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“摒弃高傲,放下身段,这才是人生的最高境界。” " Abandoning the pride and putting down the body is the highest state of life.

才能不是用来高调炫耀的,低调为人做事,才会铸就大器。著名球星梅西有言:“没有我的团队,就没有我今天的成就。”当他带领巴萨夺得欧冠冠军时,他选择了高调张扬自己的球技?不,他将成就与荣耀归功于自己的团队及队友。当聚光灯下的媒体采访接踵而至时,他选择了高调为人,沉迷于他人的赞赏和礼遇中?不,他依旧像平常那样刻苦训练。如果他选择高调而拒绝低调,那么他不啻会失去成为世界第一的机会,还会使自己的才能迅速被磨灭。正如他的教练瓜迪奥拉所说的那样:“梅西成就了巴萨,而低调成就了梅西。” is not used to show off for high-profile, and to do things in low-key people. The famous star Messi has a saying: Without my team, there is no my achievement today. " When he led Barcelona to win the Champions League, he chose to show his high-profile publicity. Ball skills? No, he will attribute his achievements and glory to his team and teammates. When the media interviews under the spotlight followed, he chose to be high -profile and indulged in the appreciation and courtesy of others? No, he still trains as usual as usual. If he chooses to be high -profile and refuses to be low -key, then he will lose his chance to become the worlds number one, and will make his talents quickly wear out. As his coach Guardiola said: " Messi has achieved Barcelona, ​​and low-key achieves Messi.

当人们开始意识到低调对人生的重要性时,却不知道如何低调。英国诗人蓝德如是说:“我和谁都不争,和谁争我都不屑。”这就是对低调最高的诠释,殊不知人们往往难以做到在这个喧哗的时代中心如止水。反观当下,从陈光标的高调行善到黄晓明的高调婚礼,人们缺少的是在宁静与低调认识生活。相比之下,弘一大法师的“明镜止水以定身,青天白日以成事,光风霁月以待人”便更显得可贵。守心如一,视名利、荣誉如过眼云烟,更可寻得真正的低调,让心灵得到本质的升华。 When people start to realize the importance of low-key to life, they do not know how low-key. The British poet Lande said: " I do n’t fight for anyone, and I disdain for anyone. " This is the most high-key interpretation of low-key. The center of the noisy times stops. On the other hand, from the high -profile wedding of Chen Cursor to Huang Xiaomings high -profile wedding, people lack in peace and low -key understanding of life. In contrast, Master Hongyi The mirror stops water to settle, the blue sky and the day are done, and the light of the moon is treated with people It is even more valuable. The mind is as well as, regarding fame and fortune, and the honor is like a cloud of smoke, you can find a real low -key, so that the soul can be sublimated in nature.

低调不仅会造就自己,还会得到别人的好感以及衷心的赞赏,古希腊哲学家苏格拉底一生收了许多弟子,但他的弟子中他最喜欢的则是柏拉图。在其他弟子高调行事,四处宣扬自己浅薄的哲学理论时,只有柏拉图始终在苏格拉底身旁静心潜学。苏格拉底被柏拉图的低调虚心所感染,将毕生的大智慧全部传授给柏拉图,使他成为了一代著名的哲学家。毋庸置疑杨修的军事造诣极高,可他却不懂得像郭嘉、荀彧一样在曹操面前低调收敛,导致曹操对杨修的嫉妒之心日益增加。最终因“鸡肋”一事,曹操蒋杨修斩杀,柏拉图的低调该他带来了精神财富,而杨修的高调却惹来了杀身之祸。“谦虚是行万事的基础”。海德格尔如是说。 Low-key will not only create themselves, but also get the favor of others and sincere praise. Many disciples, but his favorite is Plato. When other disciples acted high -profile and preached their shallow philosophical theories, only Plato always studied quietly next to Socrates. Socrates was infected by Platos low -key humbsia and taught all the wisdom of his life to Plato, making him a famous philosopher. There is no doubt that Yang Xius military accomplishment is very high, but he does not know how to converge in front of Cao Cao like Guo Jia and Xun, which led to Cao Caos jealousy of Yang Xius jealousy. In the end, " Chicken Rib Cao Cao Jiang Yang Xiu killed, Platos low-key should bring spiritual wealth, but Yang Xius high-profile caused a disaster. " Humidity is the foundation of everything . Heidegger said.

我相信时代是不断改变的,但人的优秀品质是永恒的:低调、谦逊。面对这个社会的喧嚣与浮躁,愿你能低调做自己。 I believe that the times are constantly changing, but the quality of people is eternal: low-key, humble.Faced with the hustle and bustle of this society, I hope you can be a low -key.



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我倒情愿做那淡泊宁静的一汪湖水,即使望不见大海的宽宏壮烈,也能拥有那一方的明媚春色。我倒情愿做那卑微的寸草,即使比不上大树的遮天蔽日,也能享受那一缕温暖的阳光。我不愿像苍鹰那样成为蓝天的主宰,只愿做一只低姿态的鸟儿,飞得更远。 I am willing to be the indifferent and quiet lake water, even if you cant see the magnificent and magnificent sea, you can have that side of that side.Bright spring.I am willing to make the humble grass, even if it is not as obustile to the sky, I can enjoy the warm sunlight.I dont want to be the master of a blue sky like the goshawk. I just want to be a low -attitude bird, flying further.

作为“杂交水稻之父”,袁隆平无论在成就还是在品质上都是值得世人称颂的。他本可拿着那一大摞荣誉证书成为任何一个高级科研所的骨干,可他却选择用最低的姿态面对生活。“不下田种不出好庄稼”,这是他常说的一句话。所有见过他的人都会这样的评价:袁隆 As The father of hybrid rice The quality is worthy of praise from the world. He could have been holding the big honor certificate as the backbone of any senior scientific research institute, but he chose to face life with the lowest attitude. " No Fields cant plant good crops , this is a sentence he often said. Everyone who has seen him will evaluate this: Yuan Long

平不是一个做研究的科学家,而是一位真正的农民。在他的眼里,名利只会是成功的羁绊,只有踏实做事,才能实现梦想。 Ping is not a scientist who is a research, but a real farmer.In his eyes, fame and fortune will only be a successful bond. Only by doing things can you realize your dreams.

同是大众名人,那些所谓的大家却总是以一种高姿态来博眼球。你看当今社会,哪个作家的作品不上腰封,从销售数量到名家推荐再到编辑力鼎,唯恐读者不知他的作品是多么给力。却不知,真正的一本好书靠的并不是高调的宣传,而是好的内涵与深度。正所谓酒香不怕巷子深,说的就是这个道理。 The so-called everyone always has a high-attitude.Look at todays society, which writers work is not on the waist seal, from the sales quantity to the recommendation of the famous master to editing Li Ding, lest readers who dont know how powerful his work is. But the real good book is not a high-profile publicity, but a good connotationAnd depth.The so -called wine is not afraid of the alleys, and this is the truth.

不久前,不丹国王举行婚礼,他说的一句话让我印象十分深刻。“不丹是一个物质贫匮的国家,所以我的婚礼一定要办得很简单”。本来,国王的婚礼应是一个国家大事。无论国家是多么贫困,也应办得体面周到。可是不丹国王宁愿以这种低姿态来对待自己,这种精神十分可贵。 Not long ago, King Bhutan held a wedding, and he was very impressive. " Bhutan is a country with poor material, so my wedding must be very simple " .Originally, the kings wedding should be a national event.No matter how poor the country is, it should be decent.But King Bhutan would rather treat himself with this low attitude. This spirit is very valuable.

在如今的娱乐圈那些明星竞相攀比婚礼场面的做派面前,不丹国王的做法令人尊重、感动。真正的贵族就应如此,低调来自内心的崇高。 In front of those stars in the entertainment industry, the king of Bhutan is respected and moved by King Bhutan.EssenceThe real nobles should be the case, and the low -key comes from the lofty heart.

无论处在社会的哪个阶层,低调做人,低姿态处事都应是我们的行事准则。反观当下,从“我爸是李刚”,“争嫁高富帅”,到“宁愿坐在宝马车里哭”,这些低俗高调的话竟变得口口相传,人人奉为经典,社会现状实为可哀。 No matter which class is in the society, do it low-key People, low-attitude should be our guidelines. On the other hand, from " My dad is Li Gang STYLE = "Outline-Width: Medium; Outline-Style: None; Outline-COLOR: Invert">, " Fight for Gao Fushuai = "Outline-Width: Medium; Outline-Style: None; Outline-COLOR: Invert">" I would rather sit in the BMW car and cry , these vulgar and high-profile words have become word of mouth.

诚然,所谓的低姿态并非一味的谦逊低调。只顾低调会让人逐渐没入人群,碌碌无为。有些高姿态也可以一定程度地给予肯定,像陈光标的高调行善,这与张杰谢娜花巨资办婚礼的做法相比,又高调的可爱。 It is true that the so-called low posture is not blindly humble and low-key.Only the low -key will make people gradually enter the crowd, and to do nothing.Some high posture can also be affirmed to a certain extent. Like the high profile of Chen Cursor, this is high -profile and cute compared with Zhang Jie Xie Nas huge sum of weddings.

愿越过了青山,越过了流水,这只低姿态的鸟儿成长得更好,飞得更远! I wish to cross Qingshan and pass the flow. This low-attitude bird grew better and flew farther!

