我喜欢小狗作文汇编3篇 作文英语汇总20篇







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My favourite city is Seoul.Seoul is the capital of South Korea and is located on the Han River in the countrys northwest. The city is situated about 50 km (~30 mi) south of the North Korean border, also known as the de-militarized zone (DMZ). Seoul is a city with ancient history, the area of Seoul appears in history as early as 18 BCE, when the kingdom of Baekje founded its capital, Wiryeseong, in what is now southeastern Seoul. Modern Seoul descends from a city called Namgyeong, built during the Goryeo era, which then became the capital of the Joseon dynasty in 1394. Seoul has been the capital of successive Korean nations ever since.[2]Designated the status of a Special City, Seoul is administered directly by the national government.

With over ten million people, Seoul is South Koreas largest city and one of the largest cities in the world by population. Covering an area of only 605 square kilometers, smaller than New York City or Tokyo, it is one of the worlds most densely populated major cities.

The Seoul National Capital Area, which includes the major port city of Incheon, has almost 23 million inhabitants making it the second most populous metropolitan area in the world, after Greater Tokyo. Almost half of South Koreas entire population lives in the Seoul National Capital Area, and nearly one quarter in Seoul itself, making it the countrys political, cultural, and economic center, as well as a center for international business. The rapid economic, social and technological development of the city has played a key role in South Koreas development, and has been referred to as the "Miracle on the Han River".

Seoul hosts more than three million registered vehicles and widespread traffic congestion is common. In recent years, the metropolitan government has undertaken extensive clean up of the citys air and water pollution. The revival of Cheonggyecheon, a stream that flows through Seoul city center, was a recent major urban beautification project.

我最喜欢城市是首尔。首尔是韩国的首都,位于汉江在该国西北地区。这座城市位于以南约50公里(~ 30 mi)朝鲜边境,也被称为de-militarized区(DMZ)。首尔是一个城市,古老的历史,首尔的区域出现在历史早在公元前18,Baekje王国建立其资本时,Wiryeseong,在现在的首尔东南。现代首尔是一个城市叫Namgyeong建立了该时期,然后于1394年成为李氏王朝的首都。首尔已经连续朝鲜国家的首都。[2]指定状态的一个特殊的城市,首尔是由中央政府直接管理。







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As we all know,animals are our friends.I like every animal.But I like dogs best.Dogs are not only very lovely,but also very helpful.Thats why we all feed dogs at home.I often share happiness and shorrow with it, which belongs to me three years ago,called"Betty".In other words,we should treat them as our real friends.Do you agree with me?




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Wintergrandpa is coming, the weather turned cold, winter grandpa to blow a sigh of relief, the earth covered with a layer of white carpet, let the trees put on a white coat, let the house became the past beautiful snow, there are clouds in the sky white snow, people put on thick cotton-padded clothes cotton trousers...

Saturday morning, of snow, the snow swirl coming from the sky to the earth mothers arms, the earth covered with a layer of white quilt. I woke up and had a stretch, down from the bed and put on the clothes, was attracted by the snow outside! I went to the window and saw a beautiful sight: there was a big, mischievous snowflake doll from heaven to the earth mothers embrace, let the earth covered a layer of white quilt, ah! High-rise buildings into past white castle, changed the silver tree, all the flowers, the grass is withered, only the plum flower is still there and enjoy.

I saw such a beautiful scenery, hurriedly ran downstairs and rolling the first two snowball, stack them up, then took two small stones when the snowmans eyes, and then with a carrot as snowmans nose, get a few small stones when light snow mans mouth, and I took a small hat to wear of light snow person, and two root tree when the snowmans arm, I roll again two light snow ball when the hand of the light snow, I afraid of cold snowman, also specially to light snow for a long scarf.

Ah! Winter is beautiful! I love winter!


星期六的早晨,下了一场大雪,大雪纷纷扬扬地从天上飘到大地妈妈的怀抱里,给大地盖上了一层雪白的棉被。我醒了,伸了一个懒腰,从床上下来,穿好衣服,被外面的雪景吸引住了!我走到窗前,看见了一幅美丽的景色 :外面下着鹅毛大雪,调皮的雪花娃娃从天上飘到大地妈妈的怀抱里,让大地盖上了一层雪白的棉被,啊!高楼大厦都变成了一座座白色的城堡,大树换上了银装,所有的花儿,草儿都凋谢了,只有梅花还在那里美美地开着。





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Directions:For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Which Mode of Travel Do You like? You should write noless than 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 有的人喜欢参加旅行社旅游(package tours)

2. 有的人喜欢自己独立行动(travelling on one’s own)

3. 比较这两种旅游方式,我喜欢的是……


With the general standard of living improvingand the working week becoming shorter,more andmore people are able to make a holiday trip toplaces of interest. While many like to joinpackage tours fro convenience,I prefer to traveln my own.

