美国人如何庆祝圣诞节 英语作文(经典20篇)

能否用流利的英语快速描述自己的妈妈性格外貌,及你们之间发生的事情?本文是小编精心编辑的美国人如何庆祝圣诞节 英语作文,希望能帮助到你!






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Chritmas is the day that Jesus Christ was born. People in the world celebrate and worship this day in his honor.

The santa claus will come out and send presents for children.

Christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the place. The carolling of Christmas songs echo through the air.

I am not a Chirstian, but I also enjoy the atmosphere of Chrismas. I wish everybody have a merry Chirismas.



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Early this morning, we took a flight to San Francisco. One of the things that impressed me most was the visit to the Intel museum.

Had no sooner arrived at the museum of strong science and breathed, threshold before those incredible illusion, now all become a reality in my eyes, most especially, I saw "anatomy" internal computer, reminds people of multifarious, the winding river maze.

The computer that we normally see is always so convenient, which brings people many benefits, but who thought how complicated it is inside? Today I finally saw the hard-won computer. The main thing in the computer is the chip, which looks like a labyrinth with no end. Its hard to make a chip.

First, cut the chip plate at the bottom of the well, but at the bottom of the plate, but have to hard gold wire to build by laying bricks or stones becomes, in the process of making chips, making people have to keep the body clean, because in the process of production, the chip can not be stained with a trace of dust inside. Otherwise, the previous efforts can be abandoned! The whole process must be careful, and every part needs to be carefully selected and meticulous. It is conceivable that a computer is made up of many "meticulous".

Its hard to make a computer, but the worlds elite have honed it in this difficult situation. As long as you work hard, you can create your own life and the world. Today I am proud of mankind, tomorrow man is proud of me.



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chritmas is the day that jesus christ was born. people in the world celebrate and worship this day in his honor. the santa claus will come out and send presents for children. christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the place. the carolling of christmas songs echo through the air. i am not a chirstian, but i also enjoy the atmosphere of chrismas. i wish everybody have a merry chirismas.




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The topic like“what’s a university?” or “what a university should do?” has been discussed many times in every age. Not only educationalists but also students take into it. Is it necessary to give priority to skills and knowledge in university education as they are essential to employers? Or students in universities should have access to all of knowledge just as they have their own sake? Chose A or B, this is a problem.

The value of knowledge itself need to be considered first in university education even though the course is not as practical as skills and technology. In Chinese culture, morality education is always took at first. It said that the way of real learning is to develop and expand virtue, to innovate peoples’ opinions, to get the best goodness. In addition, there are four stages in the success of a gentleman: first, to cultivate his moral characters; second, regulate his own family; third, rule the state successfully; forth, let the world get peace. In Chinese traditional value, students in

university need to develop his morality firstly, though these knowledge is not as useful as other skills after they get a job.

On the other hand, the practicability of a university course is also worth considering, especially in the age when our government call for the attention to skills and technology in university education and when the employees prefer to capacity and practical knowledge of employers. The time in university is limited and conditions and aims of students are different. When students chose which course to learn, it is inevitable for some of them prefer to those which are more needed in workplace.

Universities give equal access to all of knowledge, including the practical courses and others. What’s more, they need give more chance to students to choose what to learn. Congratulate on diversity!




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(American Students in Countryside )

eleven students from world college, west of the united states, kissed their newly-made chinese fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters “zaijian”(goodbye), tears in eyes, when leaving jiangwan township, in shanghai suburbs. these students, who are studying on a program of international relations, are believed to be the first hatch① of foreign students to live with chinese village families.

the students stayed in the village for two months. at daytime, they were given chinese language and history courses in the village classroom and took part in agricultural practice in the fields. they spent the rest of their time with the peasants, carrying water from wells, making a fire for cooking, even feeding babies.mr. carlos liked to take little children for a ride in bicycle whereas mr. david often played cards with his young chinese friends. miss tracy, a pretty l9-year-old girl, concentrated her enthusiasm on giving english lessons to pupils at jiangwan primary school. mr. richard with his video camera② finished a tv documentary③ about chinese village life.“we like the life here. its so quiet, so plain, yet so interesting,”said miss sandra, one of the students.

lunch time was the most enjoyable for both guest and host. they talked about everything that interested them. the villagers regarded these students as their own sons, daughters, brothers, or sisters.“this new form is also beneficial④ to ourselves,”said u hongming, deputy director ⑤ of jiangwan township. “we are looking forward to welcoming more foreign students to come here.”

indeed, the students not only learned chinese, but also knew more deeply about china within the two months. “weve learned a lot which we couldnt just at chinese colleges,” said miss nona from canada. when asked about the purpose of going to china and staying with chinese villagers, tracy showed her several articles published in an american newspaper:“living, studying and learning to accept and work within another entirely different culture is an important aspect⑥ of every society. communication, understanding, and above all, love are imperative⑦ for world peace.”


