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The teacher set up the summer homework. Good guy, that damned language

teacher actually call us to the 4th grade the old poem famous quote to copy 8

times! By this time, the roof of the classroom was "overturned". The students

were Shouting at each other. I myself comfort myself: nothing, dont copy 8

times, the big deal I make quick, still do not change plan.

Another day after that, my classmate xiao sheng called me to study

taekwondo with her. After the family discussed, I decided to let me go to

school. Then the cousin called again and said, "hello, yueyue, stay for a few

days during the summer vacation! I will teach you to draw pictures, by the way!"

"Really? Thats great! I must come!" By this time, I had forgotten to plan and

threw it out of the clouds.

When I look at the schedule, I have found that I am completely filled with

the schedule and time is not enough. How to do? Only a little bit of time... But

in comparison, none of them are free. That how to do? Can only be changed. What

better? Well, I only had a three-hour nap to learn taekwondo... That way, my

summer vacation will be "ample". What a bad summer!




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原句:While they were playing tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning.

修改后:During tennis she started an argument that lasted all morning. 原句:When you come to the second traffic light, turn right. 修改后:At the second traffic light turn left.

小升初英语写作技巧之二:删除诸如"who is"或"that is"之类的关系代词,变从句为短语,例:

句:The novel, which is written in three parts, told a story that took place in the Middle Ages.

修改后:The three-part novel told a story set in the Middle Ages.

注:把句中的"three parts"改用形容词来表达,节省了四个不必要的单词"which is written in"。我们经常可以将关系代词如"that"去掉,这只会引起最少的变动。


Two joint partners will present their views over a long-distance telephone call. 写完这样的句子后,你自己再读一遍,挑出单词"joint"和"telephone",注意删去不必要的词。



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2、分析记叙文常用表现手法。①过渡。主要从两方面入手分析:第一,分析过渡的方法和规律。常见的过渡方法有用词语过渡、用句子过渡、用段过渡。第二,了解过渡的作用。人们常说,写文章要承上启下,这就离不开恰当的过渡。穿针引线,组织成篇,可以说是对过渡重要作用的恰当比喻。②照应。阅读时要注意分析作者的照应技巧,做到四看:一看起段与题目的照应,二看开头与结尾照应,三看前设悬念,后有照应,层层推进,多处照应,四看相同或相近的语句、段复叠式照应。复叠式照应对突出文章中心,标明文章线索都起到了重要作用。③悬念。悬念是写作中为加强表达效果,吸引、感染读者常用的手法之一。④ “抑扬”的表现手法。巧用扬抑则是使笔底波澜陡起、摇曳生姿的常用手法之一。欲扬先抑或欲抑先扬可以是贯穿于作品整体的,也可以出现于作品的局部,但作者同样根据目的与手段安排好了轻重、主从、详略,阅读时应注意把握。⑤衬托。衬托是用一些别的人或事物作陪衬来突出某一人或事物的写作手法。如2005年辽宁沈阳市课改区中考试题《月光饼》一文中的第4题“作者在台湾生活多年,可她仍感觉台湾的各种月饼‘做得比大陆更腻口,想起家乡的月光饼,那又香又脆的味儿好象还在嘴边呢!’从全文看这是什么写法?有什么作用?”此题考查写作上的特点和运用的手法,这里用了对比(或衬托),其用意十分明白,就是表达思乡情怀。


4、归纳记叙文的中心。常用的有以下几种方法:一是从分析标题入手。标题是文章的眼睛,它使读者获得总的印象,有的可从中窥出文章的中心。二是从分析材料入手。材料是表现文章中心的基础,可以通过材料蕴含的意义总结中心。三是从分析段首入手。文章常开篇点题,分析开篇的语句、段落,往往可以把握文章的中心。四是从分析篇末入手。许多记叙文都是在篇末点明主题或深化中心意思的,分析结尾的含义常常可以捕捉到文章的中心。五是从分析文中议论、抒情入手。记叙文中的议论、抒情句,有画龙点睛之功效,我们要善于抓住这个“睛”来“看”文章的中心意思。六是从概括段意或分析人物事件入手。有些文章的中心思想隐含在人物事件或文章各部分之中,要作综合归纳,才能突出中心意思。如沈阳市2006年中等学校招生统一考试题《献你一束花》一文中第五题“选文最后一段有什么作用?请从内容和结构两方面回答。” 此题考查对文章最后一段作用的分析,记叙文最后一段从内容上看通常有点明(或突出)中心、深化中心等作用;从结构上说通常有总结全文、照应开头等作用。







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As a student, it is my duty to go over my lesson after class, or I will

miss the important point. Many students choose to study in the classroom or go

to the library, as for me, I am in favor of the latter choice. I like to go to

the library. On the one hand, it is quiet. A lot of students just sit in their

places and wont make big noise, which provides an enjoyable environment for

students to study. On the other hand, I can consult many reference books if I

need. The library provides us all kinds of books. We can find help when we have

questions. I find much joy in the library.



