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我们生活的这个国度,这个时代正处于巨大的变革之中,一切都在日新月异的发展。从某种意义上说,这与50年代的美国确实有些相象。现代社会是信息社会,网络的迅速发展使得各种各样的信息充斥90后的生活。社会不断进步,人们的思想观念也在发生变化,很多人开始迷茫,消沉,他们逐渐遗忘自己的理想,没有了最初的热情,开始向往平庸。酒吧、卡拉OK、棋牌室开始人流如潮,网吧、游戏机房中学生不断,所谓新新人类疯狂地迷恋上了摇头丸、K粉等毒品。生活方式更是热闹得让人瞠目结舌,不同时代人们给予的定语都不同,我们可以记起的词语有过去的“ 迷惘的一代”、“愤青”、“垮掉的一代”,到“新新人类”。





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To Regain the Nature of Goodness

—— Review of ‘Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century.

The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.

The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.

How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I dont think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.

For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.

To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on peoples honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their ‘kindness, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest.

Francis Bacon said in his essay, ‘Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.

That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell those vermin-to-be to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.



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The tale of two cities is a historical story, one of Dickens’ long fictions.The background to the novel is the revolution of France .It portrayed a brutal and bloody story , but it also contained love and friendship.

In the novel, Dickens sarcastically described a typical cruel nobleman—marquis of Evermonde . When he was young he and his brother stole a countrywoman by force and killed her family .What’s worse , he used his power to imprison Dr Manette , a kind and honest man who knew all the things they had done and wanted to disclose their crimes . In order to hide their crimes. Marquis of Evermonde and his brother threw Doctor Manette into prison for 18 years . During these 18 years,Doctor Manette lost his freedom and suffer a great in spirit .

I felt unthinkable that Marquis of Evermonde and his brother killed people just as easily as they killed chickens. They deprived other people’s freedom as they liked and they thought it was normal and unremarkable. They had never realized that they had done something wrong or something improper. Because their nature was cruel and evil, like demons. There is an old saying which means: People who commit too many crimes will kill themselves. After all, there is justice in the world. The demons can’t be rampant forever. Because the world will not forgive them. They will pay their lives for their crimes. Let’s see the consequence of the Marquis,’’He lay there like a stone with a knife pushed into his heart.” I think it was just what he ought to gain and it is a real exciting scene.

The Marquis’ death was just the beginning of people’s resistance to the nobleman. Gradually more and more people joined in the revolution. One after another nobleman were sentenced to death and their heads were cut down . However, some innocent people were implicated in the revolution. Charles Darney was one of them He was the nephew of Marquis of Evermonde. To the opposite of his uncle, Darney was a kind and independent young man.

Dickens spoke highly of kindness mercy and love in the novel too. This is the other thone of the novel when Doctor Manette was released from prison. It was his daughter Lucie who took care of him and helped him return to normal. During this time, Dr manette and Lucie knew Charles Darney and Sydeny Carton, the two young man fell in love with Lucie at the same time . At last, Lucie married Chares Darney .Dr Manette accepted Darney as his son-in-law although he knew that Darney was the nephew of the man who threw him into prison for18 years. This is the love between father and daughter. And Sydeny Carton , the very great man ,loved Lucie deeply. He promised Lucie that he would do everything for her happiness. He did it truely ,he sacrificed himself instead of Darney who looked the same as him. This is love for lovers . This is the most wonderful thing in the world. It also reminds us that no matter how no matter when there is true love existing. At the end , Lucie, Dr Manette and Darney arrived in England safely.

The tale of two cities is different from other historical fictions. Its characters and main plots are fictional under the real background of the revolution of France. The author made the experience of the fictional charactor Dr Manette as the main clue.The plots are complicated, and they are flexuous and dramatic. The structure is complete and rigorous.

Dickens had dear love and hate. He praised those who ought to be praised and attacked those who ought to be attacked. The motivation of the novel maybe just warn the English dominators. But I think we can learn something meaningful from the tale of two cities.



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The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.

People always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man.

