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There are various kinds of jobs in the world, but different people are

attracted by different jobs because everyone has his own interest and

destination. Many people consider an ideal job as a means of making more money

and living more comfortably. It may sound reasonable because money is the

foundation of life.

As far as my ideal job is concerned, I think I want to be a psychologist, I

have made up my mind to do what I really want to so that I can realize my ideal,

I believe interest is of the utmost importance in choosing a job, I have been

interested in psychology for a long time, so I want to be a psychologist in the

future, I think being a psychologist can help lots of people lead a happier


However, it isnt easy for me to become a qualified psychologist and many

people around me think that its unrealistic to me. NevertheLess, Ill make

every effort to gain much more knowLedge, patience, methods, etc. to live up to

the name of a qualified psychologist. I believe my dream will come true




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Time spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young persons

life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life

in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy

and provide him or her with access to valuable information, adding to his or her

knowledge base.

Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a

variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other

social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief from study and

homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied

experiences of university life.

During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his

intellectual abilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and

wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance

intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the challenges

of future responsibilities.



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With the rapid development of the internet, shopping on the Internet has

become a fashion in our daily life. According to the latest data, over two

hundred million people used to buy commodities on the Internet. Some of the

students also join the group.

There are many advantages about shopping on the Internet. Just by a click

of the mouse, you can buy whatever you like without going outdoors. You don’t

need to worry about being trapped in the crowed people and cars, or wasting too

much time on walking. When shopping on line, you can choose from more varieties

of goods, whose price are generally lower.

Every coin has two sides. Its disadvantages are obvious, too. On one hand,

it’s very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the

internet,which is quite disappointed. On the other hand, shopping on the

Internet may cause people to buy commodities that are not badly needed. It’s a

waste of money.

After all, I really enjoy shopping on the Internet.



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As the drawing presents, there is a man walking across the street absorbedly focusing on his cell phone without noticing the surroundings. This sort of phenomenon is not uncommon and rare in some metropolis, especially among the youngsters.

What the picture illustrates is the prevailing situation that has long existed in todays China. That is the mobile phone obsession. With the advent of information age, people are becoming increasingly fascinated on the electronic products, especially the cell phones. Not surprisingly, you could easily notice that most of us are obsessed in sending messages, playing online games with their mobile phones. It cannot be denied that this phenomenon may negatively impact the relationship among people, and therefore they will become estranged and isolated.

Personally, in view of the overuse of mobile phones, I hold that we individuals should raise the necessary awareness that good relationship are reinforced by sincere and face-to-face communication.



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校园总是那么美好,同学们的欢声笑语毫不吝啬地给予了它。班级总是那么温馨,记载着我们童年无比美好······”早已忘记了这首诗的名字,但它的音韵总会在我耳边回响,校园存留着 我们六年的故事,它是我们永久的家。我们的校园让我们体会到温暖,当然也有善意的惩罚。我的校园故事总是那么多,呵,曾经那读了多少遍也读不对的“穗”,那曾经读到“祖祖辈辈”时的怦然大 笑,那就要合唱的最后一刻才找到的裤子,的确带给了同学们许多欢笑。

记得那是在我们六年级的国庆节目,那天我十分的不走运,刚刚合唱的时候让可恶的钉子把裤子弄了一个口子,貌似有某位女生看到了,我尴尬极了!马上就该彩排了,可恶!我不停地在看着那个带 给我尴尬的钉子,心中已经满是怒火,恨不得把它给扔出去!但心中仍在想:我如果被这点困难所击倒也太夸张了,这不就等于被人抓住了把柄·······忽然,我灵机一动,脑海里浮现了那些登山 的人把上衣记在腰间的图片,“有了!”我迅速地解下上衣,记上了,好啊!真可谓是“车到山前必有路”我为我的智慧结晶而感到无比的骄傲和自豪,彩排开始,我的这身行头无疑是彩排中的一大亮 点,郭老师忍不住说:“高手的行头就是不一般哪!”。

