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春节,家家户户都张灯结彩,喜气洋洋。今年的春节,我过得特别有意思。直到今天,我还记忆犹新。 The Spring Festival, every family is full of lights and joy.This years Spring Festival, I am particularly interesting.To this day, I still remember it.

早晨,我们一家人忙开了。妈妈在大门上贴春联。映入我眼帘的是“日丽春常驻,人和福永留”。表示家庭祥和幸福。我呢,则帮妈妈贴“福”字,正要贴在门上。妈妈连忙阻止我,说道:“‘福’字应该倒贴,就是‘福’到的谐音,福光临我们家了。春节帖春联有喜庆、财气、吉祥之意。”我一听,赶紧把“福”字倒贴了。爸爸也在精心准备,挂起了一盏盏红灯笼。我想:这红灯笼难道不就代表着我们祖国的面貌在日新月异地变化着吗? In the morning, our family was busy.Mom posted the Spring Festival couplet on the door.What I caught my eyes was "the resident of the sun Lichun, man and Fu Yongliu".Indicates that the family is peaceful and happy.As for me, I will help my mother to post the word "blessing", which is about to stick to the door.My mother quickly stopped me and said, "The word blessing should be posted, that is, the homophonic of blessing, Fuguang is coming to our house."The word is posted.Dad was also preparing for it, hanging a red lantern.I think: Doesnt this red lantern mean that the appearance of our motherland changes in the new moon?

晚上,该是吃年夜饭的时候了。厨房里弥漫着香气;桌上摆放着丰盛的晚餐,使人看了,口水直流。桌中间有一条鱼,那就表示年年有余。客人们也都到了,欢欢喜喜地坐在桌子面前,津津有味地品尝着年夜饭。爸爸妈妈笑容满面地招呼着客人。全家人都其乐融融,屋子里充满了幸福的气氛。 In the evening, it is time to eat New Years Eve dinner.There is a fragrance in the kitchen; there is a rich dinner on the table, which makes people look at it, and the saliva is flowing.There is a fish in the middle of the table, which means that there are more than year.The guests also arrived, sitting in front of the table happily, tasteing New Years Eve dinner with interest.Mom and Dad greeted the guests with a smile.The whole family is happy, and the room is full of a happy atmosphere.

吃完饭,外婆来分红包喽!我们家有一个小约定,小辈们拿到了奖状,不仅有红包,还会有其他奖励。今年,我被评上了“三好学生”。外婆就分给我一份红包,还送给我一只精美的文具盒。鼓励我在新的一年里,学习成绩更上一层楼。小孩子们都收到了红包,脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。 After eating, my grandmother comes to divide the red envelope! There is a small agreement in our family that the juniors have won the award, not only the red envelopes, but also other rewards.This year, I was evaluated to the "Three Good Students".Grandma gave me a red envelope and gave me a beautiful stationery box.Encourage me to go to a higher level in the new year.The children received a red envelope, with a bright smile on their faces.

晚上八点整,我们全家准时打开了电视机,收看“春节联欢晚会”。那悠扬的歌声,使人陶醉其中;那优美的舞姿,使人赞不绝口;那滑稽有趣的笑话,使人捧腹大笑;那精彩的相声小品,使人开怀大笑……阵阵欢声笑语荡漾在客厅上空。 At 8 oclock in the evening, our family turned on the TV on time and watched the "Spring Festival Gala".The melodious singing voice made people intoxicated; the beautiful dancing posture made people praise; the funny and interesting joke made people laugh; the wonderful cross talk sketch made people laugh ...The rippling over the living room.

今年的春节,我过得十分有意义。我希望明年春节,我会过得更好! I have a very meaningful Spring Festival this year.I hope I will live better next Spring Festival!



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春节是一年当中最隆重、最盛大的节日。春节正悄悄地向我们走来,大街小巷都洋溢着节日的气息,各个商场里人山人海,热闹非凡,不管是老人还是小孩子们手里都是大包小包的,脸上洋溢着节日快乐的笑容。 The Spring Festival is the most grand and grand festival in the year.The Spring Festival is quietly walking towards us. The streets and alleys are filled with festive atmosphere. People in various shopping malls are crowded and lively. Whether it is an old man or a child, there are big bags.Smile.

