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My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations

It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.

As students,we often take examinations at school,but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us.On the other hand,some of us are lazy and dont work hard at their lessons.So when taking examinations,they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

In my opinion,it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools.We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations.Whats more,we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.




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HuangMei is  my  hometown. It is  in  the  East  in  HuBei.It is East  on  the  city  named  AnQing  of   AnHui.And it is  south to   the  city  named  JiuJiang  of  JiangXi. It  is  a    great city  in  my  heart.It  has  a long  history for about  1800 years  in  China .Example .The  temple  named  SiZu  and  WuZu were   in  HuangMei for a  long  years-old.Today,Every  year  many   visitor  come  different part  to  there.As  a  daughter  from Huangmei.I  leaved it away  for  about  seven  years. But  I miss it everyday .Even  in  a lot of  my  dream  in  the  night  .I belive HuangMei will  be  richer and  richer .The  new  year  2009  will going .Tonight  I  hope  everything  will  be  well  in  my  new 26  years-old.All  my friends  will be  well.I  must  work  hard in   the new  year.I will be ain growth as  my  hometown .




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Today is New Year, I wish my wish, very not easy to get this joyful holiday to come. New Years day, is our country folk ceremonious, the most lively a traditional holiday. I like the New Year, because you can get a red envelope, gather the family livelily, how happy things. Although our house is my mother and I and my sister, but Im still happy.

Early in the morning, I was waken up by the "or" firecrackers, began my new plan. I happily to find mom, grinning ground to say: "mom, I wish you a happy New Year, more and more beautiful!" Mother to listen to and then said, "that also wish you academic progress, happy every day!" And then solemnly give red packets to me.

In the afternoon, we went to bought a lot of gun, what the tortoise cannons, parachutes, fireworks anyway. By six o clock, we according to the convention on the balcony of the rope to hang a big bunch of firecrackers, exciting moment arrived, sister gently walked over, picked up in the hands of sweet braved Mars, carefully lit firecrackers, ran quickly. The gunshot deafening, we had to put his hand over his ears, look at the bright sparks, is very colorful. Then we went to dinner.

The food is delicious, have dumplings, braise in soy sauce meat, green vegetables soup, etc., an appetite is big, I forgot drooling, picked up the chopsticks one breath a soup, with a full stomach I watch TV.

New Years party was really wonderful ah, have a nice compendium of materia medica, and eye-catching "ring into egg", and "not bad money" zhao4 ben3 shan, is really an eye-opener to me.The New Year is really makes me unforgettable, like the first the unforgettable tonight!



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岁月如梭,时光荏苒,不经意间在xx已经一个月,分分秒秒从指缝间溜走。开始的陌生,来时的惊异与感叹,那份对于美好的向往,对于未来的期盼都已向现实挺进。爽朗温和的天空,在骤雨的疯狂洗涤下,人总会有那么一丝的伤感和忧郁。人类的情感或许就得到了完美的体现!时而焦躁,时而迷茫,时而空虚,时而无奈,时而激情四射,时而闷闷不乐。人生似乎就在这短暂的路程里,就让你感觉到了他的善变与强势。然而,擅处世者,以不变应万变,站在这充满历史香味的城市,翱翔于这有人文气氛的校园里,数着风流人物,看着今朝,这一片风景,在迎接着你的到来。牛顿说过:我之所以看得远,那是因为我站在了巨人的肩膀上。如今,我们也站在前辈们的肩膀上数数万里江山。 一:学习与工作之间的关系。大学是一个自律的舞台,没有高中老师的唠叨,没有小学老师的陪伴,一切都要靠自己。大一的活动似乎是整个大学间最多的,工作与学习也是一个恒久不变的话题。

