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My hometown WuGang is a steel town, here beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate. Is known as the northern small jiangnan.

My hometown is beautiful scenery. Here beside the mountain water, surrounded by green trees. There are mountain, mountain tianchi, nine head cliffs, such as mountains, all are the countless places of interest. Legend is er lang shen mountain pick to a town, still two lang absolute being like stay there. Tianchi mountain waterfalls, plunges three thousand feet, very spectacular. The wind falls, smoke, such as fog, such as dust. Nine heads cliff, past closely linked castle peak, a total of nine mountain, the mountain there is a trickle, beautiful natural scenery make people linger.

My hometown is not only there are mountains, there is a pool pool.

Especially the stone floodplains reservoir at the foot of the mountain, and west lake. Early in the morning, the sunshine reflected in the water, the water sparkling, as silk on the appearance of fine lines, smooth and pale green. The white clouds in the sky and on either side of the castle peak clearly reflected in the water. The blue sky, green hill, the lake together, really beautiful.








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My hometown is beautiful all the year round. Like a spring flows through my memory. Hometown is a beautiful, at least in my eyes, everything is so beautiful and so strange.

Hometown has a rippling stream, on the bottom, water is very shallow, only to my knees. Can see a lot of pebbles, the stream on the above, let you both painful and itchy. The crook of a few unknown grass, green green, reflected on the stream, the stream of green. When I was a little boy, I like lying on the crook, looking at water from upstream to downstream. Its a pity that the stream by cement to replace now. Some disappointed in my heart.

Home against the mountain, each spring, starts is a green, in green dotted with pink peach blossom, white pear flower and the village residents channel out their own field, what a harmonious picture. I like the adults went up into the mountain to get water Wells of the forest. Well surrounded by large tracts of forest, and those unknown flowers and mushrooms. When the adults sat well chatting, I will run to watching floret, to play with insects.

I love my hometown, because that is where I lived as a child, the residents of the home mostly kept poultry. In my spare time, I am interacting with chickens and ducks. I sat down on a stone, look at them, they also looked at me, I and they produced a profound friendship.

My hometown is beautiful, the hometown the residents of adversity, even if a dispute will soon reconciled. All those beautiful in my hometown, I forever will not forget.








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My hometown Yibin is located in the Yangtze River, Minjiang River, Jinsha River and Sanjiang. In the territory of Yibin, the Yangtze River, Jinsha River, Minjiang River, and U river?, Fu Jiang, cross river, river, South River, Yellow River, these rivers have brought wealth to Yibin, but also gave birth to these rivers of Yibin River culture, the continuation of the cultural roots of Yibin. Yibin River culture, covering Long Chongbai, "Jing Chuan master" and repairing the town water tower, piers and other folk. Without Sanjiang (Jinsha River, Minjiang River, Yangtze River), there would be no such land as Yibin, nor the ancient city of Yibin. The river has enriched the mountains and plains of Yibin, and the river has shaped the original cultural model of Yibin. For thousands of years, the first cultural element that infiltrates the veins of the people of Yibin is the great river culture. River to accommodate hundreds of rivers, toward the sea spirit, to create the image of Yibin people, absorb anything and everything open and liberal, advocating freedom and the pursuit of truth and the spirit of temperament, which is the soul of river culture.

Yibin is a famous historical and cultural city of China, known to the world famous Wuliangye, that is produced here, the wine industry developed to Yibin become worthy of the name "China wine". Yibin city is one of the earliest development of the Yangtze River, the oldest city, is the starting point of the Southern Silk Road, known as the "Southwest Banbi Goujon state" in the world. It has gone through more than 40000 years of history, space and time, carrying more than 3000 years of wine history, more than 2780 years of construction history, is the upper reaches of the Yangtze River development of one of the earliest ancient cities.