过新年我最高兴做的事就是贴“春联”呢!“千门万户瞳瞳日总把新桃换旧符”妈妈特别吩咐我,让我去找几对春联,贴在我家门上。于是,我找到了两对春联,我大声读道:“喜居宝地千门旺福照家门万事兴”还有一幅上面写着:“春风春光春意正人喜人乐人自高”妈妈说春联都是吉祥话,是人们祈求在新得一年里能过上快乐幸福的日子。我们全家一起装饰屋子,在客厅里,我挂了一个红艳艳的小灯笼,爸爸又在别的屋子里挂了些五光十色的小彩灯,一闪一闪,一亮一亮,有的是小礼物形的,有的是花骨朵形的,还有的带着细细的尖儿。它们有的红艳艳,红得像冬天的糖葫芦一样,有的黄澄澄,黄得像秋天的树叶一样,有的绿油油,绿得像夏天的小草一样,有的粉嘟嘟,粉得像春天的丁香花一样,屋里很美,我的准备工作终于结束了。 After the New Year, the happiest thing I do is to stick the "Spring Festival couplet"! I went to find a few pairs of Spring Festival couplets and posted it on my house. So, I found two pairs of Spring Festival couplets, and I read loudly: "Xianju Baodi Qianmen Wangfu Zhao has a good things" and says: "Spring breeze, spring light, spring, people are happy," Mom said that the Spring Festival couplets are all Auspicious words are people who pray for a happy and happy life in the new year. Our family decorated the house together. In the living room, I hung a red and bright lantern. Dad hung some small color lanterns in other houses, flashed, bright and bright, and some were small gift. Some are flower -shaped, and some are with thin tips. Some of them are red and gorgeous, and they are red like the sugar gourd in winter. Some Huang Chengcheng, Huang Chengcheng, like the leaves of autumn, some green oil, green like summer grass, some pink and pink, the pink is like the spring lilac in spring Like flowers, the house is beautiful, and my preparation is finally over.

我们一家人吃完晚饭,便准时地围在电视机前收看“春节联欢晚会”,我们津津有味地看着。晚会的节目丰富多彩:相声、小品让我们捧腹大笑;唱歌、跳舞让我们跟着载歌载舞;魔术、杂技让我们啧啧称赞。晚会进入了高潮,“当当当……”十二点钟声敲响了,瞧,外面成了烟花的世界。窗外简直是火树银花,格外绚丽。看那千姿百态的烟花多美呀!有的像“仙女散花”,有的像“大红花”,有的像“满天繁星”,有的像“龙飞凤舞”……多么像一个“空中花园”!这些烟花使人看得目不暇接,把天空点缀得五光十色。我和弟弟也迫不及待拿着烟花跑到屋外,我们先拉了一鞭,在鞭炮声中,我心想:“新的一年来临了。我暗暗地许下心愿,希望在新的一年里我的学习成绩能更进一层楼。 Our family finished dinner and watched the "Spring Festival Gala" on time on time, we watched with interest.The show of the evening party is colorful: cross talk, sketches make us laugh; singing and dancing let us sing and dance; magic and acrobatics make us praise.The party entered the climax, "Dangdang ..." The twelve oclock sounded. See, it became a world of fireworks outside.Outside the window, there is a fire tree silver flower, which is particularly gorgeous.See how beautiful the fireworks in that attitude! Some are like "fairy scattered flowers", some look like "big red flowers", some are like "full of stars", some like "dragon flying phoenix dance" ... how like a "air garden garden""! These fireworks make people look dizzy and embellish the sky in five colors.My brother and I couldnt wait to run outside the house with the fireworks. We pulled a whip first. In the sound of firecrackers, I thought: "The new year is coming.My academic performance can go to a step further.

大年初一,我们就开始走东家串西家地拜年。拜年也可以为我们攒点压岁钱。先是向爷爷奶奶拜年,祝爷爷奶奶在新的一年里身体健康,万事如意。然后,爷爷奶奶就会说真乖,就开始拿压岁钱。 On the first day of the New Year, we began to go to the East Family String of the New Year.New Years Eve can also save us money.First of all, the grandparents New Years Eve, I wish Grandpa and grandma in good health in the new year.Then, grandparents will say that they are so good, so they start to get New Years money.



