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TINY ghost-like dolls hang from trees, big plastic spiders sit on rooftops and bloody plastic hands reach out from gravestones…Are you ready for the scariest night of the year? 树上到处悬挂着鬼怪小玩偶,屋顶盘踞着巨大的塑料蜘蛛,墓穴里伸出一双血淋淋的塑胶手……一年之中最恐怖的夜晚到来了,你准备好了吗?

October 31 is Halloween, one of the most popular festivals in the US, Canada and Britain. The festival began as a day to remember the dead. But nowadays its all about the carnival atmosphere when people can enjoy dressing up and scaring each other.10月31日万圣节前夜是美国、加拿大和英国最受欢迎的节日之一。这个节日源起于对死者的纪念日。但现在它已经完全成为一场大狂欢,人们尽情享受着改装易容互相恐吓的乐趣。

Halloween is one of childrens favourite nights of the year. They dress up as monsters and go to their neighbourshouses. Knocking on the door they shout: "Trick or treat!" Of course, usually people give them "treats" - a like sweets and chocolates. But, if you dont, you can expect a prank such as having your car windows soaped or your garbage cans turned over.万圣节前夜还是一年之中孩子们最喜欢的一个夜晚。他们打扮成妖怪去邻居家,敲着门大喊:“不给糖就捣蛋!”当然,人们通常会给他们“糖”——比如甜食或者巧克力。但如果你不给,那就等着一场恶作剧吧,你会发现你的车窗被涂上了肥皂,垃圾桶翻倒在地,等等。

Halloween is also a time for masquerade parties. Witches fly in on broomsticks, while ghosts and skeletons chat on the dance floor. 万圣节前夜还是举办化妆舞会的好时机。你会看到女巫坐着扫帚柄飞进来,鬼怪和骷髅则在舞池中窃窃私语。

You can even dress up as a famous monster like Dracula! The motto is: "The scarier, the better." 你还可以化妆成像吸血鬼那样特别可怕的妖怪。有句谚语说:“越恐怖越好。”

Even making Halloween food should be like casting a spell or mixing a magic drink. In Britain, people drink "Witchs Mix", made with apple, orange, grape and berry juice. Children also enjoy "Halloween Worms," made from egg noodles. And how do you like the sound of "Eye-Balls"? Dont worry, theyre made with scoops of chocolate and vanilla ice creaam, shaped like human eyes. Skeleton-shaped cookies are equally popular.甚至连万圣节前夜做的食物也要像下了咒语或者配备魔法饮料。在英国,人们喝一种叫“巫师之饮”的东西,用苹果、橘子、葡萄和浆果的汁调配而成。孩子们还喜欢吃“万圣节虫子”,是用鸡蛋面做的。你觉得“眼珠子”听上去怎么样?别担心,那只是用几勺巧克力和香草冰激凌做的,只不过像是人眼的形状。头盖骨形状的饼干同样也很受欢迎。

A well-known Halloween

n tradition is to make lanterns from pumpkins, called "Jack-o-lanterns". First, the inside of the pumpkin is removed. Then, a face is cut into the pumpkin, traditionally a smiling, devil face. Finally a candle is placed inside, and the lantern is put at the front of the house to keep evil spirits away.万圣节前夜的一个众所周知的传统就是用南瓜做成灯,叫“杰克灯”。首先,把南瓜里面掏空。然后在南瓜上切出一张脸孔,通常是一张笑眯眯的魔鬼面孔。最后,在里面放上一只蜡烛,然后把南瓜灯放在房子前面用来吓跑那些邪恶的幽灵。

Besides pumpkin cutting, "apple-bobbing" is another popular game. Several apples are put floating in water in a big bucket. Children have their hands tied behind their backs. They have to try to pick the apples out of the water using only their mouths. Of course, people get very wet and it is very funny to watch.除了切南瓜,“叼苹果”也是很流行的游戏。把几只苹果放在一个大水桶里面飘浮着。孩子们的手被绑在背后。他们只能用嘴巴把苹果从水里叼出来。当然了,人们会全都湿淋淋的,光看着就很有趣。





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down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.

Well, Irish children made Jacks lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern."

The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just childrens fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.


在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和萝卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。这种灯笼的爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为Jack-o-lantern 。




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Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means holy evening, and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints‘ Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly.

Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o‘-lanterns, which means Jack of the lantern.

The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,Trick or treat! Money or eat! The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags.

Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young.