Surrounded by mountains, the Jinsha River and the Minjiang River pass through the city, merging with the Yangtze River in Jiangmen. The old city of Yibin yard, backed by the countrys second largest city of Forest Park, jade Park, fresh air, beautiful environment, is a rare treasure of Feng Shui, the Buddhist resort cultural relics of Buddhist temple, the temple is located in Nezha Nezha Palace cuipingshan Park, national key cultural relics protection units Zhenwu mountain ancient buildings located in the park Zhenwu hill.

Located in the downtown area of Jiangbei Wuliangye ten wine city, is the national industrial tourism demonstration sites and scenic spots in Athos wine, Pengcheng Plaza, Lok Chuen, endeavor tower, Century Square, East Gate Plaza, wine history museum, wealth Hotel and other attractions.

Yibin sprouts is a must, it is one of the four famous dishes of Yibin, also called "Xufu sprouts", was founded in the Qing Dynasty (about 1838), in which fresh vegetables cutting wire, dry to more than leaf gradually withered with pickled condiments. The main features are fragrant, crisp, sweet, tender, delicious and tasty. Yibin Black Tea is also good, it is one of the three famous Chinese kung fu tea, and "Mr red" and "black" par.

What about? My hometown, Yibin, isnt it? Welcome to my hometown for traveling!




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Is a national territory that aureate autumn scan widely 9,600,000 square kilometers again up, all over the place golden, prosperous brocade, the high building stands erect, coal ocean current gold, ocean Yang wave, the Great Wall dances.

In autumn, always bring people pleased celebrate, bring poetry, bring fancy, bring to imagine, bring a hope more, but this years autumn, not- same sort, more and not and usually.In this fine season, arrive to°from Chiang-Nan water country a northland backland, from the Gan river strand to pull Sa Lin Ka, hot soils of republic each square kilometer soak through exultant and happiness, flow to drip sweet with sing.1,300,000,000 China childrens with heroic the singing arousing more put to fly aureate ideal and imagining of rose and put to fly hard go such as the conviction of huge rock and the poem lauding to the great motherland.

Ha, the motherland, my mother, celebrates the quarter of your birthday 60 anniversaries in the joys, I have a boiling passion, thoughts and feelings surge.We want to speak to you how much considerate words son, have how much laudatory song son sing to you.60 years, at Be just fillip in the mankinds history long river a flick, however, great of the motherland occurrence turns over the variety that sky replies ground.Everywhere is change with each passing day of creation.Everywhere is canvass business to lead a property and promote the big current of economic development.I imitate the red ship that the Buddha sees south lake to bathe the gold Hui of the sun, to drive today.The red flag of well Kang-shan, the cuckoo smiles dimple and reflects the mountain is red of strong the United States is like of the red glow at sunset style style float.The hot breeze of pagoda mountain postpones arousing of river water wave, the story of green yarn debt rides on the Qiong syrup of yellow river and conceived the children of ten million heros.

Ha, the ancient Great Wall starts to stand unyielding chest, Yangtze River dashing about turns over a radiant wave flower, a long distance steppe resounds the Matouqin voice of deep feeling and pull Sa Lin Ka is spreading to herd a people to rush toward the happy song joke of middle-class family.Hence, I see up broad earth in the motherland, China children in in the whole world lead to utter high song.The joys celebrates a mother 60-year-old birthday in motherland, sends best regards to the motherland in the name of republic children and blesses for mother.

Ha, motherland, you are like one Fan of leaf hope and drove from the republic founded a nation the Long Long gun salute voice of big Dian;Drove from Mt. Heaven the foot hot tile just with the three-stringed piano moving musical sound;Drove from the yellow river aroused a more rising big wave voice and ten thousand precinct chief, river, the ship work number son voice of the male Hun;The absolute being state No.5 cosmos airship that embarked from Yang Li Wei of aerospace hero roamed about at pleasure to drive in the good news of space;Blue print and country that developed from reform in the city wealthy civilization fantasy drove in the song.Hence, I see the spring breeze blow into a hundred million happy doors and windows, heardthe story in spring resounding through China the earth.The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.It was glorious in the boundless process of half several centuries, there is frustrate.The Chinese of diligence braveness leader in 3 and under the party central leadership, unity of will is a formidable force, overcome all difficulties, with tremendous passionate devotion economic development ofdevelop China, strengthen my national prestige.History tells us and tells future, Deng Xiaopings construction contains the socialism theories of Chinese special feature and is like the rich brocade future prospects that the lighthouse illuminates a motherland, the party is central the Jian being leading people of the whole country effort go three representativess, with accompany into, constuct middle-class family completely society, head for fine future.

