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I am a volunteer of civilization

On Saturday morning, the mother to the street when creating civilized city volunteer, I want my mother to go with me.

In the street, my mother and I are same, chest wearing the brand of volunteers, see the Windows on both sides of the street there are disorderly stick over a small advertising let the owner to remove it; See the floor with paper scraps, pick it up in the bin.

, in front of a small shop has a hurried walk uncle just throw of the finished cigarette butts on the ground, was I saw a pair of "critical", I hurriedly ran to say to him: "uncle, would you please pick up the cigarette butts? We want to be a civilized citizen". Uncle smile at me, al Jefferson said: "good, good, good," and bent down to throw cigarette butts picked up in the bin. At that time, my in the mind to mention how happy. In addition, I also stopped a lot on the side of the road is not according to the parking space vehicles.

After a busy morning, I found I have jurisdiction over the road, road clean, neat, orderly vehicle parking, I am very happy, because I also can contribute to create civilized city.









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说起来,时间过得真快,再一个月就到2016年的春节了。我真希望春节早些来到,我盼望着一家人 其乐融融的在一起办年货,过佳节。







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Some people ask me what my new years wish is? I think my new years wish is "a more storey" than last year.

What is the wish of the new year? Its wise. I want to be wiser than last year, before, because I didnt have time to read books, and I wouldnt be able to arrange it for the rest of the time. Now, I want to read books in holidays, during the break time, so that I can acquire knowledge, so that I can make progress in my mind.

What is the wish for the new year? Its joy. I want to be happier than last year. I dont have time to play games, go out and relax. I hope to relax more in the new year. Although our learning tasks are very heavy, we should also learn to relax ourselves in a proper way so that our life will be more joyful and more exciting.

What is the wish for the new year? Its hard work. I want to study harder than I did last year, and do something else... In peacetime, I do not learn how, so I want to work harder than last year, I have to study well, when I grow up to return to the motherland. I want to think that I will graduate in half a year, so I have to study hard. I want to enter my ideal middle school with excellent results, and strive for my ideal, so that I can achieve my goal in life.



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Dear Mr. John,

Just a note to wish you a very happy new year. May the new year bring you joy, love and peace. My memory of you is one of the most delightful experience I have ever had. I would very much like to continue our friendship.

As another year draws to close, it gives us great pleasure to say how much we have appreciated(感激) working with you over the past twelve months. We sincerely hope that our pleasant business relationship will continue for years to come.

Our staff here join me in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming









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The new year

On New Years Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

Then, the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted. He shouted our, "The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn." The hall After that, they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there, the other three stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:"The dog stands out among a group of chickens."

On New Years Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.



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春节是举家团聚的喜庆日子。除夕家家户户贴春联、挂灯笼,火红的春联与灯笼象征着来年红红火火的日子。大街小巷车水马龙、张灯结彩,人人脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。家家户户准备了丰盛的 年夜饭。

除夕我们一家围着餐桌享受完丰盛年夜饭来到楼下放烟火。爸爸买了好多的烟火,有方的、有长的、有圆锥形……我们小心翼翼地把一个大大的“年年有余”放到场地中央,爸爸小心地找出它 的引线,用香烟点着引线,我睁大眼睛瞅着引线一点点缩短,一会儿一个火苗“嗖”地一声飞上高空,随着“叭”地一声,空中出现了五彩缤纷的烟花,一个接一个,像盛天的花朵、像闪闪的星星,象 五彩的灯火……五彩斑澜把夜空装扮得格外美丽。

放完烟花我一边欣赏着远处夜空的烟花一边往回走,回到家里,爸爸妈妈把早准备的压岁钱给我,祝我学习进步、快乐成长!我忙说谢谢,祝福爸爸妈妈:心想事成、万事如意!随后我们一家人 兴致勃勃地围着电视机观看“春节联欢晚会”。





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我们都知道“书,是人类进步的阶梯;”我们感受过“读书破万卷,下笔如有神;”我们体会了“书中自有颜如玉,书中自有黄金屋;”因为书中的为人处事、因为书中的体会感悟才令我们成长,我们与书密不可分。 We all know that "book is the ladder of human progress;" we have experienced "reading through thousands of volumes, writing as gods;There is Yan Ruyu, and the book has its own golden house; "Because the book is doing things, and because of the experience in the book, we grow up. We are inseparable from the book.








