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昨天,我们大山外语学校放学以后,Daisy老师 对我们说:“明天下午是我们春节前的最后一次课,大家来时不用带书包了,准备好你们的拿手节目,我们要开个新年Party。”听老师这么一说,大家都激动的鼓起掌来。

盼星星,盼月亮,终于盼到开新年Party的时候了,老师做节目主持人,只见她拿了个“话筒”(用纸做成的)对大家说:“新年就要到了,今天我们在一起开个联欢会,大家不要拘束,尽情的唱、跳,发挥你们的特长。” 第一个节目是每个小朋友必须参加的(因为我们是小班,才9个人,所以老师要求我们每个人至少表演一个节目),就是每个人给大家讲一个笑话或者是说两句经典的话。第一位先举手要求表演的是王浩,只见他笑着站起来,走上讲台,对大家说:“我说句经典的话:耗子腰里别了杆枪,它打了猫的注意。还有一句就是:有恐怖分子,必有恐怖分母。”“哈哈哈哈。”全班同学哄堂大笑起来,紧接着,张文轩同学又给大家讲了一个笑话。轮到我了,我心里很紧张,从座位上站起来,心扑通扑通地跳着,走上讲台,给大家鞠了个躬,说:“我给大家讲个小笑话,有一个绿豆跳楼自杀了,流很多的血,就成了红豆,化了脓,就成了黄豆,结了疤,就成了黑豆。”我的话还没说完,大家就笑的前仰后合。

第二个节目是自愿报的,你看王山林和孙磊的相声逗得大家笑得合不拢嘴;“嫦娥”披着白色的长纱,随着音乐起舞多么轻盈呀!也不知从哪儿来了个“孙悟空”,右手持金箍棒,左手搭凉棚,东张西望,可能是找“唐僧”的吧,他表演的形象极了,我们给他报以热烈的掌声。 时间过得真快,看看外面,天要黑了,老师说:“孩子们,都饿了吧,今天老师请客,我们去零点快餐吃饭,让你们大饱口福。不过,如果哪个小调皮鬼吃多撑着了,老师概不负责。”听老师这么一说,我们都高兴得一蹦三尺高,“耶,聚餐去了。”看看大家的吃相吧,一个个像小老虎似的,把老师都逗笑了。吃饱了,我们一抹嘴,异口同声的说:“Thangk you , Daisy ! ” 吃晚饭,老师又带我们去“自由曙光”唱歌,在那儿,老师还给我们唱了几首英文歌,唱歌也是我的拿手节目,我唱了好几首呢,有《北京欢迎你》、《好汉歌》、《中国功夫》。

在我们的欢歌笑语中, 新年Party就结束了,今年的Party非同寻常,同学们个个尽兴而归。




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圣诞的歌声响起来。空灵的曲调在城市上空飞旋而起,夹杂着优雅的音符,缓缓流淌的祝福溢满了归人的梦境。鹿车雪橇携带着耶稣的祝福款款而来。 Christmas singing sounds.The ethereal tunes are spinning over the city, mixed with elegant notes, and the slow flow of blessings overflows the dream of returning.The deer sleigh came with Jesus blessings.









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Today, the campus held a grand Qingyuan Dan activities, we are early to come to school Qingyuan Dan.

Commencement of the event, we went to a classroom, you see a brilliant classroom, classroom middle of two intersecting lines. Line, there are colorful ribbons, in the middle of the intersection there is a large wreath, hanging from the windows wax flower, beautiful to watch. Close to the riddle on the blackboard one by one card, one by one they like the little face, as if to say: came for me, ah, seize me that you certainly imagine not.!

First, the school programs, is to give last year‘s entry Red Cross will be issued listing the students. They can be happy, for it is very lucky on television, they bloom everybody laugh.

Is behind the activities of our class, and first riddles, the host asked the students to the blackboard to find puzzle cards, take one to know one, I took two. Host selection up to read, I am the first to be elected to, and they are all guessed it!