①hatch [h$tm] n. (小鸡等)一窝;(喻)一群,一组(年轻人)

②video camera [vidi u k$m r ] n. 电视摄像机

③documentary[?d&kjument ri] n. 纪录影片

④beneficial [benifim l] a. 有利的;有益的

⑤deputy director[depjuti direkt ] 副乡(镇)长

⑥aspect[$spekt] n. (问题、事物的)方面

⑦ imperative [imper tiv] a. 绝对必要的



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Christmas (Christmas), every year December 25, is a traditional festival of the church calendar, it is celebrated by christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. At Christmas, most of the Catholic church will first on December 24, Christmas Eve, that is, the date, December 25, held at midnight mass, and some of the Christian church will hold good tidings, and then celebrate Christmas on December 25, And another big branch, orthodox Christian Christmas celebration in every year on January 7th.

Santa Claus

The legend of Santa Claus coming Scandinavia in thousands of years ago. Division wisdom in Norse mythology, art, poetry, the god Odin of war, the cold winter season, mounted his horse mounts eight feet galloping Yu Tianya promontory, encouraging people to distribute the gift. At the same time, his son thor with red lightning as weapons and the gods very dark battle a snow and ice, finally defeat the cold. According to legend, pagan Santa Claus is descended from the god Odin. There are legends say Santa Claus from saint Nicholas, so Santa Claus also called st. Nicholas. Because most of these stories carry forward the spirit of Christ, its origin, the plot tends to be forgotten, however, Santa Claus is etched in the spiritual world.

Every year at Christmas, Santa Claus on reindeer, holy child holding a Christmas tree came, as the world changes, writers and artists began to describe the Santa Claus as today we are familiar with the color, the image of the white beard. Different country and culture at the same time also has the different explanation for Santa Claus. In Germany, legend he dressed up as an altar boy put nuts and apples in the kids shoes. He take a sidecar roaming around, observe the behavior of people, especially children, if performance is good, will get the apples, nuts, sugar, and many other prizes. Bad kids get a whip. Parents have a brainwave adopted the legend to encourage the children to obey. Today, Christmas has become a national holiday. Santa Claus has become a symbol of the most beloved and traditional Christmas. , he was driving the reindeer pulling the sleigh full of toys and gifts from door to door gifts for every child happy old elf image has been deeply in peoples memory.







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The Lunar New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring . Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese solely means year , was originally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year.

One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very scared. One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue Nian. To Nian he said, I hear say that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents? So, it did swallow many of the beasts of prey on earth that also harassed people and their domestic animals from time to time.

After that, the old man disappeared riding the beast Nian. He turned out to be an immortal god. Now that Nian is gone and other beasts of prey are also scared into forests, people begin to enjoy their peaceful life. Before the old man left, he had told people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each year s end to scare away Nian in case it sneaked back again, because red is the color the beast feared the most.

From then on, the tradition of observing the conquest of Nian is carried on from generation to generation. The term Guo Nian , which may mean Survive the Nian becomes today Celebrate the Year as the word guo in Chinese having both the meaning of pass-over and observe . The custom of putting up red paper and firing fire-crackers to scare away Nian should it have a chance to run loose is still around. However, people today have long forgotten why they are doing all this, except that they feel the color and the sound add to the excitement of the celebratio



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The original Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, was born in the ancient southeastern Turkish town of Lycia early in the fourth century. His generosity was legend, and he was particularly fond of children. We know this primarily through Roman accounts of his patronage of youth, which eventually led to his becoming the patron saint of children. Throughout the Middle Ages, and well beyond, he was referred to by many names none of them Santa Claus.

Children today would not at all recognize the St. Nick who brought gifts to European children hundreds of years ago except perhaps for his cascading white beard. He made his rounds in full red-and-white bishops robes, complete with twin peaked miter and crooked crozier. He was pulled by no fleet footed reindeer, but coaxed in indolent donkey. And he arrived not late on Christmas Eve, but on his Christian feast day, December 6. The gifts he left beside the hearth were usually small: fruit, nuts, hard candies, wood and clay figurines.

