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Staying up late will be detrimental to human health, because the adrenal cortex hormone and growth hormone are all secreted during the night when people are sleeping. The former is secreted before dawn, which can promote the metabolism of carbohydrate in human body, and protect the development of muscle; while the latter is produced only after sleep, which can not only promote the growth and development of young people, but also can delay the aging process of the elderly. As a result, staying up late will cause a variety of harms to human body.




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Nowadays,the Internet has been playing an important role in our everyday life. There are many advantages in it. Firstly, … (第一). Secondly, ...(第二)Last but not least, …(最后也是最重要的是)

However, everything has two sides and the Internet is not an exception ,it has both advantage and disadvantage.There’re some disadvantages. …. (之一). What’s more, ….(之二). Moreover, …. (之三)

As far as I am concerned that it has more disadvantages than advantages.(依我看,它有更多好处多于坏处)… However,we also try to use it in a right way , not waste a lot of time in it .



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老师怀疑地看看我就摇摇头走了。一次次的撒谎成功,让我感到很幸 运,但有一次却让我十分难堪了,放学回家到大姑家门口,我看见表哥表姐好像在等什么人,就赶上前问:“你们在等什么呀?”他们很惊讶地望着我说:“震筠,你是不是作业没有做了?”我想了想笑着说:“有啊!”表姐说:“那为什么你的语 文 老师会到我们家来了呢?”我连忙进去一看,是语 文 老师坐在里面的沙发,见势不妙,赶紧说 :“大姑,我上楼做作业了。”老师凝视着我:“你不是说你的作业放在家里吗?拿来给我看看。”我沮丧地说:“老师,我在学校的时候有带去的,只是放在抽屉的最底层,没有看见,后来想拿给你看,可是忘记了。”我说的声音越来越小,头也低着,不敢看到老师的眼睛,老师说:“那好吧,你明天一定要把作业给我看哦,我看你这张脸很老实不会骗人吧!”那是我非常惭愧,恨不得把头钻到地里面去了。






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筷子是中国人的主要餐具,是中国饮食文化的重要体现,但近年来,当古老的传统遇到现代社会“快速、便捷、卫生”的价值观时,国人对这项餐具的耗费让人触目惊心。随着人们的生活节奏大大加快,忙着上班,忙着上学,忙着赚钱,忙着休闲……在忙碌中,“一次性”用品越来越受到青睐。在中国大多数的餐馆,无论档次高低,一次性筷子早已成了必不可少的餐具。一次性筷子又称“卫生筷”、“方便筷”,是人类社会生活节奏加快和社会服务发到一定阶段的产物,曾被视为一种文明标志。然而,现实表明,其所谓“卫生”和“方便”不过是人们一种虚幻的心理期望,它的使用与“折枝为筷”本质相同,与每餐清洗消毒、不需要众多生产基地和繁琐运送过程的多次筷子比,即不卫生也不方便。它的生产,是一种野蛮的掠夺行为,它的储运中伴随着难于避免的污染,而其作用,显然是不清洁和浪费。一次性筷子给我们带来的无穷后患:1, 一次性筷子给人们的生活的确带来方便,然而,从环保角度看,在这方便、快捷的背后是大量资源的浪费与垃圾的堆积。据统计,中国每年消耗一次性木筷子800亿双,首尾相接,可以从地球往返月球21次, 可以铺满363个天安门广场。每回收3双一次性筷子,就可以生产一张A4纸。按50人的公司的用纸量计算,做出的纸大概可以使用55万年。每年为生产一次性筷子要耗费木材166万立方米,需要砍伐大约2500万棵大树,减少森林面积200万立方米。而一棵生长了20年的大树,仅能制成3000-4000双筷子。山西首府太原市有近万家大大小小的饭店,以半数使用一次木筷且平均每天每个饭店接待100位客人的保守估算,全市一天也要用掉50万双一次性木筷!


