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a new term began. students all returned to school met again. they were talking about what they had done in the holidays. i was happier. i couldnt wait to tell my story. now its my turn. i told them i got a job in a restaurant. i worked as a waitress.

they didnt believe at first.

"yes, its true. "i said," i really had a hard time at the beginning. but several days later, i could do a good job. i earned six hundred yuan this holiday. "they all looked at me with their mouths open.



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I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream.

One day, all my family went to climb a mountain. There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy. Hearing this, we began to run up. At first I kept ahead, but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me. However, I didnt give up. That toy attracted me to run forward, In the end I reached the top first.

On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a picnic. At dusk, we went down the mountain happily. I was the happiest one, because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldnt give up readily.







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Childrens Day, is our most happy day; Childrens Day, we are most looking forward to the holiday; we ushered in today, we look forward to the holiday of the year. This years Childrens Day, I had a really happy ah!


In the afternoon, teacher Wang told us: the fourth grade students to go to the Childrens Day program, the voice did not fall, oh...... All our classmates are jumping up and out. To the next third of my class, we lined up, went to the multi function room happily.


About a little bit later, the show began. Wow! What a wonderful program! Organ, melodious dance, cheerful songs, comedy...... I love to see it is the comedy school, the young actors that funny words, interesting action makes us uproarious. You listen to the call, "planet Mars, planet Mars call, sister, the rest from what it is?" Ha ha ha......


When I got home in the evening, wow! My mother bought a beautiful dress for me, kaleidoscope patterns of skirt, Korean style white coat, I put on after really good-looking!


Today, I am happy and happy!




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Valentine’s Day is coming soon, it is on February14. The day is a big day for the couple, they need to spend the special day with romance, the boys are always buying gifts to their girls, the most common thing is to buy flowers and have dinner, maybe they could do something more interesting. The boys can surprise their girlfriends, they can take the girls to the place where they get to know each other, wondering around for a while and remembering those beautiful days, just like they know for the first day, how romantic! This will give the love relationship something new, which can enhance their relationship. The girls can surprise their boys with some gifts they make by themselves. Girls are good at hand making, so they can make out some gifts instead of buying, because the boys will be moved by your heart. Valentine’s Day is romantic, are you ready?




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down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.

Well, Irish children made Jacks lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern."

The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just childrens fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.


在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和萝卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。这种灯笼的爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为Jack-o-lantern 。




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Halloweenis an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly.

Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern".

The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags.

Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young.







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今天,我早早的就已经穿好衣服,带上恐怖的面具准备向阳光 棕榈园出发了。

到了阳光棕榈园,我十分焦急的左顾右盼,希望找到我们班的同班同学。为什么我要找我们班的同班同学呢?因为我们1点钟要在刘老师 家开一个大型的会议 ,主题为:万圣节。我对这里的路 况不熟,很容易就会走丢的。还好,我在命运之神的帮助 下,我找到了我的同学,王浩爵,


会议已经开始了,大家交头接耳的讨论 着万圣节的起源,就在我们谈得高兴时,柳熙国手里拿的骷髅突然发出“啊!”的一声尖叫,把我们吓得半死不活,而柳熙国却在哪里哈哈的尖笑,我在想:难道他真的想把我们活活吓死么!

接下来大家疑神疑鬼的将灯关了,窗帘也全部拉上。就让我们在黯淡无光的黑暗房间里听他们讲鬼故事 。他们讲得惟妙惟肖,还根据不同的情况作不同的动作,我们仿佛已经融入其中,变成了受害者……


时间 一点一点的过去了。我回家 的时间到了。我只有依依不舍的将这件事融入我的茫茫脑海里,慢慢的回忆 、品尝……



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Once in the National Day, the streets are busy.

Here car after car, end to end, like a long dragon. Have a car, taxi, bus, van, bicycle...

People mountain people sea, people here into the tide. A white-haired old man, there are innocent and lovely children, have a slim girl, even with blond laowai bandwagon.

The commodity full of beautiful things in here.

A variety of fruits, expensive watches, glittering gold jewelry, have a delicious roast duck, and stylish clothes.

The shopkeeper make hay while the sun shines, with their "trick" unique attract customers: some printed many flyer to send, some clapping and Shouting, Shouting to some simply picking up the receiver.