During the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century, St. Nicholas was banished from most European countries. Replacing him were more secular figures, who in general were not at center stage at that point in history..The Dutch kept the St. Nicholas tradition alive. As the "protector of sailors," St. Nicholas graced the prow of the first Dutch ship that arrived in America. And the first church built in New York City was named after him. The Dutch brought with them to the New World two Christmas items that were quickly Americanized.

In sixteenth century Holland, children placed wooden shoes by the hearth the night of St. Nicholass arrival. The shoes were filled with straw, a meal for the saints gift laden donkey. In return, Nicholas would insert a small treat into each clog. In America, the shoe was replaced with the stocking, hung by the chimney.

The Dutch spelled St. Nicholas "Saint Nikolass," which in the New World became "Sinterklass". later changed to "Santa Claus".

Much of modern day Santa Claus lore, including the reindeer drawn sleigh, originated in America. Dr. Clement Clarke Moore composed "The Night Before Christmas" in 1822, to read to his children on Christmas Eve. The poem might have remained privately in the Moore family if a friend had not mailed a copy of it (without authorial attribution) to a newspaper and became part of the Santa legend.

It was in America that Santa put on weight. The rosy-cheeked, roly-poly Santa is credited to the influential nineteenth-century cartoonist Thomas Nast. From 1863 until 1886, Nast created a series of Christmas drawings for Harpers Weekly. These drawings, executed over twenty years, exhibit a gradual evolution in Santa from the pudgy, diminutive, elf-like creature of Dr. Moores immortal poem to the bearded, potbellied, life-size bell ringer familiar on street corners across America today. Nasts cartoons also showed the world how Santa spent his entire year constructing toys, checking on childrens behavior, reading their requests for special gifts. His images were incorporated into the Santa lore.

Santa is known throughout the world in many different names, such as:

Saint Nikolaas (Sinter Klaas), from the Dutch Father Christmas, from the English Kris Kringle, from the Germans Befana, from the Italians Bobouschka, from the Russians (a grand motherly figure instead of a male)


每年圣诞日,圣诞老人骑在白羊星座上,圣童手持圣诞树降临人间,随着世事变迁,作家和艺术家开始把圣诞老人描述成我们今日熟悉的着红装,留白胡子的形象。同时不同的国度和文化对圣诞老人也有了不同的解释。在德国,传说他扮成圣童把坚果和苹果放在孩子们鞋里。他乘双轮马车四处漫游,观察人们的行为,尤其是小孩,如果表现好,将会得到苹果、坚果、糖等诸多奖品。坏孩子则得一鞭子。家长们灵机一动纷纷采用此传说来鼓励孩子们听话。大大超过了新年,成为一个全民的节日。圣诞老人已经成为圣诞节最受喜爱的象征和传统。他赶 着驯鹿,拉着装满玩具和礼物的雪橇挨家挨户给每个孩子送礼物的快乐老精灵的形象已深深地留在人们的记忆中。



荷兰殖民者来到美洲时,将他们的Sintirklass主教也带了去,Sintirklass身着红袈裟,骑着一匹白马。Sintirklass的美国形象后来逐渐演变成一个快乐的老精灵。起初美国作家华盛顿.欧文在他的喜剧《纽约的历史》中将他描述成一个又圆又胖的荷兰老人。1823年,诗人Clement Moore在他的诗歌《St.Nicholas印象》中继续将Sintirklass/Saint Nicholas的形象戏剧化,这就是各位在本篇开头看到的圣诞老人。

19世纪60年代卡通制作者Thomas Nash画了一幅胖胖的、慈祥的圣诞老人作为《Harper的一周》的插图。这个圣诞老人的形象开始深深地扎根于美国人民的脑海中。随着时间的推移,圣诞老人的形象传回欧洲,传到南美洲,传遍世界各地。

许多国家都保存了他们自己有关圣诞老人的风俗和传说。在荷兰的传说中,圣诞老人Sintirklass还带了一个叫Black Peter的助手,乘着一艘船于12月6日来到。他带着一本大书,书中描述了所有荷兰小孩在过去一年中的表现。表现好的小孩就送礼物给他们,不好的小孩便让他的助手带走。

德国的圣诞老人也带着一个叫做Knecht Ruprecht、Krampus或Pelzebock的助手,肩上背着个装着礼物的大袋子,手上拿着一根棍子。好孩子可收到他的礼物,顽皮的孩子却要给教训几棍子。

