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看!我家的虎子是不是很厉害呢!我喜欢我家的小狗――虎子。 篇五:关于狗的介绍作文400字








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豆豆不仅长得十分可爱,还是我们家的小闹钟。晚上,只要豆豆睡觉了,我也得去睡觉。有一天,尽管到点睡觉了,可是我没有一丝睡意。它仿佛看出了我的 心思,它先用它的前爪来抓我的小腿。见我还是没有睡觉的意思,它就会对我大声犬吠,催促着我睡觉,但意犹未尽的我怎能轻易地睡觉呢?于是我用手把它推开, 斥责它自己先睡,可它就是不走,仍然犬吠不止。最后我还是被豆豆强大的“闹钟”能力征服了。我极不情愿躺回床上。早上,它总是在我妈妈规定的时间来床边唤 我起床。有时我想赖床,它就会像一位严厉的母亲,大声催促着让我起床。看着蒙蒙亮的天色,就再睡五分钟吧,我心想。豆豆似乎看穿了我的心思,也知道它奈何 不了我,这时它就会去搬救兵。不一会儿,妈妈进来了,挠我的脚。我痒得不行,根本不能好好睡,不得不起床了。

豆豆其实是一个好奇心特别强的小狗。前几天,豆豆看见沙发底下有个空隙,它就想进去看一看里面有什么东西。于是,它就爬进去了。但它想要出来的时候 却被卡住了,出不来了。它只有静静地等着别人来救它。午饭时我们才发现不对,平日里豆豆都会来看着我们吃饭,可是今天它却没有来。我以为豆豆是要和我玩捉 迷藏呢,我心想:“哼,准是在和我捉迷藏,看我不把你找出来!”于是我满屋子找豆豆,就差没把房间翻个底朝天,可还是没见到它的踪影。我灵机一动,大喊一 声“上街去了!”以前我这么一喊,它就会蹦蹦跳跳向我跑来。可是这一次,我等了好一会儿却丝毫不见豆豆的影子,可真奇怪!今天是怎么回事呢?这时,我隐隐 约约听着沙发底下有声音。我立刻过去查看,才发现是豆豆卡在那儿了,进得去出不来了。豆豆的好奇心害了它啊!




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I like my favorite puppy, its name is A yellow. Round head with sharp ears, round and bright eyes with a few long eyelashes, mouth with two pointed teeth, the body with yellow hair. This is my family that a lovely puppy.

My dog is not only cute, but also very naughty.

My dog is very naughty. Once I bought a pair of new shoes and put it at home. Then I solved the rope with the dog, ready to take it out, but my mother called me to brush the pot. But so I brush pot, home to see but found my shoes gone, I found looking for, and found a shoe in a stinking ditch, there are many bite under the traces of bite, then I know It was the dog that my family had bite.

Every time I feed my puppy, the dogs forelimbs are lifted and made a welcome gesture as if I were smiling.

I especially like this puppy because it is not only very naughty, and very cute.



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一天, 阳光明媚,小汪汪在家里很无聊,没有一件事情可以做,突然,小狗汪汪家的电话响了,小狗汪汪就去接电话:“喂,你找谁?”“汪汪,我是匆匆,你在家里有事没?”小狗汪汪一听,原来是小花狗匆匆呀!心里非常高兴,他想:“哈哈,匆匆找我,肯定有事想让我帮忙,我可真幸运啊!”小狗汪汪开心的回答小花狗匆匆:“匆匆,有什么事吗?”小花狗匆匆心想:哦,原来汪汪在家呀!就说:“汪汪,要不,你来我家做客吧!咱们俩还可以一起玩呢,好吧?”小狗汪汪回答:“好的!”





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I have two puppies in my house. One is white, one is gray. White called Pippi, it is very naughty so called Pippi. Gray called obediently, it is well behaved so it is called obediently. But I liked Pippi.

Pippi it loves to sleep and eat asleep. But it heard someones footsteps, but also how diligent, it will be barking, tell us that someone came. But when I came, it not only shouted, but also came out to meet me. It is very obedient, we call it out to play, it goes out to play, as long as we called Pippi at the door, it will soon run back.

Pippi its appetite ok, give it anything to eat, as long as not bad things can be. Pippi it is a big variety, and our geese like.

