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If I Rest, I Rust

The significant inscription found on an old key - "If I rest, I rust." - would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them.


Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gates that guard entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture-every department of human endeavor.


Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in quarry had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his " moments to idleness. Had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, had allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside, instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never become a famous,astronomer.


Labor vanquish all-not inconstant, spasmodic or ill-directed labor; but faithful, unremitting daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, So is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success.




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I went to visit one of our teachers with some of my classmates this

morning. Miss Jones is our English teacher and she likes all the classmates. She

tried so hard to help us to improve our English. We went to her flat and had

lunch there with her. We had a good time.




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万圣节(All Saints Day, All Hallows Day或Hallowmas) 是每年11月1日的欧美大节日。以下是小编带来的关于万圣节的英语资料大全,希望对你有帮助。

Halloween (or Halloween) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films arevery happy.

Halloween (or Halloween) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.


Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, whose original spelling was Samuin (pronounced sow-an or sow-in)".The name is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summers end".Snap-Apple Night (1832) by Daniel Maclise.Depicts apple bobbing and divination games at a Halloween party in Blarney, Ireland.The name Halloween and many of its present-day traditions derive from the Old English era.

The word Halloween is first attested in the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Even ("evening"), that is, the night before All Hallows Day.[4] Although the phrase All Hallows is found in Old English (ealra hālgena mæssedæg, mass-day of all saints), All-Hallows-Even is itself not attested until 1556.

11月1日 -- 万圣节 All Saints Day

11月2日 -- 墨西哥的鬼节 Day of Death

万圣节(All Saints Day, All Hallows Day或Hallowmas) 是每年11月1日的欧美大节日。

Halloween 是 All Hallows Eve 的缩写,万圣节前夜的意思,指10月31日的晚上。

For thousands of years people have been celebrating different holidays and festivals at the end of October. The Celts celebrated it as Samhain (pronounced “sow-in”, with “sow” rhyming with cow)。 The Irish English dictionary published by the Irish Texts Society defines the word as follows:

“Samhain, All Hallowtide, the feast of the dead in Pagan and Christian times, signalizing the close of harvest and the initiation of the winter season, lasting till May, during which troops (esp. the Fiann) were quartered. Faeries were imagined as particularly active at this season. From it the half year is reckoned. also called Feile Moingfinne (Snow Goddess)。(1) The Scottish Gaelis Dictionary defines it as ”Hallowtide. The Feast of All Soula. Sam + Fuin = end of summer.“(2) Contrary to the information published by many organizations, there is no archaeological or literary evidence to indicate that Samhain was a deity. The Celtic Gods of the dead were Gwynn ap Nudd for the British, and Arawn for the Welsh. The Irish did not have a ”lord of death“ as such.

The Celts believed that every year on the last day of October, the souls of the dead visited the earth.www.

When the Romans conquered the Celts in the first century A.D., they added parts of their festivals, Feralia and Pomona to the tradition. Feralia was a festival to honor the dead and Pomona was a harvest festival named after the goddess of fruit (apples) and trees.

Around the eigth century, the Christian church made November 1 All Saints Day to honor all of the saints that didnt have a special day of their own. Over the years these festivals combined, the mass held on All Saints Day was called Allhallowmas (the mass of all Hallows - saintly people)。 The night before was known as All Hallows Eve. Eventually this name became Halloween.

In the 1800s, as a lot of people emigrated to the U.S., the holidays and traditions of different cultures merged. Halloween was not always a happy time. October 31, or the night before took on other names. Some called it Devils or Hell night, to others it was mischief night. Here in Vermont, the night before is called cabbage night. To some people this became a time to play tricks on others. Some of these tricks were not fun at all. Luckily, community groups and individuals took action and started to change Halloween into a family event. Dressing up in costumes and going ”trick or treating“, costume parades, community parties and Fall festivals are some of the ways that Halloween is celebrated today.

Other countries have different Fall festivals to honor the deceased.

The Festival of the Dead is one of the most important happenings in both Palermo and the rest of Sicily. The second of November is a festival day for the children of Palermo as, according to tradition,they were made to believe that their dead relatives would return the night before and leave them traditional sweets and cakes on the table (Martorana fruit, which is almond paste made into the shape of different fruit)。 They would also receive puppets of boiled sugar and toys. Its one way of keeping the memory of their dead relatives and loved ones alive.

