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Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.

In the morning at nine o’clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.

In the afternoon at two o’clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o’clock we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.

Today I’m very happy!








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Yeah! Finally put the winter vacation, we said goodbye to each other after the graduation exam. Then, prepare cleaning for the coming New Year. This year, as usual, and dad are busy working, so the cleaning of the year to see my mother and I. When we finally after cleaning the Windows and doors have to look brand-new, with only the final step - to stick couplets on the Spring Festival. Mom let I was standing on a ladder, put a new Spring Festival couplets, suddenly filled with the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year!

New Years eve that day, my mother and I would have to start preparing something to worship, looked at the altar all kinds of good material, Im forefinger big move! But mom said to enjoy ancestors, such as wheel got me! Who is eager to ah, really want to hurry to eat so much food. In the evening, is the centerpiece of the New Years eve, family reunion dinner. Surround furnace, and family is my most looking forward to get a red envelope! I want to salute the elders first, and then obediently take a red envelope, and thanks to their elders, said auspicious words.

In the issue, my mother and I together back to outside public happy New Year. Met my cousin and cousin are there, we play together, eat together, so we had a long and happy day. The next day we went to qing farm out hair, to meet the land after the sunrise, we went to see the good shepherd drove the sheep and sheep strip show, looked round sheep suddenly become thin, is so cute!

We meet and grandma, aunt, the next day we went to yangming mountain, but because the weather is too cold, so up and down the hill immediately, what a pity. But finally also insight to the peculiar climate there. New Year, we in the winding mountain road and enjoy the beautiful scenery, I dont know dont think of the past.



到了年初二,我和妈妈一起回外公家拜年。在那里遇到了表哥和表妹们,大家一起玩,一起吃东西,就这样我们度过了漫长又快乐的一天。隔天我们往清境农场出 发,迎接清境的日出美景之后,我们又去看了精彩的牧羊犬赶羊和绵羊脱衣秀,看着圆滚滚的绵羊转眼间变得瘦巴巴的,真是可爱!




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The earth is our home, we should protect the earth. Now in some areas there have been landslides, typhoons, forest fire, river pollution, destruction of the ozone layer, air pollution...... We have to continue to suffer from the nature of the punishment.


How can we protect our homeland? We should plant more trees, do not indiscriminate felling of trees, do not throw garbage, pay attention to health, to keep the campus clean. A variety of flowers and plants, water conservation, protection of animal, no damage to water...... Said we must do. We want to become rich in water resources, living trees, no desert, no disaster, marine products, lawn area larger...... Let us change the environment, change the net, greener, more beautiful environment.


Protect environment, everyones responsibility! Only when each of us to give a bit of environmental protection themselves, can make the home more beautiful tomorrow.



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People have hobby is varied, novel and wonderful, have prosaic. My hobby is not novel, but a wide, even the parents often plaint. And in this great hobby, I still have a special liking to reading.

Love reading also from seven years ago. Thats naughty I didnt love reading, but on one occasion, from toys pile was found in a book is opened. Curiosity prompted me to look down. All of a sudden, I was immediately beautiful illustrations in the book and the wonderful content to attract. And open the floodgates, from now on, I will fall in love with reading.

Grew up, understand more and more, I love reading, watching every day, a day watching less all not line, become a real bookworms. To this end, I still made a joke! Remember once, my mother let me boil water, boiling water, I picked up a book, taste with relish to read the contents, get carried away. As a result, the kettle was burnt out, full of smoke. At this time, the mother saw it, he asked me what happened. When I return to god." Oh, no! Wheres my water? "This picture to see me, mother helplessly sigh: alas! You little bookworm! How many times have I told you..."

Although I because reading by mistake, but I still love reading. Because from the book, I learned many knowledge,ve learned a lot, know many friends: the ugly duckling, the happy prince, the Monkey King, lu xun, bing xin, Edison... Reading is to improve my writing level by a lot!

Now, the book became my daily necessary nutrition, life without books, like a bird without wings, life without books, like life without sunshine, a book is the ladder of human progress, book is the source of knowledge!

I love reading, because reading makes my life rich and colorful, make my life full of sunshine!









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零点的钟声终于敲响了,顿时,外面响起了震耳欲聋的鞭炮声,我立刻冲到楼下,哇哦!原本又黑又静的夜空一下子 变的色彩斑斓,有黄的、蓝的、绿的......,我和爸爸也不甘示弱,拿起手中的炮也放了起来。




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Dear teachers

hello everyone!