After a child, the teacher and several classmates asked me to guess riddles, holding a ticket hall, we have one to the venue, we have almost desperate, because we arrived late, almost no riddles, but also drawing huge crowds, I walked around, not a riddle, when I suddenly saw a lantern riddles, so Ben, such as tiger, call to run soon as the past, a grasp, so I shouted: find. We are very excited to said: Fantastic! But I said: captured the farmer ah, to be guess it! I looked at the e bar! I think I learned my answers are wrong, we think hard, but also have no idea. After a while child, I feel tired, and himself, said: fried tofu, not old, ah. Zhou Ying-chun 1, received revelation, said: Yes I. We asked her: Why? Zhou Ying-chun said with confidence: fried bean curd is not on the old Well, so I thought. We want several times, said: Well, it has. We came in right answers fast to accept the award Goods team behind.

Soon, to us, I said: Yes I. Teachers are the answer a bitt, when my heart is like a ping-pong, pound, to jump, we saw the teacher said with a smile: Yes, take away Bar! The teacher gave me a small pendant, and we ran back to the classroom and told the teacher that we guessed right, and I also gave the teachers a small pendant, the teacher smiled and said: It‘s beautiful, thank you.

Followed by reading our class of Wang Wan-yu, Tang Yunjie come accompanied by the beautiful sound of the violin and the sweet sound of, let us enchanted.

After the cultural performance, we began to enjoy myself all at home, and bring schools to the dish, my favorite is the Lin Anqi of scrambled eggs, fresh and delicious extreme.

This Qingyuan Dan activities, I had a good time, ah!




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2. 友谊就像青春里的一道彩虹,光芒四射,你我要成为永远的朋友,新的一年马上到来,祝你心想事成!万事如意!

3. 20**,开心是你每天必做的功课,幸福是你今生的必选课,这两者都是缺一不可的课,祝新春快乐!万事如意!学业有成!

4. 猴年到,幸福来;所有快乐跟着你走,所有好运伴着你,所有幸福陪你过一生;羊年愿你合家欢乐!吉祥如意,学习进步。

5. 默默地思念很深,默默地祝福很真,默默地怀念难舍难分,默默地牵挂永远在心,默默地等待新年来临,默默地祝福我的朋友,新年愉快健康幸福!

6. 岁月无痕,只有你我的友谊长存;人间冷暖,只有你我的友情永恒。新年又至,祝君快乐每一天。曾经拥有的,不要忘记;已经得到的,更要珍惜;属于自己的,不要放弃;已经失去的,留做回忆;想要得到的,必须努力;但最重要的,是自己好好爱自己。

7. 雪,舞出温馨;雾,弥漫情意;风,鼓荡思念;钟,敲来平安;新年,送出问候;祝福,温暖心灵:愿你在春的脚步声中畅享快乐幸福!新年快乐!

8. 蓝天为纸,清风为笔,祝福为星,点上真诚星星,描上白云,奉上月亮,送给正在看贺卡的你,新年快乐生活如诗如画好事连连好梦甜甜!

9. 轻松就是,没有劳累;畅快就是,抛却疲惫;开心就是,心情很美;幸福就是,多吃多睡;情谊就是,问候相随:就要到新年了,祝你新的一年,与成功相会!

10. 是缘分让我们相聚在这所学校,而我们又有着共同语言共同理想共同目标;为了将来还能一起奋斗,我们努力吧!新的一年即将到来,祝你和你的家人身体健康!万事如意!

11. 在你打开此短信时已中我的独门剧毒含笑半步癫,此毒为慢性毒药,中毒者先圣诞快乐,接着新年快乐,待毒气攻心后将春节快乐!天天快乐。

12. 春节拜年短信。新年的钟声送走充满回忆的一年;迎来饱含理想的一年。在新的一年里,愿意你百尺竿头,更进一步,事业生活都获得胜利成功。

13. 新年翩翩而至,旧岁渐渐而逝;新年的到来,伴随着我的祝福,满怀希望的望眼幸福,携手快乐欢度这个新年的的伊始,我们大声喊出“新年快乐”!

