英语作文my holiday小学【经典20篇】







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My names( ).我的名字叫( )

Im in Class( )Grade six of( )school.我在( )学校6年级()班级

Im tall(short).Im ( )centimeters.我很高(矮),我()厘米。

I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语

Beacuse English is interesting.因为英语很有趣。

So my English is very good.所以,我的英语很好。

I acquire many award.我获得过很多奖项。

I hope that every of you will love me。希望大家能喜欢我。



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I have a lively, cheerful good friend.

His big eyes, curved eyebrows, short hair, a row of white teeth, smile is so handsome!

When he was happy eyes narrowed into a crack, open the big mouth, like a hippo, there were two big front teeth. As long as you see him smile, you will follow him laugh.

When he is angry, staring eyes, bite a tooth. If there is a table or sofa beside, he would knock once in a while. If not, his fist grip like steamed bread.

His lonely listlessly and hung (down) his head as if to cry.

This is my good friend. Can you guess who he is?









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at the weekendsitssunday evening. the read families are at home. mr. read is watching tv. mrs. read is reading a book. ann is sitting at the desk and reading, too. shes doing her homework. her brother, tom, is sitting on the floor andmaking a kite. he is doing his homework, too. mimi is playing with something near tom. where is tom’s bird? oh, it’s near the window. it’s looking at tom and singing. they are having a good time.



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im of the opinion that taiwans students are pathetic because they have too much pressure in their lives. because they have to pass the joint college entrance eam, they must study hard, to meet their teachers and parents epectations, they have to study day and night. but its such a shame because most students dont know what they really want and what their goals in their future should be. so what should they strive towards? should they only want to get the best grades and pass the jcee? the answer is no. in my view, all students should calm down for a few minutes and think earnestly about what they want.



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Makes me happy weekend a lot, but I think this weekend is the most happy weekend.

That day my father and I together to play chess, dad said: "every sample is your choice! I can beat you." I secretly think of one thing, that is, dad wont play, so I just choose the gobang, father saw I took gobang he think: form change! I this time must be lost.

Havent started my eerie smile to say to my father: "come, we are father and son two wars three hundred round, dont tired not to return."

I started my father was killed a man. He lost, I won.

Started the second round, I step short of winning, but his eyes quickly. Let me the move fell through. Finally no matter how dad struggled to resist or lost.

Whether the gobang war is wonderful! This weekend I really happy. (article reading web:






是不是这个五子棋大战很精彩啊!我这个周末过的可真愉快。( cnfla:



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Thanks to the teachers, we have improved our English.










First of all, Firstly/First,Secondly/Second…

And then, Finally, In the end,At last


What is more, Besides,Moreover,


However, On the contrary, but

On one hand… On the otherhand…Some…, while others…


Because, As、So, Therefore, As a result


In other words


For example,句子;For instance,句子;such as + n/doing

7.表陈述事实:In fact


As far as I know, In myopinion


In short, In a word.



I believe Tianjin will be morebeautiful and prosperous.


How I want to study in thebest middle school in Guangzhou!


Reading books and swimming aremy hobbies.



when, not…until(直到…才…), as soon as(一…就…)


so that + clause; (为了)


so…that…(如此…以至于…), too…to do(太……以至于……)


if, unless(除非), as long as(只要)


as…as…(与…一样), not so…as…, than




We livemore and more comfortable.


2.we can getmany informations by reading newspapers.

改正:much information (不可数名词由much修饰)

3.There willhave a football game tomorrow.

改正:There will be a football game tomorrow.(Therebe句型的将来时结构)

4.I thinkride a bike can keep our health.

改正:I think riding a bike can keep us healthy.(动名词作主语)



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Fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also called DuanYangJie, afternoon day festival, may festival, ai festival, terminal five, ChongWu, midday, summer day. Although the name is different, but all around the custom of the peoples holiday is the same. The Dragon Boat Festival is Chinas two thousand years old customs, on this day, every family hanging mo_a calamus, dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, drink realgar wine, swim all ills, sweet bursa.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? ! I dont know! Let me tell you! Do you remember the patriotic general chu qu yuan? I to say him!