淡泊处世低调行事 Carestry Low-key



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当今时代,涌现出众多的风云人物,有政治大家,体育、电影明星、商界巨子、科技奇才、教育名师等等,因为他们历经艰辛的奋斗,终于取得了辉煌瞩目的成就,实现了人生理想。他们的事迹令人感动,更令人骄傲,是值得人们学习的楷模。他们品德高尚,自知世界之大,个人能力之小,贡献之微簿,所以大都能低调做人。如物理学家诺贝尔获得者丁肇中教授从不让人采访,也从不让人宣传,始终低调做人, In the present era, there are many characters, including politics, sports, movie stars, business giants, educators, educationFamous teachers and so on, because of their hard work, they finally achieved brilliant achievements and realized their ideals.Their deeds are moving and even more proud. They are models worth learning.They have noble morality, knowing the worlds greatness, the small personal ability, and the micro -book of contributions, so most of them can be low -key.Such as a physicist Nobel Nobel winner, Professor Ding Zhaozhong never interviewed, and never let people promote it. He is always low -key,

踏实做事,钻研科学奥秘。像丁教授的科学大家是真正低调做人的典范,我等凡人自愧不如哪。但也有那么些人,与以上名人名家名师名星比,不论做人做事,贡献名气都大大不如,相差其远呢,但他们“名气”可不小,处处宣扬自己,时时抬高自己,生怕世界冷落自己,人们忘掉自己。在言语、生活、为人、做事上,都要自擂自己。 Study the mystery of science.Like Professor Dings science is a model of really low -key people, I am not ashamed of mortals.But there are also so many people who are compared with the famous masters of the celebrities above. Regardless of doing things, tribute It is not as good as it is, but they " Famous >Promote themselves everywhere, raising themselves, for fear of the world left, people forget themselves.In terms of words, life, people, and doing things, they must be carried by themselves.

人有贤愚之别,“调”有高低不同。为人高调者,大多妄自尊大,目空一切,自以为是,飞扬跋扈。这种人骄傲自满,令人鄙视和唾弃。为人低调者,大多谦和忍让。何谓低调,这是引申演奏高低调之说。为人低调,即做人不张扬,实在谦和者,宽容大度,平和自谦,不与他人争高低。这种人谦虚好学,品德修行好,受人赞赏和饮佩。笔者以为,大千世界,纷繁复杂,人生在世,低调务实,保持宁静,留与美名为佳。所以,我赞赏和饮佩丁肇中等科学大家低调做人,他的品格、风度、修养、学识、胸襟都是我们学习的榜样。 People are different, " Most of the high -profile people are arrogant, everything is empty, self -righteous, and flying. This kind of person is proud and complacent, contempt and abandonment. Most of the low -key people, most modest and forbearing. What is low -key, this is the saying of extended performance. Low -key, that is, people are not public, those who are humble, tolerant and generous, calm and self -modest, and do not compete with others. Such people are modest and easy to learn, good moral practice, and appreciated and pendant. The author believes that the world is complicated, life is alive, low-key and pragmatic, and keep peace Good. Therefore, I appreciate the low -key people of Ding Dingzhao in the middle science. His character, grace, cultivation, knowledge, and mind are all examples of our learning.

低调做人,既要有学识,也要有修养,它是做人成熟的标志,是为人处世的基调。有句谚语说的好“低头是谷穗,昂头是谷秧”。向日葵在未成熟时,高昂着头,随太阳升起和降落而晃来晃去,惟恐不被人注意。待到粒子饱满时,便低下沉甸甸的头,标志着它已成熟,充实自信了。我最愿意看到它成熟的样子。 Low-key people, both knowledge and cultivation. It is a symbol of mature people.There is a proverb saying good " The head is Guo Sui, and Angs head is Gu Yang .When the sunflower was immature, he swayed with the sun, rising and landing with the sun, lest healed not to be noticed.When the particles are full, they lower their heavy heads, marking that it is mature and fulfilling confidence.I am most willing to see it mature.

低调做人是一种人生境界,是生存与发展的大智,是一种做人的美德。有句格言说得好“良贾深藏才名虚,君子盛德貌若愚”。它告诫我们,低调做人既是美德,也是完美的人生也。尤其在当今物欲横流的社会,很多人都在追逐名利,摆阔气,争风头,占鳌头,事事想 Low-key is a realm of life, the wisdom of survival and development, and a virtue of being a human.There is a saying good " Liangjias deepening talent, gentleman Shengdes appearance " .It warns We are both a virtue and a perfect life.Especially in todays society where material desires are flowing, many people are chasing fame and fortune, broadening, fighting for the best, and taking the lead.



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不要揭人伤疤:不能拿朋友的缺点开玩笑。不要以为你很熟悉对方,就随意取笑对方的缺点,揭人伤疤。那样就会伤及对方的人格、尊严,违背开玩笑的初衷。 No To expose the scars: Cant joke with the shortcomings of friends.Dont think that you are familiar with each other, just make fun of each others shortcomings and expose the scars.That will hurt the persons personality and dignity, and it will contrary to the original intention of joking.

放低说话的姿态:面对别人的赞许恭贺,应谦和有礼、虚心,这样才能显示出自己的君子风度,淡化别人对你的嫉妒心理,维持和谐良好的人际关系。 Low the posture of speaking: Facing the praise of others, should be modest and polite, so that he can show his gentleman.Garage, dilute others jealousy for you, and maintain a harmonious and good interpersonal relationship.

说话时不可伤害他人自尊:讲话要有分寸,不要伤害他人。礼让不是人际关系上的怯懦,而是把无谓的攻击降到零。 Do not harm others self-esteem when speaking.Politeness is not the timidity of interpersonal relationships, but to reduce the unnecessary attack to zero.

得意而不要忘形:得意时要少说话,而且态度要更加谦卑,这样才会赢得朋友们的尊敬。祸从口出,没必要自惹麻烦:要想在办公室中保持心情舒畅的工作,并与领导关系融洽,那就多注意你的言行。对于姿态上低调、工作上踏实的人,上司们更愿意起用他们。如果你幸运的话,还很可能被上司意外地委以重任。 Dont forget: talk less when you are proud, and your attitude is more humble, so as to win the respect of friends. The disaster comes out of the mouth, there is no need to cause it to cause trouble: want to keep your mood in the office Shu Changs work and harmonious relationship with the leadership, then pay more attention to your words and deeds.For those who are low -key and work in their work, their bosses are more willing to use them.If you are lucky, you are likely to be unexpectedly responsible by your boss.

莫逞一时口头之快:凡事三思而行,说话也不例外,在开口说话之前也要思考,确定不会伤害他人再说出口,才能起到一言九鼎的作用,你也才能受到别人的尊重和认可。 Mo Shi for a while: thinking twice, no exception, thinking before speaking, confirmationIt will not hurt others to say that in order to play a role of nine -ding, and you can be respected and recognized by others.

口出狂言者祸必至:是不是因为物欲文明的催生所致,如今社会上各类职业当中都有动辄口出狂言的人。Those who speak madly.

耻笑讥讽来不得:言为心声,语言受思想的支配,反应一个人的品德。不负责任,胡说八道,造谣中伤,搬弄是非等等,都是不道德的。 Smiling sarcasm: Words are voices, the language is dominated by thought, and a persons morality is reflected.It is irresponsible, nonsense, rumor injuries, fiddling right and wrong, and so on, all are not moral.

不要总是报怨原单位:跳槽属于人才流动,是当今社会很正常的一种现象,并不为奇,而且跳槽者屡屡能在新的团队里找到适合自己的位置,创造更佳的业绩。如果这一步还没有达到,你就急急忙忙地大耍“嘴功”,以贬低老团队的手段来抬高自己在新团队的人缘和地位的话,那你就大错特错了! Do not always resent the original unit: Hugging is a phenomenon of normal talents, it is not strange.And the descendants can repeatedly find a position that suits them in the new team and create better performance.If this step has not been reached, you hurriedly play " STYLE = "Outline-Width: Medium; Outline-Syle: None; Outline-COLOR: INVERT">Mouth " If the old team is degraded to raise the popularity and status of the new team in the new team,,Then you are wrong!

说话不可太露骨:别以为如实相告,别人就会感激涕零。要知道,我们永远不能率性而为、无所顾忌,话语出口前,考虑一下别人的感受,是一种成熟的人处世方法。 Dont talk too much: Dont think that it is true that others will be grateful.You know, we can never take sex, have nothing to do, and before the words of discourse, consider the feelings of others It is a mature method of world.

沉默是金:沉默,并不是让大家永不说话,该说的时候还是要说的。就像佛祖那样境界的人,也还是会与人说话,传授佛法,适度的语言本身也是一种沉默。 Silence is gold: Silence, not to let everyone say never to speak.People like Buddhas are still talking to people, teaching the Dharma, and moderate language itself is also a kind of silence.



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平淡如流水,虚怀若空谷。——题记 Pleated as flowing water, as empty. — Title

繁杂的生活搁浅了人生原本多彩的情感,让人在现实与目标中行走。只记得奋斗时的努力追求,却忽略了功成时那份低调与从容。 The complicated life is stranded in the original color of life, allowing people to walk in reality and goals.I only remember the pursuit of hard work when struggling, but ignored the low -key and calmness of the time.

人生的轨迹是无法预订的,但若是常怀一颗低调的心,如流水般平淡,如空谷般平静,路也许会好走很多。 The trajectory of life cannot be reserved, but if it is often A low-key heart, as dull as flowing water, calm as empty valley, the road may be better.

楚汉争霸,自大骄傲的项羽空怀抗鼎之力,终不免自刎乌江。战争之中,“战必胜,攻必取”的韩信,“运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外”的张良,此二人无疑给了项羽致命的打击。多年之后,二将有光景如何?韩信一味贪功自大,身死人手,徒为天下所谈。张良内修道学,外务政事。在朝不追名逐利,平时低调处世,幸的善终。 Chu and Han Dynasty, the proud Xiang Yukongs ability to resist Ding, eventually he could not help Wujiang. During the war, " The battle must win, the attack must be taken -COLOR: Invert ">" Speed ​​thousands of miles away Zhang Liang, the two undoubtedly gave Xiang Yu a fatal blow. After many years, what about the second will have a situation? Han Xin blindly greedy, he was dead, and he talked about the world. Zhang Liang inner monastery, foreign affairs and political affairs. In the dynasty, we do not chase the name and benefit, and I usually live in a low -key life. Fortunately.

