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Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.

I love Spring Festival.






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My name is xx, a postgraduate student from Tianjin University, and will get my master degree in March 2007.

Id like to summarize myself from 3 aspects:

First, Im an excellent learner. In my sophomore year, I passed the entrance examination to the Excellent Student Program in Tianjin University and was recommended as the postgraduate student with special courses, and then I joined the IBM Center in Tianjin University. After finishing my undergraduate courses, my GPA was 3.8 out of 4.5.

Second, Im an excellent problem-solver. During the last 4 years, I have finished 5 projects, including the Hydraulic Engineering Project Management System, and so on. And I took part in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling in 2003 and won the second prize in Tianjin region.

Last, Im an excellent team player. Ive been serving as the monitor for 6 years and team leader for 2 years. And besides taking more responsibilities, I also placed great emphasis on teamwork, in order to meet the teams goal.



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My name is Winnie.Im a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Ganzhou.

Im an active,lovely and clever girl.In the school,my favourite subject is maths.Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well.But I like it.I belive that if you try your best,everything can be done well.

I also sports very much.Such as,running,volleyball and so on.

Im kind-hearted. If you need help,please come to me .

I hope we can be good friends!

OK.This is me .A sunny girl.



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My name is Li Haiqing. I am a local person who is 21years old. I am from

chongqing and I am of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city.

Moreover, I would like to say something about my family. I have my mother

,my father,and my elder sisther,they love me very much,I know my parents have so

much hops and dreams for me。So I must study well.

I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am kind-hearted,

patient, outgoing and creative. I am a hard working student especially do the

thing I am interested in. I will try my best to resolve any problem no matter

how difficult it is. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he

keeps on learning.

In spare time, I like reading books, surfing on the Internet, listening to

music like, classic, or light music, because they can make me feel relaxed.

Nobody could keep on working efficiently, therefore proper amusement is a must.

In addition,() I insist on do some physical training such as running, and

horizontal bar as well. By doing this, I can always stay healthy.

Thatrsquo;s all. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!



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(1)推荐读物:《红楼梦》;(2)推荐理由:四大名著之一;中国传统文化的百科全书;(3)邀请他来中国体验文化。注意: 1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯;3.开头与已经为你写好;4. 参考词汇:《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Maisons;百科全书:encyclopedia


Glad to receive your letter where you mention that you are enthusiastic about Chinese culture and you want me to recommend you some related books, so I am writing to introduce my favorite book, A Dream of Red Maisons.

Firstly, this book is one of the Four Great Classical Novels and an encyclopedia of Chinese culture, in which you can see the rise and decline of a famous royal family and understand the complicated relationships between people from all walks and classes of life in ancient China. In addition to that, the writing style of Cao Xueqin, the author of this book, had a deep effect on writers of his times and later generation. It will be helpful for you to understand other books of the same type if you can fully understand this masterpiece.I am sure you will enjoy reading it.

I hope that you can come to China, and then I can show you around, visiting places of interest and you will know more about Chinese culture.

Looking forward to your arrival!


Li Hua











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When the summer comes, the weather is so hot, it is rarely to see the rain.

Today, when I wake up, I find the weather is chilly, it is going to rain. I am

so happy, I miss the rain so much. Suddenly, the rain drops from the sky, I ran

out of the house, looking at the sky, dancing with the rain. I feel so cool,

then all my weariness has gone.



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你好,四年大学生涯使我积累了充分的文化知识,社会实践能力有了提高,也让我在心理上有了质的飞跃。 在校期间,我遵守校纪校规,尊敬师长,团结同学。学习勤奋刻苦,成绩优秀。有奉献精神, 诚实守信,勇于挑战自我。具体表现在:







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1. 你是一个活泼开朗可爱的孩子。在幼儿园的三年时间里,你对老师有礼貌。能认真参加体育活动,学会了钻爬拍球跳绳等很多本领,动作发展协调。上课比以前专心了而且经常发言,能主动表现自己。对于动脑筋数运算等问题很感兴趣,相比之下对节奏绘画等艺术活动方面还得加油努力。老师希望你进小学后能表现的更好,做个全面发展的小学生!

2. 从小不点到已经稍微懂事的幼儿园毕业班孩子,看着他们一点一点成长的教师想说的肯定很多,不过千言万语只汇成一句毕业赠言,愿可爱的孩子能越飞越高。

3. 再见了,我最亲爱的孩子们!老师会从心底里永远关爱着你们,永远祝福你们,愿你们永远健康快乐,早日成为栋梁之材!