意大利的圣诞老人叫La Befana ;法国的圣诞老人叫Father Christmas或Pere Noel ;瑞士的圣诞老人叫Christkindl或Christ Child;斯勘的纳维亚地区的圣诞人叫julenisse 或 juletomte ;而英国的圣诞老人和法国一样也叫Father Christmas(圣诞之父),他的形象比其它圣诞老人更庄严,更清瘦一些。北美的圣诞老人便是乘着驯鹿拉的雪橇来给孩子们送礼物的。



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Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival, in order to memorialize Jesus.During that time, they always have several days off, so they can enjoy this festival with all their hearts.The children often get together with their friends.The adults are busy with decorating their houses.They also send the postcards with their best wishes to each other. In the streets, there are so many Fathers Christmas sending presents to the passers-by.And everything is on a discount in the supermarkets.Thus the supermarkets are the busiest places.

In the evening, the families usually have pudding, sandwiches, apple pies and some other desserts for dinner.After supper, the families always sing and dance around the Christmas tree.Sometimes, they also go to church.Before going to bed, the children often hang up their stockings beside their bed, so that Father Christmas will fill them with presents.It is said that Father Christmas always drives a deer to the human world and entering into each house from the chimney.Now the children no longer believe in Father Christmas, but they still hang up their stockings, because their parents will fill them with presents.




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Christmas comes, sending gifts is the most let a person headache problem, is also a problem in desperation. Bad condition, the total white to other peoples gift. I really dont understand, those who havent economic source of the students how to spend money to show off, is to set up for later make social relationships or just to show off?

For Id rather you to the restaurant to eat a meal together, and then accounts to split, then who will want to show off, also feel happy.

Gifts have high and low, the so-called love hurt money talk.

Feelings can be measured with money.

In the present, money and feelings are not breaking up, no one will be to a dinner party and their own experience of diamond, you will not give the difference between life and death a piece of chocolate.

I hope next year Christmas can live easily









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Christmas is one of the most beautiful holidays of all time. It is the day when Gods sonwas born on earth. Hence, this day is sacred for all Christians around the world. The Christmas season gives rise to a number of Christmas traditions that come along. Here are a few of them that are celebrated with zest and enthusiasm worldwide for centuries.


Preparation of the Christmas cake


This was an English tradition which started centuries ago. On Christmas eve, plum porridge was served to the people. As years passed, various other things like dry fruits, honey and spices we’re used. Soon this porridge got replaced with the Christmas cake. Christmas cakes are made using eggs, butter, confections, fruits,etc. Today aChristmas cake is an integral part of a Christmas menu.


Sending gifts to loved ones


This tradition comes from the story of the three wise men who got gifts for baby Jesus on Christmas. Every Christmas, gifts are exchanged among loved ones,especially children. The story of Santa Claus also comes from this tradition.  这个传统源自一个传说:三位智者在圣诞节给婴儿耶稣送出了礼物。每年圣诞节,亲朋好友尤其是孩子们都会互赠礼物,圣诞老人的故事也源自这个传统。

Decorating the Christmas tree


This refers to the tradition of decorating a pine tree using lights, tinsels,

garlands, ornaments, candy canes, etc. Today, aChristmas tree is an indispensable part of Christmas celebration.


Lighting up the Christmas candle


This refers to the tradition of placing alighted candle outside ho uses during the Christmas season. A candle signifies hope as it brings light even to the darkest room. In the earlier times, when Christians were persecuted, they were not allowed to practice prayers. Hence, a single candle used to be placed outside the house as a sign that Christian prayers were being conducted inside.


Singing Christmas carols


It refers to the age-old custom of enchanting anumber of traditional Christmas songs during the Christmas season. It adds to the joy and fun to the atmosphere. Different Christmas hymns or carols like The First Noel, Jingle Bells, Joy to the world, etcare sung every Christmas as a part of the Christmas celebration.  这是一个古老的习俗:圣诞期间总是回荡着一首又一首圣诞传统歌曲。歌曲给人们带来欢乐,也增添了节日的气氛。每年欢度圣诞之际,《第一个圣诞节》、《铃儿响叮当》、《普世欢腾》等各种圣诞圣歌或颂歌都会奏响旋律。

Making of Cribs


This is yet another age-old tradition of Christmas. A crib refers tothe Nativity Scene that is prepared using small statues. The first crib ever was made outside a church of St. Francis of Assisi f or children to show them how the Nativity scene was like. Since then, this tradition became very popular.