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Theres an old called "years" the monster, head length Angle, fierce anomaly, life in the sea. On New Years eve will climbed out, the spitting food livestock harm thy soul. So a to New Years eve, everyone fled to the mountains, to avoid the damage. This year, from the village to a silver whiskers elegant, eye if lang star old yourself. Midnight "years" burst into the village, is preparing to bluster, all of a sudden there was "cracking" Fried noise, the old has put on red appear in front of the "year", "year" shuddered, to flee to the sea, and the night cant into the village. This is to celebrates New Years eve legends and the origin of firecrackers, and then after thousands of years of development, the Chinese New Year customs to accept the more abundant the.



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The dragon boat festival is one of three major chinese holidays, along with the spring and moon festivals. of the three, it is possibly the oldest, dating back to the warring states period in 227 b.c. the festival commemorates qu yuan, a minister in the service of the chu emperor. despairing over corruption at court, qu threw himself into a river. townspeople jumped into their boats and tried in vain to save him. then, hoping to distract hungry fish from his body, the people scattered rice on the water.





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The word itself, "Halloween," actually has its origins in the Catholic Church. It comes from a contracted corruption of All Hallows Eve. November 1, "All Hollows Day" (or "All Saints Day"), is a Catholic day of observance in honor of saints. But, in the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31. The holiday was called Samhain (sow-en), the Celtic New year.

One story says that, on that day, the disembodied spirits of all those who had died throughout the preceding year would come back in search of living bodies to possess for the next year. It was believed to be their only hope for the afterlife. The Celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living.

Naturally, the still-living did not want to be possessed. So on the night of October 31, villagers would extinguish the fires in their homes, to make them cold and undesirable. They would then dress up in all manner of ghoulish costumes and noisily paraded around the neighborhood, being as destructive as possible in order to frighten away spirits looking for bodies to possess.

Probably a better explanation of why the Celts extinguished their fires was not to discourage spirit possession, but so that all the Celtic tribes could relight their fires from a common source, the Druidic fire that was kept burning in the Middle of Ireland, at Usinach.

Some accounts tell of how the Celts would burn someone at the stake who was thought to have already been possessed, as sort of a lesson to the spirits. Other accounts of Celtic history debunk these stories as myth.

The Romans adopted the Celtic practices as their own. But in the first century AD, Samhain was assimilated into celebrations of some of the other Roman traditions that took place in October, such as their day to honor Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees. The symbol of Pomona is the apple, which might explain the origin of our modern tradition of bobbing for apples on Halloween.

The thrust of the practices also changed over time to become more ritualized. As belief in spirit possession waned, the practice of dressing up like hobgoblins, ghosts, and witches took on a more ceremonial role.

The custom of Halloween was brought to America in the 1840s by Irish immigrants fleeing their countrys potato famine. At that time, the favorite pranks in New England included tipping over outhouses and unhinging fence gates.

The custom of trick-or-treating is thought to have originated not with the Irish Celts, but with a ninth-century European custom called souling. On November 2, All Souls Day, early Christians would walk from village to village begging for "soul cakes," made out of square pieces of bread with currants. The more soul cakes the beggars would receive, the more prayers they would promise to say on behalf of the dead relatives of the donors. At the time, it was believed that the dead remained in limbo for a time after death, and that prayer, even by strangers, could expedite a souls passage to heaven.

The Jack-o-lantern custom probably comes from Irish folklore. As the tale is told, a man named Jack, who was notorious as a drunkard and trickster, tricked Satan into climbing a tree. Jack then carved an image of a cross in the trees trunk, trapping the devil up the tree. Jack made a deal with the devil that, if he would never tempt him again, he would promise to let him down the tree.

According to the folk tale, after Jack died, he was denied entrance to Heaven because of his evil ways, but he was also denied access to Hell because he had tricked the devil. Instead, the devil gave him a single ember to light his way through the frigid darkness. The ember was placed inside a hollowed-out turnip to keep it glowing longer.

The Irish used turnips as their "Jacks lanterns" originally. But when the immigrants came to America, they found that pumpkins were far more plentiful than turnips. So the Jack-O-Lantern in America was a hollowed-out pumpkin, lit with an ember.

So, although some cults may have adopted Halloween as their favorite "holiday," the day itself did not grow out of evil practices. It grew out of the rituals of Celts celebrating a new year, and out of Medieval prayer rituals of Europeans. And today, even many churches have Halloween parties or pumpkin carving events for the kids. After all, the day itself is only as evil as one cares to make it.



