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My dream is to grow up, to be a policeman. I will seize all the thief on the society, make the criminal suspect nowhere to hide, make social peace, peoples life in order.

That night, I sleep early, and soon fall asleep. Family went shopping every day, I will always be behind them, a precaution. Shopping one day, grandpa, I will quietly behind him, in case of the thief. But the most unexpected thing happened. Grandpa buy fruit in the stalls, just then, a young man in a hurry came running and knocked the grandpa in the hands of fruit, the young man said to grandpa, "Im sorry, big ye, Im in a hurry, I walked first." Grandpa said: "ah, now young people are unreasonable, knocked over other peoples thing, pick up and I dont know." Grandpa was about to pay, but found the purse gone. Grandpa soliloquize ground to say: "the wallet must be the young man stole hit me." I see clearly behind, just want to go to chase, grandpa grabbed me, said to me, come on, youre not overtake him. "I said:" grandpa dont worry, Im ok. "And so, I would go back to the young man and I chase after, the thief ran in front. After next to a trash can, I saw the thief was counting money. I ran over and shouted at the thief said," stand fast, is your ". The thief found me and panicked and ran faster, he ran for a while, run. Then, his aunt and without extra trouble robbed a bike ride, I also borrowed a aunt a bike ride up and chased the thief, the thief riding a bike, run, run anymore, Im to catch the thief and took him to the public security bureau, after the trial, the thief admitted his crime fact, finally also surrendered steal money from my grandpa, and apologized to grandpa, grandpa also forgave him.

Wake up, I found I was tender, weakness, it was a dream. But I believe that through my efforts, my dream will become a reality. People hung with a sweet smile on her face, society is full of peace, is permeated with happiness.



一觉醒来,我发现自己浑身酥软无力,原来这是一场梦。但我相信经过我的不懈努力,我的梦想一定会变成现实。人们脸上挂着甜蜜的笑容,社会充满和平, 洋溢着美满。



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一、Great changes in my hometown

More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn’t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life .

Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there are many tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean . People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People’s living conditions have improved a lot . Thanks to the government’s efforts . my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful .



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I was very busy this holiday is not only to write my homework, and review the content of the term, to prepare for next semester content, but also take notes, but also on the class, also...

Holiday homework at least two weeks to finish, much homework. Elementary school little homework can be finished in a week, but I dont think of elementary school holiday time, because of much homework can increase knowledge, enhance the content of the last semester, also is not very good?

Review content have to use two weeks last semester, though much more content than primary school, but I still learned the nature can a bit faster. Review when I dont feel bored, I feel very interesting, I can not only greet old friends and I can also like a detective to find out in the first semester, I didnt catch the bad guy. (the so-called bad is easily wrong was delayed)

And prepare for next semester content at least three weeks for next semester content point much more difficult, to note down the concept of light effect is not big, but also digest, understanding, etc. To solve the problem. But I dont bother me just regard the knowledge I wont be as I dont know, I want to make friends with him. And cant forget him, I hope my friends can be a little more.

In addition to the above content I have classes, see the name on the to increase my knowledge, but also in the study of buying new things. Learning time often in 10 hours a day or so. Anyhow I am very busy every day.

Ah! This is the most busy holiday, the holiday is the most tired! But the holiday was more fulfilling than my previous holiday! More satisfied! More happy!









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Today is the Dragon Boat Festival in the 5th day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. Every year, aunt will pack lots of delicious food. Sweet sweet jujube dumplings for us, especially my mother and I like it best. You can also eat with your elders and sisters at your grandmothers house, and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival, but this year, it is not so lively. Uncle and aunt went out to earn money. Uncle went out with his sister. There were only three family members and grandparents. It looks very cold.

Early this morning, I have the mother will give me to eat dumplings package dates, who knows but mother was busy with housework. At noon, dad cooked a good meal and cooked food, called grandpa and grandma to come to dinner, but not a bit of a cheerful atmosphere. In the afternoon, in order not to let the festival have a little meaning, my mother and I went out for a stroll with my grandmother. We went to the market, but did not see the shadow of half of the dumplings, to buy dumplings but no jujube. I was disappointed. My mother comforted me and said, "next time you see the decision to sell the zongzi, you can eat it." Its a little better to hear that. Mom visited the clothing store and took us to the home supermarket, and bought some delicious food on the way. From the supermarket out, we have been fruitful.

