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Leaders and colleagues:

How do you do!

Im XXXs new XXX, and its a pleasure, and its a great honor to work with XXX

I am 20XX graduates of Computer College of XX University, is a professional repair information security. The school taught many things very complicated, learn things are "not exclusively Bo". The language, master the skilled C/C++, of course, in programming and predecessors than up, that it is the rookie. So the work in the future but also to all the senior colleagues learn, ask, hope to give guidance. In mistakes, please predecessors criticism that the "new" is not an excuse to avoid responsibility, I will remember this sentence.

In terms of hobbies, as computer science students, said it is a lie in the school do not play games, I love playing some games, Dota, CS, three, play some drama, horror, as a way of survival, biochemical crisis.

Love sports, swimming, as far as possible in order to enjoy the student discount, when graduation is to do a swimming card; also love playing table tennis, before every day to see colleagues after work in the table tennis room, play, want to go, but some feel shy.

For other hobbies, War Within Three Kingdoms is a board game. It can be said that War Within Three Kingdoms is the first batch of school started to play, that time is not that many people play. Often with classmates killed pitch-dark, Saturday on the weekend, because killing too late, often disturbing. Inside the company seems very many colleagues are playing later, with the exchange, exchange views and learn.





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Good morning , ladies and gentlemen

It is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. and I hope I could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of your school. Now let me introduce myself please. I’m a graduate student from **** UNIVERSITY . My name is *** ,**years old. , born in **. GuangDong province . My major is English, and I will graduate this June.

In the past 3 years,I spent most of my time on English studying and practise. I have a good command of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease. Skilled in use of Office 20XX, excel. My graduate school training combined with my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job.

Although perhaps I’m not the best among the candidates, but with my strong knowledge background and full enthusiasm for education, I am sure I willsatisfy you well.

As a college student, I concentrated on studying modern teaching technology. I have acquired enough essential and fundamental knowledge of English teaching in the past three years. Since September 20XX, with great interest, I have been doing student cadre for almost each semester and formed good team-work spirits. It also kindly provided me crucial guidance to analyze interpersonal relationship. My teachers and classmates describe me as a reliable and considerate person. Other than my major study, I have master a great skills in computer operation.

One month as cadet teacher in the March of 20XX, not only did i obtain enough first hand experience in my field but also gradually realized that the career I have chosen is sacred and significant. Therefore, I am determined to become a diligent, hardworking, and responsible educator.

Last but not least, I will be fully committed and I am confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure as a competent team member. I welcome the opportunity to speak with senior management further regarding my qualifications for the position.

Thank you for your attention!



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England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the United Kingdom, whilst the mainland territory of England occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel.

England was formed as a country during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles — one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in the British Isles, capital of the United Kingdom and one of the worlds Global Cities.

England ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the world;it is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, was the historic centre of the British Empire, and the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.

The Kingdom of England was an independent state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union resulted in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Englands National Day is St Georges Day (Saint George being the patron saint), and it is celebrated annually on 23 April.









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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Its my honor totell you about the changes of my school.

When you walk around our school, you can see various flowersand trees everywhere. At the same time, you can smell the taste, breathe freshair. Its a nice place for us to study.

Please look at the new building over there. Its ourlibrary that was painted white again this year. It not only looks morebeautiful, but also has increasingly more books than before. Reading differentkinds of books can enhance our horizons and increase our knowledge. I stillremember I entered the school two years ago, the library was old enough and Ialways couldnt find my favorite comic books. Therefore, I often complained tomy classmates that the library was out of fashion that we were not able tolearn fresh knowledge in it.

What was even worse, as a member of school basketballteam, my partners and I had few chances to practice, as the playground was toosmall to play andfull of so many students after school. Luckily, I dont haveto worry about that anymore, because our playground is large enough for all ofus to play games, and basketball court is also bigger. Thats wonderful!

My school has changed a lot, for it is more beautifuland modern. I love my school.




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My hometown, which is in the south of × Province, is a very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a small river, surrounded by green mountains, In the past my hometown was poor, and people led a hard life. They couldnt afford to send their children to school. But ,great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past twenty years. Many families .have not only color TV sets, but also telephones, fridges, computers, and so on. New roads, houses, schools, hospitals have been built. People in my hometown are working hard for a better life.




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1. 你是一个活泼开朗可爱的孩子。在幼儿园的三年时间里,你对老师有礼貌。能认真参加体育活动,学会了钻爬拍球跳绳等很多本领,动作发展协调。上课比以前专心了而且经常发言,能主动表现自己。对于动脑筋数运算等问题很感兴趣,相比之下对节奏绘画等艺术活动方面还得加油努力。老师希望你进小学后能表现的更好,做个全面发展的小学生!