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Die meisten denken wahrscheinlich, dass Halloween ausschließlich auf amerikanische Traditionen zurückzuführen ist. Mit dieser Annahme liegen wir jedoch ziemlich falsch. In diesem Artikel klären wir, woher Halloween ursprünglich kommt und was es mit dem Kürbis auf sich hat.


Der Name Halloween kommt von All Hallows‘ Eve, welches die katholischen, irischen Bräuche am ?Vorabend von Allerheiligen“ beschreibt. Diese Rituale fanden in der Nacht vom 31. Oktober zum 1. November statt und wurden ursprünglich im katholischen Irland gefeiert. Im 19. Jahrhundert wanderten zahlreiche Iren in die USA aus, nahmen den Brauch des All Hallows‘ Eve mit sich und bauten ihn weiter aus. So verbreitete sich Halloween langsam in den USA und in Kanada und entwickelte sich dort zu einer der wichtigsten Feiern.

Halloween(万圣节前夕)这个名字来自于All Hallows‘ Eve(诸圣节前夕),这一天在天主教和爱尔兰人的习俗中被称为“万圣节前夜”。这一宗教仪式最初由信天主教的爱尔兰在每年10月31日晚上到11月1日举行。19世纪,许多爱尔兰人移民到美国,同时也带去了诸圣节前夕的习俗,并且将这个习俗进一步传播开来。就这样,万圣节前夕慢慢地在美国和加拿大传开,并且发展成了最重要的节日之一。

Vor ungefähr 15 Jahren kam der Halloween Brauch dann auch nach Deutschland. Aber warum eigentlich? Das war so: Alles begann im Jahre 1991 als in Deutschland wegen des ersten Golfkrieges Karneval ausfiel. Angesichts der Bombenanschläge im Irak hatten die Deutschen keine Lust, sich zu verkleiden und fröhlich Karneval zu feiern. Das war natürlich ein großes Problem für die Kostümindustrie, da die Nachfrage an Karnevalskostümen deutlich sank.


In dieser Zeit kamen die Deutschen Kostümhersteller auf die Idee, Halloween in Deutschland bekannt zu machen und Hexen-, Geister und Teufelskostüme zu verkaufen. Und siehe da- es funktionierte! Heute sieht man am 31. Oktober viele Kinder als Hexen oder Teufel verkleidetdurch die Straße laufen, an Türen klingeln und ?Süßes oder Saures!“ rufen, um Süßigkeiten zu bekommen.


Ein weiterer Brauch zu Halloween ist, leuchtende Kürbisse aufzustellen. Ursprünglich wurden in Irland dafür Rüben benutzt, da es in den USA jedoch Kürbisse in Massen gab, wurde aus der Rübe ein Kürbis, wie wir ihn heute kennen.





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One of the oldest Halloween traditions comes from the ancient Celts, who lived in western and central Europe long ago. The Celts celebrated a holiday called Samhain on October 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The Celts made offerings of food and drink to keep the spirits away.

Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Empire conquered many Celtic peoples. But Celtic traditions, including Samhain, remained strong in areas such as Ireland and Scotland, even after the Roman conquest.

The Roman Catholic Church tried to replace Samhain in 835 with All Saints Day, a day to honor saints of the Church. The eve of All Saints Day is October 31. It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.






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万圣节是西洋鬼节,对国外来说万圣节就像我们的中元节,这一天他们会把自己打扮的鬼模鬼样,到处举办狂欢派对。“万圣节”这个字,起源自天主教教会。每年的 11 月 1 日,是天主教庆祝诸圣的节日 All Hallows Day 或 All Saints Day。而在万圣节前夕,每年十月三十一日的前夕是塞尔特族人的年度丰收祭典,象征着一年的结束,以及新一年的开始。

当时二千多年前的塞尔特族人(即目前的苏格兰人、爱尔兰人等)一年之中最害怕的日子莫过于十月三十一日的晚上,他们相信世人的生活是由神明所主宰的,而死亡之神 Samhain 在会在每年 10 月 31 日的夜晚会和逝者一起重返人间。


在 10 月 31 日晚上惊骇的时刻,活着的塞尔特人会为了躲避灵魂的搜索,在这天晚会上把家里的炉火灭了,营造出一个寒冷阴森的环境,并刻意用动物的头或皮毛做成的服饰打扮自己成鬼怪的模样,口中发出可怕的声音,企图吓走灵魂也让灵魂分不清谁是活的人,而不能够找到替身;过了这个晚上,第二天就是万圣节,一切也就回复平静了。



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An old story goes that once there were four single men, leading very boring lives. None of them were married, or had lovers, or did anything exciting. They just sat around all day and played Mahjong.

