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1. 数九寒天雪花舞,心中思念难尽述。你已离家好几日,时间不长数年度。天冷添衣要记住,饮食均衡精神足。健健康康早日回,莫让为妻心痛苦。祝冬至快乐健康!

2. 冬至补一冬,来年无病痛。多喝粥饮汤,护肝养胃肠。牛奶和豆浆,蛋白多营养。肉类和果蔬,补维添热量。大枣益气血,坚果护心脏。心态乐观,快乐无恙!

3. 冬至吃饺子,一个饺子一颗心。吃韭菜馅饺子,愿你青春常驻;吃萝卜馅饺子,愿你健康长寿;吃蘑菇馅饺子,愿你钱袋渐鼓;吃三鲜馅饺子,愿你家庭和睦。

4. 冬至到,白天越来越长,拉长了思念,增涨了牵挂;夜间越来越短,缩短了心距,加深了情谊;冬至到,祝福奉送上,愿你冬至快乐,幸福相依!

5. 冬至到,保重身体最重要,朋友短信来相告:天冷易感冒,衣服多多套,没事多跑跑,运动身体好。愿你每天健康快乐无烦恼。

6. 被祝福是快乐的,被祈祷是神圣的,被保佑是安全的,你是被我惦记着祝福了 祈祷过保佑下的朋友, 所以幸福快乐永伴你!冬至快乐。

7. 采一朵祥瑞的雪花,冬的花园不再萧瑟。遣一缕柔柔的清风,心儿佯着花香游走。升一轮冬日的暖阳,将心语化作温暖的祝福。冬至到了,祝你平安幸福!

8. 层层叠叠的祝福,夹杂着香香脆脆的快乐,甜甜蜜蜜的心情送给健健康康的你,忘记戚戚瑟瑟的寒冷,享受热气腾腾的水饺。冬至了,问候到,愿你的生活和和美美,顺顺利利。

9. 吃吃饺子,过好日子,看看短信,找找乐子,保暖锻炼,注意身子,天气寒冷,迈迈步子,饮食均衡,管好肚子,笑口常开,多赚银子,遇事心宽,不出乱子,送上祝福,幸福一辈子。祝冬至快乐,心想的事都能成!

10. 冬至到,吃水饺,水饺里面有奥妙,吃了就会好运到:老人吃了寿命越来越高,小孩吃了学习越来越好,男的吃了事业越做越好,女的吃了模样越来越俏。

11. 冬至到,冬来早,首先祝福问声好;雪花飘,静悄悄,亲切问候少不了;思念多,短信少,平日只是怕你吵;节气至,是小雪,祝你幸福乐逍遥!

12. 又将复冬至,祝福何其多;晴空星闪烁,有你不寂寞;彩云追明月,友情伴思念;冬至又要到了,提前祝你:冬至快乐,好运一冬幸福至!

13. 又是一年冬至节,装满一生幸福让平安为你开道,抛弃一切烦恼和快乐紧紧拥抱,存储所有温暖将寒冷迅速赶跑,释放一生真情让幸福永远对你微笑!祝朋友冬至快乐!

14. 雨的叮咛,风的柔情,云的牵挂,阳光的温暖,拼凑成问候的碎片。冬至时节,一天冷过一天,情意更难忘却。别感冒了,多喝水,常走走,祝你身心都安好!

15. 愿你:用毅力抵抗严寒,用坚持保持温暖,用追求化作火焰;而我:用祝福为你加油呐喊,用关心为你驱寒保暖;冬至节到了,愿你舒爽万安,祝你顺利天天相伴,快乐缠缠绵绵,美好从此不断!



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2. 冬至到,送你一碗饺子,每颗饺子都是微笑和祝福!吃了快快乐乐,好运一生;甜甜蜜蜜,幸福一生;冬至快乐!