14. 如果一句“新年快乐”不足以表达我深深的祝福,我打算再送一个省略号给你,内含所有字面不能表达的意思,一切尽在不言中。新年快乐。

15. 新的一年,新的起点;新的一年,新的希望;新的一年,忘记荣誉;新的一年,抛开伤心;新的一年,全新出发;新的一年,收获更多!祝亲爱的你新年快乐!

16. 朋友,我要快马加鞭,给你送去我的祝福,表达我最真诚的意愿,把最美的心愿和最多的快乐送给你,让你马到成功,学飞进步,新年合家欢乐!

17. 与其羡慕他人所拥有的事物及能力,不如多花心思开发自已的潜能。而且,经由努力得来的财富及能力,才真正是属于自己的宝藏。

18. 浓浓的情谊与祝福,绵绵的思念与问安,在这美好的日子,愿祝愿随着卡片带给你温馨的问候,盼你能时常想到我,也希望你能知道,无论天涯海角我都深深祝福你!新年快乐!



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大年三十晚上,妈妈做了好多菜,有鱼、虾 、肉,还有年糕和汤圆。妈妈说:吃汤圆是团团圆圆,吃了年糕是年年高的意思。我既吃了年糕,也吃了汤圆。在这除夕的夜晚,我比平时任何一天都吃的香。




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People mountain people sea, today is mothers birthday of the motherland, the street is busy! Shop is auspicious, there are red lanterns on the street...

The darkness came quickly, bundles beautiful flowers in the air, the bright flowers like a little angel in dance, bundles of flowers like I put on both sides of the street. Just still quiet street busy right away. Suddenly, I heard someone call me, turned out to be the elder sister call I go to fireworks. We happily to fireworks, then dad took a fireworks lit the fire, when to throw out the fireworks burst. We are frightened to disgrace to daddy, daddy hand blown were bleeding, we hesitate to go to the hospital, the doctor said, "but thats ok, just skin injury." We didnt put down the heart to it. On the way home, we talk to dad said: "be careful next time." Dad smiled shyly, we laughed, too.

Today is a happy day!






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January 1st is considered as the New Years Day.most companies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time.People prepare for New Years Dayfrom late December.Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses completely.Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January.

The New Years meal is also prepared from the end of ecember.During the New Years Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home. On New Years Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year.New Years Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.

Most people spend the New YearsDay in hotels.On New Years Day,people fiest greet each other. Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year.Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.




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Everyone has a family. We all live in there, and from there to get warm, there are six people in my family, my mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister, and me. We live a happy life together, our house has many interesting stories, especially mom and dad.

My father works hard. He is a driver, he always do his best to handle each car, try to make them comfortable. Sometimes, he worked too hard to forget to date.

My mother is a very bad memory. She would do a lot of housework, but sometimes because of her carelessness while doing something wrong. For example, one day, she use the washing machine wash his clothes, and finally found himself forgot to water in the washing machine.

Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, the father thought as usual to get up early, but because he doesnt set the alarm clock the day before yesterday, so he got up late, when he woke up, he hurried to brush my teeth wash my face and went off to work, my father left, mother said to me mysteriously, "he must be back in a moment." "Why?" I am very surprised. "Because today is Sunday, his holiday." Mom just then, a little later, my father came back, and went to bed again, because he is too tired.

You see, what an interesting family! I hope you have a family like me.








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Today, is my most lucky day. Just to the school, there is a feeling of excitement to squeeze into the chest. But there is a kind of worry, afraid the badly. I bring the transcript! When you come into our school, the students or the original sample, dozen dozen, the alarm, crazy. I quietly sat on a seat, waiting for their results. After a while, the teacher came. My heart will jump out. At the result, I was not satisfied with my performance. Because I score is only 286, certainly not. Clipping voting began, I sadly around, clip is too bad, I dont good-looking! I look around and find people more place to see others cut and paste. GeHongYan clip good good-looking! She wrote a lot of feelings in a notebook, is a beautiful statement! Is a talented woman! Vote, I vote for her, she must be a champion! Unexpectedly, I... Turns out to be... At that moment, I was so excited. Ive got a lovely testimonials, also get the lovely prize, but...