Whenever I am very sad when it will run over to coax me, accompany me to play. Every time I am happy when it will be happy. Its unhappy when ill take it out to play. It was happy when I was happy.

This is my dog my favorite puppy skin. Okay, yes, forget what Phi Phi sleeps like. It sleeps like people, most of them are legs straight to the right lying, it is like a sleep will be snoring.



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Among the many small animals, my favorite is the puppy. I also gave it a nice name, called: Peas. Peas are long and round with a head, a pair of watery eyes, a mouth, a sensitive nose, a pair of sharp ears, tail upturned, a golden color, hairy, fat The body.

Once, our family is eating lunch, Peas are sleeping in my room, suddenly, Peas smell the smell, along the fragrance came out, Peas came to my side, barking to call a few times , I also know that Peas must be hungry, so I ran over!

So I took a piece of ribs from my bowl and put it into the bowl of Peas, and Peas really had to eat! Peas were most like to sleep on my couch, remember that one day I came home from school, Fling, I sat on the couch, called Peas over, Peas called a few times, immediately ran over lying next to me.

Peas are most like to play the ball with me, and one day, I and Peas happy to play in the downstairs, I throw the ball, Peas ran hard to run ah! Hard to jump, to catch me throw The ball, because I throw too hard, and Peas and I play sweating, Peas kept spit tongue.

My Peas are so cute! I like Peas!



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My family has a special member "gray", gray is a particularly pleasing dog, his black and white, gray also has many advantages, now let me introduce you!

Gray gray on the family is particularly enthusiastic, remember that I came back from Huzhou, gray immediately ran over to meet me, turn around in my turn, turn my head are dizzy, and its tail shaking to shake, looks very cheerful, It is also Want Want Want to say: "Master, you come back, and can play with me." Gray came around me, I seem to have all my unhappy and tired have forgotten.

Gray is not only passionate about the family, but also a particularly good housekeeping expert. Once, when I go out too hurry, forget the door closed, and went directly, gray in the back of the non-stop call, I think: how gray so disgusted today, usually very quiet. So, I went back to the house, a look that is forgotten to close the ah! I am wrong gray, and today thanks to the gray remind me, or the thief will go home to steal things to go. There are a lot of gray places, I do not elaborate.

This is my home gray, both smart and lovely, but also my "good friend".



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The owner has a kitten and a puppy. Kittens often bully puppies, and bullying the dog when the special unreasonable.

Why did the kittens unreasonable? Because the cat mother never educated the kitten, the kitten is willing to do what, do not want to do nothing. If the kitten made a mistake, the cat mother could not see it. Cat mother is also too busy now.

Once, the puppy honestly eating, kittens went over, first grab the dogs food, the puppy did not say anything, the kitten also used the claws to catch the puppy. Kittens at the beginning is to take a claw to catch, after a while, see the dog did not respond, to open the left and right, even with two claws caught. While catching the side also called, as if to show their own mighty. And once again, the kitten is not unreasonable. At that time the weather was so hot that the puppy stood in front of the fan. Kittens in order to comfortable some, ran over the dog hit the side. The puppy wants to go, but the kitten is angry, chasing the dog bite.

After the kittens bully the puppy, the little animals begin to sympathize with the puppy and punish the kitten. Some animals take the cat when the cat is not, in its bed put thorns. There are many small animals no matter what to play with, as long as the kitten came to see, we immediately disbanded, who do not play with the kitten



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I have a cute little puppy, the puppys shape is very common, it is long with a pair of water spirit of the big eyes, flickering really cute, it also has a sensitive nose, any smell can not escape it The nose.

It is a kind of dog, who grows a snow white hair, if it is happy, it will be spoiled to you, pulling your trousers, let you play with it. If it is unhappy no matter who is no reason not to adopt, no sound.

Once, I went to school, I feel the feet become heavy, a look, turned out to be my puppy, pulling my pants horns, and a pair of poor eyes looked at me, I really have a little heart But I have to go to school, can not accompany it to play, so I had to ruthlessly gone.

It would be bored, put the home upside down, if the mood is good, will go out for a walk, when I go home, it will take my shoes over, let me wear shoes, but when I see the house mess, I like An angry lion, roared to it.