3. 冬至到,送上一盘用真情煮熟的爱心饺子,让平安载着她,直到你面前。愿这盘饺子储存所有的温暖,将寒冷赶跑,释放一切真情,让幸福快乐永远对你微笑。

4. 冬至到,为你带来阳光普照,温暖你的怀抱;北风吹,吹跑忧愁和烦恼,安抚你的焦躁;雪花飘,飘来好运和欢笑,洁白你的心潮。冬至临,春将至,愿好事连连好梦圆,幸福绵绵笑容甜!

5. 云带给你好运,阳送给你温暖,冰霜融化你的忧愁,雪花映出你的温柔。寒冷的开始,温暖伴你前行,冬至节气,伸出双手,我的祝福,请你轻轻收下。

6. 早睡晚起睡眠足,少食生冷宜温补,滋阴潜阳多果蔬,冬至助你好身体!祝您冬至快乐,幸福无人比!

7. 长城内外白茫茫,皑皑白雪“冬至”寒。组团行动驴友忙,脚踏雪橇滑雪玩。风驰电挚一瞬间,前栽后仰面朝天。愉快至极好热闹,欢玩畅滑防摔伤。

8. 这是冬的尽头,这是春的开头,虽然你在那头,虽然我在这头,还是把你记在心头。在这寒冷的关头,愿我的祝福温暖你的手头,直达你的心头。冬至快乐!

9. 冬至到,为你送上暖胃煲汤。一碗羊肉汤,洋洋得意喜洋洋。一碗排骨汤,强筋健骨身体壮。一碗狗肉汤,营养滋补更健康。一碗幸运汤,幸福如意添吉祥!

10. 冬至到,为你送上幸运煲汤。送上羊肉汤,祝你:事顺气顺万事顺,洋洋得意无人能挡!送上排骨汤,祝你:缘好财好运气好,排山倒海无人能比!冬至快乐!

11. 冬至到,雪花飘,天气冷,别穿少。注意天气多听预报,注意保暖别冻着,注意防寒别感冒,注意营养饮食调配好, 注意手机短信,送你的祝福不会少!

12. 冬至到,养生有妙招,冰糖雪梨熬汤,去火又暖胃;红枣雪莲熬汤,补血又养颜;姜片萝卜熬汤,健胃又驱寒;米饭红薯熬汤,增加身体营养,祝你拥抱健康,幸福滋味独享。

13. 冬至到,祝福送,短信关怀早送到,愿你:烦恼忧愁全抛掉,寒风冷意都赶跑,幸福平安来开道,开心快乐紧拥抱,温暖真情来储藏,幸福一生乐逍遥。

14. 民谚说:冬至不端饺子碗,耳朵冻掉没人管。今天冬至日,提醒你要吃一顿水饺保暖驱寒,如果边吃边看我的短信,天气再冷耳朵也很安全。信不信由你!

15. 明日冬至,装满一车幸福让平安开道,抛弃一切烦恼让快乐与你拥抱,存储所有温暖将寒冷赶跑,释放一生真情让幸福永远对你微笑!



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1. “吃了冬至饭,一天长一线”,今日冬至,太阳开始回来了,春天也越来越近了,愿我的短信及我的真情能象这冬至的阳光,为您驱走严寒,送去温暖的希望。


3. 大雪纷飞,已到冬至;注意保暖,关心送至;天天锻炼,健康送至;保持心情,快乐送至;发个短信,关怀备至。冬至日快乐!

4. 当凉意与秋雨结伴;当黄叶与晨露相依;当冷月共霞光一色;当大雁也打点南归,我的祝福伴随着冬至的到来飘然而至:天气凉了,请记得添加衣裳!

5. 滴水成冰北风寒,朋友宰羊过冬年。养精蓄锐好身体,红光满面精神爽。子孙满堂快活享,美满家庭幸福园。祝你冬至美乐祥,太平盛世笑开颜。愿你长乐寿!

