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here are many kinds of animals in the world,but not only the humans.we live in the same world,and we should be friends.as everybody knows,the humans are the rulers of the world today,so we should protect our friends--the animals!

But how to protect them?as first,i think we must stop killing the rare birds and animals,especially the young ones.the second,we have to protect the environment,to make the sky blue,to make the grass green,to give the animals a comfortable space to live



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Take good care of the environment is everyones responsibility, everyone has the duty to care for the environment. The cries of the earth, is made by human; The formation of natural disasters and human themselves. We cant let such things happen again, because of this our home will face disappear.

With the continuous destruction of forest, make the air fresh, no longer in life make people breathing "not smooth". So, we should protect trees, protect the nature. Let our the earth mother to restore the original appearance.

You every good care environment of small action, will be your memories. Bent down to pick up a piece of waste paper, a word to stop people damage the environment. Will be a thing of the past.

We now do dribs and drabs, not just for the sake of our own, also is a important foundation for our future generations. Let them no longer face the disaster, let they no longer lose family. Take good care of the environment, starts from me!







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自1950 年代末我国实施农业补贴政策以来,农业补贴对促进农业发展、改善农业生产条件(如小水电、农业机耕、脱粒等)、保证农用生产资料的优质低价、维护农产品价格稳定等方面发挥了重要作用。特别是自2004 年全面实施粮食直补、良种补贴、农资综合补贴、农机购置补贴政策以来,粮食产量逐年增加,2012 年粮食总产量达到了58957 万吨,创历史纪录,实现粮食总产“九年增”。但是,随着我国工业化、城镇化进程的加快,农业比较利益低下、竞争力减退、生态环境恶化、农产品品质与安全性始终难以有效提高、农业发展风险因素增多等问题日趋显现,农业补贴政策的功效也在逐渐减弱。因此,不断完善农业补贴政策,对于保持农业稳定,促进农业可持续发展具有重要现实意义。


(一)补贴力度有限,刺激增产的作用在减退税费改革与粮食补贴政策的同步实施,在短期内对粮食增产起到了明显促进作用。但随着非农产业的发展和农民从事非农产业获取报酬的递增,原有减负和补贴政策效应不断减弱,加之农用生产资料价格的快速增长,种粮收益明显下滑。以2011 年为例,中央和地方财政对粮食生产性补贴平均每亩为112.75 元,按每亩平均粮食产量500公斤计算,每公斤补贴金额仅0.2255 元;这一补贴标准按3 等粳稻谷当年全国平均交易价格每公斤2.60 元计算,仅相当于粮价的8.67%。自2006 年11 月以来,化肥、农药、柴油等农用生产资料价格持续上涨,平均涨幅高达90%,其中化肥价格上涨超过一倍。河南、河北、山东等省小麦种植成本达

到每亩650 元(不包括人工成本),按单产500 公斤、每公斤售价2.00 元计算,每亩小麦纯收入仅为350 元。湖北、湖南等省种植稻谷纯收入更低,每亩纯收入仅110 元。另据袁隆平对湖南农户水稻种植成本和收入进行过估算,结果是扣除成本后,2011 年农民每亩水稻净收入116.6 元,其中农业补贴109.1 元,如果不算农业补贴,则纯收入仅为7.5 元。种植粮食作物报酬递减,直接影响到粮农生产积极性。虽然近年来中央财政大幅提高了农资综合直补标准,从2006 年的120 亿元增至2011年的860 亿元,但与快速上涨的农用生产资料价格相比,仍显不足。在粮食价格保持相对稳定的宏观调控政策背景下,依靠提高粮食价格来增加种粮收入已不现实,而通过粮食补贴降低粮食生产成本的政策效应又被持续上涨的生产资料价格完全抹去。因此,仅靠粮食补贴、而不能有效控制农用生产资料价格上涨,要保持粮食生产的稳定实属艰难。