Distributing Christmas candies


This is one of the most wonderful traditions of all. Christmas candies are distributed to neighbors during the Yuletide season. Onthe day of Christmas, all misunderstandings and grudges are forgotten and the community comes together to celebrate the birth of Christ.


These traditions have been carried out for decades, yet they are celebrated with more and more exuberance each year. The level of excitement has never gone down. It just keeps getting better and better with time.




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On job interviews when first conversing with an individual and when addressing small or

large groups, the first few seconds are critical in setting the tone for how youll be perceived. If she has an annoying regional accent, uses incorrect grammar, has a limited vocabulary, and if she has an irritatingly sharp piercing voice, sounds whiny or bossy or doesnt articulate her words clearly, it s an immediate turn-off. This isnt someone who you would hire or proudly introduce to your friends and business associates. This doesnt mean that everyone should try to sound like a professional actor or broadcaster. All of us have qualities unique to our own way of speaking, our individual voiceprint

as distinctive as our fingerprints. Our voice is very personal and an important part of our identity. Some natural characteristics of our voice may be very appealing.

The idea is to take the voice with which youve been gifted and give it the very best sound that you can. With the right type of practice, by paying attention to the quality of your voice and by knowing how to properly express yourself,you II almost immediately improve your opportunities in job interviews, social situations, in selling, and in azuoweng a meeting or addressing groups of people.

Let s say it again, it all begins with the instrument, your voice. If its sound and quality is flawed and needs improvement, that s where you start. That s what everyone hears whether in casual conversation or in making a major speech to a large audience. Pure vowel sounds, articulation, proper breathing, expressive speaking patterns, a pleasing vocal range, naturalness, all these will make you get twice the result with half the effort.



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Christmas DayChristmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls . Before the term ends in some schools , the children act a nativity① or “birth” play, showing how Jesus② was born in a stable③。

On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. the younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace , so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. the GREedy ones even hang up a pillow-case④ or a sack⑤ to try to get more presents. Later that night, Father or Mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed. On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two oclock, and most of them are awake by six oclock although it is not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.Children look for their presents , and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one oclock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in . the turkey or chicken is quickly eaten . Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it . the rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.




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Heaven is a beautiful Christmas eve. As soon as I finished school, I went home with my classmates.

As soon as I got home, my father told me that today I went to the restaurant outside with my uncle and aunt, and I listened and jumped more happily. But mom hasnt come back yet, so shes going to wait for her mother to go home.

After a while, my mother came home, and I urged my father to take my mother out. Along the way, I saw tonights pedestrian faces are filled with smiling faces, giving people a detailed, warm feeling. Walking to the entrance of International Building, I felt a warm current. The cold wind outside the glass door pushed the door into the warm spring. The Santa Claus in the mansion waved to us all the time. The green branches of the Christmas tree are covered with thousands of colorful lights. Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, eyes.

As soon as I entered the building, I went straight to the 2 floor. There was a Christmas song in the western restaurant. The songs were melodious and comfortable. On the wall is a picture of an affable Santa claus. Uncle and aunt already arrived, my father and mother walked over, greeted them, and sat down, everyone seems to be a big family.



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Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls. Before the term ends in some schools, the children act a nativity or “birth” play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable.


On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace, so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents. Later that night, father or mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed.


On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two oclock, and most of them are awake by six oclock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one oclock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas holidays comes to an end.




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Speaking of Christmas, I would not hesitate to think of the Spring Festival in China, is a beautiful Christmas tree, is an ancient culture of traditional paper-cut grilles; Is a funny Santa Claus, a surplus of the host is on a smile, both seem to have nothing to do, however, the Chinese New Year and Christmas in the west is the same, is the same as a grand festival!

I, a Chinese descendant, but like a western festival to commemorate Jesus. Although Christmas in China there is no deep meaning is spread to western countries, however, many people want to make Chinas Christmas also as grand as interesting as we think --

Since childhood, I thought: Christmas have a Christmas tree, and even if there is no interesting old Santa Claus, students can also be friends each other gifts, if Chinas Christmas is as grand as the Spring Festival this much good, each have a high to the ceiling luxuriantly green Christmas tree, the good has a lot of trees, pieces of fine gifts, hung on the Christmas tree also states the art incomparable big bowknot. People are interested in can also be dressed in Santa Claus when night falls, people are sleeping, carrying a big bag of a toy gadgets dot small snacks, quietly sent a a. Can also put some of his best friend is about to have a Christmas party together in the home, their carefully prepared some small things, although it is worthless, but it is truly priceless friendship; Do a also mean the meal together, he to do not ask, he said fast, then the tomatoes on his face; Decorate the house together, "he said bench points, further to the right as soon as he moves, he stood instability; Beat together, rooms are full of people, he put the pillow was blowing in his face, he will play in the egg on his face...