6. 冬至来到了,天气更寒了,我的短信问候到你了。寒天冻坏人,注意穿衣暖,健康身体是本钱啥都定不了。防止伤风患疾病,一日三餐搭配好,有病急速看医生,别硬扛着损健康。愿你幸福长寿康!

7. 冬菇牛肉枸杞胡萝卜,炖一炉幸福的火锅,配上开心的可乐,兑上养颜的红酒,煮一锅快乐健康的八宝粥,祝亲爱的朋友,身体安康,冬至快乐!

8. 冬日里,冬日寒,不知不觉冬至来;吃饺子,吃汤圆,短信预祝圣诞欢;唱歌来,跳舞来,欢欢喜喜盼新年;好朋友,多惦记,愿你冬日笑得甜。

9. 冬天到,雪花飘,气温降,多添衣,要保暖,多锻炼,强身体,多喝水,讲卫生。天冷了注意防寒保暖!

10. 冬天的寒风阻不了你快乐的笑语,工作的辛苦压不垮你坚强的双肩,生活的困难遮不了你幸福的笑颜,冬至到了,愿你生活开开心心,工作顺顺利利。

11. 冬萧萧,风怒;畏寒冷,多食疗;三餐汤,炖红枣;补肾气,栗子宝;萝卜羹,胜中药;热姜茶,祛感冒;果蔬鲜,五谷糙;牛羊肉,热量高;时冬至,愿君好。

12. 冬正深,天正寒,冬至节气到身旁,亲朋好友齐欢聚,乐也融融共天伦,祝福如梅花飘香,冬至佳节,愿你合家欢乐,幸福美满。

13. 冬至,短信至,是关心你的表现,祝福至,是关怀你的体现,问候至,是关爱你的展现,冬至到了,愿你冬至快乐,幸福相依。

14. 冬至,二十四节气的第二十二节气,也是中国的一个传统节日,冬至的养生祝福短信,送出你温暖的祝福关怀。

15. 时光磋跎了岁月,季节遗忘了誓言,雪花融化了流年,北风带来了思念。冬至祝福,绘下温暖画卷,愿你绽放快乐笑颜,常与好运碰面,享受幸福无限!

16. 世界媒体实验室冬至到了,送上一盘饺子,平安皮儿包着如意馅儿,用真情煮熟,吃一口快乐二口幸福三口顺利,然后喝全家健康汤,回味是温馨,余香是祝福!



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2. 冬至到,短信到,咱让祝福来开道;冬至到,幸福到,咱让平安来开道;冬至到,快乐到,咱让健康来开道,冬至到了,祝福你平安幸福,健康快乐。

3. 冬至到,寒风凉,盛碗饺子暖洋洋;北风吹,白雪飘,祝福永远忘不掉;金元宝、银元宝,财源滚滚财运到!今天冬至,送碗热饺,送份温暖!

4. 北风吹,为你吹走故去的尘埃;雪花飘,为你送来白亮纯净世界;冬至到,为你带来新的阳光暖照;春将至,你会拥有好事连连,梦想成真好运气!冬至快乐。

5. 北风起兮冷气扬,雪花纷飞气温降,冬至寒冷莫心慌,添衣加被烧火炕,天天锻炼感冒防,朋友情谊莫相忘,短信一条诉衷肠,冬至到了,祝你快乐心情爽,锻炼身体棒,生活幸福又安康!

6. 吃得热一点,穿得暖一点,睡得早一点,起的早一点,锻炼多一点,健康正在点。祝福好朋友,冬至身心健,笑容多灿烂,幸福无无限!

7. 冬至到,寒意浓,勤加锻炼需保重;夜漫长,劳累放,按时睡眠身健康;天岁寒,心转暖,心要快乐忧愁远;情谊深,温馨传,深深祝福送身边;祝冬至康健!

8. 冬至到,家家户户吃水饺:吃一吃水饺,抛一抛烦和躁;送一送友情饺,友谊常青,情谊牢;送一送亲情饺,家庭和睦,不吵闹。冬至到,收一收温馨祝福,阵阵寒意抛九霄,愿你健康快乐!