Back home, I wanted my uncle and aunt, and my four year old sister, so I went online to chat with them, and the little aunt laughed and told me that a lot of jujube zongzi was given to me at the Dragon Boat Festival next year, so I could eat enough. Though we have not been together for Dragon Boat Festival this year, we can also enjoy seeing them online. Uncle and aunt also have an appointment with me. Next year, Dragon Boat Festival will definitely come back for the holidays.



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My hobby is astronomy, to explore the mysteries of the universe. Every summer night, I pestering my grandfather took me to see the stars, know a lot of astronomical knowledge. Below I to tell you a story about grandpa taught me to recognize the stars. It is the first day of summer vacation last year in the evening, my grandfather took me to enjoy the big playground for a walk. Where there is open, quiet around, looked up to see the stars. Grandpa said to me: "every day I will teach you to recognize a star or a constellation, this summer you can know a lot of stars!" So, the first day, I know the big dipper, belongs to the constellation Ursa major, seven lines up and bright and bright star is just like a big hook.

The second day, I knew the north star, the star is not bright, but its position is unchanged, grandpa said: "it is the direction of the north, to walk in the evening, as long as find the star that will not be lost." From then on, I just know, know the stars theres so much useless. Grandpa have taught a lot of stars, I know some like a horse galloping horse; Some like a swan wings to fly, but thats interesting. From then on, Im interested in astronomy increasingly. Dad is very support me, give me borrowed a lot of books about astronomy knowledge.

One night, grandpa said to me: "you should have a face to the world, ambition for the future. But it cant with fantasy and imagination, and to study hard feet on the ground." I understanding nodded. Busy at this time, I looked at the stars, as if each one had a magical world. I am the magic world.






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National Day is our countrys mothers birthday. On this day, we all Chinese people are happy. On this day, we should live in harmony with the people of our country in order to repay the kindness we have in our country.

On this day, the whole nation has a holiday. Although some people are too busy to work for the motherlands mother to celebrate, but I still believe that they are in different places, in their hearts, is still a deep love of the motherland. They will also be in the hearts of the hearts of the love of the motherland.

A lot of people are wondering: Why study hard? I can definitely tell them that the students have to study hard to repay our country. Mother of the motherland for our selfless dedication, we should not return her?

National Day, people will hold a lot of parties. Most of the party is the great motherland, the mother of the title, which is also the contribution of the people who write the arts to china!

Although there is no mid autumn festival. Spring Festival is so popular, but it also said we are all the children of the Yellow Emperor patriotism.

Look at the mother of the motherland prosperity, people live and work in peace Chinese!









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New Years day is a traditional festival in China, it indicates the arrival of the past year is coming to an end, the New Year coming.

Do spring to winter, the birds have both branches, flowers, garden is a new start, I not only to greet the New Year with excitement, also want to have a tidy little drops of the recall the past three hundred and sixty-five days.

Over the past year, mixed emotions suantiankula, happy, sad, again a year away in an instant, the years in a hurry, let a person with emotion. I sat alone on the balcony, looking at little green, and drink a cup of hot tea. Back in the past year, the brain began to turn fast, like a silhouette many things in the mind. Time flies, time flies. Suddenly, in 2016, means that I am going to primary school, six years of primary school life let I learned many knowledge, let me know how many to truth, let me feel ease, learning will go to junior high school, have added a lot of pressure in my heart. All my fault, to reflect on the past to review and correct, to the best condition to greet the New Year, to own goal, ideal struggle, hard work, and create a bright future.

The sun will rise of 2016, a new round of "combat" also is about to begin, I have been ready, ready to go to meet new challenges, wish all of us can smoothly through all the difficulties, the victory.

One yuan after beginning, vientiane update, let the past unpleasant, to greet the New Year with a new mood.



过去一年五味杂陈,酸甜苦辣,有高兴、有伤感,一年又在瞬间溜走,岁月匆匆,让人感慨万分。我独自坐在阳台上,看着点点绿意,饮一杯浓郁的热茶。回想过去一年,脑中开始像剪影般快转,许多事情历历在目。 光阴似箭,岁月如梭。转眼之间,2016年的来到,意味着我即将小学毕业,六年的小学生活让我学会了许多知识,让我懂得许多找人的道理,让我感到学习的轻松,即将升入初中,心中无故增添了许多压力。我要反省过去所有的过失,好好检讨并改正,以最佳状态迎接新的一年,为自己的目标、理想所奋斗、努力不懈,创造璀璨的未来。





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Flowers are a wonderful gift of nature. Everyone likes them. Flowers portray love, happiness, joy and all the other positive emotions. Since time immemorial flowers have been an integral part of every celebration and festival.