In the great military advance constucting socialism modernization big country, the China children created numerous miracles, in the race of world of Lin Rang people of this world in different light.You see, Shenzhen, bead sea, etc. a batch of special areas in Xiamen starts to dig Kingsoft, the river bank east new area sticks out the chest, the pride also expresses to write the refreshing headline of developing the China.Nine Tengs in the steel Ultrasaurus big city fly south north, display the magnificent posture of China.Hong Kong regression, regression in Macau, Peking states Ao success, the China children all receives due acclaim and attention, the Hao feeling is ten thousand Zhangs.

The capital city in Peking, an overseas Chinese of over sixty years of age visited city appearance in Peking with the regiment, after watching review troops the troops dominant performance, the hot tears maneuvered.His regrets ground says:lately Chinese be really getting stronger now, there is motherland doing strong backing, oversea overseas Chinese the waist pole is harder, our body is in the overseas and hope a motherland strong, prosperous and prosperous.Listen the old mans heartfelt words, I imitate a Buddha to touch him that very hot patriotic heart.At the moment, my ear again response my I patriotic of heart, the great wall never pour this male Hun, arouse more of singing.This singing calls China children to make great effort to make country strong and create more a house fine tomorrow.

The friends faces the sun, the autumnal winds sends great, let us stand ancient Great Wall up with deep feeling, with a kind of heroic, with a kind of rites of majesty, start to carry a gold cup, drink to hearts content a joys to celebrate of beautiful wine, lightly soft hand each inch of foot of land, bless our dear people Anne from country Tai in motherland together, have a bright future.

国庆节演讲稿 中文




啊,一分钟,多么令人心颤的一分钟!看到这儿,我的心被震撼了,泪水也止不住掉了下来。我想,别说他们在那里要为我国在世界高技术领域占有一席之地,为实现中华民族千百年来的“飞天”梦想而拼搏,就是呆在那儿,也是奉献。 是的,作为军人,我知道,在雪山,在海岛,在荒原,在戈壁,有无数与小赵小张一样的士兵,为了祖国的强盛和人民的安宁,在默默忍受着艰辛与寂寞。作为军人,我更懂得,是军人这特殊的职业赋予了军人特殊的使命,特殊的使命赋予了军人特殊的追求。军人,也许就意味着奉献与牺牲。 难道不是吗?翻开中国革命的历史画卷,不难发现,其中最引人注目的便是那些为了祖国和人民的利益而驰骋疆场、马革裹尸的军人。从万里长征、八年抗战、南征北战到自卫还击、抗震救灾、抗洪抢险,多少年来,这支人民的军队,在党的绝对领导之下,经受着无数次血与火的洗礼,一次又一次向党和人民交出合格的答卷!就说那300公里航天大动脉,当年修建时就有120名忠骨埋在了沙丘。

小时候,我曾羡慕穿身军装,现在我终于实现了这个梦想,如今,我又跨进全军的高等学府――国防科技大学的校门。在这里,我又读到许许多多的银河人,他们将银河精神在新时代高高奏响,为响应江总书记“科技强军”的号召,在夜以继日的、默默的耕耘与劳作。 周光铭院士在接受记者采访时说过这样一句话:“我一生也就做了六台机器。”朋友,你想想,这六台是什么样的机器啊!难道还不够吗?这,就是我们老一代银河人的骄傲!