Novel coronavirus our wills unite like a fortress. The Spring Festival

holiday in 2020 has been a long time for us. Facing the sudden outbreak of the

new coronavirus, the people of the whole country are united in their efforts to

fight the epidemic. In this battlefield without gunpowder smoke, as a member of

the real primary school kindergarten, we should always put "the life safety and

health of teachers and students first", respond to the epidemic situation with a

positive attitude, and do our best with a high sense of social responsibility!

To this end, the following initiatives are issued to all teachers:

1、 Be the forerunner of scientific epidemic prevention

Teachers should follow the novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention

guidelines and other epidemic prevention regulations, do not gather, do not

gather, do not gather at the gathering place, eliminate contact with the

relevant personnel in key areas of epidemic prevention and control, wear masks

outside, wash hands frequently, return to good hygiene habits, do well in their

own and family health management, and actively cooperate with the community

(Village) group control. Work, strengthen physical exercise, improve physical

quality, fully show the good image of peoples teachers.

2、 To be a caretaker of students

At this special moment, every teacher should pay more attention to and care

for children. Through wechat group, QQ group and other ways, we should further

strengthen the scientific prevention guidance for children and parents, do a

good job in the touch and arrangement of each child, understand the daily

movement and health situation of children, and summarize them according to the

times of the school. Guide parents to take good care and supervision, remind

parents to pay close attention to childrens physical and mental health,

appropriate exercise, reasonable diet, to ensure childrens physical and mental


3、 Be the practitioner of online service

As the saying goes, "spring is at the end of a year". According to the

guiding opinions on primary and secondary schools and kindergartens during the

delayed start of epidemic prevention and control in Chongqing city "issued by

the Municipal Academy of education and science, Shixiao kindergarten has decided

to guide children to" suspend classes and never stop school, Da Ai Yong online

"during the period of school extension

1. According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the school

will be postponed. Teachers scientifically arrange their own work and life at

home, and take grade group as the unit, formulate online learning activities

(including one week activity plan, work and rest schedule, activity content,

childrens learning feedback and other requirements).

2. Through the class wechat group (or QQ group) upload activity

arrangement, effectively carry out the class self-help learning guidance work

(childrens learning feedback).

3. Adhere to professional reading, read "learning with children" carefully,

and think about the kindergarten based curriculum of "etiquette education"

combined with class examples.

In this special holiday, lets always pay attention to the growth of

children and use professional strength to convey warmth and love! Home hand in

hand, accompany children to spend special holidays!

Dadukou Experimental Primary School Kindergarten







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在我一天天的盼望中,新年终于到了,人 们顿时忙碌起来。

卖烟花爆竹的小摊子也出来 做生意了,大街小巷一片沸腾的景象。 这天晚上,时不时会有几户人家把烟花点 燃,放上天去;有时还有几个调皮的小孩也来 凑热闹,手里面拿着“甩炮”,往地上扔去, 害得大地疼得毕毕剥剥地叫着。各家各户把灯 打开,有的人家在看电视;有的人家在吃团圆 饭;还有的人家在家里开家庭演唱会。天上是 五颜六色的火花结成彩,地上是万万千千的灯 火一片红。 我和几个老同学也在一起说说笑话,讲讲 故事,我的心中顿时想起了一首诗: 爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖入屠苏。 千门万户瞳瞳日, 总把新桃换旧符。 是啊,在热闹的爆竹声中,送走了难忘的 旧岁;多少温暖的春风,给满面笑容的人们送 来了新年。我们又长了一岁,家家户户敞开了 门窗,让大年初一明亮的阳光照进屋里. 在这爆竹声中,何尝不会夹杂着喧天的锣 鼓、欢快的器乐,何尝不会洋溢着爽朗的笑声 呢? 我又大了一岁,我应该更加懂事,妈妈和 爸爸在我身上下了那么多功夫,我要好好读 书,长大后为祖国争光,为祖国出力。十年树 木,百年树人。我不会辜负父母和老师对我的 一片苦心 . 关于新年的作文 “新年来了!”“新年来了!”。

