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5.Penetrating The Darkness

Wisdom Of The Owl

For as long as humankind has recognized animals as teachers, wise men and women have recognized traits worthy of respect in both wild and domestic creatures. The cultural and spiritual significance of certain animals transcends geographical boundaries, unifying disparate peoples. Not so the majestic and mysterious owl, which has over many millennia served as the focal point of numerous contradictory beliefs. Though owls have been regarded with awe and fascination, they have also inadvertently served as agents of fear. Since owls are nocturnal, human-owl encounters tended to occur at night and likely when the bird was swooping silently down to earth to grapple with prey. Yet even as some shied away from the owl, calling it an agent of darkness, others recognized the depths of awareness in beautiful owl抯 eyes.

In the classical Greek tradition, an owl could often be found perched on the shoulder of Athena, goddess of wisdom, while owls could ward off bad luck in Roman lore. It is in Native American mythos, however, that the owl attains its own unique identity. Owls are patient messengers, bringers of information and the holders of wisdom, and they are capable of seeing the unseen. With their keen eyesight, they can glance into the soul to discern meaning and motive, and they are totems of truth. Unlike our distant forebears, we may never encounter an owl in the wild, but we can nonetheless internalize the wisdom of the owl by attuning ourselves to its most venerable qualities. Fully integrating the medicine of the owl into spiritual existence is a matter of considering how we might open ourselves more fully to the wisdom that can be found in the larger universe.





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1. That seems to me perfect nonsense .


2. I am a mere instrument, not an agent .


3. Final cause, he said, is pure metaphor .


4. Sunday lunch will be a hen party .


5. All his religion was sheer hypocrisy .


6. It was a perfect california day .


7. His story is nothing but a pack of lies .


8. That exam question was an absolute gift !


9. I hate kungfu , it is merely brutal violence .


10. Do not believe him -- he is a real flatterer .




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温家宝总理2003年12月10日在美国哈佛大学演讲——《把目光投向中国》说:“中华文明以其顽强的凝聚力和隽永的魅力,历 经沧桑而完整地延续了下来,拥有五千年的文明史,这是我们中国人的骄傲。中华民族的传统文化博大精深、源源流长……”总理爷爷说:“我呼吁,让我们共同以智慧和力量去推动人类文明的进步与发展。我们的成功将承继先贤、泽被后世。这样我们的子孙就能生活在一个更加和平、安定和繁荣的世界里。我坚信这样一个无限光明、无限美好的明天必将到来”。




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· Dont worry. Be bold and try it, and youll learn it soon.

→Dont worry. Just go for it, and youll get it soon.


· Thank you for playing with us.

→Thank you for sharing the time with us.




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1. Ask for leave

Leave在这里不是“离开”,而是“准休假“的意思。这个词组的用法比较灵活。你可以说:I have to ask for leave tomorrow morning.


如果请假不止一天,还可以说ask for 2 days leave 请两天的假

2. Take (something) off


例句:Mr Smith, my dads here visiting me and Id like to take two days off to show him around the city.


3. Call in sick

病得实在爬不起来,连打开电脑发邮件的力气都没有?试试这个吧!“Call in sick”意思是”打电话请假“,

例句:I dont feel well this morning. Perhaps I ought to call in sick.我今天早上感觉不太舒服,或许我该打电话请个假了。

4. Pull a sickie

还有一种请假叫做装病。Sickie在俚语里指“病假”,但是pull a sickie意思则是“请假装病”。

例如: He took/pulled/threw a sickie to go to the football game.