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在锣鼓喧天热闹的气氛中,我最期待的新年终于来临了。大街小巷随处都可以听见此起彼落令人感到温馨的拜年声,放眼望去大家都穿着充满喜气的新衣新裤,家家户户都准备了美味可口的糖果和饼干,一进到奶奶家的厨房便是一道道让人垂涎三尺的年菜在迎接着我,晚上大家都忙着欣赏色彩缤纷、炫丽夺目的迷人烟火。新年就像一位小精灵似的,用那神奇的魔法棒,带给我们快乐的心情和幸福的微笑。 In the atmosphere of the gongs and drums, my most anticipated New Year finally came.The streets and alleys can be heard everywhere that I feel warm New Years Eve. Looking at everyone wearing joyful new clothes and new pants, every family has prepared delicious candy and biscuits.The kitchen is a drooling New Years dish in welcoming me. At night, everyone is busy admiring the colorful, dazzling and charming fireworks.The New Year is like a small elves, using that magical magic stick to bring us a happy mood and a happy smile.

传说以前有一只名叫“年兽”的大怪物,总是在一年将要结束时出没在人间,带给人们极多的恐惧和害怕,因此人们绞尽脑汁,想出了一个可以下走年兽的办法,就是用鞭炮巨大的声音和红纸鲜艳的色泽,顺利的将年兽赶走。而且在以前的农业社会,农夫们在一年的辛勤耕耘之后,终于可以在春天来临的前夕,趁着过年好好的休息,储存来年能继续耕作的体力。现在虽然没有真正的“年兽”,但鞭炮声依然在我们耳边响起,只是原本令人感到不安的时刻,现在变成了人人期待的节日。 Legend has it that there was a big monster named "New Year" before, always at the end of the year, bringing people a lot of fear and fear, soPeople racked their brains and came up with a way to go to the beast, that is, with the huge sound of firecrackers and the bright red color of red paper, they smoothly drove the New Year beast away.And in the previous agricultural society, after a year of hard work, farmers can finally finally rest in the next day when they come to the New Year to store the physical strength.Although there is no real "beast" now, the sound of firecrackers still sounds in our ears, but it is just an uneasy moment, and now it has become a festival that everyone is looking forward to.

过年时,家家户户都忙着除旧布新,把累积一年的灰尘和污垢通通扫的一干二净,让家里焕然一新。趁着过年放假期间,我也要好好做一次心灵大扫除,把过去一年的坏习惯都清除干净,爸爸常说我不用三秒钟就可以把房间弄得像猪舍一样乱,而且总是把“等一下”当作口头禅,希望这些缺点可以随着过去一年烟消云散,再也不会跟我纠缠不清。 At the New Year, every family is busy with the old cloth, and the dust and dirt that has accumulated for a year can be refreshing at home.Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year holiday, I also have to do a good job of soul cleansing and clean up the bad habits of the past year. Dad often says that I can make the room as chaotic as a pig house in three seconds, and I always take the room."Wait a moment" as a mantra, I hope that these shortcomings can disappear with the past year and will never be entangled with me.

做完心灵大扫除之后,可千万别忘了还要“布新”,为自己设下新的目标,让自己可以为了目标而努力,生活也才会多采多姿。在这全新的一年,我们更要学着“布心”,让自己养成更好的习惯,找到不断进取的力量,随时保持快乐的笑容,让自己的心安静下来,不要白白浪费上帝赐给我们的每一天。 After finishing the spiritual cleansing, dont forget to "new", set new goals for yourself, so that you can work hard for your goals, and life also lives.Only then can you take a lot.In this brand new year, we must learn "cloth heart", let ourselves develop better habits, find continuous aggressive power, maintain a happy smile at any time, let our hearts quiet, do not waste God to give God to give God given by God to give God given by God.Give us every day.

过年也是一个充满感恩的节日,我要感谢过去一年辛苦呵护我长大的爸爸和妈妈,谢谢我的朋友,一路陪着我,听我诉说心事,和我谈心。新的一年,希望大家可以带着满满的祝福和信心,学习牛大哥勤奋踏实、努力不懈的精神,为梦想加油。 New Year is also a gratitude festival. I want to thank my father and mother who has worked hard in the past year.Let me talk to me.In the new year, I hope that everyone can bring full blessings and confidence, learn the hard work of Brother Niu, and work hard, and cheer for dreams.