9. 冬至到,进九天。天至寒,渐变暖。昼至短,终会延。冬至日,吃水饺,家合欢,人康健。食汤圆,财广进,人团圆。情谊暖,祝福侃:节日快乐,幸福绵绵!

10. 冬至到,让友情的灯火,温暖你的心窝;让情谊的烛光,照亮你的人生;让朋友的问候,温润你的心田:愿你冬至安好,天天开心,幸福安乐,好运永远!

11. 偷偷的,冬至来了,它带来了一阵阵寒风,没事别在外面喝西冬风,收收朋友暖和的祝福,愿你永远健康又幸福!

12. 无论阳光是灿烂还是暗淡,让温暖常在心间;无论清茶是浓重还是淡雅,让茶香荡漾心头;无论联系是经常还是偶尔,让祝福溢满心里。冬至到了,保重自己。

13. 下一场大雪,愿它冰冻你的羞怯,稀释你的悲伤;刮一阵寒风,愿它吹走你的噩梦,把好运挂在你的身旁;发一条短信,愿它传递我的祝福,让快乐留在你的心上。冬至到了,愿你顺利安康!

14. 想着你,走过似水流年;念着你,又是新的一天;牵挂你,问候一遍一遍;通知你,冬至来到眼前;提醒你,加衣保暖防寒;祝福你,幸福健康平安!预祝冬至快乐!

15. 冬至到,数九起。一九二九送你信息,三九四九大有福气,五九六九开心不已,七九八九吉祥如意,九九如一我愿你快乐到底!祝冬至快乐!



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Dear Editor,

I’m writing to tell you how us use computers in our daily lives.Most of us

use computers to search for more information about the interesting problems on

the textbooks, about Iraqi wars and about Oscar. Some of us use computers to do

some drawings, to make up interesting flashes. And some of us use them to play

games. If we are tired and want to take a short rest, playing games for a while

is OK. But it’s forbidden that we spend hours and hours on the games. There is

also someone using computers to talk with people in the Internet and even

falling in love with him or her. The Internet is not a real world and we can’t

tell lies from truths. So falling in love with somebody on the Internet is not

safe and is bad for our study. We should keep ourselves out of it.That’s all I

know.Good luck!

Yours truly,

Li Hua



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On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two oclock, and most of them are awake by six oclock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one oclock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas holidays comes to an end.



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Christmas is annual festival in western world that is one of the most important festivals forthem. Previously, only westerners or Christians celebrate it. But in recent years,more and more Chinese people celebrate it, especially among young people. Thereare many activities in that day. I think there are the following reasons thatmake Christmas popular in China. First, it’s a western holiday and it’s new toChinese. Second, with the development of the world, the mutual influence betweenChina and the west makes it work. Last, the merchants make great contributionto its popularity.



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Water has no colourno shapesno taste and no smell.Water is every where.Its in the oceanin the seain the river and in the late.Water is useful.We use water to cook rice.We use water to take showers.We use water to put out fires.

Water brings us happinesstoo.We can swim in the late and sea in the summer .People in china have the Drago Boat race in the river.

Water is so important.Nothing can live without it.We should keep our water clean and protect our earth.






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Today is mothers day, the students are preparing exquisite gift for mother. Xiao Ming want to give mom a carnation, can touch the empty pockets, hovering at the entrance to the flower shop...

Xiao Ming think: "I have no money to buy flowers, how to do? Borrow money from classmates? Bad! To grandma? It seems wrong!..." Ideas have been denied. Florists to see a child looking outside, walk past kindly asked xiao Ming: "kid, what do you want to buy flowers?" Xiao Ming nao nao head shyly said: "want to, but no money..." Florists a listen to can not help but laugh, at an early age like flowers! So funny, he asked: "do you want to send to who? Children?" "Today is mothers day, I want to buy a carnation to mother!" Think of mother after receiving the flowers that surprise appearance, xiao Mings little cheeks glow!