虽然我国粮食产量连续9 年获得丰收,其中2012 年全国粮食总产量达到58957 万吨,创造了新的历史纪录,比2011 年增产1836 万吨,增长3.2%。但是,这些增产九成以上是来自粮食主产区;全国13 个粮食主产省(区) 粮食总产量达到44609.8 万吨,占全国粮食总产量的比重达到75.66% ,这说明我国粮食生产高度依赖13 个主产区。相比之下,一些地区的粮食生产始终徘徊不前,有些甚至出现减产。我们通过对湖北、湖南、安徽、江西等省的田野调查,发现这些省份都广泛存在耕地撂荒现象,尤其是在丘陵、山区地区,撂荒面积有的超过30%。甚至有些农户连“口粮田”也不耕种,其所需粮食全部到市场上购买。






一是省际间补贴标准相差过大,导致不同省份之间、地市之间农业补贴额的不公平。我国农业补贴政策是由中央政府推动、中央财政主导的,中央财政依据各省、市、自治区耕地面积按照同一补贴标准每年将补贴资金拨付给省市自治区财政;地方政府承担农业补贴政策的落实及地方财政对中央财政资金的补贴配套。在分税制体制下,由于地方财政财力状况不同,财力越雄厚的地区,其配套补贴标准越高;财力越薄弱的地区,其配套补贴标准越低,有些省份在一些补贴项目上甚至没有配套补贴,完全依赖中央财政给予的补贴。如粮食直补中,种植小麦全国补贴标准最高的北京市为每亩88 元,最低的甘肃省每亩仅为6.51 元,高低之间相差13.5 倍。像甘肃、青海、宁夏等西部省份,由于自身财力薄弱,高度依赖中央财政转移支付,根本无力给予农业配套补贴;而像北京、上海、浙江、江苏、广东、福建等经济发达省份,由于财力雄厚,可给予农业补贴的数额就相当可观。即使是同一省份,不同地市之间也存在较大差异。以湖北省粮食直补为例,武汉市每亩补贴标准为30 元,而相邻的黄冈市每亩仅为15 元,两者相差一倍。


三是缺乏对种粮大户激励政策,补贴力度有限。种粮大户每年为国家贡献了大量商品粮,但获得的补贴与其他不贡献商品粮的自给农户、撂荒而购买商品粮的农户相比并不算多,每亩相差不到10 元,有些地方每亩仅高出2 元。


自2007 年试行农业保险投保保费补贴政策以来,中央财政已累计拨付农业保险保费补贴资金262.1 亿元,保费补贴从2007 年的21.5 亿元增加到2011 年的97.06 亿元,支持力度不断加大。农业保险投保保费补贴实行中央财政、省级财政、县级财政共同分担办法,在农户、农业生产企业投保保费基础上,省级财政承担规定比例的保费,中央财政再给予一定比例的补贴。各级财政分担比例依据农业生产布局、农产品品种和地方财政财力状况确定,补贴比例为中央财政补贴30%~40%,地方财政补贴25%~40%,各级财政补贴额占农户、农业生产企业投保保费总额的比例不少于70%,其中大宗农作物、牲畜等保费的补贴比例高达90%。这一政策的优厚程度在当今世界上也是独一无二的,即使是发达国家,其补贴比例也未超过保费总额的50%。

