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Autumn came! Autumn came to the mountains and plains; autumn came to the village farmland; autumn also came to the orchard. Autumn orchard fruitful, autumn orchard filled with mature and harvest, autumn orchard people intoxicated!

Autumn orchards are colorful. You look! The orchard, fruit ripe, persimmon, pomegranate, apple, pear you squeeze me touch, as if to fight people to pick it! Persimmon smile red face, like a small lanterns hanging on the branches. Pomegranate laughed his mouth, red fruit like a red agate. The apple was covered with branches and the heavy fruit bent over the branches, like a shy little girl, hiding under the leaves, and was reluctant to come out. Huang Chengcheng pears hanging crystal clear dew, facing the morning sun, reflecting the dazzling light, as if to say: "Do you want to bite me?" Autumn is the fruit show the season.

Autumn orchard is really beautiful! I love the fall of the orchard, more love autumn orchard to bring people the joy of harvest!



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Autumn came, the fruit of the orchard was ripe.

You see, apple red, and big and round, like a small bowls of light. Pear Huang Chengcheng, like a small gourd, covered with branches, the number is also countless. Grapes, purple, light green, a string of water Lingling, looks very good. They are floating fragrance, looked really lovable.

Listen, the orchard came out of the noisy voice, oh, the original is a few children in the orchard picking fruit! Bull is a Hercules, he picked a basket of apples ready to send them to uncle aunt home. Do not look at the point is a little point, she can not be willing to fall behind someone else, she climbed the ladder, picked a big round and round apples, shouted: "I picked a biggest apple!" Show it, Brought up an apple, on the baskets, everyone applauded for her.

There are a few small hedgehogs also came to the orchard join in the fun, as long as they can be filled with a roll and return.

Autumn orchard really lively ah! I love the fall of the orchard!



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2. 多明媚的秋天哪,这里,再也不是焦土和灰烬,这是千万座山风都披着红毯的旺盛的国土。那满身嵌着弹皮的红松,仍然活着,傲立在高高的山岩上,山谷中汽笛欢腾,白望在稻田里缓缓飞翔。

3. 秋夜,天高露浓,一弯月牙在西南天边静静地挂着。清冷的月光洒下大地,是那么幽黯,银河的繁星却越发灿烂起来。

4. 瞧,那一片片金黄的麦子,多么像一个个可爱的小泵娘啊;瞧,那一颗颗硕大的果实,多么想一个孩子红彤彤的笑脸呀;瞧,那一颗颗高大的果树,多么像农民们喜悦的心情啊!

5. 果园还是那样的热闹,地上的小花还在比美,真是桃李争妍呀!姹紫嫣红的花,各种各样丰满的水果,它们为什么会变成这样呢因为它们要感谢他们那辛勤的园丁为它们所做的一切。

6. 北方的果树,到秋来,也是一种奇景。第一是枣子树;屋角,墙头,茅房边上,灶房门口,它都会一株株的长大起来。像橄榄又像鸽蛋似的这枣子颗儿,在小椭圆形的细叶中间,显出淡绿微黄的颜色的时候,正是秋的全盛时期;等枣树叶落,枣子红完,西北风就要起来了。

7. 晚上的果园也很快活。无数个小丙子在“自家”开起了聚会。让我们先来参观苹果家。果树爷爷正在说:“孩子们,今晚我们快活的玩吧,哈哈哈!”西瓜子儿不甘心的说:“到了夏天,看你们谁还疯起来。”我们在参观梨子一家。看无数个“胖娃娃”正在开“谁最胖”大赛。冠军明年可以代表梨子们向辛勤的园丁问好。大家还没发现地上的野菊花还在开放,香气布满整个果园,它自豪地说:“果园的香气都是因为我,所以千万别破坏花草树木呀。”

8. 秋天的果园是五彩缤纷的,像小灯笼一样的红苹果挂满枝头。黄澄澄的鸭梨挤在一起,活像个胖嘟嘟的小娃娃。葡萄叶下有大-片玛瑙般的葡萄,一个个晶莹透亮,好像在说:想不想尝尝我那晶莹的葡萄呀石榴子儿也出来热闹一下,他们把屋子挤破落到地。

9. 蔚蓝色的天空。在深秋时节,一尘不染,晶莹透明。朵朵霞云照映在清澈的嘉陵江上;鱼鳞的微波,碧绿的江水,增添了浮云的彩色,分外绚丽。

10. 早上果园的果子正在吃“早餐”,苹果的脸变得更红了,梨子更胖了。所有的果子都变了,大家全都换一身更漂亮的新衣服。小山枣好奇地问:“这是谁做的?”满地的小草回答:“是你们的主人做的,他天天给你们喝水,杀虫什么的,辛苦极了。你们长的好才能报答他的苦心呀。”



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In the fall, I and a few children to the orchard to pick apples.

Came to the orchard, the grass dancing in the breeze, as if to say: "Come and dance with me!" Chrysanthemum blooming smile. Ginkgo tree and maple are still walking in the breeze little dance! Fruit trees also follow them to learn to dance.

Look, Xiao Li and Xiao Gang in picking up the leaves, they picked up the leaves to do it? They picked up the leaves to make bookmarks it! Red big apple straightened, as if to say: quickly take me off it. Xiao Ming Dianqi from the tip of the apple picked up. Picked a big and red apple, happy smile. I also saw a big and red apple, but also how can not pick enough. I shook the tree vigorously, the apple fell on the tree down a lot, I was happy to pick up the apple. We eat big mouth mouth of the apple, which is personally picked their own fruit, eat up sweet heart.

At noon, we should go, we would like to play here for a while, but adults are waiting for us to go home for lunch yet. We reluctantly left this beautiful orchard.