校园,使我们有缘成为了兄弟,当然,也免不了有姐妹。也许男孩子骨子里就有一种和女孩对着干的习惯,虽然,没有依据,但至少我认为是这样。其实我挺调皮的,也很爱和别人对着干,尤其是 女生。我的“兄弟”也许看不出来,因为我一向采取亲和政策,打不还手骂不还口,在我记忆中好像有那么几次我还手了,其中的一次我记忆犹新。

那是在六年级上学期,不知道我什么地方惹到了我那位谁是都可能爆发的同位,好嘛,一个河东狮吼,对我是一阵怒踹,一开始我的亲和政策放在第一位,可是,后来觉得不对劲,您老把我当成是 木头人啊! 不行,还手!我一个拳头落到了她的背上,但一出手我就后悔了,她怒气冲冲地瞪了我一眼,趴到了桌子上。不得了,平日里威风凛凛的王班长哭了,我从小到大除了蛇以外最怕的就是人哭 ,这源于小时候我和一个小女孩玩,自己摔倒了,哭了,所有人都认为是我欺负她,所以我非常害怕人哭。唉,如今是我惹得她,可怜。不过说起来王班长还是很不错地,并没有告诉老师,这就是给我 很大的面子了!




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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Campus Life. You should write at least words according to the situation given below in Chinese:

Campus Life

Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has come true. But how do we college students like our campus life?

Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Internet.




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When weekends come, everyone is happy about that, because they don’t need

to work and can do what they want. Some people will choose to stay at home and

watch TV all the time, some will choose to go shopping, while for me, I’d like

to go out. I want to see the different things and refresh my mood. I always make

some plans for my weekend.

Sometimes I will ask my friends to go to watch the movies or we go out for

the gourmet. I like to see movie so much, watching the movie is like reading a

book, my mind will gain things and I will feel satisfied. Eating the delicious

food is the things I will do mostly, I like to find the new food, and ask my

friends to enjoy it. We will talk happily while eating the delicious food.

I am busy from Monday to Friday, I don’t have much time to take exercise,

so I will go hiking with my friends on weekend. We will bring little food and

take a backpack, heading to the park or beautiful mountain. We can enjoy the

beautiful scenery, at the same time, to exercise our bodies.

My weekend is full of plans and I enjoy them all.



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清晨,伴着刚刚露头的太阳以及薄如丝绸的阳光。学校里已有了阵阵清脆的朗读声,同学们在用心地,专一地读着。大家神情专注,自然。“一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨”我也就是在这样的氛围 中,积累了很多的古诗词,也背下了很多的单词,也让我不断进步以及提高。

而在课堂上,老师的讲课生动有趣而且富有感情,老师认真负责的态度也让我们很是感动,老师的淳淳教导,老师的细言咛语,好似一涓清流,淌入我们的心灵深处,给人以振奋向上的力量。我想,将 来无论如何,老师的教诲和指导一定会铭记于我的心中。而在课下,老师们亦师亦友,和我们相处得很融洽。而我们有不清楚或不懂的问题老师也给细心解答。而我们在豁然开朗的同时,老师又对知识 进行引申和拓展,让我们的水平“更上一层楼”。


中午吃饭时,在食堂里,无论是在排除等饭,也无论是在吃饭时,总会有很多同学拿着书看着,他们对于知识的渴求,让我吃惊,也让我敬佩,让我在以后的学习生活中也养成了这样的习惯,知识在于 积累,在于利用平时零碎的时间,从而得到提升。

而在下午,除了几门主修课程,我们也有心理课、美术课、通技课、信息课以及选修课。丰富多彩的课程,不仅拓宽了我们的视野,也增长了我们的才干和能力。当然,对于我,也更让我有了丰富的课 外知识也让我能在紧张的学习之余得到放松。

西湖一中的学习是愉悦的,当然更多的也是紧张,每一次的大考、期中考、期本考、月考,都有清晰而又直观的排名,这的确于每个人来说是压力,当然更是动力。一周双测,可以说是西湖的特色,也 正是因为这样,我们才能不断成长,也可以飞得更高。




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Be Grateful to Our Parents

I consider my parents as the most important people in my life. This is not because they re wealthy or famous. Rather, what I value about most is the care and love they show to me.


