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Every morning, I will wake up early and then do some exercise. I like running very much, so I will run around my house. Running on the street and park, I can see the city in its morning face, the street is so quiet, some people are dancing, some are walking. I enjoy running in the morning, I feel so comfortable, I feel life is easy and happy.





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春天到了,春姑娘又来到南方,给大地送上各种各样的礼物。暖和的太阳出来了,小河的冰化成水,缓缓地流着。花儿开了,小草慢慢地长出来,就像大地长出绿色的头发,树木也抽出新的枝条。 Spring is here, spring girls come to the south again to give the earth a variety of gifts.The warm sun came out, and the ice of the river turned into water and flowed slowly.When the flowers bloom, the grass grows slowly, just like green hair growing on the earth, and the trees also draw new branches.







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Wake up in the morning, I saw out of the window as covered with a layer of water, from downstairs car flew over the rustle of the rain. Is it raining? Oh, indeed, the water down the window drip down, when the noise when the light is heavy, the flash steam. The first game of the autumn rain no about.

Come downstairs, the rain like a wild child, run everywhere, the laughter of the young, "wow - wow -". "Ive got no time to accompany you to play, otherwise, we go to school!" I said to the rain, the rain appreciatively clapped, "wow - wow -".

The class was over, I cant wait to rush out of the classroom and rain girl jump up a waltz. Rain girl easily beat playing on my umbrella, "drumming ding-ding," tease my heart from time to time.

I ran to the flower bed side, the leaves and flowers to estimate the wild child make a morning with rain. You see: the leaves like a color rendering, seems to be touched, will be its SAP green. The fresh green seems to flow, flow into my eyes, flow into my mind; The flowers through the baptism of the rain, wearing a glittering and translucent get rid of beads, is the pink of water to drink; That shook the grass, open your mouth and drinking rain water, I seem to hear the voice choked them!

I came to the playground. Look, the rain fell like silver, like wearing a white cloak on the playground, like a bead curtain hung up again. Bead curtain, is green, aqua green leaf, crystal bead shuo trees, they shiva Sha dance, in collaboration with the rain girl opened a show. I joined, I sing, my foot on the rain water, splash, like pieces of blooming lotus. Although the transient. The water of the puddles because rains visit, so he decided to go to cheer for the Olympic Games.

I do not know when, the rain quietly stopped. Flowers grass with open arms, a tree with open arms, with open arms, everything with open arms, I also with open arms, greedily gulping breathing, the air pure and fresh, with a floral aroma.

I love autumn.



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“新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽。白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。”在这个清香袅袅的季节,爸爸开着车带着我和妈妈来到了济南动物园。 "There is no gala in the new year, and the grass buds are shocked in early February. White snow is late for spring., Dad drove and took me and my mother to Jinan Zoo.














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Spring is a delightful season.The temperatures are moderate,and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors.This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more often.

Small children like to bring their kites out to Dr. Sun Yat-Sens Memorial Hall. Also,this is the season for the grave cleaning day when we go to honor our past generations.

I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months.



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aylor Swift is my favorite singer. She is not only beautiful but also very talented. When she was 16, she had her first album. She

writes songs about her romantic life. When I listen to her songs, I feel likes reading my own diaries. She is so real and amazing. She

is only 24 year old, but she has already won a lot of rewards. She is my idol. I wish someday I can go to see her concert.




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Everyone has his favorite teacher ,so do I. My favourite teacher is Miss Wei, our English teacher. We felt English very difficuit when we began to study English. Miss Wei had a good idea to solve the problem. One day, Miss Wei came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples,bananas,and oranges. She said: “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English . ”All the students listened carefully and studied hard . Someone even stood up to answer questions. Class was over ,and the fruits were all eaten. From then on ,I am more and more interested in English, and I want to say from my heart: “ Thank you, Miss Wei!”



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喜欢烈日炎炎的夏天;我喜欢果实累累的秋天;我喜欢白雪皑皑的冬天;但我更喜欢万物复苏、生机勃勃、姹紫嫣红的春天。 I like the hot summer in the sun; I like the fruit of fruit; I like snow -capped winter; but I prefer the recovery of all things, vibrant, and colorful spring.








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Spring is coming. Every life revives. Grass turns green in Fudan and everyone seems to be full of energy. A good time for exercising, isnt it? As darkness falls, thegymnasium is open for those who have a strong desire to strengthen their bodies. Soon the gymnasium is full of people, the weak, the strong, the tall and the short.