Street snack is also guest was packed. Shopping for half a days people probably hungry belly, have flocked into the store, eating hot food. Poor server busy. The guest after satiated with food and wine, a lot of money into the pockets of the boss.

Imperceptible in, already twelve o clock, I had to reluctantly left the busy streets.











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My favorite subject is English,because it is a useful and interesting language.With the 2010 World Expo drawing near, English is certain to be very useful then,as it can help us communicate with foreign guests.Now,in order to improve my English level,I read English 30 for minutes every day.. Also,at school, the teacher will help us to learn new words and explain the English text,and I always listen to my teacher carefully .Whats more, I often do adequent amounts of English exercises to improve my grammar.As the saying goes: no pains, no gains. I believe if I keep working hard both at school and at home,I will have a good commmand of English when the Expo arrive.



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The legend of the origin of Halloween, there are many versions, the most common view, that is before the birth of Christ from the Medieval Western Europe countries, including Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This person called several of the Medieval Western Europe Druitt people. Druitt in the November 1 New Year, New Years Eve, young people who set druid team, wearing all kinds of weird mask, carrying a carved radish good light (the late custom pumpkin light system, Medieval Western Europe first there is no pumpkin), they walk in the villages between. This was actually a kind of harvest celebration; also said to be "Halloween", the legend who died that year, the eve of Halloween spirit will visit the world, said that people should be allowed to visit the ghost that the ghost of a successful harvest and to render a hearty welcome. All fire and lights, the one to frighten away the ghost, but also for the ghost light line, to guide their return.

Central Europe in the Middle Ages, there had been destroyed by the pagan history of Christianity. However, before the ritual celebration of New Years Eve never really eliminated, but in the form of witchcraft. This is why we are Halloween, but are also left witches broom, black cat, spells and other marks.



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我们平时所说的万圣节(All Hallows Day),其实是万圣节前夜 (Halloween),即10月31日,11月1日才是万圣节。

We usually say the Halloween (All Hallows Day), is Halloween (Halloween), which in October 31st, November 1st is the halloween.

万圣节前夜又被叫做 “All Hallow Een”, “The Eve of All Hallows”, “Hallow een”, 或者 “The eve of All SaintasDay”。后来约定俗成被叫做 “Halloween”。 万圣节前夜是西方国家的传统节日,这一夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。话说我们中国也有“鬼节”呢,即农历七月十四的盂兰节 (Hungry Ghost Festival),俗称中元节。

Halloween called "All Hallow Een", "The Eve of All Hallows", "Hallow een", or "The eve of All SaintasDay". The convention was called "Halloween". Halloween is a traditional festival in western countries, this night is one of the most "haunted" in the night, so it is called "halloween". We Chinese have a saying "Halloween", namely the lunar calendar in July fourteen of the hungry ghost festival (Hungry Ghost Festival), commonly known as the festival of the dead.

在万圣节前夜,小孩子们都开心的不得了,等了一年的“不请吃就捣蛋”(Trick or treat) 呀!夜幕降临,孩子们便迫不及待地穿上五颜六色 (multi-colored) 的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具 (all sorts of strange masks),提上一盏“杰克灯 (jack-olantern)”跑出去挨家挨户的要糖、小点心或者零钱。小气的人家就要倒霉了,小捣蛋鬼们 (trouble maker)会在门把手涂上肥皂,有时还把他们的猫涂上颜色。

In Halloween, children are very happy, waiting for a year "trick or treat" (Trick or treat)! As night fell, children will be unable to hold oneself back to wear (multi-colored) be riotous with colour makeup suits, wear a mask of all sorts of strange things (all sorts of strange masks), put on a "Jack-O-Lantern (jack-olantern)" from door to door to run out of sugar, snacks or change. The mean people will be out of luck, the little monkeys (trouble maker) will apply soap on the door handle, and sometimes their cats painted colors.

现在,“Trunk or treat” 似乎更加流行,在指定停车场 (parking lot),家长们会把车布置成各种有趣、漂亮的主题,准备好零食,等待孩子们的“捣乱”。

Now, "Trunk or treat" seems to be more popular in the designated parking area (parking lot), parents will put the car into a variety of interesting layout, beautiful theme, prepare snacks, waiting for the children ".