I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughters. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.

In “Pride and Prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married.

In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind. A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages. Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage. Marry for money is still a big problem in our society. We can’t help thinking: can money determine everything?



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If a woman has even a tiny sense of dignity, she must shoulder any number of sacrifices rather than have her love varnished with venal character by asking for money from her lover. Extravagances, luxury as well as all other empery pleasures are valuelein front of love. As long as you love me, I ask for nothing else.

-------Marguerite(La Dame Aux Camellias)

Whenever I lingered over the magnificant story, I cannot help deeply touched by the bitterly sweet love, which struck the world as gentle as an April shower, as pure as a blowing snow, as heady as an old wine. It condensed a paradise into a kept woman’s heart, which caught and held us transfixed against prejudice in mind and greed in nature, , and provided a journey that brought home to us a comprehensive understanding of love.

Marguerite, as a kept woman,did not undergo the usual penalty of confronting wrinkles appeared under her eyes, the first death of a courtesans, but was endowed enough fortune to enjoy an unselfish and gorgeous love during her ephemeral life, witch came as a wonderful oasis to lead supply a new prospect in a disparate desert, appeared as a miracle medication to heal her wound in the sinful life, figured as a brisk spring to refresh and revitalize her lonely heart, and emerged as a great beacon of courage to kill all her bad habits in the past and make a firm determination to seek for a peaceful but fantastic life with her loved one.

Lingering between the words, we could completely feel how kind and dignified she was. She refused Armond although she knew he was really loved her with his soul. because of her gloomy despair of life, she did not turn up in his life as a figure who was sad, ill, gay with a giant sadder than grief, besides witch, who spit blood and spent a hundred thousand francs in a year. Touching this words, how can we avoid our zealous sympathy for her? She bickered with the marquis and drove him away from her family, because she hated and refused to be treated as merchandise. Touching her deeds, how could we deny our high respect for her? At last, she renounced all her hope and life just because another woman’s name. What she e although you may get hurt, but it is the only way you can live absolutely. But what she experienced, what she faced and what she did made her a real sublime angle and an eternal ideal woman in people’ heart.

However, no matter what devout wish, no matter what gorgeous love, or no matter what strong struggle, the society was so stone stubborn that it would never show any mercy for a kept woman. Just as Armond said, when God allow a kept woman to accept a real love, it is indeed a grant comfort, but also remorselepunishment, for the man holds the cruel authority to say to his lover, “ Your love is just a kind of commodity”, though the woman had devoted all her heart and spirits to her loves. It cannot denied that it was Marguerite’s joyous fortune to have Armond in her poor destiny, but at the same time, it is also have to be admitted that what a hopeletorture she tolerated and what a disappointed suffering she endured at the last part of her life. It was really too much to her. We even cannot tell what kind our feeling soared inside our bosom, but just happy with her, sad with her, waiting with her, wishing with her, and disappointed with her……

shall we criticize Armond for his foolish and brute deed to Marguerite as he got the same hurt by his horrible vengeance? Shall we condemn Armond, father for his selfish monologue which destroys the kind woman’s dream? Shall we judge the motionlemerchant and policemen’s actions before the dying woman?



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Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century.

The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.

The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.

How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens—he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I dont think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.

For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.

To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on peoples honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing theirkindness, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest.

Francis Bacon said in his essay, Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.

That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell thosevermin-to-beto learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.



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The world is what we see now this appearance? Plants are always silent, the animals dont have thoughts and feelings, food can fill our belly...

That may not be oh! As long as you are willing to, he may become another appearance: starlight shines through every corner of the small animals to play with you, sitting in my room, you can flying into the ground, in a twinkling, with roaming wanli... Want to go to the world for roaming, it is not difficult, just need some curiosity and some fantasy.

Alice has done this in the past, the story is like this: in a make you sleepy in the afternoon, Alice in the river the chasing a talking rabbit in vest and fell into the rabbit hole, which came to a wonderful world, in this wonderful world many strange things happened, until Alice clashed with the queen, just wake up, found himself still lay in the river.