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Today isMid-autumn Day. I have a big meal at home with my parents and relatives. This isan important festival, so my mother was busy with preparing the dinner frommorning. She bought a lot of foods for the dinner. We ate the dinner at 5:30p.m.. The dinner was very delicious. I was so full. After dinner, we went totheHongTingParkto enjoy the glorious full moon. There were many people in the park. We talked toeach other and strangers. Of course, the moon cake was essential. We had agreat night there.



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春天来了,燕子从南方归来了, 它一身乌黑亮丽的羽毛,一双俊俏轻盈的翅膀,在天空中啄着树枝准备回家重新建巢。


人们赞美着这美丽、鲜艳的花儿。花儿听着赞美之辞,快乐极了。 我来到田野里,天上下起了蒙蒙春雨,这春雨湿润缉筏光禾叱鼓癸态含卡了小草,让小草更加翠绿,湿润了大地,让大地更加柔软…农民伯伯露出了甜甜的微笑,他们播下了南瓜种、玉米种……他们也同时播下了希望,希望来年秋天能有一个好收成。

他们仿佛看到了茄子穿上了紫袍,冬瓜披上了白纱,高粱举起了火把…… 他们有快乐的笑了。 我又来到了大宁河边,我看见小朋友正在漫滩路上奔跑着,放着五颜六色的风筝,看着他们甜蜜的笑容,我也快乐的笑了。





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"One yuan after beginning, vientiane update." In the firecrackers dropped back, walked quietly out of the old year, and then come the New Year, in the old year, there are many is too late to do, is not good. As the saying goes: "a good beginning is half done", therefore, now I want to set a good plan, welcome the New Year, towards a better future.

"All the past, as the past and come to an end, everything in the future, when all the rejuvenation, must start from scratch." In the middle of this year, I hope can study to the next level, and exercise more body, make oneself more energetic to participate in learning activities. After a good plan, should strive to achieve more. On study, I will push myself more actively, in addition to the schools academic, but also more 渋 extracurricular knowledge, reading, consult teachers, seeking truth from facts, go all out, it is easy to believe that to achieve wishes. In daily life, also want to develop good health habits, and early to bed and early to rise, life rule, to have a balanced diet, not picky eaters, after school, also want to take a walk outdoors, a breath of fresh air, jams telescopic party, as a result, to lay foundation for the body. I would to plan for the center of the circle, practice of radius, with industrious hands to draw a perfect circle.

Wish you the best of health, make a wish in the heart can be a dream come true.

“一元复始,万象更新。”在此起彼落的鞭炮声中,旧的一年悄悄的走了,新的一年紧接着到来,在旧的一年中有许多是来不及做、做的不好。俗话说:”好的开始 是成功的一半”因此,现在我要订定好计划,迎接新年,迈向好的未来。

”过去的一切,随着过去而告结束;今后一切,当此万象回春之日,必须从头做起。”在今年当中,我期许学业能更上一层楼,并且锻炼更强健的体魄,使 自己更有活力参与各项学习活动。 拟定好计划后,更要努力去实现。在学习上,我要督促自己更积极,除了学校的课业外,还要渋取更多课外知识,多阅读、多请教师长,实事求是,全力以赴,相信 实现愿望并非难事。日常生活中,也要养成良好的卫生习惯,并且早睡早起,生活规律,饮食上要均衡、不挑食,课余时,也要到户外走一走、’呼吸新鲜空气、眺 望远方,如此一来,才能为强健的体魄奠定基石。 我会以计划为圆心,实践为半径,用勤奋的双手画出一颗完美的圆。




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Teachers and workers, Party members, teachers and educators in the


happy new year!

