. Finally,the biggest problem is that I cant join club. My parents think that only bad for my studying. They dont know Im intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.There is good say Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,but though I should study hard .Of course,Im old enough to make my own decision.

一个国家法律和家庭有其规则。我的家庭也有一些规则。例如,有重要的规则在我的房子里。首先,我必须在晚上10点回家。我想回家晚了的危险,这条规则是真的。接下来,我在学校的晚上不能看电视。在我的意见,我需要时间来放松的事情,而不是在学校学习。也许我的父母就是这样严格要求我。最后,最大的问题是,我不能参加俱乐部。我的父母认为只有对我的学习不利。他们不知道我对跑步感兴趣,根据现代和写作。有很好的说没有规矩不成或站ards,虽然我应该努力学习。当然,我自己做决定的年龄了。 关于规则的初中英语作文篇3

Rules are made in public places to restrict peoples behavior. And so is in the library. Then how shall we obey the rules of the library?

Firstly, we should keep in mind that the library is a place for reading, studying and the exchange of knowledge. So we are not supposed to talk loudly or eat things in the library.

Secondly, we should just borrow the books that we need. Some people like to borrow a lot of books that they dont even have enough time to finish them all in time. However, once you have taken those books away, the people who really need them may have to wait. It is surely a kind of waste.

At last, we should keep the books the way they are as much as we can because they are common properties. If we draw lines or circles on the books, it will make it harder for the next reader to read the book.

Every library may have its own specific rules which, no matter what they may be, we have to obey because it is the basic principle for being a person.




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1、Fact speak louder than words.


2、Empty vessels make the greatest sound.


3、Fear always springs from ignorance.


4、Fools grow without watering.


5、Don‘t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.


6、Don‘t have too many irons in the fire.


7、Good watch prevents misfortune.


8、Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.


9、Habit cures habit.


10、Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.


11、He sets the fox to keep the geese.


12、Friends agree best at distance.


13、Easier said than done.


14、Example is better then percept.


15、Great minds think alike.


16、God helps those who help themselves.


17、Heaven never helps the man who will not act.


18、Great trees are good for nothing but shade.


19、He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.


20、Honesty is the best policy.


21、is good when new, but friends when old.


22、Each bird love to hear himself sing.


23、Great hopes make great man.


24、Harm set, harm get.害人害己。Hear all parties.


25、Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth.


26、Eat to live, but not live to eat.


27、Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.


28、Forbidden fruit is sweet.


29、Faults are thick where love is thin.


30、Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.


31、He that will not work shall not eat.


32、Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.


33、Happy is he who owes nothing.


34、Fortune knocks once at least at every man‘s gate.


35、Fire is a good servant but a bad master.


36、Fool‘s haste is no speed.


37、Happiness takes no account of time.


38、Give a dog a bad name and hang him.


39、Hasty love, soon cold.


40、Great men have great faults.


41、Experience must be bought.


42、First think and then speak.




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Before I knew it, I had graduated from junior high school。

This is the end of the first trimester, which means that we have to say goodbye to my three years of school and the students who have spent three years together。 And we are greeted by an unknown world。

In the past, always listening to the parents say that cherishing the good youth, the time waits for the words, the mind always not to think,。 Now, I am deeply aware of the meaning of time。 There was no one in the night, and there was silence all around, and the curtain of the school often appeared before my eyes。 The golden state military training, the wuli river games, the wal—mart post experience, the visit to the juvenile canal in the sea。。。 Its all just as clear as it has been。 But its far from us。

In the past, I would not return again, as Mr Zhang said, but no one would step into the same river twice。 The only thing that can be left for us is memory。 Every time I remember those who cried and laughed with me, the little things that happened in the school, and the thought of never coming back, I cried for it。

I will go to high school。 I will meet new friends there, but I will not forget my junior high school life。



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As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water.

The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people

don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse,

they pour dirty water into rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers, too. Many

rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the

pollution. And I think it’s agreat shame to waste while millions are in great

need of water. I think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of

water as possible as we can. For example, we must turn off the tap immediately

after we use it. We can use a basin to wash our hands and faces. It’s also a

good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me! Only in this

way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be

a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a

big difference.



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Father’s Day is coming and you must be thinking of giving a present to your father。 Different people like different kinds of gifts。

If you have enough pocket money, you can buy a useful but not expensive thing, like a tie。 I think your father will like it。 But if you don’t have enough pocket money, you can do something that you can do, for example, you can prepare a cup of tea。 When your father comes back from work, he can drink it。

No matter what you do, the most important thing is to make your father happy on Father’s Day。 Don’t you think so?



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初中英语作文 自我介绍






I study Chinese、English、maths and History and some other subject at school.I study hard. My favorite subject is English.I often find chance to practice English.China has joined WTO and Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics,English is more and more important .I will study hard and be dedicate to my homeland.






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Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling

sad or bored. I also have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.

Here are the three places that I like most. First of all, I like the zoo.