I like travelling on may own not only because it costs much less but because it gives a great degree of independence and freedom. Travelling on my own,I’m my own boss;and can decide when to start on my way,where to linger a little longer and which spot can be skipped over to save energy or time for another spot. I can always adjust my plan. On the contrary,in a package tour you’re deprived of as much freedom as in a military base. At the sound of the whistle,you have to jump up from a sound sleep and,with heavy-lidded eyes,hurry to the gathering place where you are collected and counted to board a coach. At the sight of the little flag waving,you must immediately take yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at and follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to him strict schedule,regardless of the weather or your health condition.

True,you may encounter inconveniences if you travel individually,for instance,getting accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals. But nothing can be compared with the freedom which is vital to a person who takes a holiday trip mainly to escape from constraints of his routine life.




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我家养了一只小。因为它全身长着黑色的毛发,所以我们给它取名叫“黑福”。 记得“黑福”刚被抱来时,还是一只小狗崽,连眼睛都不能完全睁开来。我从外婆手里接过它时,它全身都在发抖,不时地伸出小舌头舔来舔去,还发出小哼哼声,好像在说:“妈妈,你在哪里?我又冷又饿。我害怕!”我一边爱怜地抚摸着它,一边轻声地对它说:“小黑福,你别害怕,我会好好照顾你的。”

我一边征求爸爸为小狗崽准备温暖的小狗窝,一边央求妈妈为小狗崽准备食物。爸爸立刻为小狗崽准备一只干净的大纸箱,里面铺上柔软的棉花和稻草,妈妈拿来豆奶粉,让我泡给它喝。小黑福吃得津津有味,连鼻子上都是,更别说是嘴巴上添得到处都是。我用小毛巾给它擦干净。小黑福在我的精心照料下,它逐渐长大了。 “黑福”是条看家的好狗。一有陌生人靠近,它就会“汪汪汪”直叫。见到或闻到主人的回家,会高兴地迎接,不停地甩着尾巴,亲昵地添着裤脚。 “黑福”不仅是条好狗,而且还是一只非常机敏的狗。有一次,我们放它出去玩,结果,到了晚上也不见它的踪影。我伤心地直哭。可是,当我第二天放学回家一看,呀!我心爱的“黑福”又回来了!不过它看起来有一点疲惫。妈妈告诉我,有人看见偷狗的人趁“黑福”闲逛的时候把它捉住,放入摩托车篼后面,想把“黑福”卖掉。是“黑福”机灵,趁摩托车在行驶途中,跳了下来,凭记忆自己回家。你说它聪明勇敢不? 这就是我喜欢的小狗!



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I like dogs, my aunts home has three puppies: one is called "talent", one called "river", the last one is called "dou dou".

"Handsome" like to fight, fight so handsome, so its called handsome. Like to drink water, playing with water, "river" aunt think the puppy like to play with water, it should have a name three drops of water; Like to drink water, it also could be thirsty to drink fluids, it should also have a thirst in the name of the () words; So it is called "river". "Doug" cute, so it is called "dou dou".

Handsome, river river, doug they all have a soft, black, long hair, I malicious huan their lovely appearance.

In one of them, my favorite is handsome. I saw a small stones, a hard kick, the small stones quickly rushed over. I see handsome like to molar with stones, I saw the handsome good teeth pointed o...

I also play games with handsome, I went to my aunt there, it also went to the aunt side, I go upstairs, it also go upstairs; I run, it is running. "This is fun!" I was excited, happy said.

In the evening, I in my aunts house to eat a meal ready to go home. Uncle, aunt, handsome and I said, "good-bye!" Handsome his tail at me, as if also say bye bye to me! I sit and of my fathers car to go home.

We now move, cant go to aunts home to see them every day. I have a little more than a month didnt see them, miss them!










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I like the animals very much, but my favorite animal is my uncle picked up the puppy.

The puppys hair is yellow, his ears pointed, his high, his eyes round and big, black and bright, his nose black and upright, its mouth is small , Its tail long swing to swing, very cute.

Puppy eating food when very cute, I put the ribs into a small bowl inside, he far to see, all of a sudden ran over, first with a smell of the nose, it smelled the taste of ribs, immediately dangling, Big mouth to eat up. Puppy habits every time to see strange things, have to use the nose to smell, when it will eat something crisp sound.

It is always in front of his forefoot on the front, back on the back, he sometimes when he was going to sleep barking sound, as if in a dream.

Puppy and I often play the game is running, it ran like a river when the same action is very agile.

I really like this puppy, should be, it has been with me a good time.



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Lionel Andres Messi is a famous and successful football player around the world.

He was born on June 24, 1987 in Argentina. He began to join a football club in 1995 when he was only 7 years old. He played football there for 5 years. At the age of 13, Messi went to Barcelona. In 2003, he not only took part in his first match but also won the match. When he was 20 in 2005, he became one of the best, the youngest and the most popular football players.