Qu yuan is the warring states period abroad, very learned. He beside the king a few to image is his country rich and strong. Treacherous court official, listen to the words, bad king king chu qu yuan _iaoZhi e_ile. In e_ile, qu yuan heard that chu capital held by the enemy, and the people suffer, very indignation. Falls on this day, he came to the miluo river edge, with a stone, in order to jump jumped into the miluo river. Abroad people hear that cast jiang qu yuan was very sad. They rowed steadily to salvage qu yuan, with tears in their eyes, also threw rice dumplings into the river feed the fish, hope that the fish dont harm the body of qu yuan. This is may duanyang the origin of zongzi.

The Dragon Boat Festival has a lot of interesting activities. Columns such as dragon boat racing, hanging sachet, sachet, cinnabar, realgar, _iang, outsourcing to wire cloth, fragrance 4 e_cessive, again the five-color silk string into a rope buckle, for all kinds of different shape, form a series, variety, and e_quisite. Have the habit of hanging mo_a leaf, calamus.

There were so many activity in the Dragon Boat Festival!








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At the elementary school today it is a sports day; all the parents and friends were invited to attend.Each class in the school was competing in one or more sports events such as relay races,distance races,ball games,parades,and so on.All the guests had small chairs to sit on at one side of the school field.There were refreshments given and a concession stand available if you wanted to buy ice-cream or candy .everyone cheered and clapped after each event.Special honors were given to individual winners,but all in all,everyone felt great that day.





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April 5, 2002

Dear Mr. Brian,

Thank you for your letter of March 20. As Spring --- the best season of a year --- has come, everything is nice here. The weather is always fine and comfortable, trees become green and various kinds of flowers are in blossom. We, therefore, invite you to visit our city from April 28 to May 5.

If you accept our invitation, please inform us in detail of the number of your people, their names, and your suggestions of your visit. We will try our best to arrange everything according to your plan, and we hope that you will enjoy every minute of your trip here.

We are looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Xiao-hua



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Dragon Boat Festival is a very grand festival in China. It is to

commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet in the Warring States period. Now

Chinese people still continue this custom, even a legal festival.


The Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar.

Every family needs to make zongzi. There are also interesting dragon boat races!

Grandma has cooked delicious zongzi at home. When she opened the pot cover, the

fragrance of zongzi was floating all over the house, making my mouth water

continuously. I cant wait to peel off the zongzi leaf and eat it with relish.

Its really memorable!


After eating zongzi, my father took me to watch the dragon boat race. There

are lots of people here, and the traffic is very busy! The race started, and

every team is ready to go. With a burst of gunfire, each dragon boat flies

across the water like an arrow. The audience cheered and shouted, cheering and

encouraging for the contestants. The contestants listened with confidence and

strove hard to paddle, and the water splashed everywhere. Each dragon boat

chased after each other. At last, the laggard No. 1 finally caught up with the

far ahead No. 2. The audience couldnt help cheering. There was a sea of joy

everywhere. Ah! This is the most unforgettable day for me.


There are also many traditional festivals as interesting as Dragon Boat

Festival. We should protect Chinese traditional festivals together.



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We are living in a society where people help each other in many ways. Not only does helping good for people, it is also good for our society.

Helping each other does good for people in different ways. Nobody can survive or live a better life without having other peoples help in our society. On the other hand, helping each other can help the progress of our society. Human labour is a good example.

Last but not least, helping each other does good for people and the society where they are living in!



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Im have many teachers now and I love them all,but my favorate teacher,I think she is my English teacher Miss Gao.

She is tall and thin,in my eyes she is most beautiful teacher woman in the world,I love her sweet smile and attractive.So I always feel free in her class.

I like her class very much,she often tell us interesting stories in her class,and she teaches us to play English games and English songs,too.since she become my English teacher,Im have madel a lot of progess.

I like English,I like my English teacher.