以中国宽广的森林定义和世界首位的人工林面积,其森林覆盖率也仅为18。21%,居世界第130位。当中还存在森林质量不高,如林种单一、树龄低等问题。中国长期以来的农业、经济发展,人口持续增加已对中国的森林造成了无法弥补的破坏。因为十三亿人每日就餐的需要也要吃进去那么多的树木,这种不必要的浪费既让人痛心又无比荒唐。在中国,一次性筷子在使用后是不进行回收的。这与一次性筷子在日本被回收造纸的情况差别很大。中国政府也已经认识到相关的木材浪费问题。2004年取消一次性木筷出口退税(13%)并征收17%的增值税;2006年4月1日对一次性筷子增收5%消费税;2006年11月1日又征收10%出口关税。一次性筷子大概已成为我国流转税负最重的农林产品之一。一次性筷子还有可能产生“温室效应”。因为恶性循环的关系,树少了,二氧化碳会增多,大气层会加厚,热量难以散开,就产生了“温室效应”。2,从健康角度来看,选择一次性筷子就等于放弃健康。正规的一次性筷子所用的原料都是质地比较好的木材,不需要特殊加工。但是现在很多小作坊为了降低成本,使用的都是劣质木材,看上去“肤色”较黑,这不太美的颜色当然无法受到食用者的青睐。因此,小作坊生产者经加工处理后的一次性筷子,马上就会“改头换面”,堂而皇之地登上了人们的餐桌。一次性筷子有两种制作方法,固态的制作方式是通过硫磺的熏蒸漂白。经过硫磺气体漂白的筷子,其二氧化硫会严重超标,而二氧化硫的特性之一就是遇冷会凝固。因此,人们用这种筷子进餐时,二氧化硫随着空气的流动很容易凝固至呼吸道,咳嗽、哮喘等呼吸道疾病便随之而来。除此以外,硫磺中含有重金属,例如:铅、汞等……重金属在人体内部是可以堆积的,长时间的累积会造成铅中毒或汞中毒。 液态加工的筷子的方法是通过氯气或者双氧水漂白,特别是氯气,它不仅容易造成人体内的胆结石,而且含有曾经让人们谈之色变的二恶英。至于竹筷子,为了去除筷子的毛刺,令其看起来光滑。白皙,制作者将其放入滑石粉中,通过摩擦对筷子进行加工。但滑石粉容易增加人体患胆结石的机率。尽管不正规厂家生产的一次性筷子危害性很大,但到目前为止,我国对一次性筷子仍没有出台具体的卫生检验的标准。因此,一次性筷子隐藏三大危害: 损害呼吸功能:一次性筷子制作过程中须经过硫磺熏蒸,所以在使用过程中遇热会释放SO2,侵蚀呼吸黏膜;损害消化功能:一次性筷子在制作过程中用双氧水漂白,双氧水具有强烈的腐蚀性,对口腔、食道,甚至肠胃造成腐蚀,打磨过程中使用滑石粉,消除不干净,在人体内慢慢累积,会使人患上胆结石; 病菌感染:经过消毒的一次性筷子保质期最长为4个月,一旦过了保质期则很可能带上黄色葡萄菌。大肠杆菌及肝炎等。 3,从人类心理的角度来看,长期使用一次性的用品不利于青少年好心态的养成。现在不仅有一次性碗筷,还有一次性饮料杯、一次性内衣、一次性相机等等,一次性的用品队列越来越长,使用这些一次性用品的另一个危害就是让我们养成了用了就扔的坏习惯,这绝对是不利用青少年心态健康成长的,这也是与倡导永续地球相违背的。这几年自备环保筷的观念也渐渐在国内传播开来。国内许多城市就有由许多志愿者发动的“筷行动“,除了宣导民众自行携带环保筷,也开始倡议餐饮业者提供环保消毒筷,以达到环保、健康的目的。让我们也加入他们的行列吧!



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Oh! What you said is right. It has lots of advantages. But do you know the internet rumors. I think if everyone can publish news on the internet .there will be more rumors. Let me introduce the harm about it to you.The spread of the Internet rumors should be based on three conditions: Firstly, the Internet has the widespread availability and convenience. Compared with other channels of transmission, the Internet has fast speed and wide extent. And spreader can lower the cost of distributing rumors. Secondly, there are many ill-intentioned people existing on the Internet, as snakes in the grass. These people are always hopping to draw others attention or even disturb public orders via rumors. They are selfish. Thirdly, the anonymity of the Internet enables some spreaders to avoid being punished for their evildoings.