但是,由于机制不够完善,农业保险运行并不通畅,限制了农业保险的广泛推行,覆盖面始终难以有效扩大。2011 年全国水稻保险的平均承保覆盖率不到一半,仅为49%;承保主要粮油棉作物仅占全国播种面积的35% 。究其原因:一是农业保险保费补贴政策实行中央财政、省级财政、地市级财政(未实行省管县财政体制的地市级)和县级财政共同分担机制,且要求地方财政的配套补贴比例达25%~40%,这对地方财政而言是一笔不小的支出,在财力较薄弱的地方、特别是高度依赖上级财政转移支付的地方,其配套的意愿和主动性并不强,在中央政府强调“农民自愿参保原则”下,地方政府更是被动应对,少数地方政府甚至是应付农业保险,在农业保险推广上并不积极,以至于许多农户不知道农业保险的作用和功能,这也是农业保险“一头热”症结所在。二是由于对农业保险制度的宣传不力和农民自身观念原因,农户参保热情也不高。据我们对全国8 省30 个村1585 个农户的抽样调查,了解并乐意参保的农户不足20%,有些农户甚至认为基层组织代收的农业保险费是乱收费行为,即使每亩稻田农户参保出资仅为2 元也不乐意。我们认为,农户之所以对农业保险如此抵触,与我国长期以来形成的政府临时救助式措施密切相关,大多数农户认为无须参保,一旦受灾财产受损,政府也会出手相救,农业保险可有可无。三是农业保险由商业保险机构承保运营,政府给予保费补贴,这些保险机构出于盈利目的,对开展农业保险这种风险大、赔付率高的险种,并不情愿。据保监会统计,2010 年全国农业保险保费收入135.68 亿元,全年农业保险支付赔款100.69亿元,赔付率74.42%,其中,种植业保险赔款68.5亿元,森林保险赔款1.8 亿元,养殖业保险赔款30.4 亿元。如果计入保险公司运营费用和相关税费,则保险公司经营农业保险业务盈亏基本持平。

可以说,如果没有中央政府强有力的推动和保监会的支持,农业保险可能还像2005 年之前一样处于停顿状态。截至2011 年,全国农业保险实现保费收入174.03 亿元,仅占财产险业务的3.77%,占财产险公司全部业务的3.64% 。
















诺贝尔经济学奖得主迈克尔斯宾塞(Michael Spence)认为,对于相对贫困的人来说,食品涨价是个非常紧急的问题,这时限制出口和管制价格作为紧急应对之策是可以理解的。解决粮食问题,最关键的是市场激励,让粮价涨上去,这样农民才有生产积极性,粮食产出效率也才可能提高。在这一过程中,转移支付、农业补贴等财政手段比价格管制更有效。食品与能源在供给方面略有不同,一旦出现价格信号,农产品供给会迅速反应。长期以来,欧盟、美国等国家,一直将粮食安全、提高农业生产者收益水平、发展生态农业和增强农业竞争力作为粮食补贴的主要目标,围绕这些目标,不断优化补贴结构,使农业补贴政策成为支持与发展农业的重要手段。我国在农业补贴政策的目标构建上,应结合当前农业发展新形势、新特点,特别是工业化、城镇化进程不断加快背景下,着力解决农业比较利益低下、农业生态环境恶化、农产品品质与安全性堪忧、农业竞争力减弱等影响农业可持续发展的难题。


首先,加大对粮食主产区和种粮大户的补贴力度。在工业化、城镇化进程中,越来越多的农民会离开农村和农业,保障粮食安全重任将更多地落在现有的粮食主产区肩上。基于我国粮食增产主要由13 个粮食主产区和种粮大户来承担的现实,按照权利与义务对等原则,在补贴标准上应向这些为我国提前实现粮食生产目标做出重要贡献的粮食主产区和种粮大户倾斜。在现有基础上,大幅调高对粮食主产区和种粮大户的粮食直补、良种补贴和农资综合直补的补贴额度,其中,粮食直补额和良种补贴额占当年粮食平均售价的比例宜保持在8%~10%的水平;农资综合直补应与当年农用生产资料价格相挂钩,补贴的理论值应是完全弥补当年农用生产资料价格上涨,考虑到政府财力限制和生产资料价格上涨幅度过大过快,农资综合直补额至少应占农用生产资料上涨价格的


其次,为避免省际间、地市之间农户补贴标准过于悬殊问题,中央政府除鼓励一些地方政府加大对农业的配套补贴比例外,还可考虑适当缩减经济发达省份的补贴额度,让这些地方政府履行更多的农业补贴责任,中央财政可将腾出的这部分补贴资金优先用于13 个产粮大省的粮食直补和良种补贴。前文所述,近年来13 个产粮大省贡献了全国粮食总产的75%以上,是实实在在的粮仓,理应给予特别补贴政策支持。