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春节是中国传统节日中最最重要的传统节日,也是欢天喜地的节日。每逢春节的老老小小都忙了起来,热闹极了! The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in traditional Chinese festivals, and it is also a joyful holiday.Every time I am a little older in the Spring Festival, I am very busy!

今年的春节对我来说是一个与众不同的春节。因为以前除夕夜都是姑姑到我们家来一起过春节,而今年我和爷爷、奶奶还有爸爸、妈妈在小年夜晚上凌晨1点多钟一起乘火车到爷爷老家去过春节。当时,那叫一个困啊!眼皮睁都睁不开,没有办法,我只好拿了一盆冷水洗脸,硬是把瞌睡虫给赶跑了。要知道我从来没有这么晚还没睡觉。最可笑的是,除夕夜那天因坐火车太累,春节联欢晚会没看多少就睡觉了。第二天早上起来,爸爸问的头一句话就是:“你昨天夜里12点有没有听到鞭炮声?”我听了以后纳闷极了,“根本没有放鞭炮的声音!”这一回,连妈妈也笑了。爸爸接着说:“昨天那鞭炮声音就像打仗一样,这么响的声音你都没听见,真像一头死猪。“听了这话,我忍不住地哈哈大笑了起来。 This years Spring Festival is a unique Spring Festival for me.Because my aunt came to our house on New Years Eve, I came to our house together, and this year, my grandpa, grandma, and my father and mother took a train to my grandfathers hometown at more than 1 oclock in the morning at a young age.At that time, it was a sleepy! I couldnt open my eyelids. There was no way. I had to wash my face with a pot of cold water, and I just drove the dozen worm away.You know I have never slept so late.The most ridiculous thing is that on New Years Eve, because the train was too tired, the Spring Festival Gala go to bed without watching much.When I got up the next morning, my father asked the first sentence: "Did you hear firecrackers at 12 oclock yesterday night?" I wondered after hearing it, "There is no sound of firecrackers at all!"Mom also laughed.Dad went on to say, "The sound of firecrackers yesterday was like fighting. You didnt hear such a loud voice, really like a dead pig." After listening, I couldnt help laughing.

在老家期间,最让人感到新意的就属拜祖宗和平安神了。这可是当地的传统习俗。街道上到处都有跪地拜神的人。突然,爷爷叫我赶紧往前看。哇!原来有一户人家在小汽车前面拜了起来。接着,我们又陆续发现了许多户人家都在小汽车前拜。这是为什么?原来他们在拜“车神“,让”车神“保佑他们平平安安。 During my hometown, the most new thing is worshiping ancestors and peace.This is the local traditional custom.There are people kneeling everywhere on the streets.Suddenly, Grandpa told me to look forward.Wow! It turned out that a family worshiped in front of the car.Then, we found that many households worshiped in front of the car.Why is this? It turned out that they were worshiping "car gods" and letting the car god "bless them.

在老家期间,我还足足地过了一把玩鞭炮的瘾。我和两个哥哥一吃完年夜饭就奔到屋外放鞭炮了。一开始我不敢放,但看到那两个哥哥放得那么好玩,心里便开始发痒了,也想试一试,可一拿到手上,刚才壮的胆子又不知跑到哪里去了,就这样费劲几番周折,我终于鼓起勇气,放了一个鞭炮。这可是我第一次放哦,心里不禁得意起来。玩着玩着,我的胆子越来越大了,不一会儿便和两个哥哥玩起了火。我们找了一个易拉罐,每人拿了一把“火焰棒“开始烧了起来。只见东东哥哥把一把“火焰棒”全塞了进去,顿时一团火便从易拉罐里喷了出来,我们吓得连忙退后了几步。我们拿起易拉罐抖了抖,顿时“火焰棒”烧成的灰如瀑布一般倾泻下来。 During my hometown, I also spent a lot of addiction to playing firecrackers.The two brothers and I rushed to the house to release firecrackers as soon as I had dinner.I didnt dare to let it go at first, but when I saw the two brothers so fun, I started to itch in my heart. I also wanted to try it, but as soon as I got it, I didnt know where to go.It was a few more hardships, and I finally gathered courage and put a firecracker.This is the first time I put it, and I cant help but be proud.Playing and playing, my courage is getting bigger and bigger, and after a while, I will play with two brothers.We found an Yicai can, and each person took a "flame stick" to start burning.I saw Dongdongs brother stuffed all the "flame stick", and immediately sprayed out a fire from the cans. We were so scared that he took a few steps back.We picked up the cans and trembled, and immediately poured down the gray of the "flame stick".