So we need to limit some speaking rights of people to avoid troubles for society.




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As we all know, the 21st century of the Internet. With the development of the Internet, more and more people begin to use it to enjoy themselves or do something special. However, every coin has two sides , the Internet also has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Our life has a great change since we use the Internet. We benefit a lot from the Internet. As for me, I am accustomed to going shopping on the Internet, which is a good way to save my time and money. Many people do the same as me. What’s more, the Internet makes it convenient for us to make friends and get people closed . We can also go through the news all over the world. The Internet not only broaden our view but also assist us to know more about the world . On the other hand , more and more teenagers are addicted to virtual world and they all play computer games everyday they want, leading to a terrible result.

In conclusion, we should have selective using the Internet and keep away from the virtual world. Don’t always use the Internet to chew the fat and do something meaningful.




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b. 体育运动可能带来的副作用

c. 我参加体育活动的体会

Sports do us good in many respects (TS). It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. Whats more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.

My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.




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Do you always work or study until midnight?

Do you often hang out or spend much time in pubs at late night?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are unfortunately one of the large groups of people who always stay up late. Because of the fierce competition in the society, it seems that everyone has endless work to do and twenty-four hours per day is not enough. Therefore, an increasing number of people stay up late in order to finish the mountainous work. Besides, lots of young people enjoy entertaining at late night. However, many of them are still not aware of the bad effects of staying up late. In fact, it does severe harm to us in three aspects, namely physical health, work efficiency and mental stress.

In the first place, staying up late badly impacts on our physical health condition. The human adrenal cortex hormone and growth hormone, which are vital substances for human body, only secrete at night. The former secretes before the dawn facilitating the carbohydrate metabolism and protecting the development of muscle function. The latter only secretes after sleeping. It can improve the growth of the young and slow down the aging of the elderly. However, if people often stay up late, the secretion of these two substances will be gravely impacted. Finally, our health condition will be degraded. It can cause a variety of harms to human body. Normally, frequent staying up late will lead to fatigue and degraded immunity. People may easily get sick when the weather gets a little bit colder or hotter. In addition, it can also cause headache. People may feel heavy in the brain and dizzy for a whole day. Besides, the fertility of both male and female will be impacted. For women, it will affect the secretion of female hormones and the quality of ova. It also tends to affect the menstrual cycle. For men, both the quality and quantity of sperm will be impacted. What is more, staying up late can also damage people’s eyesight, skin and memory capacity, and cause black eyes as well.

Furthermore, it negatively impacts on the work efficiency. On the one hand, owing to the discomfort of your health as mentioned above, you may feel distracted from the work. On the other hand, because of the decrease of the memory capacity, your work efficiency will be lower, which means that you may not complete the things as you want. Assume that you are a university student and you plan to review for your psychology examination next week after tomorrow’s class. Nevertheless, you stayed up late yesterday for some reason. Therefore, you probably be late for tomorrow’s class or even skip it. Thus, you must find other time to compensate for it. Afterwards, when preparing your examination, you may feel headache and cannot concentrate on it, thus having difficulty memorizing and understanding the psychological terms and principles. Therefore, your schedule for reviewing chapter 2 and chapter3 will be changed. You can only review chapter 2 and may not finish chapter 3. However, in order to finish reviewing on time, you are more than likely to stay up late again. Then, you will be in the vicious cycle and your work efficiency will be lower and lower.

What is also noticeable is that staying up late can bring about mental stress. Since your work efficiency is lower, you probably doubt yourself whether you are a capable person or not. You may think you are not so smart as others and even fear yourself that you can hardly get a good grade in your psychology examination, which makes you feel more anxious and upset. Besides, if you frequently stay up late, you definitely look tired and in low spirits. Therefore, when working on a group project, maybe nobody wants to be in the same group with you, a low-efficient and anxious person. Thus, you will feel separated from others, which possibly makes you more stressed and upset.