When I finished reading the book, I realized the fun of reading and imagine happiness. The book brought me to a wonderful world to roaming, also left a deep impression on me.

Reading this book, like to set foot on a boat trip, can roam the world, you can look at flags, can feel happy. I also want to Alice, for life is full of beautiful yearning to do a good boy!








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此外,我感觉到李老师那份重视与孩子相处时的礼貌,我们也要好好学习。例如老师常对孩子保持应有的礼貌交 流,使用“请”、“对不起”、“谢谢”、“不容气”等礼节性语言,孩子会感到老师对他的尊重。注意接受孩子的观念。只有父母或老师赞同、接受孩子的观念,才能进一步开发、引导他的意识水平。减少孩子的难过情绪。大人在纠正孩子荒唐行为时要留意孩子的难堪情绪,以免造成负面影响。鼓励孩子的优点,允许孩子失败。孩子的尝试难免会遇到失败的挫折,孩子失败时需要给他心灵的支持与爱护,让孩子真正体会到我们对他的理解和信任。




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Let me tell what I feel after reading the great work Jane Erye.I was really move by Jane Erye after closing the book.What a kind and good woman!Mrs Eyre had a heart of gold.She really loved everyone around her,and gave others help sincerely.She respected herself and did her best to do everything.I really love her.She are both a great teacher and a good friend of mine.Sometimes when I am confuse,I will think of her.I will imagine what will she do if she is I.Why not read Jane Erye my friends!



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The hero of the story called Holden,he was a middle school student,but he didn’t like studying at all.He was tired of everything in the school. So he was expelled from school for the fourth time.

In the removed that night,Holden left school,but he was afraid to go home.In desperation,Holden lived in a small hotel.However,it was a chaos of hotel,some shady people lived there,here Holden made a lot of stupid things.Later,he and his girlfriend split up.

Then Holden to the bar to drink with an old school friend,he got very drunk,he put his head in cold water for a while,just wake up. When he walked out of the pub, be cold wind blows, the hair of his head was frozen.He thought he might die from pneumonia, always can"t see his sister, decided to take the plunge and home her farewell.

Holden secretly returned home, he said to sister his ideal, he will want to be a catcher in the rye. Later, his parents came back, Holden frighten hide in closet.When his parents went to the bedroom, he quickly slipped out of the house, to a his respected teacher spend the night in the home. Holden didn"t want to go home, decided to go to the west to make a living, but he wanted to in the face before walked bye sister, so he dated sister to the museum.But his sister, dragging a big suitcase full of her clothes, she must go with Holden to the western.Finally, for sister persuade invalid, Holden had to give up his plan to the west, then he took her to the zoo.And Holden decided not to run away.He went home shortly he had illness and was sent to a nursing home.

Part two Book Report

This is a novel about adolescent psychological problems. From the point of subject, like all young men, the hero is a liberal person, but he doesn"t handle their own problems, at the same time, he was also confused, he don"t know their future.

Perhaps everyone in a teenager have encountered similar problems, when we are at that time we offen not to talk about own confusion,so we may enter a wrong way,bringing harm to myself. So after finished reading this book, I realize the importance of mental health, when we meet with difficulties, we should actively to face, and efforts to solve every problem,can"t give up myself,we must have the courage to face the reality.



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"The gift of the magi" tells a story like this: in order to buy a platinum fob chain for her husband as a Christmas gift, his wife, sold a head of show hair. And her husband for the same purpose, sold the ancestral gold watch for his wife bought a set of combs. Although each others gift lost use value, but they get more important things than feelings, love, is priceless.

After reading it, I ask: arent rich couple, but it can in the ordinary day make such a remarkable thing: for the sake of each other, regardless of their completely. It is because they love each other, so would do such extraordinary things. By contrast, how much I pay for others? In life, I always for a little dispute, with others, haggle over every ounce, finally do more harm than good, bad credibility instead, why dont I learn from them, care about each other, and what is bad? I should really reflect on yourself.