But there has been a misconception. Flowers are mainly associated with feminine gender. It is forgotten that men to have a soft side to them. Gift your father a bouquet of flowers on Father's Day and he surely will be overjoyed. Flowers, especially architectural and bold like tropical flowers, which are masculine, long lasting, tall and sturdy like the fathers usually are, can be

given. White and Red Rose are known to be the official flowers of Father's Day. People wear a white rose to honor a father who has deceased and a red rose for a father who is living.


但现在人们对花产生了一个误解。大多数时候人们把花与女性联系在一起。人们忘记了男性对花也有温情的一面。在父亲节给你的父亲送上一束鲜花,他保证会欣喜若狂的,尤其是具有建筑风格的,大胆而狂野的热带花朵,它们具有男性的特质,生命力持久,高大而强健,和父亲 的角色往往很相似。白玫瑰和红玫瑰是公认的父亲节节花。白玫瑰象征纪念已故的家严,而红玫瑰象征着赞美健康尚在的父亲。

男人喜欢明快,炙热,大胆以及斗志高昂的颜色,像是黄色,橙色,紫色和红色。他们布置花的时候绝大多数情况下 会与他们有组织的,善于计算的头脑保持一致。他们还喜欢自然的,富有现代感的,时尚新潮的花束。只要他心中有谱,他可能会选择玫瑰,雏菊或其它充满异域风 情的花朵。鲜艳生动的红玫瑰与黄色的雏菊深受大多数男人的喜爱,从而也成为父亲节最理想的鲜花礼物。



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On Saturday morning, irritable the sun shine on the earth. The sky cloudless, streets are clean and tidy, wide green grass by the side of the road was so wet, just photo, beautiful, like in the picture. The streets everywhere beaming harmony better. But we sometimes touches the line of sight of some discordant notes, like a dead leaf floating on the west, like a piece of white paper on ink - small advertisement.

However, as long as everybody action, and the harmonious movement of discordant notes will disappear. You see, just then, a little volunteers came, small force was carrying a big barrel of water on the ground first, jack Bauer shovel dip in water, hard small ads, gao shovel dip in the water, also hard to jump up, finally with enough. Small ads are falling. Xiao gang is also very hard, all sweat on the head. Little more effort, eyes stare, lips pursed, shovel and wheezing. So, did the afternoon, they finally let pole has become clean again.





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This morning, my father took me to school by bike. I sat at the back of the

bike, eating a banana. After I ate it up, I threw the skin onto the street



No sooner had I done this than I realized that I had done something bad to

our environment. And maybe someone would step on it and tumble over. I must pick

it up. Thinking of these, I asked father to stop. I jumped off the bike and ran

back to pick up the banana skin and threw it into a roadside dustbin. Seeing

this, father praised me and I felt very happy.


In future I will protect the surroundings more consciously and think more

about others.




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Ji Anlived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about amall matters in personal behaviour and in being an official. He was particular about actual effects and ,although he did not cause a stir ,he could keep the prefecture he governed in perfect order. Because of this. the imperial court transferred him to the central government from being the perfect of the Donghai Prefecture to being a commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officals.

Once,Emperor Wudi said that he would implement the policy of benevolence and justice of Confucianism and would do good turns to the people.Emperor Wudi Had hardly finished his remards when Ji An said that there was no need for the emperor to say so.Why should the emperor bother,Ji An said, about pretending to implement the policy of benevolence and justice since he was so greedy and avaricious within himself? This choked the emperor off. The emperor suddenly Changed his countenance and declared the meeting over. All the civilian and military officers at court were breathless with anxiety for fear that Ji An might bring disaster upon himself because of this. After returning, Emperor Wudi said to the people around him that Ji An was a little too rude and too straightforward.

For this reason ,Ji An was never promoted again. When he was the commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officials, both Gongsun Hong and Zhang Tang were low -ranking lfficials of little importance. Later ,they were promoted continuously. Gongsun Hong became the prime minister and Zhang Tang became the imperial censor. However, JiAns post remained thesame. One day, Ji An said to Emperor Wudi that the way the emperor used his ministers was just like piling up firewood, which meant that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers. Of course, Emperor Wudi could see that Ji An was complaining. So,turning to his ministers, Emperor Wudi said, "It is true that no one can stop learning.You see, Ji An is making more and more indiscreet remarks."