我国农业保险自2007 年开始试点,但效果并不理想,地方政府和商业保险机构消极应对,农户积极性也不高,保险覆盖面始终难以有效扩大。为此,有必要借鉴国外成功经验,结合现实发展情况,加快建立和完善农业保险制度体系。在保险机构的设置上,选择世界大多数国家采取的以政府组建农业保险公司为主的政策性农业保险经营模式,由中央政府统一组建专业性农业保险公司,当前可考虑在农业发展银行基础上组建农业保险公司(农业发展银行因粮食流通体制改革,其业务已严重萎缩),在各省、自治区、直辖市农业发展银行基础上建立相应的分支机构,具体业务由县农业保险支公司(县级农业发展银行)负责办理。农业保险基金以政府财政补贴和农户投保保费构成,并对农业保险公司的经营管理费用和保险费给予财政补贴,以及实行免税待遇。在保险费政府补贴的分摊上,可借鉴义务教育经费的分摊机制,对经济欠发达地区和产粮大省,中央财政承担更多的保费补贴责任,一般不要求地市级财政和县级财政配套补贴;对经济发达省份,地方政府承担更多的保费责任。













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As time goes by,there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives in the future.For example,

As time goes by,there are going to be big changes in our everyday life.For example,when we are hungry,we dont need to cook in a hurry.Just take some pills,and everything will be OK.When we are free,we can go anywhere by spacecraft.It will be very cheap,just like taking a taxi now.And of course,if we want to see what is like under the sea,just travel down there in a flying object like UFO.Maybe there will be a lot of cities and people living there.I think itll be very easy to travel anywhere,not only in our world,but also in space and in the deep sea.



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Improve our environment

Good environment can make people feel happy. To improve the environment means to qualify our life . What should we do to improve our environment ?

We should plant more trees . And we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers , lakes and fields . Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into a dustbin . Don’t spit in public places . Don’t draw on public walls . It’s our duty to keep our earth clean and tidy .





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Environmental problems are as big as not for individual country or individual people to address。 In other word, we have reached the stage that environmental problems be solved for international view。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, many nations have bee more aware of the environmental issues each nation faces, such as air and water pollution。 The question is, are the environmental issues a national problem or an international problem? It is my belief that the environmental issues have grown to the point of being an international problem needing international cooperation to resolve。

Because of the differences in environmental policies, resources and technology, international cooperation could provide quicker results and have a greater impact on bringing resolution to environmental problems for nations of differing environmental policies and of lesser resources and technology。 By pooling international resources and technology to address the environmental problems, the disadvantaged nations are provided the assistance needed。 Otherwise their environmental conditions deteriorate ultimately affecting the resources and environment of the world as a whole。

One of the difficulities to an international resolution to environmental issues is the difference in individual nations view and policies toward environmental protection。 In order for international cooperation to occur and succeed, the nations of the world must submit themselved to international standards and supervision by an international mission elected by the participating nations of the world。 All members must agree to abide by the standards established。

The environmental issues facing each country are not unrelated to the well being of the rest of the world。 The impact is long term and international in scope。 Without international cooperation and agreement to address such environmental issues as glacial melting at the South Pole, depletion of the ozone layer, water pollution, air polution, etc。, the environmental conditions of the world will deteriorate to the detriment of every nation, not just those that ignore or lack the resources and technology to resolve their individual environmental problems。

As part of the same planet, it is the responsibility of each individual and nation to protect the global environment。 Only international cooperation will provide the timely solutions and the effectiveness needed to stop the deteriorating global environment。




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How Freshmen Adapt to the New Environment?

When freshmen enter the university at the first time they have to deal with all kinds of affairs independently.Whether a new student can understand and become familiar with the environment of the campus rapidly will determine whether he can live and study freely.