My parents might work hard, but they re always there for me. Whenever I get into trouble and desperately need a hand, they come over first to support me and encourage me. I grew up with their constant care and love. While they re getting older with grey hair and wrinkles, they never lose dignity in both life and jobs.


From my parents, I have learned that one person can really make a difference. I ll never forget their care and love. Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life. I wish they could always be happy and healthy. It is high time we expressed our gratitude to people we cherish!




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How time flies!My colorful junior middle school life is coming to an end. Im glad to tell you something about my school life.

When I was six years old, I started school. Since I became a student, I have been studying very hard. My parents are quite proud of me.

Now, I study at Wucun Middle School, which is not only modern but also beautiful. The teachers in my school are so kind and hardworking that I love them very much. All the teachers regard us students as their own children.

Also they are strict with us and strict in their work. I am getting along very well with my classmates. Whenever we have difficulties in our study, we help each other.

I have many interests such as dancing, singing, reading books and playing sports, and I especially enjoy basketball, which makes me smarter and helps me learn faster and better. So Ive improved my life in this way.

My school life is full of happiness and fun. Although we have some new challenges every day, Ill try my best to meet them.



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With the development of e-commerce, shopping online becomes a new way of

shopping which is getting more and more popular. Many citizens are likely to

shop through internet nowadays.

Generally speaking, shopping online offers lots of advantages with its

convenience the most prominent. There are many commodities on the internet where

you can search whatever you want. Besides, you just click the mouse can you get

all information you want, so that you don’t have to go to the shop personally.

In addtition, the commodities on the Internet is usually cheaper than the stores

which can save much money.

However, everything has two sides. You can not see the products or check

their qualities and some of the sellers on the Internet is not so honest. And,

for those who enjoys shopping around different stores, shopping online perhaps

will make them bored.

In my opinion, shopping online has more advantages than disadvantages, and

with the improvement of e-commerce, there will be more people to shop on the




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初中的校园生活更是让我耳目一新。我们不再是懵懂无知的少年,而是充满朝气、奋发向上的青年。有一次课间休息的时候我不小心踩在一块圆石头上,石头一动,一下子扭伤了脚。我 哎呦 叫了一声,一下子坐在地上。正好,情景被小卢看见了,他急忙跑过来,蹲下身子,把我从地上扶起来,一瘸一拐的向教室走去。刚进教室小玉看见我扭伤了脚,边说边走向了她的课桌: 这是中午我给我爸买的跌打损伤药,你刚好能用上。 然后用力拧开盖子,往伤处轻轻地倒了一点,同学们轮流帮我按摩伤处。顿时一股清凉的感觉,疼痛减少了很多。一股暖流充斥了我的心房,眼泪顺势流了下来。我突然觉得人与人之间互相帮助是一件多么美好的事情啊!

初中的学习生活是紧张而又充实的。七八门功课扑天而来,压得我们喘不过气了,作业也明显增多,频繁的考试让我们时时提心吊胆。记得一次英语考试老师一再嘱咐我们一定要好好复习,我对这次考试充满了信心,因此,整个双休日都没有复习英语,匆匆把作业给做完了,接着就看电视、玩电脑。结果英语作业做错的非常多。星期一的早上,我全副武装准备 应战 !考试时,我很快就把试卷给做完了,这时,我坐着等着交卷,把妈妈说写完检查的话忘到九霄云外。当英语老师宣布我们的成绩时,我还以为我得了一个一百分呢!当老师读到我的名字只得了八十五分时,我傻眼了,心里很不是滋味。回到家后我大哭一场,妈妈用一句名言启发我: 眼泪只会淹没自己,汗水才会将你送到成功的彼岸。 从此我开始发奋学习,成绩也有了很大的进步。初中生活五味俱全。我已尝到了那其中的酸甜苦辣。然而我坚信:一份耕耘,就有一份收获。只要我不停的努力学习,以真挚诚恳的态度待人,我们将一起走过酸甜苦辣的初中,共同走向美好的明天!




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As the drawing presents, there is a man walking across the street

absorbedly focusing on his cell phone without noticing the surroundings. This

sort of phenomenon is not uncommon and rare in some metropolis, especially among

the youngsters.

