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今天就是大人给老人、小孩派红包的节日——春节。大家知道过年为什么要派红包吗? Today is the holiday that adults send red envelopes to the elderly and children-Spring Festival.Do you know why you want to send red envelopes for the New Year?

传说,有一个叫“祟”的可怕怪兽,它在春节时,总会到一个睡熟的孩子头上摸一下,孩子醒来之后就会疯疯癫癫,胡说八道。又是春节,一次,“祟”正想去摸一对老夫妻孩子的头,忽然被一道亮光亮瞎了眼,它顿时惊慌失措,一溜烟地逃跑了。原来,“祟”怕光,是这对老夫妻放在桌子上的铜币被月光照出的亮光吓走了它。后来,人们效仿老夫妻,在春节时把铜币包进纸里,趁着孩子拜年的时候送给孩子,以防被怪兽惊吓,慢慢地,这种习俗就演变成了今天的“红包”。 Legend, there is a terrible monster called "祟", it will always touch the head of a sleeping child during the Spring Festival, and when the child wakes up, Nonsense.It was another Spring Festival. Once, "Small" was trying to touch the head of an old couple and children. Suddenly, it was blinded by a bright light. It was panicked and fled.It turned out that "sullen" was afraid of light. It was the bronze coin that the old couple placed on the table was scared away by the light of the moonlight.Later, people imitated the old couples and wrapped the copper coins into the paper during the Spring Festival. They were given to the child while the child worshiped the New Year to prevent being frightened by the monster. Slowly, this custom became todays "red envelope".

今天早上,我起了个大早,给爸爸妈妈拜年,爸爸妈妈给我封了200元的红包,我乐得合不拢嘴。 This morning, I got up early and worshiped my father and mother. My father and mother sealed me 200 yuan a red envelope. I couldnt get together.

早餐后,我给楼上楼下的伯伯、叔叔们拜年,说了“新年快乐”“恭喜发财”“万事如意”等等的吉祥话,我的手里一下子就添了许多的红包。我乐呵呵地数了一下,居然有950元。 After breakfast, I worshiped the uncle and uncle upstairs and downstairs and said "Happy New Year", "Congratulations on getting rich", "Everything like", etc.A lot of red envelopes were added to the hand.I counted it happily, and there were 950 yuan.

下午5时许,一家人开始准备吃团圆饭。妈妈说:“早点吃年夜饭,一年中最早吃晚餐的一晚就是今天啦!”只见餐桌上摆着绿油油的青菜,香喷喷的鸡腿,还有美味鲜甜的桂花鱼……我嘴里吃着,眼睛却一直盯着盘子里的沙茶牛肉,妈妈打趣地说:“你可真是吃着碗里的,想着锅里的,活脱脱的一个小馋猫。”当我正要去夹盘子里的最后一块鱼肉时,却被爸爸制止了。我刚要问,爸爸就已经微笑地说:“年年有余(鱼)嘛。”我只好不舍地放下筷子。 At 5 pm, the family began to prepare for a reunion meal.Mom said, "Early New Years Eve dinner, the earliest dinner one night is today!" I saw green vegetables on the table, fragrant chicken legs, and delicious sweet osmanthus fish ...Eat, but my eyes kept staring at the sand tea beef in the plate. My mother said in interest, "You really eat in the bowl, thinking about the pot in the pot, a little cat I want to get rid of it." When I was going to pinch my pinchWhen the last piece of fish in the plate was stopped by his father.I was about to ask, my dad had already smiled and said, "There are more than (fish) every year." I had to put down chopsticks reluctantly.

吃完团圆饭,我和爸爸准备去放烟花。只见爸爸用打火机一点,一个“冲天炮”冲天而起。它飞到一定高度时,忽然就不再飞了,而是爆开了。啊!原来这是一条巨龙呀!巨龙在天空上停留了好久,最后,它慢慢消失,只有几个火点闪亮在天边。 After eating reunion meals, my father and I are ready to put fireworks.I saw my father a little bit of a lighter, and a "sky cannon" rushed to the sky.When it flew to a certain height, it suddenly stopped flying, but burst.Ah! It turned out that this was a dragon! The dragon stayed on the sky for a long time. In the end, it slowly disappeared, and there were only a few fires shining in the sky.

春节到处喜气洋洋,大家都好快乐。我真希望天天过春节呀! The Spring Festival is happy everywhere, everyone is so happy.I really hope to spend the Spring Festival every day!



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The giant panda is a national treasure in our country, they are very cute.

Recently, I came to the hometown of giant pandas, chengdu panda base to


Entered the panda base, I saw the "fog" from the side of the hearth, and

likely to increase humidity. Then, I found the bamboo on both sides of the tilt

to the middle, formed a huge "arch bridge", for tourists to enjoy. Then, we came

to the giant panda museum. We first watched on giant panda breeding and so on

video, then, I started to play the game here: imitation of giant pandas, find

the bride for the panda, and so on.