韩信不可为不智,张良不可谓多能,二人助刘邦成帝业,结局大相径庭。无外乎是否够低调够谦虚,自傲者的骄傲不过是昙花一现,终究会摔下万丈深渊。 Han Xin cannot be unwise, Zhang Liang cannot be described as a lot of power.It is nothing more than whether it is low -key and humble. The pride of the proud of the proud is just a flash of flames, and after all, it will fall off the abyss.

若论美国历史上最有影响力的人,林肯或许难以称的上,可是他的谦逊与低调让人永远记住了他。林肯任期时,美国正处在青黄不接之时,但林肯展现出的姿态让所有人动容。从接手时整顿工业的明察暗访,小有名气后接受采访时平静的微笑,还是之后外交访问时和善姿态。这个如同大叔一样的人面对人时,那自谦的姿态,低调的言语,友善的表情,时时温暖着他人。 If you talk about American history The most influential person on Lincoln may be unbearable, but his humility and low -key make people always remember him.During the term of Lincoln, the United States was in the time of green and yellow, but Lincolns gesture made everyone move.From the inspection and unannounced interviews that rectified the industry when they took over, they smiled peacefully when they were famous after being famous.When this person like an uncle faces people, the self -modest gesture, low -key words, friendly expressions, always warm others.

林肯一生遇挫无数,获任总统之后也一如当年那般低调勤恳,如流水一般低调与勤劳,如山谷一般谦逊与宽容,这或许就是他被铭记的原因吧! Lincoln has been frustrated in his life.Such as valley humility and tolerance, this may be the reason he was remembered!

观流水浅浅,只看见一丝平淡与低调从中漫出; Observation flowing water is shallow, only a trace of flat and low-key ;

听空谷传响,之听得一缕谦逊与宽容从中散出。 Listen to the sound of the valley, listen to it A ray of humility and tolerance scattered.

自然是最好的老师,它教会了我们低调、从容、淡定、谦逊。试想,如果世上的河流都是奔腾咆哮的样子,世上的山谷又皆是崇山峻岭,这世界又是多么的坚硬与嘈杂?又怎么比的上浅浅流水给人的平淡之感,座座空谷给人的低调之呢? Naturally, it teaches us low-key, calm, calm, and humble.Imagine that if the river in the world looks like a roar, the valleys in the world are all mountains and mountains. How hard and noisy this world is?How can the shallow flowing water give people a sense of flatness?

不得不说如同老太太的人在渐渐消失,如今有一点功绩便大肆宣扬,亦或是并无本领同样吹嘘炫耀的人如恒河沙数。但是,如果只懂得低调却没有真才实学又有什么意义呢?那样只不过泯然众人而已。流水不经过高山的考验,狭缝的穿行何来之后平静?空谷没有时间的积淀,风雨的吹打又怎么显示那份宝贵的低调? It is necessary to say that the people of the old lady are gradually disappearing.People who are also bragging to show off are like Ganges sand.However, if you only know how to be low -key but do not have true talent, it does not make sense?Thats just just everyone.The flowing water is not tested by the mountains.There is no time to accumulate the time, how can the wind and rain show that precious ?

于无声处静静思考,人生亦如此。努力过,成就过,不气馁,不自傲,才算做完美,如那流水,如那空谷。 Think quietly in silence, and life is the same.Effective, achieved, not to be discouraged, not proud, to be perfect, such as the flowing water, like the valley.

低姿态的鸟儿飞得更远 Birds with low posture are farther away



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也许每个人对待低调的认识是不同的。有的人喜欢低调做事,有的人喜欢高调做人。在这个信息大爆炸的时代,你的低调会被大众所青睐吗? Maybe everyone has a different understanding of low-key understanding.Some people like to do low -key things, and some people like high -profile people.In this big information Will your low-key be favored by the public span style = "Outline-Width: Medium; Outline-Style: None; Outline-COLOR: Invert">

现在的我们是二十一世纪的主人,是这个时代的主宰者,这是一个性格张扬的时代,应该说很少有人愿意将自己的事情隐藏于心底的,也很少有人愿意默默无闻地生活在这个世界上。信息高速传播,一个话题在朋友圈就可以引人讨论,热议好几天,大家经常是想到什么就说什么。为什么现在的人们喜欢将自己的心情让别人知道,大概是想让别人关心自己,怜悯自己吧,也许是因为心里感到自己没有太多的存在吧,为了刷自己的人气可存在,很多以前很低调的人,现在已经变得很高调了。 Now we are the owners of the 21st century, the master of this era, this is an era of publicity. It should be said that few people are willing to hide their own affairs in their hearts, and few people are willing to live in this world silently. In the high-speed spread of information, a topic can be discussed in the circle of friends. Heat for several days , you often say what you think of. Why do people now like to let others know others, probably want to let others care about themselves, pity themselves, maybe because they feel that they do n’t exist too much. Span>Very Low-key people have now become Very High profile.

但是我仍然信奉现在一句流行语“低调有内涵”。我认为,有些人本身是大家所仰慕的人,即使他们默默无闻,不用高调去推销自己,其实他们也已经妇孺皆知,名扬天下。那些我们看到的道德模范,他们就是在自己平凡的岗位上,兢兢业业的做着自己的事情,用自己辛勤刻苦的努力,一直坚持做好本职工作。日复一日,年复一年,在平凡的岗位上,做着平凡的事情。虽然他们默默无闻,没有为自己鼓噪宣扬,他们一样成为人们心中的榜样和楷模。他们没有朋友圈的人气榜,没有微博的点赞量,他们却是人们心目中最值得敬佩的人。 But I still believe in a buzzword " Low-key connotation . I think some people are the people they admire. Even if they are unknown, they do not need to sell themselves with high profile. In fact, they are well known to women and children. Those moral model we see, in their ordinary posts, do their own business, use their hard work and hard work, and always insist on doing their job. Day after day, year after year, do ordinary things in ordinary posts. Although they were unknown, they did not make no noise for themselves, and they became examples and models in peoples hearts. They do not have the popularity of the circle of friends, there is no , they are the most admirable person in peoples minds.

鲁迅、巴金、老舍先生,是现代令人尊敬的文学家,他们的作品都是我们所喜爱的。但是他们那个时代并没有我们现代高度发达的媒体热炒自己,也没有过分地使用任何的手段推销自己的作品,而是读者用自己的喜好和真诚的评价,让他们成为文学大师。 Lu Xun, Ba Jin, Lao She is a modern and respectable writer. Their works are all our favorite.However, at that time, they did not have our modern and highly developed media to fry themselves, and they did not use any means to sell their works too much. Instead, readers used their preferences and sincere evaluations to make them a master of literature.

在生活中,低调做事,用自己的真实行动,展示自己的实力和顽强的意志,这样的人历来为人们所景仰。即使是再强大的的敌人,在绝对的实力和铁一般的意志面前,也不得不低下高贵的头颅。 Do things in low profile, use their own real actions to show their own strength and tenacious will. Such people have always used them.Scenered by people.Even no matter how powerful -Style: None; Outline-COLOR: INVERT ">The enemy, in the face of absolute strength and iron-like will, has to lower the noble head.

比如新中国的成立之处,让所有热爱这个国家的中国人民欢天喜地,但却让所敌视是中国人民的反动势力胆战心惊。这些敌视中国人民的势力每一天都预言新中国的失败,可每一次结果都令他们很失望,因为中国人民真正的站起来了! For the establishment of the New China, all the Chinese people who love this country are happy, but the hostile to the Chinese people is the Chinese peopleThe reactionary forces were frightened.The forces of these hostile Chinese people predict the failure of New China every day, but every result disappoint them, because the Chinese people really stand up !

如果真的很优秀,再低调也会声名远播。比如好的产品不需推销,也会做到供不应求,不需要任何宣传和造势也会广而告之。有人认为高,虚假的包装也许能提高自己产品的知名度,可是结果却是搬起石头砸了自己的脚。为了自己可以更好的生存和发展,试着低着头,认真做事,滴水穿石,铁杵磨成针,用自己的行动来做事,也许真的不会输的惨,反而会为你赢得更多的掌声和荣誉。 If it is really excellent, it will be famous for a low-key.For example, good products do not need to be promoted, and they will be in short supply, and no publicity and potential will be explained.Some people think that high, false packaging may increase the popularity of their products, but the result is that the stones have raised their own feet.In order to survive and develop better by yourself, try to bow your head and do things seriously.Applause and honor.

我认为学会低调,体味低调的内涵,也许会赢得高调所不能取得的成功、荣誉。 I think that learning the low-key and low-key connotation may win the success and honor that high-profile cannot be achieved.



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“有境界者自成高格。”王国维如是说。诚然,唯有大境界,方有生命的“高格”。这大境界,一定体现为勇于舍弃生命中的各种赘余,割除傲然于世的种.种虚妄,以不炫耀、不突出、不自大的品质,过一种低调却无限精彩的生活。 " Those who have a realm self-made high-grade. It is true that there is only a big realm, and Fang has life. -Width: Medium; Outline-Style: None; Outline-COLOR: Invert ">Gaoge /span>. This great realm must be reflected in the various removal of the courage to abandon life, cut off the pride of the world. The species is false, and the quality of the low -key but infinitely wonderful life is not to show off, not prominent, and unsatisfactory quality.

在这个众生喧哗的时代,信仰生活失落,情感生活缩水,文化生活粗鄙。名利、地位成了人们碌碌奔竟、孜孜营求的东西,成了衡量一个人的标准。殊不知,唯有守住低调,方能铸就高格。 In this time of all beings, belief life is lost, emotional life shrinks, and cultural life is rude.Famous and fortunes have become things that people rush, camping, and become the standard for measuring a person.As everyone knows, only to keep the low -key can cast high -grades.

