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When I was young, my father was always busy with his work. I could only see him on holidays. He was very strict with me. I even felt a little afraid of his love.

But things changed one night when I was ten years old. I had a bad headache and couldn’t stop coughing in bed late at night. Someone came into my room and sat next to my bed. Even though I knew who it was, I still rolled over immediately. When I opened my eyes, I could see tears on his face. The next early morning, my father took me on his back to the hospital and saw a doctor. He bought some medicine for my cold. After I got injections for 3 days, I felt very well.

I had thought my dad’s heart was like a stone. But everyone needs love. I learned that silent love comes from a strict father.



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一、 背诵:

首先认真研究历年四级写作真题,重点研究2001年6月—2005年12月的11次真题,分析近年来四级写作的出题规律和考试重点,从语言、结构、 内容三大层面,认真研读经典写作真题范文:语言方面学习范文中的精彩词汇、词组、句型;结构方面学习范文的框架结构、内在逻辑、关联词、同义替换和代词替换;内容方面学习范文的论点、论据和论证。同时背诵精彩写作范文,要求滚瓜烂熟、脱口而出、多多益善,扎扎实实提高自己的写作实力。历年英语四级六级真题 >>



三、 中译英:


四、 写作:





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To have my parents, surely you must will be proud of.

I remember in fifth grade one afternoon ahead of the final exam last semester, I suddenly got a strange disease, my leg pain not only can walk, and the body appeared purple dots. Then the doctor says is called; allergic purpura. ,

So the teacher call the parents, when parents know I sick they stunned. They were immediately drove to the school. Saw I inquired about the concrete, the mother then asked his father whats the matter with me? Because my father is a rural doctor. Said her father; Im not sure, or go to the township hospitals. kingdom in township hospitals, township hospital doctors said, "didnt check me the instrument of the disease. But under parents and I drove to the county womens and childrens hospital. But unfortunately county maternal and child hospital outpatient service building of doctors has been off work, can only to the inpatient to see a doctor on the third floor. But, on the third floor and there is no elevator to the inpatient, and I can walk. Random back me up, so my father mother aside to shield, so step by step to go see a doctor, so the parents back and forth several times, but the two of them to the beginning to end without a complaint, the result is checked I have allergic purpura. Then give me to see the doctor the doctor gave me some medicine, under the care of parents, I dont have all the more in a few days.

This is just I grew up in a small thing, but let me realized that candle no love, I also because there are so proud parents.


我记得在五年级上学期 期末考试前夕 的一个下午,我突然得了一个奇怪的病 ,我的腿不仅疼痛难忍走不成路,而且全身出现了紫色的小点点。后来医生说是一种名叫;‘过敏性紫癜’的病。‘,

于是老师 打电话通知了父母,当父母知道 我得病了 他们惊呆了。他们二人 便立即驾车来到了学校。见了我便 询问了具体的情况,母亲随后又问父亲我得了什么病?因为父亲是一名乡村医生。父亲说;’我拿不准,还是去乡医院吧。’谁料到了乡医院,乡医院的医生说:“没有检查我这种病的仪器”。无奈之下父母二人和我又驱车去了县妇幼医院。但是又不凑巧县妇幼院的门诊楼的医生已经下班了,只能到住院部的三楼去就诊。但是,去住院部的三楼又没有电梯,我又走不成路。所以爸爸随机背上了我,母亲在一旁护着,就这样一步一步地去就诊了,就这样的情景父母二人来回好几次,但他们二人至始至终没有一句怨言,结果经过检查我得是过敏性紫癜。后来给我看病的医生给我开了一些药,在父母的精心呵护下我没过几天就全愈了。




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Be Grateful to Our Parents

Just as the famous saying goes,"Thanksgiving is a spiritual treasure. Since we were born, many people have helped us more or less and we should be grateful for everything that other people have done for us. And among all the people we should appreciate, our parents are the ones who deserve our appreciation most.