Adults also play day and night, discussing with classmates outside worry their joys and sorrows suantiankula, and had close friends heart-to-heart talk...

Christmas, if this become vigorous, then people will be the most popular Christmas a holiday!








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Dear Mr. Wang,


Recently, our class held the "Beautiful Christmas Chorus Competition" activity, I was unable to participate in the school recitation team recording activity, so I feel very sorry.

Remember Monday, you asked the students: "these days there are two festivals - Christmas and New Years Day, which holiday do you want to celebrate? We happen to coincide with the selection of "Christmas", of course, this is also my favorite holiday, it can be seen that we love Christmas in particular. Although, the festival chose my favorite, but when the team leader, not so gratified. You let the students recommend, but for some reason, the students did not choose me. I think, if you can recommend yourself first, then let the students vote on it. Because only let the students recommend or vote, the recommended students may not want to be, while the equivalent students like me, but may not have the opportunity, do you think I said reasonable?

Teacher, in fact, this is a small matter, the most regrettable is not able to spend Christmas with my classmates. How I envied bu Qingyang the other day for his successful participation in the party! Do you know? That afternoon, during the rehearsal of the recitation team, we were absent-minded, dejected and extremely sad.

Teacher, in fact, I understand your work, you are also for our good, I just want to talk with you about my heart.


The work is smooth

Song Yuxuan



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This is a report in an English newspaper about city life in the United States. In many cities in the USA hundreds of people ride bikes to work every day. Some of these people have even formed a group called “Bike for a Better City”. They ask people to ride bikes instead of driving cars so that the city may have cleaner air.

For several years ,this group has tried hard to get the city council to make life easier for bike riders. For example,they want the city council streets.The council has not yet decided what to do . It wants to keep everyone happy.But,so far the only cycle paths that have been built are in parks. To this day the safest place to ride a bike may still be in the parks.





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Today a Grand Art and Cultural Show was held in our school with the aim of celebrating the 70th anniversary of our motherland and singing high praise of the great achievements we have accomplished in the past seven decades. In the course of the activity, the students in our school put on a variety of colorful performances, such as singing, dancing and reciting poems, and all performers were well prepared, making a deep impression on the audience. At the end of the show, a singing program, Me and my country won the first place. From where I stand, this activity is extremely meaningful for the reason that not only does it enable us to get rid of pressure from our study but also it inspires us to work hard and make great contributions to our country. It was a successful performance.



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The year is the annual National Day on October 1, the birthday of our great motherland. Along with ups and downs, its been 70 years of our mothers, this day, this nation will celebrate the festival at the venue.

Early in the morning, we go to school, at school, some students out of bulletin boards and painting; Some do greeting cards, open class meetings with a special theme; Others through diaries, poems and other forms expressed her love for the motherland. National Day holiday, the students have to stay at home with Mom and Dad together, the cruise sites, the great cultural experience. Shop at the door with balloons and colorful flags, red, yellow and green :: permeated with an atmosphere of jubilation. Everybody inside, in the original discount, launched a series of promotional activities. Street sea, but also rank long car buying service, the fight must wait long periods. Scenic visitors like long, countless men, women and children in which to do that people have been taking advantage of the festive play out. Almost no empty parking places, restaurants, hotels, the revenue will be substantial.

这一年是10月1日的国庆日,是我们伟大祖国的诞辰。伴随着跌宕起伏,我们母亲已经度过了70年,这一天,这个国家将在会场庆祝节日。一大早,我们去学校,在学校,一些学生用公告板和绘画; 有些人做贺卡,有特殊主题的公开课; 其他人通过日记,诗歌和其他形式表达了她对祖国的热爱。国庆长假期间,学生们必须与爸爸妈妈一起待在家里,游轮遗址,极大的文化体验。在门口购买气球和彩旗,红色,黄色和绿色::充满了喜庆的气氛。在原来的折扣中,每个人都开展了一系列的促销活动。街头海,也排名长车购买服务,打架必须等待很长一段时间。风景如画的游客喜欢漫长的,无数的男人,女人和孩子,这些人一直在利用节日的乐趣。几乎没有空车位,餐馆,酒店,收入将是可观的。