在研制银河Ⅲ期间,卢锡城同志带领年轻人向新的技术制高点冲击,有11名同志是在攻关战斗中度过新婚蜜月的,不少人连续三次春节都在机房里度过。就是凭着这种精神,他们创造了新的辉煌。这,就是新一代银河人的自豪! 如今,再看看我这身军装,我应该掂得出她的份量。在新的历史时期,我们军队仍然肩负着重大的历史使命。放心吧,祖国,放心吧,人民,时间流逝,斗转星移,永远抹不去的就是战士对党和人民的一颗赤胆忠心!青山和大地会证明我们的忠诚,蓝天和白云会昭示我们的誓言,“奉献”,我们认了,“牺牲”,我们说值!那是因为,共和国军人的心中只有一个期盼,那就是:为了共和国明天的辉煌!



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Flowers in full bloom in this, green grass of early summer, we have ushered in a grand festival of Children - June 1 International Childrens Day, I am very honored to share with the children together in this beautiful holiday. On that occasion, I would like to let me to all children, young pioneers holiday to extend my sincere regards to the hard work, dedicated gardener to cultivate the flowers of the motherland who pay tribute! Soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals express warm congratulations!

Pioneers, the children, we are now in a hopeful new era of challenges, you are lucky enough to live in a state of concern about the survival of students, teachers and students in the pursuit of maximum growth to meet the needs of schools; so one "give students the best childhood, most give a solid start in life "as the core concept of school, portrait of creating" education "brand School; an" education and scientific research as the guide to the experimental school in English at the core characteristics Yucai School to serve the community for the meaning of new schools "; so ones own ideas and practice, practice, together with the parents," Our children, our schools, our joint efforts, "the slogan of the school co-operation of schools, the school environment of your grace, your skilled teachers , School of your high-quality education and teaching has been very successful, you just give your School School Award is fully endorsed.

Pioneers, the children, you are lucky generation, the generation is shouldering the burden. There is an old statement: journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Youth are the beginning of a better life, clarity of vision, bred here, noble sentiments here at initiation, the habits of good form here, life here at the foundation of the glory and prosperity at the bright future of our calls. We must strive to improve their own quality of life in the new starting point, the momentum to become the new century, the need for construction of the homeland of the wood-Dong Liang. At the same time, teachers also hope that our his utmost to achieve a greater honor.


少先队员、小朋友们,我们正处于一个充满希望的挑战的新时代,你们幸运地生活在一所关注师生生存状态,追求最大限度满足师生成长需要的学校;一所以" 给学生最美好的童年,给人生最坚实的起步"为核心办学理念,倾情打造"附小教育"品牌的学校;一所"以教育科研为先导的实验学校,以英语特色为核心的育才学校,以服务社会为内涵的新型学校";一所以自己的理念和实践,同家长一起践行"咱们的孩子、咱们的学校、咱们共同努力"这一家校合作口号的学校,你们的学校环境优雅,你们的老师技艺高超,你们学校的教育教学质量高,成绩斐然,刚才给你们学校授牌就是对你们学校的充分肯定。




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Good morning !

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,

I hope i can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed.

Now i will introduce myself briefly

I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .

I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2007.

I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July 2007, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because Im capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August 2007,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, Id like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.

I think Im a good team player and Im a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.



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i am from shenzhen. in spring ,the weather is warm and wet. i can play kite. in summer, the weather is hot and wet. i can swim in the swimming pool. in the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. i can play kite, too. in the winter, the weather is cold and dry. it never snow.



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我的家乡My Hometown

Myhometown is Xiamen. I was born there twelve years ago. Now I live in Fuzhou,the capital of Fujian Province. Xiamen is a beautiful city that many peoplevisit there. The whole city is clean and tidy. I lived in downtown. It’s nearto the port, where is the busiest place, because thousands of people go to theGulangyu. Gulanyu is a small island. There are many distinctive buildings andpaths there. You may get lost in so many paths, but you don’t have to worry. Andevery path has its own beautiful scenery. I love my beautiful hometown.