2. 从小不点到已经稍微懂事的幼儿园毕业班孩子,看着他们一点一点成长的教师想说的肯定很多,不过千言万语只汇成一句毕业赠言,愿可爱的孩子能越飞越高。

3. 再见了,我最亲爱的孩子们!老师会从心底里永远关爱着你们,永远祝福你们,愿你们永远健康快乐,早日成为栋梁之材!

4. 乘着风儿的翅膀,聆听着鸟儿的歌唱,踏着时间的旋律,离小朋友离园的日子越来越近了。看着即将毕业的你们,我心中有一千个不舍,一万个不舍。

5. 你是一个较独立的孩子,懂得自己照顾自己,生活自理能力较强,是个较懂事的孩子。你有较好的劳动习惯,能关心班级并愿意帮助别人。上课能做到认真听讲,有时也能回答问题,喜欢音乐活动,会合拍地跟着音乐做模仿动作,音乐游戏等。你不仅能管好自己也能帮助他人,深得小朋友的喜欢。希望佳卉能少看电视,把眼睛保养好。进小学后要更加懂事听话,做个聪明能干的好孩子。

6. 孩子的心灵是无暇的稚嫩的,让我们做一个有心人,善于发现他们的所思所想,顺畅步入他们的内心世界,与孩子为伴,引领他们实现一个又一个梦想。

7. 重孩子,因为孩子需要平等;赏识孩子,因为孩子需要自信;新热孩子,因为孩子需要独立;学习孩子,因为孩子的世界是一片纯净的天地!愿我们的孩子健康快乐的成长!

8. 没有爱就没有正确的教育,只有爱孩子,才能把自己的心灵献给孩子,只有爱孩子,才能理解他们,体谅他们,把他们的欢乐和苦恼装在自己心中,只有爱孩子,才能更有效的教育孩子。

9. 这是一个五彩斑斓的孩童世界,显身其中,沉浸着是让人沉醉的舒心和喜悦,期待着快乐,期待着梦想。在同一片蓝天下,让我们用新去挖掘,用爱去呵护,用感情去感悟,用执着凝聚真诚,用真诚抒写快乐,给孩子的童年播上梦的翅膀。

10. .你是一个帅气活泼开朗的男孩子,你活跃的思维是男孩的特征,分明的喜好是你自己的个性,你比较独立自主,不依赖大人,但是我们感觉你还是缺少一点自信,记住:机会是自己把握的,不主动展示自己,永远不可能让别人了解你认识你!加油吧,小铃铛,等你戴上绿领巾时一定要回来看阿范和彩红哦!

11. .美,是智慧,是静谧。祝你聪明!愿你上进!

12. .愿你是风,鼓起白色的帆;愿你是船,剪开蓝色的波澜;生活正在你的前方微笑,勇敢的走上前去,将彩色的人生拥抱

13. .孩子,老师是呵护你三年而又将你放飞的鸟妈妈。你飞得越高越远,老师就越开心。

14. 你长着一对翅膀。坚韧地飞吧,不要为风雨所折服;诚挚地飞吧,不要为香甜的蜜汁所陶醉。朝着明确的目标,飞向美好的人生。

15. 春天是碧绿的天地,秋天是黄金的世界。愿你用青春的绿色去酿造未来富有的金秋!衷心地祝贺你,用智慧才情胆略和毅力,开辟出一块属于你自己的土地。

16. 很高兴看见升到大班的你进步了!吃饭快了,学本领认真了,还喜欢交朋友呢。正因如此,你的性格也变得开朗了。看到你的点滴成长,老师感到欣慰。亲爱的孩子,你有着最令人羡慕的年龄,你的面前条条道路金光灿灿,愿你快快成长起来,去获取你光明的未来。

17. 美,是智慧,是静谧。祝你聪明!愿你上进!