这次的春节真是过的与众不同。在我童年的生活中又画上了一道彩虹。 This time the Spring Festival is really different.I painted another rainbow in my childhood life.



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盼啊,盼啊!终于盼到了春节的这一天。新年又到了,往事如风,把我以前的记忆全部都带走了,这一年又开始了我的新生活。 Hope, hope! Finally, I look forward to this day of the Spring Festival.The New Year has arrived again, and the past is like the wind. I took all my previous memories, and this year started my new life.

“新年到,新年到,我们大家放鞭炮……”早上5点,老爸换的新闹铃就把我叫起来,因为接下来还有一件重要的事情要做,妈妈给我和爸爸的任务——贴春联。我一手拿着透明胶,一手拿着锋利的剪刀,爸爸把对联按在墙上,我在远处指挥爸爸调整春联的方位。调整后,我一边剪透明胶,一手递给爸爸,因为我们合作的天衣无缝,所以很快就大功告成了。仔细看看,那窗户上还贴这一张“福”,我看了之后迷惑不解:为什么这“福”要倒着贴呢?奶奶看到我迷惑不解的样子,笑道:“这样贴才能把福到家的意思体现出来呀!我听后恍然大悟,原来是这样啊!在我们贴春联的时候,还有一些亲戚、朋友过来拜年好不热闹! "New Years Day, New Years Day, we all set off firecrackers ..." At 5 am, the new alarm of Dad will call me up because there is another one next, because there is another one.The important thing is to do, my mother and my dads task -post the Spring Festival couplet.I held a transparent glue in one hand and a sharp scissors with one hand. My dad pressed the couplet on the wall. I directed my father to adjust the position of the spring couplet in the distance.After the adjustment, I cut the transparent glue and handed it to my dad. Because of the seamless clothes in our cooperation, I quickly achieved it.Take a closer look, this "blessing" is posted on the window. After reading it, I was puzzled: Why is this "blessing" posted backwards? Grandma seeing me confused, and laughed: "This wayOnly the post can reflect the meaning of blessing home! I suddenly realized after listening, it turned out to be like this! When we posted the Spring Festival couplet, there were still some relatives and friends who came to pay the New Year to worship!

除夕这天,我与朋友一起高兴地玩到了下午,回到家里,一桌的美味佳肴便让我垂涎三尺。饭桌上,大家举杯同庆,互相传递祝福:大人们祝小孩快乐成长,学习进步;小孩则祝福大人们身体健康,财源广进。接下来当然是小孩子们最喜欢的节目喽——领压岁钱。捧着一叠叠厚厚的红包,心里别提有多高兴了,可却又让我们在高兴的同时伤心了——父母收走了我们的压岁钱。深夜11点59分55秒,“5,4,3,2,1,过年喽!”。新年的钟声敲响了,此时此刻,只听“碰、碰、碰”漆黑的夜空,,烟花炮竹随之响彻夜空,被焰火点亮了,更被人们那颗期盼新一年快乐的心照亮了。你看!多愉快的春节啊!家家户户都是红通通的一片,贴对联,挂灯笼,包饺子,一家人忙都忙不过来。凌晨,我怀着难以平静的心情在炮竹声中渐渐入睡。 On New Years Eve, I played with my friends happily until the afternoon, and returned home. A table of delicious dishes made me saliva. At the dinner table, everyone cited to celebrate and deliver blessings: adults wish their children to grow up happily and learn progress; children bless adults good health and their wealth. Next, of course, the childrens favorite shows -receive money. Holding a stack of thick red envelopes, dont mention how happy it is, but it makes us sad at the same time -parents collect our New Years money. At 11:59 minutes at night, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, New Year!". The bells of the New Year sounded. At this moment, only the dark night sky listened to the dark night sky of "touch, touch, and touch". The happy heart is bright. You see! How happy the Spring Festival! Every family is a red, sticking, hanging lanterns, and dumplings. The family cant be busy. In the early morning, I gradually fell asleep in the sound of the cannon with a difficult mood.