低调,是一种为人原则。“争而不斗,和谐自然。”正如季羡林在他的《泰山颂》中写的那样,他的为人也如泰山般低调而崇高。当“熙熙皆为名来,攘攘皆为利往”的世人为了一纸文凭、一个称号争得头破血流时,季老自请辞去了“大师、“泰斗、国宝”这三项“桂冠”。他舍弃的是虚荣,保留的是文学的纯真与人格的高尚。 Low-key, is a principle of human beings. " Fighting without fighting, harmony and nature. "Outline-Width: Medium; Outline-Style: None; Outline-Color: Invert">As Ji Xianlin wrote in his "Taishan Song", his person is as low-key and lofty like Taishan. When " Xixi is all in the name, and all are the benefit When Ji Lao asked for a diploma and a title, he resigned " Master, Thai Dou, National Treasure Span>" . He abandoned vanity, and he retains the innocence of literature and noble personality.

低调,是一种行事智慧。“我和谁都不争,和谁我都不屑。”这句杨绛钟爱的英国诗人兰德的诗,恰恰是先生自己的写照。新著出版,出版社有意请她召开作品研讨会,杨绛却坦陈:“我只管把稿子交出去,读过我书的人都可以提意见,怎么卖书不是我的事情。”杨绛的文字韵致淡雅,拥有不枝不蔓的冷静,比那些声泪俱下的控诉更具张力,更发人深省。她的作品,她的人,正是凭着这种低调的智慧达到“文学大家、翻译巨匠”的高境界。 It is a wisdom. " I do n’t fight for anyone, I do n’t disdain anyone. The poem of Yang Yans favorite British poet Rand is exactly what Mr. himself. Publishing in the new book, the publisher intends to invite her to hold a work seminar, but Yang Ye is frank: I just hand over the manuscript. Those who have read my book can make opinions. How to sell books is not mine. Things. Yang Yans text charm is elegant, with calmness of no branches, more tension than those tearful complaints, and more thoughtful. Her work, her person, is exactly reaching this low-key wisdom Literature everyone, translator giant "

低调,是一种处世态度。“坐深云自淡,行尽月犹清。”这句话是对《曲终集》的概括,更是对孙犁的描摹。他不是个大红大紫的作家,但谁都说他是个真正的作家。被毛泽东称赞为“有风格”,孙犁从未向人言说,只是独守芸斋,寂寞耕堂,以笔为犁,用作品说话。布衣孙犁,荷般高洁,低调的态度背后隐藏着“人生云水过,平常自然心”的高境界。 Low-key, is a life attitude. " Sitting in the deep clouds, the moon is still clear. This sentence is a summary of "The End of Qu", and it is also a description of Sun Li. He is not a popular writer, but anyone says he is a real writer. It is praised by Mao Zedong as " There are styles Sun Li never told others, just guarding Yunzhai alone, lonely farming hall, pad as plow, and speaking with works. Bubai Sun plow, high-profile, low-key attitude hidden behind " Life clouds pass through, usually natural heart " .

林徽因说:“真正的平静不是远离车马喧嚣,而是在心中修篱种菊。”毋庸置疑,真正的低调也不是不食人间烟火,而是默默追寻心中的崇高理想。“俯首甘为孺子牛”“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”这样的生命诉求,才真正称得上守住了低调,铸就了高格。 Lin Huiyin said: " The real calm is not far from the hustle and bustle of the car and horses, but the hedge planting in the heart. Chrysanthemum. Needless to doubt that the real low-key is not a fireworks in the world, but silently pursue the lofty ideals in the heart. " Slotting Gan Gan as a bull " The worry of the world, the joy of the world It was low -key and cast a high -grade.

低调不是位高权重者的专用名词。每一个生命都应立足于平凡的生活,追求不平凡的生命价值。若我们能不忘初心,便能守住低调;创造价值,也就能铸就高格。 Low-key is not a special term for high-weight people.Every life should be based on ordinary life and pursue extraordinary life value.If we can not forget our original intentions, we can keep the low -key; to create value, we can also cast high -grades.



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古人云,人生三境靠修炼:“昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路。”此一境:高瞻远瞩;“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。”此二境:锲而不舍;“众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。”此三境:功到自然成。我们经历对未来的高瞻远瞩,锲而不舍地追求自己的人生,却鲜有人达到第三境界:任功名滚滚,我自淡泊。淡泊中,自己达到人生最高之境。 The three realms of life by cultivation: "Last night, the West Wind withering tree, looking on the high-rise buildings."This situation: far -sightedness; "The belts are gradually wider and do not regret, and people disappear for Yi." This two realms: persistently;Realm: Gong is natural.We have gone through the foresight of the future and persevere in pursuing our lives, but few people have reached the third realm: Ren Gong is rolling, I am indifferent.During the indifferent, I reached the highest state of life.

须弥藏芥子,芥子纳须弥。一切伟大美好的品德,都藏在大小只有一拳之心中,都藏在芥子般的细节当中。无须多言,功名本就不需妄加揣测,肆意追求,在自己的本分中踏实做事。正如材料中不起眼的老太,无视“正师级”的荣誉,在比别人“多干几年活”的光阴里,得到他人的赞美,却丝毫未乱自己的心绪,淡泊中,功到自然成。All the great and beautiful morals are hidden in the heart of only one punch, all hidden in the details of mustard.Needless to say, there is no need to speculate on the name of meritorious names, pursue it wanton, and do things in your own score.Just as the inconspicuous old lady in the materials, ignoring the honor of "Zhengshi -level", was praised by others in the time of "doing more years of work" than others, but did not mess with her own mood.Naturally.

鲁迅因成绩优异获得金质奖章却并未以此作为炫耀的资本,而是用它换回几本书和一串红辣椒,在天寒体困之时咀嚼辣椒继续埋头苦读;居里夫人得到英国皇家协会的勋章却给自己的小女儿把玩,面对这极高也是非常难得的荣誉,她说:“我就想让孩子们知道,荣誉就像玩具,只能玩玩而已,绝不能永远守着它,否则就会一事无成。” Lu Xun won the gold medal because of his excellent results, but he used it to replace it with a few of them.Books and a string of red peppers chewed peppers to continue to study hard when the cold body is sleepy; Mrs. Curie received the medal of the British Royal Association but gave her little daughter to play. It was also a very rare honor in the face of this high. SheSaid: "I want children to know that honor is like toys. I can only play with it.

自古成大事者,其初衷并不是为了自己的名利,在追求自己理想的过程中,早已淡泊了 The original intention has not been for their own fame. In the process of pursuing their ideals,

功名利禄。静心之中,成就与心境皆已致远。反观当今社会众生相,追名逐利者芸芸,更有甚者连追求功名都算不上,只是为了混个脸熟成为所谓的“名人”,不惜以各种炒作手段将自己推向舆论的风口浪尖。从“芙蓉姐姐”到“凤姐”再到“郭美美”,所谓的淡泊他们大概闻所未闻,不知为何物。In the meditation, the achievements and mood are far away.On the other hand, all beings in the society today, chasing famous and profit -seeking, and even the pursuit of the fame, just to become a so -called "celebrity" to mix a face, and push themselves to the cedar of public opinion with various speculation methods.EssenceFrom "Sister Furong" to "Sister Feng" to "Guo Meimei", the so -called indifferent they probably did not hesitate, somehow.

任斯红尘滚滚,自有清风朗月。我们努力的方向,就是这个境界,任这个世界多么污浊世俗,也要保持淡泊的心灵,宁静致远。 Ren Sihongchen rolled, his own breeze.The direction of our hard work is this realm. How dirty the world is in this world, we must maintain a indifferent mind and quiet.

本来无一物,何处惹尘埃? Originally, where is the dust?



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曾以为生活就是2113再亲人的蔽护下无忧无虑,曾5261以为生活就是4102努力考个好成绩,曾以为生活1653就是万人过独木桥的竞争,现在的我以为生活是什麽?翻开试 I thought life was 2113 The protection of relatives is carefree, 5261 Think that life is 4102 " Strive for a good results, I thought life 1653 is the competition of thousands of people passing the wooden bridge. Now what I think is life? Open Test

卷写下一行行不知所为的文字么?还是对着几个小的可怜的数字感觉天都灰了?从早自习到晚自习,即使睡意已如潮水般来袭,我们还是会奋笔疾书,那些零散的、枯乏的数字,被不加选择的塞进混乱的大脑。这是在梦的蓝图里被设计了无数遍而自己却始终无法进入的计划。开始害怕当自己再也不是那个曾经的自己,我心中那个顺理成章的未来还是否会顺理成章! Write the words that do not know what to do?Or do you feel gray in the small and poor numbers?From morning self -study to late self -study, even if we are asleep like a tide, we will still write about books. Those scattered, dead numbers are stuffed into the chaotic brain without choosing.This is a plan that has been designed countless times in the blueprint of dreams and has never been able to enter.I started to be afraid that when I was no longer the former self, whether the future in my heart would be logical!

高三了,别人都说压力大了,可我呢?还在挥霍自己曾经的努力么?有时在想这就是我的生活么?三点一线还在为自己的生活而赌。这样真的很累!每当这时我便会想起爸妈,想起温暖的家,当这一切都涌向心的深处,我便会哭,暗暗流泪,然后告诉自己要好好努力。难道生活就是这样么?一遍一遍不厌其烦的重复。 High school, others say that the pressure is high, but what about me?Are you still spending your own efforts?Sometimes I think this is my life?At three oclock, we are still gambling for your own life.This is really tired!Whenever I think of my parents and the warm home at this time, when all this is deep in my heart, I will cry, secretly cry, and then tell myself to work hard.Is life like this?Repeat it over and over again.

可是当坏的一切真的来临,我还会那么容易说服自己么?伤心,然后有些绝望,突然间感觉到――未来,原来已不在自己手中。只是自己还沉浸在曾经那个美丽的梦里,不愿醒来。我知道那都是我自己一手编制的。 But when everything is really coming, will I still convince myself so easily?Sadness, then a little desperate, suddenly felt -the future, it turned out to be in my own hands.I was just immersed in the beautiful dream, and I didnt want to wake up.I know that I was prepared by myself.