新年娃娃来到了人间,为人们献上最衷心的祝福。让人们在新的一年里更加快乐!过上一年更比一年好的日子! 看,那蔚蓝蔚蓝的天空一下子变成火红火红的了,红彤彤的弥漫着喜气洋洋的味道,人们看着真是乐呵啊!那沥青小道在这个时候也仿佛变成了一条华丽的地毯,地毯的两旁开着鲜花,走在上面真有种置身仙境的感觉,世界一下子变成了个天堂!人们也纷纷在门前挂上了大红灯笼,一排排整整齐齐,红红火火,美丽极了! 听,远处传来了“新年歌”,人们听着好象陶醉了似的,不是陶醉在这歌声里,而是陶醉在了这人间仙境里啊!火红的天空,五彩的大地,喜气的灯笼,悦耳的“新年歌”,真是一派好风景啊! 人们穿上了自己的新衣服,脸上洋溢着愉快的笑容。他们走家串户,互相祝福,好不喜庆。 然而,在这欢庆的日子里,每个人都是这样的无忧无虑吗?新年娃娃看到,许多在灾患中幸存下来的可怜的人们,并不像其他人一样有吃有喝,还有新衣服,他们仍旧生活在饥寒交迫之中。新年娃娃掉下了一滴真情的泪,这泪滴飘洒到了那些贫穷的灾患地区,转眼,灾民们也过上了美好的生活,他们的脸上不再有忧愁和痛苦,取而代之的是幸福和安逸。新年娃娃露出了可爱的笑容,悄悄离开了。 新年娃娃为新年送上了一份宝贵的礼物,不仅是美好的祝福,还有灾民们美好的生活。它走了,但它的祝福永远留在了人们心中。“给,永远比拿快乐。”




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Our world is originally mountains, vast sea is blue, the vast sky is blue, the earth on which we live there are so many beautiful scenery, let us can not help but to admire the beauty of this world.

In this world there are ten million species of creatures, they get along, together in this live on the earth like a sapphire, tens of millions of years, too, will not change. But there is a kind of biological change the world, it is in this world with his proud technology to kill themselves, it is human. Human beings in this world only live for one million years, but it such as brute kills life on earth! In 2009, the Indian da-hong ruined homes of five million people in one hundred; In 2010, the Haitian earthquake left two hundred and thirty thousand people dead, according to estimates that by the year 2050, there will be two hundred and fifty million ecological refugees, we use our knowledge to kill themselves, as a human, I think its ironic.

The earth is in the vast universe, the only planet to harbor life, originally the earth is green hills and water, a piece is abundant, but todays earth after hurricanes, forest fires and drought in high temperature, is about to collapse, the earth began to shout for us, in the 2010 years, the earth has used its roar to kill two hundred and thirty-six thousand people, the earths voice we should hear, or the end of the world will come in advance.

Close to one end of the alarm, have "lungs of the earths forest gradually reduce, the earth began to collapse, there is only one earth, and this one belongs to you, rather than a human, the earth is our refuge, we should find a balance point and the earth coexistence, reduce the anger of the earth, let the human is no longer increase driver disaster, let us have a better living environment, but also for generations to leave some more living space.







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Dear Mr. Cao


This new year, I have read a lot of books about the new year, and the book

that impresses me most is Spring Festival.

The author of Spring Festival is an Chengna. A long time ago, there was a

monster named "Nian". It had two sharp horns and covered with plum red scales.

Bigger than an elephant, fiercer than a tiger. It looks terrible. Every new

years Eve, "Nian" will come to the village to eat people. One year "Nian" came

again, and a young man said, "its better to fight with it than to let it eat!"

The young people nearby picked up the weapons on the ground and attacked Nian

one after another. Unfortunately, they were not the opponents of Nian, so they

were all eaten by Nian.

Since then, "Nian" has become more fierce, so every new years Eve people

will hide in caves. Another year, new years Eve arrived, just as people were

packing up, there was an old man begging. The old man asked people for food, but

people were very busy and had no time to pay attention to him. Suddenly, an old

woman gave him some food and advised him to go up the mountain to hide. But he

did not hurry to eat the food his wife gave him. The old woman advised him to

run for his life, but he said, "I have a way to get rid of Nian. She thought he

was talking crazy, so I had to leave him. In the middle of the night, Nian broke

into the village. She found a big red paper on her door, lit a candle in the

room, and burned a torch in the yard. "Year" carefully came to the door, and

suddenly came the "crackling" sound in the courtyard. Then an old man in red

came out laughing. "Nian" was so scared that he ran out of the village. The

original "year" most afraid of red, fire and explosion sound!