I didnt get the first exam score...

In the next semester, I hope I can do better






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Our school had a sports meeting last week. Eleven classes took part in it. The weather was sunny and warm, and the whole playground was quite exciting.

In the boys relay race, Class 6 fell behind at first. But the second runner Li Lei ran faster than any other runner. Then he caught up with others little by little.

At last, their classmate, Wang Lin passed the finishing line first. Besides, Li Lin from Class 7 broke the school record for 100-meter race and Class 11 won the team title. The headmaster gave the prizes to the winners.







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The pace of the new year is getting closer and closer, and my hopes and expectations for the new year are growing.

There is one more week to final exams, I want to learn the lessons of last year, not only to Chinese, math and English, while ignoring the importance of science and morality of these two families, out of 500 cases, especially close to the examination, the two section is the key to sprint, there is a temporary array of guns. Fast emitting. I should make full use of the time before examination, attack the recitation carefully, make grains go to the warehouse, face challenges and create brilliance, and spend an unusual new year.

Looking back over the past year, my classroom performance is much better than before, but I am still a little inferior to other students. In the new year, I will pay more attention to the pre class preview, answer the question actively and enthusiastically, and no longer worry about the wrong answer to the joke. I want to pay attention to the classroom performance of truth, a good grasp of the class to listen carefully to this criterion, keep up with the teachers ideas, not to make the teacher teacher, I do my mistake, I want to turn over and reinvent yourself, never do monks muddle along. The new year, I want to strive for progress with determination, take practical action to prove to everyone, make a wish, a person.

It is more happy to mention the new year. The red character, deafening firecrackers, bright smile, I want to enjoy the winter vacation life, watching the series of books by Shen — — "animal commandos", go to grandmas house for a long time, and grandma grandpa chat, walk the dog, watch TV, play computer, to students in string so, I decide my winter vacation.



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Happy Weekend

Hello, Im Ni Minya. Im going to have a happy weekend!

On Saturday, Im going to visit my uncle. He lives in a small country. When Im going to visit him, I will be very happy.On Sunday, Im going to go shopping. I will buy many things that I like.

So this will be a happy weekend. And you?






What a happy day

Today Im very happy,after I have breakfast,I go to park.

Its a sunny day ,the bird is singing,Im singing too.When I get to park,I see some girls are playing games ,so I join them.We play very happy.Then I have lunch with my friends.We both have a good time.what a happy day!







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过年前这段时间,走到大街上,到处都是人,我走近一点仔细看,原来 他们买过年的东西,有对联、中国结、爆竹……






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Do your teachers still use traditional techniques to teach you nowadays? A revol- ution in teaching techniques is required now. In the past, we just took it for granted that a teacher s aim was to teach the students all that he knew and solve all the problems for them. Therefore, students could mot judge things on their own under this circumstance. Thus students gradually lost the ability to learn by themselves. In addition, they were only equipped with the knowledge that were taught in class and made the same judgement upon every problem which might crop up. Of course, they would find their knowledge not enough to solve practical problems.

So it is time to change the teaching method. A teacher s goal is to help the students develop not only the ability to learn by themselves but the skills to make judgements on every aspect on their own. It s not necessary for the students to turn to teachers for help while meeting with difficulties. The first thing is to develop the students abilities to make sound judgements upon any problem and overcome difficulties.

All in all, the aim of teaching is to liberate, but mot to fetter the students innate powers of making sound judgements.






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Happy summer holidays

my summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. i went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. it is very beautiful there. there are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people. i spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. i wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

besides that, I helped the children in the neighbour hood with their lessons. i helped them read english improve their spoken english. their parents thanked me for this.








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春节是中华民族的传统节日,我最喜欢过春节。 The Spring Festival is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation. I like the Spring Festival most.