Nowadays,as young men,we always take our parents love and care for granted, without any gratitude to our parents. However, we should come to realize that our parents will become old one day, and they will need our care, just like those days when we were little children. Therefore, however busy we may be, we should spend more time accompanying them, because they once devoted so much selfless love to us, and we should return them the same from the bottom of our heart.

From the first day we appeared in their lives, it is our parents who give us all their love but never expect anything in return. In order to make our lives better, they endure a lot of hardships. Therefore, we should be grateful to our parents, respect them and be a good kid with a grateful heart.



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Dear parents,

Though today is not thanksgiving day, i still want to tell you i love you and thank you for what youve done for me.

I know you are not successful people, but you give me lots of love. i know you love me more than anything else in the world. i know you spend lots of time and money on me. how can i return the love to you? i am deeply touched. sometimes i argue with you and make you angry and sad, but you always smile to me. you never change your love to me.when something worries me, you always make me laugh. you play pingpong with me and tell me funny stories. though i am very busy with my homework, i never feel stressed. i lead a happy life because of your love.

Believe me, i will try my best to be a successful person and let you be proud of me in the future. i love you!

Lots of love

Yours daughter



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Last week our music teacher taught us a song, named Indebted Heart. Through it I know that we should live with a thankful heart. At that time, I think of my parents. I think they are the first people I should thank. It’s them who give me life. It’s them who give me home. It’s them who bring me up. It’s them who look after me. It’s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. I should thank my parents giving me so much. Maybe I should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. But now I think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when I grow up.




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假如你是Han Mei,下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。

提示词语:listen to,mothers love,care about,communicate with,get along with,smile


Dear Han Mei,

Im afraid Ive got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me,“Be careful while crossing the street。” “Put on more clothes。” “Did you do a good job at school?”And so on. Im annoyed(烦恼)。What shall I do?



Dear Alice,

As a teenager,I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you。

Your mother talks much,because she cares about you. Maybe its not a good way,but it shows your mothers love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mothers,you can communicate with her,and tell her what you are thinking about。

If your mother doesnt take your advice,just keep silent and give her a smile。

I hope what I say here can help you a lot.



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Parents fostered a seedling - that is what we are. In the storm, they like a big umbrella, zhefengdangyu for us, do their best to protect us, we must learn to Thanksgiving our parents.

As the saying goes, the fathers day, mother earth. Yeah! Is you give us enough nutrition; Is you give us sufficient moisture. Is you give us abundant sunshine; Give us enough oxygen. It is our great parents.

Gratitude is the traditional virtue of Chinese people. You will know gratitude towards the road to success, you know that gratitude soul becomes more rich, know gratitude your life will be more happy, happy. Gratitude is not saying a word, it is to rely on your own efforts can be obtained. The ancient Confucius, mencius and Lao tze which are know Thanksgiving will big achievements in return for their parents. With parents only have we, no parents we come from?

People ask me how to repay their parents? I said to them, go with your heart grateful; Use the results to return them.

People are always not satisfied, always want to get more. But if not grateful parents, cant get to the divine.

Quick to cherish! Let us learn to Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving care your people care you love you of person!









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Everyone has their own parents, you are not in the heart often think the future will take care of filial piety, they would not let them suffer later after you do this to parents as well, but have you ever thought, your parents how much later? Too many uncertainties about the future is not it, if you really love your parents, then you use what you have more time now to spend time with them now, whether or not your ability, do your best strength to love them not waiting for the day after, because someday will not necessarily make sense, does not it?



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英语作文:孩子父母良好关系是怎样的?What is a good parent-children relationship?

A good parent-children relationship should be set up on the basis mutual understanding and respect. Parents can not impose their ideas on their children. They should treat their children as independent individual. It is advisable for the parents to learn to listen to children’s ideas and encourage them to think on their own rather than decide everything for the children. On the other hand, children should listen to their parents’ advice for they’re more experienced. Try to be understanding when there is disagreement with parents. Always keep one thing in min---whatever they do comes from their love for us. It is necessary children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the gap between parents and children will be narrowed.