4. 乘着风儿的翅膀,聆听着鸟儿的歌唱,踏着时间的旋律,离小朋友离园的日子越来越近了。看着即将毕业的你们,我心中有一千个不舍,一万个不舍。

5. 你是一个较独立的孩子,懂得自己照顾自己,生活自理能力较强,是个较懂事的孩子。你有较好的劳动习惯,能关心班级并愿意帮助别人。上课能做到认真听讲,有时也能回答问题,喜欢音乐活动,会合拍地跟着音乐做模仿动作,音乐游戏等。你不仅能管好自己也能帮助他人,深得小朋友的喜欢。希望佳卉能少看电视,把眼睛保养好。进小学后要更加懂事听话,做个聪明能干的好孩子。

6. 孩子的心灵是无暇的稚嫩的,让我们做一个有心人,善于发现他们的所思所想,顺畅步入他们的内心世界,与孩子为伴,引领他们实现一个又一个梦想。

7. 重孩子,因为孩子需要平等;赏识孩子,因为孩子需要自信;新热孩子,因为孩子需要独立;学习孩子,因为孩子的世界是一片纯净的天地!愿我们的孩子健康快乐的成长!

8. 没有爱就没有正确的教育,只有爱孩子,才能把自己的心灵献给孩子,只有爱孩子,才能理解他们,体谅他们,把他们的欢乐和苦恼装在自己心中,只有爱孩子,才能更有效的教育孩子。

9. 这是一个五彩斑斓的孩童世界,显身其中,沉浸着是让人沉醉的舒心和喜悦,期待着快乐,期待着梦想。在同一片蓝天下,让我们用新去挖掘,用爱去呵护,用感情去感悟,用执着凝聚真诚,用真诚抒写快乐,给孩子的童年播上梦的翅膀。

10. .你是一个帅气活泼开朗的男孩子,你活跃的思维是男孩的特征,分明的喜好是你自己的个性,你比较独立自主,不依赖大人,但是我们感觉你还是缺少一点自信,记住:机会是自己把握的,不主动展示自己,永远不可能让别人了解你认识你!加油吧,小铃铛,等你戴上绿领巾时一定要回来看阿范和彩红哦!

11. .美,是智慧,是静谧。祝你聪明!愿你上进!

12. .愿你是风,鼓起白色的帆;愿你是船,剪开蓝色的波澜;生活正在你的前方微笑,勇敢的走上前去,将彩色的人生拥抱

13. .孩子,老师是呵护你三年而又将你放飞的鸟妈妈。你飞得越高越远,老师就越开心。

14. 你长着一对翅膀。坚韧地飞吧,不要为风雨所折服;诚挚地飞吧,不要为香甜的蜜汁所陶醉。朝着明确的目标,飞向美好的人生。

15. 春天是碧绿的天地,秋天是黄金的世界。愿你用青春的绿色去酿造未来富有的金秋!衷心地祝贺你,用智慧才情胆略和毅力,开辟出一块属于你自己的土地。

16. 很高兴看见升到大班的你进步了!吃饭快了,学本领认真了,还喜欢交朋友呢。正因如此,你的性格也变得开朗了。看到你的点滴成长,老师感到欣慰。亲爱的孩子,你有着最令人羡慕的年龄,你的面前条条道路金光灿灿,愿你快快成长起来,去获取你光明的未来。

17. 美,是智慧,是静谧。祝你聪明!愿你上进!

18. .鸟儿们,不久你们就要展翅飞向另一座花园。我这只大鸟忠心祝愿你们早日能在空中尽情翱翔。

19. 历史晴空,天地万物,为人师表的我爱着这份职业,神圣的职业赋予我们殷切的希望,看着幼儿走进知识的礼堂,看见孩子们在专心操作,探索的时候,老师就有孜孜不倦的耐心引导,孩子们渴望上进的心涌动着日复一日的激情,让我为不断前行的道路而加油喝彩。

20. 你们就要毕业了,就要带着老师们对你们的期望走进小学的校园,心中的千言万语不知道如何表达,在幼儿园的这些日子里,与老师小朋友们相伴学习游戏,这是你们最快乐最难忘的时光。老师们勤勤恳恳,和蔼可亲,给你们知识教你们做人……你们就像棵棵树苗,尽情吮吸着汩汩甘泉,在幼儿园这个快乐的大家庭里茁长成长。几度风雨,几度春秋,多少稚趣童真的岁月,多少酣畅淋漓的欢笑。

21. 三年的幼儿园生活伴随着你们成长,从刚入园的小不点儿慢慢长成了一个大孩子;从牙牙学语的你,到能说上一口流利的普通话;从爱哭胆小的你,变成一个勇敢的孩子。我知道你们在慢慢长大!