It will make a poor look to please me, I will be calm. When I write my job, it will always lie on the table, so I finished, out to play, to the outside, it is like a free bird running around, while playing with butterflies, while greeted with the grass, The tree stands straight.

It is so cute!



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I have a puppy, and its name is black, it has a black shiny hair, very nice. Its eyes like a large pepper seeds, tilted a curved tail, shake to shake, very fun.

One day, I went out shopping, the little black to the neighbors little sister strolling play, my father at home, if the little sister play tired, you can Give the little black to my father. In the afternoon, I came back, opened the door to see, suddenly stunned! TV open, black lying on the bed in the above sleep, the house a messy, the table on the book scattered, open the page is small Black ink treasure, fruit plate fruit has been bitten, the walls are blue dog paw prints. No! I shouted, toward the study. The door of the study cover, I pushed the door into, really did not I expected, my bottle of hero brand of expensive blue ink sprinkled a table, I saved money to buy 20 yuan copper sets of pen Fell to the ground, the pen tip has been bent. I feel very distressed, and quickly go up and clean up the mess. At this time, the living room came a little black screams, I look out, it was mother locked into the cage, and then with the help of the eyes looked at me, I white it: deserve it!

Black is very naughty. Grandmother 81-year-old birthday that day, our family with a small black to her home to play, to her home, met the sheep and the cow, the lair can be tempted, and it for a while to scratch the hoof, , Full garden everywhere run. We spent a great effort to clean the yard, so my mother and closed it for two months confined. I posted a note on the cage. Do not close the dog!

Black and we have been together for many years, has become an indispensable part of our family. Although he was naughty, but I still like it.



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My family has two soil dogs, one called Arnold, the other called black, they have their own characteristics, Arno is a veteran of the old dog, once, a wild dog ran to my house, The bright eyes looked at the wild dogs, the gallows of the wild dogs even fly like a fleeing, lively black but just the opposite, he is a fake tiger, timid dog, but they have a common Point, is very loyal, always in the owner needs it, timely help.

I remember not long ago put three days with fake, my mother took me back to the grandmother, the little uncle had to take me and Arnold, black to the mountains to clean up the weeds and garbage, but my mother worried no experience I lost in the mountains, , So only to Arnold, little black with the little uncle to go, I am so sad! Because I and Arnold love hand in hand, after an hour, I found Arnolds foot hurt, and I anxiously asked why Arnold I will know that Arnold is to protect the little uncle, rushed to fight with the wild animals and injured, it is loyal to the spirit of the guardian of my heart sadness.

Usually Arnold to a subtle grass as weak, but in danger, but like a heroic warrior to protect me and my family, it is not only a good dog, is the patron saint of our family.



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I had a puppy, a rounded body, looked like a brown ball, so I called it "ball".

Ball long can be beautiful, a long hair, such as brocade in general, watery eyes, almost invisible eyes, small ears suddenly fan fan, like two mini-version of the small fan. The little claws are like a pad of meat.

The ball is very cute. Look, it is four feet to sleep! That posture, like in the Buddha, snoring hit the earthly sound, white belly with a breathing belts, small claws are not resting around the chaos, like to see a good Eat like. I could not help but laugh, the ball was awakened by me, it looked at me with innocent eyes, as if to say: little master, what do you laugh ah? Good sleep! Then, turned again, The body curled up into a ball, continue to sleep.

The ball is also cute in the food phase. It is, as long as I have a delicious, regardless of March 27 to my body red, while swinging it small, playing the tail of the tail, and sometimes met with the meat bones than I met Dear. Once, I gave the ball a rich "braised pork meal". It stared at the food plate, not so I put steady, the ball can not wait to eat up early, like a few days hungry like. I finally could not help, and said: "No one to grab you, can not do so care?" The ball seems to understand my words like, rushed my head, fan a small fan, Put the tail, as if in admit, that look, very cute!



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我的家庭虽然不很富裕,但是我很幸福。每天主人起床之前,我都会舔舔主人的手,主人都会微笑着摸摸我的头,这时,我是满有成就感的!每天,我都吃着一些“山珍海味”,时不时主人还给我最爱吃的鸡蛋给我吃呢!主人对我很好,很疼我,简直当我是她儿子。每次犯了错误,主 要再犯;当错误实在太大时,我就躲在“卧室”里接受主人的教诲,还要挨打哦!