Messi played football so well that he made many people have a good time. He has a lot of fans, and many young people want to be a football player like him.







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在我第五个生日的早上,我去找我的朋友张飞扬,在路上我听到了草丛里有哗 哗的声音。我一看,呀,原来这有一只小,它像一个婴儿一样,静静地在草丛里趴着。我连忙把它抱回我家。它有黑色的一毛一,水汪汪的大眼睛,长长的耳朵,仿佛 在听着一切声音。第二天一早,我去书店里卖了一本《怎样养小狗》的书。


过 了一个月,小狗可以自己吃饭了,只要把冲好的奶放到它身旁就可以了。看着小狗,我感到无比幸福。下午,爷爷生了一堆火,让小狗暖暖身一子。小狗烤完火之后, 稀疏的一毛一变整齐了,它好像刚来到这个世界一样,对一切东西都感到好奇,它一边走一边叫,好像在说:“东一看,西一看,这个世界真大呀!”

一 年后,小狗长成了大狗,像一个士兵一样守卫着家。每次我放学一回家,它都会跑到门口迎接我,有时还汪汪叫着,好像在说:“主人,主人,你可回来了,我都想 死你了!”这时,我也会回应一句:“我这不是回来了嘛!”它有时好像和我闹别扭,我把它的球拿走了,它就趴在角落里,好像在想:哼,让你抢我的球。不过, 过了一会儿,它感到没有趣了,就又找我来玩了。




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I love movies so much that I spend most of my spare time on watching them. Particularly, its useful to improve my English learning with the aid of foreign movies. Among so many films I have seen, the one I like best is High School Musical. It tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. As the hero and heroine, they try out for the leading parts in their high school musical. In this process, a series of affairs happened, but in the end, the musical performance achieves great success and the teenage couple----Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It’s totally a happy ending. I like this movie because it shows the colorful and amazing high school life, which fascinates me so much. Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.

喜欢电影,平时有时间的时候我一般都是看电影。特别是借助看外国电影有利于促进我的英语学习。在我所看过的电影中,我最喜欢的是《歌舞青春》。这部电影讲述了两个高中生的故事——学校篮球队的队长Troy Bolton和性格害羞、长相甜美、成绩优异的新生Gabriella Montez,这两位男女主人公一起为主演学校的音乐剧而努力不懈。在这个过程中,发生了一系列事件,而最终,音乐剧获得了成功,他们之间也碰撞出了爱的火花,完美落幕。我喜欢这部电影是因为电影中展现的高中生活丰富多彩、奇妙无比,让我十分着迷。再者,有谁不喜欢爱情故事的大圆满结局呢。



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It is true that summer is hot,very hot.But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me,for I dont usually go out.

What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read.I love to read,but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading.Endles assignments press down upon me like a mountain.I feel confined and imprisoned.

Once the summer vacation comes,however,I have all the time in the world to read and read and read.I read everything I want to read.I read to my hearts content.My room maybe small,and the sun maybe hot,but Im free,Im happy,Im really living!

Oh,how I love summer!







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in the past three years of my college life i have never ceased to think what kind of work i shall take up upon graduation。 although my ideas are not consistent, i have decided on a college teacher as my life-long career。

a variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones。 first, teaching is learning。 to make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, i have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world the very thing i enjoy in my life。 second, teaching means freedom and independence。 as a teacher, im free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions。 finally, i like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind。 no more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome。

nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the opportunity to continue learning,the satisfaction of being your own boss,and a gentle peace of life。




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There was a dog got sick badly, the master decided to help him ended his life and made him rest in peace. Before mercy killing, the master did many things for the dog in his last day. He held the dog to hang around and saw the scenery and then made the delicious food. The master was very sad and he couldn’t help crying when he saw the dog got injection. Thinking about the illness, he thought he made the right choice for the dog. The relationship between people and animal is always deep and loyal, many movies about this relationship have moved the audience. Every pet should be treated as friend.





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Music is an important part in my life,I even cant live without music.

Actually,I like many kinds of music,Id like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and its mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!

Im not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and cant hear them clearly.I cant stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!

In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I cant live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,Im gonna fight him and never give up!



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My favorite animal is a chicken.

As it happens, my home downstairs is no. 307 to raise a few chickens. Every day, we pass these chicks are partial his head to see us.

The chicken body furry and cute. A yellow feathers like wearing a yellow dress. The chicken has a pair of sharp mouth. Round eyes also pretty mentally?

I dont see their ears, but the chicken could not have no ears. If no ears, that we walk past, how they head, look at us with a partial?

Mother said that newly hatched chicks also can only eat a small grain of rice, cant eat corn or maize, and gave them drink water regularly. If there are bugs to eat them. Theyll grow more air.

How much I love these cute chicks. But mom and dad said cant keep now, dont keep good, they will die.