18. .鸟儿们,不久你们就要展翅飞向另一座花园。我这只大鸟忠心祝愿你们早日能在空中尽情翱翔。

19. 历史晴空,天地万物,为人师表的我爱着这份职业,神圣的职业赋予我们殷切的希望,看着幼儿走进知识的礼堂,看见孩子们在专心操作,探索的时候,老师就有孜孜不倦的耐心引导,孩子们渴望上进的心涌动着日复一日的激情,让我为不断前行的道路而加油喝彩。

20. 你们就要毕业了,就要带着老师们对你们的期望走进小学的校园,心中的千言万语不知道如何表达,在幼儿园的这些日子里,与老师小朋友们相伴学习游戏,这是你们最快乐最难忘的时光。老师们勤勤恳恳,和蔼可亲,给你们知识教你们做人……你们就像棵棵树苗,尽情吮吸着汩汩甘泉,在幼儿园这个快乐的大家庭里茁长成长。几度风雨,几度春秋,多少稚趣童真的岁月,多少酣畅淋漓的欢笑。

21. 三年的幼儿园生活伴随着你们成长,从刚入园的小不点儿慢慢长成了一个大孩子;从牙牙学语的你,到能说上一口流利的普通话;从爱哭胆小的你,变成一个勇敢的孩子。我知道你们在慢慢长大!

22. 孩子,别忘了常回幼儿园看看。老师爱听关于你们的一切。

23. 宽阔平整的操场,窗明几净的教室,天真烂漫的小朋友,还有和蔼可亲的老师,一切都那么新鲜那么质朴。当春天又一次来临,当小树又一次发芽,你们即将面临毕业,老师心中涌起深深的眷恋之情。哪怕走遍天涯海角,也不能忘记朝夕相处的小朋友。

24. 孩子,你们都长大了,请记住老师的话:路要靠自己去走,学习更要靠自己。

25. 你们三年的幼儿园生活很快就要结束了。记得你们刚进幼儿园读书的时候,有的孩子总是哭哭闹闹的,玩具扔满地,还要发脾气。有的还吵着不肯来幼儿园。如今,你们可已经是学会了许多的本领,会唱歌跳舞画画讲故事,还懂得了许多的道理。老师真为你们高兴。可是,三年来,为了你们,你们知道谁最辛苦吗?……对了,是你们班级的老师阿姨,食堂里面的炊事员和你们的爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶……她们都很辛苦。老师每天从早到晚要组织好你们的一日活动,生活学习和游戏,让你们在幼儿园里每天都能快快乐乐。阿姨炊事员们,每天还要细心照顾好你们的吃喝拉撒。还有你们的爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶每天要接送你们。真得是很辛苦!让我们把掌声送给她们,送给所有关心你们的朋友吧!同时,也请你们:永远记住你们的老师和阿姨噢!



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My name is.... I am eleven years old this year. I am tall and thin with two big eyes.I like reading, collecting stamps, playing the piano, playing table tennis, traveling and so on. I also like eating meat because it is delicious. I am interested in maths and English. I study hard every day so I am good at maths and English. I also like playing basketball on weekends with my friends. My favorite star is Yao Ming. I admire him very much.



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Everyone knows that father loves mountains, maternal love water. These love is not life for life, these people are life is worth your love.


I am a child of a rural family, but my education can be compared with the city, my dear father asked me strict, he taught me a man, an accident, want me to be a moral, intellectual, physical, The development of good boy. He worked hard for us all day, that face full of frosty face covered with wrinkles, he and his mother bitter to our brothers and sisters pull big, but also to cultivate us as the pillars of the country, to our best school, Wear the best clothes and ...

Every time I do wrong, you always have a harsh look at me, until I know so far; often I test bad, you will use the warmest big hands touch my head, kindly said: "It does not matter , When a test smashed does not mean always test smashed ah. "When I was good, I said to you:" This test has become the past, can be said to become history, you can not be proud, must for the next one Papers and work ah! "In fact, my father for my mouth I understand, because I also know that" modesty makes progress, proud of behind "Well, is my father to my self, is my father to my heart ... ... in the fathers We will be able to succeed in our minds.

My father let me practice calligraphy, to participate in military training ... ... these are that hes my share of my selfless love ah! He let me understand "a hard work, a harvest" truth, let me understand "hard to" Let me know "Paul Jianfeng from sharpening, plum blossom from bitter cold" meaning.

Dear Dad, you have conquered me with your own labor; you have touched me with your own smile; you have inspired me with the greatest love. I love you - kindly daddy.



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april fools day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fools errands, and fool the unsuspecting. no one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in france.


the closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in france. new years was celebrated on march 25 and celebrations lasted until april 1st. when new years day as changed from march 25 to january 1st in the mid-1560s by king charles ix, there were some people who still celebrated it on april 1st and those people were called april fools.


pranks performed on april fools day range from the simple, (such as saying, "your shoes untied!), to the elaborate. setting a roommates alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. the news media even gets involved. for instance, a british short film once shown on april fools day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "april fool!"


april fools day is a "for-fun-only" observance. nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. nobody gets off work or school. its simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next april fool!


each country celebrates april fools differently. in france, the april fools is called "april fish" (poisson davril). the french fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends backs and when some discovers this trick, they yell "poisson davril!".