周末休息回家,看到父母以及弟弟,闻到久违熟悉的饭菜香气,泪水又一次溢满眼眶,只是我不会释放它们,尤其在父母面前。我不想父母因为我的无知而操心,我知道爸妈的白发已不在那么容易数清了。 Rest home on the weekend, see parents and younger brothers, smell the aroma that has been familiar with the familiar meals for a long time, tears overflowed with my eyes again, but I will not release them, especially in front of my parents.I dont want my parents to worry about because of my ignorance. I know that my parents gray hair is not so easy to count.

爸妈又嘱咐我要好好学习,为自己将来的美好生活努力。生活――他们又提到了生活。我知道自己还活着,但我也知道活着不全等于生活! My parents also instructed me to study hard and work hard for my future beautiful life.Life -they mentioned life again.I know that I am still alive, but I also know that living is not all equal to life!

收拾心情,打开电视机。刚好看到一部关于高中生活的电视剧。看着看着便不禁哑然失笑,我无法想像如果我像男女主人翁一样的学习,我还会有什么希望。可忽然间不笑了,感觉这样的情节多么似曾相识。或许,不久以前我还在试图诠释这样的“情节”。 Pack up the mood and turn on the TV.I just saw a TV series about high school life.Looking at it, I couldnt help laughing. I couldnt imagine that if I learned like a male and female masters, I would have any hope.Suddenly I didnt laugh, I feel how much such a plot is.Perhaps, I was still trying to interpret such a "plot" not long ago.

关上电视,突然间明白了什么――活着不是为了演一出糜烂的黑色喜剧,而是为了找一条通往天堂的路。所以,不会再犹豫,不会再沉沦在电视剧情节一样的假象里。 Close the TV, and suddenly understand what -alive is not to play a erosive black comedy, but to find a way to heaven.Therefore, he will not hesitate anymore, and will no longer sink in the illusion of the TV drama plot.

不会再为了踢一场球而使自己忘了学习;不会再为了看一本杂志而翻遍整个大街小巷;不会再为了青春的冲动而翘课早退。 I will not forget to learn to learn in order to play a ball; I will no longer turn over the entire street and alleys in order to see a magazine;Lesson retreat early.

我会努力的,但我不会强求下一次的成功,有时候付出了并不一定有回报,但只求于心无愧。 I will work hard, but I will not force the next success. Sometimes I do n’t necessarily return it, but I just want to be well deserved.

生活,发现中残酷但美丽! Life, find cruel but beautiful!










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当“凸”将骄傲自满的头颅低下获得了“凹”低调的高格,当“夸”将自大的外衣脱下,宁愿自“亏”,踏入了平凡的高境界,我们恍然大悟:低调的生活会给我们带来高境界的人生。 When the "bump" will have a low-key high-profile high-profile high-profile high-profile high-profile, "The big coat took off, and would rather "lose" and step into the ordinary high realm. We suddenly realized that a low -key life will bring us a high state of life.

王国维说:“词必以境界为最上,有境界者自成高格。”而我想说,人生唯有大境界,方有生命的“高格”。这大境界是莫言的“尽快从热闹喧器中解脱出来,该干什么干什么”的不突出,不炫耀;是牛顿的“我之所以成功,是因为我站在巨人的肩膀上”的不卖弄、不骄傲;是鲁藜的“把自己当作泥土吧!老是把自己当作珍珠,就时时有被埋没的痛苦”的不自大、不浮夸。这境界是低调地过着自己平凡而特殊,普通而伟大的生活。 Wang Guowei said: "The words must be the best in the realm, and those who have the realm of the realm." And I want to say, I want to say, I want to say, I want to say, I want to say thatThere is only a big realm in life, and Fang has the "high -grade" of life.This great realm is Mo Yans "liberated from the lively noise as soon as possible, what to do" is not prominent, not showing off; it is Newtons "I succeeded because I stood on the shoulders of the giant"Not proud; it is Lu Nis "treat yourself as dirt! Always treat yourself as a pearl, there is always the pain that is buried from time to time".This realm is a low -key life that is ordinary, special, ordinary and great.

透过折射着世人虚夸的浮云,我看到了“国学大师”季羡林低调地以自身的品性与才能平静着众人浮躁的心灵。多少人渴望功名利禄,而季老师却坚决拒绝“国宝级学者”、“北大惟一终身教授”等称号;多少人做梦都在想着高官达贵,而季老师却婉言谢绝了中国社科院副院长一职。“万木争高,万卉争艳。争而不斗,和谐自然。”季老用生命向我们诠释:低调,是对生活的一种认真负责的态度。 By reflecting the booming clouds in the world, I saw "Master of Chinese Studies" Ji Xianlins low-key talent and talent.Calm down the impetuous heart.How many people are eager for fame and fortune, but Teacher Ji resolutely refuses the title of "national treasure scholar" and "Peking Universitys only lifelong professor"; how many people are dreaming of being a senior official, but Teacher Ji politely declined the deputy deputy Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.Deans position."Wanmu competes for high, Wan Hui is gorgeous. Struggle without fighting, harmonious nature." Ji Lao explained to us with life: Low -key is a serious and responsible attitude towards life.

绕过闪烁着荣誉的镁光灯,我看见了那个“一派仙风道骨”的“扫地僧”——李小文院士。白衬衫、黑裤子、80年代流行的半圆形黑包、布鞋,谁会想到这可以称之为“土”的装扮竟属于一个遥感领域顶尖的科学家?是这充满着浮华于标签的社会将我们的思维束缚在了“有成就的人就应西装革履,和人说话都应微微扬头一脸不屑高调的样子”的固定模式上。是李小文院士用他低调的日常生活教导我们:低调才是生活中的高境界。 Bypassing the glittering magnesium light, I saw the "Sweeping Monk" of the "Fangxian Wind"-—— Academician Li Xiaowen.White shirts, black pants, semi -circular black bags and cloth shoes in the 1980s, who would have thought that this can be called "soil" dress is actually a top scientist in the field of remote sensing?This is the fixed model of "people who have achieved success in the suit and the high -profile look of high -profile".It is Academician Li Xiaowen to teach us with his low -key daily life: low -key is the high realm in life.

在这个众生喧哗的时代,我们的心总是太浮躁。我们将目光集中到了那些有一点才能就卖弄就嚣张,有一点财富就炫耀就自我感觉良好的所谓的明星。是不是我们都忘记了泰戈尔的那句“鸟翼上如果坠上了黄金,鸟就不能飞翔了”的至理名言。我们该从这喧器的时代中清醒过来了,我们该明白:高调成就不了我们的生活。低调的生活才会给我们带来高境界的人生。 In this time of all beings, our hearts are always too impetuous.We concentrated our attention to the so -called stars who have a little wealth, and a little wealth show off a little wealth.Are we all forgotten the famous saying of Tagores phrase "If the bird wings fall into gold, the bird cant fly".We should wake up from the era of noise, we should understand that high -profile can not achieve our lives.Only a low -key life will bring us a high state of life.

是的,低调并不是位高权重的专用名词,它属于我们每一个人。我们每一个人都可以活出拥有平凡的,最特殊,最精彩,最高境界的人生。Each of us can live a life with ordinary, special, most exciting, and highest realm.



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深藏不露,是智谋:过分的张扬自己,就会经受更多的风吹雨打,暴露在外的椽子自然要先腐烂。一个人在社会上,如果不合时宜地过分张扬、卖弄,那么不管多么优秀,都难免会遭到明枪暗箭的打击和攻击。 Deep hidden, it is a wisdom: excessively open yourself, you will undergo more wind and rain, expose it outside, exposure outsideNaturally, the sister -in -law must rot first.In the society, if it is not too public and showing off, no matter how good, it will inevitably be hit and attacked by bright guns and dark arrows.

出头的椽子易烂:时常有人稍有名气就到处洋洋得意地自夸,喜欢被别人奉承,这些人迟早会吃亏的。所以在处于被动境地时一定要学会藏锋敛迹、装憨卖乖,千万不要把自己变成对方射击的靶子。 The sister-in-law is easy to rot: Some people often praise themselves and like to be inherited by others. These people sooner or laterWill suffer.Therefore, when you are in a passive situation, you must learn to hide your fronts and pretend to be good. Do not turn yourself into a target for each other.

才大不可气粗,居功不可自傲:不可一世的年羹尧,因为在做人上的无知而落得个可悲的下场,所以,才大而不气粗,居功而不自傲,才是做人的根本。The end of the game, so it is big but not rough, and not pride, is the root of being a man.

盛名之下,其实难副:在积极求取巅峰期的时候,不妨思及颜之推倡导的人生态度,试图明了知足常乐的情趣,捕捉中庸之道的精义,稍稍使生活步调快慢均衡,才不易陷入过度偏激的生活陷阱之中。 In fact, it is difficult: When actively seeking the peak period, you may wish to think about the life advocated by Yan Zhi.Attitude, trying to understand the interest of contentment, capture the essence of the golden mean, and slightly make the life step slowly and balanced, so that it is not easy to fall into the trap of excessive extreme life.

做人不能太精明:低调做人,不耍小聪明,让自己始终处于冷静的状态,在“低调”的心态支配下,兢兢业业,才能做成大事业。 It is not too savvy to be a person: low-key, not playing small, keep yourself in a calm state, in a "low-key" mentality,With the dominance and dedication, you can do a big cause.

乐不可极,乐极生悲:在生活悲欢离合、喜怒哀乐的起承转合过程中,人应随时随地、恰如其分地选择适合自己的位置,起点不要太高。正如孟子所说的:“可以仕则仕,可以止则止,可以久则久,可以速则速。” The joy of joy: During the conjunction of life and sorrow, people should choose anywhere and appropriately choose anywhere and appropriately.For your position, dont start too high.As Mencius said: "You can stop it, you can stop, it can last for a long time, it can be fast."