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昨天5月13日,星期天,母亲节,我在花园里摘了一些花给母亲,爸爸到商店为她买了一条漂亮的女裙和一条项链(necklace)。 下午我们看京剧,晚上我们一起去市中心的餐馆吃饭。根据上面提示写一篇短文。

Yesterday was Sunday. May13, Mother’s Day.I got up early in the morning and then went to the garden. I picked some beautiful flowers and give them to my mother, saying “Happy Mother’s Day”. She answered with a smile “Thank you.” My father bought her a nice skirt and a necklace.?In the afternoon we went to watch Beijing Opera together. In the evening we went to restaurant in the centre of the city and we had a nice meal there.On that day, we had a good time.



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做任何事情都会有一个规定,没有规矩做任何事情都是不成形的。下面是小编帮你整理了规则初中英语作文,希望你喜欢! 关于规则的初中英语作文篇1

A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules.For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true. Next , Im not allowed to watch tv on school nights. In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights. Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way. Finally,the biggest problem is that I cant join club. My parents think that only bad for my studying. They dont know Im intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.There is good say Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,but though I should study hard .Of course,Im old enough to make my own decision.

一个国家法律和家庭有其规则。我的家庭也有一些规则。例如,有重要的规则在我的房子里。首先,我必须在晚上10点回家。我想回家晚了的危险,这条规则是真的。接下来,我在学校的晚上不能看电视。在我的意见,我需要时间来放松的事情,而不是在学校学习。也许我的父母就是这样严格要求我。最后,最大的问题是,我不能参加俱乐部。我的父母认为只有对我的学习不利。他们不知道我对跑步感兴趣,根据现代和写作。有很好的说没有规矩不成或站ards,虽然我应该努力学习。当然,我自己做决定的年龄了。 关于规则的初中英语作文篇2

A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules.For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really true. Next , Im not allowed to watch tv on school nights. In my opinoin, I need time to relaxing things instead of studying on school nights. Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way. Finally,the biggest problem is that I cant join club. My parents think that only bad for my studying. They dont know Im intersted in running ,playing baskteball and writing.There is good say Nothing can be accomplished without norms or stand ards,but though I should study hard .Of course,Im old enough to make my own decision.

一个国家法律和家庭有其规则。我的家庭也有一些规则。例如,有重要的规则在我的房子里。首先,我必须在晚上10点回家。我想回家晚了的危险,这条规则是真的。接下来,我在学校的晚上不能看电视。在我的意见,我需要时间来放松的事情,而不是在学校学习。也许我的父母就是这样严格要求我。最后,最大的问题是,我不能参加俱乐部。我的父母认为只有对我的学习不利。他们不知道我对跑步感兴趣,根据现代和写作。有很好的说没有规矩不成或站ards,虽然我应该努力学习。当然,我自己做决定的年龄了。 关于规则的初中英语作文篇3

Rules are made in public places to restrict peoples behavior. And so is in the library. Then how shall we obey the rules of the library?

Firstly, we should keep in mind that the library is a place for reading, studying and the exchange of knowledge. So we are not supposed to talk loudly or eat things in the library.

Secondly, we should just borrow the books that we need. Some people like to borrow a lot of books that they dont even have enough time to finish them all in time. However, once you have taken those books away, the people who really need them may have to wait. It is surely a kind of waste.

At last, we should keep the books the way they are as much as we can because they are common properties. If we draw lines or circles on the books, it will make it harder for the next reader to read the book.

Every library may have its own specific rules which, no matter what they may be, we have to obey because it is the basic principle for being a person.




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原句:While they were playing tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning.

修改后:During tennis she started an argument that lasted all morning.

原句:When you come to the second traffic light, turn right.

修改后:At the second traffic light turn left.

英语写作技巧之二:删除诸如"who is”或"that is"之类的关系代词,变从句为短语,例:

句:The novel, which is written in three parts, told a story that took place in the Middle Ages.

修改后:The three-part novel told a story set in the Middle Ages.

注:把句中的"three parts"改用形容词来表达,节省了四个不必要的单词"which is written in"。我们经常可以将关系代词如"that"去掉,这只会引起最少的变动。


Two joint partners will present their views over a long-distance telephone call.



1.提出观点不要只用I think,要学会用:

As far as I am concerned

In my opinion

From my point of view

From my perspective

The way I see it

2.转折不要只用but, 要多用:


nevertheless, nonetheless,


Some people like fat meat, whereas other people hate it.