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由于小学生年龄较小,生活经验不丰富,知识范围有限,决定了他们对直观、新颖、有趣的材料容易理解和接受。比如学生学习“good morning ﹑good afternoon ﹑good evening”这三个问候词时很容易混淆,我就用道具设置情景:画了三幅图,有从东面初升的太阳表示上午,有正在上方炎热的太阳表示中午,有明亮的月亮表示晚上。再叫学生用“good morning ﹑good afternoon ﹑good evening”来说,加深了学生的印象。作为一个小学英语教师表情要丰富,如果表情呆滞,语言平淡,学生就不能全身心投入学习中。所以在课堂上,老师需要生动地表演,丰富的表情,使学生进入一个童话世界。在制作教具时可让学生自己动手画、动手做。在教学中要用到的图片,可以提早几天布置下去,当他们的作品被运用在课堂上时,孩子们都很兴奋。这样使学生体会到成功的喜悦也激发了学英语的兴趣。此外画图片,也培养了学生的绘画能力,也可让他们熟悉一下将要学的新知识,真是一举多得啊!




尽管这世界有许多诱人的芳香,但如果缺少了“书香”,精神家园将是怎样的黯淡。最近,阅读了《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》一书,给我以心灵上的触动! 从《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》中,我看到了一个个令人感动的爱心故事。很多优秀的老师很好地关注沉默的孩子;描述了后进生的转化过程;给于学生关爱和尊重,使学生获得了进步的动力与源泉。他们都能真正赏识这些孩子,他们掌握了一种教育的艺术,爱的艺术。

“每个人心灵深处的信念,都存在着一种能量场,如果你从未怀疑过自己的学生或孩子会成为一个优秀的人,那么他会从你信念的能量场中接受到你的这一信息,并且又会把这一信息变成他的奋斗动力。”“一位女孩”,被国内教师评为“缺乏数学脑子”,却被美国老师赞为“具有数学特长”,能够“优雅且具有创造性地解决难题”;一个“厌学” 的孩子变得出类拔萃,让美国教授对其能力和品质“以性命担保”。爱波斯坦,世界一流的脑外科权威专家之一,然而在读书时却有严重的学习障碍,他称“我曾是智障者”……《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》所展示的是感人至深的教育故事。它为我开启的,是教育的奥秘,那就是在对学生的心灵进行了真正的解读后,爱的付出。

一、真爱学生,才会低着头,弯着腰,与学生进行心灵的交流,才能从每位学生身上找到金子般的闪光之处。长期以来的“精英教育”,致使很多学生因为评价制度的偏颇成为所谓的“差生”,而教育的最终目的在于最广泛的提高人的素质。现代教育理论也表明,人的智力决非是学习的能力。 “一支铅笔有多少种用途?”——无数种,更何况是万物之灵的人!







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My uncle has two dogs. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much.

One day, Mr. Smith came to visit him. When the friend saw two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, he was surprised and said, ;My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?; ;Let my dogs come in and come out, of course,; Mr. Smith asked. ;But why are there two holes? One is enough!; ;But how can the big dog go through the small hole?; my uncle said.

Sometimes a clever man may make such mistakes.


有一天,史密斯先生来看他。当这个朋友看见门口上有连个洞,一个是大洞和一个小洞时,他感到吃惊并说,;我亲爱的朋友,为什么你的门上有连个洞?;我的叔叔回答说:;当然是让我的两条狗进出了。 史密斯先生问到:"为什么门上要两个洞呢?一个就足够了。"我叔叔说:;大狗怎能走小洞呢?;



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Autumn came, the orchard faction of the scene.

You see, the fruit of the orchard mature, one persimmon smile red face, as if a small red lantern hanging in the branches. Pomegranate also playful to grin the mouth, and some laugh broken belly, revealing crystal clear seed child. The golden pear is covered with branches, like a golden gourd. The most notable is the apple. Ripe fruit bent over the branches, there are yellow banana apples, red glowing red Fuji apples - some of them head up like a mighty warrior; some hiding under the leaves, like a shy little girl; The two together, it is particularly affectionate.

A gust of wind blowing, a share of refreshing fragrance floating, the original is from the vineyard came the fragrance, full of grapes a string of string hanging on the vine. As if a big black pearl, was string together, very beautiful. So many bright colors, taste sweet fruit, people looked coveted.

Into the orchard, all kinds of fruit in the bright sun shining attractive luster. The joy of harvest, accompanied by busy fruit of the fruit, flowing in the orchard.

