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Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival,the first month of the Lunar New Year celebration of the fifteenth day.Lantern Festival is one of the largest festivals.A few days before the arrival of the Lantern Festival,people begin to make lanterns,animals,vegetables,fruits,all kinds of all,there are riddles.

The eve of the Lantern Festival,all the lanterns are hung.Lantern Festival,one look at the lanterns and riddles,wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Younger.






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Hello,everyone!My name is XX.I live in/at XX.I have a lot of hobbies,just like reading books,listening to the songs,surfing the Internet and so on.I major in XX.Some of my friends say I am outgoing,lovely and friendly.So,I like making friends in many ways.At home,I often help my parents do the housework,and they think they have a good kid.



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To solve the problems concerning making friends on line, I think, the government should take strong measures to punish those who cheat people on line.

As for those Internet users, they should be cautious when making friends on line.



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hello everyone.

now let me talk about myself.

my name is _____.i was born in _____.there are _____people in my family, my father is a _____, my mother is a _______.and as everyone know,im a student.everyone has his own interests.as for me,i like reading books,playing basketball,listening to the music and so on.now today we are in the same class,i hope we will get on well with each other.thanks.



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Spring - It is quite late now, though it was not late to me before at this clock. I should not stay so late I know. When one is getting old,he knows more about life. I think I do. I never felt time passing from me so fast like now. I always belived that the days would be splendid in the future . But I have came to know - it is not certain. I have came to understand what life is. Life is to be limited. I can say I dont fear death for I know it is part of nature. Once I talked with my friend, I said I could accept death, death of everybody, including myself. I know everyone who is existing in this world now will disappear one day. It is our destiny. How should we face it? Cry or smile? Looking at the blossom on the trees outside the window,I still remember the flowers falling down last year. Did they cry? I didnt ask them so I didnt have answer to this question. I saw the yellow leaves dancing in the air last autumn, I didnt ask if they were sad either. I just saw them flashing in the sunlight, like the good dancers with good rhythm...

Spring, I never had strong feeling to spring before last year. Some people said spring should be a happy season. But I never sensed that. I always liked the autumn because I thought autumn was a romantic season. I liked summer when I was very young for I loved my skirt with lace.Now, I still like autumn and summer,while I like spring and winter. Before I disliked the various colors of the flowers,and I thought they are flighty and superficial. I thought only only the blue ocean is deep, the golden autumn is elegant. However, now I have a different idea that I find spring wonderful. I like the blossom in the field and in the moutain. From them I am spirited with life.

Spring has come, in every corner of the earth were full of spring.

Campus, full of the glad Lu like. Willow willow out of the thin, top decorated clean the yellowish leaves; grass aroma with a drilling mud out in bunches, A host, nice green flowers are also stretched, played a yawn, unearthed a small head; children all took off their heavy winter clothes, put on another bright light both spring; the birds flew out from the house, singing sweet songs, tell us: Spring is coming !

Spring is really here, in the pond, the fields, in the sky, glow with vitality everywhere. Natures beauty has become rich together. A clear day, warm in the sun on the body, soft spring breeze brush his face, both warm and comfortable: the rainy day, bursts of spring thunder exploding from time to time, both thrilling and exciting.

Spring scenery is so beautiful, spring, the mood even more beautiful. Rickets an entire winter backs straight, and cheerful smile full of hope. Parks and lively up, photography of young people, old people fishing, catching insects, children, one by one intoxicated in the arms of nature, linger.

Spring, people are more busy. As the saying goes: at the spring. You see, in the citys streets, was busy shuttling back and forth to figure, rural land, the farmers are sown the seeds of hope. The walls of the classroom close to the new semester curriculum, books and new books, there are a lot of knowledge of many waiting for us to pick fruit.

I love spring, I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, to see the new green trees and hear the singing of small Ukrainian. I love spring because it is full of vigor, full of new hope!



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Hi! Hello, my name is Pan Ziyang, I am a lively and lovely little girl, I would like to introduce myself to you!

I have curly hair, sometimes is the "lion Mao" is sometimes beautiful wave volume, I have a cherry small mouth, the one and only.

