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If the most beautiful season of the year is spring, for me, the most

interesting festival of the year is the new years Eve! On that day, we should

not only eat family reunion dinner, but also staying-up late on new years


Remember that the day to eat reunion dinner, people began to play cards,

chat, play mahjong, our children, began playing the fun of firecrackers, there

are all kinds of varieties, "this" and "Scud", "delta ray" and so on, we played


I also went to the house to see from time to time and funny TV comic sketch

"Spring Festival Gala" performance, I and my buddy will laugh and laugh, see

magic in those big magician performing magic show, we were amazed.

Time flies, blink of an eye to 11:45, suddenly rang out a loud bursts of

firecrackers, we are e--cited to join them, just open the door, I saw the

fireworks are riotous with colour dark sky dancers.

At 11:50, we cant wait to just wrapped dumplings into the boiling water,

mom and dad put a cover on the pot, cook for a while, 12 oclock, finally boil

the dumplings, grandma and grandpa a sung, I smell from afar dumplings

fragrance, went straight to the kitchen, when the taste delicious dumplings,

happy in the heart.

One year spent similar, each year is different, when the new years Eve, it

means spring is coming, the new year has begun!




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The tomb-sweeping day, is one of 24 solar terms in our country. According to the Gregorian calendar, it is in every year on April 4 to 6. The ancients attaches great importance to the solar terms. As the solar terms, ching Ming period is the most regions in our country, thousands of wooden fall winter has in the past, beautiful, apr, willow green, peach, vibrant called qingming festival. First, the throttle has close relationship with agriculture, farmers proverb says: "before and after the tomb-sweeping day, some melon seeds beans", it is a good season spring sowing. Second, the tomb-sweeping day is the day of ancestor worship and the grave. The tang dynasty poet tu mu did: "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village." Write the ching Ming festival special atmosphere. Grave, offer sacrifices to the dead mans a kind of activity. The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs.

The tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the Chinese nation ShenZhongZhuiYuan, Kingston amity and the manifestation of filial and moral character. Since ancient times, tomb-sweeping day is not just the memory of their ancestors, to stand for the people in the history of the work, do good, people will remember him. On Thursday,

I cherish esteeming mood, to the childrens palace to watch understand the martyrs deeds, for these great hero papercranes give their hands. Through this activity, I deeply felt more now our hard-won happy life, is a revolutionary martyrs for with precious life and blood, but also cherish the good times now, grow up to serve the motherland, become the backbone of the motherland!

清明,是我国二十四个节气之一。按阳历来说,它是在每年的 4月4日至6日之间。古人很重视这个节气。作为节气,清明时期正是我国大部地区,万木凋零的寒冬已经过去,风和日丽,莺飞草长,柳绿桃红,生机勃勃故称之为清明。首先,这个节气与农业生产有密切的关系,农谚说:“清明前后,点瓜种豆”, 正是春耕播种的大好季节。其次,清明也是祭祖和扫墓的日子。唐代诗人杜牧的诗云:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。”写出了清明节的特殊气氛。扫墓俗称上坟,祭祀死者的一种活动。汉族和一些少数民族大多都是在清明节扫墓。


我怀着崇敬的心情, 到少年宫认真观看了解了烈士事迹,为这些伟大的英雄献上亲手制作的千纸鹤。通过这次活动,我更加深刻地感受到我们现在的幸福生活来之不易,是革命先烈用宝贵的生命与鲜血换来的,还要珍惜现在的大好时光,长大后报效祖国,成为祖国的栋梁!


1) 扫墓

清明时节祭扫祖坟(俗称"上坟")。无锡的传统民俗较有代表性。扫墓时要挑些新士壅坟茔,而且凡新坟一定要在清明前祭扫,旧坟可以过清明.但不能过立夏。新媳妇一定要去祭扫祖坟,俗称"上花坟"。扫墓时用荤、素菜肴和酒、饭等祭奠。后用干果糕点等替代。 时至今日,在烈士陵园缅怀革命先烈成为清明节里很重要的内容,在祭炎黄二祖、悼念自己的先祖的同时,缅怀先烈的丰功伟绩,使今天的清明活动具有了更重要的教育意义。

2) 踏青


3) 门旁插柳和戴柳枝帽






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Gray cloth hanging, heavy rain will stretching.


Fine sky, rain no more than three.


Around dawn, there must be some waves.


Bright side there is rain, no rain on top of light.