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过新年啦!过新年啦!大街上张灯结彩,处处弥漫着喜庆的氛围。到了夜晚,路边的彩灯就都亮了起来,几乎是一个光的世界,灯的海洋。 New Year! Live New Year! There are lights on the street, and a festive atmosphere is filled everywhere.At night, the colored lights on the roadside were turned on, almost a world of light, the ocean of the lamp.

元旦之夜,我们一家人围着桌子吃年夜饭,空气中洋溢着酒呀、肉呀、菜呀、汤呀的香味,连风仿佛也是香的、甜的,吸一口,醉死人了。 New Years Day, our family eats New Years Eve dinner around the table, and the air is filled with wine, meat, vegetables, soup, and the wind seems to be fragrant.Sweet, taking a sip, drunk.

吃完了年夜饭,我们一家人到楼下去放爆竹。刚下楼,就看见楼下挤满了放爆竹的人,我见了,更是兴奋不已。只见一个孩子点起了一个大爆竹,我问她这是什么,她说:“等一会你就晓得了。”她话音刚落,只听“砰”的一声,一个大火球腾空而起,飞到高空,又展开,变成一个个小伞,从天空中飘落下来,就像是仙女洒下的祝愿。接着,我和一群小同伴就你争我抢地寻觅起“仙女的祝愿”来。 After eating New Years Eve, our family went downstairs to put firecrackers.As soon as I went downstairs, I saw the people who were full of firecrackers downstairs. I saw it, and I was even more excited.I saw a child ordered a big firecracker. I asked her what it was, and she said, "You know it for a while." She just fell, only listening to "bang", a big fireball was empty.Fly to the high altitude, unfold again, and turned into small umbrellas, falling from the sky, like a wished by a fairy.Then, a group of little companions and I scrambled me to find "the wishes of the fairy".

过了一会,我和爸爸协作把一根又粗又长的大烟花插在土里。当我跟小同伴们说那个烟花很可怕的时分,她们都跑得老远的,半天不敢回头。其实呀,那烟花并不可怕,我只是吓吓她们而已。 After a while, my father and I collaborated with a thick and long fireworks in the soil.When I told the little companion that the firework was terrible, they all ran far and did not dare to look back for a long time.Actually, that firework is not terrible, I just scare them.

爸爸刚把烟花点燃,就从里面窜出两条“巨龙”回旋着飞上天空,又变成一朵朵美丽的彩花,洒在夜空中,漂亮极了。当然,孩子们看到这美丽的现象,也快乐得手舞足蹈、又蹦又跳。之后,我又把那根烟花拿在手里舞来舞去,逗得大家前俯后仰。 Dad just ignited the fireworks, and two "Dragons" spin into the sky from it, and became a beautiful colorful flower, sprinkled in the night sky,Extremely Beautiful.Of course, children see this beautiful phenomenon, and they are also happy to dance, jump and jump.After that, I took the fireworks in my hand and danced, making everyone leaning back and back.

回家以后,我们就一边看着晚八点播出的春晚节目,一边等候着十二点的到来。 After returning home, we watched the Spring Festival Gala program broadcast at 8 oclock in the evening, waiting for the arrival of twelve oclock.

太好啦!太好啦!十二点终于被我盼来了!一听见十二点的钟声敲响,我们互相祝愿、一同歌唱,连外面的爆竹也似乎听懂了我们说的话,放得更高、更响、更亮了!这真是“爆竹声中一岁除”呀! Great! Great! Twelve oclock is finally looking forward to it! When I hear the bells of the twelve oclock, we wish each other, sing together, and even sing togetherThe firecrackers outside also seem to understand what we say, putting higher, louder, and brighter! This is really "one year old in the sound of firecrackers"!



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春节,俗称过年,是民间一年中庆贺时间最长,最隆重的传统节日。春节是我们汉族人民的最爱。 Spring Festival, commonly known as Chinese New Year, is the longest and most solemn traditional festival in the people in the past year.The Spring Festival is the favorite of our Han people.

春节差不多在腊月二十三就已经开始了,在我们这里叫小年。过小年,差不多就是春节的一个开幕式。这一天,是要祭灶的。祭灶的时候,鞭炮声响起来,说明过年的气息离我们更近了些。 The Spring Festival has already begun at almost 23rd in the first lunar month, and it is called Xiaonian here.After a small year, it is almost an opening ceremony of the Spring Festival.This day is to sacrifice the stove.When the sacrifice stove, the sound of firecrackers sounded, indicating that the breath of the New Year was closer to us.