Autumn orchards bring happiness to people, I like the fall of the orchard.



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Low carbon life today is no longer a fresh word, the people all know what call low carbon life.

Today I will say the low-carbon life in our house. One day, after I had finished my homework was sitting on the sofa watching TV, movie about environmental protection commonweal advertisement attracted me. The frame there are pieces of white clouds in the blue sky, the endless prairie, green grass in the wind gently shake its head, the colorful flowers and small butterflies dance ballet on the ground. But, the scene became is full of weeds, desolate desert.

I sat on the sofa, looking out the window the yellow sky thought:

If we dont protect the environment, cant tell which day our hometown will become like that. Thought of here Ill stand up to mom and dad said: "low carbon life is start from our home!"

After that day, our family really played a low-carbon life.

As long as it doesnt black home absolutely does not turn on the light. Go out not to ride electric vehicles is the bus. And I put up a piece of white paper in the bathroom write "please save water" several characters, ah! Indeed effective, mom and dad would never waste water, both of the water to wash the dishes, wash clothes of water save flush the toilet and do it saves water, also save a lot of water.

My dad used to throw rubbish are packed in a bag together willy-nilly throw it away. But now is different, he always put the garbage classification, not thrown away, can be recycled are collected to sell to recyclers, the sale of the waste of money saved up can also buy vegetables.

So two months of low-carbon life, not only make people form good habits, our family also save a lot of cost of living. Mother happily say: "low carbon life is environmental protection, and save money, also can let us healthy life, we must put the low carbon life in the end!"











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Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, our government has already made clear the goal of governance. As every ordinary people in real life, although not directly involved in environmental protection work, but we can start from the minor matter, begin from me.


When you see the Restroom faucet in water, Shi Bushi can raise close? When the battery is exhausted can classified processing rather than throw it away? When shopping can consciously do not use thin plastic bags? A trivial thing though is very humble, but we have the number of environmental consciousness.


Recycling 1 tons of waste paper can be recycled 800 kilograms of paper, can save 17 trees. Recovery of the 20 waste boxes can create a beautiful pen. Recycling one glass bottle to save energy, can make the light bulb for 4 hours. Recovery of the 1 aluminum cans is equal to saving half an aluminum cans of oil. So we should put garbage classification, by the relevant departments after the recovery of reproduction!


As long as we start from ourselves, from the little things, we work together, will be able to persevere, to society, but also for myself a blue sky, I hope everyone can consciously Protect environment, to make our living environment more beautiful.



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DOG    Wong!wong!wong!   Ah well cute,A white dog,Is a public dog.   A pair of sparkling eyes,A light gray hair,There are a small mouth,The longer of the two butterfly-like ears, Many seem to next mustache nose in a very cute. It is a favorite play, the mouth of the total did not blow a mouth full of small balloon . The small dog named Peas,Peas are born masters of the day bought, like buying seeds, like water, they are the large seeds, So called Peas.



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My father is a teacher, he looks fat, but also wearing a pair of glasses, the rationale of a flat head, not tall.

Dad likes to swim, run, play table tennis, read books, travel.

My dad asked me very strict, he often taught me to be polite. Once to a uncle home to a guest, my uncle gave me a big and round apple, I took over from the hands of uncle apples, relish to eat up, on the way home, my father taught me: Make a polite child, someone else give you something, say thank you.

Dad asked me to be an honest man. Once I secretly in the room watching TV, my father told me to open the door, I quickly turn off the TV, my father asked me: "What are you doing?" I said: "I am reading." He looked at it and said, "Are you lying too? Are you deceiving me? Do you know?" I had to admit. Dad said to me: "I have to do something wrong to take the initiative to admit, do not lie, know wrong to change or a good boy." Dads teachings I keep in mind.

My father is a demanding person, I like my father, he taught me to do a very polite, honest and honest people.



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I am in six grade now next term I am going to middle school so the coming vacation is my last summer vacation in primary school. It is so special to me. I plan to spend it with my friends we want to take part in the summer camp to have close access to the nature. I am so excited now I think we will have a good time.