Sunset carmine, no rain is wind.


Sunset yellow, tomorrow the wind is strong.


Sunrise yellow, afternoon the wind must be mad.


Stars watery, it rains there is hope.


These stars, go out to take an umbrella.


Sun and moon circle the wind, no rain nor wind Britain.


Asaka not to go out, sunset line thousands of miles.


Wind nights without dew, cloudy night frost.


Heavy fog, but three, three rainy days.


Misty rain in the middle, this Ming Dynasty.


Long sunny fog overcast, jiuyu fog clear.


Even into film thunder, rain Gouhe man.


Ray before wind, rain is not fierce.


The first singing, rain is not much also.


Rrera grinding sound, hail will produce.


Rain shine, but also under a mile.



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Everyone has a family. We all live in there, and from there to get warm, there are six people in my family, my mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister, and me. We live a happy life together, our house has many interesting stories, especially mom and dad.

My father works hard. He is a driver, he always do his best to handle each car, try to make them comfortable. Sometimes, he worked too hard to forget to date.

My mother is a very bad memory. She would do a lot of housework, but sometimes because of her carelessness while doing something wrong. For example, one day, she use the washing machine wash his clothes, and finally found himself forgot to water in the washing machine.

Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, the father thought as usual to get up early, but because he doesnt set the alarm clock the day before yesterday, so he got up late, when he woke up, he hurried to brush my teeth wash my face and went off to work, my father left, mother said to me mysteriously, "he must be back in a moment." "Why?" I am very surprised. "Because today is Sunday, his holiday." Mom just then, a little later, my father came back, and went to bed again, because he is too tired.

You see, what an interesting family! I hope you have a family like me.








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In a cool breeze slowly in the morning, Im excited to sleep, got up very early, I with a happy mood to the campus, because today is we are going to visit the zoo.

Traffic along the way, high-rise buildings standing, we in tour buses play play, unknowingly arrived at the zoo, first of all, the teacher took us to sit relaxed and small train to the penguin house look lively and lovely, and exquisite petite king penguins; Again we see wriggling rabbit long ear; Ostrichs back is a small hill, to run like a racing car fast; Black rim of the eye of the round black and white panda, eyes like being bullied, a flow and love; Smart raccoon agile ground will hang in the branches of the food took out; And being naughty monkey, also made us laugh. Finally the teacher took us to the African savannah see huge elephant, has a long nose; Swimming in a muddy puddle hippos, action is like a boat floating in the water.

Learn a lot this trip to the zoo animals knowledge, for example, the panda will only at 25 ℃ temperature activity; Grizzly bear is very afraid of contact with people, often hide in the cave; Hippos like mud bath, if it has been exposed to the sun, the skin will be red dryness; Ostrich back like a camel; The fecundity of rabbit is very amazing; The elephant ears like a fan, you can help it cooling, it will also find food or water with its nose. This is really seeing is believing!

Happy time always have a special fast, finally, we are coming out of the zoo. I think that the zoo is not only can let a person augmented by the knowledge palace, but also people best leisure good place to have fun. Hope next time theres such happy and interesting trip.







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It was during the summer vacation。 On a sunny morning, my parents were at work and I was playing the piano at home。 Just then the phone rang。 It was my aunts voice。 She said that she had to go to another city to do an important business, and her two-year-old boy needed to be looked after。 She wanted me to babysit my little cousin for her。

My cousin was ready for bed。 My aunt told me when to put him in bed。 My aunt said that my cousin loved bedtime stories。 She gave me her phone number。 If I had any problem, I could ring her up。

Mom called me about three times while I was babysitting。 She just wanted to make sure if everything went well。 My cousin didnt even cry when his mom was away。 I read her Goodnight, Moon and sang childrens songs for him。 I washed his face and changed diapers (尿布) for him。 He didnt even cry when I put him in bed。 I spent a happy morning with my cousin。 I thought babysitting was fun。



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Its our duty to protect ourenvironment. Where do we live? The earth. The earth is the only one place we live in. So you know how important the environment is.


But now, some people are harming the environment, like cutting down trees, drawing pictures on public walls,litteringonto the ground. Its terrible if we still do it.


Now, its time for all the people in the society to protect the environment. Its our duty. It needs each of us to make a contribution to improving the environment. We should make our environment more and more beautiful.




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Snow, it is the gift of winter grandfather to people, it is like white angels as white, it is the embodiment of the United States, from the sky have triumphantly fall, and like a small butterfly flying in the air.

