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here are many kinds of animals in the world,but not only the humans.we live in the same world,and we should be friends.as everybody knows,the humans are the rulers of the world today,so we should protect our friends--the animals!

But how to protect them?as first,i think we must stop killing the rare birds and animals,especially the young ones.the second,we have to protect the environment,to make the sky blue,to make the grass green,to give the animals a comfortable space to live



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At present, the humanitys common mother - the earth, she for us, even his ill have no complaint, and we also - should take care of mother?

As long as you to the earth mothers blood - stream, the stream will find there are often animals such as in shat people littering caused the river smells like vomit. Another small fish and other animals in survival rates. The earth mothers bones, mountain is also at stake; Hair - woods also disastrous. Those who give loess to dig down, and then sell it to others with a high price. And the earth mother is brimming with his pain and fear his cry will cause floods. The birds in the trees are also being shot to death of the human race. Number is being with that sharp axe or chainsaw destroy forest.

Nowadays, people to see the earth mother in such pain also has the environmental protection consciousness. People slowly made public service ads, but also made environmental signs, but also on March 12 as Arbor Day. The villages have special sanitation workers.

And our students what to do to protect the environment? Actually very simple, we only need to bent down to pick up a pick up trash, pour a garbage, stop the mom and dad do not environmental protection, use less a chopsticks, etc.

We have only one earth, we need to protect our earth!








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Today, Dameisha took me to see the sea, because I have never seen the sea. I was thinking of the sea all the way. I saw on TV the sea is very beautiful, I feel that the sea should be like this: blue water, spray gently lying in the arms of the sea. On the beach there grows many palm beach, lying quietly in many shells, conch. A few crabs to climb. Should be against the background of blue sky, the sky the sun, seagulls flying, this beautiful picture of you! What an intoxicated! I feel relaxed and happy.

Can be when I saw the sea of a moment, I am disappointed, the mood suddenly changed. Because my eyes of the sea is dark, is muddy, is not angry, is not confident. Some just inferiority. I know that the sea is not so, but people are polluting into this.

Now, human beings in order to live, a large number of cutting trees, cut and not planted, how many of the previous tropical rain forest, now is flat, how many trees, now replaced by high-rise buildings. Factory emissions, air pollution, and no trees to release fresh air. And plant emissions of toxic wastewater, so that water in the small fish, shrimp have been poisoned, and the river afloat smelly fish dead bodies and garbage, all this is how terrible ah!

Lets go and embrace the nature! To protect nature! Let everything in the world be beautiful.







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我们还去了海贝馆,里面展示了几百多种珍奇的海洋贝类、珊瑚、古生物化石。一个个高大明亮的玻璃橱中摆满了各种形状奇特、色彩斑斓的贝类标本,最大的贝壳有我们的课桌那么大。它们形态奇特、 色彩艳丽、花纹精美, 有像蜘蛛的蜘蛛螺,像琵琶的琵琶螺,像鞋子一样的鞋螺,还有像鹦鹉的鹦鹉螺……。从前,我们只能在书本或电视上看到,现在终于可与近距离仔细观赏了,大自然真奇妙啊!






演员们的表演完毕后,以海洋动物为主角的演出便拉开了帷幕。首先出场的是海豚,海豚最拿手的绝活便是“空中顶球”了, 球有多高,海豚便能跳多高。海豚可以把五米、十米、十五米,甚至二十米的球顶中。海豚真是又聪明,又可爱啊!海豚的精彩表演,使全场响起了一阵热烈的掌声。


令我们意想不到的是,海豹还会做二十以内的加法计算题。海豹又不会说话,他又是怎样表达的呢?我带着重重的疑问仔细地看了下去。一个小观众问:“六加四等于多少?”这时一个工作人员在计算板上写出了算式,并问海豹六加四等于多少?不一会,海豹把尾巴放到水里,在水里拍了十下。哦,原来是这样表达的。这时,全场观众都拍起了手, 欢呼起来。




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离开栈桥,我们坐车来到了青岛极地海洋世界。到了目的地,乘着导游买票的时间,我们这群孩子玩起了游戏,丝毫没有一夜不睡的困意,反倒有点兴奋。  进了极地海洋世界馆,我们参观了北极熊、喝奶鱼、白鲸、海豹、海狮等一些海洋动物,接着便观看了海豚和海狮的精彩表演。  一进表演场,眼前全是人。只见看台上坐满了人,走道上也挤满了人。我好不容易才找到一个栏杆前的空位,急忙挤了进去。表演开始了,屏幕上打出了一排字,“他们是青岛极地海洋世界当之无愧的表演明星”。馆内顿时安静了下来,我也急切地等待着明星们的上场。首先上场的是海狮,一只只全身油光发亮的小海狮一摇一摆地上场了,它们可真可爱呀!一个个昂着头,翘着长胡须,一个子就滑入了水中,然后游到栏杆前,向观众们“招手”,引来了观众们热烈的掌声。主持人还请了一位观众上去与它握手,小海狮真听话,立起身子,伸出手来,彬彬彬有礼地和观众握了手,看得我直叫好。  海狮刚下场,海豚明星就迫不及待地上场了。主持人让全场保持安静,听正宗的海豚音。海豚们也不客气,引吭高歌,观众席上响起了一片欢呼声。接着它们立起身子,上半身露出水面,排着整齐的队伍,学起了企鹅走路,逗得我眼泪都笑出来了。它们在观众的笑声中表演起“绝活”。只见两位驯养师双手握着它们的背鳍,骑在它们的身上。一听到指令,海豚像高速快艇一般,在表演池中迅速划出两道水痕,而驯养师则完全被顶出水面,看台响起了热烈的掌声。我羡慕极了,心想:自己什么时候我也能坐坐这样的“快艇”?正在我浮想联翩时,主持人请了一位观众上去和海豚比赛转呼啦圈。这还用想,海豚用嘴就赢了那位观众的腰,全场再次欢呼起来。最后海豚还表演了钻圈和顶球都赢得了全场观众的掌声。  表演结束后,大家争相和明星们合影留念,因为我得去下一个景点了,所以没得赶上,真有些依依不舍。