一年中最”闹鬼“的这天夜里,各种妖魔鬼怪、 海盗、 外星来客和巫婆们纷纷出动。在基督纪元以前,凯尔特人在夏未举行仪式感激上苍和太阳的恩惠。


在中世纪,人们穿上动物造型的服饰、 戴上可怕的面具是想在万圣节前夜驱赶黑夜中的鬼怪。尽管後来基督教代替了凯尔特和罗马的宗教活动,早期的习俗还是保留下来了。现在,孩子们带着开玩笑的心理穿戴上各种服饰和面具参加万圣节舞会,这些舞会四周的墙上往往悬挂着用纸糊的巫婆、 黑猫、 鬼怪和尸骨,窗前和门口则吊着龇牙裂嘴或是面目可憎的南瓜灯笼。孩子们还常常试图咬住悬挂着的苹果。

美国和加拿大的孩子们在这天穿戴上古怪的服饰去按邻居家的门铃,并按传统发出”是款待我还是要我耍花招“的威胁。邻居们不管是否被吓着,总是准备了一些糖果、 苹果等点心,孩子们则一一收入自己的袋内。




附带一提,11月2日是墨西哥的鬼节(Los Dias de los Muertos, Day of the Dead)。当天家家户户都烘烤动物造型的面包和煮鸡肉等食物,并在供桌上面放置玩具,以期待早逝的孩童们回到家中玩耍。也可以陈列鲜花、 水果、 照片和彩绘的骷髅头,接待仙逝长辈。





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My day was good and bad.

In the morning, I go to class at 8, in the second class, we met a substitute teacher, the teacher to our special good, particularly concerned about us, for our sake. We have a pleasant time of it in the morning.

But not a well in the afternoon, my father and I eat for lunch after dinner went to the new supermarket, with 40 RMB card to buy things, bought a bunch of things, and finally the invoicing, the salesman told us that this card is in the big shopping mall shopping, but cannot be used here. Can pay cash! Bad luck!

My day just passed, and there are good and bad!







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In this fast-paced modern society, life can be sometimes very stressful. One may get overwhelmed by whats going on. There may be a feeling of helplessness and the worlds spinning out of control. Its easy to lose hope. However, hope is something can be created with an optimistic state of mind.Optimism helps to increase hope for several reasons. To begin with, hope is something appears from our inside world. All of us have capacity to generate hope. This capacity is closely related to optimism. Optimism help us overcome fear, supporting us with great courage and confidence to overcome any difficulties. In return, it allows us to hold on to hope. Whatever we do or whatever is done to us, it is always constructive to adopt an optimistic attitude. As the saying goes, smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone. If you let yourself down, no one can pull you out and the situation could only go from bad to worse. But as long as you have an optimistic state of mind, you can have the situation under your control and therefore be more hopeful. Last but not least, God help those who help themselves. We should first be optimistic and hopeful can we help ourselves. And then you can get help from others. Once you get through the bad situation, hope will eventually be increased.




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My new teacher

The new semester has begun。 Every thing seems the same as before, except one thing。 That is our class has a new English teacher。 His name is Yang yang, but we always call his English name, Robert。 He is young and sunshine。 He just graduated from university。 His pronunciation is very good and I like his spoken English。 Robert is humorous and his class is interesting and lively。 Except for the textbook, he finds many other articles for class teaching, such as songs, movies and cartoons。 He says that we can learn more from what we are interested in。 I like this new teacher。


新学期已经开始了。除了一件事以外,每一件事看起来都和原来一样。那就是我们班来了个新的英语老师。他的名字叫杨阳,但是我们经常叫他的英文名Robert。他年轻阳光,刚刚从大学毕业。他的发音很标准,我很喜欢他的口语。Robert很幽默,他的课堂生动有趣。除开课本,他还找了很多文章进行课堂教 学,比如歌曲,电影和卡通。他说我们可以从我们感兴趣的东西学到更多。我喜欢这位新老师。



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My name is Liu Aoqi. I am 9 years old. I am a primary school student and a young pioneer. I read in the three (1) class of pine wood Central Primary School, I was born on the day of December 20, 1999, because that day is just the return of Macao, so I have an Australian character in my name.