One day they played Mahjong from 11 in the morning until 11 at night. During the game, no matter who won, the winning card was always the four columns card (the card shows four independent, parallel columns in two lines)。 Even more of a coincidence, it was Nov 11, or 11/11. In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it "Singles Day".



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when the harvest moon rises on october 31, little hobgoblins, spooky ghosts, ghoulish witches and gremlins — their young faces hidden behind grotesque masks — will go forth to frighten friends and neighbors and to threaten them with trick or treat .

halloween (aii hallows eve) as the name implies, is a nighttime holiday, the one night in the year when the child‘s world turns to pure fantasy. children take all the lead parts while parents and other adults play the supporting roles. encouraged by teachers and merchants and the remembrance of the good time they had the earlier year, children (from 3 to 11 years old) start preparing their costumes and halloween decorations weeks ahead. although parents help the children very much prepare the costumes, on halloween they must pretend to be frightened by the masked visions that suddenly appear. there will be little witches in long black dresses with tall-pointed hats and magic broomsticks to carry them over the rooftops — to a neighbor‘s house in the next block. ghosts in sheets run with tell-tale sneakers and half socks showing; and terrible pirates with skull and cross-bones painted on their three-cornered hats. some carry jack-o‘-lanterns but all carry bags or unicef boxes marked trick or treat, which fill up very fast.

teenagers have their fun playing tricks that sometimes get rather rough. they throw eggs or tomatoes at passing motorists , mark up windows and windshields with hard-to-erase candle wax, roll pumpkins down long hills, carry away porch furniture and garbage can covers, engrave graffiti on fences, or do whatever bad things occur to them as they go around looking for ways to let off steam. police officers are alert but they only arrest those caught doing real damage. in most communities there are school dances or block parties to help redirect the energies of the youthful pranksters. business firms offer prizes for the best costumes and recreation directors help plan the party, but the young people themselves take charge of the entertainment and the decorations — a necessary part of halloween. dried corn stalks, pumpkin faces, and piles of apples create the harvest atmosphere; and cutouts of witches on their brooms, goblins, ghosts and black cats symbolize the witchcraft aspect of the holiday. the freshments — apple cider, popcorn and pumpkin pie, and witches made of spicy ginger cookies — also carry out both themes.

there is an occasional adult halloween dance in a bright orange and black setting, with paper-made black cats, witches and grinning skeletons floating above the dance floor. but halloween has become mainly a young people‘s holiday — and the younger the child the more exciting he finds it.




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Dear students:

You’re invited to an Amerlish Halloween party! Join us for the fun festivities with games, treats and more. To have an authentic Halloween experience be sure to come in costume. You can dress as an animal, your favorite character, or an idea. There will be a contest with prizes awarded for costumes. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Halloween is a very American holiday with roots in ancient European traditions. November 1st is All Saints Day, and November 2nd is All Souls Day when the spirits of the dead are free to roam between realms. However, the night before, All Hallow’s Eve or Halloween, is when evil spirits escape into the world. Over the centuries, several traditions began for protection including that of carving a gourd or pumpkin and placing it at your door with a candle glowing inside to scare the evil spirits away. Costumes also come from this tradition as a way to scare the evil spirits away and protect one’s home and family. The next two days were used as days to remember and honor ancestors very similar to China’s Tomb Sweeping Day.

Today, Americans celebrate Halloween by dressing in costumes and going trick-or-treating. This is when children go from door to door and get rewarded with candy and treats. Pumpkins are carved and placed on doorsteps, and parties are held by young and old alike.

We hope you’ll join us for this exciting Halloween festival on October 31.




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"Zhong Qiu Jie", which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. Adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.


"Zhong Qiu Jie" probably began as a harvest festival. The festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon.


According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved when a strong archer, Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. Yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival.


In the 14th century, the eating of mooncakes at "Zhong Qiu Jie" was given a new significance. The story goes that when Zhu Yuan Zhang was plotting to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty started by the Mongolians, the rebels hid their messages in the Mid-Autumn mooncakes. Zhong Qiu Jie is hence also a commemoration of the overthrow of the Mongolians by the Han people.