My hometown is Xiamen. I was born there twelve years ago. Now I live in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there. The whole city is clean and tidy. I lived in downtown. It’s near to the port, where is the busiest place, because thousands of people go to the Gulangyu. Gulanyu is a small island. There are many distinctive buildings and paths there. You may get lost in so many paths, but you don’t have to worry. And every path has its own beautiful scenery. I love my beautiful hometown.




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When early man invented clothes,he probably wanted to keep warm.I am sure he never intended that it should become as elaborate as it has become today.For many a year,traditional clothes and modern clothes have been in competition as to which of them make the wearer more beautiful.But it does seem that a lot of modern clothes are simpler and more practical.Perhaps we are moving back to the age of cavemen who wore clothes for practical purposes.

Modern clothes are definitely more practical as against traditional clothes.Almost all people now wear modern clothes.Nowadays even more and more people wear casual clothes.Jeans are everywhere except at formal parties.T-shirts are common,too.They look comfortable and fashionable.However,there are also a lot of people who take the trouble to dress well in formal clothes like shirts,trousers and suits.I find them smart,too.

But then,it is important to hold on to our topic.In my opinion,each type of dress has its place.Modern clothes are ideal for most situations,while casual clothes are worn more freely.As to traditional clothes,they must be worn for special occasions




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Hangzhou is located in the southeast of Zhejiang Province, it is my hometown.


I grew up in Hangzhou every year, every year in the growth, but also is a huge change. After sixteen big party, Hangzhou fully implement the Kexue Fazhan Guan, to enrich the people strong city and "two first" the overall situation, through the joint efforts of the city, at the end of 2005 to achieve a comprehensive well-off society in Jiangsu Province, the index, a new journey to basically realize modernization, out of a scientific development in the new period as the main the characteristics of the "Hangzhou road". In 2006 January, the provincial government held a provincial learning experience in Hangzhou, marking the Hangzhou first in the province has basically reached the level of a well-off society in an all-round way.


Big is not to say, as a student I, let me the most deep is the road in front of our house, the original is a narrow, bumpy roads, and there is a drainage ditch, because it is a dead, a summer bubble bursts, smell come, although there have been working out, and then turn on the water, but there has been no what effect. Small road one rainy day there is a pool, automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, pedestrian often traffic jam. Next to the store is short, not very bright, that. Now a smelly river has ceased to exist, the small road has become a wide road, and set up lights, zebra crossing, traffic lights, sidewalks, no blocking phenomenon. On both sides of the road filled with a variety of shops, shop signs are all changed into the night, even if it is in the evening, one can see clearly. Every morning, at night there are many old grandpa, grandma on both sides of the road to rest on the exercise, fencing, boxing, dancing, walking...... This is a very lively, never before.


The new semester, we have moved into a new school, new, spacious, bright classroom, let the body and mind are a pleasure, a new playground, specialized computer room, art room, music room, is the most important indoor sports room, dont worry about the rain can not class.


In order to make our hometown more progress, let us work together!



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Welcome to my hometown!  Haimen is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see green hills, big trees and nice flowers. There are many restaurants in Haimen. You can enjoy Haimen goat. It tastes very delicious. Many visitors come here to enjoy it.

There are many good places to visit. There is a park and a big Shopping Mall. You can see films in Renmin Theatre.

My school is one of the best schools in my hometown. It is on Changjiang Road. It is very beautiful. I hope you can come and visit soon.



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Today, I want to introduce to you my hometown--particularly coastal. Of course, my hometown because east is sea, is a yellow sea, so just named coastal.

My hometown is in jiangsu province on the north side of yancheng city, although home is poor and backward, and television often see cities are not comparable, also do not have high mountain, not famous scenic spot, but my home have I close-knit family.