做人要懂得谦逊:谦逊能够克服骄矜之态,能够营造良好的人际关系,因为人们所尊敬的是那些谦逊的人,而决不会是那些爱慕虚荣和自夸的人。 To be humble: humility can overcome the state of arrogance and create good interpersonal relationships, because people respect those who are respectful.Humorly people, and will never be those who love vanity and boasting.

规避风头,才能走好人生路:老子认为“兵强则灭,木强则折”、“强梁者不得其死”。老子这种与世无争的谋略思想,深刻体现了事物的内在运动规律,已为无数事实所证明,成 Avoid the limelight to take a good life: Lao Tzu believes that "soldiers are destroyed, wooden is strong", "strong beam, strong beam,Cant die. "Lao Tzus unsatisfactory strategy idea deeply reflects the inherent movement of things. It has been proven by countless facts.

为广泛流传的哲理名言。 is a widely circulated philosophical saying.

低调做人,便可峰回路转:在待人处世中要低调,当自己处于不利地位,或者危险之时,不妨先退让一步,这样做,不但能避其锋芒,脱离困境,而且还可以另辟蹊径,重新占据主动。 To be a low-key man, you can turn the peak circuit: you must be low-key when you are in the world, or when you are in an unfavorable status, or danger, you may wish toOne step is to take a step. Doing this will not only avoid its edge and get rid of the dilemma, but also can also take a different approach and re -occupy the initiative.

要想先做事,必须先做人:要想先做事,必须先做人。做好了人,才能做事。做人要低调谦虚,做事要高调有信心,事情做好了,低调做人水平就又上了一个台阶。 To do things first, you must be a person first: if you want to do things first, you must be a person first.Only by doing it, you can do things.Being a person must be low -key and humble, to do things with high -profile and confidence, and do things well. The level of low -key people go to a level.

功成身退,天之道:懂得功成身退的人,是识时务的,他知道何时保全自己,何时成就别人,以儒雅之风度来笑对人生。 Gongcheng retreats, heaven: those who know how to retreat, is the current affairs, when he knows when he knows when he knows when he knows when he knows whenSave yourself, when to achieve others, and laugh at life with the elegance of elegance.



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功成名就更要保持平常心:高调做事是一种责任,一种气魄,一种精益求精的风格,一种执著追求的精神。所做的哪怕是细小的事、单调的事,也要代表自己的最高水平,体现自 The name of merit is even more important: high-profile things are a responsibility, a spirit of excellence, a style of excellence, a kind of excellence, a kindThe spirit of persistent pursuit.Even if you do small things and monotonous things, you must represent your highest level, reflecting

己的最好风格,并在做事中提高素质与能力。 The best style, and improve quality and ability in doing things.

做人不要恃才傲物:当你取得成绩时,你要感谢他人、与人分享、为人谦卑,这正好让他人吃下了一颗定心丸。如果你习惯了恃才傲物,看不起别人,那么总有一天你会独吞苦果!请记住:恃才傲物是做人一大忌。 Dont be proud of being a person: when you get a result, you want to thank others, share with others, and humble people.I ate a peaceful pill.If you are used to being proud and look at others, then one day you will swallow hard!Keep in mind: 恃 请 请 is a big taboo.

容人之过,方显大家本色:大度睿智的低调做人,有时比横眉冷对的高高在上更有助于问题的解决。对他人的小过以大度相待,实际上也是一种低调做人的态度,这种态度会使人没齿难忘,终生感激。 For the sakeHelp the problem solving.It is actually a low -key attitude towards others to treat others. This attitude will make people unforgettable and grateful for life.

做人要圆融通达,不要锋芒毕露:功成名就需要一种谦逊的态度,自觉地在名利场中做看客,开拓广阔心境。 Being a person must be mellow and not to be exposed: if you make a name, you need a humble attitude and consciously be a watch in the fame and fortune field.Pioneering a broad state of mind.

知足者常乐:生活中如能降低一些标准,退一步想一想,就能知足常乐。人应该体会到自己本来就是无所欠缺的,这就是最大的财富了。 Connectors Changle: If you can reduce some standards in life, retreat If you think about it, you can satisfy the pleasure.People should realize that they are originally nomad, this is the greatest wealth.

不要太把自己当回事:不要把自己太当回事,才不会产生自满心理,才能不断地充实、完善自己,缔造完善人生。 Dont take yourself seriously: Dont take yourself seriously, you can continue to be complacent, you can keep constantlyTo enrich and improve yourself and create a perfect life.

谦逊是终生受益的美德:一个懂得谦逊的人是一个真正懂得积蓄力量的人,谦逊能够避免给别人造成太张扬的印象,这样的印象恰好能够使一个员工在生活、工作中不断积累经验与能力,最后达到成功。 Humidity is a virtue that benefits for life: A person who knows humility is a person who really knows the power.As a result of the impression of too publicity, such an impression can just make an employee who constantly accumulate experience and ability in life and work, and finally achieve success.

淡泊名利无私奉献:性格豪放者心胸必然豁达,壮志无边者思想必然激越,思想激越者必然容易触怒世俗和所谓的权威。所以,社会要求成大事者能够隐忍不发,高调做事,低调做人。 indifferent fame and selfless dedication: those who have a strong personality must be open-minded.And the so -called authority.Therefore, the society requires those who are a big thing to endure.

对待下属要宽容:作为上司,应该具有容人之量,既然把任务交代给了下属,就要充分想念下属,让其有施展才能的机会,只有这样,才能人尽其才。 To be tolerant of subordinates: as a boss, you should have the amount of tolerance.Missing the subordinates, so that they have the opportunity to exhibit. Only in this way can people do their best.

简朴是低调做人的根本:在生活上简朴些、低调些,不仅有助于自身的品德修炼,而且也能赢得上下的交口称誉。 Simplicity is the fundamental of low-key people: simple, low-key in life, not only helps their own moral cultivation, butIt can also win the reputation of the upper and bottom.



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生活在社会这样一个大家庭中,形形色色的人都有,有的人内敛含蓄,不求闻达,有的人个性张扬,长于表现。人不同,做事的方式也不同,当然,这没有对错之分。 Living in a large family like society, there are all kinds of people, some people are restrained and implicit, and they do not ask for it.The persons personality is open and more than performance.People are different and the way of doing things is different. Of course, there is no right or wrong.

在我看来,高调的人有两种,一是确实有资本,想要拿来炫耀,二是在人际关系中永远处于底层,于是他想通过高调来引人注意,不同目的的人,所采取的方式以及达到的目的都不一样。王思聪,我想大家都认识,曾一度被认为是一个及其炫富的人,这个毋庸置疑,成天在微博上晒自己的豪车豪宅,他不仅在炫富方面高调,他还一味地抨击一些名人名作,来提高自己的知名度,我想高调这个头衔给他是绰绰有余了吧!相反,我曾在实习过程遇到这样一个孩子。他,其貌不扬,瘦瘦小小的的,成绩也是名落孙山,可以说在人群中你很难注意到他,可就是这样一个孩子,让我记忆犹新,因为他自身的各方面原因,他是自卑的,不管是老师和同学都很难注意到他的存在,于是他开始偷东西来吸引老师和同学的注意,这两个极端的例子也正诠释了两种不同的高调之所在。 In my opinion, there are two types of high-profile people. One is that there are capitals. It is always at the bottom in interpersonal relationships, so he wants to attract attention through high-profile. People of different purposes, Method and the purpose to achieve are different. Wang Sicong, I think everyone knows, and was once considered a person who showed off wealth. This is beyond doubt that he took his own luxury car and luxury homes on Weibo all day long. Some celebrity masterpieces to increase their popularity. I want to give him more than enough the title of high-profile ! On the contrary, I met such a child in the internship process. He, his appearance is not good, thin and small, and his grades are also famous for Sunshan. It can be said that you are difficult to notice him in the crowd, but it is such a child that makes me remember, because of his own reasons, he is inferiority. He is inferiority. It is difficult for the teacher and classmates to notice his existence, so he started stealing the attention of teachers and classmates. These two extreme examples It is also interpreting two different high-profile locations.

低调的人,我认为也有两种,一种是本身低调,一种是故意低调。雷锋,一直是我们学习的榜样,就因为他做好事不留名,低调。这个是因为他本身阶级观念与道德观念所致,生在那样一个时代,一心想为国民做点好事,不求回报,我觉得这才是低调的完美体现。然而,也有一些人为了证明某些东西而故意低调,我曾看过这样一个例子,一个富翁他想找一个真心爱自己的人,于是他故意装穷,可没想到以前跟他好过的都对他置若罔闻,相反,只有一个人愿意留下来陪他重新来过,白手起家,依然对他不离不弃,通过这种低调的方式,这位富翁最终找到了自己心爱的人,这又何尝不是一种好方法呢? I think there are also two types, one is low-key, one is intentional low-key. Lei Feng has always been the role model for us to learn, because he does not leave the name and is low -key. This is because of his own class concept and moral concept. He was born in such an era. He wanted to do something good for the people and not ask for returns. I think this is the perfect manifestation of low -key. However, there are some people deliberately low -key to prove something. I have seen such an example. A rich man wants to find someone who really loves himself, so he deliberately pretend to be poor, but he did not expect that what he had done with him before was right. He was ignored. On the contrary, only one person was willing to stay with him again. He started his hand and still kept him away. Through this low-key way, The rich man finally found his beloved person. Why not a good way? ?