On the occasion of spring and winter, the Party committee and

administration of Jiangan County Education Bureau extend their cordial

greetings and festival congratulations to all Party members, cadres, teaching

staff and educators who have worked hard and selflessly on the education front,

and extend the most sincere New Years wishes to the retired comrades who have

contributed their youth to the education reform, development and stability in

our county!

20__ is a fruitful year. The countys education work around the municipal

Party committees "stability and efficiency, innovation and progress" work

requirements and the county Party committee, county governments "145"

development strategy, implemented the work deployment of the Municipal Bureau of

education and sports, worked hard to implement the "12388" education work ideas,

fully completed all the objectives and tasks, won 58 awards of various types at

all levels, overcame one difficulty after another in tackling difficulties, and

achieved success in the transformation and catch-up We got one gratifying result

after another. First, the four major projects of "two bedrooms, one hall and one

road" in rural compulsory education took the lead in fulfilling the solemn

promise of "three-year task and two-year completion" made by the county Party

committee to the municipal Party committee one year ahead of schedule. Its

working practices have been communicated and promoted in the City for four times

and have been publicized and praised by the whole city; Second, the teaching

quality of each stage has been comprehensively improved and the goal and task of

"three-year action plan for quality improvement" of the county Party committee

and the county government has been successfully completed. Preschool education

has won the first prize of the city (third place), the teaching quality of

compulsory education has won the second prize (fourth place), the second prize

of recommendation and selection of top-notch innovative talents (third place),

and senior high school education has won the citys top-notch innovative talents

training contribution award and the second comprehensive teaching quality award

Jiangan vocational school has won the first prize of comprehensive evaluation

of teaching quality and the first prize of National Youth Science and technology

innovation; third, the system of education supervision responsibility area

established by innovation has been promoted in the whole province and has been

praised by the provincial and municipal education supervision committee, and has

been exchanged and promoted inside and outside the province; Fourth, the

education and peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment ranked the top

three in the city for five consecutive years. In the citys education and

peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment achieved 7 first places and 6

second places, especially the rural compulsory education "two bedrooms, one hall

and one road" project ranked first in the city; Fifthly, new breakthroughs have

been made in raising funds for educational development. The proportion of

financial education funds in the countys budget expenditure has increased to

24%, reaching 517.55 million yuan, and a total of 100 million yuan has been

obtained in the whole year

20__ is an extraordinary year. It is not only the year with the most

outstanding features and achievements, but also the most complicated year in

which the positive energy is gathered and the negative containment is actively

resolved under the new normal. However, under the strong leadership of the

county Party committee and the county government, with the care and help of the

county peoples Congress and the county CPPCC, and under the careful guidance of

the Municipal Bureau of education and sports, the party and government team of

the County Education Bureau united and led the vast number of teaching and

administrative staff in the county, took a firm stand, took the initiative, took

the courage to take responsibility and overcome the difficulties, withstood the

severe tests again and again, overcame one difficulty after another, and won

each other The understanding and support of the leaders and the society have won

a good opportunity for development. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt


The year of 20__ is a key year to promote the reform of the whole area,

administer education according to law, and adapt to the new normal. The

education work of the whole county will closely follow the development

orientation of the "three demonstration counties" of the county Party committee

and the county government and the main line of "steady speed and quality

improvement", comprehensively implement the work deployment of the Municipal

Bureau of education and sports, highlight the work theme of "promoting

righteousness, promoting harmony and strengthening development", and focus on

the implementation of the "six ones" development strategy with "three needs" and

"two behaviors" We should pay close attention to a plan, that is, the overall

plan of education reform and development of the whole county; vigorously

implement a project, that is, to implement the project of "going out and

inviting in"; build a core with solid, namely, the core of education quality;

Make a good preparation with eyes, that is to prepare for the acceptance of

balanced development of national and Provincial Compulsory Education in 20__; We

should make great efforts to promote the new development with the new normal of

"six uses" of force, heart, energy, practicality, eye and policy, and strive to

run a satisfactory education for the people, and make new contributions to

accelerating the realization of the "three major struggle goals" in the whole


In the new year, with a new starting point and a new journey, we hope that

the staff and Party members and teachers in the county will meet the new

challenges with a new attitude and create more brilliant achievements. At the

same time, I wish the teaching staff, Party members, teachers and educators in

the countys education system a happy new year, good health, happy family and

all the best!