"Lover one constant love", only care about each other and love each other, for the sake of others, the world wouldnt be so indifferent and cold.






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This is a wonderful, beautiful epic of a novel. Set in Afghanistan and the United States between the 1970s to the present day, it is a heartbreaking tale of a young boy, Amir, and his best friend who are torn apart. This is a classic word-of-mouth novel and is sure to become as universally loved as The God of Small Things and The Glass Palace.

Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan always helps Amir out of trouble. But Hassan is a Shia Muslim and this is 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amirs school friends; he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amirs house. So why does Amir feel such envy towards his friend? Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to shatter all their lives, and define their futures.

The Kite Runner of Khaled Hosseinis deeply moving fiction debut is an illiterate Afghan boy with an uncanny instinct for predicting exactly where a downed kite will land. Growing up in the city of Kabul in the early 1970s, Hassan was narrator Amirs closest friend even though the loyal 11-year-old with "a face like a Chinese doll" was the son of Amirs fathers servant and a member of Afghanistans despised Hazara minority. But in 1975, on the day of Kabuls annual kite-fighting tournament, something unspeakable happened between the two boys.

Narrated by Amir, a 40-year-old novelist living in California, The Kite Runner tells the gripping story of a boyhood friendship destroyed by jealousy, fear, and the kind of ruthless evil that transcends mere politics. Running parallel to this personal narrative of loss and redemption is the story of modern Afghanistan and of Amirs equally guilt-ridden relationship with the war-torn city of his birth. The first Afghan novel to be written in English, The Kite Runner begins in the final days of King Zahir Shahs 40-year reign and traces the countrys fall from a secluded oasis to a tank-strewn battlefield controlled by the Russians and then the trigger-happy Taliban. When Amir returns to Kabul to rescue Hassans orphaned child, the personal and the political get tangled together in a plot that is as suspenseful as it is taut with feeling.

The son of an Afghan diplomat whose family received political asylum in the United States in 1980, Hosseini combines the unflinching realism of a war correspondent with the satisfying emotional pull of master storytellers such as Rohinton Mistry. Like the kite that is its central image, the story line of this mesmerizing first novel occasionally dips and seems almost to dive to the ground. But Hosseini ultimately keeps everything airborne until his heartrending conclusion in an American picnic park.



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I think that if a person has an unselfish love, then it is a person who has all the noble qualities. In "" Love of education "" This touching book, everywhere that has a high-quality people.

"" Love of education "" This book is the hero - a fourth-grade boy An Like a vision, in diary forms, ranging from four-year in October the first day of school, has been written in July next year. Record An Like moving around various stories, the parents wrote in his diary of the dissuasive enlightening article, as well as nine teachers in the classroom, read the exciting story of the month. Each article is touching.

"" Love of education "" one chapter is written in a child chimney sweeping chimney sweeping earned 30 coins lost, and not return home, so the students are passing with their own money to help him, did not take students put their own money, presented flowers to him. I think this section was the most moving, because we usually encounter difficulties in their own always wanted to get help, and we usually have difficulties encountered in man-hours should also do our best to help him, not being the person you help will be someone else, love to pass it down this way. I believe that children chimney sweeping re-later someone else will.

After reading the article, I thought of the Sichuan earthquake in May this year, the Shenzhen peoples active contributions to the disaster, donations, let me once again feel the Shenzhen this "city of love" love.



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看过《麦田里的守望者》 霍尔顿是个标准的滥学生,他五门功课就有四门不及格,他利用被学校第四次开除回家前这段时间在纽约城里游荡。令他烦腻的事物太多,所以他在书中从头骂到尾。他毫不隐讳地将他看到的东西陈述出来,并明确表态:“我最不喜欢老人穿着睡衣裤和睡袍。他们那瘦骨嶙峋的胸膛老是露在外面。”“我***真希望他别老这么一个劲儿管我叫‘孩子’!”“那副牙齿像长满苔藓似的。”“跟老马蒂跳舞,就好像抱着自由女神石像在舞池上拖来拖去。”……








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Go to a bookstore that day, I from the world famous picked up a very interesting book, the name of "the catcher in the Rye", in picking up the book, I never thought that a thin book will have such an impact on me, you will feel so deep. I think this book is very good.