My dress is sometimes very fashionable, avant-garde fashion sweater, sometimes cute skirt, I sometimes wear cool coat.

My body is round, tall, everybody calls me "fat girl", round body is also very distressed, alas!

I put the "female man" image of the performance of the most incisive, at that time, I took a box of apples from the ground floor has been carried to the seventh floor, have no rest, on the floor, I gasped, aunt suddenly said Mom gave both box watermelon to me, let me get down, no I can only take measures! I was carrying two boxes of watermelon, carrying a bag from the first floor to the seven floor, and when I got home, I immediately fell asleep in bed.

This is me, a lively and lovely woman.



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表达能力需要考生平时多一点练习,给自己制定一个写作计划。一周至少练习一篇文章。在加强写作练习之后,你的文章才能够 "成章"。因此,实际动手的能力至关重要。平时训练的重点应该锁定在文章是否切题,行文是否表意明确、通顺,有无语法错误等。另外,一定要给每一次行文限定一个可行的时间。并且,按照这个时间严格要求自己完成。





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原句:While they were playing tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning.

修改后:During tennis she started an argument that lasted all morning.

原句:When you come to the second traffic light, turn right.

修改后:At the second traffic light turn left.

英语写作技巧之二:删除诸如"who is”或"that is"之类的关系代词,变从句为短语,例:

句:The novel, which is written in three parts, told a story that took place in the Middle Ages.

修改后:The three-part novel told a story set in the Middle Ages.

注:把句中的"three parts"改用形容词来表达,节省了四个不必要的单词"which is written in"。我们经常可以将关系代词如"that"去掉,这只会引起最少的变动。


Two joint partners will present their views over a long-distance telephone call.



1.提出观点不要只用I think,要学会用:

As far as I am concerned

In my opinion

From my point of view

From my perspective

The way I see it

2.转折不要只用but, 要多用:


nevertheless, nonetheless,


Some people like fat meat, whereas other people hate it.

转折也可用比喻:as a coin has two sides(就象硬币有两面一样), …(陈述转折内容)


In addition, in addition to, additionally,

what is more, moreover, furthermore,

more importantly,

what is worse (更槽糕的是)


In fact,

as a matter of fact,



in conclusion, as a result,

all in all 总而言之

In short,

In a word, 一句话讲

Taking into consideration,

Taking into account all the factors that I have mentioned above, it is safe to draw a conclusion that …






as a result,



because of

due to,

owing to,

thanks to,

as a result of,


Although, even though, even if, though

Proud as these nobles are, …

As flattered as I am, I would say no.

In spite of, despite

I love you in spite of that.


In comparison with,

compared to,

compared with

She’s nothing compared to you.




in the end,

at last,



To some extent 在某种程度上讲

To some degree 在某种程度上讲

To a large part 在很大程度上说

In a sense 在某种意义上讲

In general, generally 大体上说

Generally speaking 一般地讲

In some cases 在有些情况下

Basically 基本上

Broadly speaking 宽泛地讲


Not only, but also

Neither nor, either or

Instead of, instead

For example, for instance (替换使用), take … for example

Be likely to

Be able to

Speaking of, when it comes to …

When it comes to food, he is really picky.

In terms of 根据

First of all, second of all

Above all,


The more, the more



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Hello!Everyone,my name is xxx.Im 16 years old.Im from Wuxi,Jiangsu Province.My favorite subject is Chinese.And I like reading very much,especailly in reading history books.As a student,I study very hard.I made a lot friends in school,most of them are working hard,too.I hope all of us cuold catch the best time to reach our goal.Just try our best!