My hometown is the vast expanse of the plain, not famous mountains, no treasures and the people are very honest, kind-hearted, and we heard that this area is the sea of alluvial out a relationship, because the land is out of the sand deposition, no earthquakes, floods, not happened are expressed notebook farmers, hard-working simplicity of virtue continue from generation to generation. However, our hometown some local products still amazing, if you heard of zhang guo3 lao3 after eating, the magic of the immortal multiflower knotweed, and legend of the ancient emperor seal was the mosquito qingshui river,

My hometown, people good, well, the future is better, I must be in the introduction of the Internet to see home, home next to the north of China Eurasian continental bridge to head east-edge cloud port, the south is natural wetland scenic spot--MI deer and red-crowned cranes hometown, the distance from the international metropolis Shanghai also but three hours of journey home town, developing the natural harbor-binhai port, a coastal highway after, are building new airport, the train way will give my hometown come again limitless vitality, I have determined to be good friends with good study, with my wisdom and hands build our beautiful home, my hometown coastal must be more beautiful tomorrow.







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My hometown is no strange steep mountains, also does not have the spectacular waterfalls, less famous scenic spots. But in my heart, there is a kind of beauty, a kind of indescribable beauty. A kind of elegant and not common, expensive and not every beauty; The beauty of a deep-rooted, never die; Let me is most lasting. Hometown is born I keep my place, where there is my familiar homeland; I have loved ones; My childhood, I have wonderful memories.

Home, seems to be inclusive, and then when I was frustrated, it let me enjoy the catharsis; I am happy again, it let me sing; When I was a success, it warns me proud; When I was a failure, it encouraged me dont be discouraged. As long as in my hometown, a smile, a concern greetings, sincere encouragement, can let a person feel incomparable happiness; As long as in my hometown, a bunch of beautiful flowers, a wisp of thick tender feelings, a sympathetic regrets, can let people comprehend the true meaning of personal. It found that, hometown is so warm.

Hometown, is a boating shelter, faced with difficulties, it will sincerely accept you; Home, is an umbrella when it rains, when meet danger, it will take you to keep out; Home, is one of the long drought desert on pools, twinkle when youre cornered, it also in silently for you encouragement, come on, let the sentence "all road, away from her" become a reality; Home was a sea of light, when you dont know the direction, it is right in front of guidance for you.

Home, sounds so nice. It is standing behind me in silence the backer, is when I hunger meal, is when I was ill, plaster, is the warmth of my mind most deep place. Home of the patch, ever let me step, it is so smooth. The silk hometown trickle, ever let me drink, its so sweet. Hometown of the food, feed I grew up, it is so sweet.

Dont say mountain, located in the hometown of the water, dont talk about hometown more people who do not speak hometown, alone home, can let a person silent.








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Dalian is my hometown. It’s a pretty city in the northeast of China, and it has a population of 5.3 million people. It’s on the coast. It has modern seaport and airport. It is known as the “pearl in the north”. Its scenery is so beautiful and the climate is so pleasant that travelers all over the world come to visit it . it’s famous for the seafood, the football team and the International Fashion Festival. Shanghai is the biggest city which lies on the east coast of China. It’s on the River Chang Jiang, too. It’s older, bigger and busier than Dalian. The buildings are taller and population is over twice larger than that of Dalian-13 million. The weather there is neither too hot nor too cold. Lots of places of interest attract visitors from other countries all the year round. I would like to work there to make more money when I grow up. It’s one of the largest trade centers in the world.



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dear eric,

it’s very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. now i’d like to tell you something about my hometown quanzhou.

the city stands on the west bank of the taiwan straight. it is a beautiful place for people to live in. its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. new factories, houses, roads and bridges have been built. more schools and hospitals are available for its people. however, there are still some problems, such as water, air and noise pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. in my opinion, quanzhou should develop its economy scientifically. i would also think that the growth of its housing construction should be brought under control so that we’ll have a better hometown in future.





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"Ah! My hometown has changed! "I cried with joy.

The change in my hometown is really big in these years! It used to be dirty and smelly, and there was a lot of junk in it. There were no trees on the hillside, only one tree stump. Around us there are some factory chimneys discharge smoke, gas, disorderly discharge, even lead to the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, all become withered yellow, often stink in the river, some fish died, rarely see the figure of a bird. Because of the bad environment, the air is seriously polluted and people often get sick.