The first person that comes into my sight is standing in front of the mirror. He is quite muscular. Of course he wants everybody here to see how strong he is, so he is stripped to the waist and poses like a Greek statue, wearing a look of pride on his face. If you feel weary of this self-love fellow, please direct your sight to another person. He lifts a barbell above his knees and keeps this posture for a long time. His face turns red while he keeps shouting to support himself. Others cant help worrying about him for his blood seems to burst out from the vein on his face. At last he puts down the barbell and only then have I come to notice that his T shirt is soaking. From the silhouette of his back, I can see every piece of his muscle. Thelast person that draws my attention is in the corner. He sits on a chair with two dumbbells in his hands. He keeps lifting them, speechless. After a while, he drops the dumbbells and start to exercise on other body building apparatus without amoments rest. He is like a machine that never feels tired.

Besides the three people, everyone here makes a deep impression on me. They prefer the dull exercising to playing outside. They win my respect for they are true men.



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Music is an important part in my life,I even cant live without music.

Actually,I like many kinds of music,Id like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and its mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!

Im not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and cant hear them clearly.I cant stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!

In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I cant live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,Im gonna fight him and never give up!



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Spring breeze blowing, green trees, ruffled the water, blowing up the bird, blowing red on the face of the girl... Ah! Spring is everywhere! I like spring, more like walking in the spring in meihuashan.

Sunny spring afternoon, I stroll in the plum blossom mountain, listening to the birds hit songs, staring at the road jasmine. Wow, the flowers are beautiful! Light yellow petals around the yellow flower, confidently looked up toward the passing people waving, said: "you see you see! I whether very beautiful!" Go forward again, you can see tables "beautiful world".

Red, pink, yellow, white, green, colored, colorful.

Among them, the most rare is the "abliflora". Around "abliflora" with a "green ribbon", in the middle is white color, very lovely. Under the sunshine, the light green petals still radiant with pieces of luster! Second, the most beautiful for its "weeping may". "Weeping may" and "weeping may" as the name suggests, the branch is a seemingly 90 - degree Angle and prolapse. From a distance, small and exquisite, give a person a kind of said not to come out.

Yi? How coming a refreshing fragrance? It was a few fragrance from "silk tree". "Silk tree" flower like green balls, it is no wonder that is called "silk tree"!

The plum blossom in the mountains there is a large artificial lake. Around the lake, a few of the willow wicker blowing in the wind, like beauties fresh, graceful...

The lake bottom, attract many tourists. Im especially excited, pull the mother playing the "nothing"...

The scene, let I cant leave for a long time. Meihuashan, next spring goodbye!












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Spring has quietly come, the country is filled with thriving vitality.

I came to the summit of a mountain. Look! Mountains in the distance with a green coat, weeping willow held out a slim green shoots, peach drew the germ of pale green. Willow also quietly quietly long green small bud. Kapok tree, plum, apricot and...... The color is green and lovely.

At the foot of the mountain, the flowers are varied, who also not to be outdone. Above the primrose, the soft branches off, compose full of weeping, golden flowers; Kapok flower blooming in the tall trees, in the face of the green mountain exceptionally beautiful, like a torch that it was burning; Azalea beside zhankai smiling faces, the brilliant red, like fire, like a sunrise, dyed red at the side of a mountain stream... How beautiful!

Look! Green, like a jade ribbon river winding around the mountain, the river bottom, the bottom that sparkling, and other delectable grains of sand, lying quietly, watching the blue sky. Pebbles and the green, yellow, brown grass all magic now, all show elegance. Strips of silver fish and loach in wear to drill in alcoves, blithely playing chase, suddenly a flash, then find.

A warm spring breeze blowing, green trees and the beautiful music played the "n oise! N oise!......" The river a flush layer slightly wavy. Flowers fragrant flavor. I stand silently, as the brain in beauty, ren of emotion in the ups and downs. Ah! What a beautiful spring!

Such a beautiful spring, who dont like?