美国的20世纪50年代相当混乱,人们缺乏理想,意志消沉,在自己无力的改变生活下 ,过着战争的生活。弥漫着战争的硝烟。

The United States in twentieth Century 50s rather chaotic, people lack the ideal, depressed, change yourself powerless in life, living a life of war. Filled with war.


We are living in a new era of children, we have a lot of confusion and annoyance, but we should concentrate on certain ahead, go our way, we should be a group of ideals, aspiring people. Ideal is the peoples lights, he brought people into the future.


Our life has just begun, even if life let our people of this generation have many puzzled, unsatisfactory, but everything is just temporary, depend on our power to change it, I now need most is our ideal, as long as the ideal there is hope.


Yes, good will have hope, this is from the "catcher in the guardian" told me.



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These days Ive just finished the novel Uncle Toms Cabin that left a really deep impression on me and we can see.

It is a book written in 1852 in response to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, Uncle Toms Cabin has been considered as the most influential anti-slavery novel in that period and described by Stowe herself as a “series of sketches” describing the human cruelty of slavery, opens with a description of Arthur Shelbys Kentucky plantation during the antebellum period.

There are several impressive characters in this novel, George who is clever and brave;Harry, a beautiful and talented child who sings dances and mimes;Mrs. Shelby, a very religious woman;Sambo and Qimbo and so on. The major character Uncle Tom who was the most impressive in this novel was a devout Christian. He endured the miserable fate bravely and aroused the whites sympathy for slaves with his Christs sacrifice and the tolerance of returning good for evil. This novel focuses on the distinctive personalities of Uncle Tom deeply influenced by Christianity and the important role Uncle Toms Cabin playing on abolition; and the Significance of “Uncle Tom” to the harmonious worlds development, and the effect on modern people.

In the book, at the beginning, the author presents us a very beautiful image of a rather harmonious family who live a happy life. However, that beautiful image couldnt last long, the darkness came soon. The master of this happy family, Uncle Tom was arranged into a difficult situation. As Shelby, the not cruel master, he has incurred serious debts- prompting him sell some slaves to avoid financial ruin, so Uncle Tom, Shelbys loyal servant since childhood was sold to Mr. Haley, the slave trader. Uncle Tom remained loyal to his master, despite his betrayal and the risk of death at the cruel hands of a new master. The slaves at the plantation were very mournful, but Tom remained placid and tried to read his Bible for fort. On the steamboat to New Orleans, where Tom was to be sold, Tom befriended an angelic little girl, “Little Eva” St. Clare. Uncle Tom saved the five-year-old beauty from drowning, and she convinced her father to buy Tom for her own family. In her family, Tom enjoye.

d his life because of the girls love; Toms contentment does not last, however, because Eva soon falls ill. Dying, Eva asked Mr. St. Clare to free Tom after her death. But Mr. St. Clare is so sad by her death that he never legally freed Tom before he himself was killed trying to mediate a barroom scuffle. Mrs. St. Clare sold the slaves to settle her husbands debts and Tom was sold to Simon Legree who was so violent that beat his slaves brutally. At last, when Mr. Shelby, finally found Uncle Tom, he was almost died. After Tom was dead and buried, Shelby went back and freed his slaves.

As we all can see that Uncle Toms Cabin was an anti-slavery novel and it was even considered as one factor that caused the Civil War. In the novel, the slaves were sold from one place to another frequently, and their fate was tragic, with no exception- just like Uncle Tom, no matter he was under the control of kind masters or evil masters, he cant escape the misfortune of being sold from one master to another. We cant see any human right of them, so terrible.

As someone said, with more people realizing the inhumanity of slavery in the 19th century, slavery became one of the most important issues and it became more violent year by year in American society. However, slavery was not abolished irrevocably until ratification of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865, following the Civil War. After the passage of Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this novel Uncle Toms Cabin which publicized the evil of slavery to a wide audience.