I have a round face, a pair of bright eyes, and a glossy black hair, my mother often gives me tied in a ponytail, Zouqilulai shake the. I like to make more friends with me. I have a lot of advantages and a lot of shortcomings. I like reading books since I was young. There are many extracurricular books in my bookcase. I am very clean. I clean up my little world. I am very generous, never stingy, and often take out what I eat and share with my friends. My biggest drawback is carelessness in writing my homework. I often write 0 to 6, or 6 to 0.

This is the lively and lovely I, I hope to make friends with everyone.

我叫刘澳琪,今年9岁,我是一名小学生,也是一名少先队员。我在松木坪中心小学三(1)班读书,我是在1999年12月20日那天出生的,因为那天正好是澳门回归,所以我的名字里面带着一个 澳 字。

我有一张圆圆的脸,一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,还有一头乌黑发亮的头发,我妈妈经常给我扎一个马尾辫,走起路来一甩一甩的。我喜欢结交认识更多的朋友。我有好多优点,也有好多缺点。我从小就喜欢读书,在我的书柜里有好多的课外书,我非常很干净,我把我的 小天地 收拾得干干净净、整整齐齐。我十分大方,从不吝啬,经常会把我好吃的东西拿出来和好朋友们一起分享。我最大的缺点就是写作业时粗心大意,经常会把 0 写成 6 ,或者把 6 写成 0 。




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Li Ming is my classmate, he is always the best student in my class. The

teachers speak highly of him all the time. I wondered how he can do so well, so

I talked to him. He told me that he kept reading books every hour a day, if he

was busy, he would do it before sleeping. I thought about most of us, we could’t

wait to play computer games after we finished the homework. I could find

something was different between Li Ming and other students, now I understand

why, reading the books broadens his vision and enriches his mind, helping him to

be a better man. So I make up my mind to keep reading.








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August 12,2012 Friday Today, I did housework for grandmother. She is not very healthy and I decide to do housework for her more frequently. And she will feel happy and bee better. Suddenly, an idea hit me that it’s terrible to grow old becuase you have to worry about both your health and others’ opinions. Once again, I make a decision to be a good girl. 译文:这天,我帮忙了奶奶做家务.奶奶的身体不好.我以后要常帮她做事.这样她就会高兴身体也会好一些.突然觉得,人老了真不好.不但身体不会好,而且一不留意就会惹得大家厌恶.我又做了一个决定,以后必须要做个乖孩子。



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Early this morning,my mother and i went for a walk in the park.we were

having great fun talking when suddenly a wallet,lying in the path, came into my

vision.i picked it up and opened it,trying to find any possible information

about the owner of the wallet.In great luck,we found a card with a telephone

number on it.so, we decided to call the owner.surprisingly,its right the owner

of the wallet.we agreed the meeting place and time for giving back his wallet on

the phone.finally,we returned the wallet right to the owner.he thanked us a lot

,and we feel pleased to.

what a nice day!




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My dream is to grow up, to be a policeman. I will seize all the thief on the society, make the criminal suspect nowhere to hide, make social peace, peoples life in order.

That night, I sleep early, and soon fall asleep. Family went shopping every day, I will always be behind them, a precaution. Shopping one day, grandpa, I will quietly behind him, in case of the thief. But the most unexpected thing happened. Grandpa buy fruit in the stalls, just then, a young man in a hurry came running and knocked the grandpa in the hands of fruit, the young man said to grandpa, "Im sorry, big ye, Im in a hurry, I walked first." Grandpa said: "ah, now young people are unreasonable, knocked over other peoples thing, pick up and I dont know." Grandpa was about to pay, but found the purse gone. Grandpa soliloquize ground to say: "the wallet must be the young man stole hit me." I see clearly behind, just want to go to chase, grandpa grabbed me, said to me, come on, youre not overtake him. "I said:" grandpa dont worry, Im ok. "And so, I would go back to the young man and I chase after, the thief ran in front. After next to a trash can, I saw the thief was counting money. I ran over and shouted at the thief said," stand fast, is your ". The thief found me and panicked and ran faster, he ran for a while, run. Then, his aunt and without extra trouble robbed a bike ride, I also borrowed a aunt a bike ride up and chased the thief, the thief riding a bike, run, run anymore, Im to catch the thief and took him to the public security bureau, after the trial, the thief admitted his crime fact, finally also surrendered steal money from my grandpa, and apologized to grandpa, grandpa also forgave him.