The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly! I like to

pet them,feed them and watch them perform. Museums are cool places, too. They

have good exhibits and fascinating displays. I like the works of art there. Some

museums teach me a lot about history and science. From dinosaurs to robots, I

love them all. Finally, theme parks are my favourite place. I think the roller

coasters are the best. Its fun to scream and get scared.

These places always cheer me up. I try to go to each of my favorite places

once a year. I am going to find more favorite places to go to when I grow




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Today is the lunar August 15, is one of Chinas traditional festival Mid-Autumn festival.

The day of the Mid-Autumn festival is family reunion, eat moon cakes, so my mother and I go to send grandma to buy mooncakes for night. I saw all kinds of moon cakes on the moon cake booth, with strawberry, hami melon flavor... We buy is blueberry taste, round, said a reunion, the meaning of happiness.

To grandmas house, we found that the elder sister, uncle, aunt came also, we take a rest for a while, began to eat moon cakes, mom took out the moon cake, each one, I quickly bite, sweet, sour, its really delicious! I looking up at the sky, although this year there is no bright moonlight, but I still think of ((chang e)) of the story: in August 15 chang e ate the elixir that day, in the moon palace, when the Lord of the moon palace, just when I think of engaging, sister gave me a brain teasers: what meters cant eat? I wanted to mean to say: "is born." Sister said: "congratulations on your answer is wrong, the answer is metrics, centimeters, meters, mm." While I of a smile. Was my grandfather heard what we said: "I also give you guess a riddle: total solar eclipse tomorrow (playing) a word." We say: "is a word." Grandpa said: by the way, Ill give you guess a: hidden in hand (an idiom). Sister said: "I dont know!" Grandpa asked me, I said: "the moon!" Grandpa said: "wrong, the answer is eye, you are the apple of my eye!"

This year the Mid-Autumn festival is happy!







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I remember once upon a time, when I was running 800meters, I felt there

seemed to be the impossible mission for me, I wanted to give up, then my teacher

told me that I should not think about the 800meters, I should set up 100meters

for myself, then I wouldn’t be so tired. I did as he told me, indeed, every time

when I finished the small goal, I was happy, in the end, I finished the running.

I learn the lesson that we need to set up the best goal, it means we can make

the small goals, which are so easy for us to realize. Then every time we finish

the small goal, we will close to our final destination.



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My family has a naughty puppy.

The dog with a golden hair, a pair of round yo eyes, a pair of ears vigilant listening to all the suspicious sound around. The puppy is also long with a pair of sharp claws, the tail erected tall, it is very arrogant. Puppies are also very ferocious, as long as a little to hear what or see what will be issued a "warning", do "fight" ready.

My dog is not only naughty, but also very rich sense of music.

One day, I am free to do nothing, they put the music. Who knows, the dog heard, the bones are not eating, and immediately came to the tape recorder. I guess, maybe the puppy found that the music came from the tape recorder! The dog in the recorder next to the squat, while listening to music, while the rhythm of the music with the tail to shake over the past, really like a small music Home in command of the band ...

The puppy is particularly fond of biscuits. I take this opportunity to catch the puppy as a fish. I first took out a slender bamboo, and then with a line in the other end of the bamboo, and then a piece of milk pull flowers biscuits tied to the other end of the rope, made a "fishing rod." I walked past the biscuits, and made the puppy dazzled, I suddenly stopped shaking, the biscuits hanging in front of the dog, the dog immediately soared to the biscuits, I went to the dog behind the biscuits, Let it rush empty. So it lasted for several minutes. Puppy pretend to "retreat", I immediately relaxed vigilance, who knows the dog quickly turned to bite biscuits, thanks to my reaction fast, puppy biting line. I would like to pull back the line, then hard pull, but I am more energetic, the dog pulled the more tight, I thought: it seems not storm, can only take. I stopped the "attack", the dog thought I surrendered, they are kindly ready to enjoy the biscuits, I take advantage of this opportunity, forced a pull, the biscuits back to my hands ... ...

This is my home naughty puppy, do you like it?



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春节是中国人的传统节日,每当到了春节,人们总会贴春联、“福”字,到处张灯结 The Spring Festival is the traditional holiday of the Chinese. Whenever the Spring Festival, people always stick the word "blessing" and open lights everywhere.










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When the autumn comes, the weather will become cool and people can feel the

wind. In my hometown, there will be a famous contest, which is to fly kites.

People come to the field and bring their kites. What a lively scene. The

children are very active and excited. They run to the ground for many times, so

as to make their kites flying higher and higher. It has become a tradition. Some

people even will prepare for a long time. They want to prove that they are the

strong ones. It gives people a good chance to communicate with each other. I

like the atmosphere and enjoy the time with my friends.



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【My Summer Vacation】

At college, I missed my parents a lot. As the term was drawing to an end, I eagerly looked forward to going home. And I planned to do a thousand and one things during the vacation. Above all, I wanted to help my mother with housework. I also wished to read many hooks which my teachers had recommended.