Snow, like a naughty child and we hide and seek, and some fall down into the water, so that we can not find it, it was secretly laughing there. Snow after the silver paradise, became a childrens paradise, some people play a snowball fight, you see, some high-level are launching a "attack"! Also here, a primary school student holding a "cannon", like Is to others "onslaught". Tree, the roof of the silver wrapped, as if a guards covered with a white cloak, see here, I can not help but think of the "Ruixue Zhaofeng years," this saying.

Snow, brought us endless fun, white snow, on behalf of the winter coming, it is numerous, fluttering sprinkle, crystal translucent hexagonal, brought us happiness. It can also remove the bacteria in the air, is the air freshener. You are a messy messenger!



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This year’s special winter cold, snow also under a special, even our - Shanghai children, a rare see these kids get snow, wind and ice are also under coercion Duozhe obediently in the home.

However, it was also in that, "Snow", the people across the country gave us a name of "love" gift.

Scene 1: the affection of compatriots

The case of a 50 snow brought traffic to a great inconvenience, but why is the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year Everyone all his hurry to go home. Yanxiage good Huibuqu! It was published online in the spring of photographs, I have seen the women’s field with a public telephone to call home the photos, that women Retention tears flow in the snow in the family报平安. My heart is in this moment Jiujin, it is driven by the strength of what the Chinese people have such a big impetus to return to the home? Is the family ah! Who would not in this special moment with their family reunion? appy to sitting together, see Chun Wan, fireworks, this is what happiness ah! Filled snow in the night, alone in a foreign land, and how lonely?

However, this special, even if the people are in a foreign land, it will not feel the loneliness.

Due to their compatriots all over the out-stretched hands of affection, even if not by blood, at this moment, the Chinese nation’s spirit of solidarity, we have been closely linked to a family! Many foreign students choose schools in the New Year, the school prepared to give them a big color TV and heating; crowd of passengers waiting to go home, everyone mutual concern and support for a number of Taiwan businessmen, can home in the New Year under the circumstances , has chosen to stay with their common struggle for a year, now has returned to being heavy snow blocked the road to the mainland Chinese New Year with employees……

Scene 2: The common disaster

In the face of disaster, people do not be intimidated, a wide range of people facing natural disasters launched a valiant struggle, they dedicated a sweat, and tears, and even their lives…… roadside stations, stations, the staff did not let outages We do not panic, the people stranded in the street mutual concern, a concerted effort of snow removal during the love around us in the spread, replete with.

3, the workers Luo Luo Chang-ming, ZHOU Jing-hua lost their lives in deeds we are aware that they are to repair the power grid and sacrifice is to sacrifice the interests of the people! We respect them, it is even more of a commitment to fight the same snowstorm in the end!

Leaders personally braving snow condolences to the people and civilian police employees.

I still remember that Prime Minister at the station with a loudspeaker called on all that frame, still remember a photograph that young policewoman carrying a bowl of soup, smiling women with a spoon feeding the hands of the baby; still remember electrician were in the towers, waving the chisel, then scattered under the shadow of borneol; still remember that after the rescue, tents, the soldiers sleeping face……

Scene 3: donors

For this snowstorm, in or der to allow the victims of the snowstorm in the restoration of normal life as soon as possible, a large-scale donor activities began. Online publicity in calling for the release of the postings, and many factories and companies have generously star performers also have given their own a love those old super-women, men also faster and harder for the donor to the streets promotional activities. United States, Japan, China also donated many of the funds.

Eating snow merciless land, and the cold winter wind and pain to people’s face, a broad Bing-Shuang moment frozen in the road. All seem to have become difficult, snow is like a white demon with our raging snow Aiai Bixiang snow mountains, unable to find the way out. However, we will not admit defeat!

We also have "love"! o matter what natural and manmade disasters have been carrying the love! It is like a bouquet of light, lit the path of hope, we are no longer afraid, no longer fear!

There is a feeling is cold, there is a force called "love"!

Love is in a winter sunshine is hungry and cold people feel the warmth of the world; love is in the desert in recent springs, to the brink of desperate people to see the life of the hope of love is a floating in the night sky in the songs, so that In the loneliness without access to spiritual consolation; love is a long spell of drought in the flesh littered the land of the mannose, withered soul feelings of the people feel nourished.




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My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin. His English is very good. And he always wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing blue trousers.