The next day, the people who took refuge were very surprised to see that

the village was safe and sound! The old woman suddenly realized that the

villagers talked about the old mans promise. People flocked to their wives and

in laws house. They saw red paper pasted in front of the door, and a pile of

unburned bamboo in the courtyard was still "popping" and several red candles in

the room were still flashing. In fact, the old man is to help people mirror out

"Nian" immortals.

Since then, every new years Eve, every family pastes couplets to set off

firecrackers, and every household has bright lights to keep the new year. People

call this traditional festival the Spring Festival.

After reading this book, I realized that the old beggar turned out to be a

fairy. I was so moved that the "year" was formed in this way. Now we also call

it "Spring Festival". I think this book is very popular. I have learned a lot

from it. I really want more foreigners to know and understand the true meaning

of the traditional Chinese festival "Spring Festival". thank you!


The work went well

Your student: Huang Ziming



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Dear teacher

Hello! First of all, I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy


Time like water, five years of primary school is fleeting. In these five

years, it is you who have given us the blue sky, let us fly freely in the ocean

of knowledge, it is you who have given us sunshine and let us open like


I still remember that on the first day of entering the school, our first

Chinese teacher and the first head teacher of my primary school, Ruan, led us to

visit the campus. I was most impressed by her bright laughter and warm eyes. Mr.

Zhu, a lovely math teacher, is very vivid in class. There is also mis Wang, our

English teacher. She is the spirit of our class. At Christmas, she came to our

classmates with a bag of presents on her back. At this moment, your smiling

faces flash in front of my eyes.

After entering the fourth grade, we have to change teachers. Looking at

each others eyes, we are sad. At this time, a small pink figure on the

platform, a baby face, is a pair of bright eyes. Fashion clothing, bright colors

suddenly lit up our small eyes. This is the second head teacher of my primary

school --- Mr. Zhao Ying. Mr. Zhao teaches us how to be a human being ten

minutes before class every day. Tell us that it is not important to win or lose

once, but to never give up and stick to it. Our math teacher is as quick as a

gust of wind, speaking fast, marking homework fast. My slow temperament is often

confused by this speed.

Our English teacher Mr. Wangs decomposition learning method makes me no

longer hate English.

Dear teachers, over the past five years, you have been making great efforts

to educate us. You are like a big tree, and we are thriving in your shade. You

have given us the same care as our mother, which makes me feel extremely happy

and makes me interested in learning,

Yes, sometimes you are very strict with us, and you are often strict with

us. You also often teach us lessons and be responsible for us. Even if we have a

little bit of mistakes, you will find out. But I know that you are for us to

learn better and deeper, so that we can have great achievements in the


Teacher, thank you for your serious and responsible education, thank you

for your concern for us, thank you for teaching us a lot of knowledge, thank you

for your selfless dedication to us, a thousand and ten thousand "thank you" can

not express my gratitude to you!

I wish teachers:

Healthy and beautiful forever!

Your student: Zhou Kexin



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News, used to be the most dont like to see it. Since the childhood has been like watching cartoon and foam. Now over the years is already 15 years old girl, the adults always said I dont understand, I also often because of his bad temper, or not doing things. "Knowledge too little" finally let me find the dawn, from then on began to like the news.

Compared to the past, only reading does make me understand a lot of knowledge, also became the academic leaders, but its a downright failure in life. While reading can also know society, but after all the writers praise is the truth in life, and that I love watching cartoons, and eulogize justice and goodness, degeneration and reject evil. In such an environment, my heart has been living in the white cloud, so that as the growth of the age, heart is still very naive. But I will contact with the reality of society, the essence of this society is not absolutely fair, not cheated can only let oneself become strong. But when he does not know this, just complain, disposition also become bad. Fortunately, when I was going to despair, when the news took me, no let me into the who also do not know to have bottomless pit.

Know only after watching the news of the worlds largest and I small. The content of the news is very rich, I also have different preferences, from country to country, down to between people. I see from a real case: "some of the good qualities: honesty, integrity, good Samaritan, wisdom... how important it is for this society!






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“一天又一天,一年又一年,快乐童年……”这首歌奏响了我心中的旋律。童年是一缕春风,停留过,但又要飘然离去;童年是快乐的小鸟,磨练着,现在就要飞向蓝天;童年是跃动的音符,奏响了,充满童趣的协奏曲…… "One day after day, year after year, happy childhood ..." This song sounded the melody in my heart.Childhood is a ray of spring breeze, staying, but drifting away; childhood is a happy bird, hone, now fly to the blue sky; childhood is a jumping notes, played, and childlike concerto full of childlike interests.Native