Then, we came to the giant panda "villa" : every panda about 15 square

meters of the "indoor residential" and several "outdoor garden" the size of the

sitting room. They sometimes along the garden wooden posts climbed several

meters high rack, the crawling around on it. In indoor, they often walk around

the glass window, as if to show people it lovely side. Then he will be picked up

in the middle of the bamboo, taste with relish.

We will go forward, then came to the young giant panda base. You dont call

them "panda". Because the red panda is another panda. Head I thought I would see

a big, white and black giant pandas, youth didnt see the size of a mouse pink

"pig". Afterwards just know, the giant panda cub is these furry little one. I

came to another room, suddenly found the young pandas here head is much bigger

than before, and also has become a black and white. It is hard to imagine but

larger than the "pig", less than a month of young giant pandas.

Finally, we arrived at the panda. But they are many only live together. The

panda brown and white, very lovely. The panda and the giant panda is not the

same, however, gave birth to have had the bright colors.

Chengdu panda base is the panda "shelter", care and concern every




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篇一:压岁钱Lucky money

The spring festival is the loveliest in China, which is comes in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes. In the spring festival holiday, people do many things, such as eat the dinner on the New Year‘s, set off fireworks, stroll the famous fair likes “Baiyunguan” fair.


On the first day of lunar, the young generation congratulates the old generation with “Happy New Year!”


Then the old generation will give the young some lucky money which wrapped with red paper or red envelope. Because red is a color with joyful. Lucky money means the old generation‘s love to the young and hope them can have a good luck in this new year. This is the lucky money which lots of the young want.


篇二:Kids, How Would You Deal With Your “Lucky Money”?

Kids would be overexcited during Spring Festival, for the simple reason that they would receive “lucky money”from their parents as well as other elderships.

According to ancient custom, the elder generations put a certain number of money in a red envelope, and give it to the children of the family, wishing that the children would grow up healthily and happily.

How to reasonably deal with those “lucky money”is a serious question for parents and children alike. As far as I am concerned, two ways below are worth to be considered. One sensible way is to save the money for higher education. With the development of economic and urbanization, the competition is becoming more and fiercer. The demand of people with high degree is increasing, which means, the threshold for a “white-collar”job is higher and higher. Therefore, accepted into a college is viewed as a necessary and an initial step for a good job. Given the increasing cost of college education and postgraduate education, saving the “lucky money”is at least an economic guarantees for higher education. The other way is investing, and by investing I do not mean buy stocks or bonds, but investing in self-improvement. For example, purchasing some books, literature, politic, philosophy, whatever you like.

As Bacon said, “reading makes a full man”, investing in books you are interested in would expand your knowledge and improve your attainment. However, not only books could attribute to self-improvement, art and sports or other skills could also do. Invest some money to learn piano, guitar, etc.; or to learn dancing, swimming, tennis…Or just to learn how to drive is a worthwhile acquirement. All in all, you could name other good ways to use“lucky money” of course, as long as it is worthwhile, and saving for education and investing in self-improvement are definitely among them.



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Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.

People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.



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Lunar New Year , the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals. First day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, known as the Moon, commonly known as "New Year" and "New Year." The long history of the Spring Festival, which originated in the Shang period the year draws to a close servicemen and the memorial activities. According to Chinas Lunar, the first day of the first lunar month yen ancient name, Yuan-chen, a copy, is Emperor, the New Year Day, which is commonly known as Day of the Republic. switch to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar on January 1 as New Years Day, January 1st called the Lunar Spring Festival.



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on new years eve,our class had a party. the atmosphere was good. it was out of the ordinary from the very begining. the boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. we saw a boy named li xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. then with three resounding(响亮的) crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

then,the representative of the bedroom zhu guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. he added that li xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. they left us all in confusion. and it was our monitor who was quickwitted(机智的). he shouted our, "the day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn." the hall after that,they had another item. this time li xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. while he was standing there,the other three stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. it was an idiom. this time i got it right:"the dog stands out among a group of chickens."



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Thank you for your letter. I’m glad to hear that you are coming to China for Spring Festival. In China, there are many people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes.

I like the Spring Festival very much.





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It was thirty of the year. We had a new year. We were very happy. We put on new clothes and went out to play. The most favorite thing for children to play is to set off firecrackers. We came to buy firecracker shop to buy a box of small, can not wait to come to the place where few people lit a cannon, put it into the bottle with “ ” a bottle of “ &rdquo a whoosh; straight to the clouds, to limit the fun. Happy we jump three feet high.