每个国家用不同的方式过愚人节。在法国,愚人节被称作“april fish”。法国人和他们的朋友是这样开玩笑的:把一张裁成鱼形的纸用胶带粘到朋友的后背上,当有人发现的时候,他们就会喊:“poisson davril!”.

in england, tricks can be played only in the morning. if a trick is played on you, you are a "noodle". in scotland, april fools day is 48 hours long and you are called an "april gowk", which is another name for a cuckoo bird. the second day in scotlands april fools is called taily day and is dedicated to pranks involving the buttocks. taily days gift to posterior posterity is the still-hilarious "kick me" sign.

在英国,只能在早上搞恶作剧。如果你被耍了,那你就是“面条”。在苏格兰,愚人节要持续2天,被耍的人被称为“四月布谷”。苏格兰第二天的愚人节叫做taily day,恶作剧主要在别人的屁股上做文章。



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My name isxx.  I am graduate from xxx seniorhigh school and major in xx.  There are xx people in my family.  My father works in a computer company.  And my mother is a housewife.  I am the youngest one in my family.

In my spare time, I like to read novels.  I think reading could enlargemy knowledge.  As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.  In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games.  A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning.  But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese. My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.  I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.



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My family has two soil dogs, one called Arnold, the other called black, they have their own characteristics, Arno is a veteran of the old dog, once, a wild dog ran to my house, The bright eyes looked at the wild dogs, the gallows of the wild dogs even fly like a fleeing, lively black but just the opposite, he is a fake tiger, timid dog, but they have a common Point, is very loyal, always in the owner needs it, timely help.

I remember not long ago put three days with fake, my mother took me back to the grandmother, the little uncle had to take me and Arnold, black to the mountains to clean up the weeds and garbage, but my mother worried no experience I lost in the mountains, , So only to Arnold, little black with the little uncle to go, I am so sad! Because I and Arnold love hand in hand, after an hour, I found Arnolds foot hurt, and I anxiously asked why Arnold I will know that Arnold is to protect the little uncle, rushed to fight with the wild animals and injured, it is loyal to the spirit of the guardian of my heart sadness.

Usually Arnold to a subtle grass as weak, but in danger, but like a heroic warrior to protect me and my family, it is not only a good dog, is the patron saint of our family.



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Hello everyone,

my name is Lee. This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 20 years old,born in Guangdong province, south of China, and I am a senior student at Guangdong ××University. My major is English. And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June.

In the past four years, I spent most of my time on study. I passed CET4 and CET6 with a ease and acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge of Language. Besides, I have attended several Speech competition held in Beijing, which really showed our professional advantages. I have taken a tour to some big factories and companies, through which I got a deep understanding of English for application.

Compared to developed countries, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1998, our packaging industry is still underdeveloped, messy and unstable, and the situation of employees in the field is awkward. But I have full confidence in its bright future if only our economy can be kept at the growth pace still. I guess you may be interested in why I choose this job. I would like to tell you that this job is one of my lifelong goals.

If I can work here,I will work hard. As to my character, I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading and listening to the music, but I am not lonely, for I like to chat with my classmates about almost everything. My favorite pastime is to play volleyball, to play cards or to surf online. From life at university, I learn how to balance study and entertainment. By the way, I was an actor in our amazing drama club. I have a few glorious memories on stage.



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Hello, everyone! My name is ***. I am x years old. I am from China.I can speak Chinese and a little English. My favorite subject is English, because I think it is very interesting. I like going to the movies, playing sports and reading books. I like summer best, because it is very relaxing and we have a long hollday. I love my life. I think I am a happy girl. Do you want to make friends with me?




Hello, everyone!My name is Winnie. Im a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao. Im an active, lovely, and clever girl. In the school my favorite subject is math. Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well. But I like it. I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well. also like sports very much. Such as, running, volleyball and so on. Im kind-hearted. If you need help, please come to me.I hope we can be good friends! OK. This is me .A sunny girl.







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The Longhu villa in my hometown Pengshui County, where the fog is floating, (.) is a magical and beautiful place.

The flag up to an altitude of about 1000 meters high, halfway up the mountain air is very sweet, very refreshing. The mountain long rows of trees under the tree is a wild profusion of vegetation, and insects and other small animal snake, so you walk can hear small animal sounds.