Firstly,the freshmen should be familiar with layout of the campus as soon as possible.As soon as freshmen arrange properly their luggage after entering the university,they should familiarise themselves with every location in the campus at once.In this way,they will save more time and get along smoother than others when they go through various kinds of formalities and solve various kinds of problems.

Secondly,freshmen should consult seniors more. It is the swiftest method to ask those familiar with the environment of the campus.

Finally,holding certain positions in the class can also help freshmen to adapt to their life on campus.



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In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which iss becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ----------(举例进一步说明现状)

Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing,---------------(解决方法一). For another-------------(解决方法二). Finally, --------------(解决方法三).

Personally, I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because --------------(带来的好处).



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cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. all the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere, causing disease and even death.

one possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. but it may take decades for the new models to completely replace the traditional ones.

another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. if the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not drive private cars. on the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the co-efforts from the government and the public. this problem will be solved only with the help of science and technology.



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分不清什么文体,从题目上看,象议论文而实际上却写成了记叙文,我们称为议论文的脑袋, 记叙文的身子。其主要原因是没有写过议论文,愣去议论,结果没有论据 就只好用记叙文代替了。







二是没什么写什么! 没有生活体验去编造有关的生活,使材料失真。









病症之五: 结构不明思路混乱







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School is our second home, where we spend the majority of time living and learning. Therefore, a good school environment is the precondition for our health and growth.

However, I am sorry to have witnessed some improper behaviour among us students: scribbling and littering everywhere. Not only does it destroy our school environment, it is also a spoiler of the image of our school.

This issue is now crying out to be solved and it should be a common concern for the school administration, staff, and all the students. In my humble view, the school should place more dustbins around the set up specific rules against those rude practices. At the same time, students should be encouraged to develop good habits and enough awareness of environment protection.

I hold a firm belief, with the joint effort of all people concerned, that our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future. I am looking forward to a more tidy school, and a more beautiful world.



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How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world .

It’s our duty to protect our environment . No matter where we live , we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy . We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We should plant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and fields. We shouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places . We mustn’t pick the flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his best to protect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better .



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We know,campus is for teachers and students to work,a place of learning,a good campus environment,can give us to feel fresh,beautiful feeling.Our campus although the area is not large,but the green is good,trees,birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; outside the classroom,aisle posted at all times and in all countries of the famous quotes.We are trying to create a healthy,harmonious,stimulating environment,so that the students in the good environment by infection and nurtured,in influence character by environment,establish correct world outlook,outlook on life and values,so that everyone in a beautiful,clean,warm environment day by day grow up healthy,do a civilized citizen!




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Many people believe that we have developed into a “throw-away society” which is filling with plastic bags and rubbish. What do you think?

Wind blows up bags higher and higher in the sky. It is a scary thought that some day the earth will turn into a huge garbage land. Wastes, if not treated properly, will make our life a living nightmare.

The environmental issue is getting worse almost every day in cities with very large population. As is often the case, city development outpaces environmental protection. People consume great amount of natural resources and produce wastes. To effectively address such problems, cities need to spend big money. In addition, they need to call to the attention of people to become more environmentally responsible.

Many people are becoming less responsible and easily influenced by bad behaviors. “Why should I care while others shouldn’t?” Such idea makes some people only concern with places where they live and work. Furthermore, people sometimes even purposely litter for revenge to other people.

Although media promotes environmental awareness, good people are often snubbed as posers who try to set up a superior image in real life. Consequently, they are intimated of receiving negative comments for doing the right thing. Wrong as it is, such phenomenon is widespread especially among youngsters and people with low income and little education.

However, our society is waging a campaign against environmental pollution. People learn the harms of un-degradable lunch boxes and other polluting wastes. Laws in many countries prohibit or limit excessive use of polluting bags. Companies are continually replacing the old materials with more environmental friendly and recyclable kinds. Scientists have developed more effective technologies in waste treatment. As time goes by, more and more people put high priority on the protection of environment for a healthier life.