In the evening, it is time to eat the years night dinner, several of our children have agreed, and wait after dinner in my small yard inside the fire. After eating, I asked grandpa to put the long bought fireworks in the yard. As they came, my grandpa announced to start shooting, so I picked up a happy paradise “ ” uncle lit a sweet to me, I think the fireworks would suddenly explode; a point I quickly fling caution to the winds only listen to “ ” PA; a sound but I have a cold sweat.

When my grandfather brought “ &rdquo, “ 10000 joy; Donald Mickey ” and “ fruit treasure agent ” any of various uncle and I bent down, picked up the incense, close to the firing line, I was very frightened, hurriedly ran to the balcony of my house “ Dong Ba ” “ Dong Ba ” a loud noise; we look to the sky; a beautiful fireworks in the sky spread, Ambilight, gorgeous fireworks, who sometimes like Liyudiaolongmen, sometimes like a day with flowers; sometimes like butterflies; sometimes like a bud just ready to burst. The red symbolizes the festive fireworks, blue symbolizes wisdom, green symbolizes vitality, yellow symbolizes warmth, purple symbolizes the romance of any of various riotous with colour intoxicated, addictive. Followed by &ldquo ” a crackling sound; a peony red rose to the sky, suddenly appeared in the sky after another large “ peony, ” the slightest petals stretched open wider, became a huge crystal hanging lamp lantern cover in our head, green and yellow purple sea. We are unable to restrain the emotions to applaud, head repeatedly praise, too beautiful! Its beautiful!



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Since we were born as a little baby, we get help from others all the time.

Our parents raise us, our teachers teach us and our friends company us.

Therefore, it’s important for us to be grateful to those people who give us a

hand. Being grateful is a way to show them our appreciation and our love. No one

in the world is supposed to love us without any conditions. Moreover, Being

grateful to others and to what you get can lead you are ready to help others,

too. I think this is the most important impact on people that being grateful. If

we are all show our appreciation to others and then help others, we could build

a friendly and harmonious society.



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I like spring festival because we are very happy on that day.Last festival we had a good time and I will never forget it.In the morning all my family were busy preparing for it.I helped to clean the house and my parents were cooking some delicious food.On that afternoon we had a big dinner.At night we made jiaozi and set off fireworks to celebrate the festival.In the meanwhile we watched TV.My parents gave me much lucky money.The next morning we said happy new year to everybody from door to door.



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today is the first day of the chinese new year. i wear a new sweater and shoes. some one always take the presents and smile at every one. they wear red clothes.

you can play the firework but don’t play in the room. we can eat many chinese food ,zong-zi,jiao-zi…. today may be a good day,because many marry—cars running in the street.

older people always say today we must eat many good luck food.






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My hometown is a small village in Chaoyang County of Liaoning province. If you come here, the countless festival customs will make you open your eyes. One of the most popular and favorite festivals is the annual Spring Festival in my hometown.

The Spring Festival has always been paid attention to, so the preparation for the pre Festival is also a long time, usually one month or half a month before the festival. During this period, people will always catch up with the big collection. The people coming back from the collection must be big bags of small balls, just like a big move, and those packages will have money hanging, couplets, some tobacco, sugar, tea and so on. The Spring Festival is six or seven days from the time, the hostess will take home are cleaned inside and out, clean and neat, so as not to give the guests a bad impression. One day before the Spring Festival, people were busy. The morning is posted paste antithetical couplet, register fund, at noon the hostess will be a sumptuous meal to invite two parents, one family enjoyable, fun. The night is more lively, eat dumplings and set off firecrackers, lamps and candles of a myriad families crowded.

The genius of the Spring Festival is a real buzz. On this day, people are busy getting up early to prepare breakfast, "for", everything must be careful, not negligence. The laobiye offerings are better than we eat dinner. First of all, right in the middle of a big plate, or put on three with red spots Steamed Buns, or put a plate of dumplings, and two small plates on both sides of large plate on it, put some orange, apple, and sugar, and incense to incense constantly, listening and speaking this one family can bless peace throughout the year. To finish for Lafayette, we can eat a meal. Dumplings are this day will eat meals, but not less packets must eat, the rest is good, which means "May there be surpluses every year". After dinner, we all want to put on new clothes, new shoes and socks, which represents the "new year". People will go to visit high streets and back lanes during the day, they see the elders to see knock, and comes with a spring festival!" And now this kind of custom has been forgotten by people. This day is also the most children a happy day, because not only can follow their parents to go to the door, enjoy a good treatment, but also can get lots of gift money. Theres a lot of money. If you want to buy anything, youll be happy. Children can not be punished by their parents even if they make mistakes, because it is the Spring Festival, and they are all festive and do not care about those unhappy things.

One month after that, relatives came to my house every two or three days. I was the happiest person because I could eat delicious food again. This is the time when people get the fastest weight, because they have a good date every day, so people begin to worry about their body.

Although I am now studying in a strange land, I cant go home very often, but I always cherish the memory of the Spring Festival in my hometown. That lively scene even missed the hometown that I raised for over ten years.