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一场暴风雨过后,应声而倒的不是虬曲而盘根错节的古木,也绝不是其貌不扬甚至毫无美感的树根,而是光鲜艳丽惹人注目孤芳自赏的花草,最终被风雨冲洗得干干净净。暴风雨并非是打抱不平的江湖游侠,更非摧残美丽的冷血杀手;只因为古木不张扬自己饱经风霜的 After a storm, it is not the ancient wood that is rushing and the rootlessness, nor is it a bad appearance or even no beauty.The roots of the tree, but the flowers and plants that are bright and beautiful, and are finally washed away by the wind and rain.The storm is not a ranging ranger that hugs, and it is not to destroy the beautiful cold -blooded killer; just because Gu Mu does not publicize his own wind and frost

躯干,在看似卑微谦虚的身段下练就了“任尔东西南北风”的定力,树犹如此,人何以堪? The torso, just practice it under the seemingly humble figure " /span>The fixed force, the tree is like this, how can people be so embarrassed?

真正实力雄厚思想境界高出众生的人会更谦卑,更令人难以望其项背。 Those who are true and strong in ideology will be more humble and unpredictable.

就像呆腻了躲在空中日子的云朵,迫不及待地把尘埃一裹,把同伴一聚,化作倾盆大雨顿洒大地。苏东坡便是这样一位上可陪“玉皇大帝”下可与“田园乞儿”为友的人。当他在黄州被酒后农人推搡在地时大喜:“自乐不为人所识。”这并非矫揉造作的露骨自吹自擂,而是一种出于精神喜悦的谦卑,这种谦卑让他在黄州土地上磨平了自己不羁的棱角,涤荡了他年少轻狂的目中无人。自此,他变得圆润而更具穿透力,他的文章诗作更醇甜而成熟,更光辉而温暖。这正是谦卑的力量,谦卑可以使人反思使人自省,使人在春风得意时暗掐住自己的虎口,在沦丧之时认清自己的不堪与落魄。 Dilvened the earth. Su Dongpo is such an upcoming Jade Emperor " When he was pushed by the farmer in Huangzhou, he was overjoyed: " Self-reliance. For the humility of the spiritual joy, this humility made him smooth his unruly edges on the land of Huangzhou, and refined his unmanned eyes. Since then, he has become round and His articles poetry is more mellow and sweet and sweet Mature, brighter and warm. This is the power of humility. Humoring can make people reflect on peoples introspection, and make people secretly hold their tiger mouth when they are proud of the spring breeze, and recognize their unbearable and disappointment when they are lost.

谦卑绝不是甘拜下风,更非甘受侮辱,有时是一种韬光养晦的力量让人在困境中忍辱负重。沈从文在西南联大担任教授时,刘文典这样讥讽他:沈从文居然也评上教授了,要讲教授嘛,陈寅恪可以一块钱,我刘文典一毛钱,他沈从文只能值一分钱。”他甚至大骂沈从文在地震中不应逃跑而应让古书先运走。耳闻于此的沈从文并未做他言,默默地教书育人。等到他年过古稀成为一代大师时,他仍旧是默默耕耘;就当他的侄儿黄永玉蜚声画坛之时,他仍旧是潜心学问。倘若当时沈从文对刘文典予以回击,那只会是狂放的刘文典又遭反唇相讥。然而谦卑的沈从文依旧谦卑,狂放的刘文典早已不为人所识。 The humility is not willing to worship the wind, and it is also a kind of power that is obscure. When Shen Congwen served as a professor at the Southwest United University, Liu Wendian satirized him like this: Shen Congwen also commented on the professor. He wanted to lecture on the professor. Chen Yinque could have a dollar. He even scolded Shen Congwen that he should not escape in the earthquake, but let the ancient books be transported away first. During the master, he It was still silent; when his nephew Huang Yongyu became famous, he It is still concentrated on learning. If Shen Congwen returned to Liu Wendian at that time, it would only be Liu Wendian, who would be blooming again.

真正有实力的人定有大境界大胸怀。季羡林面对“国学大师”、“学界泰斗”、“国宝”三大桂冠时说道:“三大桂冠一摘才能还我个自由自在身,身上的泡沫洗掉了,露出真面目,皆大欢喜。”现在的学者呢?不惜用各种手段为自己贴金。仿佛“大师”的虚幻才能填补他们脑中的空白与浅薄,好像“泰斗”的泡影就可以埋葬他们的寂寞与浮躁。比起谦卑的季羡林,他们就像台上拿着话筒却作无声状的小丑。没有学识却妄称渊博,没有气度却只会争名夺利。 The real powerful people must have a big state of mind. Ji Xianlin faced " Master of Chinese Studies , /span>Thai Dou " , " span style = "Outline-Width: Medium; Outline-Style: None; Outline-COLOR: Invert">In the three big championships: " It is a great joy to show the true face. What about the current scholars? At the expense of various means to post gold for yourself. As if " Master " " Thai Dou Bakery can bury their loneliness and impetuousness. Compared to the humble Ji Xianlin They are like holding a microphone on the stage but a silent clown. There is no knowledge but arrogant.

谦卑并未曲意逢迎也不是故作高深,真正的实力就在谦卑的光影下默默起舞。 The humility is not pretending to be high, and the real strength dances silently under the humble light and shadow.

西方人喜欢把最重要的人安排最后一个出场,我们为什么不能做最后一个出场的人呢?韬光养晦的人总是谦卑,确实有其才的人总是谦卑,在古木与花草之间,我更愿做一株虬曲的树。 Westerners like to arrange the last player to play the last one. Why cant we be the last person?Those who are nagging are always humble. People who have their talents are always humble. Between ancient wood and flowers and plants, I prefer to make a cricket tree.



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处处高调行事却不懂自持的人,极难成为真正地出类拔萃者。最高的低调是能最高,名声却从未显扬。 People who do not know their own self-reliance everywhere, it is extremely difficult to become truly outstanding.The highest low -key is the highest, but the reputation has never been prominent.

低调,是高境界的柔道。“如鱼饮水,冷暖自知,我们不是活给别人看的,是活给自己的,拿别人的赞美和铭记,去寄托自己的存在感未免太可悲。”超级演说家刘媛媛的这一番话敲响了每一个人的心。林璎充满才华,但在面对媒体时他不愿过多上镜,当有人走近她索取邮件地址时,她警惕地向后挪开身子拒绝来者要求。她的低调,她的不肤浅,不浮躁,她的朴实无华都使林璎洋溢着一种宁静,优雅的美。正如上品的瓷器,收敛,温厚,宁静,含蓄。 Low-key, is a high-level judo. " If the fish drinks water, we know that we do not see it for others, we are living for ourselves, with the praise and remembrance of others, and to restrain our own sense of existence. Super speaker Liu Yuanyuans words sounded everyones heart. Lin Ye was full of talents, but when facing the media, he was unwilling to go to the mirror too much. When someone approached her to ask for an email address, she moved back to the request for the request. Her low -key, her is not superficial, not impetuous, her simplicity and nobleness all make Lin Yan filled with a quiet and elegant beauty. Just like the porcelain of the top, convergence, warm, quiet, subtle.

低调,是精彩人生的途径。富兰克林曾说:“愚人之心在口中,智者之口在心中。”莫言获诺奖之后,他的出生地的政府多次提出要修缮其旧居却被他和家人婉拒。只因为低调是莫言的一贯作风。令人敬佩、崇敬的是在他获奖当晚,在极其兴奋的状态下却依然冷静表示?尽快从热闹喧嚣中解脱出来,该干什么干什么?在他荣获矛盾文学奖,经历又一巅峰是却说:要赶快晚景这个奖项,否则将会在沾沾自喜中迷失自己。莫言的持之以恒的低调谦逊使他拥有了更高的人生。 Low-key, is a wonderful way for life. Franklin once said: " The heart of a fool is in the mouth, the mouth of the wise is in the heart. After Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize, the government of his birthplace has repeatedly proposed to repair his old residence but He and his family declined. Just because low -key is Mo Yans consistent style. It is admirable and respectful that on the night of his award, he still calmly said in an extremely excited state ? What should I do as soon as possible ? The conflict and literature award, the peak of another peak is that it is said to say: Hurry up the award of the evening scene, otherwise you will lose yourself in your complacent. Mo Yans persistent low -key humility made him have a higher life.

低调,是生命价值的体现,“我与谁都不争,和谁争我都不屑。”杨绛的话既说出她淡然的心境有体现她的傲骨与尊严。这种低调也体现在一个成功有为的年轻人?李彦宏身上,不同于杨绛先生、季羡林先生的淡然。他的内敛克制在这个喧嚣的时代更加得出众。李彦宏对于大部分人们不过是三个陌生的汉字,但他就是中国互联网?三巨头?之一的百度总裁。李彦宏带领百度登陆纳斯达克,杀渡日本......他带着不被外界干扰的方向感走向了辉煌,走到了今天。但这样一个成功认识在面对鲜花和掌声时,不为所知;面对媒体的采访要求和各种论坛议会的邀请,谨慎地婉拒。他的经验,他的成就,他的低调令人折服。芸芸众生中一个普通的他依然活出最好的自己,拥有最完美的人生。 It is the manifestation of life value, " Dedication. Yang Yans words say that her indifferent mood reflects her pride and dignity. This low-key is also reflected in a successful young man. "Outline-Width: Medium; Outline-Style: None; Outline-COLOR: Invert">Li Yanhongs indifference is different from Mr. Yang Yan and Mr. Ji Xianlin. His restraint is even more outstanding in this hustle and bustle. Li Yanhong is just three strange Chinese characters for most people, but he is the Internet of China. >Three Giants ? Li Yanhong led Baidu to land in Nasdaq and crossed Japan. .. .. .. .. .. He was glory in the direction of not being disturbed by the outside world, and came to today. However, such a successful understanding is unknown when facing flowers and applause; in the face of media interview requirements and invitations from various forum parliaments, they cautiously refused. His experience, his achievements, and his low -key are convincing. A ordinary beings still live the best self and have the most perfect life.

耕堂荷韵布衣人孙犁、特立独行的布鞋院士李小文、福布斯排行榜首富丁磊......这些拥有更高人生的人都是低调的。让我们把自己当做泥土就没有珍珠被埋没的痛苦。我愿谦逊地做一片绿叶和绿荫。低调亦是最高..... Gengtang Heyun cloth man Sun Li, unique cloth shoe academician, Li Xiaowen, and Forbes top list...........These people with higher life are low -key.Let us treat ourselves as a mud, and there is no pain that pearls are buried.I want to make a green leaf and shade humblely.Low -key is also the highest.........