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My parents have diffrent jobs.my father is a teacher,he teaches English in middle school.He is a very popular teacher.students all love him.My mather is a nurse .she works in people hospital.

she helps many people every day,so she is very busy.she works very hard.she doesn`t think her job is very boring.she love it very much.these are my parents job.



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Who gives me birth? Who brings me up? Who dedicates h is /her whole life to me? My parents.

Who gives me food? Who gives me clothes? Who gives me care? My parents.

My parents, they don’t want to get any reward from me. Not only my parents, all the parents in the world don’t charge anything from their children. they give us everything they can. they spend their whole life loving me, so I love my parents, too. Since I was given birth, I’ve started to love them even if I didn’t realize it.

It will be thea time for my birthday soon. I want to say to my parents: I love you.




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In life there are too many people are worth to thank, for example, raising our parents, the inculcation of unity and friendship among teachers, students... And the most worth me to thank is my biological parents.

Parents brought me to this beautiful world, give me a very warm home, gave me the most unselfish love, accompany me through a happy childhood. Parents to protect my time and time again I will never forget.

When I was a child I was in a ditch, mother desperate, immediately pull me up. And her hands were rough wall ground bleeding. This experience, let me know how the parents love is the most selfless.

Unconsciously already say goodbye to the happy childhood, towards the high school stage. Parents gave me again and again to encourage, make me to irresponsible parents after the examination, leading the way, have again and again.

Parents sometimes also very strict. On one occasion, my brother and I yell bloody murder to a toy, I know is wrong, but I still rakes. After the event, parents criticized the my meal, I also know my fault.

Our parents biological I repay you, parents strict teachings I bear in my mind, it is parents strict teachings, hard and selfless paying that I took to the road of the upright, on the road.

In this, please allow me to solemnly parents say to me: "mom and dad, you were laborious, thank you!"










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人在身边觉得遥不可及, 人在天边觉得驻在心间。 你和我沟通我百般期盼, 我和你沟通却沉默寡言。 你如同黑暗般死寂, 我如同旁观者, 格外感伤。 黑暗里与世隔绝, 你还能重回光明吗? 黑暗里扑朔迷离, 你还能明确目标吗? 黑暗里阴冷潮湿, 你还能温暖吗?

与人沟通,是你最好的自救; 与人交往,你会脱离迷惘。 沟通是光, 帮你驱除黑暗; 沟通是火,帮你温暖心房; 沟通是水, 帮你洗洁心灵; 沟通是我, 与我走向明天。 明天的你将不再孤单; 明天的你将向往太阳; 明天的你将不再寂寥; 明天的你将一片辉煌。 也许你会失落 曾经的逝去; 也许你会感激 明天的太阳。

人的一生不能浑浑噩噩, 人的一生应当勃勃生机。

你和我的心锁, 从此打开; 你和我的沟通, 从此绽放; 你和我之间搭起心桥, 我和你将在桥上碰面。



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Raising the worlds largest kindness, than their parents. Is worth we use to cherish life, with a sincere heart to appreciate, with practical action to gratitude.

"The sheep have knelt milk, crow has righteousness". And people also should have the thought of filial, dont wait until the desire filial and affection, eventually left the life of a big allready tried, want to dont regret in the future, from now will be grateful parents from around things, return for parents. Returns are also not necessarily material rewards, is more of a spiritual and emotional. Even overseas, study abroad, we point to with a grateful heart. As the century old ba jin said: "I am spinning silkworm mulberry leaves to eat." Silkworm paid, also obtained, get the praise and admiration of people.