Now we are in the 21st century, we may never e across such kind of thing. However, this book can always remind of us that there ever has existed this evil and we cant let it happen again. And “equality” 、“human right ” cant just be a slogan, we should make it e true really and always.



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lls us that the best people to increase the dignity of life is love. Novels by the end of the row that this is such a life. Although I think this kind of outcome is too perfect, so perfect a little superficial, but I still respect this author The ideal of a better kind of life. ------- Is to increase the dignity of love / In modern society, few people will like Jane Eyre, for the love for the character and abandon all, and without looking back.s Whole-hearted pursuit of pay, and pure like a glass of ice water ……



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In the sun, I read this thick, childhood, heart suddenly a strange shame and remorse, think of themselves and the lives of a great disparity in Gorky.

Year-old death of his father, to follow the kind of grandmother came to the grandfather"s home. Here, he knows many things, but also see a lot of things, he see the selfish, greedy, brutish, two uncles; simple friend Little Gypsy; mean, stingy, greedy, tyrannical, brutal grandfather; every day life in the cruel, stupid, infighting among family members and arguments, and from between good and evil, Alesha ignorant to understand that a number of reasons.

Compared with him together, our childhood is bright and happy; no pain and struggle, has been a carefree life. From this point on it seems we already have far cry on with Alesha, we have a lot, but we still do not know enough I just want luxury this world a better and more want.

Yes ah, we often parents do not cook, mouth open for food, only to parents for their shelter Guzhao, not herself from the world battles. Now we have to expect should repent, should not waste anything, and learn to cherish everything we have now will suffice.

From now on test, we must stand up and do not just want to experience difficulties with such a withdrawal, escape, or take a shortcut, should have confidence in ourselves, life always something or someone will give you pain and even despair, but we should be like what how the kind of insisted. In this way, you can again find joy in pain, in despair to find hope. Yes, dark past, the dawn will always come, as long as you still maintain the confidence that something is immortal, has all the treasure, then your light will come, because you know how to cherish.



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Today I have read Helen Keller’s “Three Days to See”.I have read this article in the chinese teaching material when I was in high school.This article impressed me.It told me how lucky we are.We should aprrecaite that we are healthy.Healthiness is riches.So today I read this article again.Whenever I read this article,compare with Helen Keller,I think we should treasure our life,god has given us sight so we can see a lot of good things,so we can know how beautiful this world is,so we can know how wonderful we can live in our coloreful life.

Helen Keller,blind and deaf from infancy.Stricken with a serious illness at the age of nineteen months,Keller survived from the illness but was left permanently unable to see and hear.In this article,three day of sight,we can see,how precious it was as for Helen Keller.What would you want to look at if you had only three days of sight?Helen gives her answer in this famous essay.I always think that people can realize the importance of the sight and sound only after they have personally expericenced the dark and silence life.Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight,silence would teach him the joys of sound.

This short story tell people how Keller take advantage of having the privileges to see,hear,and speak.Some people,unfortunately,are blind,deaf,and mute.These unfortunate people take more time to appreciate life and they are always waiting for the miracle all their life.The author,Helen Keller,is one of such person who is blind,deaf,and mute.She strongly believes that people,who are fortunate to have such senses,take life for granted.She also strongly believes these people should live in the fullest,meaning,accomplish lifes when they can do this today,do not leave it for tomorrow.

One can die at any moment,no matter how healthy or in what physical shape he is.As for this,Helen came across many instances.She had asked her friend what she had seen after taking a walk through the woods,and her friend replied,“Nothing in particular.” Her friend gave she this answer,because her friend become accustomed to see the routine of their surroundings,and her eyes only can be attracted by startling and spectacular things.I think if we only have sight for 3 days we will give another answer.

I appreciate Hellen Keller.Her life is a miracle,she stronly face the difficulties which can detroy one’s mind of living.Her life is a tragedy,but the world in her heart is full of love.Her spirit will encourage all of us,forever.