In conclusion, although we have a lot of work to do and various activities to participate in, staying up late is by no means a good choice for us. It badly impacts on our physical health, lowers our work efficiency and makes us stressed and anxious. Faced with too much work, we should make good arrangements in advance and maintain a healthy lifestyle.



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1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.

2)It does us much harm.

3)It is harmful to us.


However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television.




原文 雅思作文常用句型



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作文导读:体育运动好处坏处(Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports) a. 体育运动的好处 b. 体育运动可能带来的副作用 c. 我参加体育活动的体会


体育运动的好处和坏处(Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports) 作文

a. 体育运动的好处

b. 体育运动可能带来的副作用

c. 我参加体育活动的体会

Sports do us good in many respects (TS). It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. Whats more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.

My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.





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A, such as physical and photos of the gap is too wide. Online shopping is only seeing the picture, to the arrival of goods in your hand, you will feel different from real. This is better to buy the rest assured in the Mall, because 100% is real.

Second, you need to add postage. In fact, this is not a disadvantage, because you need to go shopping is spending fare. Postage of online shopping it is quite cheap, but some shopkeepers are happy, willing to mail it for you, then you can even earn, 呵呵 ~

Third, not to try on. I never agreed with net purchase clothes and shoes. Because the clothes and shoes to try on yourself to know is that all right ~ if bought on the Internet are not appropriate, returns and more trouble to dropping said.

Fourth, network payment is not secure. Have heard people say Taobao, Alipay is vulnerable, so Ive always been shopping, saving into the Alipay, PayPal money is always empty in peacetime, huh. Not worry about rice is vulnerable, but everything be careful ~



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With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers,shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life.Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.

Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages,of which the most important is perhaps its convenience.People dont have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like.This is especially desirable to the old,the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person.The goods come in all shapes,sizes and colors on the Internet.All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses.The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.



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Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology.They are completely part of our daily lives If we look at our society,we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones.Maybe they have many advantages,but they also experience drawbacks.

The main advantage of mobile phones is that people can use them anytime and anywhere,so they can use one for an emergency.in addition,people can access the internet whenever they use the mobile phones,so business people can use tem at work to get information from internet more convenietly Moreover,it is very easy to send messages to your friends.Mobile phones can make people keep intimacy in spite of long distance.Mobile phones are turning the world into a small vilage where we can commmunicate with each other easily and simply.Finally,another point in favour of mobile phonesis that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping orworking because in that case people often turn off their mobile phones.

On the other hand,there are some drawbacks,too.Firstly,the most important disadvantage is the unknown effects on health in case of over-use.Scientists found that mobile phones can cause brain cancer.if you talk for so many hours,you are going to have headacheand ear problems.Secondly,the mobile phone stimulate home for the high cost of communication.If you are in 3 membered family,you would spend a lot of money on mobile phone.Because tow to three of family have it, it cost about 150-200D in a month.Furthermore,the inappropriate use of mobile phones could be bothersome.for example,it is very imppropriate to here a mobile phone ringing during a formal conversation,during a lesson,in a libraryor in a cinema.Finally,mobile phones waste people too much time.An Amerian survey show that the teen-ager will spend average 2 hours to send messagesevery day.

In conclusion, there are some benefits and drawbacks to mobile phones.personally,i dont like mobile phonesvery much,but i need use them.In my opion, mobile phones are good only if you use them correctly and politely,as in this case,all technology is beneficial!



另一方面,也有一些缺点。首先,最重要的缺点是过度使用手机,会对健康有一定的影响。科学家发现,手机会引发脑癌。如果你讲这么多小时,你将会有耳疾。其次,手机费用成本高。如果你是3个人的家庭,你会在手机上花很多钱。因为两到三个人的家庭拥有它,在一个月的费用约150 - 200兆。此外,手机的使用不当可能会麻烦一些。例如,在正式谈话,在上课中,在图书馆或者在一家电影院,手机铃声响不适当的。最后,移动电话的人浪费太多时间。经美国调查表明,青少年将花费平均一天2小时在使用手机上。





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