过了小年,大家就更忙了,必须准备过年的东西,正式迎接年的到来。 After a young age, everyone is even more busy. They must prepare things for the New Year and formally welcome the arrival of the New Year.

除夕真红火,家家户户都鞭炮喧天辞旧岁,爆竹声中迎新春,家家都赶着包饺子,到处是饺子的香味,人人都穿上了新衣,贴上红红的对联,年画。除夕夜家家都笑声不停,灯火辉煌,鞭炮声一阵接一阵,午夜十二点,春节的钟声响起来了,伴随着钟声到来,预示着辞旧迎新,大家都长大了一岁,回首过去的一年里,我好想停留在那长不大的童话世界里…… New Years Eve is a real red fire, every family has a firecracker and the old age, the firecrackers welcomed the New Year, every family rushed to make dumplings.I put on a new clothes, stick to the red couplet, and the year paintings.The family of New Years Eve kept laughing, the lights were brilliant, the firecrackers sounded for a while, at 12 oclock in the midnight, the bells of the Spring Festival rang, accompanied by the coming of the bell, indicating that they would say to the old and welcome the new.Looking back at the past year, I really want to stay in the small fairy tale world ...

正月初一和除夕之夜,虽然只是一个时差的区别,但却给人留下了截然不同的印象。 On the first day of the first month and New Years Eve, although it is only a difference between time difference, it leaves a completely different impression.

正月初一,不像以前那样守旧,不在是男人拜年,女人在家接待客人,现在一家人去给长辈拜年,也不在是叩头如捣蒜,现在只要说声祝福语,行个礼。哈哈!压岁钱就到手了,春节拜年收红包是我们孩子的最爱。其次,还要去上坟,就是给以逝的亲人去拜年,鞭炮声又一次响起来,一演示对逝世亲人的怀念,还要烧些纸钱,祭些酒菜,我不禁想到:“人世间,为什么要有生离死别呢?今年是双节日,一边是春节,一边是情人节,这又给今年的春节增添了一份喜庆美好的色彩。 On the first day of the first month, not as old as before, not a man to pay for the New Year. Women receive guests at home.Just speak blessings and give a gift.Haha! The New Years money is coming, and the red envelope of the New Years New Year is the favorite of our children.Secondly, I have to go to the grave, which is to pay the New Year to my loved ones. The sound of firecrackers sounded again. As soon as I demonstrated my nostalgia for the loved ones of the dead, I also burned some paper money and sacrificed some wine and vegetables.Do you want to live and leave? This year is a double festival, on the other side is the Spring Festival, and on the other is Valentines Day, which adds a festive and beautiful color to this years Spring Festival.

正月十五,春节的最后一层台阶了,这一天,大街上到处都张灯结彩,灯火辉煌。今年,我们这里的灯在宾河路上展示,整条街像是在办喜事,红火而美丽,是人的海洋,灯的世界,有虎灯,有的是大红宫灯,有的是龙灯…。每个人都好像坠入仙境一般。一眨眼间,一个五彩缤纷的童话世界化成五光十色的星星点点,洒满在视野里伴着满路的花灯,把天空打扮得金光灿烂,碧玉滢滢。元宵节就是吃元宵呀。欢欢喜喜过大年,团团圆圆吃元宵,这的确是件美好的事情。 15th of the first month, the last step of the Spring Festival is the same. On this day, the streets are full of lights everywhere, and the lights are brilliant.This year, our lights here are displayed on the Binhe Road. The whole street is like doing happy things, red fire and beauty. It is the ocean of human beings, the lamp world, there are tiger lanterns, some are big red palace lights, and some are dragon lanterns ...Everyone seems to fall into a fairyland.In a blink of an eye, a colorful fairy tale world turned into a colorful star, full of lanterns with a lantern in the field of vision, and dressed the sky brilliantly, jasper.The Lantern Festival is to eat the Lantern Festival.Happy and happy, and the reunion of the Lantern Festival is indeed a wonderful thing.

正月十五就是年的闭幕式。美好的正月十五给年彻底拉上了一卷令人怀念的帷幕。 15th of the first month is the closing ceremony of the year.The fifteenth day of the first month of the first month was completely pulled on the annihilation.



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春节是最热闹的节日,大人和小孩都放下手中的任务,为过年做好准备。 The Spring Festival is the most lively festival. Both adults and children put down the tasks in their hands and prepare for the New Year.