My teacher is handsome. He often plays with us after class. He often reads books and English. His hobby is reading books. Mr Xu likes drinking Coke and eating chips. Sometimes he is angry, because we are naughty. Sometimes he is happy, because we are good.

Mr. Xu is very good and handsome. We all like him.



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I have a good friend. Her English name is Ann. Her Chinese name is Wang Xiaolan. She is in Nanzhuang Primary School. She is twelve. She has black eyes and black hair. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse. Her brother is five years old. She likes dancing, singing and watching TV. She is friendly and she likes to help others. What a good girl!我有一个好朋友。她的英文名字是安。她的中午名字是王小兰。她在南庄小学。她十二岁。她有黑眼睛和黑头发。她的父亲是一个医生和她的母亲是一个护士。她的弟弟五岁 。她喜欢跳舞、唱歌和看电视。她很友好而且她喜欢帮助别人。多么好的一个女孩!




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With the development of the internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the internet has become a commonplace in our life. here consumers can buy almost everything they need.

Shopping on the internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. people dont have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. this is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. the goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the internet. all they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. the commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.

However, shopping on the internet also has its disadvantages. the first disadvantage is that the consumers cant see the goods or try them on personally. sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. the second disadvantage is that some shops on the internet are not registered. they will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.




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It was one day morning in May.Xiao Han paid a visit to his friends.On his way he found a crowd of onlookers had gathered,then he just went and investigate.He saw me lying on the street,for being ill.He called the driver to stop right away and sent me to the hospital.Then he paid the treatment expenses by himself and tried to contact my family.After a while,my parents got to the hospital and has learnt that what had happened to me.When i was willing to express my thanks to him,Xiao Han had already gone.



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Ill never forget you and our co-experience in the classroom or in our shool playground.

Although we may go to a diffferent school and will have diferent teachers and classmates,I believe that our friendship will not fade at all just because of our separation.

Every one must have his own life and there is no friends that can be together forever,only what can defend the time is the most cherished friendship that belongs to us all.

Faced with the separation,we dont need to be sad as we know we will live a wonderful life in a new and unknown place,maybe when you get some excellent achievments,I truly believe that I will be the first man to be told and I will be the first man to send congratulation to you.

Best wishes for you!



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Every year, March 8th is womens day. The purpose of this day is to remind

people of the equality between men and women. In the job market, it is the open

secret that women are paid less than men on the same work, which is not fair. So

in order to change this situation, more and more people join the activity to

advocate more rights for women. Today, the situation has been improved. Some

laws are made to protect womens rights, but it is still the long way to go

before the real equality. Women manage the work and the family chores. They are

doing the great work and deserve to be respected.



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During the National Holiday, I went travelling with my friend Li Ming in a

tour group. We went to Wuxi, Jiangsu and had a great time there.There were

fifteen people in our tour group. Mr. Li, our tour guide, left a deep impression

on us with his sense of humour. On the first day, we visited a tourist

attaction, which was in many great movies and TV shows. On the second day, we

went boating on the Tai Hu Lake, where we were amazed at the beautiful scenaries

there. We had such a good time that we even didn。

t want to leave when the tour was over.It was nice to relax a little from

time to time. After the holiday, I will work hard with all the good




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On June 1st day, all children are very happy. On that day, we don‘t go to

school. Most of the children will go to the park. In the park, some children are

flying kites, some are playing football, and some are playing a game. In the

sky, there are a lot of kites. But there is only once a year we will have this

happy festival. I think Children‘s Day is the most important holiday for the

children. Because everybody has fun on that day!



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Recently, the news reported a small boy was studying while he helped his

mother to sell the products. Many people gave him great praise, because he could

focus his attention, but their children always wanted to play. This boy is such

strong that he must make a difference in the future. His mother is so lucky to

have a boy like him.



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Today, the young generation likes to stay up, because after a day’s working, they will find fun at night, so they are getting home very late and then wake up late, too. As they are wake up so late, they will ignore their breakfast and wait for the lunch, today people will call the meal brunch, it means to eat things between breakfast and lunch time. The fact is that not eating breakfast is bad for our health, our body hasn’t take in things all the night, we need to take in some nutrition in the morning time, so the body can have the energy to work. Thinking about this, how a machine can work well without electricity, and the breakfast is the electricity. As breakfast is so important, we must have it on time, so our body can work well and keep healthy.