转折也可用比喻:as a coin has two sides(就象硬币有两面一样), …(陈述转折内容)


In addition, in addition to, additionally,

what is more, moreover, furthermore,

more importantly,

what is worse (更槽糕的是)


In fact,

as a matter of fact,



in conclusion, as a result,

all in all 总而言之

In short,

In a word, 一句话讲

Taking into consideration,

Taking into account all the factors that I have mentioned above, it is safe to draw a conclusion that …






as a result,



because of

due to,

owing to,

thanks to,

as a result of,


Although, even though, even if, though

Proud as these nobles are, …

As flattered as I am, I would say no.

In spite of, despite

I love you in spite of that.


In comparison with,

compared to,

compared with

She’s nothing compared to you.




in the end,

at last,



To some extent 在某种程度上讲

To some degree 在某种程度上讲

To a large part 在很大程度上说

In a sense 在某种意义上讲

In general, generally 大体上说

Generally speaking 一般地讲

In some cases 在有些情况下

Basically 基本上

Broadly speaking 宽泛地讲


Not only, but also

Neither nor, either or

Instead of, instead

For example, for instance (替换使用), take … for example

Be likely to

Be able to

Speaking of, when it comes to …

When it comes to food, he is really picky.

In terms of 根据

First of all, second of all

Above all,


The more, the more



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Do you know Avril Lavigne? If you never heard of her, you must be behind the times. Avril was born in Ontario Province at 1984. She made her debut in 2001. Avril’s music, fashion and personality definition are accepted by young people. Of course, I was attracted, too.

Avril joined the ice hockey team when she was 10 and she started to learn guitar at the age of 12. Then she completed the first solo performance when she was only 14 years old. Little by little, her talent was discovered by more and more people. And she has sung many songs. LikeComplicated, Goodbye, Skater BoyandWish You were Here. She also sangAlicefor the movieAlice in Wonderland. She is the Best- Selling Canadian Artist in the world.



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He always rose early to enjoy at least two hours of solitude in the house

and garden before the rest of the family came down In winter he spent most of

the time reading and writing. In sum mer he liked to get out of doors to work in

the kitchen garden or to take the dog for a walk in the neighbouring woods and

fields Whatever the weather, there was plenty to occupy him.

Although he was a creature of habit, there seemed to be an infinite variety

in his pursuits. He wrote book reviews regularly for two of the national

weeklies. He worked conscientiously his special subject, Indian History, and was

thus one of the world authorities on it;

he collected modern abstract paintings and so had a circle of friends

amongst artists and sculptors; there was hardly anything he did not know about

traditional jazz and he often entertained both British and America n jazz

musicians He was a superb cook and knew a lot about French and German food.

His family adored him and in a sense he was spoiled by them. At first

glance you would have taken him for a retired army officer-his bearing was

erect, his hair was cut short, he was fussy about his clothes, which were always

neat, clean and conventional. He liked to keep fit, and this was reflected in

his clear, steady blue eyes and healthy suntanned complexion. He hardly ever

watched TV, but enjoyed a good film and an occasional evening at the




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Last night ,I dreamed I became a very beautiful brid.I dreamed that I was in a forest. In tht forest,there were a lot of animals.Then,an old bird told us,"we have a very beautiful forest,we should therefore protect it from pollution."All the animals agreed with him.


But the second day,people came into our forest.Many animals were caught.The people wanted to build house and parks in our forest.Many old trees were felled.And then suddenly,nothing was left standing.


I was so shocked and then I bursted out crying.I woke up at midnight.It was only a dream.




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Whale are huge animals.They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life.One intere sting fact is whales can jump high out of water.Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them formeat,fat,and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap.Whales are also in danger from water pollution.We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea.I think people should learn more about whales.




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Everyone in our life should face something we hate,or some one we never want to face.

So,how can we face the difficulties.

Difficulties happen all the time,but do not be afraid of difficultys.Just go ahead withe what we are doing with a smile.Do cry and have a smile ,which is the best way we can use to beat difficulties.Never give up and do your best for tomorrows sunthine.Trust yourself ,believe in that tomorrow will be better.

You see,no matter what difficulties we face,we always smile,dont we?So,earthquake we are not afraid because of our smile;H1N1, we are not afraid because of our smile....

Together forever no matter what happens,and, with a smile,trust that everything can be soved!








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Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, my father and mother went home to sweep the tombs. Sweep the tombs in the road, our car through the whole flat, spacious road. And so we went to the cemetery, where huge crowds of people, all in carrying forward the fine tradition of our nation -- sweep the tombs. We go to my grave, I thought all the people in the paper, but I was not one iota of cigarette smell smell. Look, it is inserted in the beautiful flowers on a grave. After a while, sweep the tombs. We said goodbye and grandpa grandma, returned to Yancheng. Back to the first impression is: the rural home after the change is too great!