22. 孩子,别忘了常回幼儿园看看。老师爱听关于你们的一切。

23. 宽阔平整的操场,窗明几净的教室,天真烂漫的小朋友,还有和蔼可亲的老师,一切都那么新鲜那么质朴。当春天又一次来临,当小树又一次发芽,你们即将面临毕业,老师心中涌起深深的眷恋之情。哪怕走遍天涯海角,也不能忘记朝夕相处的小朋友。

24. 孩子,你们都长大了,请记住老师的话:路要靠自己去走,学习更要靠自己。

25. 你们三年的幼儿园生活很快就要结束了。记得你们刚进幼儿园读书的时候,有的孩子总是哭哭闹闹的,玩具扔满地,还要发脾气。有的还吵着不肯来幼儿园。如今,你们可已经是学会了许多的本领,会唱歌跳舞画画讲故事,还懂得了许多的道理。老师真为你们高兴。可是,三年来,为了你们,你们知道谁最辛苦吗?……对了,是你们班级的老师阿姨,食堂里面的炊事员和你们的爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶……她们都很辛苦。老师每天从早到晚要组织好你们的一日活动,生活学习和游戏,让你们在幼儿园里每天都能快快乐乐。阿姨炊事员们,每天还要细心照顾好你们的吃喝拉撒。还有你们的爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶每天要接送你们。真得是很辛苦!让我们把掌声送给她们,送给所有关心你们的朋友吧!同时,也请你们:永远记住你们的老师和阿姨噢!



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My favorite animal is dog, my family has a puppy. His name is wangwang, he that is yellow, is really beautiful. He has a pair of bright eyes sparkly.

His two big ears perked up really high like a birds wing, but air. Sometimes also shake his tail to show your tongue with me, where I went with it, really like a small heels. I patted him on the head, it is licking my fingers, I feel itchy. Lovely!

But he has time, low head, let me feel very strange, but I dou dou it his mood suddenly. This is my dog barked. It is very cute!



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Please allow me to introduce myself fou you. My name is xx, I am as born in Qinghai Province. Very honored to have this opportunity to come here to interview. Now I will briefly introduce themselves.

I graduated from the Qinghai first vocational schools.

My specialty is computer software applications.

In the past year I have the basic expertise. I like reading books, watching movies, listening to music, and so on. I think I am an honest and optimistic, can also work under great pressure. This is probably, thank you.



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Hello,everyone!Nice to meet you! My name is .I come from . junior middle school .I like English very much。 Usually, I listen to some English music. I think that English is very useful in the future so I study hard at it。 I have many friends . We help each other in the study and life。I love them very much. Thank you very much.



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each examiner:

i call/**, come from shandong province.this year is 21 years old, , is a student who will soon graduate.

passes the foundation knowledge that the teachers guidance controled a calculator with personal effort firmly in the school.mainly studied c language at the software aspect. c#. java etc. plait the distance language, the data structure, vf. access etc. database is applied, calculator operate system.studied the dreamweaver web page manufacture and the asp network to weave a distance also.studied the calculator network at the hardware aspect, the calculator construction with www.oh100.combine many times to attend to pack machine, set the fulfillment of the net operation lesson, make me control the work principle of the calculator and the set of the calculator network net process.

in addition, i attend various activities of the school organization to come to the oneself of 锻炼 actively and do various part-time to increase social experience.the teacher is divided into the group to us in the experiment and practice of the lesson remaining to complete mission, make we the deep comprehension arrive the importance of the team.the and the rise time acquires the school scholarship during the period of school, three staffs.

however necessarily limited at the knowledge that the school learn, therefore i would ready to take advice study in the later work, the backlog working experience, the exaltation work ability.hope your company to give me a displays an own opportunity!

this with the result that





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My Dream

I’m longing for a weekend. It’s happy and it’s free. This is my dream.

At this weekend, I don’t have to play the violin; I don’t have to draw pictures; Olympic Maths is far away from me; Handwriting doesn’t bother me.

I can play and I can sing; I can do everything interesting. No one can stop me.

Oh, what a happy weekend! But, it’s only my dream. I hope it will come true.




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Good morning teachers and classmates,im glad to be here for self-introdution.My name is ** and i come from grade seven class ** .I have a family of four,my mother ,farther ,brother and me.we are getting along with each other ,i usually help my mother do house work when my farther is out of home and i am a deligted person and willing to help others while in trouble.I like watching TV and playing basketball with my partners in part time .I also need others encuragement while i dont pass eaxminaion .so i fee that we should help each other.Thank for giving me a chance of makng a speech



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Teachers Day

The Teachers Day will come soon.At first,I want to extend my greeting and best wishes to my dear teachers.

I still remember the year when I failed the collage entrance exmination.Iwas feeling lost,and no idea about what my life is going to be.My teachet came to me,and she said she understand how I felt inside now.She also told me its very common that students who are like me will go though a hard time. She told me that failure was a part of life, which was not the end but a new beginning. And she encouraged me to go back to the school to start a new. I was convinced in the end and decided to give another try.