This story comes from The Historical Records. Later generations use the set phrase "the latecomers surpass the old-timers " to indicate that successors can cxcel the predecessors, which is quite different from the original idea when Ji An said that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers.







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1、a rolling stone gathers no moss.


2、as a man sows, so he shall reap.


3、a young idler, an old beggar.


4、bad news has wings.


5、barking dogs seldom bite.


6、beauty lies in the loves eyes.


7、be swift to hear, slow to speak.


8、a single flower does not make a spring.


9、a snow year, a rich year.


10、a sound mind in a sound body.


11、a still tongue makes a wise head.


12、a stitch in time saves nine.


13、birds of a feather flock together.


14、blood is thicker than water.


15、blood will have blood.


16、books and friends should be few but good.


17、a straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.


18、a wise head makes a close mouth.


19、a word spoken is past recalling.


20、a years plan starts with spring.


21、better late than never.


22、better to ask the way than go astray.


23、between friends all is common.


24、There is no rose without a thorn.


25、An old dog will learn no new tricks.


26、A good dog deserves a good bone.

好狗应该得好骨头。 有功者受奖。

27、the children from well-fed family.


28、pour water off a steep roof(operate from a strategically advantageous position)


29、Bad workmen often blame their tools.


30、He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight.


31、you should not cast the first stone.


32、Its a long lane that has no turning.


33、Onw swallow does not make a summer.


34、No smoke without fire.


35、Ill news comes apace.


36、He sho keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.


37、Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.


38、Great minds think alike.


39、Strike while the iron is hot.


40、Like father, like son.


41、Where there is a will, there is a way.


42、The days of our years are three-score years and ten.


43、the apple of the eye.


44、hide ones light under a bushel.




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If you choose only to complain and escaperom the ordeal, it will always follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.

He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his fathers life—who was the main source of support for the family. Since then, he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother. For the sake of taking care of him, his younger brother became his shadow, never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do anything in his life.

One late night, he suffered from diarrhea and had to wake up his younger brother. His younger brother accompanied him into the toilet and then went back the dorm to wait. But being so tired, his younger brother fell asleep, leaving him on the toilet for two hours till the teacher on duty discovered him. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their share of problems and they would often quarrel. Then one day, his younger brother wanted to live separate from him, living his own life, as many normal people do. So he was heart-broken and didnt know what to do.

A similar misfortune befell a girl, too. One night her mother, who suffered from chronic mental illness disappeared. So her father went out looking for her mother, leaving her alone at home. She tried to prepare meals for her parents, only to overturn the kerosene light on the stove, resulting in a fire which took her hands away.

Though her elder sister who was studying in another city, showed her willingness to take care of her, she was determined to be completely independent. At school, she always studied hard. Most of all she learned to be self-reliant. Once she wrote the following in her composition: "I am lucky. Though I lost my arms, I still have legs; I am lucky. Though my wings are broken, my heart can still fly."

One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a television interview program. The boy told the TV host about his uncertain future at being left on his own, whereas the girl was full of enthusiasm for her life. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote: My younger brothers arms are my arms;while the girl wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.

They had both endured the same ordeal, but their different attitudes determined the nature of their lives. It is true that life is unpredictable. Disasters can strike at any time. How you handle misfortune when confronted with it, is the true test of your character. If you choose only to complain and escape from the ordeal, it will always follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.











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One evening, my mother and I came back from the relatives, I saw my father was not at home just ask a mother: "dad how not to go home?" Mother said: "dad was at work late back." In order to to have dinner with father, mother and I went to a bath. My mother then ready to wash, I will go to the sitting in the living room watching TV. Look for a little while dad came back, carrying a big box in her hands. I asked, "daddy what is this?" Dad said. "Guess what!" "How do I know!" Is "TV" "television set bought not have at home?" "This is a play in the company award" from "really?" "Of course is true." Im happy to shout loudly "mama! Today is lucky father play award made a television set back", the mother is out of the shower at the end of the toilet? We are really very happy.

When my dad put down the TV, we can have a meal, he eat while said: "although the second prize, but is the luckiest person in the company, the company a year-end summary meeting in the afternoon, and sweepstakes, award has a special award and the first prize, but no one to draw, so is the most fortunate."