Florists heard suddenly paused, a flash, he thought of himself in his hometown of the 80 - year - old mother... Because of busy business, as a son of almost three years didnt go back to see her! Today is mothers day, he did not liuxue86.com even play a phone call! Florists immediately warm in my heart, very sour, he thought of his old mother put up, and she is not as good as a child... He slapped hard head, took xiao Mings hand, said: "kid, uncle to send you a, you go to pick." Xiao Ming shook her head and said: "no, uncle, I cant flowers white to you." Watching children stubborn little face, florists brainwave asked: "so, you help uncle do half an hours work, task is to put the guests to take to them is ok, then use your salary to buy my flower head office?" Xiao Ming cried excitedly, "uncle well, thank you!!" ......

Bright Ming finally holding is about to drip of carnation away happily. Florists looked at xiao Mings back, eyes moist. He walked into the store picking up the receiver to call home, phone call, the phone is 80 - year - old mother. Florists, said: "mom, happy mothers day! I will go back to see you in a couple of days..."







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Mother to let me thoroughly study, every weekend and cold agency for me to cram school running here and there, today is still working for my study, results are grinded bubble is the mothers feet.

Today, the mothers day. I decided to do a thing, I want for my mother to wash feet, wash away the tiredness of the mother, the mother wash feet. First of all, I want to be a card, and then to boil a pot of water, such as water to boil, smoking, and I want to pour it into the basin, and then, to buy a bag of petals put into water, let the taste of rippling water the flowers...

Ok, I called mother to come over, let mother put liuxue86.com the foot into the spread the fragrance of the basin, personally I wash feet for my mother, my hand will mother wash the fatigue of all day, I touch the mother at the foot of the bubble, the in the mind very afflictive, mom love touched my head, and she was happy to say "my daughter, now grown up, sensible!" Looked at his mothers smiling face, I also very happy!

Today is mothers day my mother and I are very happy! Also very let me unforgettable!







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In order to celebrate mothers day my mother and I decided to jiaozuo border region a attractions - yuntai mountain. We went all the way along the roadside flowers like in smiled at me, The tree is waved to me. Even the rain also infected by us more huan... So soon in yuntai mountain.

In yuntai mountain is our first visit scenic spots dogwood peak, heard that the tang dynasty poet Wang Weiceng left there a few words of legend: alone in a foreign land here, every festive holiday times. Remote know brothers climb, dogwood is less one times. After listening, we is climbing. Although the process of mountaineering. However, my mother and I are convinced that: learning, too, if you dont always make progress, is inferior to others will be the next big already, also is one step behind, step by step.

Next, we ride in front. The bottom, came to redstone gorge scenic area. All of a sudden, a tour guide, pointing to a big stone said: "this is the double stone, with his left hand to touch it desires of the heart is the right hand to touch it is money." After hearing the words I want to play a trick behind mother, drew her to here, let her in touch with either hand, such as after her to touch to tell her the truth of the matter again. After she heard, we both laughed.

Yuntai mountain, and let me use a word is: even the water fog lock lock hill mountain fog, day tail water connect (because the cloud there is much, clear water.

Mom, today I played very happy, you happy?



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Happy mothers day is a memorable holiday, how much I look forward to its arrival!

Mother to let me thoroughly study, every weekend and cold agency for me to cram school running here and there, today is still working for my study, results are grinded bubble is the mothers feet.

Today, the mothers day. I decided to do a thing, I want for my mother to wash feet, wash away the tiredness of the mother, the mother wash feet. First of all, I want to be a card, and then to boil a pot of water, such as water to boil, smoking, and I want to pour it into the basin, and then, to buy a bag of petals put into water, let the taste of rippling water the flowers... ..