由于万圣夜临近苹果的丰收期,“咬苹果”(Apple Biting) 也成了万圣节前夜很流行的游戏。游戏时,大人们让苹果漂浮在装满水的盆里,然后让孩子们在不用手的条件下用嘴去咬苹果,谁先咬到,谁就是优胜者。 另外焦糖苹果 (caramel apple, toffee apple),热苹果西打 (cider),粟米糖(candy corn),烘南瓜子 (pumpkin seed) 等也是受欢迎的应节食品。

Since Halloween approaching apple harvest, "bite" (Apple Biting) has become a very popular Halloween game. The game, the adults make apple floating in a basin filled with water, and then let the children in the mouth bite apple do not in the hands of the conditions, who first bite, who is the winner. In addition the caramel apple (Caramel Apple, toffee apple), hot apple cider (cider), candy corn (candy corn), roasted pumpkin seeds (pumpkin seed) is also popular festive food.



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Four great early morning, the father pushed open up windows, only heard the bang exclaimed: "wow! The world of ice and snow you beautiful!" I am delighted to hear, hurriedly dressed, then mother and father down the stairs while also taking the side shouting excitedly: "snowball fights myself! snowball fights myself!"

A fierce war began. And my father put the car leaves, the bridge to stop poles and snow on the ground have made a snowball from the mother when the referee started to snowball fights. One time, I saw flying snowball dance, laughter is also flying dance, my side chasing side playing, father fled the side edge back, I am pleased to sing: "The imperialist tail between its escape." At this time a father snowball fly over, I quickly returned fire.

Accidentally, the snowball hit my fathers feet, I angrily put a snowball flew into the fathers neck, the father ran one straight side in cases of doubt: "I die of cold!ah!" I shouted: "Oh, a win, a win!" happy mother laughed!




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In the Spring Festival, people will be most happy and happy appearance face their own life.

Lights before the Spring Festival, every family, every family dressed house having a unique style, each have each personality. They put to buy necessities to all over the floor. Bought New Year paintings how stick method, then each have their own style and preferences. Some dish, some backwards, and the crooked stick, each has his strong point. People buy vegetables all fixed, such as the Spring Festival comes, only can be a festival. Families with firecrackers, people wear new clothes, preparing New Year, before the Spring Festival, people go out, if met good friends, always mouth dont forget to say: "the streets!"

People kill pig to kill sheep, busily preparing for the Spring Festival belly-worship.

The Spring Festival, the children will get up early, to mom and dads room, the traditional New Year ceremony. The children of parents said some lucky though, my parents brought out New Years money, let the children happily. Everybody hope this year to luck, a thriving business.

The Spring Festival happy day always short, let a person feel hard to forget. But also is to let a person feel loathe to give up.



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Today is Saturday, my father is off work, he doesnt need to work in the extra hour, so he decides to take me to the park and have a picnic. I play many games in the park, my father is really happy to play games with me. When the sun is almost gone, it is time for us to go home, I am so happy today, I enjoy the time spend with my father.



My Holiday Plan

The winter holiday is coming. I am very excited. I want to better my holiday plan. Now let me tell you my plan.

I’m going to read some books and listen to music and relax for a few days first. On the fifth day, I’m going to do my homework. Of course, I’m also going to do some housework. Lunar New Year’s Day, I’m going to take a trip with my parents. I think it must be very happy. I can hardly wait!

In the first six days of February, I’m going to visit my relatives. It’s going to be fun! After a few days, I’m going to finish my homework, because I am going back to my school on February 16th.







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About the origin of Halloween, the largest version of the legend, which is originated from the ancient Western European countries before the birth of Christ, including Ireland, Scotland and Welsh. These expressions of ancient Western Europeans called Druids. Druitt in the November 1st, new years Eve, so that young people set Druids team, wearing all kinds of strange mask, carrying a carved turnip lamp (the Jack-O-Lantern later the Department of customs, the ancient Western Europe pumpkin is not the first), they walk in the villages. This was actually a kind of harvest celebration; also said to be "Halloween", the legend who died that year, the soul will be the eve of Halloween, visit the world, said that people should be allowed to visit the ghost to see the ghost of a successful harvest and show great hospitality. All the bonfire and lights, the one to frighten away the ghost, but also for the ghost light line, to guide their return.