工作能够充实我们在社会实践活动中的不足,在那里,你的人文素质、组织与团队能力,个人的品质等都能够得到体现和锻炼;而学习亦是如今这个社会必不可少的‘铁饭碗’。做个事,应个聘都要看你的xxx证,xxx证,有证似乎就是王道,也是你敲响大门的问路石。工作故重要,学习价更高,若为未来故,二者不可抛。 二:明确做事的目的性。有时候,会有这样一种感觉,忙忙碌碌一天过去,可是等自己静下来的时候,会有莫名的空洞,回头一想,感觉自己什么也没有得到。如果这样那么你的时间会和你的效率就达不到正比,有事倍功半的感觉。于是乎,在做之前,要想想这是对我有没有意义,我能够学到什么,在这个过程中,我还有什么需要去提高去锻炼的,又该怎么样去锻炼呢?行动四部曲,想想更健康。 三:学校中的小事,体现出的是大智慧。从生活的小事中体会,在大事中去落实。举一反三,以小见大,就是你能力和未来角色的体现。社会五颜六色,鱼龙混杂,要想在这个大圈里去发展,那么怎么样去适应,怎么样去协调,怎么样去做好自己,就显得颇为重要,只有这样你才有基础去行事,才有机会去做出别人不可能做到的事,吃到别人吃不到的肉。




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努力提高自己的实践动手能力,珍惜课程实验和实习。平心而论,我个人在这方面能力欠缺,因为我中学阶段都是非常重视理论和考试的,尽管是实验内容,老师也只是告诉我们步骤 ,怎么在考试中得分,所以我的实验素养很差。进入大学,实验能力提高到重要位置,条件也大为改善,但是基础的薄弱也造成我在实验课上不如意。然而我每次也都尽力地参与了实验,努力地完成,并尽可能地思考,三年的培养,虽然依然水平不高,但还是较之来时有进步的。





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Many people dream to live a healthy life. But sometimes they do not have a

full understanding of healthy life. In my mind, a healthy life includes physical

and mental health. People need to have a healthy diet and regular exercise to

make our physical more and more healthy. At the same time, people have to

remember that mental health is also very important. People need to find ways to

relax themselves and keep a good mood every day. At least do not be depressed

for a long time. People can have a healthy life only when they keep a good

health between physical and mental.



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There is a famous saying goes like that “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” This saying shows the relationship between knowledge and practice vividly.

As far as we know, if we don’t have corresponding knowledge of some fields, we cannot do well in the fields. There are innumerable examples to illustrate this point. For instance, a singer can sing well only if he or she possesses musical knowledge; a dancer can dance well only if he or she knows how to dance; a worker can get the job well-done only if he or she is familiar with the basic principles of the job, and so on. But in turn, if we do not apply what we have known to practice, knowledge cannot play its role. For example, if we have learned different methods of cooking vegetables, but we do not cook, then the different methods of cooking vegetables do not produce value for us.

Therefore, if we do not have knowledge, we have nothing to practice, but if we have knowledge without putting it into practice, knowledge is of no avail. So we should acquire as much knowledge and put it into practice.



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Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America, generally

observed as an expression of gratitude, usually to God. The most common view of

its origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn

harvest. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday

in November. In Canada, where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year,

the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is observed as

Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States.

Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends

and family. In the United States, it is an important family holiday, and people

often travel across the country to be with family members for the holiday. The

Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in

which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off. Thanksgiving is

almost entirely celebrated at home, unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas,

which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences.



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大学校园对大一新生来说像是一座迷宫,经常会迷路,这点我也不例外,但随着对校园的熟悉,这错综复杂的路最终会简化成一条路 即是你若要到某个地方去,绝对会像野生动物一样一条直线抵达,不肯多浪费一丝力气。第一天,先把学校逛了一遍,发现学校的基础设施设备虽一应俱全,但大多都是元老级别的了,从其身上不难看出许多历史的痕迹,能够保留至今,大概是为了契合中国“尊老”的传统。好在校园风景还差强人意,四处绿树成荫,鸟语花香,想必多年以后,留在学生脑海里的,绝不是课堂上的专心致志,而是这醉人的桂香与发香。