接近春节时期,家人们从市场上买回一些香肠、腊肉。那一节节香肠,一块块腊肉,无不勾起我的食欲。看到这食物,我口水都流三丈长了,真想大口大口吃起来,那香肠、腊肉,任谁看了都会大吃一斤。可想而知,吃一口便能回味无穷。 Close to the Spring Festival, family members buy back some sausages and bacon from the market.That section of sausage, a piece of bacon, all arouse my appetite.When I saw this food, I had a long stream of saliva. I really wanted to eat a big mouth. The sausage and bacon would eat a pound when they watched it.It is conceivable that eating a sip can be endless.

到新一年,人们总会打扫自己的家,除去旧灰尘,让一切变成崭新的。大人们拿着一把30多厘米的扫帚,像涂油漆那样扫着墙壁,在那之前要用一些旧布遮住家具,不让它们受到侵袭。不知不觉中,这做清洁成为一种每家每户都参加的比赛,看谁能把自家打扫干净。 In the new year, people always clean their own home, remove old dust, and make everything brand new.Adults hold a broom of more than 30 centimeters and sweep the wall like paint. Before that, some old cloths should be covered with furniture to prevent them from being attacked.Unconsciously, this cleaning has become a competition for every household to see who can clean its own.

送灶神是我们这的传统习俗,每年都在灶屋烧一些纸,把灶神送往天庭,让他向玉帝汇报家庭情况。 Sending the stove god is our traditional custom. He burn some paper in the stove house every year, send the stove god to the heaven, and let him report the family situation to the Jade Emperor.

每年街上都挂有彩灯,有苹果形,有流星形,还有五角星形……这些灯在晚上会闪烁出绚丽的光芒,使街上焕然一新,放眼望去,能看到一片灯的海洋。 Color lanterns are hung on the street every year, apple-shaped, meteor-shaped, and pentagram-shaped ... These lights will flashes gorgeous light at night, making the streets make the streetUpon a new look, looking at it, you can see the ocean of light.

除夕是春节的一个高潮,尤其是晚上,小孩子们都要守岁,待到24时,可以欣赏烟花表演。我在电视机前看《春晚》,但用余光每时每刻注意墙上的时钟,希望24时立刻就到……23时59分,人们开始倒计时,激动人心的时刻快到了,10……1。这时,烟花冲向空中,打破了夜晚的宁静,烟花接二连三地撞击夜空,汇成了各种图案:有的像花儿,有的像星星,还有的像封闭图形等。各式各样的烟花为单调的夜空增添了许多色彩,装扮了许多服饰。浓浓烟雾都弥漫在大街小巷中,这烟雾已经遮挡了人们的视线…… New Years Eve is a climax of the Spring Festival. Especially at night, the children must keep the age. When 24, you can enjoy the fireworks performance.I watched "Spring Festival Gala" in front of the TV, but I used Yu Guang to pay attention to the clock on the wall at all times. I hope that it will arrive at 23:59 immediately at 24 oclock.…1.At this time, the fireworks rushed into the air, breaking the quietness of the night, and the fireworks hit the night sky one after another, and it became a variety of patterns: some like flowers, some like stars, and some closed graphics.A variety of fireworks add a lot of colors to monotonous night sky and dress up many costumes.The thick smoke is permeated in the streets and alleys. This smoke has blocked peoples sight ...

到了正月初一,人们走亲访友、祭拜祖先。最多的是和亲戚在一起吃团年饭,吃汤圆预示“团团圆圆”,吃鱼也预示着“年年有余”。小孩子最期待的是压岁钱,可以用压岁钱买东西,对他们而言,没有压岁钱就无法喜气洋洋国新年。这一天,路上车辆也增加了几倍,川流不息的车表明在外地的人纷纷回家乡。 By the first day of the first month, people walked to visit friends and worship their ancestors.At most, they have dinner with relatives. Eating dumplings indicates "reunion", and eating fish also indicates "more than year."Children are most looking forward to New Years money. They can use New Years money to buy things. For them, they cannot be happy to the New Year without the money.On this day, the vehicles on the road also increased several times, and the continuously stream of cars showed that people in the country were returning home.

正月十九后,人们又该忙活了。 After the nineteen of the first month, people should be busy again.



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