What the picture illustrates is the prevailing situation that has long

existed in todays China. That is the mobile phone obsession. With the advent of

information age, people are becoming

increasingly fascinated on the electronic products, especially the cell

phones. Not surprisingly, you could easily notice that most of us are obsessed

in sending messages, playing online games with their mobile phones. It cannot be

denied that this phenomenon may negatively impact the relationship among people,

and therefore they will become estranged and isolated.

Personally, in view of the overuse of mobile phones, I hold that we

individuals should raise the necessary awareness that good relationships are

reinforced by sincere and face-to-face communication.



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风车山上坐落着一座百年老校,厚重古朴的拱劵门上面镌刻着1884,与别的学校不同,这是一所女校。 A century -old school is located on the windmill mountain. 1884 is engraved on the thick and quaint arch door. Unlike other schools, this is a girl school.















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Great changes have taken place in my hometown for recent years.big department stores and factories are everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets.with the development of the society,The life of the us is greatly improved.

I used to live in a small house and small houese surround the whole city. the qaulity of our life is very low,people were always worried that they would have no money for using or they can not get what they like. we could seldom see any foreign tourists.

But now, with the support of the government . My hometown has developed quickly and has changed a lot.people are living in a rich and high quality society,almost each person has a car,the transportation is convinient,meanwhile. more and more high buildings are being built which brings our hometown a new look. many wonderful places have been opened up that attracts many tourists.

Also,the people in my hometown are getting busier, everywhere you can see peoples footprints.



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My name is Beth. Im 14 years old, and I study in No. 1 Middle School of

Hangzhou. My school is very big and beautiful. Im very happy in the school.

I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises in the

playground. At 6:40, I have my breakfast. You can see many students and teachers

in the dinning room. After breakfast, I often read English with my


We have six classes every day. The first class begins at 7:50 am. I like

all the classes for my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting. My

favorite subject is English, so I join English Corner every week. I can speak

English with many other students there. Its very interesting and exciting. I

think its helpful for me to learn English well. After class, I always play

games with my friends. We play soccer ball,basketball, volleyball, ping-pong and

so on. They are very relaxing.

I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my school.

I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful. My school life is

wonderful, isnt it?



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Mid-autumn is a traditional festival in China. It’s also called Autumn festive, August festival, daughters festival, or Reunion festival and so on. It’s often on August 15th in lunar calendar every year, but in some places, it’s on the 16th August, such as Ningbo, Lanzhou and Zhou Shan.

Mid-autumn day is thought to be the best festival with human touch or interest and poetic sentiment and mood of a painting. It’s a reunion festival, on the day, people always miss close relatives and friends. Wherever they are, they always go home to see their parents and brothers and sisters, or their wife or husband and their children. The people who are in far away also give a call to the persons they are concerning with.

On this day, people often eat moon cake, nuts and some special food. And in some places, the days before Mid-autumn day, they do the rabbits with wheat, which stand of peace and reunion. On the evening, family members or friends always stay together to watch the moon as eating moon cake and nuts, or as talking each other happily.



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Hello! I am Yulan, a sunshine girl! I’m a student in ClaTwo Grade Seven. My school lifeis so wonderful! Classes begin at 8:10 a.m. I have four classes in the morning and three classes in thafternoon. My favorite subject is math, because it ’s easy and interesting!

Do you like math,can you tell me? I usually have lunch at school, then, I have rest. After school, I often climb hills with my classmates on the playground. It,’s my favorite outdoor activities I like it very much! What do you think?

My schoool life is busy and fantastic. First, we have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have to get to school before 7:30 because we have a morning class. Second, I like my school life because teachers and my classmates are friendly and helpful.

We also have lots of after-school activies. Third, our school environment is very beautiful, the teachers all can make their lesson interesting and instructive. So I like my school life very much.



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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Campus Life。 You should write at least words according to the situation given below in Chinese:

Campus Life

Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university。 Now the dream has come true。 But how do we college students like our campus life?

Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding。 Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect。 Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much。 In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school。 The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder。

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the Internet。




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early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. now the dream has come true. but how do we college students like our campus life?

certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. in their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. the only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.

as to me, college life is ideal if only i have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the internet.