With the improvement of peoples living standards, the awareness of the environment has improved greatly. Now people no longer throw garbage, factory construction also becomes a green plant, factory around trees and flowers in full bloom, the air becomes pure and fresh, the river water becomes clear gone, the water is very little fishes. Every year on March 12, people will plant trees with shovels and saplings, and now the trees are thick and the birds often sing on the branches. The environment is better, and peoples mood is better and healthier.

The changes in my hometown made me love my hometown more and helped me to study harder and work harder for a better home.



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My hometown yichang, is a place of picturesque scenery, is a world famous city of water and electricity. Yichang is the famous three gorges dam, the beauty of the yiling square, is a good place to travel.

Yiling square open every day music fountain, play is the music of the world famous musicians, fountain, along with the music rhythm dance. If you rely on the close, sometimes water mist spray on your body, the whole body wet. Square, there are many old man jump some dancing, bashan dance, I feel or our children jump of good, ha ha!

The three gorges dam is the worlds most famous dam, the highest dam, whenever the dam flood discharge, spurts out big water column magnificence, very spectacular, let me see the awe. Whenever the holidays, tens of thousands of visitors.

I love my hometown, a beautiful scenery, charactizing a fine spring day. I love my hometown, Im proud of my hometown, proud!







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I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.

How about you?





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The traffic problem is one of themost serious problems in my hometown. Recently, more and more people have privatecar, but the roads are so narrow that we have to fight against the heavytraffic when we go out. Especially during the rush hours, cars and buses areunable to move. To make things worse, many people are killed in the trafficaccidents. How miserable it is!


For the sake of our life andsecurity, some measures must be taken to change the present situation. In thefirst place, as there are a great many cars, we should control the number ofprivate cars and vehicles and use the public transportation more often.Secondly, the government should widen the roads and build more flyovers, so asto ease the traffic pressure and reduce the traffic accidents. In addition, theundergrounds and light rails should be constructed, so that we can have morechoices when going out and do not have to worry about the traffic jams in thefuture.


I believe the traffic problem couldbe solved if we devote our actions to them.




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Each place has its own unique delicacy, in my hometown, many snacks, when the number of the most famous mung bean jelly.

Mung bean jelly although the approach is very simple, but it is a sigh. The production method is: first with warm water to soak mung bean, and then use the powder machine to grind, ground into a slurry, with a filter basket, then leave mung bean powder, mung bean powder and water according to a proper proportion of blending, boiled, Sheng and pot inside, let it cool, forming, can the. Eat when you can put some spices, if you love to eat spicy, add some chili oil, to keep you cool home, jelly on the table, a fragrant smell, is full of high streets and back lanes irresistible fragrance.

The jelly taste good. When you put the jelly in the mouth, also did not eat, then slipped into the belly, suddenly, full of fragrance. I still love to eat spicy, so every time you eat, are sweating, even if the flow so much sweat, but still love to eat more, eat more, eat more so our family became a frequent visitor to the Museum of jelly.

There are a lot of people love to eat bean jelly, so mung bean jelly has become my hometowns most famous delicacy.

Such delicious food is already let you unable to hide greeds, what are you waiting for? Come to my hometown and taste it!



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My hometown is in Gansu Lixian, there are many mountains.

In the distance, the mountains look like a green planet surrounded by forests. The stone on the mountain dressed the mountain as a world of stone.

The trees grow more luxuriantly in summer and dress up as green cashmere. The mountain terraces like people walking the steps, also like the mountains in Grandpa smile.

The mountain became a yellow world in autumn, and the fruits and crops were ripe, and the mountain was like a magician, constantly changing crops and fruits for human beings.

In winter the mountains covered with a white dress, like an angel, in the fog, the mountains like a bottomless mountain, no matter how you cant see the mountain bottom.

This is the mountain of my hometown all the year round, I love it.