Wake up, I found I was tender, weakness, it was a dream. But I believe that through my efforts, my dream will become a reality. People hung with a sweet smile on her face, society is full of peace, is permeated with happiness.



一觉醒来,我发现自己浑身酥软无力,原来这是一场梦。但我相信经过我的不懈努力,我的梦想一定会变成现实。人们脸上挂着甜蜜的笑容,社会充满和平, 洋溢着美满。



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"The school has the school rules, the home tutor" is often in a word, but others asked, "what is Dan?

"What do you have a family trait?" These problems, a lot of people will be dumbfounded.

Every time I go out to play with your classmates, will forget everything, so this time let family very heart, because I always put all the mother explaination of the side, as if not the case. So, my mother gave me a set a rule, she will seriously say: "play to play, but dont play too far". Every time I go out to play before, I will remember this sentence. So, neither let the family worry, and have a good attitude towards life.

Play every time I buy something, after checkout, all want to count the money right no, on one occasion, I help my father to buy a pack of cigarettes, I gave the boss 20 yuan, was supposed to find five yuan, but the boss but I found me fifteen yuan. At that time, I remembered the father said to me: "dont greed, to be honest and trustworthy, said to have to do it, cant make petty gain to buy, because god is looking at". Ill return the spare money to the boss, such ability make me breath a sigh of relief.

I have a rule: "dont quarrel for some trifle and friends". When I was a kid, I always quarrel with my cousin, is mother use this sentence to teach us, this sentence is deeply engraved on my mind, because it makes me, everybody to reduce an unnecessary trouble, increase a happy friendship. Some bad smell in society gradually out of the line of sight of people, if coupled with the excellent points, so lets social atmosphere will be more pure.

"校有校规,家有家教” 是人们常挂在嘴边的一句话,但别人一问到:“家风是什么?

“ 你有什么家风?” 这些问题,很多人就会傻眼。



我还有一个家规:"不要为了一些鸡毛小事和朋友争吵”。小时候,我动不动就和表弟吵架,都是妈妈用这句话来教导我们,这句话深深刻在我的脑海里,因为这使我丶大家减少一份不必要的麻烦,增加一份欢乐的友谊。 社会上一些不良的气息逐渐退出人们的视线,如果再加上优良的家分,那么咱们社会的风气将会更加纯净。



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Mingming came to my house today. We spent some time playing computer games.

We played basketball game online. I chose NBA and Mingming had to take CBA. Of

course, I won finally. We had a good time.

明明今天来我家。我们一起玩电脑游戏。我们打在线篮球游戏。我选NBA 球队,明明只能选CBA球队。当然,我赢了。我们玩的很开心。



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Today, my family go to the zoo. We go there by car, and we arrive there at

around 3 p.m. I see many kinds of animals in the zoo, like dog, elephant, rabbit

and giraffe. They are so cute. I watch them for a long time. At around 6 p.m, we

go back home. This trip is interesting.




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Time and again sent the elderly May, and ushered in a "five four" youth day. In the enjoyment of peace, tranquility in the happiness of life, I can not help but think of those who had the Chinese nation‘s democracy, scientific, independent and shed, shed blood of young people, they are, in the national humiliation time step forward bravely, to turn back the powers of darkness Lebanon‘s potential to save the suffering; they, condensed with burning passion and blood into the spirit of the torch, ignited the future. This is how the brilliant young dazzling ah, this mission is very excite people‘s mind!


Today, we honor of this generation of young people living in the great era of reform and opening up, had the honor of standing at the meeting point of century and millennium, we are fortunate. However, facing the new century, let us review "five four" spirit, thought seriously about, they should have a kind of youth, what k




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Spring is coming, a burst of spring rain also arrived. The rain continuous underground, silently onto the earth. A few days later, I want to go to long gang mountain, see the spring is really about.

Just to long post at the foot of the mountain, I was shocked that the beauty of spring, see, originally a piece of yellow mountain, green trees now, as if everything is contended for replacement of spring, lianshan cabin door the row of winter haruki was just out of twigs to cover. Spring scenery like will flow, from here to there, is a piece of green, the mountain is the sea of green.