Ok, I called mother to come over, let mother put the foot into the spread the fragrance of the basin, personally I wash feet for my mother, my hand will mother wash the fatigue of all day, I touch the mother at the foot of the bubble, the in the mind very afflictive, mom love touched my head, and she was happy to say "my daughter, now grown up, sensible!" Looked at his mothers smiling face, I also very happy!

Today is mothers day my mother and I are very happy! Also very let me unforgettable!








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I Like Sunny Days

I really like sunny days. My mood is very good on sunny days because the sun is shining and I can see the beautiful sky. On days when the weather is not good, I would have to stay outside, and it can become boring. However if it is sunny I can enjoy the outdoors. It is good weather for jogging, taking a walk, or riding a bike. It is even better if there is a breeze, because then it is cool so it is more pleasant to be outside. Popsicles and ice creams are very good snacks for warm, sunny days. The coldness helps me cool down and feel good. I like to play games with my friends outside. We like jumping rope, playing volleyball and badminton. If the sun is very bright, sometimes it is hard to see if the sunlight is reflected into my eyes. It would be useful to have sunglasses to block the sunlight. It feels good to sweat because of exercise, because I know I am becoming healthier.



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When winter comes, the days are always full of rain and there are less sunshine, so it is so rare to enjoy the sunshine, people will feel excited to see the sunny days. As for me, I will be very happy when the sun comes out in the winter. I will get some plans to spend my time in the warm day, sometimes I will call my friends out and have a picnic in the park, we can not only enjoy the sunshine, but also can have a nice talk, it will strengthen our communication. Sometimes our family will have the barbecue outside, we share our food and play games so happily. I love sunshine, when I feel frustrated, I will forget about all the worries once the sun is coming out. Those sunny days in the winter are so special to me.




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Hainan not have winer.In Hainanover here is very very hot!You can go to there in winter.Because the winter in HaiNan is warmer than most areas of China.Swimming in the sea playing on the beach or having meals outside are very good choices for travellers. But you must be good sunscreen preparations.There are usually 40 degrees Celsius .But before and after Septemberthere are usually 30 degrees Celsius.I like Hainan very much!



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Yesterday was Sunday ,the weather was sunny.And my friends asked me to go to the park with them.We went to the park by bike,and brought some foods and fruits with us .

The park was very quiet ,and we saw many old persons sang songs or dance in it.We looked for a long time .Then we went to see the beautiful flowers and also took some photoes .

At last ,we sat down on the glasses and had a picnic.

We all had a good time yesterday.



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ast Saturday,with all my classmates and teachers,I went on a trip to the nature park .We departed from school at about half past seven and spent about 40 minutes travelling to our destination.When we first entered into the park,all of us were shocked by the natural beauty and the hamonized ecosystem of the park.Then,happily we were playing games on the sand; swimming in the pool and taking with our friends on the grassplot.After lunch break,our programs were continued with an contest of story narating held and each of us was immerging within the funny stories We left the part at about 5 oclock,and unitl now,most of us are still haunted by the beautiful memory of that trip.



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In Haimen there is a park. It’s a big and beautiful park. It has two gates. They are the North Gate and the West Gate. Many people park their bikes in front of the gates.

There is a shop at the North Gate. When you go into the park through the North Gate, you will find a large square on your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around you. In the west of the park, there is a playground.

Sometimes some children fly kites on it and some people sit on the grass and chat. In the middle of the park, there is a lake. There are many boats on it. There is a hill in the east of the park.

The park is very beautiful. I love it very much. Will you come to visit it some day?



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This is a beautiful park. In the afternoon , many children are playing . They are very happy.

I can see some trees. They are big and tall. I can see some flowers . They are very beautiful . There are many butterflies on the flower . I can see some birds in the sky . They are flying happily. Under the tree , two girls are playing hopscotch. Some boys are playing with a skipping rope. The other two little girls are drawing a picture.

I m playing with the toy cars in front of the tree.

It s a beautiful afternoon.