Previously, my grandfathers generation, are taking the mud road, riding a bicycle, encounter a rainy day is in trouble, and this is not people to ride, but "my people". And sweep the tombs when burning burning agricultural smoke, with us now: a noun is the white pollution. And now, drive a car, along the flat road, sweep the tombs are the flowers inserted. But until today, people still dont forget our fine tradition, everyone must go.


Today, although we raised the standard of living, but still did not forget our fine traditions.



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With the development of the modern society .more and more people have difficulty in sleeping.someone may take some sleeping pills.But almost it doesnt work.

A famous doctor ever said that sleeping problem would be an important thing.As the doctor said.If you cant sleep well,youll not concentrate on everything.Also you will lost the intrest in everything.It is sleeping pills that could help you with sleeping.But it could cause many other changes in your body.

on average.60 per cent people has the problem.To solve the problem in a healthy way is usefull such as take exercise、have good deals and so on.If you follow this advice,you will have a good body.Believe yourself you can do it.



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There are many traditional festivals, such as Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival China.

But I like best is in the traditional festivals -- the Dragon Boat festival. The Dragon Boat Festival custom is to eat dumplings. Come to the Dragon Boat Festival, each and every family began to busy zongzi, adults take two Take Ha together, and then add the rice and other spices, pack into a three-dimensional triangle, then string wrapped tight. There are a lot of, dumplings taste such as: sugar, meat stuffing, add egg yolk and so on Even the shape of zongzi is various, such as: round, triangle.

Let me see see things in a blur. After a while, my mother put the package dumplings and steamed, after half an hour, my mother put the dumplings on the table, I saw the dumplings like a fat baby, I am unable to hold oneself back to pick up a zongzi, poke it leaves, I saw inside the rice from the color change to yellow color, I be overcome by ones feelings. A taste, ah! Delicious unspeakable.

Suddenly, I heard outside came the waves of "hey hey", "Hey" slogan, I quickly looked out of the window, I saw the dragon boat on a person in the drum, there are eight people in the oars, and the players were regularly shouting, rowing, one and all full of vigor and vitality, and be in fine Fig. See that a boat like a branch launch out of the arrow as rushed forward. On the shore of the cheerleaders are loudly of shout; "cheer", "add oil"! Dragon heard to shout "refueling" seems to be faster.

Ah! The Dragon Boat Festival can eat the delicious dumplings, but also can watch wonderful dragon boat race, is really fun! I really hope that every day is the festival that is good!



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Todayis my father’s birthday, but he doesn’t celebrate it. It’s because he must worktoday. I say happy birthday to him in the morning. And I prepare a birthdaycard for him, which I draw it by myself.

I wrote “Happy birthday to you, mydear daddy. Best wishes from your dear daughter. I love you.” When I gave it tohim, he was so happy and smiled to me. At night, we have a delicious dinnerwhich is my father’s favorite dishes cooked by my mother.

She says it’s herbirthday gift to my father. I think it’s enough because we all enjoy thedinner.

My father says that my mother and I give him a happy and belovedbirthday.





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关于个人责任(On Responsibility)

We Chinese place a high value on responsibility. It is traditional deal for us Chinese to take care of our parents. We owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up. It is right, then, when they are getting older with each passing day, we help them and see that they are well cared for. In this way, we give back some of the love and care they have given to us.

As loyal Chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country. I t is our duty to keep China strong in the eyes

Finally, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. It is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment.鶬f we carry out these responsibilities, we will be respected citizens of our country.




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Let me tell you about it. First I have a great eating habit. I eat

vegetables and fruit every day and I drink yogurt twice a week .Although I like

junk food very much I try to eat it once a week because it is bad for my health.

And I also eat less meat. Then I hold on to playing sports every day. I jog 2

kilometers and jump 2 hours. Next I go to bed early and get up early. I keep

sleeping for about 8 hours. Having a great eating habits and doing exercise can

help me get good grades.

As you can see having a healthy life is important for everyone. Let’s have

a healthy life style and lead a happy life.



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Protecting the Environment

In the last several decades, our earth has been extremely polluted, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and so on. In recent years, the extreme weather becomes more and more frequent. Winter gets colder and summer becomes hotter and it rains more frequently. All of these warn us that protecting the environment is a serious and emergent event. As our general people, we should build proper lifestyle. We should pay attention to water and light saving. When we go out, we should firstly choose the public transportation. The most important is that we must realize that we can do a lot of things to protect our environment. Its our duty to make our home better. Let’s change from ourselves.





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This is my first impression of Mr.Lu Xun.He was "Head-bowed as a willing

ox" day and night to change the destiny of the nation rather busy.Frail,he was

literary giant.Mr.Lu Xun humor,and no lack of cordial.He hated the dark as the

devil,but a lot of the benefit of others,to play down their own.In my opinion,he

is ordinary and great people!There is a sub-heat,made a spectrophotometry."Mr.Lu

Xun,Lu Xun article will always be the history of Chinas most dazzling bright




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