来到寝室,第一感觉是小,不到七十平米的房间内囊括了卫生间、洗漱台、柜子、桌子等设施;第二感觉是人多,小小的寝室竟然奇迹般地容纳下了十个人!所以整体感觉就一个字——挤。身处寝室,竟有了在外打工的打工仔们的味道,被老板安排在廉价拥挤的出租房内。实乃一大乐事。寝室的兄弟们来自“五湖四海”,泸州的涛哥说话很“泸州”,每个字发音短促且“i”“ian”不分,比如“梯田”这个词语在他口中就成了“梯提”。巴中的邦治兄说话带有浓重的鼻音,并且夹带卷舌,每次说话都能把我们逗乐。他不负“邦治”这个名字,总是喜欢和我们高谈天下风云 时政要闻,全球形势,兴国安邦之事。广元的郑哥发音低沉,也带有卷舌音和转音,是我们寝室,乃至我们班说话最难听懂的一个,别看他外表阳刚,性格豪迈,其实是内心非常敏感的一个人。峰哥是成都金堂的,说话与成都人无二,为人处事很成熟,深谙世道。另外,我们寝室有一位彝族兄弟沙马五且,我们都亲切地叫他“老沙”或者“沙师弟”,他身上有着彝族人的开朗与率真,为人热情和善,对每个人都是笑脸相迎,每个人对他的评价也都是“老沙是个好人”。其它兄弟在此不一一列举,否则有凑字数之嫌(这篇文章是科目考试的论文)。我真心地为有这样一帮兄弟而高兴自豪,前世的几百次回眸才换来今天的擦肩而过,所以前世脖子都扭断了,今天才能遇见你们,我会好好珍惜的!

都说他乡为异客,佳节倍思亲。远离家乡 来到一个陌生的地方,难免会生出许多的不适应 并患上一种叫“思乡”的疾病。而我,却没有一丁点儿的不适应,甚至说来,是乐不思蜀了。你们可以说我忘本 ,也可以称我没心没肺,但这的确是我的真实感受,因为受过高中三年的非人待遇,来到大学,就像猛虎归山,龙游深海,前所未有的自由感携着我的心飞上了九霄云外。什么老师的压迫,这样的苦酒何须饮,且把它洒在身后路;什么父母的叨扰,这样的哀乐不必闻,且把它埋进荒沙百尺深。

大一的课程很稀疏,一周总是有几天会半天半天地没课,加上周末和各种放假,闲着的日子真是多得擢发难数,我不想整天窝在寝室玩电脑,所以就加入了几个协会和社团,经常参加他们的活动,外出踏踏青,吃吃烧烤,打打球,进城逛逛,图书馆坐坐倒也过得轻松。并且 参与这些集体活动也能够提升我与人交际的能力 ,这块正是我所或缺的。学的东西并不局限于书本上嘛。





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One day of summer vacation is a day of community activities。 I had breakfast and arrived early in the community room。

After a while, the communitys teachers walked into the activity room with a heavy bundle of newspapers。 Were wondering, isnt this the time for us to come to the newspaper? Then the teacher smiled broadly and said, "children, today, let you experience the job of the mailman and send these" north chua "papers to the mailboxes of every household in the community。" With that, the teacher handed out a stack of newspapers to everyone。

I and my classmates wu yumeng and my colleagues sent a newspaper, and we searched each cell for the mailbox of each unit, then ran to carefully put the newspaper in the mailbox of each family。 Look at the boys, like in the box and we rob, all the controls of the newspaper into the box, some newspapers are crumpled, as if to say: "oh, dont argue, hurt me。"

Just sent to a half, we will have full head big sweat, think the postman uncle riding a car every day, newspaper, and mail, with a few big bag and the e—mails are all over the country, they will run every day how many road, is how not easy ah, than we are trivial, so I have the extremely good spirit, to send again。 When a stepping on a tricycle aunt recyclers, see our hands a pile of a pile of papers, grinning of say: "kid, please give me your hand paper, I give you money to buy a cold drink soared。" Im hesitant, give it, she must sell the newspaper as waste paper, the people in the community cant see it, so it cant show the role of propaganda。 Finally I bit my teeth and said, "sorry aunt, I cant give you。" It is。 And then we continued to look for the mailbox in the hot sun。 The birds in the tree look at us and say, "youre right。" One, two, three。。。 Its finally done。

Through todays experience, I realize how hard the postman is, and the persistence of their spirit is worth learning。



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Colorful college life Being in the college can be regarded as the best time of the life for the young. The campus life is enjoyable, precious, and alsocolorful. This is a time for a student to his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes provide him or her precious knowledge, adding to his or her knowledge base.