Appreciate for a moment, I went to the mountains. Just entered the trail, the trees on both sides of the attracted me. Pieces of stretching to bud, green as jade, like a jasper, like paint on. Some still leaf buds, leaves embrace each other together, like a group of good brothers inseparable. These branches swaying trees, for the long gang mountain contributed the most to life.

Looked down and saw more than the trees green with a green came into my eyes, I stare big eyes, carefully looked at the gorgeous color. The green green a little more than pale green, but more shallow than the plum green. In the light of the sun, will also reflect a bright light. This is invisible to the green in normal times, only in the spring of the mountain, to see this mysterious green. In the soft grass, there are pieces of beautiful wild flowers. These small and exquisite flowers, one here, there, one point for grass cui more beautiful. A gust of wind blowing, several kinds of flowers together, refreshing.

This is the long gang mountain and the beautiful spring, makes me intoxicated.


刚到长岗山脚下,我就被这春天的美丽给怔住了,看,原本一片枯黄的山,现在已经树木葱茏了, 仿佛一切都争着更换春装,连山中小屋门前那排冬春树也被刚抽出来的嫩枝给覆盖了。春色仿佛会流动似的,从这儿到那儿,都是一片绿色,整座山都是绿色的海洋。






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As the saying goes: "found to be the seeds of innovation, innovation is the soul of a nation." Although I am a pupil, I am good at innovation.

English books have a word "April", I always keep the five letters make a mistake. For that I am back again and again, but my head like so dont remember the words. Whenever I write words or be the subject of this word, I never right. Day I began to back the word in the evening, I read a few times, a whim to make up a story to remember the words. I think April is spring, come up this story: a child a small bud in the spring with a shovel p r, little bud r grow seedlings, I grow seedlings l again, during the April. After this short and interesting story I have found that the words I have to. From the moment I never worry about the word back, both write and do, as long as the mind of the funny story, I which also can be wrong! After this, the story memory method, let I no longer worry about what the words wont be back. Actually found found no other people, others did not pass way, others did not say...... then success is not far from you! Innovation in the country is endless, as long as you are willing to innovation, many of the things which fills the world is waiting for you. Believe in yourself to innovation, the miracle will come, success will be by your side.

With innovation has always been a human one of the best, is different from other biological traits. As an innovation thoughts with me! Let everything from now on no longer ordinary!






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On Saturday morning, irritable the sun shine on the earth. The sky cloudless, streets are clean and tidy, wide green grass by the side of the road was so wet, just photo, beautiful, like in the picture. The streets everywhere beaming harmony better. But we sometimes touches the line of sight of some discordant notes, like a dead leaf floating on the west, like a piece of white paper on ink - small advertisement.

However, as long as everybody action, and the harmonious movement of discordant notes will disappear. You see, just then, a little volunteers came, small force was carrying a big barrel of water on the ground first, jack Bauer shovel dip in water, hard small ads, gao shovel dip in the water, also hard to jump up, finally with enough. Small ads are falling. Xiao gang is also very hard, all sweat on the head. Little more effort, eyes stare, lips pursed, shovel and wheezing. So, did the afternoon, they finally let pole has become clean again.





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I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year.Playing

basketball is always my favourite,so some of my classmates and I will form a

small team and play basketball together.Sometimes we may have a match against

some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game.




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reading classics have significant implication for a person’s development. a sea of classic books are usually written by a lot of well-known folks. different kinds of books tell us their own special subjects, which teach us how to effectively do our jobs, carry out problems from different parts and do a successful man.

recently people who tend to read classics are shrinking, while in the past classic staff had a large popularity for all kinds of individuals. why does this phenomenon come out? the reason for this problem is from many aspects, mainly as follows.

the first reason is that people do not have enough time to read and reluctant to spend their valuable time in books. as the economic development is becoming increasingly fast, a multitude of characters surge into their money. in order to earn more incomes, they kill their all time in their jobs, and they even don’t want to take a little of their all time to read. the second reason for causing this phenomenon is next.

nowadays piracy books become growing popular, especially classics. this problem, to some extent, affects people’s moods and interests of reading classics. so a wealth of individuals of reading classics turn to dramatically shrinking.

from my own perspective, we, as college students, should read all kinds of books, including classics, to develop our own comprehensive and perfect knowledge. we should pay attention to the content of books, not the paper quality of books.