在14世纪,中秋节吃月饼又被赋予了一层特殊的含义。传说在朱元璋带兵起义推翻元朝时,将士们曾把联络信藏在月饼里。因此,中秋节后来也成为汉人推翻蒙古人统治的纪念日。 字串7

During the Yuan Dynasty (A.D.1206-1368) China was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung Dynasty (A.D.960-1279) were unhappy at submitting to foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without it being discovered. The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Packed into each mooncake was a message with the outline of the attack. On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attacked and overthrew the government. What followed was the establishment of the Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644). Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this event.




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When neutrons is the turn of midnight, New Year bell sounded, the entire land of China over firecrackers Beidao Tianyu. In this "age, a month, when Yuan," "3" times and in some places still yard barrier "Wanghuo" Airbus to show brisk gas, booming levels. Wanghuo burning in flames around, the children set off fire crackers, joyous to jump and when that happens, the house is brightly lit, the lights. Pretrial is brilliant sparks house is the noisy sounds, the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year festive atmosphere to a climactic.



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传说在很久以前,凶禽猛兽很多,四处伤害人和牲畜,人们就组织起来去打它们, 有一只神鸟困为迷路而降落人间,却意外的被不知情的猎人给射死了。天帝知道后十分震怒,立即传旨,下令让天兵于正月十五日到人间放火,把人间的人畜财产通通烧死。 天帝的女儿心地善良,不忍心看百姓无辜受难,就冒着生命的危险,偷偷驾着祥云来到人间,把这个消息告诉了人们。众人听说了这个消息,有如头上响了一个焦雷。吓得不知如何是好,过了好久,才有个老人家想出个法子,他说:「在正月十四、十五、十六日这三天,每户人家都在家里张灯结彩、点响爆竹、 燃放烟火。这样一来,天帝就会以为人们都被烧死了」。

大家听了都点头称 是,便分头准备去了。到了正月十五这天晚上,天帝往下一看,发觉人间一片红光,响声震天,连续三个夜晚都是如此,以为是大火燃烧的火焰,以中大快。人们就这样保住了自己的生命及财产。为了纪念这次成功,从此每到正月十五,家家户户都悬挂灯笼,放烟火来纪念这个日子。







这一则传说与吃元宵的习俗有关:相传汉武帝有个宠臣名叫东方朔,他善良又风趣。有一天冬天,下了几天大雪 ,东方朔就到御花园去给武帝折梅花。刚进园门,就发现有个宫女泪流满面准备投井。东方朔慌忙上前搭救,并问明她要自杀的原因。原来,这个宫女名叫元宵,家里还有双亲及一个妹妹。自从她进宫以后,就再也无缘和家人见面。每年到了腊尽春来的时节,就比平常更加的思念家人。觉得不能在双亲跟前尽孝,不如一死了之。东方朔听了她的遭遇,深感同情,就向她保证,一定设法让她和家人团聚。

一天,东方朔出宫在长安街上摆了一个占卜摊。不少人都争着向他占卜求卦。不料,每个人所占所求,都是“正月十六火焚身”的签语。一时之间,长安里起了很大恐慌。人们纷纷求问解灾的办法。东方朔就说:“正月十三日傍晚,火神君会派一位赤衣神女下凡查访,她就是奉旨烧长安的使者,我把抄录的偈语给你们,可让当今天子想想办法。”说完,便扔下一张红帖,扬长而去。老百姓拿起红帖,赶紧送 到皇宫去禀报皇上。

汉武帝接过来一看,只见上面写着:“长安在劫,火焚帝阙,十五天火,焰红宵夜”,他心中大惊,连忙请来了足智多谋的东方朔。东方朔假意的想了一想,就说:“听说火神君最爱吃汤圆,宫中的元宵不是经常给你做汤圆吗?十五晚上可让元宵做好汤圆。万岁焚香上供,传令京都家家都做汤圆,一齐敬奉火神君。再传谕臣民一起在十五晚上挂灯,满城点鞭炮、放烟火,好像满城大火,这样就可以瞒过玉帝了。 此外,通知城外百姓,十五晚上进城观灯,杂在人群中消灾解难”。武帝听后,十分高兴,就传旨照东方朔的办法去做。

到了正月十五日长安城里张灯结彩,游人熙来攘往,热闹非常。宫女元宵的父母也带着妹妹进城观灯。当他们看到写有“元宵”字样的大宫灯时,惊喜的高喊:“元宵!元宵!”, 元宵听到喊声,终于和家里的亲人团聚了。




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Halloween always falls on 31 October. Its a holiday for children. On that day, children always wear fancy clothes and masks. And then, they go from house to house to say "Trick or Treat", so that people will treat them with candies. If they don’t receive any candies, theyll play a trick on people. But sometimes if the people are going out, when the children come, theyll put the candies in a carved pumpkin lanterns. Children will take the candies themselves. All of the children enjoy this holiday very much.