Im eleven years old, mom and dad never get any award, this day is the luckiest day in my family, I hope every day since the day we lucky, let lucky I get good grades next year.






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I want to be a famous reporter when I grow up,because reporter is really

funny and can travel around world.

I feel like traveling to Hawaii,but it will need a lot of money,and if I

become a famous reporter I dont need a lot of money!

I really want to become a reporter,what do you think?






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During the winter, my father and a friend Wushu Shu fly through a three-hour flight from Beijing to the cold climate of Sanya hot, as if moved from fridge microwave oven. Differences in climate motherland is so great, really a wonderful feeling!

To Sanya, we find a place to live and settle down. From the next day, we started an interesting Sanya tourism. Longevity is the first attraction we went to. Lush flowers and trees in the mountains. Longevity is the most significant feature is a more than 100 meters high statue of Buddha.

We went to the Bay. Where thin white sand, sea blue and clear. That morning we swim. In the afternoon, the sea at high tide, and we went to the depths of the sea, a big wave came, we were rushed ashore. so fun.

Then, we came to the ends of the earth, where the weather is very hot, we have to cool off, slowly walked into the sea. Start the water just knee, suddenly, came a big wave, our whole body wet. Hey, wet it in the water for a while and then play it.

We have a hot soak. This is not a general hot springs, hot springs where fish live a way of life in hot water, they eat your feet dander, fish biting my feet skin, itch, especially fun.

The beach is our paradise. We play all kinds of games, such as heap dunes, sand ball ... do. One of the most interesting is buried shoes to let others find. Others not to be found, let me find, and finally even I could not find on your own, I feel strange, I thought:?! I could not find it, how to find someone that I would no longer let others find it a buried me I kept thinking buried one, boy children! I just only the second burying, stood up, and the results of previous exactly the same to everyone happy to laugh, I do not know how it was.

The last day, we went Wuzhizhoudao. It is an island Well, of course, by boat to myself. Windy day, the waves of chaos Lao Gao Lao Gao, past the boat from the waves, there will be a feeling out of control, really fun.

We play a tootal of six days in Sanya every day we have a special pleasure, feel special, so I broadened my horizons. This time travel, so I was fully relaxed, full of spirit I greet the arrival of the new semester.












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The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on

the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. This

festival is to commemorate the death of QU Yuan, an upright and honest poet and

statesman who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a


The most important activity of this festival is the Dragon Boat races. It

symbolizes people‘s attempts to rescue Qu Yuan. In the current period, these

races also demonstrate the virtues of cooperation and teamwork.

Besides, the festival has also been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous

rice). Zongzi is made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and

wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. People who mourned the death of Qu threw Zong

zi into the river to feed his ghost every year.

With the changes of the times, the memorial turns to be a time for

protection from evil and disease for the rest of year. People will hang healthy

herbs on the front door to clear the bad luck of the house. Although the

significance of the festival might be different with the past, it still gives

the observer an opportunity to glimpse a part of the rich Chinese cultural








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Everyone has a lot of dreams.Some people want to become wealthy overnight; some people want to become well-known in the world overnight.I have a lot of dreams, too.When I was a girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogeng one day.But I know, plum flower. So I studied hard and hard for my dream when I was in high school and college.

After graduating from college, I became a teacher. Although I was busy every day, I didnt forget my dream. I still kepIn the knowledge on the road constantly groping forward, and. Now, I have made great achievements, and many of my research papers have been published, and the research results also have a very high application value.I am so happy。 Although the goal of becoming a scientist is far from it, I am still moving forward.






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Today we visited Red Star Farm.

Early in the morning, we met at the school gate and went there together.

About two hours later, we arrived. On arriving there, we were given a warm

welcome by the farm workers. Then one of the workers showed us around the farm.

We were very glad to see the crops and vegetables growing so well. At noon, we

had a picnic happily.

After the picnic, we enjoyed ourselves in the sunshine. We listened to

music, dancing and singing. Some were talking happily and even two of our

classmates played chess. How time flies! It was time for us to leave though we

didnt want to. It was really an unforgettable visit for us.






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An interesting thing happened on yesterday.At night,when I was sleepping ,I

dreamed I sleeping on a dogs body,and the dog suddenly jumping up and shouting

at me,he said:"I want to eat you,you smell very delicious!"Then I ran away

quickly......"ling ling ling!!!"A big sound was happened,I woke up

quickly,then,I thought,where I am?Oh,that is my dream,just a dream.