Library is also a good place for students to study in where you can receive more information. Studying in college is a brand new start of our life. One can continue to study hard for the better scores.

In your spare time, you could play basketball, football and so on. Doing sports is very interesting and good for your health. If you want to show your talents and skills you can join in all kinds of activities.

In fact, you can do anything which you are interested in. Therefore, a student in college should fully use the time in college,making his or her life much more colorful.First of all, owing to the lack of connection with the society,wed better have some activities to get into touch with the different society.

In a word, college life is enjoyable, precious and alsocolorful.



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What do I want to do when Im older ? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because they like teaching children.

I like playing the piano and I good at it. So I want to become a piano player. Play the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.

I play the piano when Im ten years old. Now Im in grand five. I hope when Im sixteen years old , I can become grand eight. I’ll be harder and harder to practise.

Become a piano player is a hard job. But I believe I can do it.



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1995 I went into taizhou junior middle school.Totally we had 7 classes,I

was in class 4.The head-teacher of the class was a middle age woman.she was so

strict with us.for example, i was catched when i ate a big rabbit sugar during

class time,she asked me to buy that bland sugar one peice for everyone.in my

opinion ,she hated everyting except study,everyweekend ,she asked us to study in

school,sunday afternoon was just the free time for us.when she saw we played

football,she must get the ball back to her office.someone who was to be in love

was found by her,he would be punished just like a shit.luckyly,i was not found

by her.i liked the girl who was my Elementary school schoolmate during my junior

middle school.i didnt know she konwed or not.it ended when we graduated.but i

liked to talk with others during class time,everytime i was found by her,she

asked me to write 3000 words to explain why and how to do in future. nowadyas

every time i remeber what happened in my junior middle school,i deeply appreciat

her kindness.she is real a good teacher.

My junior middle school time has pasted ,but it will influece till the end

of my life.



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a few months ago, i was a primary pupil. i had many good friends and teachers that i remember all the time.

my new life is very exciting. i’m in dongzhou middle school. it’s famous in jiangsu. it’s bigger and more beautiful than the primary school. i love it very much.

i’m in class 10, grade 7. it’s a good class. the students are clever, nice, friendly and helpful. all my classmates study hard. they want to be on the top.i get up at 5:30. sometimes i read english, sometimes i learn chinese. studying is very / interesting.i’m sure our class will get better and better. i like my new class, the new school and the new life.



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each examiner:

i call, come from shandong province.this year is 21 years old, , is astudent who will soon graduate.

passes the foundation knowledge that the teachers guidance controled acalculator with personal effort firmly in the school.mainly studied c languageat the software aspect. c#. java etc. plait the distance language, the datastructure, vf. access etc. database is applied, calculator operatesystem.studied the dreamweaver web page manufacture and the asp network to weavea distance also.studied the calculator network at the hardware aspect, thecalculator construction with bine many times to attend to pack machine, set thefulfillment of the net operation lesson, make me control the work principle ofthe calculator and the set of the calculator network net process.

in addition, i attend various activities of the school organization to cometo the oneself of 锻炼 actively and do various part-time to increase socialexperience.the teacher is divided into the group to us in the experiment andpractice of the lesson remaining to complete mission, make we the deepcomprehension arrive the importance of the team.the and the rise time acquiresthe school scholarship during the period of school, three staffs.

however necessarily limited at the knowledge that the school learn,therefore i would ready to take advice study in the later work, the backlogworking experience, the exaltation work ability.hope your company to give me a

displays an own opportunity!

this with the result thatsalute



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I was born in a small village, so that my childhood mostly spent in countryside. Althought the condistions were not so good, my childhood was happy and interesting.

At that time, we didnt have much money to buy toies. Therefore, almost all of my toies were made by myselfe or my mates.

Sometimes, my father would make some toies for me. Besides, because my parents were busy with their farmwork, I usually helped them do some work after school, especially the housework.

I wanted to relieve some burden of them. I was happy in my childhood. Even now, I usually recall the beautiful memories of my childhood.




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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Campus Life. You should write at least words according to the situation given below in Chinese:

Campus Life

Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has come true. But how do we college students like our campus life?

Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Internet.




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