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Yesterday afternoon, when I was on my way home, it was snowing heavily. This morning, when I looked out of the windows, everything in the world turned white.

I know few people like winter, because it is so cold. But we all like snow, because it is so beautiful. After a heavy snow, the fields are covered with thick snow. We feel happy walking in the snow. And many people go out and take a lot of photos in the snow.

How wonderful the white world looks! I love snow!




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Reading is a very elegant thing, su dongpo friend yellow valley said: "three days without reading, language tasteless, detestable." The old saying also have cloud: "so are inferior, only reading high." Reading a book, the ancient has. Read volumes, such as writing. "Du gentleman encourage people read more books and well informed.

A love of reading people, there will always be a lot of close friends, because he always so pleasing manners, let people admiration and yearning.

People say; "The spirit of a person to read, the more the more robust." Without reading thoughts, he doesnt have a personalized life is special boring; Love of books, knowledge not aging, wit not dried up; Students love of books, can better learning and life. Reading, will let our life to add some elegant culture; Reading, will add some clever and intelligent for our study.

Reading reading, of course, also want to think, to choose, if everyone can take the advice of the teacher, master the methods of reading, and to the classic books, the gas of the elegant of the school will be most fragrance.







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Todays holiday my father and mother went to the Ocean Park.

Ocean Park is very famous in Hong Kong. Most of the tourists come to Hong Kong and always to visit the amusement park.

In Ocean Park we can see a variety of marine life. For example jellyfish octopus dolphins and so on.

When the submarine went to Middleton they saw a lot of sharks devil fish dolphin fish and other sorts of fish. To see them I feel Im very happy.

Out of Middleton one to see KFC and McDonalds I feel more happy . Stomachs "cuckoo" to the music started like Mom and Dad to see and say "Are you hungry now? Ill eat KFC and McDonalds it Ha ha!" Into the McDonalds I sat down called the chicken milk and so on food to eat up ......

After eating eat belly up they play mobile games. I went to a Ferris wheel below looked at it wow good high-ah! Mom and Dad took me on the go saw a lot of beautiful scenery I am most pleased that I was the first time get on top rides.

Roller coaster went around and saw many sitting in a truck stop in the above is called up and I cried with them Mom and Dad laughed "Youre naive ah!" Mom and Dad brought me up sitting in cars they want me cried heartily or on the sub-scene of the. Drove up beginning slowly and finally how fast scary man. I cried non-stop next to the brother and sister both laughed ......

Fast the sun goes down Mom and Dad went home with me today ah really memorable.












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Orcas are not related to whales at all, other than being ocean-dwelling mammals. Rather, they are close kin to dolphins. While it was believed that they were a single species, recent research indicates that they may, in fact, be comprised of several different species of Orca. You can find them in every ocean in the world, though they tend to favor the colder waters around Antarctica and the North Atlantic or Pacific. The only predator they possess is humankind. While theres a deadly standoff between the two species, Orcas proliferate in the wild, and have an incredible life span. The males usually live as long as sixty or seventy years, while the females—who are excluded from the sometimes-violent competition for mates—may live a hundred years or more in the wild.


Theyve been observed reaching speeds of around 30 miles per hour, although some Orcas may utilize much greater bursts of speed, based upon their favored prey. Resident pods in the Pacific Northwest have shown a decided preference for salmonids—specifically, Chinook salmon. This presents a conflict with the goals of companies that rely on high yields of salmon for profit. Several communities of killer whale seem to favor beach and ice floe ambush approaches, snatching seals and walruses or even sea birds from their resting places. Others, located in the Southern Hemisphere, take up the challenge of hunting sharks in the open sea, as well as feeding on species of rays and other fish abundant in the cold southern waters.




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Earth Day is on April 22nd every year, is a worldwide environmental movement. The first Earth Day activities is the rise in the America campus 1970s environmental movement, the event in 1990 to the world from American, festivals and environmental protection publicity, has become the worlds environmentalists, on this day the people of different nationalities in different way to promote and practice the concept of environmental protection.