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A bad conscience is a snake in ones heart. 做贼心虚。

A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 拙匠常怨工具差。

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。

A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that its the boundary of the world. 坐井观天。

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 相聚爱益切,离别情更深。

A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。

A clean hand wants no washing. 身正不怕影子斜。

A clear conscience is a soft pillow. 问心无愧,高枕无忧。

A clear conscience is a sure card. 光明磊落,胜券在握。

A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。

A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast. 宁为清贫,不为浊富。

A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入,祸从口出。

A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. 夜郎自大。

A common danger causes common action. 同仇敌忾。

A contented mind is perpetual feast. 知足常乐。

Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜於雄辩。

Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.


A fair face may hide a foul heart. 人不可貌相。

A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

After a storm comes a calm. 否极泰来。

After black clouds, clear weather. 否极泰来。

After death, the doctor. 放马後炮。

A good appetite is a good sauce. 饥不择食。

A good example is the best sermon. 身教胜似言教。

A good face is a letter of recommendation. 好的相貌就是一封推荐的介绍信。 A good fame is better than a good face. 好的名望胜於好的相貌。

A good friend is my nearest relation. 良友如近亲。

A good marksman may miss. 智者千虑,必有一失。

A good maxim is never out of season. 至理名言不会过时。

A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口,忠言逆耳。

A good winter brings a good summer. 瑞雪兆丰年。

A happy heart makes a blooming visage. 心花怒放,笑逐颜开。

A hero is known in the time of misfortune. 时势造英雄。

A lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

Ale will make a cat speak. 酒後吐真言。

A little is better than none. 聊胜於无。

A little leak will sink a great ship. 千丈之堤溃於蚁穴。

A little neglect may breed great mischief. 小不忍则乱大谋。

A little spark kindles a great fire. 星星之火,可以燎原。



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When I see the girls dance in the movie, I will be very jealous of their elegant temperament. I wish I am one of them, especially when my mother speaks highly of these dancing girls. Actually, my mother once had tried to send me to learn ballet, but I was too small and couldn’t enjoy the class. I always skipped the class and then went to play with my friends. Later my mother found the truth and she had gave up asking me to learn ballet. Now I feel regretful, if I insist, I could be the girl that let my parents be proud of. The lucky thing is that I have find the things I am interested in and I will not give up.





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How To Be A Happy Kid

Good morning, dear judges!

My name is Joyce. Today I will give a speech about How To Be A Happy Kid.

Everyone deserves to have a happy childhood. We all know, life isn’t

easy all the time, even for children.

One time I didn’t do well on a math test. It was the first time for me

to get such a low mark. I felt miserable about it. When I got home, without

saying a single word to my parents, I rushed into my own room. I sat down

in front of my piano. Unconsciously, music came out from my fingers. I was

lost in the beauty of the music. My heart flew with the song in the air. The

piano music was just like a wise old man consoling me with soft words. After

playing the music, I felt very calm and happy.

We shouldn’t lack for joy in life. The key is to find ways

to be happy. For me, playing the piano helps me初中物理 find the road back to

happiness. For other children, they might find it other ways, like by

singing, dancing, playing soccer or helping people. But for all of

us, it should come from knowing our parents love us.

I am a child. Children shouldn’t worry about anything. I wish every

kid is a happy kid.

Thank you for listening!




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Every time when I go home by train, I feel very uncomfortable, because I have to smell the terrible air, people always smoke, making the public place smell bad. Since the motor train operates, I feel so happy, I find the train is very clean, the air smells good, no people smoke in the train. I feel so surprised, this is the ideal environment for me, in the long journey, all the people are so polite. Smoking in the public place should be banned, the bad smell not only makes people sick, but also does harm to their health. In the long journey, people need to keep a good environment, so they have a good mood.

Every time when I go home by train, I feel very uncomfortable, because I have to smell the terrible air, people always smoke, making the public place smell bad. Since the motor train operates, I feel so happy, I find the train is very clean, the air smells good, no people smoke in the train. I feel so surprised, this is the ideal environment for me, in the long journey, all the people are so polite. Smoking in the public place should be banned, the bad smell not only makes people sick, but also does harm to their health. In the long journey, people need to keep a good environment, so they have a good mood.



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1. 年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如:December 18, 2003或者Dec. 18, 2003。

2. 如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期前面,也可以放在日期后面,星期也可以省略不写。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。例如:Thursday Dec. 18, 2003或Dec.18,2003 Thursday

3. 天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy等表示。天气通常位于日记的右上角。


I was very sleepy in the morning, so i didnt go running as usual. I had something for breakfast. My new day has begun. The results would come out today. My classmates all felt very nervous, so did I. Then one of my classmates called me, and invited me to play basketball in the afternoon. I like playing basketball, though Im really poor at playing it.

i and my parent visited redstart farm last Saturday,therere environment is so good.were scavenge the hourse,The horse was leaded into the stable and each was put in a stall.Cows and sheep depends forage to feed.this so lifelikeness,were got a lot of enjoyment from my job. in the end.owner preparative feasted on me.