Now Ive graduated from collage and got a very good job.I know all my success owns to my kind teacher. Ill work harder and never give up again.



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My name is Li Yang.I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored Mechanical Engineering.

I was once a poor student of English,and it was my biggest headache and trouble-maker.I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words.

But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games,I found myself a totally different and exciting new world.Not only did I pass Band four and Band six College English Exams very easily with high marks,but importantly,I began to use English.

Finally,I developed a new Language Cracking System myself,I began to teach German not long after I started to learn this terribly difficult language in my own way.It was a miracle but I made it.英语口语自我介绍篇二

Hello everybody.My name is (Lily) .Im (twenty )years old. I live in (beijing)。I very love English. I read English every day. I yell English every day, My favorite sports are tennis and swimming.

I play tennis all the time since Im a child. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. We are all interested in English. My parents want me to be an English thacher when I graduate. I hope we can be friends.lets help each other from now. 英英语口语自我介绍篇三

My name is XX .21years old. Graduated from XX school. My hobbies, such as reading extensively, dancing, singing, etc. I think English is very useful to us, because the world many people speak English, if I can speak good English, I can talk with them and with their friends.

So I hope to have the chance to exercise myself. In my home, my father has three people in the catering company work, my mother is a housewife, I sometimes very outgoing personality sometimes love quiet, I believe I can do this job. Glad to meet you can today.

I hope you can give me this opportunity, thank you。



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我是XX师范学院英语系XX届的一名毕业生,怀着对贵校的尊重与向往,我真诚地写了这封 自荐 信,向您展示一个完全真实的我,希望贵校能接纳我成为其中的一员。

我十分珍惜在校的学习时间,不断从各个方面完善自己。一方面,我刻苦攻读、认真务学,每个学期都以优秀的成绩完成规定学科的学习,大学二年级,我以良好的成绩通过了 英语专业四级的 考试 ,现在,我正以饱满的热情准备着专业八级的 考试 。我还利用课余时间在XX大学辅修了计算机网络二专业,并顺利通过 考试 ,取得结业证书。另一方面,为早日成为合格的人民教师,我认真学习教学法,借鉴中外教学经验,努力探索一种既符合国情教育,又能发挥学生主观能动性的教学方法,从而提高教学质量和学生的 英语 水平。在大四开学初的实习中,我的方法得到初步验证,受到师生的一致赞扬,以优秀的实习成绩完成了实习工作。












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I was born in a small village of Shan Dong Province on April 4th, 1968. When I was young, my family was very poor, so I had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when I was in the middle school.

In 1986 I was admitted by University of International Business and Economics (or: UIBE) to pursue a bachelor degree in Economics. My major is accounting in Department of International Business Management. The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others. I developed several professional interests in Accounting, Finance, and International Trade.

The following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence. In 1990-1993, I worked as an assistant to funding manager in China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. In 1993-present, I was employed by China Kingdom Import and Export Corporation to be the Manger of Financial and Accounting Division.

I do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MBA program.

MY PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: After graduating from UIBE, I was employed as the assistant to the funding manager by China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. After reading a lot of related files, and analyzing the overall funding situation of the corporation, I found that the loan policy was not been put into effect. So we have thousands of millions RMB loan with very high interest rate while a large amount of cash in bank with very low interest rate was idle. I reported this to my supervisor, and then we studied and revised the loan policy. This revision saved the corporation approximately RMB thirty millions yuan. In order to raise the funding effectiveness, after one year’s hard work, I developed the internal banking system within the corporation based on the actual funding supply and need of the different divisions and projects. This internal banking system made full use of the corporation’ funding resources, and due to this, I was highly praised by the president of the corporation.

WHY CHOOSE YOUR MBA PROGRAM? After I have worked in business area for eight years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in business administration. I have practiced my professional expertise in accounting, demonstrated my leadership abilities and perfected my communication skills. But I have yet to become an entrepreneur in my own right, and to fully master the art of modern business. I want to be trained more vigorously in scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. There are a lot of opportunities and challenges in China that I do not yet fell fully confident to seize. My business career has so far benefited mostly the companies that I worked for, but a good business education in your university will probably become a new era for me.

Your university is well known for its excellence in China’s business education. I am sure that, with my extensive business experience, I can be a worthy student of yours. I am anxious to benefit from your seasoned guidance and take advantage of your research facilities.



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hello everyone.

now let me talk about myself.

my name is _____.i was born in _____.there are _____people in my family, my father is a _____, my mother is a _______.and as everyone know,im a student.everyone has his own interests.as for me,i like reading books,playing basketball,listening to the music and so on.now today we are in the same class,i hope we will get on well with each other.thanks.