The most interesting, is that the top of the thick fog, one or two months a year, on the top of the mountain will have a thick layers of fog, you can put the fog blowing a "hole" in one breath, but it closed in neither fast nor slow, steep peak, have a piece of egg shaped stone. Its a good place to watch the fog, but prone to hallucinations sitting on the stone, you will feel as if you are sitting in the clouds is Sun Wukong, somersault cloud, all of a sudden to jump down! And its easy to sit on the stone and jump down! You know, this stone is surrounded by a cliff! So, its better not to sit on the stone, because its a safe one!



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My name is XXX. I am a local person who is 21years old. I am from chongqing and I am of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city.


Moreover, I would like to say something about my family. I have my mother ,my father,and my elder sisther,they love me very much,I know my parents have so much hops and dreams for me。So I must study well.


I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am kind-hearted, patient, outgoing and creative. I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in. I will try my best to resolve any problem no matter how difficult it is. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.


In spare time, I like reading books, surfing on the Internet, listening to music like, classic, or light music, because they can make me feel relaxed. Nobody could keep on working efficiently, therefore proper amusement is a must. In addition, I insist on do some physical training such as running, and horizontal bar as well. By doing this, I can always stay healthy.


That’s all. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!





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While walking in the school , I am attracted by a yellow , its blooming

winter jasmine ! Yes ,Spring is coming , in every corner of the earth is full of Spring !

Spring scenery is so beautiful . Looking at the blossom and the green leaves on the trees I still remembered the flowers falling down last year , the yellow leaves dancing in the air last autumn ,but now ,I just see them flashing in the sunlight ! I like to smell the fragrance of flowers , to see the new green trees and hear the singing of small birds . Besides, the climate of spring is pleasant . During the spring , we can take on lighter clothes without worrying whether we will catch a cold !

I love this beautiful season , no matter in the school or outside can we feel the spring everywhere . I love this meaningful season , because its full of vitality ,full of hope !



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Good morning/afternoon.

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview. I hope I can make a good performance today.My name is xx. I am 20 years old,born in a little village in Southern Zhejiang. My parents are farmers,and I am the only child. Though not well-to-do,the family always be hopeful. My major is engineering technology. I will graduate in July,2011. I have some hobbies like listening to music,swimming,and especially seeing western movies. In the passed two years,I have learned some practical skills and gained some major certificates. I paid more attention to learn Engling,and I have passed CET4 in my efforts. I am looking forward to becoming a member of your company . Thankyou!



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Chapter one:self-introduction


名字和年龄:My name is peter, I am six years old.

兴趣:My hobby is playing basketball.

个性:I am a talkative person.

My name is peter. I am six years old. I am from Taiwan. Many people ask me about my Chinese name because they think the meaning of it is very interesting. But I hope my friends can remember my English name rather than my Chinese one. My hobby is playing basketball. I usually play it with my friends after school, and I believe playing basketball will bring me good health. I am a talkative person. It is very difficult for me to keep quiet. Now I am studying in English, so I hope everyone can speak English to me. Otherwise I will feel very bad if I keep quiet.



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Hello everyone!

Im a marketing professional from * * * University, and Id like to introduce myself. I like reading books and reading newspapers, because it can enrich my knowledge. I like running, because it can sharpen my will. What kind of person am I? I am a lively, cheerful, enthusiastic, persistent and strong willed person. Since today is the competition for the position of marketing manager, I want to talk about their understanding of marketing. Marketing is not the same as salesmanship, but salesmanship is an important part of marketing. If you want to do a good job in marketing, you must do your best to sell yourself. It is difficult for a stranger to trust himself, but only if the customer believes that he can, will he believe his product, and then he will better push his product into the market. I want “ be a man, do a job, do business, &rdquo. Thats what it means!

I think as a marketing manager, besides should have some marketing knowledge, but also should have good communication and coordination ability, can hard-working, good team spirit, pay attention to occupation moral. As a squad leader, I organized all kinds of activities in the class for three years. Through the organization of these activities, improve their ability to organize and coordinate, and strengthen the sense of teamwork. At the same time, I also fully realize that the individuals ability is limited after all, only through teamwork, brainstorming, and learn from each other, can we better complete the work. If this time I was fortunate to marketing manager, I want to build a platform for, yet the rigorous work in a relaxed atmosphere and their colleagues, we can cooperate with each other, with good team spirit.

At the same time, I think marketing is also a kind of service. Since it is a kind of service, we should make everyone satisfied and do it with enthusiasm and sincerity. Passion, the indispensable element in our work, is the motivation that pushes us to innovate and devote ourselves to work. With passion and a sense of self - challenge, I believe I can do the job. I hope that through my personal self introduction, I can give you an understanding of my efforts and sincerity. Thank you