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14.A Refuge Of Your Own

Creating A Garden Sanctuary

Each of us has been blessed with an innate need to celebrate and glorify life. At a most basic level, we honor the forces that came together to bring us into being by caring for our bodies and our souls. To truly rejoice in existence, we must also learn to cultivate loveliness in those special places that replenish the soul. When we create a garden sanctuary, we are reminded that we are a part of both natures essence and something more. An outdoor retreat is a place we can surround ourselves in nature, beauty, and the life force. It is not difficult to create a sanctuarye should endeavor, however, to create sanctuaries that speak to us as individuals. Whether we have a yard, a grassy corner, a patio, or a porch at our disposal, our creative potential is infinite. Any of these spaces can become a magnificent garden. When we feel drawn to specific themes such as Zen, angels, paradise, or the ethereal, we should explore them. Dor and furniture crafted from natural materials like wood and stone blend seamlessly into nature. Yet we can also augment the natural world by filling our garden sanctuaries with statues, bells or gongs, or colorful flags. Running water, like that in a created stream or fountain, helps energy flow smoothly. If space is a concern, crystals and mirrors can fulfill the same function. Hidden features like concealed swings and reflecting pools veiled in shadow can surprise and delight. As your garden sanctuary evolves, remember to invite the elemental spirits of nature to assist you in your efforts to create a small pocket of harmony, beauty, and peace in your own backyard. If you have not already felt th! eir presence, sit quietly in your garden and reach out to them. You will feel these earthly guides at your side as you continue to develop your sanctuary. In the refuge of brilliant color, sweet scents, and stillness you create in your garden, the burdens imposed upon you by a sometimes hectic world will melt away. The splendor and tranquility of what you have brought into being will entrance you, allowing you to forget the constraints of time and space. No matter how large or small your garden sanctuary, the time you spend reveling in its pleasures will refresh your spirit and provide you with innumerable opportunities to celebrate life.




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13.Stronger Than You Know

Getting Ourselves Worked Up

Our capacity to cope successfully with lifes challenges far outstrips our capacity to feel nervousness. Yet in the weeks, days, and hours leading up to an event that we believe will test our limits, we can become nervous. While we may have previously regarded ourselves as equal to the trials that lie ahead, we reach a point at which they near and our anxiety begins to mount. We then become increasingly worked up, until the moment of truth arrives and we discover that our worry was all for nothing. We are almost always stronger and more capable than we believe ourselves to be. But anxiety is not rational in nature, which means that in most cases we cannot work through it using logic as our only tool. Reason can help us recognize the relative futility of unwarranted worry but, more often than not, we will find more comfort in patterns of thought and activity that redirect our attention to practical or engaging matters.

Most of us find it remarkably difficult to focus on two distinct thoughts or emotions at once, and we can use this natural human limitation to our advantage when trying to stay centered in the period leading up to a potentially tricky experience. When we concentrate on something unrelated to our worryuch as deep breathing, visualizations of success, pleasurable pursuits, or exercisenxiety dissipates naturally. Meditation is also a useful coping mechanism as it provides us with a means to ground ourselves in the moment. Our guides can aid us by providing us with a focal point wholly outside of our own sphere.




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Underneath The Noise

Hearing The Whisper

You may have noticed that if you want to speak to someone in a noisy, crowded room, the best thing to do is lean close and whisper. Yelling in an attempt to be louder than the room抯 noise generally only hurts your throat and adds to the chaos. Similarly, that still, small voice within each of us does not try to compete with the mental chatter on the surface of our minds, nor does it attempt to overpower the volume of the raucous world outside. If we want to hear it, no matter what is going on around us or even inside us, we can always tune in to that soft voice underneath the surrounding noise. It is generally true that the more insistent voices in our heads delivering messages that make us feel panicky or afraid are of questionable authority. They may be voices we internalized from childhood or from the culture, and as such they possess only half-truths. Their urgency stems from their disconnectedness from the center of our being, and their urgency is what catches our attention. The other voice that whispers reassurances that everything is fundamentally okay simply delivers its message with quiet confidence. Once we hear it, we know it speaks the truth. Generally, once we have heard what it has to say, a powerful sense of calm settles over our entire being, and the other voices and sounds, once so dominant, fade into the background, suddenly seeming small and far away. We may find that our own communications in the world begin to be influenced by the quiet certainty of this voice. We may be less inclined to indulge in idle chatter as we become more interested in maintaining our connection to the whisper of truth that broadcasts its message like the sound of the wind shaking the leaves of a tree. As we align ourselves more with this quiet confidence, we become an extension of the whisper, penetrating the noise of the world and creating more peace, trust, and confidence.




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