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低调中修炼自己:低调做人无论在官场、商场还是政治军事斗争中都是一种进可攻、退可守,看似平淡,实则高深的处世谋略。 Cultivate yourself in a low-key: low-key man, whether in officialdom, shopping malls, or political military struggles, it is a kind of attack and attack,Returning to keep, seemingly bland, but in fact, he has a deep life.

谦卑处世人常在:谦卑是一种智慧,是为人处世的黄金法则,懂得谦卑的人,必将得到人们的尊重,受到世人的敬仰。 The humble place is always in the golden law of humility, a golden rule for people, knowing how to humble, and will definitely be humble.He is respected by people and is admired by the world.

大智若愚,实乃养晦之术:“大智若愚”,重在一个“若”字,“若”设计了巨大的假象与骗局,掩饰了真实的野心、权欲、才华、声望、感情。这种甘为愚钝、甘当弱者的低调做人术,实际上是精于算计的隐蔽,它鼓励人们不求争先、不露真相,让自己明明白白过一生。 Da Zhi Ruoyu, it is really the technique of nourishment: "Da Zhi Ruo Yan", focusing on the word "if", "if" designs the designThe huge illusion and scams cover up the real ambitions, power, talent, reputation, and feelings.This kind of low -key man who is dull and weak is actually a hidden concealment of calculations. It encourages people to not want to compete, not show the truth, and let themselves understand their lives clearly.

平和待人留余地:“道有道法,行有行规”,做人也不例外,用平和的心态去对待人事事,也是符合客观要求的,因为低调做人才是跨进成功之门的钥匙。 Harmony: "There is a way to do the way, walking with rules", no exception, treat it with a peaceful mentality.Personal affairs are also in line with objective requirements, because low -key talents are the keys to the door of success.

时机未成熟时,要挺住:人非圣贤,谁都无法甩掉七情六欲,离不开柴米油盐,即使遁入空门,“跳出三界外,不在五行中”,也要“出家人以宽大为怀,善哉!善哉!”不离口。所以,要成就大业,就得分清轻重缓急,大小远近,该舍的就得忍痛割爱,该忍的就得从长计议,从而实现理想,成就大事,创建大业。 When the timing is immature, keep it: no one can throw away the love of the sixty-heartIn the empty door, "jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the five elements", and "the monk takes broadness as a lot of arms, good!"Therefore, in order to achieve a great cause, you have to distinguish between priority and sizes, and you must have to endure love. Those who should endure must be discussed from the long way to achieve ideals, achieve great things, and create great causes.

毛羽不丰时,要懂得让步:低调做人,往往是赢取对手的资助、最后不断走向强盛、伸展势力再反过来使对手屈服的一条有用的妙计。 When Mao Yu is not abundant, you must know how to concessions: low-key people, often winning the opponents funding, continuous continuous development, stretching, stretchingThe power in turn makes the opponent yield a useful trick.

在“愚”中等待时机:大智若愚,不仅可以将有为示无为,聪明装糊涂,而且可以若无其事,装着不置可否的样子,不表明态度,然后静待时机,把自己的过人之处一下子说出来,打对手一个措手不及。但是,大智若愚,关键是心中要有对付对方的策略。常用“糊涂”来迷惑对方耳目,宁可有为而示无为,万不可无为示有为,本来糊涂反装聪明,这样就会弄巧成拙。 Waiting for the time of "fool": Da Zhi Ruoyu can not only show nothing, be clever, but also nothing wrong, it can be nothing, butInstantless, dont show attitude, and then wait for the opportunity to speak out of the place where he is extraordinarily.However, the key to Da Zhi Ruoyu is that you must have strategies to deal with each other.It is commonly used to "confused" to confuse the other persons eyes. It is better to do nothing but do nothing. You must not be able to do what you do.

主动吃亏是风度:任何时候,情分不能践踏。主动吃亏,山不转水转,也许以后还有合作的机会,又走到一起。若一个人处处不肯吃亏,则处处必想占便宜,于是,妄想日生,骄心日盛。而一个人一旦有了骄狂的态势,难免会侵害别人的利益,于是便起纷争,在四面楚歌之中,又焉有不败之理? Active loss is grace: at any time, love cannot be trampled.Take the initiative to lose, the mountains will not turn around, maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future, and come together again.If a person refuses to suffer everywhere, he will want to take advantage of it everywhere, so delusions will be born and proud.Once a person has a madness, it will inevitably infringe on the interests of others, so there is a dispute. In the sides of the Chu song, there is an undefeated reason?

为对手叫好是一种智慧:美德、智慧、修养,是我们处世的资本。为对手叫好,是一种谋略,能做到放低姿态为对手叫好的人,那他在做人做事上必定会成功。 It is a kind of wisdom for the opponent: virtue, wisdom, and cultivation, which is the capital of our lives.Promoting for your opponent is a kind of strategy that can lower the person who is applauding the opponent, then he will succeed in doing things.

以宽容之心度他人之过:退一步海阔天空,忍一时风平浪静。对于别人的过失,必要的指责无可厚非,但能以博大的胸怀去宽容别人,就会让世界变得更精彩。 For the overlap of tolerance: take a step back the sea and the sky, tolerate the calmness.The necessary accusations for other peoples faults are understandable, but to tolerate others with a broad mind will make the world more exciting.



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让自己的凸的部分低下去,才算是低调的高境界。而低调的高境界便是平凡中的不平凡。 Let your convex part lower, it is a low-key and high state.The low -key and high realm is ordinary extraordinary.

低调是平凡中的理性思考。瑞典文学院常任秘书皮特曾说:“莫言已独特的方式和独特的见解透视了一个独特的世界。”而莫言正以这些方式与见解让自己的一生低调。获得诺奖的当晚,他在惊喜、感谢之余,也很惶恐,表示要尽快从热闹喧嚣中解脱,该干什么干什么,否则会在沾沾自喜中迷失自己。 Low-key is ordinary rational thinking.Pitter, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy of Literature, said: "Mo Yans unique way and unique insights have seen a unique world." Mo Yanzheng made his life low -key in these ways and insights.On the night of winning the Nobel Prize, he was also scared while surprise and thanks, saying that he would be relieved from the hustle and bustle as soon as possible.

而低调更是杨绛先生平凡中的与众不同。有一年她的新著出版,出版社有意请她“出山”,召开作品研讨会。而杨绛坦陈“我把稿子交出去了,剩下怎么买书的事情,就不是我该管了。”杨绛的态度坚硬,面对名利与众不同,毫不在乎。她的一生低调令人折服。但反观当下,多少人为了眼前的名与利不惜一切,而得到之后便高调的炫耀,令人心生愤懑。 The low-key is the ordinary of Mr. Yang Yan.One year, her new book was published, and the publisher intends to invite her to "out of the mountain" to hold a seminar.And Yang Yantan Chen "I handed the manuscript, and the rest of how to buy a book is not that I should take care of it." Yang Yans attitude was hard, faced with different fame and fortune, and didnt care.Her life is low -key.But at the moment, how many people did not hesitate to the name and benefits in front of them, they showed off high -profile showing off after getting it, which was angry.

稻盛和夫说过:“人生不是一场物质的盛宴,而是一次灵魂的修炼,是它在谢幕之时比开幕之初高尚一点点。”而低调也是这次灵魂修炼中必不可少的高尚之一。低调更是平凡中的简单朴素。他衣着平常,经常穿一身系的发白的卡其布中山装,圆口布鞋,出门时提着一个五十年代生产的人造革旧书包。他走在人群中,绝不会引起任何人的注意。他像一个工友,说话平常,总是面带笑容。并且他的家谁都可以推门而入,同他说话,如沐春风。他便是低调的书坛北派泰斗?季羡林先生。简单的书包,不俗的着装,低调的度过自己的一生。 Kazakhstan Kami said: "Life is not a feast of material, but a spiritual cultivation, it is on the curtain curtain curtain curtain curtain curtainIt is a little noble than the beginning of the opening. "And the low -key is also one of the essential nobles in this soul cultivation.Low -key is even simple and simple.He is dressed in a normal, often wearing a white -haired khaki cloth Zhongshan dress, rounded cloth shoes, and when he goes out, he holds an old old leather leather schoolbag produced in the 1950s.He will never attract the attention of anyone in the crowd.He is like a worker, talking usual, and always smiles.And everyone can push the door in and talk to him, like Mu Chunfeng.He is Mr. Ji Xianlin in the low -key book world.Simple schoolbags, good dress, and spend their lives in a low -key manner.

这让我不得不想到原始李小文因一张照片而走红。照片里,蓄着胡须的李小文穿着黑色外套,没穿袜子的脚上蹬着一双布鞋,不经意地翘着二郎腿。殊不知,这人竟是摇杆领域中最顶尖的两三位科学家之一。他的低调更加体现了平凡中的简单朴素,与季羡林先生的着装可以相媲美。 This makes me have to think of the original Li Xiaowen became popular because of a photo.In the photo, Li Xiaowen, who had a beard, was wearing a black coat and a pair of cloth shoes on his feet without socks, and inadvertently raised Erlangs legs.As everyone knows, this person is one of the two top three scientists in the field of joystick.His low -key reflects the simplicity and simplicity of ordinaryness, which is comparable to Mr. Ji Xianlins dress.

这些名人的事例无不在说明低调是平凡中的不平凡,以平凡的低调活出不平凡的人生。高调的炫耀仅仅是你在物质上得到的满足,而低调的生活更得到了精神上的满足。 The examples of these celebrities all show that the low-key is ordinary and live an extraordinary life with ordinary low-key.The high -profile showing off is just the satisfaction of your material, and the low -key life is more mentally satisfied.