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一年之中,我最喜爱的季节就是春天,她没有夏天的炎热,没有秋天的悲凉,没有冬天的寒冷。她就是我喜爱的春天。 百花齐放,杨柳依依,勾勒出一副生机勃勃的图画——这是春特有的景象。燕子不觉唱出了赞美的歌,歌声在空中荡漾着,跟轻风流水应和着。 春,赋予大地生命力,地底下埋藏着的弱小生命正以迅雷不及掩耳之势向地面进发,在经过春雨的洗礼,终于从土里钻出来了。 “万紫千红总是春”,可不是吗?瞧吧,那些春天的使者们早已准备着为春天的到来而庆贺了。路边的小草已经探出了头,随时准备迎接春天的到来,一些性急的花儿也争先恐后地绽开它们的笑容,那浓郁的花香引来了一大群蝴蝶和采花粉的小蜜蜂。他们东张西望地寻找着春天的痕迹——其实,它们不正是春天所带给人们的礼物吗?

河岸——杨柳正向人们招手。它们是苗条的少女,舞动着柔软的身体,为春天的到来而跳起摇摆舞来,还时不时拨弄着水面,微波粼粼,泛着点点银光。河里——水面结的“镜子”渐渐地崩裂,融化。河水“哗啦啦”地唱起了歌,鱼儿在水里欢快地伴着舞。他们都庆贺着,为春天的到来。 初春之风仍有凉意,但已有燕子翻飞在空中,在蓝蓝的天空中划过一条优美的弧线——它欣赏着春的作品——百花齐放,杨柳依依,勾勒出一副生机勃勃的图画——这是春特有的景象。燕子不觉唱出了赞美的歌,歌声在空中荡漾着,跟轻风流水应和着。还有一些冬眠的动物,都已经感受到燕子——春的使者的呼唤,纷纷从冬天的寒冷中醒来,在小草织成的绿毯上奔跑,嬉戏,仿佛在庆贺着春的到来。 不仅动物在庆贺着,人们也在庆贺着春天的到来。

都说一年之计在于春,看吧——人们已经播下了丰收的种子,脸上泛着笑容。因为只有春,才能催发种子吐出嫩芽;只有春,才能给予人们希望。还有满地跑的孩子们,手里牵着一个个充满活力的风筝,上面满载着他们的欢声笑语。他们笑着,跑着,嚷着,与大自然打成一片春日的温和。 春,给大地上的生命带来了生气。 春,给大地上的生命带来了希望。 这就是我喜爱的春天,在我的心里,春天充满而来生机,充满了鸟语花香,更重要的是,春天为我们大家都带来了笑容。能有谁不喜爱这美丽的春天呢?




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My hometown is in the North - Dezhou. In the winter, the scenery there is beautiful.

The windows, a layer of white window, outdoors, ice crystal and a string hanging on the tree, and the snow, but the childrens paradise. The snow man heap up like a child in the snow surrounded by a scarf, with a broom, very lovely, the small footprints of the children are also particularly beautiful. In the countryside, snow dolls are the quilts of small plants.

Red plum blossom quietly open, the Narcissus also quietly open, how beautiful! Red plum flowers bring people red, daffodils bring people yellow, with these two colors, the winter is more beautiful!

I love the beautiful winter!



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春天又到了。又是一个万物复苏的季节。 spring is here again.It is another season of recovery.












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What kind of animals do you like in our common homeland - earth, how many animals do you like? Anyway, my favorite animal is our most loyal friend - dog.

My favorite dog is my neighbors home that is a Beijing dog and rounds and Coli sheep shepherd handsome. They play together every day, is a pair of good friends, I also like them, they saw me and wagged my tail came to me.

Handsome body Biao big, the body about sixty centimeters long. Two legs standing, fully able to my shoulder, his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are more than round, and most like to see him running when the figure - curly flying, like a horse. I often and round, handsome with the running, each time is handsome first, round second, my third It is no exaggeration to say that the speed of handsome hands run no less than the speed of purebred horses. The general dog ran up, will be issued a "blah" sound, handsome handsome hands up very small, not careful is not heard. Handsome handsome look is also handsome: curly flying, the body was arcuate. If you want to use a word to describe handsome, that is: handsome. If you use a word, that is: impeccable.

Relative to the handsome hands, round the size of a lot of small, only about thirty centimeters long, less than half the handsome handsome. The meaning of his name comes from his pair of eyes, it is too round. Like a shiny black gem. And his legs are round, round the name is so come. And his legs are very short, so even if he sprinkled his feet running, but also run fast, but I still like his kind of simple cute.

This is my favorite animal, you like it?