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2、不要为了追求“一鸣惊人”而去找一些生冷的词汇,对这些一知半解的词你不会用,不知道如何搭配,结果可能适得其反,使文章显的生硬、不协调,甚至错误百出,所以要使用有把握的词,避免不必要的失分。比如说发生了一起意外事件,我们通常用“have an accident ”来表示,不要错误的使用“have an incident”。

3、注意不同语言的表达习惯,也是写好英语作文的重要环节,如“我的理想是做一名歌手”,很多同学写成“My ambition is to do/make a singer,” “to do”表示“做”或者“干”,“to make”表示“制作”,而“做一名歌手”则表示“成为一名歌手”应该用“be/become a singer”;又如“看书、看报”应用“read a book/newspaper”,而不是“see a book/newspaper”。因此,平时应该注意不同语言的表达习惯,切忌望文生义或一味生搬硬套。

4、有些同学因怕出错而只写短句或简单句,写出的文章过于幼稚、空洞乏味。要使文章有血有肉就要把平时学的知识用进去,如:定语从句、宾语从句、非谓语动词和比较等句型,关键时用上一、二个,就能使文章不同凡响,更有文采,特别是对关联词的使用,如“so that”、“not…but ”“not only...but also”等,会使你的文章逻辑结构紧密、层次鲜明、条理清楚,更能显示出你的英文功底,但要做到这些并非一日之功,要靠平时的不断训练和积累。












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Hello !welcome to the special Chinese new years edition of discovering China. Im Alina Li and Im Ben Hedges, and today well be taking you through some of the most important traditions of Chinese new year and historical background. We will look at some of the legends behind Chinese new year and how to celebrate it. Here in the US and Chinese across the world.

The Chinese have specific way to celebrate their new year. If you walk down the street in Chinatown during Chinese New Year, you see a variety of ancient traditions such as red banners, firecrackers and lion dance performances, streets are filled with lively celebration.

However, legend has said that the new year has not always been a time of festivity. An Asian Chinese story told a chilly start to this festive holiday, it begins with an ancient Chinese beast called Nian.

Every New Year Nian would rise from swelling in the sea to ravage Chinese village in livestock and hurting people. The villages soon found out from a wise gray-haired old man that the only way to scare the beast away was to set off firecrackers and light lamps and to hang red banners on each door. As the story goes, this was the beginning of a tradition that would last thousands of years.

So this story leads to the creation of many of other traditions for celebrating Chinese New Year. lets take a look at some of these traditions.



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My favorite little animal bunny, it has a white fur, the play is very cute. Her two eyes are red, the play is like a pair of red gems. Sparkling. Every morning the little white rabbit to eat a carrot, two pieces of leaves, it is full.

Every day I put a study at noon, a home, it bouncing to jump in front of me, as if you are welcome to go home. I see it every day, even if I am not happy, I saw him I was very happy. Forget all those unhappy things.

Once again, my classmates came to my house to guest, it is still as usual bounce to me, my classmates saw, she said: "your familys small rabbit is so cute Oh! Home for a while I let My dad bought me a little rabbit.

In this way, I am more and more like my little rabbit, I must take good care of it!



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My name is "Zhou Kunren". It is called Kun Ren because my parents want me to become a strong, brave and helpful man through my efforts.

I study in grade four of XX primary school. I am lively and cheerful, and I like making friends. I have many hobbies. Swimming, playing basketball and playing football are all my favorites.

My academic record is very good, and I get more than 90 points in every subject, and I speak actively in class. After class, I am still a teachers assistant, helping teachers distribute their homework and organize activities.

The reason why I came to the eloquence class of young leaders is to improve their eloquence and make more friends. My ambition is to be a brave SWAT to protect our country and people. Lets make friends together. My name is Zhou Kunren.



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Teachers,good afternoon.

Allow me to briefly talk about myself. My name is - xx graduated from the south gate of the private secondary schools. Tourism now studying at the school in Hubei Province. Studying hotel management professional. I was a character,cheerful girl,so my hobbies is extensive. Sporty. In my spare time likes playing basketball, table tennis,volleyball,skating. When a person like the Internet at home,or a personal stereo. Not like too long immersed in the world of books,and family members have told me,Laoyijiege is the best. Talking about my family,then I will talk about my family has. Only three people my family , my grandmother , grandfather and my own. My grandfather is a engineer,I am very severely on peacetime,the Church me a lot. Grandma is a very kindly for the elderly,care for my life in every possible way. Therefore,I have no parents in their care,childhood and growth were full of joy. I like this hotel management professional,because I like to live in a strict order of the management environment. I have my professional self-confidence and hope,as long as the efforts will be fruitful,this is my motto. Since I chose this profession,I will follow this path,effort,perseverance path.