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Distant bells, off a memorable yesterday; Crispy crackers, heralded a new era. Mountain, spring accumulation in the depression; Water, under the frozen the billow to west; Life, just in this continue refining extract; Hope that spread in the germinal now. New Year is coming, the pace towards the streets, the fields, the harmonious urban villages, great river north and south. Tune is my biggest wish in the heart, above is the only wealth in front of my eyes!

New Year begins, we shine the sky with hope, across all the clouds on the sky, it is waving the banner of progress. We use power across the earth, and the fresh wind blows the earth, that is the pace of progress of eager feelings.

Harmony belongs to the steps.

In the New Year, there is a starting point that call, have a kind of journey called eagerly, have a kind of speed that transcend, have a kind of rhythm called halma. In China, the pace of progress is so sonorous and forceful. The composition

New Year begins, in front of the pace, we have our own sweat and pay, with harmony and magnificent, with pride and happiness! The pace of belongs to the unity of harmony.

The New Year, is in our hands. Because, we have opened the first page table calendar, the good wishes for a note into the thick, New Years day, with the power of a year a new starting point. The New Year, is in our hands. Because we control the new verb: vision, overlooking, plan, listening, waiting and change. We listen to the storm of the past, and listen to the song of the New Year, listen to your heartbeat, listen to the pace of the harmonious society, and listen to sweat surge wave, listening to the sound of good news to fly. We accompany with these verbs. We look forward to the eleventh five-year plan. Before the threshold of the first year, we held his head high, walk together hold and firm confidence and extraordinary perseverance. The composition

We look at the beauty of the year, grazing and a piece of sunshine. In the first place, the heart shout out spring greetings, then pick up the read pen depict the blueprint of heart. Good news waiting for us. We change with the New Year, meet a year of good news... The pioneers of the New Year, I am your time. A second, I also cross. The motherland, I am your blood wayfarers. A drop of, I also go beyond.

In China, in the New Year auspicious sign, every day is very solemn, dignified one heart to a place called the rhythm of advancing with The Times.

In the market tide, practice a kind of idea, to create a kind of value, in both inside and outside the Great Wall and in the end of the world, can be a model in the market; In science realm, unlock a proposition, design a brand, no matter in the up and down the river or on the camels jiangnan, can be a hero of the independent innovation. The motherland, everywhere have my stage, everywhere have wayfarers of the shore! Along the tang poetry, we write beautiful chapter of the New Year; Along the silk road, our pursuit of the market economy. Let us in the New Years hard work, tenacious distances!

A second, I also cross. I am your time in Portland, New Year! A drop of, I also go beyond. I am in your blood wayfarers, our motherland! Reflected which belongs to the most beautiful heart and soul.

Cultivation of the New Year. In ruling ability, the New Year how many, the seeds of wisdom, sweat and innovation has, how many flowers, fruits and applause and how many.

In the New Year, a chamber enthusiasm is the starting point of the seeds, but also a starting point of the road; Walk the line is the starting point of people, is also the starting point. With beautiful dress up in the New Year. In the land of hope, into the prosperous policy, reform and opening to the outside through the long march. All the wisdom and potential burst, blossom and bear fruit in sweat; All the power and drive out, thrive in harmony. The yearning heart, one step one step forward; To hard pads under their feet, step by step forward, beauty is a flower bursting in sight, the New Year with heart. Before the New Year, drunk is not only a heart!

Heart belongs to the most beautiful and stretch of beauty...
















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Nowadays, every student pays enough attention to studyhabit because of its importance. As for me, I have three ways to improve mystudy habits.


Firstly, make a plan for my study. The plan, I think,should include both the timetable, the regular and extra practice items. Andthe plan should be updated according to the progress of my study from time totime. Once the plan made, I follow it strictly.


Secondly, make full use of the time in the class. Itake notes of the important points of every class. I do not talk about anythingthat has nothing to do with the class. More importantly, I pay all my attentionto the class and listen to the teacher carefully.


Thirdly, critical study is also very important. Itmeans that we should not accept anything blindly and with careful thought.Everything is not absolutely correct in the world and everything is changing.We can find many answers to a question. If we think critically, we may findmany possibilities to solve a problem.