To sum up, people produce huge amount of garbage and the environment is seriously polluted because of lack of financial resources, sense of responsibility, or efforts. But the world will not turn into a “throw away” society if people put in sufficient efforts to protect our environment.



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A sunny Sunday, usually every day and sleep until the sun father-drying bottoms climb to get up early and get up in red, wake up my mother. Drowsily mother slowly said: "Today what the section, from Why so early?" Little Red said excitedly: "Mom, do not install confused, you said that today took me to the park!"

Came to park, mother and son were two beautiful scenery attract: kids, some kite-flying, and some shooting while playing ball ...... red bumper cars, while also playing slippery slides, played with enjoying themselves, was sweating profusely.

Little Red hobbled down to holding mothers hand while walking while singing. Suddenly, a banana peel, a red block of the avenue, little red slip banana skin reminded once again to see if the banana peel to her protest, then do not fight a gas, the foot kicked the banana peel. Mom saw, as if aware of her mind like, and did not criticize her, she just pulled the banana skin side next to her while saying with great earnestness: "I know you have been slipping on banana peel, very angry, but you should From the perspective of others think that if you somehow accidentally stepped on a banana peel how to do? red listened to, very ashamed, the banana peel thrown into the bin.

Little Red looked at the move, my mother smiled.

Yes ah! Would it not everyone should be protected?



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With the quickly development in the economic field in nowadays,the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer. As we all know, the earth is the only home to everybody. So we can learnt from it is how important is the environment for our community. However, in order to protecting it,there is no doublt something must to be done with all of us.

First of all, in my opinion, I think as a member in the home of the unique earth, all of us should have the minds to construct a environmentally friendly society. so, I am appeal all of you to protect the environment together. And do what the little things near by you.

Then, the views what I agree is that: on one hand, learn more environment protecting knowledge in free time, and keep it in mind and do it .on the other hand, set an example for all the people.

The last but not least, everybody must keep it in mind is there’s no denying we have only an earth ,we must keep it from environment breaking, for us and everyone on the earth.

In a word, we must do the little things near to us from this moment, and remember it everywhere and everytime.



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There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.


I saw a chemical factory pouring the waste water into the river.The river was very dirty.The fishes and animals died because of the pollution.It also polluted the flowers and grass near the river.

I think we should protect the environment.I think the government can do something useful to stop the pollution and protect the environment.


Nowadays, more and more people realize it`s necessary and important to protect the environment. Also,there are some people who don`t pay attention to hygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spitting everywhere all the time.And in addition, there are a few factories often cutting down the trees, discharging chemicals and dirty water and so on.And it causes many problems like the Greenhouse Effect.If they do these day by day and our life will be harder and harder,so we have to stop them. To stop them we can put up commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying the environment.So we can start from now to make a beautiful life.



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Environment is a basic human existence conditions, if we destroy the environment, it is ruined our survival conditions.

At present, the ecological environment is becoming more and more bad, is the greatest influence on our water resources. According to the relevant information reported: the laying of drainage system and detergent used to grow, consume the oxygen in the water, fish died, deterioration of ecosystem. Human activities can make a lot of industrial and agricultural pollutants into the water, the water is polluted. The world each year about 4200 sewage into the river, polluting the 5. 5 trillion of fresh water.

This is how the startling fact, protect the environment is everyone duty, why want to destroy?

Lies a small river near my grandmas home, on the bottom, before my sister and brother in ones childhood often swimming in the river, and their friends to play in the water, uncles and aunts are often in the river to wash clothes, wash dishes, and now, near the river built a chemical plant, the production of waste water discharge into the river, originally the bottom stream gradually turned into a black sending out the smell of the river. The adults never go to the river to wash clothes to wash the dishes, friends never go to the river to play, too!

How I miss the crystal-clear stream! I think: cherish resources, good care environment, these are GongZaiDangDai, force and art event! If we are in such polluted water, that we can use water resources will be less and less, we destroy the environment, is destroying our living conditions.

Let us join hands to jointly protect the environment, dont let water into water, protect the environment, is our common responsibility!