Thank you teachers. I finished presentation.







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Hello everybody!My name is Gao Pinhui,i an 13 years old,i am a student of Grade eight ,it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview. My hobby is playing the electronic organ.Because playing it will bring me a lot of fun and i can fell very happy when playing it.I hope that everyone would like me and i believe i can get on well with you.Thank you!



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Germans love to decorate their house sat Christmas.Many houses will have little wooden frames holding electric candles in their windows,and coloured pictures of paper or plastic which look beautiful from the outside at night.Father Christmas brings presents in the late afternoon of Christmas Eve(December 24th),after people have been to a church meeting.The presents are then found under the Christmas tree.One person in the family will ring a bell and call everyone to come to the room.On Christmas Day,fish(carp7))or goose will be cooked.





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1. 自我介绍(self-introduce)

Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview.

First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******, the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July, 2001. In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *** in NO. *** middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.

I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of history. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other youngers. I like reading books, especially those about *******. Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line. In addition ,during my college years, I was once a Net-bar technician. So, I have a comparative good command of network application. I am able to operate the computer well. I am skillful in searching for information in Internet. I am a football fan for years. Italian team is my favorite. Anyway, I feel great pity for our country’s team.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University, I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.

2.考研原因 (reasons for my choice)

There are several reasons.

I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous ******in our country, it provide people with enough room to get further eichment . This is the first reason.

The second one is I am long for doing research in ******throughout my life. Its a pleasure to be with my favorite ******for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.

Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my *****job during the past two years. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.

In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.

3.研究生期间你的计划 (plans in the postgraduate study)

First, I hope I can form systematic view of *****. As for ******, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as **************. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.

In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.


4 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown)

I am from xxx , a famous city with a long history over 2,200 years. It is called “Rong Cheng ” because there were lots of banians even 900 years ago. The city lies in the eastern part of the province. It is the center of politics, economy and culture. Many celebrities were born here, for instance, Yanfu, Xie Bingxin, Lin Zexu and so on . . You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it. The top three artware are Shoushan Stone, cattle-horn combs and bodiless lacquerware. In addition, it is famous for the hot springs. Visitors at home and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here. There is my beloved hometown.

5.你的家庭(about family)

There are four members in my family; my parents, my cute cat of 9 years old and me. My father is a technician in the Fujian TV station. He often goes out on business. So most of the housework is done by my industrious mom. Climbing at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relation, too. During my preparing for coming here, my par(转载于:英语自我介绍作文)ents’s love and support have always been my power. and I hope in future I will be able to repay them.

6.你的大学(about university)

*** University is the oldest one in the province. It was founded in ****** and covers an area of over ****** square meters. The building area is *** square meters. It develops into a comprehensive university with efforts of generations, especially after the reform and opening up. It takes the lead among the *** universities with nice teaching and scientific research ability. The library has a storage of *** books. various research institutes are set up including 52 research centers. There are teaching research experimental bases. For example, the computer center, analyzing-test center, modern education technical center and so on.


pesonel statement(introduction)

good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period?will be accomplished in changan university in july ,2004;and now,i am trying ?my best for?obtaining ?a key to tongji university.

generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing ?i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard .?to weaver a homepage for myself,?i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and ?just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.

well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also english is my

favorate.i often go to english corner ?to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write ??compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying.

ok, that is all, thank you for your attention.


my hometown------luoyang

i am from luoyang, a beautiful city in henan province. it is famous as the "capital of nine dynasties" and enjoy the honer that luoyang peony is the best in the world.

luoyang played a very important role in chinese history. so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved. such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china and white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chinese buddhism.

luoyang peony is world-famous. every year, many tourists travel to luoyang to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world.

i like my hometown very much.



if luckily i got the chance to learn environment engineering in tongji university, i will concentrate on the study and research in this field. first i will hard to learn the theoritical knowledge, constructing a solid base for my future work; second i would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor and classmate. and through this, i can get something that cannot be acquired from the textbooks. i believe after 2 years of learning, my dream will finally come true.


Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Qin Jiayin. I was born on April 23, 1981. I am a local person. I am graduating from Jilin Normal University (应该是这样译) this June. I major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Jilin University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!

Reasons for taking postgraduate exams:

First of all, I love my major. Chinese literature is the symbol of the start of Chinese literary modernization. It plays an important part in modernization of our citizens’ thoughts. What’s more, modern literature is very close to our daily life and it can deeply reflect the styles and features of our society. I am fascinated by the great masters’ refreshing or warm or profound styles as well. But I am not easily satisfied with such superficial knowledge. I hope I could have a better

understanding in modern literature by studying further. This is a very important reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.

Next, I love the feeling in the university. It is full of youthful spirit. And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere. And the most important, it’s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching.

Finally, I want to talk about a very practical problem. That is my dream of becoming a teacher in the university. I want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified person. I think the postgraduate studies can eich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.

That’s my simple and clear reasons why I took the postgraduate exams.

My university:

I’m graduating form Jilin Normal University this June which has a history of 50 years. It shares many same characteristics with Jilin University. Both of them have a refreshing and scholarly atmosphere. Four years’ studying there made me an independent, optimistic and strict girl. I appreciate the education my university gave me.

Thank you for your time!

Good afternoon, teachers.

I am very glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is xxx, 25 years old. I come from Weifang, a beautiful city of Shandong Province. I graduated from Commercial College in July, 2001 and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in xxx, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading “the florilegium of Mao ZeDong”. From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interests in theory study, especially in Marxism.

I have a dream, a dream of my study. I wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the Marxism. If I have the opportunity to study in xxx University, I’ll dabble in as much as document about the specialty as possible. If it is possible, I want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, at least, a stable basis.

Personally, for today’s China, the first task to the development of Marxism is a process of construction. That’s to say, we should understand Marxism mostly from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxism eventually.


respected Professors:

Good afternoon! Im great honored to meet you here. Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction:

Im *******,26 years old , born in ***** city, HeNan Province. In year 1996, I entered *** University, majoring in Machine Designing and Producing. During those 4 years study, I worked

hard and I was always active in various activities. I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.

After my graduation in June 2000, I worked in -------- company. I got a position in the Technology Department the first year and I was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for College student Recruitment in Henan Province and the one for Computer Center in Mathmatics Department in Zhengzhou University

Owning to my hard work ,I was rewarded the Best Newcomer Prize in the year 2000. The next year, I was transferred into the Principal Customer Department, responsible for the Developing and strengthening a good relationship between the principal customers and my company .Two major customers, Henan Provincial Department of Transportation and Henan Provincial Department of Personnel, are under my work.

However, with time going on, the more I experienced, the clearer I realized that Im really interested in the Enterprise Management. I find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched management to its developing speed. Im eager to learn more about management and I hope I can study further in this University.

So I resigned in August, 2003 and started the way to pursuing my studies. After about half years hard work, Im finally standing before you honorable professors now. Im really excited. Though Ive sacrificed much on my way to pursuing studies, I believe its worthwhile. I believe working hard will finally be repaied.

Thank you !


我反正只背了个自我介绍,如果他们还要问其他的,只好说"could you speak slowly?" or " sorry, i didn`t prepare for this question"



I am sorry! I beg your pardon?

I dont understand your question, Could you repeat it again?

Sorry, I dont know. (I am little acquainted with the aspect of special knowledge)

But I wish I can have a chance to learn more deeply the knowledge under your direction.



Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Qin Jiayin. I was born on April 23, 1981. I am a local person. I am graduating from Jilin Normal University (应该是这样译) this June. I major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Jilin University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!



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The majestic the Imperial Palace museum is a world famous one of the Royal buildings.