The first Earth Day in spring equinox solar term, this day and night in any corner of the world are the same length, the sun can shine at the South Pole and the north pole, which represents the equity in the world, but also a symbol of human beings to put aside their disputes and differences, harmonious coexistence. Traditionally in many countries have the tradition to celebrate the vernal equinox solar term. Early United Nations World Earth Day activities held every year in the spring equinox. Earth Day


Earth day, the country there are about 100000000 people left the car at home and use, to prevent the automobile exhaust and other harmful emissions emitted into the air. In China, when Premier Li Peng in April 21st published by television address environmental problems, CCTV also played "reports, only one earth". Since then, Chinas annual "Earth Day" to commemorate the promotional activities.


At the end of 2000 2, Hays accepted the invitation of the China to come to China to participate in the "China 2000" Earth Day "action" to start the ceremony.


In twentieth Century 90 at the end of the 1970s, Gerlo Nelson and Bruce Anderson (solar architect, writer, New Hampshire "Earth Day" organizer) together for the "Earth Day" into a year, high levels of activity, founded the "America earth day". "Earth Day" Webpage opened in 1995. "America 1999 Earth Day" the organization changed its name to "the Earth Day Network", has become a worldwide each year, to promote the "International Earth Day" organization. 2000 "Earth Day", and by Gerlo Nelson and Denis Hayes leadership, the difference is that this time they in 1970 "Earth Day" basis, joined the global public sports, and make full use of the network as a new means of information, the peoples wisdom and passion together together. In Gallo - Nielsen, Denis Hayes and his comrades efforts, todays "Earth Day" has become the whole Earth Festival, reminding us to protect the earth, the earth.



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Is one of the world intellectual property day on April 26th.

Intellectual property refers to the citizens, legal persons or other organizations in areas such as science and literature and art, based on the mental work to create complete intellectual achievements of proprietary rights in accordance with the law. The traditional intellectual property is the sum of patent right, trademark right and copyright.

On April 26, 1970, the convention establishing the world intellectual property organization took effect, the world intellectual property organization that is dedicated to the protection of intellectual property rights of international intergovernmental organizations formally established. In October 2000, the world intellectual property organization, from 2001 every year on April 26, would be a "world intellectual property day", aims to establish worldwide respect knowledge, advocating science, and protect intellectual property rights awareness, build encouraging knowledge innovation and the protection of intellectual property legal environment.

2013 world intellectual property day approaching, the world intellectual property organization director-general Francis cell in his speech, pointed out: "I want to say is that for the next generation create unceasingly, the innovation. Constantly thinking, even at the same time in the future of creation and innovation of social management, intellectual property rights should be how to accomplish the mission".

"World intellectual property day" every year there is a topic: "talent innovation" is the theme of the 2012. World intellectual property day approaching, the world intellectual property organization director-general Francis cell in his speech pointed out that we can not do without the development of innovation, there is no innovation, as humans, we will marking time.








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On July 22, 1946, the UN ecosoc held an international health conference in New York, more than 60 countries signed the charter of the world health organization, the world health organization (who) charter take effect on April 7, 1948. By day, to commemorate the organization charter in June 1948, the United Nations in Geneva on the first world health assembly was formally established the world health organization (who), and decide on July 22, from year to year would be a "world health day", the initiative countries hold commemorative activities. The following year, the second session of the world health assembly considering most of the national school has summer vacation in July each year, unable to attend the celebration, and regulations since 1950 on April 7, as a global "world health day".

Determine the purpose of this world health day is to draw the world attention to the health problems, and mobilize the people all over the world widespread concern and improve the health status, improve the level of human health. World health day, the world health organizations member states, including China, are celebrating, promote and popularize health knowledge, improve the level of the peoples health.





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April 23 is for those of us who love reading festival, the world book and copyright day.

Books to light life, elegant and elegant life. Reading, soul can change a persons thought, read a book, can change a persons attitude towards life, read a book, can change a persons behavior. Wide reading the life of heaven and earth, the more books we read, the character will be more and more high, life will be more and more happy.

Books can let me throw troubles, put aside silly, encroaching heart calm down, breadth of mind open-minded. Reading, beautiful life is like playing music, and has the reason clearly, wake up bright, have a quiz, have created agitation, the resonance of the joys and sorrows.

Whenever my mother and I go shopping, I need to go to the location of the first is the bookstore. I like the smell of books in the bookstore and temperament. Every time I come to bookstores to stay almost only willing to leave half an hour or so. Whenever I met my favorite book, I want to take it home taste slowly, slowly appreciate. If you cant take it home, and sat at the bookshop.

I think reading is a kind of enjoyment. Reading a good book can help you improve your writing ability, the knowledge can let you become more abundant. Ancient Chinese poet du fu said: read volumes, such as writing ". In reading, when you see some good word lovers, I will write it down, then firmly in mind. As long as the accumulation, writing to write quickly and well. Read more books will help you to increase more knowledge.

Books are the ladder of human progress. Lets grow in elegant and success in the elegant!