In medieval Europe, there had been destroyed by the pagan history of christianity. But before the new years Eve celebrations never really eliminate worship, but in the form of witchcraft. This is why we are now Halloween, also left the witchs broom, black cat, spells.



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Friday, June 13th

Everyone has a family. I have a family. too. I name it "Happy family", because everyone in my family is happy.

Come and meet my family, please! My mother is king. I love her, and she love me, too. My mother is pretty. She likes beautiful clothes. I call her "Dressy". My father is a boss. He is tall and thin. He has a small head. I give him a nickname "Small Head Father". I am fat and lovely. I have a big head. I give myself a nickname "Big Head Girl". I study hard. I am a good student.

We are happy every day!







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one of my happiest experiences is celebrating christmas in college.

since im in college, chances are high that there are other foreign students who have no family to celebrate with. So i gathered my friends, classmates and other Christmas-celebrators together and enjoyed the day. i also invited my local friends to join us. It is a great way to share your culture with each other. we hanged beautiful Christmas ornaments from dorm windows. we picked up some large poster board and markers at the bookstore and made signs that read, for example, “Just Say Merry Christmas!” we also taped one sign to dorm windows facing out for everyone to see. as for the celebration at night, everybody showed their talent. some were good at singing. some preferred to dance. i shared my jokes with foreign friends. the effect was good that it aroused a big laugh. but the more interesting thing i found was that some of my classmates didnt give their responses, for they didnt understand it at all.

this is an really unforgetable christmas to me. we all had a big fun on that day.




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Every November 1 is the western traditional "ghost festival" -- Halloween. Halloween is on October 31. Often called Halloween. But the mood of the day far dont let a person sounds like its name is "creeps". When Halloween came, the children cant wait to wear colorful costumes, wearing strange masks, carrying a lamp that "jack-o-lanterns" go home channeling households and adults for holiday gifts. The most visible symbol of Halloween is what both - fantastic "jack light" and "performing magic or candies" prank.

"Jack light" looks very cute, very simple also. Will be hollowed pumpkin, and then on the outside to the smiling eyes and a big mouth, and then in the melon with a candle, lit it, people in the far away place to see the smiling face of materials. This is the childrens favorite plaything.

Halloween concentrates primarily on the table, however, you should be ready to food to serve those who come to rock the boat "kid", even more in this special holiday table something up for you. Dont let your guests think you oh!

A year the most "haunted" night, all kinds of monsters, pirates, alien visitors and witches are set off. Before the Christian era, the celtics at a ceremony in summer not grateful to god and the grace of the sun. At the time of Nostradamus lit and sorcery to ward off evil monster is said to be wandering around. The Romans later with nuts and apples to celebrate the harvest festival on October 31, amalgamation with Celtic. In the middle ages, people put on the animal model of clothes, put on scary masks to on Halloween drive away the ghost in the dark night. Although later Christian replaces the Celtic and Roman religion, the custom of the early still preserved. Now, the children with serious psychological wear various costumes and masks for Halloween party, the ball often hung on the wall around the paper covering the witches, black cats, ghosts and skeletons, out of the window and the door was hanging grin crack mouth or repulsive-looking pumpkin lanterns. The children also hanging often try to bite the apple.







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假如你是李华,你们学校正就“帮助别人,快乐自己”这一话题开展大讨论。请你用英语写一篇短文给某英文网站投稿,谈谈你是否喜欢帮助别人, 你常常帮助别人做什么事情,以及你这样做的感受。

提示词语:like, classmates, friends, parents, solve problems, housework, happy

提示问题:● Do you like helping others?

● What do you often do to help others?

● How do you feel?

At my school, we are talking about what we often do to help others. ___________






One possible version:

At my school, we are talking about what we often do to help others. I like helping others. At school, I often help my classmates and friends. When they have difficulties, I try my best to help them solve the problems. At home, I help my parents with housework. I often go to the old people’s home and help them clean the rooms. When I help others, I feel I am doing what I should do. It really makes me happy.