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Sugar is one of the traditional Halloween fun activities. So today I am at school after hurried back home after a party, dressed as a witch, carrying a basket, call on a few other friends to sugar.

We came to the first house, hesitated for a long time do you want to ring the bell. Finally I went by. We were all very nervous, dont know what that person will be reaction. After about five minutes, we were about to go, the door opened. Well have to shout loudly: "was catnip or treat!!!" (trick or to) the man said to us "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is Halloween to sugar! But we have no sugar, to give you a 5 cents." We happily go. (success)

We went to another to sugar. This can be bad, the door opened a small crack, heard that we were to sugar then closed the door "bang" once. Not to say trick or give sugar? So we use chalk on the family door painted a big skull. (failure)

We went to the third. This opened the door after heard we want sugar and shut the door. We are ready to draw skull when the door opened again. We hasten to hide a piece of chalk. The man said, "I just flipped through to the cupboard and found a bag of sugar, you three points." We are happy to say a thank you, with the bag of sugar. (success)

Then we went to a lot of home to sugar, until 11 o clock, I didnt carry the full belt home.


我们走到了第一个人家门前,犹豫了很长时间要不要去按门铃。最后我还是去按了。我们都很紧张,不知道那个人会是什么反应。过了大概有5分钟,我们正要走,门开了。我们只好大声喊:“trick or treat!!!”(不给糖就捣乱)那个人对我们说“哦!!!!!!!!!!是万圣节来要糖啦!不过我们没有糖,给你们一人5毛钱行吧。”我们高高兴兴地走了。(成功)


我们去了第三家。 这家开了门以后听见我们要糖又把门关了。我们正准备画骷髅的时候门又开了。我们赶紧把粉笔藏起来。那个人说“我刚才去柜子里翻了翻,找到了一包糖,你们3个人分了吧。”我们高兴地说了一声谢谢,拿着那包糖分去了。(成功)




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As the Halloween is coming soon, there are many stores selling the relative products and many kids are attracted deeply. This festival originated in western country and now the world is celebrating it. Every year, there will be a big parade and all kinds of horrible images appear. The ghosts, the walking deads and vampires are favored by the young people, they like to dress like these images and join the parade. For the kids, they like to hang out together and ask for candy from door to door. Treat or trick is their slogan, they can always get the candy. Some naughty guys even throw eggs and this habit annoys many people, some stores will refuse to sell eggs to kids on this day, just in case of the accident. In all, the young people are enjoying great party in Halloween.




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Children in costumes race from house to house asking for treats. A carved pumpkin, called a jack-o’-lantern, grins from a porch as the children pass. According to legend, jack-o’-lanterns protect people in their homes from ghostly spirits.

It’s all part of the fun on Halloween! The roots of Halloween stretch back thousands of years and borrow customs from several parts of the world.

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.

The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o’-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.

Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witch’s pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.

But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!

Once in costume, children go from house to house saying “Trick or treat!” In the past, children might play a “trick” on people who did not give treats. They might pelt houses with eggs or old tomatoes, or play other pranks. Today, children’s cries of “Trick or treat!” are usually rewarded with candy.

One of the oldest Halloween traditions comes from the ancient Celts, who lived in western and central Europe long ago. The Celts celebrated a holiday

y called Sa amhain on October 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The Celts made offerings of food and drink to keep the spirits away.

Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Empire conquered many Celtic peoples. But Celtic traditions, including Samhain, remained strong in areas such as Ireland and Scotland, even after the Roman conquest.

The Roman Catholic Church tried to replace Samhain in 835 with All Saints’ Day, a day to honor saints of the Church. The eve of All Saints’ Day is October 31. It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.

Halloween first came to America with early settlers from Celtic areas in Europe, such as Ireland and Scotland. But other American settlers with strict religious beliefs, including the Puritans from England, rejected Halloween. The arrival of many Irish immigrants during the 1800s helped spread Halloween’s popularity.

But by the late 1800s, fewer people believed in ancient superstitions of ghosts and witches. Halloween became more a holiday for children to receive treats and dress in costume.









y称为Sa amhain 10月31日。日落之后那一天,人们相信死者的灵魂会上升,地球走。凯尔特人的食品和饮料保持精神献祭。