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The lunar New Year holiday, I stayed at home and not go out, really upset, and then left a telephone, right a phone call my aunt and cousin. The grown-ups package dumplings and after they come to my cousin and I have closed the door to play computer, heard mother and young aunt whispering in the outside. After a period of time, I and my cousin go out, hot dumplings already on the table. I use chopsticks to pick up a jiaozi, bite, immediately spit it out again, hot chocolate got burned inside me. "Strange, how can have chocolate?" I asked myself, to eat the one, and pick up a bite open look, one point one was preserved egg fillings. We are more strange, eat up one by one: egg yolk, candy, sausage, big jujube, apple... A wide range of a plate without a weigh appearance. A little later, a small dumpling is our "destroy".

As we gorge, mother and young aunt before hiding in the side smile keep not waist. Such as we had finished, they went out of the to say: "how, our colorful dumplings good!" "Well, well." I said, to wipe tears in eyes. "Whats wrong with you? Dont in" the lottery "?" Is "yes, I got the bag with red pepper dumplings!"

This is my colorful winter vacation, mixed, laugh youlei. ? Not bad!



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Of the first lunar month every year, usually in the spring, before and after as a result, people call this day as the Spring Festival, also known as the lunar year. The Spring Festival is coming, means spring is coming, means a new round of sowing, means that we have to grow up one year old, means that the earth recovery in all things.

To the Spring Festival, every household in the entrance to affix Spring Festival couplets, hang the red lanterns. People often want to stick, must stick backwards, referred to as "f. Some people posted pictures on the wall; Some ingenuity of people cut the window... The Spring Festival, every family will set off firecrackers, produced crackling sound, the people started to used orientation... Legend, this year is very unlucky to people, year makes trees depressed, grass bouquet not born; Year after all things grow, flowers everywhere, this year to get rid of what? How to let the people live a happy life? People with fireworks off years, because of afraid of red, so people can live a happy life. The Spring Festival, this is a happy day, but also a day for family reunions. Eat dumplings, the custom of the north, we get together for a family reunion dinner, how sweet! The souths custom is to eat rice cakes, because they want to rising, together, let us welcome the new life! Spring Festival arrived, the men and women, old and young, wearing new clothes elders for the younger generation a red envelope. To the Spring Festival, every family to buy necessities and the atmosphere of the festival is the Spring Festival, not only in joy, and overflow in the streets, and some in the lion dance, some in the set off firecrackers, and dancing in other...

The city, look, here the city lights, a friend is really very busy! The Spring Festival, New Year is about to begin!






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The custom of Dragon Boat Festival is always eaten with zongzi, the smell

of zongzi is sweet, and there are layers of bamboo leaves outside, and there are

all kinds of stuffing in it.

Speaking of zongzi, I have a story, two thousand years ago, the lunar

calendar in the early May, the five, Qu Yuan threw stone to the river, the

people heard this news all families packed zongzi, came to the river to

dumplings dumplings into the river, using this method to protect the body of Qu


Dumplings are divided into two types, a cylindrical bamboo called zongzi, a

triangle is called bamboo leaves. The family back to the child wearing Wusi line

painted on the head, "King", ed wormwood in the house...... The custom of the

Dragon Boat Festival is quite a lot.

I love the Dragon Boat Festival!



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Different places have different characteristics of life, the Spring Festival in guangzhou has a unique customs.

In my memory, guangzhous Spring Festival is on lunar ChuXun began. This period of time, everyone will be ready for them. Therefore, the street, shops, is is a scene of people mountain people sea. At the same time, every family can boil laba rice. In guangzhou, laba rice also called sticky rice. The method of making the sticky rice is relatively simple, washing should be prepared to glutinous rice. At the same time, the various ingredients into a pot and fry until fragrant. Sticky rice is also a variety of ingredients: there is dry mushrooms, eggs, squid, bacon, onion... After put the glutinous rice into the earthen pot. In rice almost like good, the fragrant air ingredients on the surface of the rice. About half an hour, wait for after rice are golden color can slowly enjoy. Light smell fragrance can not but have a bite.

Every household must be in a year on this day cleaning, hope in the New Year, display of renewal.

The flower market in guangzhou all reflect the huacheng. Flowers crowded in the city, everyones face was revealed to the joy of the Spring Festival. The flowers is also in trying to outshine each other.

On the first day here! A New Year again! During the Chinese New Year, happy New Year with each other, to visit each other, until the fifteenth day of the end.

Yuanxiao, another climax of Spring Festival. On this day, every family decorating stores, meet this grand and lively festival. The family also feel happy to get together to eat dumplings, go to square to see lanterns at night.

Unconsciously, the Spring Festival is over. The students go to school, adults to work. The Spring Festival in the laughter of people flash across, people began the New Years busy...