Parents are the first teachers for our lives, from the moment a child is born, his life was poured parents endless love and blessing. Perhaps, parents cant give us the luxury of life, however, they gave the irreplaceable - life in a persons life

Parents for their children to hold up a piece of the sky of love, when you get hurt, cry, sad, sad, you can always come back here, enjoy the love of parents. Thanksgiving parents, even a small thing, can let them feel gratified. I remember CCTV has broadcast a public service ads: a little boy, struggling with a basin of water, naive said to his mother: "mom, wash feet!" Is such an AD today, still hit, its relieving feelings and moving heart, dont know how many people infected with. Many people whose tears, not to a lovely boy, also for that one to the deep love, and from the heart of gratitude to the mother.

The classmates, let us learn to be grateful parents! With a grateful heart to treat their parents, with a sincere heart to communicate with their parents, dont take it for granted that their parents do anything for us, they brought us to this beautiful world, is great enough, and will we raise, thanked, silently pay for us, we dont blindly to demand their pay, institute of Thanksgiving, with a grateful heart, grateful parents!




父母为子女撑起了一片爱的天空,当你受伤时,哭泣时,忧郁时,难过时,你可以随时回到这里,享受父母的爱。感恩父母,哪怕是一件微不足道的事,都能让他们感到欣慰。我记得央视曾播过的一个公益广告:一个小男孩,吃力的端着一盆水,天真的对妈妈说: “妈妈,洗脚!”就是这样的一部广告时至今日,仍在热播,它的感情动人心腑,不知感染了多少人。很多人为其流泪,不止为了可爱的男孩,也为了那一份至深的爱,和发自内心对母亲的感恩。




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Dear parents,

How is everything these days? I miss you very much.

I am very happy at my new shool. My teachers and students are very friendly

to me .They ofen help me with my study.Now I am not worried about my English

because I make a lot of progress in it anb I become more and more intrested in

it. My shool life here is also wonderful. I take part in many part-time

activities . I make many friends there and learn lots of learning methods.

Now final exam is coming. I am busy preparing it . I will try my best to do

well in it.

I am glad that the summer holiday is coming. I want to take part in a GREEN

CITY GROUP.I think I should make a contribution to protecting our


Its hot these days but I can take good care of myself.You should pay more

attention to your health.

Best wishes to you.

Love you,












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Raising a child is not easy and the challenges of parenthood have turned childcare advice into a multi-billion pound industry. Books, magazines and television shows compete for credibility.

If your mother fed you only at the right time and ignored any cries for more, she would have been applauded by Dr Frederick Truby King. He was given a top honour in 1925 and credited with reducing infant mortality in New Zealand.

Character building was something to be started at a young age according to the stern doctor: he recommended no more than 10 minutes of cuddles a day. The formative months were for eating, sleeping and growing.

The stress on bonding was important for Dr Benjamin Spock, possibly the 20th Centurys most famous childcare guru. He encouraged a touchy-feely approach to bringing up children, and told parents to trust their own instincts and common sense.

The Spock guide to parenting went mainstream in the 1960s when mothers were getting used to household appliances and disposable nappies. It left them far more time for cuddling, doting and pampering than most Truby King parents were likely to have enjoyed.

In Britain, paediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott helped to address some parents sense of guilt by promoting the idea that it was OK not to be perfect. Occasional failure was not just inevitable - it was part of the childs learning curve. He didnt believe in setting regimes or even giving instructions. Winnicotts philosophy was all about understanding, not admonishing.

But a new technique is gaining popularity. Some 21st century children have to put up with the no-nonsense approach of professional nanny Jo Frost. This self-styled Mary Poppins from the reality TV show Supernanny has reached millions of viewers across 47 countries.

For many parents, Frost is the inspiration for the "naughty step" technique. Children who are misbehaving get a warning, but if they carry on they have to sit on a step. After waiting one minute for every year of their age they have to apologise for what theyve done.

The best measure of the success of each technique might be how the baby has turned out. If you are good and happy, who is to say your parents method was wrong?




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