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talking of all those who experienced —— by fu bao liang

XX was gone. regardless men and women being old and little, are all those who experienced opposite

in XX ago each en··grave at that time. likewise, we are all those who experienced opposite in XX ago

the affairs occurred that everybody self-moved with proceeded.

we are all those who experienced on this meaning. we are all those who experienced in the old society

experienced successvily the distress children the ages of; we are all those who experienced in the

student-campaign to struggle for freedom and liberation under reactionary rule; we are all those who

experienced pass through to endure the “trained” with agriculture labour in the fanatic ages;we are all

those who experienced through postgraduate exam smoothly and obtained academic degree one by one; we are all those who experienced with often failure to get job; we are all those who experienced to get cictory in trading-battle by grasped business opportunity; we are all those who experienced in fierce battle to resist u.s aggression and aid korea; we are all those who experienced hastening industry modernization high-speed to fight courageously in that area; we are all those who experienced to ascend in front of the world on researching and developing science and technology ; we are all those who experienced to drive out the sick-satan by weared white clothes; we are all those who experienced to concern every working and all happening; we are all those who experienced to have lived a long or a few life.

there probable were all sorts of heroes and modles among us all who were accomplished by state of affairs.they have made offers for the advantage of nation and people.they gained brilliant achievement hastened nation properity and strength because of their hard. there probable were energetic worker not t known to public among us all. they devoted theirselves to the work and got not despised achievement,who became national indispensable cadre.there probable were some luky persons among us all of the favourable time.they became certain rich by excellent managed.there probable were not too bright ordinary people among us all.they engaged the whole day for livelihood of family but living afflicted them whole year. there probable were various unfortunate among us all who have ever been in miserable condition

moreover have been afflicted with disaster.they have to confront the fact but very

difficult. there probable were……among us all……

the livelong history sent us various all those who experienced and it will continue to do that.the moved

time record multifarious on the different track.various condition take place with all those who experienced. that’s experience or lesson opposite to the person concerned.the multitude may discuss to have no objection to take out the “past” if allowing exchange.

there seem to be different analysis and different argument about samething. no problem , “let a hundred flowers blossom,let a hundred schools of thought contend”is known to everyone.nowadays,here are about some healty question that i want to exchange.

to speak of age,i’m more than 70 , forward 80 years the old-decayed but seeming old no decay.i’ve no disease,full of energy,never feel tired,action swift and the memory is great.the younger and stronger can do something which i do it,too.



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On New Years Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good.

It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.



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Today is New Year, I wish my wish, very not easy to get this joyful holiday to come. New Years day, is our country folk ceremonious, the most lively a traditional holiday. I like the New Year, because you can get a red envelope, gather the family livelily, how happy things. Although our house is my mother and I and my sister, but Im still happy.

Early in the morning, I was waken up by the "or" firecrackers, began my new plan. I happily to find mom, grinning ground to say: "mom, I wish you a happy New Year, more and more beautiful!" Mother to listen to and then said, "that also wish you academic progress, happy every day!" And then solemnly give red packets to me.

In the afternoon, we went to bought a lot of gun, what the tortoise cannons, parachutes, fireworks anyway. By six o clock, we according to the convention on the balcony of the rope to hang a big bunch of firecrackers, exciting moment arrived, sister gently walked over, picked up in the hands of sweet braved Mars, carefully lit firecrackers, ran quickly. The gunshot deafening, we had to put his hand over his ears, look at the bright sparks, is very colorful. Then we went to dinner.

The food is delicious, have dumplings, braise in soy sauce meat, green vegetables soup, etc., an appetite is big, I forgot drooling, picked up the chopsticks one breath a soup, with a full stomach I watch TV.

New Years party was really wonderful ah, have a nice compendium of materia medica, and eye-catching "ring into egg", and "not bad money" zhao4 ben3 shan, is really an eye-opener to me.The New Year is really makes me unforgettable, like the first the unforgettable tonight!



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