Into the Tiananmen, through the side door, gate, came to the gate, a large palace show in my eyes, this is the office of the Taihe palace, after the temple came to the temple and temple, and there is. Each house has Zhu Hong walls and gates, the roof is covered with yellow glazed tiles. After then, then turn a corner, I saw a small door in the door, look right, see nine, nine engraved with nine dragons, their colors are white, blue, yellow, black four kinds of shapes of them, no two are the same. Over history, then from the left door into the room to watch. When I entered the room when I watch, startled, apparently came to the bell of the Kingdom, the clock of the ocean, big and small Guzhong row upon row of, a mahogany clock fan a superb collection of beautiful things, characters, gilded bronze green shark skin chronometer, clepsydra, hardwood carved since the name of clock, there are 1000 kinds of clock. The watch room, turn a circle came to the Imperial Garden, Imperial Garden, beautiful scenery, there are four flowers, the flowers are not welcome, that kind of opened again. There is a rockery in the middle of the garden, and the rockery is more beautiful under the cover of the surrounding grass.

The Imperial Palace Museum, the beautiful scenery everywhere, not to say that, I hope you have a chance to appreciate.






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Since I was very small, I was very shy in the public place, so I always

avoided giving performance in front of so many people. Though I tried hard to

get over it in school, I still felt uneasy in the public place. When I came to

the job market, I realized that I must get over my fear, or I would lose my


I still remembered the horrible experience for my first interview. Early in

the morning, I got a called that I was given a chance to the job interview. I

felt so excited. When I came to the company, I found there were other six young

people competed with me, then I started to feel nervous. The employers asked us

to sit in the round table and introduced ourselves one by one. When it was my

turn, I lowed down my head and spoke in low voice. Then the employers continued

to let us give speeches in the stage. I lose confidence and made the horrible


This interview taught me a lesson that I must get over my fear, or I will

lose chances. So I practise hard and dare to stand in the stage.



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I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.

How about you?





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One explanation is that the Duanwu Festival originated from people’s worship of dragons. In ancient China, people believed the dragon was the god in charge of water, which was vitally important to daily life and agricultural production. On the day of Duanwu, people raced dragon boats to entertain the god and offered him Zongzi as a treat. The sole purpose was to please the god to ensure a year of favorable weather.

Some people believe Duanwu comes from activities instigated by ancient sorcerers. These activities were held in early summer when the hot weather was about to bring diseases to people who didn’t have modern devices and medicines to protect themselves. So, ancient sorcerers encouraged people to wear fragrant pouches and hang mugwort and calamus on their doors to drive away the so-called evil spirits that caused diseases.

Scholars may provide many other explanations about the origin of the Duanwu Festival. But if you ask ordinary people about its origin, you’ll get the same answer. They will tell you that the Duanwu Festival honors the great poet, Qu Yuan. They’ll also tell you the story that has been passed down for more than 2,000 years.

Qu Yuan was born in 340 BC, during the Warring States Period. At that time, there were seven states struggling among themselves to unify China. Of the seven states, Qin was the strongest and Chu the largest.

Qu Yuan was a noble of Chu. During his lifetime, the powerful kingdom of Chu fell into a decline.

Early in his life, Qu Yuan won the confidence of the King of Chu, and was his deputy prime minister, helping draft laws and determine foreign-policy. When he saw the danger posed by the ambitious Qin State, he proposed government reforms and an alliance with the neighboring Qi state as a way to ensure Chu’s safety.

But the King of Chu was surrounded by self-seekers, who were jealous of Qu Yuan. They accepted bribes from the Qin’s envoy, dissuaded the King from taking Qu Yuan’s advice and brought about the poet’s estrangement from the King. Qu Yuan was finally sent into exile for 20 years.

During those desperate years, Qu Yuan helplessly watched his beloved country become weaker every day. In the year 278 BC, the capital of Chu was stormed by troops from Qin. In great pain, Qu Yuan wrote “Lisao” or “The Lament”, the greatest of all his poems. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, he drowned himself in the Milo River, because he was hopeless about his country’s future.

Qu Yuan died thousands of years ago, but he is remembered every year for his love of and loyalty to his country and his people.
